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If I let myself fall, will you catch me in your arms? Will you be there to soften my fall? Sometimes you have to fall to
know if there is anyone there to catch you... to know if anyone cares.

I let myself fall because I trust you, I believe in you, I know you will always be there for me. You give me hope,
bring me comfort, reach out to me in the darkness and show me the light. You are my guiding light that leads me
from the darkness... saving me from the bottomless abyss of my soul.

Falling, falling... into never ending night. Endlessly lost in nothingness... Until you appear... Waiting for me...
waiting to catch me in your arms and hold me so I never fall again.


Perfectly Ugly


Am I okay? Not really. No, I am not hurt. Well... Only on the inside. Something terribly bad and sad happened.

It's the Prince. He's under a sleeping spell. No one knows what to do. Me? How can I help? Kiss him?! I don't
even know him. That's not proper at all. I'm not that kind of princess.

I live in the castle down the street from his but we've never met. I always wanted to meet. I saw him from my
castle tower but I never could bring myself to introduce myself.

Because... I'm ugly.

(She cries some more)

Oh, yes I am ugly. You're just being nice. But look at this nose and this hair! I am not perfect... In any way. Perfectly
ugly maybe.




Don't worry. I'm here. You'll be okay. Was it that bad? Your life? You couldn't see very well. I tried to give you
light, but you couldn't see. You only think you are blind. I will help you rest. When you wake, the mark will be gone.

(She sees something evil in the darkness. She stands to confront it)

GRACE (cont.)

Touch him... and I'll destroy you. I'm not finished with him. It was the wrong choice... and shall be undone.

(She nods)


A sacrifice. I would give up everything for him. I can. And I will... I will keep doing this until I get it right. I will find a
way to heal him. I love him. I can heal him. Make him the way he used to be. I'm not giving up on him. Never. I
see hope.


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