Ingles-12a Classe-2019-1a Epoca

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Ha Sel wa ess 3) ‘Noda para aceltar Repiibica de Mogambique o -Ministério da Educacdo ¢ Desenvolvimento Humano 00 Instituto Nacional de Exams, Certificagdo e Equivaléncias ‘BSG /2019 Exame de Lingva Inglesa 1" Epoca 12 Classe 90 Minutos [Estee conn arene) purgunte com quire erative de espns cde ua, | |___Escotha a aternativa corretae RISQUE a letra correspondentena sua folha de resposta. ‘Questions 1 to Sate based onthe following document “Technological advances have provided mare and more opitoas Tor watching movies where and when you ‘want. Today, you ean watch movies on you laptop, electronic tablet and even Smartphone. If you want a "bigger" experience, however, youll have to choose between staying home and going out to a movie ‘theatre, Which is better? The answer is completely subjective. Going to a movie in theatre has a number ‘of advantages and disadvantages. Experiencing a movie in a theatre les you see the film on huge screen with plenty of detail alsa offers a ‘surround-sound system that enhances the overall exsericnce, making you fel as youre actually part of the story. The downside, however, is that you have ro contol over either of these. The volume may be too high or too low, andthe picture may be slightly blurry or too bright for your eyes. Watching a movie in a theatre fll of other moviegoers can be very satisfying, especially for movies that ‘provoke a strong reaction. The feling of solidarity can be quite enjoyable. On the other hand, other people ‘can be a significant source of distraction and anneyance. Despite warnings, many’ people tlk (on cel | phones or with friends nearby) or send text message eile movie spying. Oshers may Kick the Back of | ‘your seat, spill fod or drinks, or bring unruly children tothe theatre Movie theatre concession stands offer plenty of snacks. Movie-goers cam enjoy popcom, nachos anda large | ‘variety of candy and soft drinks. Some theatres even offer restaurant-syle food! and alcoho! to enjoy during ‘4 movie. Unfortunately, movi theatre refreshments are notoriously overpriced; you may be eharged more than twice the normal price for even a small soda. Additionally, if you want a snack during the film, youl thave to miss pat of it to make atrip tothe concession stand Source: Internet 1. Because of technological advances people ean now watch movis.. [A at home on laptop only © when there isa big soreen, B atthe theatre only. D-whete they want to, What happens if you wateh a movi in athestre? 'A The surround sound system ges you nervous -C You have no control of sound and image You cant sex the huge screen You soe everything from the down side Which sentence expresses a postive attitude in the theatre? ‘A Food an rinks can be splton you {© The bck of your seat canbe hcked B Many people talk on cell hones “D-There can bea feling of solidarity D things are for fee. the tet about? vantages and disadvantages of going to theatre C Siting beside unruly children " B Movie theatre concession stands offering snacks Watching a movie on your deviee pparers. Domestic violence can also involve violence a ‘number of forms, including physical, verbal, emotional, economic, religious, reproductive, abuse, which can range from subil, coercive forms 19 marital rape and to violent physical abuse such as choking, eating, female genital mutilation, and acid throwing that results in disfigurement or death Globally, the victims of domestic violence are overwhelmingly women, and women tend 10 experience ‘more severe forms of violence. They are also likelier than men 10 use intimate pariner violence in self efence. In some countries, domestic violence is often seen as justified, particularly in eases of aetual ‘suspected infidelity on the part of the woman, and is legally permited. Research has established that there ‘exists a direct and significant corelation between a country's level of gender equality and rates of domestie violence, where countries with less gender equality experience higher rates of domestic violence. Domestic Violence is among the most undereportd erimes worldwide for both men and women, Due t0 social stigmas regarding male victimization, men who are victims of domestic violence face an increased likelibood of being overlooked by ealtheare providers, Domestic violence often occurs when the abuser believes that abuse isan entitlement, acceptable, justified, {F unlikely to be reported, It may produce an intergenerational cycle of abuse in childen and other family ‘members, who may fel that such violence is acceplable or condoned ikipedia 6. When does domestic violence occur? ‘A Only when aman beats 2 woman BB Only when a woman bea am ‘© Whenever the violence involves people who are not marti to each other B-Wheneverthere’s violence against someone in a domestic setting 7. According tothe first paragraph which statement is Not tru ‘A Domestic violence can affect people of any age and sex B Domestic violence can be of dtfeent forms Intimate pariner violence’ is only when a man beats his wife Marital rape is another form of sexual abuse there are high rates of violence. “D-there is infidelity or suspect oft usually happens to men who seck healthcare services for domestic violence? A The community loves them © They are ignored 'B Their cases are reported everywhere D They hide the truth In questions 11 10 40 choose the best word/words to fil the gap. 11. Which sentence isin past simple passive? ‘A Delicious cakes are baked by Laura This book was printed two weeks ago B The old building is being destroyed ‘D-Those sandals were being sold in the city 12. Daniel won't travel this weekend, ‘A does be B doesn'the © wasn'tit D-will he 13. Allehildren 10 be respected by adults A may Bought © ought not D will not 14, Charles has got the ———— shoes Ive ever seen. ‘A comfortable B more comfortable ~C-most comfortable very comfortable 15. When we ‘the bus, it was almost fll but we managed to travel. A getin “B-goton € tok off D woke up 16. IfPeter had known you were in Nampula, he — you. A will have visited —B will visit “€ would have visited D_ would visit 17, Do you think Paul's mind is fine? I surprised him talking to —in the kitchen, A hese? “B-himselt myself D yourself offer someone. Acand “Boor nor Ds J. When I visited this town ten years ago this building to be a café, A has. B should -€-used D will ‘Marlene’s headache was by exposure tothe sun. A-caused B causing C tw cause D well cause ty father’s eamera. rom South Africa before Iwas born, B is brought ~€-was brought C biggest to nets before the malaria epidemic ———~. B breaks in “€ breaks out D broke at [——— you have-————— if you had caught the thief? ne B haveldone C willl D wouldidone what those men are doing? I really appreciate talent. B theirs them D they reported speech of “Sandra, you should see a doctor.”-said the teacher, s: The teacher... "“Acadvised Sandra to se a doctor. ordered Sandra and saw the doctor. _B invited the doctor to see Sandra. 'D_wamed Sanda agains the doctor. “Which of these statements is TRUE? A AIDS and HIV are the same thing C HIV isa disease that causes AIDS B AIDS is caused by a condom type D-HIV isa viru that causes AIDS Lucas managed to win the race ‘his health condition. ‘A although B but € despite D however Ifyou want to become an entrepreneur, you have to start your own — A usin B house € salary D world 32, Malangatana’s ——————- made him famous and well known around the world. : ‘A creatures B paintings C words D youth 33. Grandparents in general enjoy telling to their grandchildren, ‘A answers B lies songs D-stories Before African people were introduced to they used to exchange goods A guests B gold language ‘D-moncy ‘In large cities, the schools and ———-—— are opened from Monday to Friday ‘A bars B beaches € offices D roads Value Added Tax is an example of aan ——- “Acooperation Bairect D unair eaten: D school © measles pregnancy keeping collection of Luis Bernardo Honwana’s ———————. ike them. B magazines € songs D videos ‘If there is Ebola in your country, avoid shaking. ith people. Itcan be dangerous. ‘A bodies B heads ‘€-hands D medicines 44 ‘THE END

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