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Teacher: Miss Cuevas

Grade/Course: 8th
Title of the Unit of Study: The Outsiders

Common Core Standards Addressed

Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.1
Learning Outcomes of the Unit:
Copy and paste from Common Core website.
Students will…

Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary source

Content Standard: 
8.2 Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact
with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.
Lesson Plans

Balance Teamwork and Individual Work Throughout the Unit of Study:

Leverage collaboration as much as skills and content. Make sure to balance both teams and Independent work so that you are
demanding a 21st century collaborative environment while allowing time to meet students on an individual basis.

Intro Lesson:
Purpose: Engage students, spark curiosity, “hook” and necessitate. Outline an assignment that introduces your students to the
subject. Have your students take wild guesses at the result they expect at the end (if possible). Have them make judgements or
assertions. Later, in the reflection, we will have them revisit their initial assumptions.

Hello Class. Today we are going to start a new book and before I tell you what book it is, I want to ask you some questions: How
many of you have felt isolated at one point in your life? Do you feel like you have been stereotyped? Have you ever unfairly judged
anyone because they are different from you? How many of you feel a need to belong or fit in? I want you to think about your answers
as we read The Outsiders. I think you will find yourself having some common ground with the characters.
Student Reflection & Goal Setting:
Student reflection is an essential component. Throughout the Unit, Students reflect on their work and progress. Students set goals for
further learning. Goal setting is a great opportunity for students to personalize learning goals and provides teacher specific targets for
differentiated instruction.

3-5 Reflection Activities:

Purpose: To develop specific concepts, designed to scaffold, outcome is a delicate (fragile) understanding. Build three to five
assignments that use a blended learning approach.

1. With a partner, I want you to go online and research 3 reasons why people join gangs. Come up with a conclusion/reasoning as
to why the outsiders joined a gang. Share your responses with a partner. We will go over your responses as a class.
2. Your group will be assigned a chapter and you will present a powerpoint to the class that summarizes the chapter and include
significant events that occurred as well as introducing the class to new terminology. Your presentation will make sure to
include assessments for your classmates to work through. This is to verify the rest of the class understood your presentation.
3. Answer the following question in the online discussion board: How do Ponyboy's feelings toward Randy reflect the conflict
between the Socs and the Greasers? Respond to two other students and give constructive feedback on whether you agree or
disagree with your classmates response/analysis of the situation.
Formative Assessment Lesson:
Craft a project that will support your intended outcome. Recall our first discussion board post. Remember that assignment you
mentioned as being your favorite? Use that sort of thinking to come up with an assignment like the one you outlined. Make it real-
world, hands-on, and engaging.

Make a collage using magazine or newspaper cutouts. You may also use google images or create your own images by drawing
them or using a drawing app like procreate. Your images should portray your understanding of the novel.
Summative Assessment:
How will students demonstrate what they know as a result of this Unit? Please outline an assessment that is not a multiple-choice
exam. How will students demonstrate their understanding?

Create a podcast where you discuss how The Outsiders compares to your generation and describe the universal themes and characters’
attributes that are most like characters in your own life.
Individual Student Reflection & Peer Reflection:
Students reflect on their end product: authentic performance tasks (project)
 How did my perception change from the introduction to this assignment?
 I like…
 I wonder…
 I now understand…
 In the future…

Write in your journal how you relate to the characters in this book. Some questions to get you started: Have you ever felt
stereotyped or judged? Have you ever judged someone based on how different they are from you? Do you feel the need to belong or
fit in?

1. Adapted from OCDE Integrated Planning Template at


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