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Britten to Pears [Letterhead: 4 Crabbe Street, Aldeburgh] Monday [22 Jul 1957]

My darling P., Your letter arrived this morning & did me a whole power of good. You are an angel to
have written, when you are so rushed, but the effort was worth it from my point of view! I am so glad
the concerts have gone well…

…I must say I’ve just staggered thro’ one of the most strenuous, complicated & in many ways
frustrating week-ends of my life – & feel pretty whacked. I can’t, & won’t bore you by trying, to describe
it all. But what was going to be a simple week-end rehearsing the Screw was complicated by I) having to
have J. Lawrie too (on account of the Opera School crisis which thank God is now solved ii) Cadbury-
Brown, with nice plans for the Studio, & wanted to discuss them on the plot – naturally – but they are
fearfully expensive, & may be prohibitative…

It’ll be heaven to see you, my darling. Good luck to everything – & love to Julian. Loads to yourself
xxxxxoo Ben xxoo

Britten to Pears [Letterhead: The Red House, Aldeburgh] Dec. 14th 1959.

My darling P., I only just got your letter this morning – 5 days coming; I suppose it’s the Xmas posts
starting up – & so I’m only scribbling a note hoping that it will reach you before you leave for home, & it
having reached you that we’ll be talking as soon as you are back – very soon now!

…No particular news – situations the same. TV. of Screw was awfully good, scenically rather than
musically, actually.

… I’m sending this off quick now – hoping it will catch you –

All my love, darling P.

Longing to see you, & talk to you.

Britten to Pears [Letterhead: The Red House, Aldeburgh] Sept. 1st 1962

My darling P., What a lovely lot of surprises in the post this morning. First the Henry James which I am
most grateful for – how clever of you to find it. And how clever of the BBC…

…I was also sent 2 volumes of School-boy howlers by an unknown admirer to cheer me up (curious how
one’s tastes get around) – including quite a funny one – “B.B. is our most famous contemporary
composer. It is difficult to be contempory because a composer isn’t alive until he’s dead” (I quote from
memory). At the moment being jolly nearly dead, or feeling it – as stiff and raw as you could imagine – I
supposed I’m slowly coming alive. I hope I’ll be really alive in time for Venice. I shall be thinking of you &
Julian this afternoon & hope you’ll enjoy it, I know the audience will. And I do hope the Screw goes
without hindrance…

…I don’t do much at the moment – except proofs of course. I’m getting in a bit of a muddle over the
Good Samaritan, & badly need your help … In fact I badly need you.

Come quickly, my beloved P., —— your B.

Britten to Pears [Letterhead: The Red House, Aldeburgh] Sep 5th 1962

My darling P., Only a brief note to say that Ian T. has been & examined the poor old thigh again, & he’s
sure there’s nothing wrong…

…Love to everyone. Sorry about the ‘Screw’ black-out – that was mouldy for everyone. Do give them my
sympathy. It does make one think again about appearing under those dotty circumstances. Hope all goes
well this week. Love to Tony & Eva. & Slava if you see him.

& loads to you xxxoxxx darling P. – dein B

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