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The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Caldonia

Every One Shall Sit in Safety Under Their Own Vine and Fig Tree

Every Citizen has the right to one free chunk (16x16) of land for personal use.

All non-personal land is owned by the government, however can be auctioned off at

There is some land, upon which public infrastructure shall be built, which will forever
be owned by the government.

Land can be sold privately between citizens. The government can also buy back

Each citizen is assigned a colour of wool in which to mark their property lines, placed
upon 4 corners of each chunk or adjacent set of chunks.

Property rights extend fully upwards and fully downwards to the world limits, however
every citizen has the right to mine resources underneath another’s person’s land,
provided it is subterranean.

Any items stored in personal property belongs to the property owner, and any
stealing of personal items is prohibited and subject to a fine.

The currency system is built upon gold ingots and emeralds. 10 gold ingots have the
equivalent value of one emerald. These can be exchanged at the government bank,
and can be used for purchases. Bartering is of course allowed.

The mayor’s title shall be renamed to president, to signify a change from a town to a
republic. The president shall appoint a vice-president once elected. The vice
president deals with petty crime and administration, as well as a tiebreaker in
democratic votes.

The president is the head of state, head of government and head of justice. Their
responsibilities can be shared amongst the vice-president and other chosen officials.

In the event of emergency, absolute power can be granted to the president and vice-
president. This power is granted by simple majority of the people. It lasts for 3 days,
and can be renewed by another vote.

The term length of the president and vice president is one month, and voting begins
in the final week of their term. Presidents can only be in office for 2 terms
The people can call a vote of no confidence against the president and/or vice
president. The president acts as tiebreaker in the vote against vice-president, and
vice versa, but the person on trial has time to debate and discuss the motion. They
do not have a vote.

In the event of a vote of no confidence, the vice-president becomes acting president,

until a vote is held one week after to determine the next president. The president
cannot run in the election immediately after the vote. If the vice president is
impeached, they cannot be vice president for another full term, and the president
appoints a new vice-president.

You have the constitutional right to build whatever you want on your land, including
explicit and obscene imagery, because it's hilarious.

The court is headed by the vice president for petty crime and the president for high
crime. However, a majority vote of the jury can overturn their ruling. The jury consists
of every citizen not involved in the crime.

Any theft is punishable by a fine, decided by the court. All goods must be returned if

Deuling is completely legal, if agreed on by both parties. A witness must be present

to confirm consent in the case of a dispute.

Murder is punishable by either a fine, and is decided by the court.

We follow a principle of innocent until proven guilty, however crime accusations are
taken seriously. False accusations are still a criminal offence that can result in
reparation payments to the state and the accusee.

Griefing and destruction of property are also punishable by a fine decided by the

In the event of the president breaking the law, the vice president acts as head of
justice in their trial, and vice versa. If both are on trial, the jury has sole jurisdiction.

In the event that a fine cannot be paid, the government can either take items from
that person's belongings of appropriate value, reacquire land or force labour upon
them until the debt is paid.

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