Depression in Young People: What Causes It and Can We Prevent It?

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Depression in young people: What causes it and can we prevent it?

Article  in  The Medical journal of Australia · November 2002

DOI: 10.5694/j.1326-5377.2002.tb04864.x · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Jane M Burns Marianna Szabo

Swinburne University of Technology The University of Sydney


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Depression in young people: what causes it and can we prevent it?

Jane M Burns, Gavin Andrews and Marianna Szabo

THE NEED TO SHIFT common and modifiable risk and

protective factors in favourable directions in order to pre-
vent mental health problems is recognised in the public ■ Cumulative adverse experiences, including negative life
health approach embraced by beyondblue: the national depres- events and early childhood adversity, together with
sion initiative.1 This approach may target individual factors, parental depression and/or non-supportive school or
The Medical
but usually aims Journal of Australia
to influence ISSN:
broader 0025-729X
social 7 October
determinants, familial environments, place young people at risk for
2002 177
specifically 7 9396
the settings in which people spend their time. As developing depression.
a recent Medical
andJournal of Australia
adolescent survey 2002
demonstrated, depres-
■ Enhanced life skills and supportive school and family
sion Preventing Depression
has its peak incidence in mid-to-late adolescence.2
environments can mediate the effect of stressful life events.
Although there are undoubtedly major opportunities for
prevention and early intervention right across the life cycle, ■ Programs that enhance the school environment are
a focus on young people within the school environment is associated with improved behaviour and wellbeing.
relevant. The introduction of evidence-driven, developmen- ■ Interventions that teach cognitive skills are associated
tally appropriate programs that have been designed to with a short-term reduction in depressive symptoms.
promote positive school environments and teach life skills
■ Current evidence suggests that for an intervention to
can potentially decrease prevalence, reduce severity, and
be sustainable it must encompass multiple components
delay the onset of depression.3
across several levels: classroom, curriculum, whole
As the causes of depression are complex, the identification
school, and the school–community interface.
of modifiable risk and protective factors, and understanding
the processes through which they operate, is crucial. A ■ Teaching interpersonal skills, including cognitive and
protective factor may affect risk, either directly by operating problem-solving skills, should be coupled with the
on the antecedent risk factor itself, or indirectly by affecting promotion of positive school and family environments
the strength of the relationship between the risk factor and to prevent depression in young people.
the development of depression.4
There has been a concerted effort in both health and
MJA 2002; 177: S93–S96
education sectors to promote mental health and emotional
wellbeing, reduce the incidence of depression in young Poor interpersonal skills, coupled with negative thought
Australians, and enhance the quality of care received. The processes, can create difficulties for adolescents negotiating
education sector is overwhelmed with a choice of programs changing relationships with peers and families, searching for
that target a broad range of risk-taking behaviours and poor autonomy while trying to fit in, and simultaneously trying to
health outcomes, including drug and alcohol use, early succeed in a competitive academic and social environment.8
sexual activity, conduct disorders, depression and suicide. Cumulative adverse life events can lead directly to depres-
These programs, each between six and eight weeks long, are sion, poor academic achievement and increased risk-taking
educationally based, or they promote resilience by teaching behaviour. Depressing life events can include exposure to
life skills, such as problem-solving, leadership, optimism, family or community violence,9,10 chronic poverty,11 child
and communication. Anecdotal evidence suggests that physical and sexual abuse,12,13 bereavement,14,15 or parental
schools struggle when faced with the task of choosing divorce or separation.16
appropriate programs. Life events involving loss are specifically associated with
depression.17 Two explanations have been advanced. The
first suggests that there may be a direct association between
What causes depression? adversity and the onset of depression. Early adversity sensi-
The adversity young people experience increases dramati- tises individuals to the effects of subsequent life stress,18 and
cally during mid-to-late adolescence, especially for girls.5-7 depressed individuals are at greater risk of experiencing
more stressors, which in turn lead to increased levels of
beyondblue: the national depression initiative, Melbourne, VIC.
The second explanation aims to delineate the mechanisms
Jane M Burns, PhD, BA(Hons), Senior Program Manager.
that intervene between negative life events and depression to
Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression, School
explain why many young people who experience adversity
of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, St Vincent’s
Hospital, Sydney, NSW.
do not develop depression.21
Gavin Andrews, MD, FRANZCP, Professor;
Individual cognitive characteristics can influence a per-
Marianna Szabo, PhD, BA(Hons), Research Assistant. son’s interpretation of negative life events. One theory is that
Correspondence: Dr J M Burns, beyondblue: the national depression individuals predisposed to depression perceive adverse expe-
initiative, PO Box 6100, Hawthorn West, VIC 3122. riences using “negative cognitive schemata” (stable memory structures that guide information processing). Following a

MJA Vol 177 7 October 2002 S93


negative life event, such as a relationship breakdown, an and increased problem behaviours.54,58 Children aged 5–9
individual might describe him- or herself as inadequate, the years whom teachers believe are unpopular and who are
world as unfair, and the future as hopeless.22-29 rejected or neglected by their peers are more likely to
The “learned helplessness” theory of depression30 pro- become depressed during adolescence.14,59,60 Recurrent
poses that individuals are susceptible to depression because bullying or victimisation in Year 8 predicts symptoms of
they have pessimistic attribution to neutral events. For depression and anxiety in Year 9, especially for girls.61
example, during a basketball game a player might miss a In short, adversity and deprivation are risk factors for
shot. If they have a pessimistic attributional style, they may depression, either directly or because they engender the
believe they missed the shot because they are hopeless. They negative and pessimistic thinking that turns surmountable
have attributed this event to a cause that is internal (self- negative happenings into the defeats that produce depression.
referent), stable (a personality characteristic), and global
(likely to affect other situations). In contrast, a player who
explains the missed goal as a result of being distracted Can we prevent depression by improving
attributes the failure to a cause that is external, unstable, the school environment?
and specific. Research indicates that a pessimistic attribu- Although there is no evidence that a nurturing school
tional style interacts with subsequent negative life events to environment prevents depression, one of the primary aims
predict ensuing increases in depressed mood. In general, of any prevention program is to reduce known and modifia-
these findings are applicable to both males and females.31-33 ble risk factors. It is equally important to increase protective
Parental depression is a risk factor for adolescent depres- factors that reduce the likelihood of poor outcomes in the
sion. Children with a depressed parent are four times more presence of risk.62 Children with high intelligence, good
likely to develop an affective disorder; they have a 40% problem-solving and social skills,56,63,64 high self-esteem, a
chance of experiencing depression by age 20 years, and a sense of control and positive expectations for the
60% chance by age 25 years. Maternal depression is associ- future57,65,66 are less likely than others to become depressed
ated with depression in young people after controlling for when environmental risk factors are present. A positive
other factors, including socioeconomic status.34-36 A history attributional style provides protection against stressful life
of parental depression also increases the risk of recurring events.67 In addition to such individual characteristics, the
depression37 and suicide attempts38 in adulthood. Prospec- presence of social support plays an especially important
tive studies indicate that maternal depression may affect protective role.57,68,69 Such support includes good peer
girls more significantly than boys.39-42 Parental psychopa- relations, support from teachers,70 and a warm and stable
thology has strong support as a risk factor, but it is unclear relationship with at least one parent.65 Children who grow
whether this risk is mediated through a biological vulnera- up in a negative family situation are less likely to become
bility,35,43 the effects of poor parenting caused by that depressed if they have a confiding relationship with at least
psychopathology,34,40,43-45 or the transmission of attitudes one adult outside the family, or if they are involved in and
and values which predispose an individual to later psychiat- obtain positive recognition for school or community activi-
ric disorder.45,46 ties outside the family.63,71,72
Low self-esteem is often flagged as a predictor of adoles-
cent depression. This claim is supported by longitudinal
School-based programs
research which shows that children who perceive themselves
as academically, socially, or physically incompetent are more School-based programs generally fall under three main inter-
vulnerable to subsequent depression than are children who vention types: universal (involving all members of a popula-
perceive themselves as competent.47,48 Such beliefs develop tion group), selective (focusing on a subgroup at high risk), or
during middle childhood and early adolescence, and arise indicated (targeting those with subclinical disturbances).4
from evaluations children receive from their peers, teachers Andrews and Wilkinson73 (page S97) list the nine randomised
or parents,49 and from the experience of negative events.48,50 controlled trials (RCT) of prevention of depression in young
Moderating influences which affect negative beliefs may not people at risk. Five trials, all of which used cognitive
emerge until late adolescence or young adulthood.48,51,52 approaches to strengthen the child’s interpretation of adver-
Social-skills deficits are associated with concurrent sity, were successful. In some, the reduction of major depres-
depression and with a wide range of other psychological sive disorder approached 50%. But these were small studies
problems, both in adults and in children.53 Recent prospec- — none involved a whole-school system approach.
tive studies have shown that negative perceptions about Although not specifically designed to prevent depression,
social competence, self-efficacy or peer acceptance predict several “whole-school system” programs have shown posi-
symptoms of depression.54,55 In contrast, high self-perceived tive results (see Box).74 In practice, many school-based
social competence acts as a protective factor in young people programs designed to promote emotional wellbeing have
who are at increased risk of depression as a result of negative focused on younger children in an attempt to prevent
life events or parental psychopathology.56,57 academic failure and reduce the school drop-out rate. For
School is an important arena for social and emotional example, one study evaluated a transition program for “high
development; however, it can also be a source of negative life risk” students transferring from primary to secondary
events. Poor academic achievement and beliefs about aca- school.78 Elements included the restructuring of home
demic ability, coupled with depression, result in poor school rooms to allow more continuity with peers, and expanding
engagement, enhanced perceptions of school-related stress, the role of home room teachers to assume advisory and

S94 MJA Vol 177 7 October 2002


status. The GBG had a strong effect in Year 1 in reducing

Examples of “whole school” programs with
positive results aggressive behaviour and the effect was still present at Year
6, with the greatest improvement in the most aggressive
Reducing bullying75 males. The introduction of MLG improved achievement.
This study in Scandinavia involved a universal prevention program Interestingly, this was accompanied by reduced reports of
focusing on the whole-school climate, with subsequent benefit to
depressive symptoms in girls. Unfortunately, there were
school attachment and retention. The intervention targeted 11–14-
year-old children and consisted of a nationwide campaign to tackle insufficient data to calculate effect sizes, and there is the
the problems of victimisation and bullying in Norwegian and possibility that teachers who made ratings were influenced
Swedish schools. by their participation in the program.
Schools and families were given a folder and instruction booklet, a
video on bullying and questionnaire data. The program was
designed to target aggressive behaviour, poor family management, Conclusion
and attitudes to bullying. Information was collected from students at
baseline, eight months and 20 months. beyondblue is committed to strategies that prevent or mini-
There was a 50% reduction in the reported levels of victimisation mise the impact of depression. We have concluded that the
and a substantial reduction in self-reports of antisocial behaviours risk factors for depression in young people lie in part in their
(vandalism, theft, truancy). Furthermore, there was a considerable environment, and in part in their interpretation of that
increase in reports of satisfaction with school life, with increased environment. Previous reports on prevention show that the
retention rates being the best indicator. The absence of significance
school environment can be made less aversive and punitive
testing and the reliance on self-report data are notable limitations of
the study. and that the cognitive and behavioural styles of at-risk
children can be changed. Now that we know what to do —
Preventing antisocial behaviour76 improve the school environment and teach cognitive skills to
This study in the US, targeting the social climate of the classroom, children at risk — we need to plan how to implement this on
aimed to improve commitment to school, increase academic
performance, and reduce peer rejection and disruptive behaviour.
a national basis while sustaining some ability for ongoing
Teachers received initial training, followed by an average of two
evaluation. Andrews and Wilkinson (page S97) describe one
hours of supervision per month for the duration of the year. method to evaluate the roll-out of such programs. 73
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