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Swinging on the Branch of a Tree: Project

Selection Applications

SIDNEY W . HESS Management Department

College of Business and Administratiou
Drexet University
Philadelphia, Petmsylvania 19104

Selecting research and development projects is always difficult

because data for assessment are seldom available. ICI Americas
used simple decision trees successfully to screen new product
ideas and decide on a major effort in new process research. The
new process research model incorporated only 10 variables,
making estimation feasible; a visual sensitivity analysis gave
management confidence in the model conclusions. The screen-
ing model incorporated qualitative selection criteria (for exam-
ple, quick development, low risk, patentable, low capital, high
sales) into a single quantitative expression of expected net pres-
ent value. ICI Americas used it to select projects from 53 new
product ideas. These examples illustrate the value of a logical,
simple model even when data are sparse.

R esearch and development (R&D) ac-

count for three percent of the devel-
oped world's economy, about $200 billion
Management Science and R&D
Management scientists have been doing
research on research for over 30 years
in the US alone. Managing R&D activities [Hall and Nauda 1990; Tornatzky and
in both the public and private sectors is es- Fleischer 1990]. Prior to the 1992 competi-
pecially difficult because they entail vast tion, no R&D application (project selection
uncertainties. or otherwise) has ever competed in, let

Copyright *!) 1993, The Institute of Management Sciences RESEARCH AND DEVELOI'MENT—I'ROJbCT SELECTION
0091-2102/93/2306/0005501,25 INDUSTRIES—CHEMICAL
This paper was rtfi/rt-fd.

INTERFACES 23: 6 November-December 1993 (pp. 5-12)

alone won, the Edelman Award for Man- that has not been rejected intuitively, most
agement Science Achievement. organizations require that it pass formal
Organizations regularly use project man- screening. The number of proposals that
agement techniques, for example, PERT require screening is still large. Because they
which was developed by management sci- lack data, most organizations use qualita-
entists [Liberatore and Titus 1983]. Risk tive screening methods: a check list of tar-
analysis and decision analysis are also con- get product or process attributes or some-
tributions of our profession. Managers times a scoring model [Liberatore and Titus
Management Science and Project
Join me in swinging on a Selection
branch of a (decision) tree. Management science has had little influ-
ence in R&D project selection; yet in mak-
tend to use project management, risk anal- ing this decision, organizations pick the
ysis, and decision analysis models near the targets they will devote their resources to.
end of the development process, when Someone said, "Better to do the right thing
they know what needs doing and when poorly than the wrong thing well!" Man-
market uncertainties become more impor- agement science can help us do the right
tant than technical uncertainties [Booker thing.
and Bryson 1985]. During my years at ICI in line and R&D
Management science has failed alto- management, 1 found decision analysis to
gether to implement budgeting and project be exceedingly useful in selecting and
selection models. We have proposed more screening projects. Sequential decision
and more sophistication with less and less making is very characteristic of R&D. R&D
practical impact [Hall and Nauda 1990]. is a poker game: Do we draw another
The mathematical programming models card? Do we buy information in the labo-
we have developed {linear, integer, dy- ratory? Do we conduct low-cost research
namic, or whatever) require data that R&D knowing that expensive decisions can be
cannot practically provide. made later?
Project Selection We can use a simple decision tree to dis-
One of the more vexing problems in play and clarify this sequential logic. With
managing R&D is to decide whether to ini- some care, we can keep the dimensionality
tiate a particular project. Information for low, incorporating only the most important
such decision making is sparse. Since every parameters and uncertainties. We can
new idea must be consciously rejected, ac- overcome the estimating problems and
cepted, or tabled for more information, the make the model and its conclusions trans-
number of these decisions is very large. parent to management. Simplicity is the
Most ideas are rejected intuitively as a re- virtue [Liberatore and Titus 1983;
sult of informal peer discussion or one or Rubenstein 1989].
more levels of supervisory review. I will describe some applications in
Before it devotes its resources to an idea which I participated, not as an analyst, but


as part of management. Whether you are a potential, but unconfirmed, market. One
manager or management scientist, join me chemical competitor, BASF, was known to
in swinging on a branch of a (decision) have an alternate process for synthesiz-
tree. ing AQ,
Example One: Develop a New Process? A small market would benefit coal tar
ICl's Canadian subsidiary discovered a producers, not ICI. A large market and our
new, but unpatentable, application for an- own proprietary AQ process would benefit
thraquinone (AQ), an agent for reducing us immensely. Management had no inter-
pulp mill water pollution. AQ reacts with est in half-way efforts. For example, con-
certain paper and pulp waste products and firming the new market without develop-
forms solids that can be filtered from the ing our own AQ process would give BASF
mill effluent. If proven on a commercial an uncatchable head start.
scale, the world market would be im- We had to decide whether to accelerate
mense. new process research and commercial trials
AQ was distilled from coal tar and used or stop the modest existing effort.
principally in dyes. Coal tar is a by-prod- Conventional analyses would call for
uct of coke production, and coke is only economic evaluations based on cash-flow
used to make steel. Therefore, the capacity projections for construction and operation
for AQ was directly related to the demand of a plant using the new process and sell-
for steel. All the AQ produced in the world ing to the postulated market. The detailed
might satisfy only a small fraction of this numbers were just not available. And un-

Net Present Values

Millions $

V Value if successful $25,0 ± 50%

D Process development expense $3.0 ± 25%
(including presanction engineering)
Cl Commercial development expense $0.5 ± 25%
(before sanction)
C2 Commercial development expense $1.0 ± 25%
(after sanction)
M Market development expense $0.2 ± 25%
R Research expense $0.8 ± 25%

Conditional Probabilities
Pc Probability of commercial success 0.8 ± 0,2
Ps Probability of sanction 0.8 ±0.2
P^ Probability of technical success 0.6 + 0.15
PM Probability of significant market 0.6 ±0.15

Table 1: The AQ project required research for a new manufacturing process and development
of AQ's potential to reduce pulp mill water pollution. We made estimates of the value of the
project if it were successful and the costs and probabilities prior to launch.

November-December 1993

certainty and risk are not well treated in —Commercial development expenses be-
such analyses. fore and after sanction;
The primary risks were the following: —Venture value if successful, specifically a
—Would market tests confirm a significant net present value of $25 million plus or
market? minus 50 percent; and
—Could we develop a new process? —Venture value if unsuccessful, zero . . .
—Even if the answer to both of these essentially a break-even.
questions is yes, would the ICI board Table 1 shows the parameter and probabil-
sanction the new plant capital when ity estimates with their confidence limits.
economic conditions were bad and capi- We cast the above into a decision tree in
tal budgets severely curtailed? which all failure or no-go outcomes were
—If it were sanctioned and built, would zero (Figure 1). The expected net present
the venture succeed? value (ENPV) of the project was easily
We estimated conditional probabilities and computed by calculating back through the
"confidence limits" (about plus or minus decision tree. (The equation for ENPV is in
25 percent) for affirmative outcomes for the appendix). Using best estimates from
each of these risks. Table 1 parameters, we obtained an ENPV
We estimated the following economic of $3.2 million.
parameters: But the parameter estimates were clearly
—Research expenses to identify a new subject to great uncertainty, plus or minus
process; 25 percent in most cases (Table 1). Were
—Market development cost to find out if probability distributions assumed for the
there was a significant market; nine best estimate parameters in Table 1,



Alternate Stop
process value ^ SO
research 4

Figure 1: The decision tree for AQ process research and development and AQ market
development considered all failure branches to be zero. Sanctioning by the ICI Board was also


we could have used a Monte Carlo simula- than do a simulation.

tion to develop the NPV distribution. This We easily derived simple algebraic
technique would be more useful if better expressions for ENPV and conditions for
estimates of parameters and their distribu- positive ENPV by referring to the decision
tions were available. tree (Figure 1 and the appendix). The con-
More important, management was un- ditions for positive ENPV could then be
comfortable estimating probabilities, let displayed as a break-even graph delineat-
alone expressing levels of uncertainty ing go and no-go regions. The intent was
about them. Monte Carlo simulation to provide visual evidence that uncertain-
would likely raise management anxieties ties in estimating the probabilities of tech-
about probabilities even further. We nical success and a significant market
elected instead to explore the optimistic should not render the decision analysis in-
and pessimistic parameter values rather valid.

1.0 r-

Boundaries of Probabilities


Low Payoff

Higher R&D

CO NO GO Best Estimate

.2 .4 .6 1.0
Probability of Technicai Success
Figure 2: We felt confident thai the probabilities of technical success and significant market lay
within the dashed rectangle. The curve separated go and no-go regions based on our best esti-
mates of all the parameters and other probabilities. Since the rectangle was well within the go
region, a decision should not depend upon our uncertainty about the probabilities of technical
success and significant market.

November-December 1993

We plotted the break-even condition us- Market development and process research
ing best estimate parameter values with accelerated. Unfortunately, field tests in
probabilities of technical success and a sig- existing pulp mills did not live up to ex-
nificant market as coordinate axes (Figure pectations and the entire project was
2). The region of uncertainty for these two cancelled.
probabilities, 0.6 plus or minus 0.15 for Example Two: Screening New Product
each, could then be visually compared to Ideas for Development
the break-even curve. Finally, other combi- ICI America s smallest division was
nations of parameter estimates defining al- Aerospace, The division needed new prod-
ternate break-even curves could be viewed ucts to survive within a fast growing com-
as well (Figure 3), pany.
These visual presentations were a signifi- We organized a brainstorming exercise
cant aid in moving the project forward. with divisi(,)n and corporate representatives

1.0 _

Boundaries of Probabilities



I -2
Best Estimate

.2 .4 .6 .8 1.0
Probability of Technical Success
Figure 3: The indifference curve moved only slightly when upper limits of R&D cost estimates
were incorporated into its calculation. Using the lowest estimate of payoff just brings the
indifference curve into the rectangle of probability uncertainty.


from marketing, production, and research. Other parameters included the probabili-
The group suggested 53 new products that ties of technical and commercial success
they later discussed and screened using cri- and costs to prove technical feasibility and
teria of their own choosing: to commercialize.
Development: Estimating specific parameter values was
—Low technical risk; difficult. Our need, however, was not pre-
—Quick, preferably less than one year; cision but gross screening. We used a
—Inexpensive, preferably less than 10 per- three-point scale for each parameter, as-
cent of sales; signing a nominal value if we had no other
Sales: basis for choice (for example, our typical
—^High growth; project's time from development to launch
—Preferably more than $1 million per year was 2.5 years). We assumed a significantly
by the fifth year; higher value if prior knowledge warranted
Profitability: it (for example, we assigned a project a
—Preferably more than 20 percent of higher profit margin if the product should
sales; be patentable, say 35 percent), and a lower
Capital requirements: value if prior knowledge warranted it (for
—^Low (capital was still tight). example, if the project was deemed diffi-
Discussion was rapid and unstructured. cult, we assumed a low probability of tech-
We did not record opinions on the individ- nical success, 0.2).
ual criteria, only an overall rating. Position Hess [1985] gives further details, includ-
or personality seemed to sway the review. ing a comparison of alternate estimating
Ultimately the group sorted the candidates techniques, a description of specific prod-
into three categories; the top category in- uct suggestions, and results.
cluded eight candidates deserving immedi- The important thing is that the simple
ate attention. We were pleased with the 53 decision tree worked again. It provided a
suggestions and the criteria, but many of logical consistency among the criteria not
us were dissatisfied with the screening pro- possible by using a check list or arbitrary
cess. weighting.
As an alternate screening procedure, we Conclusions
incorporated the criteria in a decision tree Management science can make an im-
similar to that shown in Figure 1. Again, pact in R&D. We already contribute at the
we expressed expected net present value downstream end of the development pro-
algebraically (appendix). We estimated the cess where data are available to feed our
value from a successful project as the elaborate models.
product of We also can contribute to project selec-
—Profit margin as a fraction of sales, tion where information is scarce and deci-
—Average annual sales over the first 10 sions critical. The discipline of a logical
sales years, and model provides a better basis for selecting
—An integral that summed the discount projects than intuition, a check list, or the
factors for these same 10 years of sales. power of personality. Decision analysis

November-December 1993 11

captures the sequential decision process ary), pp. 3-9.

characteristic of R&D and the uncertainties Hail, David L and Nauda, Alexander 1990,
"An interactive approach for selecting IR&D
of outcomes. But to be successful, the deci- projects," /£££ Transactions on Engineering
sion tree must be simple, simple, simple. Management, Vol. 37, No. 2 (May), pp. 126-
Management scientists helping R&D 133.
management, or management in any func- Hess, Sidney W. 1985, "Rational ranking of de-
velopment candidates," in Managing High
tional area, must be unafraid to use simple Technology: An Interdisciplinary Perspective,
models when lack of data precludes more eds., B. W. Mar, W, T. Newell, and B. O. Sax-
rigor. Swinging on one branch is more fun berg, Elsevier Science Publishers Besloten
than standing on the ground watching. Vennootschap, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Liberatore, Matthew |. and Titus, George |.
Acknowledgments 1983. "The practice of management science
Many of my ICI Americas colleagues in R&D project management," Management
contributed to the work reported here. 1 es- Science, Vol. 29, No. 8 (August), pp. 962-974.
Rubenstein, Albert H. 1989, Managing Technol-
pecially wish to acknowledge Ash Pai from ogif in the Decentralized Firm, John Wiley and
corporate operations research and Don Sons, New York.
Stonestrom who was my director of devel- Tornatzky, Louis G. and Fleischer, Mitchell
opment in the Aerospace Division. 1990, The Processes of Technological Innova-
tion, Lexington Books, Lexington,
APPENDIX Massachusetts.
Anthraquinone Project
Using the parameter definitions in Table
1 the project's expected net present value, Author's Note: Readers interested in the
application of decision analysis to R&D
ENPV = PMPT[P,(P,V - Q) - D - Ci] management should see the recent special
-R- M. issue of Interfaces, Volume 22, Number 6,
Research should continue if ENPV > 0, e.g. November-December, 1992.
> + M)/{Pj[P,{P,V -C,)-D- C,]}.

Aerospace Product Screening

ENPV is the same as abt)ve with
Ps = \ since sanctioning is not an issue,
and where
kS e "dt. and
k = the profit margin,
S = the average annual sales for the first
10 years from launch,
T ^ years to launch, and
I = 0.15, the discount rate.
Booker, |ane M. and Brysun, Maurice C. 1985,
"Decision analysis in project management:
An overvitw," IEEE Transactions on Engineer-
ing Managemoit, Vol. EM-32, No. 1 (Febru-


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