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Maddy Wagner

Brett Beach

Intro to Creative Writing



Once upon a time, there was a mother called Magdala and her daughter Genevieve who

were living in a little stone house in Jerusalem in 43 A.D. Magdala was short, about 5’1” and in

her early 30’s with brown hair that reached past her waist and deep, beautiful, hazel eyes. Her

daughter Genevieve who was 10 years old, had also had hazel eyes and long hair like her mom

but she had blond hair like her dad that she didn’t see much because he was a soldier for the

local army, always training and fighting in wars.

One day, as Magdala was hand-cleaning the stone floor, her daughter, Genevieve asked

a question that Magdala thought she would never ask. “Hey mama, do you think there could be

a higher power that made this earth? I want to believe there is one, but I feel like I need some

proof in order to believe.” Her mother smiled so fast it was like seeing a time-lapsed bloom of a

flower, and then she said, “Genevieve, I know without a doubt that there is a higher power. His

name is Jesus, and I saw him in person.” Genevieve couldn’t believe what she just heard and

thought she was about to keel over. “Wait, what do you mean you saw him?” Magdala happily

explained, “About 10 years ago when I was pregnant with you, I heard from other people about

this person named Jesus who said he was the Son of God. I heard about all these miracles that

he performed; he helped a blind man to see, he turned water into wine, he even revived a dead
little girl saying Talitha khoum. He wasn’t judgmental and would eat dinner with people who

the regular public wouldn’t deem as being good people, but that is how full of grace Jesus was.”

Genevieve was captivated at what her mom said. She couldn’t believe that an ordinary

person would have such extraordinary power. She then sat down on the newly-cleaned, cold

stone floor and hung on to every word her mom said. “I then heard that he was coming to

Jerusalem for the Passover and it was at that time that I really wanted to see Him in person. On

the day he came into Jerusalem, there were a bunch of people lining the sides of the road

carrying palm leaves at least three feet high. People were cheering and putting their palm

leaves high above the roadway when they saw the Messiah coming into Jerusalem on his

donkey, wearing a clean white robe and smiling and waving to the crowd. It honestly was a

beautiful sight. I was trying so hard to get to the front to see him clearly but since I was

pregnant and people were packed in there as sardines in a can, I wasn’t able to.”

Genevieve was bawling with tears gushing out of her. With a cutesy sad voice, she

interrupted, “But mama, did you ever get to meet him?” Magdala assured Genevieve,” Hold on

honey, I’m still telling the story. A couple of days later, I decided to watch the crucifixion of two

robbers who very dangerous to our community. I’m not going to tell you about the details of

crucifixion because you are still too young. When I got to the place, I saw the two thieves being

crucified, but I noticed that there was a big gap between the two. I was standing on the right

side of the road with a lot of people that were loudly shaming the robbers when I decided to

look to my left. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Jesus, stained with blood from being

whipped and having a crown of thorns around him, walking to Calvary carrying his own cross.

This time I got to stand right in front so I could see the whole thing. Jesus was struggling really
badly as he was walking. He kept stumbling from being whipped so badly and also carrying such

a heavy cross, but the Roman soldiers kept whipping him and barked at him to keep walking.”

“Then all of a sudden, he mustered enough strength to come towards me as he was

already on the same side as me and he put his bloody right hand on my pregnant belly and said

to me, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to look over your daughter from above.’ And then he

proceeded to struggle as he went to Calvary.” At this point, Genevieve really couldn’t believe

what her mother was saying and asked her in a curious tone of voice, “Mama, did you know

that I was a girl at the time?” “No, I didn’t,” said Magdala, still smiling and vividly remembering

that moment. “I felt like a lightning bolt of shock struck me when he said that. I knew that He

was the Messiah, but I guess I didn’t know that he would already know the gender of the baby

before I did.”

“A couple of weeks later, my water broke, and I realized that I was about to give birth to

you. Your dad put me on a bale of straw and was comforting me with sweet words and holding

my hand as I was screaming, trying to control my breathing, and pushing at the same time.

When you finally came out, I couldn’t believe that you were a girl and that was the day I decide

to give my life to Christ and gave Him thanks for helping me get through my pregnancy safely.”

“Wow mama, I’m so happy you got to meet such an extraordinary person who loves us

from above and yet he is the One who made the heavens and the earth.” exclaimed Genevieve.

“Wow Gennie, I didn’t know you already knew so much about him. Wait, I bet that was His

spirit talking through you!” cheerfully said Magdala. And from that moment on, Genevieve

believed in Jesus.
As Genevieve got older, she started to really dig into the Word of Jesus. She attended all

the bible study groups that she heard were happening and made a lot of good Christian friends.

As she read and studied the Word more, she gained a lot of wisdom and beforelong, she was

evangelizing to people on the streets about Jesus and baptizing them in the name of the Father,

the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In Genevieve’s time, the Romans were still occupying parts of Israel and demanding

ridiculously high taxes from the Israelites. As Genevieve was preaching one day to a group of

people, a Roman soldier noticed and came charging through the group up to where Genevieve

was standing. “What do you think you are doing promoting a false god? The god of Caesar is

your god!” the Roman Soldier barked. Genevieve snapped back, “I know my God is real because

He came to my mom saying that she will bear a girl someday while he was about to be crucified

and I am the girl that Jesus prophesied about!” The crowd that was listening to Genevieve was

stunned when they heard her speak.

The crowd was too fed up with hearing about all the false wonders that the Roman god

had supposedly done that they all stood up and shouted, “We believe her! For too long, you

have fed us your propaganda of your “god” being the best one there is when in fact we haven’t

seen any miracle come from him, we have only seen miracles come from the God of Genevieve!

Now can you please leave us alone!” The Roman guard reluctantly went away.

As Genevieve went to sleep that night, she had a vision from Jesus. “Genevieve”, Jesus

bellowed. “I want to thank you so much for standing up for what you believe in and also helping

to advance My kingdom. I knew when I spoke to your mom before you were born that you

would make a good servant. I also know that your boy will also advance my kingdom as well.”
Genevieve woke up from that dream with peace, knowing that God himself talked to

her and will bless her someday with a baby boy! She then prayed to find a husband someday

that will help fulfill her dream and one who also loves Jesus.

As she was walking down the cobblestone path one day, she accidentally bumped into a

nice-looking man. Genevieve immediately apologized and said sorry with a defeated tone in her

voice. “No, it’s okay,” the man said reassuringly. “My name is Obed. What is your name?” “My

name is Genevieve,” she said. “Hi Genevieve, it is nice to meet you,” Obed said. They then

started talking about where they grew up and what their hobbies were. Genevieve was happy

to find out that he also loved Jesus.

Fast forward 10 months, they dated and got married. After they moved into their house

for some time, Genevieve started to have weird visions in her sleep. She said to Obed one day,

“I am having weird visions, Obed. We are trying to have a baby, so do you think that this means

that I am pregnant?” Obed reassured her. “I would wait a few months and see if your stomach

grows or not. Don’t worry, honey. Jesus has this all figured out.”

Within the next two months, Genevieve felt a kick in her stomach. She cried, knowing

that she was pregnant. Fast forward a couple of months, she gave birth to a baby boy. After she

gave birth, she was praising God, because He is worthy of all the praise.

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