Module 1 Lesson 3 Transcript

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The QuickStart
How to Structure a Sales Message

Welcome back to the Copywriting Academy;

Writing Words That Sell. Amplify – You amplify the consequences of
not solving the problem. Help your reader,
Session 1, Lesson 3 your potential customer to see the cost of
not solving the problem, of not getting your
You’ve already seen the broad brush stroke solution, your product.
outline of how I like to structure a sales
message. It’s based on the P.A.S.T.O.R. Story/solution– Then you tell the story of
acronym and as you will probably how you came to your solution or
remember, from the previous materials discovered that someone else came to that
you’ve seen from me, P.A.S.T.O.R. isn’t solution and you describe the solution itself.
about becoming a preacher it’s about being You tell them what it is, you don’t
a shepherd, which was the original ancient necessarily tell them how to do it, because
meaning of the word. So, think of yourself that’s your product perhaps. Or, it may be
as shepherding your prospects, your so complex that there’s no way you could
potential customers into making a decision. possibly give them all the details of how,
It’s an acronym that stands for the different which is why they want to buy the product or
segments/phases of walking through this solution from you.
shepherding process.
Testimony- That’s proof that not only does
Problem/pain – There’s some problem or this service, this product, this feature, this
pain that you’re working to solve for your solution, this widget work for you but it
potential buyer. worked for other people as well, for your
other customers as well. People that your
You might say I sell art or I sell humorous reader or potential customer can identify
recordings or live comedy shows, what kind with and be able to have the experience of
of problem or pain is that addressing? I sell thinking, if it worked for that person or that
fiction novels, how is that addressing a pain company or that group of people, it will work
or a problem? It’s addressing the pain of for me.
boredom. It’s addressing the problem of
needing to distract ourselves, to be Offer– This is where you simply say this is
entertained. So definitely, whatever you’re what I have to offer you today and
selling make no mistake about it, definitely remember, that you want to focus on the
addresses a problem or a pain, even if it’s a transformation that your product or service
proactive, preventative or pleasurable brings, not on the deliverables. The
activity or product you’re selling. It’s being deliverables are things like the CDs or
purchased because of a problem or a pain. manuals or however many days of a
seminar or workshop you have. They are
You need to know what that is. the things that you deliver. What they’re

really buying is the transformation that your
deliverables empower. HOW TO GET RID OF (pain/problem)?

So, if you are selling a workout and diet You may need to reword this, it may not be
program that consists of six weeks’ worth of how to get rid of, it may be how to get or
video training modules and a manual of how to do a certain thing. You may need to
exercises and a book of diet and nutritional word it differently for your offering, I don’t
informational. Those things are the know and as we go deeper into Copywriting
deliverables but the transformation is a Academy, we’ll have an entire section on
slimmer, healthier, more muscular, more fit writing headlines. Right now we’re just
and toned you. You want to spend 80% of writing a quick basic sales message, so we
your time when you’re talking about the aren’t going too deep. I’ll show you how you
offer on the transformation and only 20% on might modify this for your own purposes.
the deliverables.
If you suffer from (insert pain/problem). If
Response– This is where you ask for the you, talk about the secondary pain. If you,
order. You tell them how to get the thing then you address the frustrations, fears or
that you’re selling them. anxieties. Then this message is just for you,
here’s why and you plainly state the benefit
This is where many people shy away, of your solution. I know this seems
because they don’t want to be pushy, but somewhat vague, but I’m going to show you
don’t confuse being clear with being pushy, how to do this.
you need to be clear and you need to be
directive in asking for the response. The boilerplate text is… and you need to
realize there is a cost of not dealing with
So, that’s the P.A.S.T.O.R. acronym. Think this. Then we’re on to the amplify section
of it as sections or phases of your sales and this is a possible subhead for that
message. This session of the course is all section. If you ignore it, it just gets worse.
about quickly writing a sales message and Then we go into what most people do when
you may say, how am I going to do that? facing the pain or problem is… (Here you
Well, I think the best way to help you do it is list existing solutions)… and for most people
not just to tell you but to show you. that works and then you describe why and
what the failure points of those solutions
Let’s look at a worksheet I’ve created. I’ll are. And what happens if you just do
show you the components of the worksheet, nothing, if you just keep doing what you’ve
how it’s supposed to work and then I’ll show been doing? Then you describe the ultimate
you how to use it yourself and then you’re cost of not solving the problem.
going to do it.
Next we move on to the story and solution
This is the worksheet for Rapid Message and you want to describe how you achieved
Development. As you notice as we scroll the benefit or learned to teach the benefit or
through the worksheet the different parts of learned to bring the solution to the problem
the P.A.S.T.O.R. formula are embedded in or how you acquired the solution, whatever
the worksheet. fits in your situation. You tell them you have
an answer that works and then you tell how
There’s the problem/pain, amplify section, you invented or found that answer.
story/solution, testimony, offer and
requesting the response. I’m going to show Next is the testimony. Again, this is another
you how this template is constructed and subhead that worked for these people and it
how to use it. We’ll write an actual sales will work for you and you explain, here’s
message. First is your headline. what it did for me or perhaps here’s what it

did for the person who invented it, get your weight under control, your
discovered it or who taught it to me or relationship to give you the pleasure that
passed it on to me. It’s not just me and then you want it to give you, the burden of debt
you tell stories of other people. It’s best to off your back, whatever the main
let them tell their own stories, but I’ll show transformational benefit is.
you how to do that.
Which do you really want for yourself, here’s
Next is the offer section and the subhead is what to do now and then you describe your
finally it’s your turn. Now we’re turning our order process and how they actually make
attention to the fact that they’re about to the order.
take ownership of the product, solution or
service that you offer for sale. When you get That’s the template. Now let’s look at how
the name of your system today you’ll get the you might fill this in. I’ll use a product of my
keys to and then you’ll list the own as an example and then I’ll use another
transformational benefits, not the 18 DVDs more generic product, so you have a grasp
or three-day seminars or five webinars, but of how to truly use this worksheet. Let’s
the transformational benefits. switch to the worksheet I’ve already filled in
for my own product.
You’ll get the keys to becoming healthier
and happier. You’ll get the keys to being I’ve left the blue color and the brackets to
slimmer and more attractive. You’ll get the show you where I filled in these sections.
keys to being completely debt-free, etc. I’ve provided printable or downloadable
whatever benefits your particular product versions of the worksheet so you can look it
brings to people, it all comes as part of the over and follow along to see how I’ve filled
package of materials, the three-day this in and how I’ve begun to modify the
seminar, you explain the deliverables, copy a little bit. In the final phase of this
whatever those are. process I’ll show you how I clean it up and
make it look like it’s not a template.
Then we deal with the problem of fear. We
give them a guarantee suggesting they’re Let me describe the product that I’m
100% safe to try this out, try it for 30 days to offering, so you understand where I’m going
see if it works for you or whatever your with this. I’m writing this sales message
guarantee is. If it does you’ll be delighted about a workshop that I offer for people that
and I think that’s exactly what’s about to don’t just want to learn how to write copy
happen. If for some reason you’re not through lessons they actually want to come
delighted… and you list the benefits again. be with me for a few days, and get all their
This is another opportunity, even as you’re copy written before they leave. This is
talking about the guarantee it’s an clearly more of an investment for people. It
opportunity to talk about the benefits. requires more thought, but for some this is
the perfect answer and those are the people
Then the response section, the last section that I’m writing to.
where you ask for the sale, the subhead
says it’s decision time… I have one of many Let’s get to it, here’s what I wrote…
ways that I get to illustrate the decision for
them. We’ll spend more time with this later How To Get Rid Of Your Cash Flow
in the course, but for this quick start we’ll Problem
use this… you have a choice to make, do
what you’ve been doing or worse, do Notice I’m not talking directly about my
nothing at all. You know where that will product yet, I’m talking about their problem.
lead, is that really where you want to go? That goes right into the problem section and
Take new action, get a new result. Finally I say, if you suffer from a lack of sales,

inconsistent revenue, if you have a great
product that you can’t seem to sell or if you Most people are just not copywriters and
know you need a better selling system, but don’t want to be, and most people can’t
you’re not a copywriter and you can’t afford afford to hire a pro to set all this up for them
to hire a good one, than this message is just at $50k to $200k or more.
for you. Here’s why…
What happens if you just do nothing and
You can now, and now I’m telling them keep doing what you’ve been doing?
about the benefit, borrow my brain as we Nothing and you go broke, and when people
hang out in my super cool secret ask, you mutter something about a bad
headquarters and write your copy for your economy.
marketing system. You need to realize there So I’m painting a picture of their worst
is a cost to not dealing with this. nightmare of what could happen to their
business if they don’t get some sales
--- I’ve been illustrating for you, not on coming in.
purpose it’s been accidentally, but one of
the best ways to proof your copy is to read it Then we go to the story of the solution. I
out loud and when you do you’ll find spelling altered this a little to fit my situation, so this
and grammar mistakes, as well as just demonstrates that while I’m giving you
sentences that don’t make sense, just like templates and making it as close to fill-in-
you’ve seen me doing. That’s something the-blank as possible, I’m really just giving
we’ll talk about later, but I guess you’re you a form to work in.
getting a bonus preview ahead of schedule.
--- You’re going to have to talk your way
through the copy. We’ll do this exercise
Now we move into the amplify section. This more in-depth later in the program where
is where I help them understand the cost of we actually imagine your sales message as
not getting the solution to this problem. The a conversation you’re having with your
subhead says… reader. For right now let’s see how I’ve
customized this section for my own
If You Ignore Your Copy Problem It Just purposes. My subhead says…
Gets Worse…
How I Can Solve Your Copy Problem…
What most people do when facing low or no
sales, is try every new shiny object that I’ve got an answer that works, here’s the
comes along, new video tools, new ad story. I had so many people who wanted me
campaign strategies, new products, new to write their copy, but most people can’t
logos, new prices and the list goes on and afford my six figure fees and I really only do
on, but for most people none of that works. one-two projects per year. Then I had an
idea, what if I worked with a small group of
Then I have bullet points and these are the people, no more than a half dozen and I
failure points. Why does none of it work? helped them write their sales letter, squeeze
pages and autoresponder sequences.
• They don’t really understand their
customers. What if I could help them wordsmith that
• They don’t really know what their copy, polish it and make it sing? What if
customers want. they walked out after three days with a
• They don’t know how to articulate finished sales letter and emails, and only
how the product meets the had to invest a tiny fraction of my normal
customer’s needs in a way that fees? That’s exactly how we created the
motivates people to buy. one and only Copy Camp.

that bigger number and think about that
Now we move on to testimonies. It worked before I tell them the next part.
for these people and it will work for you.
Here’s what great copy did for me… started It all comes as part of the three-day copy
in my business at six figures, let me work camp workshop, for just three payments of
with dream clients, helped me build a $4000 or a single payment of $10k.
business that gives me the life of my
dreams. That looks like a much better bargain than
$75k and it is, and it’s only possible
It’s not just me, here’s what my copy has because I get to do it in a condensed three-
done for others, and then I include a day period with them doing a lot of the lifting
testimonial from one of my clients, Joe of writing the initial copy and me helping
Barton, who talks about the sales letter I them tweak it. They write it using my
wrote for him that has brought in over $10 templates and then I help tweak the copy
million in revenue. and give them suggestions and then they go
back and rewrite, we polish it up and we
Then I get to the offer. Finally, it’s your turn group critique it. It’s something we can only
is the subhead. Straight out of the template. do with a group of people like we do these
When you sign up for copy camp you’ll join copy camp workshops and because I have
me personally with a handful of other a small group of 4-6 people that’s how I can
students 4-6, depending on who makes the do it so inexpensively.
cut and who doesn’t.
That’s some of the thinking behind why I
This offer isn’t for everyone, because wrote this copy. If I’d written a full sales
obviously it won’t be inexpensive, so I’m letter for this, which I will and you can see
already positioning the offer to them to that later, then you’ll see how I flesh a lot of
make that clear. this out.

The bullet points say… Next I go on to talk about the guarantee. I

say you are 100% safe to try this out, that’s
• We will craft your irresistible offer all I’m suggesting. Just come to the first day
• We will write your sales letter of the workshop and see if it works for you.
• We will write your opt-in or squeeze If it does you’ll be delighted and I think that’s
page copy exactly what’s about to happen. We’ll
• We will write your autoresponder continue our time together and finish up
email sequences your project. If, for some reason you’re not
• We will, in other words, completely delighted with day one and the amazing
write your entire copy system to sell speed and clarity with which we work
your product or service. together to craft your specific copy, let me
know and you’ll get all your money back.
That’s right, this is a service that, if I offered Hand in your class materials and fly home.
it on a one-to-one basis, would cost a We’ll still be friends. We have never had
minimum of $75k. But it’s yours for a anyone ask for this.
fraction of that amount.
Then we have the response section. It’s
Notice that I’m about to contrast the fact that decision time. You have a choice to make.
if I wrote copy for them myself and did the Do what you’ve been doing or worse, do
work for them they would pay a minimum of nothing at all. You know where that will
$75k, which is true. But I want them to see lead.

No sales

No money different from a workshop, so that you can
No business see this will work for anything, so let’s move
on to the next video.
Is that where you really want to go? Take a
new action and get a new result. Come to
Copy Camp…

Finally, get that sales letter, the one that

could make you wealthy, written, critiqued,
polished and out there making sales for you,
all in just three short days. Which of those
options do you really want for yourself?
Here’s what to do now. Just send an email
to asking to talk
to me about Copy Camp. We’ll have a
personal conversation and determine if this
is a good fit.

That’s a complete sales message. It’s not

long and detailed. There are a lot of the
finer points of writing copy that I would do in
a full length sales letter that we didn’t do
here. But this is a good basic sales

By the way, if you’re interested in Copy

Camp, we have some openings for the next
one, so you can actually send an email to
the address mentioned, this is a real thing
that we do.

What’s next? You obviously can’t send this

out to people it needs to be cleaned up and
that’s what we’ll talk about next is how to
clean it up and make it look like real copy.

Here you can see that I’ve cleaned up the

formatting and I’ve taken out the notes,
hints and structure pieces that showed me
how the template comes together. It’s the
same copy it just looks more like a singular
letter that was written with that flow in mind.

You could send this out now as an email or

an actual letter in the mail, but this is the
same copy you just saw me write, only I’ve
cleaned it up to read like an actual letter.

You can do the same and I’ll show you

another example in the next video using a
completely different product, something


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