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Name:Shumaila Azam

Reg no: 70098213

Subject:Opthalmic Nursing
Mam: Maimoona Rehmat
Secton : B
Topic: Patent Educaton
 Stay Hydrated :-
You must drink 64 ounches of water each day.This is especially important for those who

are sufering from dry eyes.

 Balanced Diet :-
Always eat healthy food rich in vitamins which is present in fruits ,vegetables and anti

oxidants .Anti Oxidants can help slow progression of eye diseases such as macular

Degeneraton .

 Eye Protecton from the sun :-Wear safety glasses like polarized glasses when

appropriate to protect your eyes from UV Rays And reduce glare from surfaces like

water,snow and glass.Glare Distorts the true colour of objects and makes them harder to

distnguish .So these glasses helps to distnguish between these colours .

 Avoid Smoking :iAvoid Smoking habits .Smoking has an adverse efects on eye health
and can lead to eye diseases such as age related macular Degeneraton ,dry eye ,cataract

and diabetc Retnopathy .

 Exercise :iExercise on daily basis .Set a goal of moderate intensity physical actvity for 30
minutes fve days a week .Studies tell us that exercise regularly can reduce their risk of

macular Degeneraton by upto 70 %.

 Keep your Hand clean :-
Keep your hands clean Because when you don't do this and touch your

eyes with the dirty hands it causes many eye diseases like swelling ,

irritaton ,burning and itching are most common .

 Aviod to use Expired makeup or other's person makeup : i

Don't use anyone else's eye cosmetcs or personal eyeicare items.Using contaminated

eye makeup and facial lotons can also cause the infecton. Sharing makeup and

wearing contact lenses that are not your own or are improperly cleaned can also cause

bacterial conjunctvits.

 Proper Sleep :-
When you get enough sleep .Your body has ample tme to renew and restore your eyes
so that so can see objects clearly,improved eye lubricaton and healthier tssues and

nerves in and around your eyes .

 Avoid Rubbing your Eyes:-

Rubbing is really not good for your eyes, and here's why. Potental Damage. Rubbing

causes tny blood vessels to break, giving you bloodishot eyes and dark circles that

make you look tred all the tme.

 20-20-20 Rule :-
 If you fnd yourself gazing at screens all day, your eye doctor may have mentoned

this rule to you. Basically, every 20 minutes spent using a screen, you should try to

look away at something that is 20 feet away from you for a total of 20 seconds.

 Unless you have a tape measure you probably won’t be able to accurately measure

20 feet. Being exact isn’t the key. You should just try to focus on something far away

from you. Consider looking out a window at an object that seems far away, like a
tree or a building across the street. If you work in a small space, try walking

outdoors or into a

larger area where you can rest your eyes.

 Control systemic Diseases :-

Follow your physician’s instructons in controlling systemic diseases, such as

diabetes and high blood pressure. These diseases afect eye health at a greater rate

when they are not properly controlled.

 Examinaton of Eye :-
Have your eyes examined every year or at the frequency recommended by your

optometrist. The key to good vision and health is preventon.

 Contact Lens hygeine :-

Change contact lenses at the prescribed replacement interval and comply with

intructons for contact lens hygeine.


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