2021 Information Booklet

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Welcome to Huirangi School

I extend a special welcome to you and your children. We look forward to working with you
in providing the best educational opportunities and outcomes for your child.
We would love to see you become involved in our school: the partnership between home
and school is enhanced considerably by parental participation. The Board of Trustees ,
Staff and Home & School group, families and community work very closely together in a
variety of ways for the benefit of our children.

This booklet gives a brief introduction to our school in an easy A-Z format. It details the
school organisation, staffing, term dates and students’ responsibilities and requirements.
School newsletters are prepared each Monday and posted online through our school
mobile app.

We are a Primary school [Years 1 to 6] located 15 minutes from New Plymouth and 5
minutes from the neighbouring town of Waitara. The school was officially opened in 1872.
Our decile rating from July 2015 is 4.
As at February this year we have a roll of 120, with 50% coming from the rural Huirangi
area and 50% from Waitara.
The ethnic composition is NZ European 66%, Maori 26%, Pacifica 3%, Australian 2%, Dutch
2%, Indian 1%

Please take the time to read the information in this booklet. We are willing to discuss any
aspect of your child’s education, and any time - please call to make an appointment.

Natalie Looney
A Attendance & Absences : Children are expected to attend for the full school
day [ 9am - 3pm] If your child is going to be absent, notification is to be made
through our school app or by telephoning the office before 9am. If your child arrives late,
they must report to the office before going to their classroom. Any holidays or days off
during term time must be requested in writing [by email] to the Principal, a week or so prior
to the leave being taken.
Assemblies: Each Friday at 12 noon we have an assembly which involves singing, sharing
aspects of the week’s work , presentations and celebrating successes. Classes, take turns at
running the assembly, and parents are always welcome to attend.
A Person of Character: Our core values are RAFT

R ESPECTFUL We are respectful at Huirangi School.

‘I will show respect for myself, others and the environment’

A CCOUNTABLE We are Accountable at Huirangi School.

‘I take responsibility for the choices I make within my relationships, my learning
and in my environment’

F AMILY We are Family/Whanau at Huirangi School.

‘I will communicate and collaborate to build positive relationships with my
Huirangi whanau’

HINKERS We are Thinkers and Explorers at Huirangi School.
‘ I will be curious and have a “can do” attitude to my learning’
Behavioural Expectations: We have high expectations for behaviour and our
children are constantly encouraged to behave in a caring and responsible way at
all times. We have a student behaviour management code to which all students
expected to adhere.
Board of Trustees: This is the school community elected body of 5 trustees for our school.
Elections are held every 18 months, with the positions being held for 3 years. Meetings are
held twice a term and are advertised in the school newsletter. Parents are welcome to


Community Hall: The Huirangi Community Hall sits at the end of the field
adjacent to the school. An independent committee administers this Hall and it
is available for the community to hire. Please call the school office to obtain
contact details.
Clothing: ALL clothing, shoes, socks, togs, towels MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED.
Contact details: Please keep the school up to date with any change in phone numbers,
address and emergency contact details and changes in names too.
Concerns/Complaints: If you have any concerns/complaints we have a procedure to
follow. You can obtain a copy of this from the school office or online at our schooldocs


Dental Clinic: On enrolment children are automatically signed up with the

dental Clinic situated at Manukorihi Intermediate School in Waitara. The dental
service will contact you regarding appointments for your child. You can con-

tact them too, on 7548077.

Enrolments: Our school is governed by an Enrolment Scheme and details of this

are listed under Z for zone. Enrolment forms are available from the school
F Financial: Monies for stationery, sports subs, camp fees can be paid directly
into our school account - 153945 0210342 00 and the reference should
be – e.g. your child’s ‘surname’ & ‘stationery’ . The correct cash [we don’t keep
a cash float] can be paid at the school office too. We don’t have eftpos and cheques are
not accepted.

H Hats: Children who enrol at the school are given a school hat as part of their
stationery requirements . If a hat is lost the cost of replacement is $12. These
dark green, monogrammed hats are kept at school for use throughout terms 1 and 4. The
hats are all named and are of a style that will ‘grow’ with the child, so one hat is all they
will need while at Huirangi.
Home & School Group: This group organises fundraisers and other events around the
school throughout the year. They have meetings in the staffroom twice a term to plan
upcoming events. We ask that parents join this group to take part in a variety of
fundraisers from raffles, BBQ’s, Gala’, occasional school bought lunches and generally
supporting the school in many roles. The executive consists of a President, Secretary and
Treasurer and three other parents to support. For larger events parents are then asked to
contribute toward the cause! The Home & school group raises much needed extra funds
for the benefit of all our children.
Homework: Homework is seen as an extension and consolidation of your child’s
learning . All classes have homework which usually consists of reading and spelling. Your
child’s teacher will be able to answer any questions you might have about the
requirements and expectations. Support from parents with your child’s homework is
House System: We have 3 Houses - TUI, PUKEKO and KIWI. TUI House colour is yellow,
Pukeko House is blue and Kiwi House is green. All children are in a House and junior chil-
dren are ‘buddied’ up with an older student. A House points system runs throughout the
term with the ‘winning’ house enjoying a special House Reward afternoon. Buddies also
exchange gifts at the end of the year. Two Senior children from each House are elected to
be House Captains.
L Lost Property: Our lost property receptacle is a large light green wheelie bin
which sits on the deck outside He Puāwai. Frequently it is full! Please name all
clothing so that items can be easily returned to their rightful owners. At the end
of each term this bin of clothing is washed and donated to a charity shop.
Lunches: We encourage litter less lunches - no glad wrap, no wrapping paper, no packets.
We also encourage healthy eating. Water is the only drink for school and lollies/sweets/
sugary foods are not permitted. We are a ‘Healthy Promoting School’ and as such receive 2
deliveries of fresh export quality fruit each week. Children are offered fruit in their classes
several times a day. There is no need to pack fruit in their lunchboxes.

N Newsletters: A school wide newsletter is prepared fortnightly on a Monday

and downloaded onto our school mobile app & webpage. Paper copies are
not sent home with children, however, parents or other family members can
come in to the office and pick up a paper copy if needed.

O Outdoor Education: Throughout the year our children are involved in

educational visits, performances and cultural or sporting trips off our campus.
Your child’s enrolment form will have a consent section where you give consent for your
child to travel off the school grounds at various times throughout their time at Huirangi.
Camps are for our senior students [Year 5 & 6] and in their time here they will have one
camp. Parents can join these camps too, however will need to be Police Vet checked if

staying overnight.

Parking: For safety reasons all children must be dropped off, and picked up from
the parking area on Bayley Street. Parents are not to park in the staff car park.
Public Health Nurse: Our Public Health Nurse visits school regularly and is available to help
families when needed. Contact the school office for the PHN number.
Principal’s Open Door: You are welcome to meet with the Principal to discuss any school
matter in confidence. Please phone to make an appointment as often before and after
school times are really busy. It is vital that your views, opinions and concerns are heard to
ensure that we have an effective school that is doing its best for your child.

In the first instance, talk to your child’s teacher where most ‘issues’ can be resolved.

Reading Programmes: We offer individualised oral language programmes

school wide and peer tutoring programmes to students with identified needs.
Reading Recovery Programme: We have a trained teacher taking this programme each
week morning for students with identified needs.
Reporting to Parents: In Term 1 all parents are invited to attend the Peron of Character
Interviews. These interviews focus on our values of Respect, Accountability, Trust and
Fairness, along with your child’s start to the year. In July and December, all children
receive a written report. The July report is followed by a three way interview [parent/
teacher/child]. Parents are asked via a note to indicate their preference block of time,
and then a time is set and sent home.

S School App: This app is how we communicate newsletter and alert/

reminders about school events & happenings. It is vital that all parents
download this:- go to your play store or App store, search for ‘SchoolAppsNZ’,
then search for Huirangi school. Subscribe to a classroom/sports/Home & School as appli-
School Council: Each class elects 2 representative who along with the House Captains
form this school council. They meet regularly with the Principal to discuss issues that
directly affect children in the school.
School Hours: The day starts at 9am and finishes at 3pm. The earliest time you can drop
children off to school is 8.15am, and the latest pick up time is 3.15pm. Morning tea is at
11am –11.20am with lunch at 1.00pm –1.40pm
Smoke Free / Vape Free: Our school grounds, the school swimming pool and the area
around the Community Hall are all smoke and vape free.
Sun Safety: In terms 1 & 4 children need to have sunscreen applied before they leave
home, along with a small tube in their bag for during the day.
Swimming Pool: All children have swimming lessons from a qualified swim tutor for the first
6 weeks of term as well as lunchtime class swims. It is essential they bring named togs,
towels a swim cap and goggles each day. The school community and Huirangi residents can
hire a pool key for the office [$50] for out of school hours swims.

School Staff 2021:

Principal Principal : Mrs Natalie Looney

He Puāwai Mrs Nicky Tapp Year 1
Room 1 Mrs Amy Woodward Year 1 & 2
Room 2 Mrs Danita Drinkwater & Ms Ana Southee Year 3
Room 3 Mrs Julie Walker & Ms Ana Southee Year 4 & 5
Room 4 Ms Bernie Perkins & Ms Ana Southee Year 5 & 6
Reading Recovery Mrs Kristy Barnao
Teacher Aide Mrs Colleen Hodges
Teacher Aide Mrs Ray Hunt
Teacher Aide Mrs Michelle Beazley
Administrator Mrs Judy Curd
Caretaker Mr Maurice Shaw
Cleaner Mrs Karen Bedson

School Board of Trustees 2021:

Chairperson /Finance Mr Stephen Alldridge

Secretary Mrs Sharon Williams
Community Liaison Mrs Charmaine Sarten
Property/Health & Safety Mrs Sanne Weston
Health & Safety Mr Adam Pearce
Staff Rep. Mrs Kristy Barnao
Principal Mrs Natalie Looney
Sports teams: Team sport is encouraged at all levels. Organised sporting events happen
regularly with our Cluster Schools, Lepperton, Tikorangi and Urenui. We host an annual
Cross Country, a Triathlon and take part in Cluster Athletics and Swimming Sports. We have
teams that participate in Junior netball, Basketball and Touch Rugby.
SchoolDocs: All policies and procedures for Huirangi can be obtained on -
www.schooldocs.co.nz/. Click search for school and type in Huirangi.
The username is huirangi and password is raft

T Toys: and other personal property such as games/trading cards/ jewellery/

mobile phones etc are NOT allowed at school. We will not accept
responsibility for the loss/breakage of any items like this brought from home.
Transition to School Classes: He Puāwai, where all new school entrants start, run
transition to school afternoons prior to your little one starting school. Parents are
contacted about the dates for these, and they are also posted on the school mobile app.
Term Dates 2021:


Term Start End Holidays/Teacher Only Day ½ Days
School closed

1 Mon 8 Feb Waitangi 96

Wed 3 February Friday 16 April Tue 9 Feb TOD

Mon 8 Mar Taranaki Ann.

Fri 2 April Good Friday

Mon 5 April Easter Monday

Tue 6 April Easter Tuesday

2 Fri 4 June TOD 98

Monday 3 May Friday 9 July Mon 7 June Queens Birthday

3 Mon 6 Sept TOD 100

Monday 26 July Friday 1 Oct

4 Mon 25 Oct Labour Day 86 380

Monday 18 Oct Thursday 16 Dec Mon 15 Nov TOD

the service
Vision & Hearing Checks: All Junior children will undergo these tests
sometime in the first 18 months of these starting school. Should you require
an older child to be checked, please contact the Waitara Health Annex where
is free.

Values & Visions:

 We will pursue excellence in all aspects of our school life including the promotion of
pupil behaviors so that they can demonstrate and eventually use their initiative to
be good character citizens of Huirangi School based on our RAFT values of Respect,
Accountable, Family and Thinkers.
 We will continue to nurture the traditional values and foster characteristics of our
school that are already recognized as positive features e.g.. Its rural background,
small classes, the student buddy system and play based learning.
 We will encourage teacher behaviours that include being up-to-date in the
curriculum and an understanding of Thinking strategies, being sensitive,
consistent as well as positive with children and being approachable to parents’
 We will encourage parent behaviours that include supporting the BOT and Home and
School Group, being loyal to the school, being committed to our school vision and in
particular being a ‘good’ role model for their children.
 We will endeavour to develop skills in our children to help prepare them for the
future including: Team membership, leadership, thinking skills, managing self,
competitive skills, relating to others, making meaning, a work ethic and
communication technology skills.
Z Zone: Our school is governed by an Enrolment Scheme and the Home
zone [In Zone] details are shown in pink:
Home Zone in pink -
Zone narrative:

• From Everett Road Rapid #558 (Vertical Horizon Camp) the zone goes in a straight line across to the
junction of Lincoln (806 Lincoln is in zone) and Barry Rd (Barry Rd is in zone), it then goes across in a
straight line to the junction of Richmond Rd and Ackworth Rd
• From the junction of Richmond Rd and Ackworth Rd it follows Richmond Rd (from 984 Richmond
Rd) to the intersection with Cross Rd
• Turning right into Cross Rd the zone then follows Cross Rd to the intersection with Kelly Rd.
• Turning left into Kelly Rd the zone then follows Kelly Rd (1 to 334 Kelly Rd are in zone) to the inter-
section with Te Arei Rd East
• Turning left into Te Arei Rd East the zone then follows Te Arei Rd East to the intersection with Rich-
mond Rd it crosses Richmond Rd and continues along Te Arei Rd West to the intersection with
Mountain Rd
• Turning right into Mountain Rd the zone then follows Mountain Rd (from 10 to 118 Mountain Rd
are in zone) to the intersection with Devon Rd.
• Turning right into Devon Rd the zone then follows Devon Rd (1276, 1278, 1280 Devon Rd are in
zone) to the intersection with Mahoetahi Rd
• Turning left into Mahoetahi Rd the zone then follows Mahoetahi Rd to the end of Mahoetahi Rd,
then in a straight line continuing across to the coastline.
• Continuing clockwise the zone follows the coastline along to the Waitara River mouth.
• The zone then follows the Waitara River bank to the point where the river is adjacent to Norman St
• The zone then continues along Norman St (heading west) till the end of Norman St
• The zone then follows a line from the end Norman St to the junction of Nelson St and Devon Rd
(Mayne, Ranfurly and Stafford Streets are out of zone) (Borthwick St, Johnston St and Tate Rd are in
• The zone follows Devon Rd (which becomes State Highway 3) to the highway bridge which crosses
the Waitara River
• The zone then follows the western bank of the Waitara River upstream to where the Waitara River
meets the Manganui River.
• The zone then follows the western bank of the Manganui River upstream to the point where it is
adjacent to Everett Road Rapid #558 (Vertical Horizon Camp)
• The zone then crosses from the Manganui River bank to Everett Road Rapid #558 (Vertical Horizon
Camp) the starting point.

*Where streets and roads mark the border of the zone students on both sides of the Streets/Roads
will be in zone except on the following roads
Devon Rd (between Mountain Rd and Mahoetahi Rd)
Norman St

Priority Status
First priority Must be given to any applicant who is a sibling of a current student at the school

Second Must be given to any student who is the sibling of a former student at the school

Third Must be given to any student who is a child of a former student at the school

Fourth Must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the BOT or a
child of a member of the BOT of the school

Fifth All other applicants

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