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Purpose :

Levels of leukocytes in smokers consumption of black cumin seed oil:

influenced Fagerstrom?

Titiek Hidayati1, Akrom2, Zaky Nurfaiz3

Public Health and Family Medicine, Medical and Health Science Faculty, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Department, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
Department of Pharmacy, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia

This study used an open-label Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) method with 36 test
subjects divided into 4 groups. The population in this study were healthy adult males and
smokers. The exclusion criteria were if the subject had a history of chronic disease,
experienced an allergic reaction to BCSO, psychiatric disorders, the test subjects did not
attend the study until the end, and were not available for blood draw on the 31st day. The
study protocol was approved by the Ethic Committee of the University of Muhamadiyah
Yogyakarta (166 / EP-FKIK-UMY / V / 2019).

Result :
There are 36 test subjects in this study. The average age of the test subject is 38.69
years, the average length of smoking is 20.92 years, the average amount of cigarette
consumption is 10.61 rod/day, the average level of Leucocytes is 9.02%, as well as the
Fagostrum of 1.36%.

Tabel :
Table 1 Average leukocyte count after 30 days of placebo and BCSO administration
leucocyte Standar Sig (2-
Group N
(%) deviasi tiled)
8 8.30 1.76
BCSO 3x1
9 10.00 1.83 0.211
BCSO 3x2
11 9.28 2.24
BCSO 3x3
8 8.31 1.61
Total 36 90.2 1.96
Table 2 Level Leukocytes Inter Group High Fagerstrom and low Fagerstrom
Sig. (2-tailed)
Fagerstrom N leukocytes(%) ± SD
12 8.76 ± 1.94
24 9.16 ± 2.04
            High fagostrum = fagostrum > 1.63
Low fagostrum = Fgostrum < 1.63
Table 3 average level leukocytes each group with high and low fagerstrom
Group High Low Fagerstrom Sig (2-tailed)
Placebo 3x1 capsule/day 9.10 ± 1.88 0.912a
9.00 ± 0.14
BCSO 3x1 capsules/day 8.24 ± 2.34 8.17 ± 1.37 0953a
BCSO 3x2 capsules/day 8.50 ± 1.41 8.52 ±1.50 0983a
BCSO 3x3 capsules/day 9.67 ± 2.17 10.98 ± 2.80 0491a
b b
Sig (2-tailed) 0808 0148  
              aanalysis Independent T Test, there is a meaningful difference if p < 0.05
                   bAnalysis one way Anova, there is a meaningful difference if p < 0.05
* There is a meaningful difference p < 0.05

Table 1 shows that BCSO at a dose of 3x3 capsules / day has the best average leukocytes followed
by a dose of 3x2 capsules / day and a dose of 3x1 capsules / day. BCSO has been shown to reduce
high levels of leukocytes caused by smoking. Based on previous research, smoking can increase
leukocytes because it contains nicotine, one of which can cause leukocytosis by circulating
catetcolamine due to increased hormones such as epinephrine and kortsol [6]
Table 2 The Test subjects with high Fagerstrom were found as many as 12 people and 24 people
with low Fagerstrom. Average Leukocytes with a high fagerstrom of 8.76% and average Leukocytes
with low fagerstrom of 9.16%. The analysis used to compare leukocytes levels in the group of low
fagerstrom with the high fagerstrom group is Independent T test where there is a meaningful
difference if p < 0.05. Independent t Test test shows the value of sig (2-tailed) , which is 0.580 which
means there is no meaningful difference between L-levelofeucocytes in low fagostrum group with
high fagerstrom Group .

Tabel 3 According to table 3 the average rate of leukocytes on high fagerstrom more than the
average leukocytes in low fagerstrom on placebo and BCSO 3x1 administration, while
administering BCSO 3x2 and 3x3 per day the average low fagerstrom leukocytes than high
fagerstrom. A meaningful difference is found in all groups, meaning that the average leukocytes with
high fagerstrom more than the low fagerstrom are influenced by the administration of BCSO.

Based on previous studies, there showed a meaningful difference in the number of leukocytes
between active and passive smoker groups, in which the group of active smokers had higher
amounts of leukocytes. The habit of smoker causes an increase of 20-25% the number of
leukocytes in peripheral blood. Some study mentions a meaningful increase in lymphocytes
especially T lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophil and monocytes in smokers (Inal et al., 2014;
Asthana et al., 2010)

The increase in the number of leukocytes is not related to Fagerstrom, with the administration of BCSO also
unable to lower levels of leukocytes due to high fagostrum. BCSO administration is most effective at a dose of
3x1 capsule/day with lowest levels of leukocytes compared with the description of BCSO at a dose of 3x2 and
3x3 capsules/day.


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