AP05-AA6-EV06-Ingles-construccion-glosario-tecnico LUZ ANGELA CALERO V

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Formato para Desarrollo de Evidencia

Formato para desarrollo de evidencia

Inglés construcción de un glosario técnico en inglés para el área de salud ocupacional

Nombre luz Ángela calero Victoria

Ficha 21046 19

Análisis y desarrollo de sistemas de información

Año 2021
Formato para Desarrollo de Evidencia


This glossary is made in order that it can enrich communication between users. They are
terms related to computing and technology that express actions, concepts, things and
experiences. It helps to better manage a platform and improves the communication of the
user with the analyst.
Formato para Desarrollo de Evidencia


Algorithm: series of sequential instructions, allow to execute actions or programs. An

algorithm are ordered and finite instructions or rules that allow you to solve a problem,
process data and carry out other tasks

Computer system: allows information to be stored and processed. It is one or more

personal computers together with the person who manages them and the programs they

Data: information that allows you to study and analyze it and learn about it, it can be
numbers, words or variables. Some data is used to obtain information, others contain
information. It is a term that refers to transactions that have been recorded, it also refers to
data that has been processed and communicated in such a way that it can be understood
and interpreted.

. Database: collection of structured information or data stored electronically on a computer.

Entity in which it is possible to store data with the minimum possible repetition.

Diagnosis: analysis that is carried out to know any situation, it is carried out on the
database and everything collected to better know what is happening.

ID: personal identification number assigned to each user to operate a platform. It can be
your identification number or a code. It's unique.

Internship: cademic activity that aims for the student to put into practice everything they
know in a professional environment. It is to exercise your knowledge

Key: it is a group of one or more attributes of a table that when taking them allow us to
know a record as unique just by knowing the key

Prototypes: it is a first model or base that serves as a simulation of the final product for a
system, probably including its interface, inputs and outputs. They serve to make a system
or solve a problem.

Reports: it is a document with the purpose of communicating and conveying information in

an organization on some subject. It can be oral or written describing some problem topic or

Requirements: something that is asked or someone is requested, either to solve a problem

or create a database, the requirements specify what the system must do both in its
functions and its essential properties, the main objective of the understanding of what
customers and users expect the system to do.

Stakeholders: the stakeholders of a company are all the people or entities affected by the
decisions that it develops and allows in turn. Interested or involved party is a person,
organization or company that has an interest in another.
Formato para Desarrollo de Evidencia

System: it is the union of things in an organized way, it is a set of interrelated elements

which function as a whole and a system can be a component of another system.

Terms of reference: technical specifications and structure how to execute a certain job,
negotiation project, etc. Define the general objective and the specific objectives.

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