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Islam's Universal Values.

"Islam upholds certain inescapable characteristics that

need to shape our state of the art moral frameworks and impression of the law.
Boundless here suggests by and large and general characteristics and thoughts
that the Qur'an and the traditions of the Prophet endorse for each individual, and
not particularly for Muslims, paying little psyche to their concealing, race, sexual
direction, and religion..... The four characteristics become a plan of laws, yet an
exacting, great, legitimate, individual and social responsibility." Dignity of the
Human Being This value identifies with all individuals paying little psyche to their
feelings, religion, race or starting. "This respectability is appeared by explicit
cutoff points boss among them are reason and opportunity of thought.
Commending mankind requires the respect and protection of the thriving and the
free choice of the individual." (Qur'an, 18:29) Pluralism and Toleration of Diversity
"Another comprehensive worth of Islam is the same start, things being what they
are, paying little psyche to their concealing, race or ethnicity....The affirmation of
assortment goes past straightforward limitation or quiet submission, it mulls over
normal affirmation, mercy and excitement for contrast." 4 Justice and Excellence
"Like human pride, it (value) is a general, unchangeable worth that applies to
everyone. Value proposes assortment of sides, differentiating points of view, and
thusly requires impartial nature." Individual and Public Liberties "Particular rights
join security of life and property, affirmation of honor and regard, holiness and
security of private life against state encroachment, security of individual
adaptabilities, protection of exacting ideas, and consistency, things being what
they are, and non-Muslims under the watchful eye of the law. Political rights
contain the choice to challenge abuse, chance of verbalization, chance of
connection, chance of inward voice and conviction, security from optional
confinement, and the alternative to partake in open life. Monetary rights include
the advantage to the essential necessities of life (food, cover, clothing, preparing).
Source: "Islam with a Heart" - Dr. Emad Shahin (
Others, clearly, have portrayed the meaning of ethics in people's lives. Two brief
models: - "despite validity, you moreover need to join the temperance of
compassion into your life. Sympathy licenses you to have empathy toward the
episodes of others. It in like manner spikes you to have to give them any kind of
assist that you with canning. Compassion achieves your having impressions of
benevolence towards others. Exactly when you have compassion as an ideals
people will undoubtedly put their trust in you since you will be non-condemning
of their conditions." Source: Moral Values in Islam - Danyal Dareshani
( - Humanists try to
acknowledge the moral rule in the Golden Rule, the ethic of correspondence, and
treat each other as one should be managed themselves - with opposition, thought
and compassion. The Golden Rule, a uniting humanistic norm, can't be stated for
any single direction of reasoning or religion. All through the ages, various
practices have progressed one or various types of it. In Islam, the Golden Rule is:
"Not one of you truly acknowledges until you wish for others what you wish for
yourself." - The Prophet Muhammad, Hadith

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