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GALEX KURR. Servitor Portrait & Servitor Sigil. Purpose: He is meant to act as a protector against physical attacks. Appearance: His face is concealed by a gas mask, which emits a ghostly mist. This mist sometimes gives the illusion of a ghastly skeletal/bestial face around the gas mask’s surface. He wears black rubber gloves, heavy black boots, and what looks like a black fur coat. Personality: He is strong, independent, heavy footed and loud. Feeding: He feeds on the aggression of others and expels it as protective energy. Lifespan: He has a sense of self- preservation and has no defined lifespan; however, if he causes harm, he will go into a dormant state, subsequently | will assess whether or not | should destroy him. | can destroy him at anytime. If | am destroyed, he is destroyed. #sigil #sigils #sigilwork #sigilmagick #sigilcraft #chaosmagick #occult #magick #esoteric #esotericism #chaosmagician #servitor #thoughtforms #egregore

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