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Creating a Music Product – Musicians in Lockdown

Task 1
8/01/21: We held an online meeting to discuss the points below. I have written
them up adding my own detail.
Target Audience: The website targets performers, composers and record labels.
The purpose of the site is to help musicians who are struggling due to lockdown,
and it helps them connect with other people in the industry. Composers will be
looking for performers to play their songs, so performers can upload their music
to the site. Performers would also be interested in looking for composers, as they
are looking for gigs. Record labels may also use the site to search for talent, which
brings them together with both composers and performers.

Artistic Intention: The intention is to be as diverse as possible with genres. Every

musician has been affected the same by the coronavirus pandemic, so every artist
needs the help the site can give. This wide range of music will also attract a wider
range of listeners.

Purpose: The purpose is to put together lots of people in the music industry,
allowing them to work together. This means composers finding performers, and
record labels finding composers and performers.

13/01/21: Today we are writing our bios for our pages on the website. This will
be useful content for the site as it provides the audience with information about
the composers on there.

My name is George Parker, and I am an esteemed classical and jazz musician.

From a young age, I was a musical prodigy, earning grade 8 at age just 13, and
attending the Royal Academy of Music on a scholarship at age 16. Now 21, I am a
budding new composer, writing many great works from classical and jazz genres
alike, as well as a great technical repertoire of performance pieces. Working with
many great musicians such as Krzysztof Penderecki, Florian Pascal and Antoni Wit,
I wrote and performed many great jazz and classical songs, even blending the
genres at times. Now at my peak, I have still only just begun, and have many more
skills to offer.

20/01/21: Advertising

The adverts on this page use very simple and large text, which draws in the
audience. They also have a simple image, related to what they’re selling. For our
adverts, we should do the same, making them simple, bright and eye-catching.
These adverts use a similar style, they have simple imagery and large text. The
background image is usually a solid colour or a consistent pattern. They all have
taglines related to their product, that will draw in their target audience. The logo
for the company is also used, to try and help with brand recognition.
This is an example of a poster for the site. The saxophone instantly recognizes it
as musical, and the taglines are simple and catchy. They also encourage the target
audience to visit. However, it is missing the logo which would be good for brand
This is an example of a social media advert. Normally, they are very simple and
are normally sponsored posts instead of standard adverts. The focus of the image
is always the product. To have a good social media presence, we can make images
like this that relate to music and musical production.

Advertising is useful as it drives people to visit the site. Without it, the website
would exist, but people would not know it does and wouldn’t get any visitors. It is
important for advertising to reach a wide group of people, by being posted on
many platforms. Advertising needs to appeal to the group of people you want the
site to be used by.
29/01/21: Contracts

A contract is necessary for any performer who wants to publish on the site. This is
to ensure that both parties uphold their part of the deal, and so it’s in writing and



THIS CONTRACT (the “Agreement”) made and entered into this _________ day of ________ the year
20____ (the “Execution Date”),
(the “firm”)

(the “Performer”)

1. The Musicorum website shall host your videos and/or audio files for the purpose of providing
support for composers and other music professionals to find.
2. Your uploaded music files shall be advertised within the website.
3. Performers must pay a fee in order to upload and maintain their music on the site.
4. This fee can be paid monthly, at a price of £9.99, every 3 months, at a price of £26.99, every 6
months, at a price of £49.99 ,or a year at a price of £89.99
5. A contract can be cancelled at any time, but the price for the current subscription period must still
be paid. They must abide by the contract until it ends.
6. Performers must not breach any copyright rules, and must ensure that they have permission to
post a song.
7. Performers must abide by other legal constraints, meaning songs cannot incite violence or any
other crime.
8. We do not expect exclusivity from the performer, they have freedom to post their content
anywhere they wish.
9. Performers can distribute merchandise and recordings of their music at their own will. They can
also perform live as they please.

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