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Growth Hormone & IGF Research 2000, Supplement B, $57-$62

Review article

Interrelationships between growth

hormone and sleep
E. Van Cauter ~,~and G. CopinschP
1Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA, and 2Laboratoryof Experimental Medicine and Centre d'Etudes des Rythmes
Biologiques (CERB), Universit~ Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

Summary In healthy young adults, the 24-hour profile of plasma growth hormone (GH) levels consists of stable low
levels abruptly interrupted by bursts of secretion. In normal women, daytime GH secretory pulses are frequent.
However, in normal men, a sleep-onset-associated pulse is generally the major or even the only daily episode of active
secretion. Extensive evidence indicates the existence of a consistent relationship between slow-wave (SW) sleep and
increased GH secretion. There is a linear relationship between the amount of SW sleep (measured by either visual
scoring or spectral analysis of the EEG) and the amount of concomitant GH secretion. During ageing, SW sleep and
GH secretion decrease exponentially and with the same chronology. Pharmacological stimulation of SW sleep results
in increased GH release, and compounds that increase SW sleep may therefore represent a novel class of GH
secretagogues. @2000 Harcourt PublishersLtd

Key words: Ageing, growth hormone, growth hormone-releasing hormone, rapid-eye-movement sleep, slow-wave
sleep, somatostatin.

R E L A T I O N S H I P B E T W E E N SLEEP A N D G R O W T H phase delays, interruptions followed by re-initiations of

HORMONE SECRETION sleep, 3-h sleep-wake cycles, etct The mean GH profile
resulting from a 12-h shift of the sleep period is illus-
The observation that growth hormone (GH) secretion is trated in Fig. 1.
markedly stimulated during sleep in normal adults was
Nocturnal GH secretion is frequently decreased in clin-
made more than 30 years ago (reviewed in ref. 1). In ical conditions involving sleep disorders, for instance, in
healthy young adults, the 24-h profile of plasma GH individuals with obstructive sleep apnoea 2-4. Successful
levels consists of stable low levels abruptly interrupted
treatment of the sleep disorder with continuous positive
by bursts of secretion, and the most reproducible pulse
airway pressure increases the amount of GH secreted
occurs shortly after sleep onset. In normal men, the
during the first hours of sleep 3,4.In children, surgical cor-
sleep-onset GH pulse is often the only daily episode of
rection of obstructive sleep apnoea may restore normal
active secretion detectable in mid-life and older adult- GH secretion and normal growth rate%
hood. In normally cycling women, daytime GH pulses are
more frequent, and the sleep-onset-associated pulse,
while present in most cases, does not generally account Slow-wave sleep
for the majority of 24-h GH release.
As early as the late 1960s, well-documented studies
Sleep onset has been shown to elicit a GH secretory
showed a consistent relationship between the appear-
pulse in individuals submitted to a variety of manipula-
once of slow-wave (SW) sleep stages (III and IV) in the
tions of the sleep-wake cycle, including phase advances, EEG and GH levels during early sleep, as well as during
the later part of the night I. Nocturnal GH levels were
Correspondence to: E. Van Cauter, Department of Medicine, MC 1027,
University of Chicago, 5841 South Maryland Avenue, Chicago, iL 60637,
found to be partially suppressed by selective SW sleep
USA. Tel: +1 773 702 0169; Fax: +1 773 702 9194; deprivation. Moreover, it was shown that daytime naps
E-mail: were more consistently associated with a GH secretory

1096-6374/00/030057+06 $35.00/0 © 2000 Harcourt PublishersLtd

58 E. Van Cauter and G. Copinschi





'r ' 'l 'k\\\\\\'4a
Nocturnal sleep Nocturnal sleep deprivation Daytime sleep
18:00 22:00 02:00 06:00 10:00 14:00 18:00 22:00 02:00 06:00 10:00 14:00 18:00 22:00
Fig. 1 Profiles of plasma GH levels in 18 normal young men studied during a 52-h period, including 8 h of nocturnal sleep, 28 h of sleep
deprivation and 8 h of daytime sleep (author's unpublished data). Values are expressed as means +- SEM. Reproduced with permission
from Van Cauter et al. 1 and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

pulse in the afternoon, when the propensity for SW sleep similar correlation was found between GH secretion and
is higher than in the morning, when rapid-eye-move- concomitant values of delta activity (i.e. the spectral
ment (REM) sleep is predominant. These findings power of the EEG in the frequency range 0.5-3.5 Hz) 7.
strongly suggested that nocturnal GH secretion is critic- Thus, extensive evidence demonstrates a robust rela-
ally dependent on the occurrence of SW sleep. tionship between SW sleep and pituitary GH secretion.
More recently, the relationship between sleep stages However, nocturnal GH secretion can also occur in the
and GH release was re-examined using a deconvolution absence of SW sleep, and approximately one-third of SW
procedure to estimate GH secretory rates, which were periods are not associated with detectable GH secretion,
mathematically derived from plasma GH concentrations indicating that this relationship is not obligatory5.
by eliminating the effects of hormonal distribution and Because GH secretion is under dual stimulatory and
clearance 5. Thus, this deconvolution procedure provides inhibitory control, involving GH-releasing hormone
an accurate estimation of the amount of GH released (GHRH) and somatostatin, respectively, the variability
during each secretory pulse and allows the temporal of somatostatinergic tone may underlie dissociations
limits of each pulse to be delineated more precisely. In between SW sleep and nocturnal GH release. The short-
one study of normal young men, blood samples for term negative feedback exerted by GH on its own secre-
plasma GH determinations were obtained at 30-s inter- tion is likely responsible for observations of an absent
vals. Maximal GH release was found to occur within min- GH pulse during the first SW period when a secretory
utes following the onset of SW sleep 6. In another study, pulse occurs before sleep onset.
also performed in normal young men, approximately
70% of GH pulses during sleep were observed during SW
Awakenings interrupting sleep
sleep, and the amount of GH secreted during these
pulses quantitatively correlated with the duration of the The abrupt suppression of ongoing GH secretion during
SW episodeL Furthermore, the longer the SW episode, early sleep occurs whenever sleep is interrupted by spon-
the more likely it was to be associated with a GH pulse. A taneous or forced awakenings+,L It has been suggested
Interrelationships between GH and sleep 59

(A) (B)

288 ~~1800
~> 160 800
128 600
80 480

38 48
' 58
6' 0
?'o 8'0 8'0
10 2'8 30
40 58 68
t !

1o 8'0 8'0
Age (years) Age (years)
Fig. 2 Patterns of the (A) duration of SW sleep and (B) amount of nocturnal GH secretion throughout adult life, obtained from 102 healthy
non-obese men, 18-83 years of age. The individuals were grouped according to age. For each age group, values are expressed as means
+- SEM. Reproduced with permission from Van Cauter et al. 1and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

that this inhibitory effect of nocturnal awakenings on hypophysectomized, rodents lz,~s. Conversely, the inhibi-
GH secretion could be mediated by an increase in tion of endogenous GHRH, by the administration of
somatostatin release 9, possibly related to an increase in GHRH antagonists or antibodies to GHRH, decreases
corticotropic activity. Indeed, awakenings during sleep both GH secretion and non-REM sleep 19,2°. In humans,
are also consistently associated with a pulse of cortisol injections of GHRH during sleep have similarly been
secretion, and the administration of corticotropin-releas- shown to increase delta activity and the amount of visu-
ing hormone may inhibit the GH response to GHRH ally scored SW sleep 2~-24. The sleep-promoting effects of
stimulation ~°. These findings indicate that sleep fragmen- this peptide may depend on the timing of administra-
tation will generally decrease nocturnal GH secretion. tion 23,2s. The persistence of the stimulatory effects of
GHRH on non-REM sleep in hypophysectomized rodents
indicates that these effects are not mediated by GH lz,~8.
Recent studies suggest that GH secretion is addition-
ally under the control of an as yet unidentified stimula-
There is substantial evidence indicating that components tory pathway, which may be activated by synthetic
of the somatotropic axis are involved in the regulation of compounds such as the GH-releasing peptides (GHRPs)
sleep quality. In normal human individuals, injections of and their non-peptide analogues (also known as GH
exogenous GH may stimulate REM sleep and decrease SW secretagogues)2¢2L Single injections of a GHRP had no
sleep 11. In animals, acute suppression of circulating GH stimulatory effects on SW sleep, even when given late at
concentrations by antiserum to GH is associated with mod- night (i.e. at a time when SW sleep is not predominant) 2s.
est but significant suppression of both REM and non-REM In contrast, a 7-day oral treatment with MK-677 (a GH
sleep ~2.A limited number of clinical studies, all originating secretagogue acting via the GHRP receptor) 29 increased
from the same group, have examined sleep quality in con- both stage IV and REM sleep, and decreased the
ditions of deficient or excessive GH secretion. Although frequency of deviations from normal sleep in normal
the findings have been somewhat inconsistent, they tend young men 3°,3~, even though plasma GH levels were no
to indicate that pathological increases and decreases in longer elevated at the time of the sleep study. However,
somatotropic function are associated with significant alter- plasma insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels were
ations in sleep (reviewed in ref. 13). In GH-deficient indi- increased. Thus, these effects of MK-677 on sleep could
viduals, prolonged treatment with biosynthetic GH at a be mediated by increased IGF-I levels. Indeed, higher
Close of 2 IU/kg/day (0.66mg/kg/day), equivalent to 2 plasma levels of IGF-I have been found to be associated
IU/m2/day, resulted in a marked increase in REM sleep and with increased delta sleep in healthy older men 32.
a trend toward increased duration of SW sleep ~4.
A large number of studies have consistently demon-
strated significant effects of GHRH on sleep quality. In
rodents, intracerebral as well as systemic injections of
GHRH stimulate non-REM sleep, even in hypoph-
ysectomized animals ~5-~8. Systemic injections of The mechanisms relating SW sleep and GH secretion are
GHRH also stimulate REM sleep in intact, but not in still a matter of speculation. Sleep-onset-associated GH
60 E. Van Cauter and G. Copinschi

secretion appears to be regulated by GHRH stimulation Similarly, the administration of ritanserin produced paral-
occurring during a period of relative somatostafin with- lel and highly correlated increases of SW sleep and noc-
drawal. Indeed, the late evening and nocturnal hours turnal GH releaseL Thus, compounds that enhance SW
coincide in humans with a trough in the diurnal varia- sleep could represent a novel class of GH secretagogues.
tion in hypothalamic somatostatin tone 33, and GH secre- Ageing is associated with exponential decreases in SW
tion during early sleep is almost totally suppressed by the sleep and circulating levels of GH 4a. In normal men,
administration of a specific GHRH antagonist. These 25-35 years and 60-70 years of age, daily GH secretion is
findings demonstrate an important role for GHRH in the about 50% and 30%, respectively, of the secretion in men
control of sleep-related GH release 34. Based on rodent aged 1 6 - 2 5 years 48. Ageing affects SW sleep and GH
data, it has been suggested that the stimulation of GH release (during both sleep and wakefulness) with a similar
secretion and the promotion of SW sleep are two separate chronology, as illustrated in Fig. 2, suggesting the involve-
processes that involve GHRH neurons situated in two ment of common but as yet unknown mechanisms.
distinct areas of the hypothalamus35-3L The association Ongoing trials are examining whether or not SW sleep
between SW sleep and GH release would reflect synchro- can be pharmacologically restored in older adults and
nous activity of GHRH neurons in these distinct regions. whether the restoration of SW sleep is associated with a
However, the existence of a quantitative relationship concomitant marked increase in the amount of GH
between various measures of SW activity and the secretion. If SW sleep and nocturnal GH secretion can be
amount of GH secreted suggests that the GHRH neurons pharmacologically stimulated in the elderly, novel
implicated in promoting SW sleep could also participate therapeutic strategies for the simultaneous treatment of
in the control of nocturnal pituitary GH secretion. age-related sleep alterations and relative GH deficiency
There is also evidence that, under physiological condi- may become available.
tions, nocturnal GH secretion may be less sensitive to
somatostatin inhibition than daytime GH secretion 38-42.
For instance, sleep-associated GH secretion cannot be CONCLUSIONS
suppressed by acute hyperglycaemia43, a potent inhibitor Extensive evidence substantiates the existence of a
of daytime GH release that is mediated, in part, by robust relationship between SW sleep and GH release in
increased hypothalamic somatostatin tone. These data humans, consistent with the hypothesis that activation
suggest that distinct mechanisms underlie GH secretion of hypothalamic GHRH activity is involved in the control
during wakefulness and during sleep, and could be inter- of both nocturnal GH release and SW sleep.
preted as evidence of weaker somatostatinergic control Simultaneous increases in SW sleep and GH release
in the area(s) involved in sleep regulation. observed in studies using SW-enhancing drugs suggest
pharmacological agents that reliably stimulate SW sleep
P O T E N T I A L FOR N O V E L T H E R A P E U T I C may represent a new class of GH secretagogues that
APPROACHES would be particularly well suited to treating the relative
hyposomatotropism of the elderly.
The remarkable relationship between SW sleep and GH
secretion suggests that pharmacological approaches that
stimulate SW sleep may also increase nocturnal GH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
release. Commercially available hypnotics tend to inhibit,
rather than increase, SW sleep and, as expected, do not This work was supported in part by grants from the US
stimulate GH secretion 44,45.In contrast, the reliable stimu- National Institutes of Health (NIDDK DK-41814 and
NIA AG-11412), the Belgian Fonds de la Recherche
lation of SW sleep in normal individuals is observed
Scientifique M4dicale (FRSM) and the Universit6 Libre de
following oral administration of ritanserin, which is a
selective 5HT 2 receptor antagonist, or 7-hydroxybutyrate Bruxelles.
(GHB), which is used as an investigational drug for the
treatment of narcolepsy4~. We recently found that bed-
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