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Description of Connection to your stated objective

professional development
activity completed
1. Equestrian Club President August 25 - May 2 This is my second year being President of the Equestrian Club and I am very
excited to be a supportive teammate and reliable leader. This opportunity has
and will continue to provide me with exceptional experience with organizing and
managing team practices, meetings, and hopefully competitions. Being
amongst my peers that share the similar passion for horses will also immerse
me into the Butler community and help me build strong relationships.

2. Research Volunteer Opportunities May 17 - June 14 In previous years, I have devoted two years of my life volunteering at a
therapeutic riding center called Agape. It’s been a wonderful experience where
(1 hour per week)
I’ve learned how to work better with clients as well as techniques to better
myself as a future educator. However, I would love to explore other volunteer
opportunities at different non-profit organizations so I can gain new experiences
in a different setting. This opportunity will support my goals of teaching others
of various ages, teaching outside of a classroom setting, and gain a wonderful
hands on experience that I can add to my resume.

3. Talk to Dr. Fritz Ettl Friday, April 2 Meeting with Dr. Ettl was extremely beneficial as he provided me with
information about the Recreation and Sports Studies program. Making
connections, especially within the COE will be very important as it is good
practice for future networking, and will help my development as I continue
through this program during my time at Butler. Additionally, talking with him
gave me a further insight of the classes that I will need to complete which will
be useful as I plan out my last two years at Butler.

4. Taught Riding Lessons February 1 - May 1 This past winter I taught one student how to ride and take care of a horse. They
came three times a week and the lesson was approximately 30 minutes long.
(about 4.5 hours total)
This experience allowed me to strengthen my skills as a trainer and discover
new methods on how to enhance the learning experience for all parties

Total PD Hours Estimated 7.5 hours

completed now

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