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http://www.scoif.com/revistas MANAGEMENT IN A SME

Leydi Johana Polo Amador

Omar Hernán Nova Jaimes
Abigail Tello Ríos

Unidades Tecnologicas De Santander - Uts

Tecnología En Desarrollo De Sistemas
Informáticos Y Tecnología En Banca Y Finanzas

According to the boom in the use of
technology and the internet in the different fields
of development, companies are implementing in
their processes, a technological infrastructure and in
this way the treatment of information will allow a
better communication in real-time. The more
common use of technology has made a significant
contribution to the development, monitoring and
management of organizational processes in a
company improving response times and
performance. Allowing in this way that a SME(Pyme)
is more competitive and sustainable in the long-
In a company that has as input the operative
processes in the registry and update of an
inventory, in front of the earlier process a good
management and administration of the information
must be done. One of the main factors that affect
the performance of companies and the profits
obtained, are based on the treatment of this
important input identified as information. Therefore,
it is essential for companies to have an inventory
that is effectively managed allowing their control in
real-time establishing priorities in the follow-up of
objectives according to the goals set by the company
making effective use of resources. In addition to this,
it offers the option to record the sales and purchases
movement in a fast and easy way.
In the implementation of a technological
development the advantages are directed towards
the company and each one of the clients that can be
attended in record time allowing the generation of
Recepción: 21.04.2020 an invoice with the list of items specifying their
Aceptación: 27.05.2020 prices as proof of payment guaranteeing security in
the selling process. The development will be carried


out having as an architectural pattern the model Keywords:
view controller and use of Framework Laravel and Palabras clave: Infraestructura Tecnológica,
Vue.js developing in the PHP programming language Aplicación Web, Sistema, Inventario, Administración.
making the application more robust and scalable.
Palabras clave:
Key words: Technological Infrastructure, Web Companies require tools that systematize the
Application, System, Inventory, Administration, processes and that can manage the main tasks in
real-time. Nowadays, innovation is part of the
52 Abstract everyday world without neglecting companies. The
Resumen. De acuerdo con el auge en el uso de la management of human management is defined by
tecnología e internet en los diferentes campos de Garcia in 2011 as:
desarrollo, las empresas están implementando en "The strategic activity of support and
sus procesos, una infraestructura tecnológica y de management support, composed of a set of policies,
esta forma el tratamiento de la información plans, programs and activities, with the aim of
permitirá una mejor comunicación en tiempo real. El obtaining, training, motivating, rewarding and
uso más común de la tecnología ha hecho una developing the people required to generate
contribución significativa al desarrollo, monitoreo y potential, management, culture organizational and
administración de los procesos organizacionales en social capital, where the different interests that
una empresa, mejorando los tiempos de respuesta y converge in the organization are balanced to achieve
el desempeño. Permitiendo de esta manera que una the goals effectively ".
PYME (Pyme) sea más competitiva y sostenible a Therefore, it is a necessity to use these tools and
largo plazo. integrate them into the processes of the company as
En una empresa que tiene como entrada los a mechanism for the development of processes.
procesos operativos en el registro y actualización de As he cites the importance it has for an entity as
un inventario, frente al proceso anterior se deben cited by the author (Riascos, 2011) "Technology has
hacer una buena gestión y administración de la advanced considerably in support of this
información. Uno de los principales factores que administrative mutation..." Obtaining information
afectan el desempeño de las empresas y las faster than when done manually or with other basic
ganancias obtenidas, se basan en el tratamiento de programs such as spreadsheets.
este importante insumo identificado como
información. Por lo tanto, es esencial que las Material and methods
empresas tengan un inventario que se gestione de
manera efectiva, permitiendo su control en tiempo Inventory
real, estableciendo prioridades en el seguimiento de An inventory is the orderly, detailed and valued
los objetivos de acuerdo con las metas establecidas relation of the set of goods or belongings that
por la empresa haciendo un uso efectivo de los constitute the patrimony of a person, community or
recursos. Además de esto, ofrece la opción de company in a specific moment.
registrar el movimiento de ventas y compras de una It is the registration of all the products and raw
manera rápida y fácil. materials that a company owns. In the case of
En la implementación de un desarrollo products are those that are available for sale and in
tecnológico, las ventajas se dirigen a la empresa y a the case of raw materials, it refers to those with
cada uno de los clientes a los que se puede atender which the product will be created for sale [1] [2].
en un tiempo récord permitiendo generar una Stock
factura con la lista de artículos especificando sus We call stocks or stocks of a company to the set
precios como comprobante de pago garantizando la of materials and items stored, both those that are
seguridad en la venta. Proceso. El desarrollo se necessary for the production process and those for
llevará a cabo teniendo como patrón arquitectónico sale.
el controlador de vista del modelo y el uso de POS System
Framework Laravel y Vue.js que se desarrolla en el POS for its acronym Point of Sale. It means point
lenguaje de programación PHP, lo que hace que la of sale or point of sale terminal, is a program for
aplicación sea más robusta y escalable. stores, micro markets, drugstores, restaurants,


Vol. 1. No. 1. Año 1 | enero-diciembre de 2020. | ISSN: 2711-4554
clothing stores, footwear among others, developed MariaDB
to systematize the control of their sales, and MariaDB is a database management system
inventory. (DBMS), that is, a set of programs that allow
Framework modifying, storing, and extracting information from a
A framework is a defined support structure, database. Having other types of features such as user
where another software project can be organized administration, and information recovery if the
and developed. The frameworks usually include system is corrupted, among others [8].
support of programs, libraries, scripting language, HTML
software to develop and unite different components HTML is a markup language used for the
of a program development project. The frameworks development of Internet pages. This is the acronym
allow: help the development of software, avoid low- that corresponds to HyperText Markup Language, 53
level details, allowing more time and effort to that is, Hypertext Markup Language, which could be
identify the software requirements [3]. translated as a Document Format Language for
Vue.JS Hypertext, is responsible for developing a description
Vue is an accessible, versatile and good of the contents that seem as texts and their
performance framework that allows you to create a structure, complementing said text with different
much easier to support and test code base. It is a objects (such as photographs, animations, etc.) [9].
progressive framework, which means that if you are CSS
using a web application framework you can include It is the language that defines the presentation of
Vue to only a part of the application that needs a a web page. It is used to give color, background
more intuitive and interactive experience, Vue has images and textures, and to organize the elements
base libraries and an excellent and indispensable on the page. However, CSS does much more than
ecosystem for the growth of any project, also allows just paint a pretty picture. It is also used to improve
you to take a web page and divide it into reusable the ease of use of a website.
components, each with its own HTML [4]. IDE
Laravel An integrated development environment or
Laravel is an open source framework for interactive development environment, in English
developing web applications and services with PHP, it Integrated Development Environment (IDE), is a
provides a wonderful development environment computer application that provides comprehensive
without the need to install PHP, a web server or services to help the developer or programmer
other software on the computer. Homestead works software development [10].
on any Windows, Mac, or Linux system, and includes Bootstrap
the Nginx web server, PHP 7.0, Mysql, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap is a multi platform library or set of
Redis, Memcached, Node, and all the other things open source tools for website design and web
you need to develop amazing web applications [5]. applications. It has design templates with
PHP typography, forms, buttons, boxes, navigation menus
PHP (PHP recursive acronym: Hypertext and other design elements based on HTML and CSS,
Preprocessor) is a very popular open source language as well as other JavaScript extensions. Unlike many
especially suitable for web development and that can web frameworks, it only deals with front-end
be embedded in HTML. The best thing about using development. [11]
PHP is its extreme simplicity for the beginner, but at Web Services
the same time it offers many advanced features for The application consumes a web service using
professional programmers [6]. SOAP as a protocol that provides robust
JavaScript interoperability and offers efficient communication
JavaScript is a great programming language that between server and client, even though it’s encoding
allows developers to create actions on their web has been done in different languages. It usually uses
pages, JavaScript is a language with many HTTP and is based on XML for easy reading.
possibilities, used to create small programs that are
then inserted into a web page and into larger, object- Developing an application for management of
oriented more complex programs. With JavaScript, inventories and sales is a very important part in the
we can create different effects and interact with our strategic planning of a company, because this
users [7]. facilitates not only the performance and organization


Vol. 1. No. 1. Año 1 | enero-diciembre de 2020. | ISSN: 2711-4554
within the companies but also the decision-making • Planning of the activities to be carried out.
for a growth and better results in the company. In Design: Once you have the analysis and planning,
this way the medium and small companies of the you begin to design the way the prototype of the
Santander department can have a systematized application will behave. The design of the use cases
control over the productivity of the company and the design of the database is carried out, as well
through the control of inventories and sales in a as the architecture of the software to be encoded.
controlled and monitored way [12]. • Design of use cases.
In the process of software development there has • Model design Entity Relationship of the
been a constant evolution in terms of methodologies database.
54 or the ways in which planning for software design is • Design of the code architecture.
carried out, basically with the aim of improving, • Graphic interface design.
optimizing processes and offering a better quality.
Currently there is a lot of variety in software
development methodologies, and for the elaboration
of this research project we will use the cascade
software cycle method (Linear Framework) whose
work proposal is based on an orderly and sequential
process where we have to follow and complete some
phases to be able to advance to the next phase.

Fig. 2 Relational database model.

Fig. 1 Life Cycle, cascade form.

Analysis: This is the first stage where the basic

needs that the prototype must have are defined to
be able to solve the problems raised in this
investigation. In addition, the technical requirements
necessary for the development of software to be
performed are analyzed.
Investigation of the functional methodology to be
implemented (inventories, sales and purchases) Fig 3 Use case diagram for administrator.
• Define software requirements (language,
application server, other technologies to be used) Implementation: With the previous steps
• Define data-base motor to be used. completed, you can go ahead to execute the
• Define the functional scope of the web programming in the code of the designs proposed in
application prototype the design phase, either in the object- oriented
Planning: At this stage, a schedule of the activities programming language or in SQL for the case of the
to be carried out is made to complete the prototype database.
of the web application, this in order to be able to • Development of the database in SQL
estimate the costs in time and resources. These language.
estimates are made at the beginning of the software • Mounting the database on the chosen
project within a limited time, while the development server.
process progresses, they are adjusted regularly. • Development of classes and methods for the
• Approach of the problem to solve. business logic of the application.
• Definition of the general objective. • Development of classes and methods for the
• Definition of specific objectives. business logic of the application.


Vol. 1. No. 1. Año 1 | enero-diciembre de 2020. | ISSN: 2711-4554
Fig. 9 Products forms.

Fig. 4 Structure of application entities.


Fig.10 Product editing form.

Fig.5 User authentication.

Fig. 11 Products entry.

Fig. 6 Inventory menú

Fig 7 Suppliers menu. Fig. 12 Suppliers entry.

Fig. 13 Suppliers exit.

Fig. 8 Suppliers form.

Fig. 14 Stock form.


Vol. 1. No. 1. Año 1 | enero-diciembre de 2020. | ISSN: 2711-4554
Currently there are software solutions in the
market that allow this activity of billing and inventory
management for companies, but its high cost only
allows large organizations to have access to them
leaving small and medium enterprises without the
possibility of enjoying a software application that
helps in this important work. This makes a SME
Fig. 15 Suppliers report. (Pyme) have to resort to other methods to meet this
need, such as carrying large spreadsheets with all the
56 information of your business and running several
risks due to loss of information, loss of time and high
unnecessary costs.
To meet this need that now exists, we pose the
following question: How will a Web application
contribute to the management of your billing and
Fig. 16 Product report.
inventory process and the improvement of processes
in the Small and Medium Enterprises of Santander,
Systematization in general is a key strategy for
improving business competitiveness, since it
contributes to achieving goals that could hardly be
achieved without software that handles these main
tasks in an organization. The reduction of time for
information processing, cost savings and data
Fig.17 Stock report. conservation with greater security is a day-to-day
concern in companies. In this sense, information
Tests: In this stage, a process of reviewing the systems based on a web application is a very easy
prototype of the web application is performed to alternative to implement and play a very important
verify that it meets the functional requirements role in the systematization of information and
necessary to solve the problem. In addition, the internal management, because it allows storing large
quality of the code is ensured by finding possible volumes of information and providing easy access for
bugs and preventing them from being presented to your inquiry immediately.
the end user. The high cost of software applications for this
• Regression tests to verify software specific billing and inventory sector means that small
functionality. and medium-sized companies have to look for
• Solution of possible errors in the code. alternatives that adjust to their economic capacity,
the most common is for these organizations to carry
Goals out this activity in spreadsheets as Excel. This
With the passage of time, the systematization of practice leads to the organizational information of
the movements of companies has become a the company being rotated between different
necessity as well as being an obligation in legal workstations, since there is not a central data base,
terms, the continuous technological advances and running the risk of information loss and reprocessing
the need for innovation requires a constant due to the handling of different files.
adaptation that allows not only to improve internally The use in a SME (Pyme) of a web application to
but also to support the competitive environment manage your internal organization with inventory
that exists today. For this reason, the management and sales, will not only supply the needs described
of inventories and sales is a very important part in above, allowing you to have your information
the strategic planning of a company, because this centralized and with easy access to it to be
facilitates not only the performance and organization administered in a timely manner, but also, avoid
within the companies but also the decision-making reprocessing, reducing the operating times, allowing
for a growth and better results in business. you to optimize resources and increase your
productivity, thus improving your indicators.


Vol. 1. No. 1. Año 1 | enero-diciembre de 2020. | ISSN: 2711-4554
With this application, we develop a technological The Inventories & Stock application allows you to
solution that through this innovation at low-cost will easily and quickly manage the inventories of a
allow promoting in a significant way the regional business, save data in the cloud, work online or
development. offline, create multiple users, have alerts for when
The management information and control of the stock is in the minimum range and read bar
inventory system at the Colegio Nuestra Señora de codes with the camera of the device. FABRIFARMA
Fatima Bucaramanga headquarters: This project SA, The author LINA MARÍA GUTIÉRREZ ARROYAVE,
develops a web application for the management and expresses
control of the elements of the supply store of the "The purpose of this degree work is to present a
Nuestra Señora de Fátima School, developing it fully design of the accounting information system that
with technology of free software thus giving a better applies to the pharmaceutical laboratory 57
understanding of what is related to this department FABRIFARMA SA", seeking to integrate all the
to the users. The representation or modeling of the processes that affect accounting in a single system of
system was based on the unified language of management allowing observing and understanding
modeling, which allows the option of generating the in a clear and precise way how the gear between the
various documents or reports of actions carried out different areas works and the accounting area, in
by the users, thus giving them the ability to print turn, that helps you to facilitate and address in an
them or save them periodically, taking into account exact and precise way the decision- making.
that the use of the application will be by the staff of GUTIÉRREZ ARROYAVE, L. (2012).
the Services and Support Coordination and that the
documents are generated in PDF format. Discutions
Management of inventories and activities of the According to the development of the project you
study centers of mechanical engineering and can consolidate the following products:
electrical engineering web information system [13]. The design of the use cases, the entity-
This project shows the development of a web relationship model of the database together with the
information system for the management of sequence diagrams.
inventories and activities of the mechanical and • Functional prototype of the web application
electrical engineering study centers. The system was for personnel management.
developed on the UML analysis and design The functioning of the web prototype will be
methodology, developing the application in PHP observed, through functional tests, which will allow
language connected to a MYSQL database demonstrating that the web prototype complies with
management system and launching on the Apache the agreed requirements.
web server. • User and installation manuals.
More than half of small businesses in the
metropolitan area of Bucaramanga manage their Conclusions
inventories through annotations, taking advantage of After the development of the following project it
the use of new information technologies. The closest is possible to conclude the following:
thing is to use spreadsheets to keep track of their The use of a web application that allows the
inventories. One of their reasons is the high cost of management of information on this occasion for the
the implementation of these technologies, either diagnosis of occupational diseases.
because of the cost of equipment or software costs, The improvement of the quality of life for those
or because they do not know how to choose which people who have a timely diagnosis for medical
tool is best for them to use, as Andrés Magri treatment.
expresses it in the "Logical Magazine": • The execution of activities and results in real
"The technology and the systematization of time according to the information provided.
processes have modernized one of the most • The creation of modules that contribute to
expensive, but at the same time important, logistics the process automatization.
tasks for companies: inventories. The alternatives in • The usage of new technologies that allows
the virtual market abound, but the question is to the bar code record and other computing elements.
choose an ideal option that fits the corporate needs,
to have a real leap in quality ". Andrés Magri, Logical


Vol. 1. No. 1. Año 1 | enero-diciembre de 2020. | ISSN: 2711-4554
Quotes and references

[1] INVENTARIO Definición de inventario [En línea] [Citado

2016] Disponible en URL https:
[2] JAIMES S A N C H E Z 2006 Universidad Industrial De
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58 [4] VUEJS vue[En línea] [Citado 2014-2018] Disponible en
URL https://vuejs.org/
[5] LARAVEL laravel [En línea] [Citado 2017] Disponible en
URL https://laravel.com/
[6] PHP ¿Qué es PHP? [En línea] [Citado 2017] Disponible
en URL https://php.net/manual/ es/intro-whatis.php
[7] JavaScript J A V A S C R I P T [En línea] [Citado 2016]
Disponible en URL https:
[8] MariaDB M A R I A D B [En línea] [Citado 2019]
Disponible en URL https://mariadb.org/
[9] HTML html [En línea] [Citado 2015-2018] Disponible en
URL https://html.com/
[10] IDE Definición de IDE[En línea] [sin fecha] Disponible en
URL http://www.alegsa.com.ar/ Dic/ide.php
[11] Bootstrap B O O T S T R A P [En línea] [Citado 2018]
Disponible en URL https:
[12] MAYENBERGER S C H E E L 2009 Carlos y RIVERA
GONZÁLEZ, Ángel Eustorgio: SUtilización de las TIC y su impacto
en la competitividad de las empresas latinoamericanas,
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[13] DURAN E S T R A D A, Rafael J, Galván V and Yesith J
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http://tangara.uis.edu.co/biblioweb/tesis/ 2009/129490.pdf
O de cualquier otro recurso que afecte el diseño y diagramación
de la publicación final.


Vol. 1. No. 1. Año 1 | enero-diciembre de 2020. | ISSN: 2711-4554

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