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แบบฝกไวยากรณ รายวิชาพื้นฐาน ภาษาอังกฤษ

Grammar Book
ม. 2
ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 2
ตามหลักสูตรแกนกลางการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน พุทธศักราช 2551 ฉบับ
Express Publishing-ACT. ผูเ รียบเรียง
Virginia Evans
Jenny Dooley
Copyright © Express Publishing, 2015 ผูต รวจ
© Aksorn Charoen Tat ACT. Co., Ltd. 2015 ดร. ฉัตรแกว เภาวิเศษ
รศ. ดร. ธีรวุฒิ เอกะกุล
ผศ. พรสวรรค สีปอ

นางสุภาภรณ สิปปเวสม

พิมพครั้งที่ 1

ÃËÑÊÊÔ¹¤ŒÒ 2232201
ÃËÑÊÊÔ¹¤ŒÒ 2242253
Extra Access เปนแบบฝกไวยากรณ รายวิชาพื้นฐาน ภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับผูเรียนในระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษา
ปที่ 1-3 จัดทําขึ้นใหสอดคลองกับสาระและมาตรฐานการเรียนรูของ หลักสูตรแกนกลางการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน
พุทธศักราช 2551 ซึ่งมุงเนนใหผูเรียนเกิดความเขาใจหลักไวยากรณภาษาอังกฤษ (Grammar) และสามารถนําไป
Extra Access แบงเนื้อหาออกเปน 10 หนวยการเรียนรูหลัก (Modules) ซึ่งในแตละหนวยจะแบงออก
เปนบทยอยๆ (Units) ซึ่งประกอบไปดวย

Prepositions of place 1
คํ า อธิ บ าย หลักไวยากรณที่งาย
next to
near และกระชับ
in on

of place to say
ñ We use prepositions
something is.
where somebody or
of cities and between
ñ We use IN with names opposite
in front of
in Madrid, in Spain

read the text and under

แบบฝ ก หั ด ที่แบงระดับความยากงาย
1 Complete the senten
opposite, on, behind
ces with: in, under,
or between.
2 Look at the picture,
the correct prepositions
เพือ่ ใหผเู รียนไดฝก ฝนโครงสรางไวยากรณ
ที่นําเสนอไวในหนังสือเรียน Access
in 2 They are ..............
1 The goldfish is ® the boat.
the bowl.

Gramma ฉบับ
There is a table with
four chairs 1) in/on
the kitchen.
ñ Presen
Freque Simple & Ad
ncy verbs of
r (Units 1-3)
4 The man and woman
There is a vase 2)
are some flower s 3)
under/on the table
in/behind the vase.
and there
There is a 1 a) Re
ad the
verbs in
text be
the pr
low an
d unde
....... table. There is a rug esent sim rline th
3 The people are are .................. dog 4) in front of/und
er the at the
highlig ple tens e
the cooker. hted ve e. Look
the umbrella. in front of/ behind expres rb form
each other. 5) on/in the floor 6) r and perman
ses: a
pe rm s. Which
en/ under the cooke ent sta
anent sta
The sink is 7) betwe habit/r te : ......
te? habit
d/next to /routin
a window 8) behin outine ......... e?
the fridge. There is 9) on/
: ......
There is a telephone .........
the two cupboards. There
to/between the door. b) Ho
under the wall 10) next w do we
d/under the fridge. interro form th
is a mouse 11) behin gative e nega
of the tive an
......... presen d
......... t simpl
... ......... ......... e tense?
6 The woman is ........ ......... .........
.. ... .........
5 The man is ........ .........
... ......... .........
the two dogs.
the man.
15 .........
ses Be
atrice an
......... ....... grandd d Euge
......... aughter nie Wind
......... ......... have go s of the sor are
......... ......... t two ve Queen the
Find tw ......... ......... of Engla
o exam ......... . names ry fam
ous co nd. The
in the ples of ......... are Princ usins. girls
text : the nega ......... e William Their co
......... tive fo . live in En and Pri usins’
......... ... ......... rm gla nd. They nc e Harry
......... ......... they are get up . Both gir
......... ... ea ls
......... ...... both ve rly every
......... Well, pe ry busy day be
......... . So, wh cause
. ople wh at are the
c) Circ friendly o know se girls
le the and the them sa like?
adverb y don’t y that the
we use s of fre In fact, act like y are ve
them in quency the se girls the y are fam ry
the ma a senten . Wher don’t like
in verb ce: be e do ‘Princes ous roy
it when

Revision (Units 1-3)

......... /the ve fore or s’! They people
......... rb to be after Be try to live ca ll them
......... ? atrice alw normal
......... ... ay s go live s.
......... ... ......... to do he es to the Fo r exam
......... ......... ......... r own foo superm ple,
......... ......... .... d shop arket ev
......... ......... Like mo ping. ery we
......... ......... st sister ek
Mark: ......... . s, Beatr
......... argue. ice and
(25 × 4) . “We us Eugenie
ñ Quest Eugenie
. “I often
lly arg
ue ab
out clo
ion Wor
which wear Be thes,”
a) Fin
ds she ha atrice’s
da tes.” Ho to scho
questio close an wever, ol,
n word d they both sis
......... in the love ea ters are
Circle the correct item. .........
......... text. ch other
dearly. very
om. .........
........ in the bathro .........
14 There are two b) Comp ...... ......
1 A: ........ is your birthd
A toothbrush B toothbrushes let e the qu
in bold estions
in the to which
B: June 3rd. C toothbrushs example text ar the wo
B When C Which e the an rds
A Where are from Japan. . swers,
15 ........ cameras 1 ® Wh as in th
B These C That o are Be
2 ........ name is Katie. A This 2 ...... atrice
B Her C Our ......... and Eu
genie Wi
A His like apples? do th nd
16 ........ you 3 ...... e girls sor?
early. She’s never late. B Do C Doesn’t .........
often do
3 Lisa ........ arrives A Does 4 ......
......... es Beat
B usually C always do the rice go
A sometimes front of Kim’s. to the
17 Sue’s house is ........ sisters
argue ab superm
. at C in out?
4 This is ........ eraser
A a B an C —
A on B
18 Mark never ........
5 John ........ my
best friend. A drinks B doesn’t drink
B am C is
A are C drink
t like it.
is your sister’s name? bowling; she doesn’
6 A: ........ 19 She ........ goes
B usually C never
B: Jennifer. A always
B What C Whose .
A Who ........ two childre n, Emma and James
20 They
case is this? B has got C haven’t got
7 A: Whose pencil A have got
B: It’s ........ . These are the ........ umbrellas.
B Jacobs’ C Jacob’s 21
C girls
A Jacob A girl B girl’s
........ the kitchen. ........ is twenty.
8 There is a table 22 This is Richard.
B on C under C His
A in B She

9 Helen ........ got

A has
two cars. She’s got
B have
C hasn’t
A He

23 There are some

A banana
........ on the table.
B bananas C banana’s
 แบบฝ ก หั ด ทบทวน ในตอนทายของ
10 Juan is Spanis
A ’m not
h. He ........
B isn’t
C aren’t

Nancy. ........ are my

24 She ........ got
A ’s
a computer in her bedroo
B is C ’ve
แตละหนวยการเรียนรูหลัก (Module)
11 This is Tom and
C We 25 My name ........
A They B You
B ’re C ’s
A ’m
of hotels in the city.
12 ........ are lots

B These C There
A Those
Crocod iles have got big ........ .
B tooths C teeths
A teeth

Module 1
C ontents

1 The verb ‘to be’, Questions Words,

The Indefinite Article ‘A/An’, The Definite Article ‘the’,
Plurals, This/These — That/Those, Pronouns,
Possessive Case, There is/There are — Some/Any,
Prepositions of place, time, movement, The verb ‘have got’ ....................... p. 1

2 Present Simple .......................................................................................................................................... p. 20

3 Adverbs of Frequency ........................................................................................................................ p. 23

Exploring Grammar (Units 1-3) ................................................................................................... p. 24
Revision (Units 1-3) ............................................................................................................................... p. 26

Module 2

4 Present Continuous .............................................................................................................................. p. 27

5 Present Simple vs Present Continuous ............................................................................... p. 30

Exploring Grammar (Units 4-5) ................................................................................................... p. 33
Revision (Units 1-5) ............................................................................................................................... p. 35
Module 3 KEY
6 Past Simple (regular and irregular verbs) ............................................................................ p. 36

7 Used to ............................................................................................................................................................. p. 40
Exploring Grammar (Units 6-7) ................................................................................................... p. 42
Revision (Units 1-7) ............................................................................................................................... p. 43

Module 4

8 Past Continuous ....................................................................................................................................... p. 44

9 Past Continuous vs Past Simple ................................................................................................. p. 47

Exploring Grammar (Units 8-9) ................................................................................................... p. 50
Revision (Units 1-9) ............................................................................................................................... p. 52

Module 5

10 Will ...................................................................................................................................................................... p. 53

11 Conditionals — Types 0, I & 2 ........................................................................................................ p. 56

12 Question Tags .............................................................................................................................................. p. 59

Exploring Grammar (Units 10-12) .............................................................................................. p. 61
Revision (Units 1-12) ............................................................................................................................ p. 63
Module 6

13 Adjectives — Adverbs, Comparatives — Superlatives,

Too — Enough — ....................................................................................................... p. 64
Exploring Grammar (Unit 13) ........................................................................................................ p. 74
Revision (Units 1-13) ............................................................................................................................ p. 76

Module 7

14 Present Perfect ........................................................................................................................................ p. 77

15 Present Perfect vs Past Simple .................................................................................................. p. 82

Exploring Grammar (Units 14-15) .............................................................................................. p. 85
Revision (Units 1-15) ............................................................................................................................ p. 87

Module 8

16 Countable/Uncountable Nouns — A/An — Some/Any — Every,

Some/Any/No/Every + body (one)/thing/where .......................................................... p. 88

ฉบับ 17 A lot of — Much/Many — A few/Few — A little/Little .............................................. p. 92

KEY Exploring Grammar (Units 16-17) .............................................................................................. p. 94
Revision (Units 1-17) ............................................................................................................................ p. 96

Module 9

18 Can/Can’t — Could — Must/Mustn’t —

Have to/Don’t have to/Needn’t — Should/Ought to ............................................... p. 97

19 Relative Pronouns — Relative Clauses ................................................................................. p. 101

Exploring Grammar (Units 18-19) .............................................................................................. p. 105
Revision (Units 1-19) ............................................................................................................................ p. 107

Module 10

20 The Passive (present simple, past simple) ......................................................................... p. 108

21 Will — Be going to — Present Continuous .......................................................................... p. 112

22 The Infinitive/-ing form .................................................................................................................... p. 115

23 Reflexive Pronouns — One/Ones .............................................................................................. p. 119

Exploring Grammar (Units 20-23) .............................................................................................. p. 120
Revision (Units 1-23) ............................................................................................................................ p. 122

Grammar Revision ................................................................................................................................. p. 123

Key to Speaking Activities ............................................................................................................. p. 133
Key to Pairwork Activities ............................................................................................................ p. 138
Key to Writing Activities ................................................................................................................ p. 142
The verb ‘to be’ 1
Long Form Short Form
I am we are I’m we’re
you are you are you’re you’re
he is he’s
she is
it is
} they are she’s
} they’re

Negative Interrogative Short Answers

Long Form Short Form
I am not I’m not Am I ...? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
you are not you aren’t Are you ...? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
he is not
she is not
it is not
he isn’t
she isn’t
it isn’t
Is { he ...?
she ...?.
it ...?
Yes, he is.
Yes, she is.
Yes, it is.
No, he isn’t.
No, she isn’t.
No, it isn’t.

we are not we aren’t we ...? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
you are not you aren’t Are you ...? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
they are not they aren’t they ...? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
ñ We normally use the long form ñ In short answers we do not repeat the whole KEY
of the verb to be (am, is, are) question. We use Yes or No, the subject pronoun
when we write. and the verb form am/’m not, is/isn’t, are/aren’t.
Chen is from China and he is Are you Spanish? Yes, I am. (NOT: Yes, I am
fifteen years old. Spanish.)
ñ We normally use the short form ñ We use the long form of the verb to be in positive
of the verb to be (’m, ’s, ’re) short answers.
when we speak. Is she a teacher? Yes, she is. (NOT: Yes, she’s.)
‘What’s the capital city of ñ We use the short form of the verb to be in
France?’ ‘It’s Paris.’ negative short answers.
Are you British? No, I’m not. (NOT: No, I am not.)

1 Fill in the correct form of the verb to be.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verb to be.
Long Form Short Form

1 I ® am Robert. I ® ’m Robert. am
Hi, my name 1) ® is George. I 2) ...........
2 She ® is not a teacher.
She ® isn’t a teacher. is
a football player. This 3) ........... Harry.
3 is
He ....... a doctor.
He ....... a doctor. are
Harry and I 4) ........... team mates. We
4 are
We ....... from Spain.
We ....... from Spain. are am
5) ........... also good friends. I 6) ...............
5 is
It ....... a telephone.
It ....... a telephone. is
twenty-three years old and Harry 7) ........... twenty-
6 are
You ....... not Mark. aren
,re t
You ............ Mark. are
two. We 8) ........... from Cambridge, England!
7 are
They ....... sisters.
,m not
They ....... sisters.
8 am
I ....... not tall. I ........... tall.

1 The verb ‘to be’

3 Look at the pictures and fill in is/isn’t,
are/aren’t and he, she, it or they. aren,t
5 A: ............ the children happy?
B: No, they ............ . They ............ sad.
Is your
6 A: ............
isn , t
car new?
,s old.
B: No, it ............ . It ............
1 Brian  is a pilot.
 Is he old?
No,  he isn’t. He is young.
5 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the
verb to be.

2 Nora ............ a secretary.
Marie: Hi, 1)  are you
Is she ,
.................... at home now?
she isn t She is
No, ............... . ...............
Carlos: Yes, I 2) .........
What 3) .........
at work.
your names?
Marie: I 4) ......... Marie
3 This .......... a musical instrument.
and this 5) .........
Is it
...................... a guitar? Pierre.
it is
Yes, .................. . Carlos: Nice to meet you.
Marie: Nice to meet you, too.
Are , ,m
Pierre: 6) ......... you from Spain, Carlos?
4 John and Tony ............
m not
Carlos: No, I 7) ......... . I 8) ......... from Brazil.

KEY basketball players.
Are they ,
...................... short?
Where 9) ......... you from?
Pierre: We 10) ......... from France.
they aren t They are
No, .............. . ............. tall.

5 Louise and Laura .......... sisters.
6 Look at the table. Then answer the questions.

Are they
...................... twins?
they are
Yes, ...................... .
USA 21 university student
Spain 38 nurse
Germany 40 firefighter
6 Mark ............. a weightlifter.
Is he ,
...................... weak?
Romania 40 nurse
he isn t He is
No, ................... . ............
strong. 1 Is Jane twenty-two years old?
 No, she isn’t. She’s twenty-one years old.

2 Is Pedro Spanish?
Fill in the gaps with am/’m/’m not, is/’s/isn’t,
Yes, he is.
are/’re/aren’t. 3
No, she isn,t. She,s a firefighter.
Is Hannah a teacher?
1 A:  Is she a dancer? ...........................................................
is ,s 4
No, he isn,t. He,s forty (years old).
B: Yes, she ............ . She ............ a dancer. Is Paul thirty-eight years old?

2 Is she, your sister? ,

A: ............

isn t . She ............

s my cousin. No, she isn,t. She,s American.
Is Jane Romanian?
B: No, she ............
3 Are, you a photographer?
A: ............
,m 6 Are Hannah and Paul forty years old?
m not . I ............
B: No, I ............ a reporter. Yes, they are.
Are you from Greece? , 7
No, they aren,t. They,re nurses.
4 A: ............ Are Pedro and Paul teachers?
are . We ............
B: Yes, we ............ re from ...........................................................
Question Words 1
How many children are there in the
picture? Three.
Where are they? They’re at the beach.
What is the weather like? It’s hot and

We use the following question words to ask about people, places, things etc.

ñ People: who/whose ñ Quantity: how much

Who is Jason? He’s my brother. How much money have you got? ú10.
Whose pen is this? It’s Mary’s. (possession) ñ Number: how many
ñ Things: what/which How many people are at the meeting? Twenty.
What is that? It’s a camera. ñ Manner: how
Which hat is yours? The blue one. How are you? I’m fine.
ñ Place: where ñ Reason: why
Where is Pete? At school. Why are you happy? It’s my birthday today. ฉบับ
ñ Time: when/how long (ago)/how often/ ñ Age: how old
what time How old are you? I’m sixteen.
When is your birthday? 3rd November. ñ Distance: how far
How long is the film? About 2 hours. How far is it from your house to the airport?
How often do you go jogging? Almost every day. About an hour’s drive.
What time is it? It’s 7 o’clock.
ñ Size: how long/how tall
How long is a giraffe’s neck? About 1.8 metres.
How tall are you? I’m 1.85 m.

1 Choose the correct word.

1 A: What/Which is it? 6 A: How long/How often is the concert?

B: It’s a pen. B: Three hours.

2 A: Who/Whose is the black car? 7 A: How old/How much is Jason?

B: John’s. B: He’s thirteen.

3 A: Where/What is Sparky? 8 A: Who/Whose is Mr Smith?

B: He’s under the bed. B: Our History teacher.

4 A: How old/How tall is William? 9 A: How far/How long is it to the cinema?

B: He’s 1.70 m. B: About two miles.

5 A: How much/How many biscuits are in the box? 10 A: Which/What book is yours?
B: Four. B: The blue one.

1 Question Words

2 Fill in the gaps with whose, how many, how far,

how old, how much, how tall, where or who. 4 Fill in the gaps with the correct question
Then match the questions (1-8) to the answers
Amy: Hello?
(a-h). Emily: Hi, Amy. It’s Emily.
1  Whose is this magazine? Amy: Emily! 1)  How are you?
2 How far
....................... is it to the post office? Emily: I’m fine thanks.
3 How many
....................... brothers have you got? Amy: How
2) ........... is Madrid?
4 How much
....................... sugar is there? Emily: Wonderful!
5 Who
....................... is that woman? Amy: What
3) ........... is the weather
6 Where
....................... are my glasses? like?
7 How tall
....................... is your father? Emily: It’s hot and sunny.
8 How old
....................... is your little sister? Amy: Where
4) ........... are you now?
Emily: I’m in our hotel room.
a 1 It’s my mother’s.
Amy: Who
5) ........... is there with you?
Emily: My parents.
b 3 Three.
Amy: Where
6) ........... is Shelly? Is she there too?
c 6 They’re in your bag. Emily: No, she’s at the beach. Hey, have you got
d 2 About ten minutes’ walk. Charlie’s address?
e 4 One kilo. Amy: Why
Yes. 7) ........... ?
ฉบับ f 5 Mrs Smith. Emily: Because I want to send him a postcard.
KEY g 7 He’s 1.85 metres. Amy: Sure, let me get it for you.

h She’s four.
Use the information in the box and the prompts

3 Complete the questions to which the words in

bold are the answers, as in the example.
to write questions and answers, as in the

is Jimmy Zane.
He is from Manchester, Area: in central London
England. He is 22 years old and Rooms: 87 rooms
his birthday is on 20th July. He’s a Price: í96.00 per night
singer in a group. His group’s name
Distance from city centre:
is Blue Rocks. There are three other
members in the group, Johnny, Dave 15 minutes’ walk
and Ringo. Jimmy’s favourite music
is pop and his favourite singer 1 Where / be / Saint George’s Hotel?
is Robbie Williams.  Where is Saint George’s Hotel?
In central London.
2 How many / rooms / be / there?
 Who is this?
.............. is he from?
How many rooms are there? 87 rooms.
3 How old
.............. is he?
4 When
.............. is his birthday?
3 How much / be / it / per night?
How much is it per night? £96.00.
5 What
.............. is his job?
6 What
.............. is his group’s name?
7 How many
.............. other members are there in the group?
4 How far / be / it / from the city centre?
How far is it from the city centre?
8 What
.............. is his favourite music?
It,s 15 minutes, walk.
9 Who
.............. is his favourite singer?

The Indefinite Article ‘A/An’ 1
ñ We use a/an before countable nouns in the
singular when we talk about something for
the first time or after the verb to be to say
what someone or something is. There’s a man
at the door. He’s a police officer.
ñ We use a before words that begin with a
It’s a shark. It’s an elephant.
consonant sound (b, c, d, f, g etc). a pencil
ñ We use an before words that begin with Compare:
a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u). an orange
a uniform (consonant sound) an umbrella (vowel sound)
ñ We don’t use a/an before an adjective
a helmet (consonant sound) an hour (h is silent)
when there isn’t a noun after it.
It’s a hat. It’s green. It’s a green hat.

1 Fill in a or an.
2 Write the words in the correct column.

ñ helmet ñ orange ñ scarf ñ apple ñ hour

ñ ruler ñ bike ñ eraser ñ schoolbag ñ onion

a an
an ฉบับ
1  a blackboard 2 ........ accordion  helmet
scarf, ruler, bike,
orange, apple,
............................... hour, eraser, onion
............................... ...............................
An ...............................
............................... ...............................

3 ........ watermelon a
4 ........ paintbrush
3 Fill in a or an where necessary.

1 A: Look! What’s this?

B: It’s  an aeroplane.
2 A: What has Lucy got in her lunch box?
a a
B: She’s got ..... sandwich and ..... banana.

5 ........ horse an
6 ........ owl
3 an island?
A: Is Malta .....
- big.
B: Yes, it is. It’s .....
4 A: What’s in the box?
a computer.
B: It’s .....
5 A: Have you got ..... a white envelope?
B: Yes, here you are.
7 ........ guitar an
8 ........ egg 6 A: What is Hamleys?
B: It’s ..... famous toyshop in London.
7 A: Is your mother ..... teacher?
B: Yes, she is. She’s .....beautiful.
8 A: Who’s that man over there?
9 ........ tiger a
10 ........ suitcase
B: He’s my uncle. He’s ..... artist. an
1 The Definite Article ‘The’

We use the: We don’t use the:

ñ with nouns when we talk about something ñ with uncountable and plural countable nouns when
specific, that is, when the noun is mentioned for we talk about them in general. That is, when we
a second time or it is already known. In other cannot answer the question
words, when we can answer the question ‘who?’ ‘who?’ or ‘which?’.
or ‘which?’. Lions are wild animals.
There’s a car outside our house. The car is a (Which lions? All lions in
BMW. (Which car? The one outside our house.) general.)
ñ before proper names.
ñ with nouns which are This is Bob.
unique. ñ before names of countries (Spain), cities (Madrid),
the Colosseum mountains (Everest), islands (Malta), lakes (Lake
Michigan) and continents (Europe).
ñ before the names of meals (lunch) and games/
ñ before names of rivers (the Amazon), seas sports (tennis).
(the Baltic), oceans (the Pacific), deserts (the ñ before the word television. What’s on television?
ฉบับ Gobi), mountain ranges (the Rocky Mountains). ñ with the words this/that/these/those. this book
KEY ñ before the names of musical instruments. ñ with possessive adjectives or the possessive
the piano case. This is my car. This is Kate’s dress.
ñ before the words: morning, afternoon,
evening. in the morning Pronunciation
ñ before the words: cinema, theatre, radio. The is pronounced /∫º/ before words which begin
He usually goes to the cinema at the weekend. with a consonant sound. the book
ñ before nationality words (the English) and The is pronounced /∫∞/ before words which begin with
families (the Smiths). a vowel sound. the apple

1 Fill in the where necessary.

1 Tom likes playing ........ basketball a lot. He is The
7 ........ Browns, who live next door, are away skiing
the the
........ captain of ........ school team. the
in ........ Alps.
- -
2 I’m going to ........ Barcelona in ........ Spain on - the
8 He wants to tour ........ Europe and visit all ........
holiday this year. capital cities.
The the
3 ........ cruise takes us across ........ Mediterranean the -
9 Jane loves ........ French. She goes to ........ Paris
Sea to visit some of ........ Greek islands. every year.
the -
4 This is ........ book which he borrowed from ........ -
10 Kate is going to ........ Sicily on holiday to visit
Jane. -
........ Mount Etna.
5 What time do you get up in ........ morning? the
11 Let’s go to ........ cinema tonight.
I didn’t see you at ........ breakfast. the
12 Do you like listening to ........ radio?
6 Jack plays ........ piano very well. He practises -
13 What time is ........ lunch?
every day in ........ evening. -
14 There’s a good documentary on ........ television

The Definite Article ‘The’ 1
2 Fill in the where necessary.
4 Underline the correct form.

1 Smiths/The Smiths live in a villa.

A 2 France is in Europe/the Europe.
- the
1) ......... Paris is 2) ......... capital 3 He surfs the Net in evenings/the evenings.
city of 3) ......... France. It is situated 4 Do you know how to play piano/the piano?
on 4) ......... Seine River and it is a 5 We usually have lunch/the lunch at 1 o’clock.
popular tourist destination. About 6 This is my friend Pat/the Pat.
12 million people live in or around 7 Parthenon/The Parthenon is in Athens/the
5) ......... city and over 30 million Athens.
people visit every year. 6) ......... The 8 Sahara/The Sahara is in Africa/the Africa.
city has a number of important monuments such as 7) ......... 9 We are on a cruise in Mediterranean/the
Arc de Triomphe and 8) ......... Eiffel Tower, museums like Mediterranean Sea.
the the
9) ......... Louvre and 10) ......... Musee D’Orsay and famous 10 Let’s play basketball/the basketball.
streets such as 11) ......... Champs Elysees.

5 Fill in the where necessary.

- the
1) ......... Geneva is 2) .........
second biggest city in ฉบับ
3) ......... Switzerland. It is KEY
located next to 4) ......... -
Lake Geneva and near
5) .........theRhone River.
The the
6) ......... Alps and 7) ......... Jura mountain ranges
are on either side of it. In 8) ......... winter it is very
cold and temperatures may reach -10ÆC with lots of
the the
frost and ice in 9) ......... mornings but in 10) .........
summer it is hot and humid.

Did you know ...

3 Fill in a/an or the where necessary.

- the
1 They play ...... tennis in ...... afternoon.
...... Australia is the smallest continent?
...... Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the
The -
2 ...... Gobi Desert is in ......Mongolia. 3 The
...... Gobi Desert is a cold desert?
an a
3 John ate ...... apple and ...... banana in ...... the 4 -
...... elephants use their tusks to dig for water?
morning for ...... breakfast. 5 The
...... Amazon River is 6,400 kilometres long?
a the
4 Last night I had ...... dream about ...... lion we 6 - the
...... Mozart was able to play ...... piano at the
saw last week at ...... zoo. age of 2?
5 Did you feed ...... cat? 7 - the
...... Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in ......
a the
6 I’ll book ...... taxi to take us to ...... airport for -
Alps belongs to ...... France?
our flight to ...... Milan. 8 - -
...... England is only 35 km from ...... France?
7 Please, turn off ...... radio.
8 John has ...... violin lesson at 6 pm every ...... -
a Writing (Keyดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Writing Activities)
9 I need to buy ...... new pair of shoes. These have
a the
...... hole in ...... sole. In pairs, prepare a quiz like the one in Ex. 5.
The the
10 ......Earth goes around ...... Sun. Use the where necessary.

1 Plurals

ñ Most nouns take -s to form the plural.

hat ➝ hats, book ➝ books
ñ Nouns ending in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o take -es
to form the plural. a bird two birds
bus ➝ buses, dress ➝ dresses, Irregular Plurals
toothbrush ➝ toothbrushes, watch ➝ watches,
Singular Plural
box ➝ boxes, potato ➝ potatoes
child children
ñ Nouns ending in a vowel + y take -s in the plural.
deer deer
key ➝ keys, toy ➝ toys
fish fish
ñ Nouns ending in a consonant + y drop the -y and
foot feet
take -ies in the plural. man men
strawberry ➝ strawberries, lady ➝ ladies mouse mice
ñ Nouns ending in -f or -fe drop the -f or the -fe and person people
take -ves in the plural. sheep sheep
leaf ➝ leaves, knife ➝ knives tooth teeth
woman women

1 3
KEY Write the plural. Rewrite in the plural.

1 duck —  ducks 7 glass — glasses

2 man men
— ........... 8 fox — foxes
3 knives
knife — ........... 9 cherry — cherries
4 countries
country — ........... 10 basket — baskets
5 people
person — ........... 11 key — keys
6 foot feet
— ........... 12 leaf — leaves
........... 1 It is a box.  They are boxes.

2 Complete the table.

ñ clock ñ mouse ñ scarf ñ strawberry ñ bus

ñ bicycle ñ brush ñ lady ñ tooth ñ baby ñ fox
ñ child ñ flower ñ dress ñ wife ñ city ñ fish
ñ loaf ñ desk ñ potato ñ shelf ñ peach ñ toy
2 She is a woman. They are women.

-s bicycles, flowers, desks,

 clocks, .................................
-es buses, brushes, foxes, dresses,
potatoes, peaches
5 I am a boy. We are boys.
-ies strawberries, ladies, babies, cities
-ves scarves, wives, loaves, shelves
mice, teeth, children, fish
irregular ..............................................
4 It is a sheep. They are sheep.
This/These – That/Those 1
This — These This is a flower.
We use this (singular)/these (plural) to refer to people,
things and animals near to us.
These are flowers.

That — Those
We use that (singular)/those (plural) to refer to people, That is a balloon.
things or animals far away from us.
Those are balloons.
We can use this/these and that/those in questions. We answer
these questions with it or they.
What’s this/that? It’s a camera. (NOT: This / That is a camera.)
What are these/those? They are cameras. (NOT: These / Those are cameras.)

1 Fill in the blanks with this, these, that or

those. 2
Write the sentences in the plural.

This is a chair.
That is a lamp.
 These are chairs.
Those are lamps.
3 This is a toy. These are toys.
4 That is a knife. Those are knives.
5 This is a cherry. These are cherries.
1  This is a stopwatch and  that is a briefcase.

3 Ask and answer, as in the example. Use the

words in the list: ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
(Key to Pairwork Activities)
ñ umbrella ñ stapler ñ skateboard ñ keys
ñ crayons ñ books
These those
2 ............... are calculators and ............... are 1


3 ............... is a rabbit that
and ............... is a

These those
4 ............... are toothbrushes and ............... 1 A: ® What’s this?
are towels. B: ® It’s a stapler.

1 Pronouns

Personal Subject Pronouns

Singular Plural We use personal subject

I we pronouns before verbs instead
you you of nouns or names.
Robert is a
} they
porter. He is
from England.

Object Pronouns

Singular Plural We use object pronouns after

me us a verb or a preposition.
you you Look at him!
He is a magician.

} them

Possessive Adjectives

Singular Plural ñ Possessive adjectives show:

a) that something belongs to somebody.
my our This is his
b) the relationship between two or more
your your schoolbag.
his He is our grandfather.
} their ñ We put possessive adjectives before
This is my car.

Possessive Pronouns

Singular Plural Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to

someone. We put possessive pronouns after the verb.
mine ours
Compare: That is their bike. (possessive adjective)
yours yours That bike is theirs. (possessive pronoun)
} theirs Note: There is no possessive pronoun for ‘it’.

Pronouns 1
1 Look at the pictures and fill in the appropriate
object or subject pronouns, as in the example. 4 Fill in the correct possessive adjectives/
pronouns, as in the example.

1 A:  Her (she) hair is blonde.

B: Yes, and it’s so beautiful.
2 A: Peter, is this ........... (you) pen?
B: Yes, it is.

it hers
3 A: Is this notebook ........... (she)?
1 Look at  him. 2 Look at ............... .
It mine
B: No, it’s ........... (I).
 He is a painter. .............. is a pony.
4 A: Hey! This ball is ........... (we).
B: I’m sorry but ........... (you) is over there,
this is ........... (we) ball.

5 Complete the text. Use subject/object

pronouns, possessive adjectives/pronouns.

them I
Hi, 1)  my name is Sheila. 2) ........... am twelve years old.
3 Look at ............... . 4 Look at ............... . me
This is a picture of 3) ............. and my family. We are from
............ is an artist. They
......... are musicians. Our
England. 4) .............. house is in London. My mum’s name
is Kathy and my dad’s name is Keith. I’ve got a sister.
Her she
5) ............ name is Linda and 6) ......... is fourteen.
5 it
Look at ................. She her
7) ........... is a big music fan and 8) ........... favourite band
It is a school bus.
........ is Green Day. I’ve got twin brothers.
9) ............ names are Paul and Mark
2 1
Fill in the correct subject/object pronouns.

Help  me! I can’t open the window.

and 10) ........... are sixteen. My brothers
are football fans. 11) ...........
favourite team is Arsenal. We’ve
2 She
This is Emma. ............. is thirteen.
3 her
Ask ............. . She can help you.
also got a dog. He’s small and
4 They
This is Wendy and Alison. ............ are my
12) ........... name is Spot. Look at
13) ............! Isn’t he cute? I’m so

Look at ............. . They are very tall.
happy he’s 14) ............ .

6 It
This is my hat. ............. is blue.
Give this to ............. . It’s his.
This is Tom. ............. is my brother. 6 Circle the correct item.

1 This is Mr Jones. He is ......... teacher.

3 Write the possessive adjectives and pronouns. A us B our C ours

2 I’ve got a new car. It’s ......... .
adjective pronoun A my B me C mine.
1 Emily  her  hers 3 This is Felix and Tiger. ......... are my cats.
2 Thomas his his A They B Their C Them
3 Daniel and Lucy their theirs 4 This is Ben and I’m Harvey. Look at ......... .
4 Jake and I our ours A we B our C us
5 the dog its - 5 Mary and Helen are my cousins. ......... parents
6 Tom and you your yours are my aunt and uncle.
A Them B Theirs C Their

1 Possessive Case

To show possession:
a) we add ’s to names and singular nouns.
This is Nancy’s bike. (It’s her bike.) This is Jane’s hat.
b) we add ’ to plural nouns ending in -s.
This is the boys’ house. (It’s their house.)
c) we add ’s to the last noun of a phrase to show that something belongs to two or more people.
This is Robert and Anna’s car. (It’s their car.)
Note: We add ’s to plural irregular nouns. the men’s hats

1 Look at the objects and say what belongs to

each person using the possessive case. 21
Underline the correct word.

My friend’s/friends’ name is John.

2 Helens’/Helen’s eyes are blue.
Bob the g 3 Our dogs’/dog’s names are Rover and Rex.
4 These are Steve’s/Steves’ shoes.

5 This is the lady’s/ladies’ skirt.

6 Mary’s/Marys’ computer is new.
ฉบับ 7 That is John’s and Mary/John and Mary’s television.
KEY 8 Her sister’s/sisters’ names are Ellen and Tina.
the girl,s
1  Bob’s guitar
2 ........................ sweaters 9 My fathers’/father’s car is new.
the boy
s 10 His cats’/cat’s name is Fluffy.
Adam an


Circle the correct item.


1 They are the ......... rulers.

3 the boys, pencils
........................... A girls B girl C girls’
nk Adam ,
Fra 4 ............................ house 2 This is the ......... football.
and Julie s
the ten
A boy’s B boy C boys
p 3 Is this the ......... mobile phone?

A woman B women C woman’s


4 This is ......... car.

5 ................................ ties
A Fiona’s B Fiona C Fionas

5 This is ......... car.

and Emma
laire the tennis,
6 ........................ racquets
A Jim’s and Ann B Jim and Ann’s
players th C Jims and Anns

e gi 6 ......... hair is black.

A Pauls B Paul’s C Pauls’

7 My ......... name is Emily.

A mother’s B mothers’ C mothers
Claire and
7 ....................... computer
Emma,s 8 Derek and Lucy are ......... children.

the girls,
8 ...................... notebooks
A Richard’s B Richards’ C Richards

There is/There are – Some/Any 1
There is/There are

Singular Plural
Affirmative There is/There’s a sofa in the living room. There are some sofas in the living room.
Negative There isn’t a sofa in the living room. There aren’t any sofas in the living room.
Interrogative Is there a sofa in the living room? Are there any sofas in the living room?

ñ We use there is to list things in the singular.

There’s a magazine, a vase and a book on the coffee table.
(NOT: There are a magazine, a vase and a book on the table.)
ñ We use there are to list things in the plural. There are hasn’t got a short form.
There are three children in the garden.

Short Answers ñ In short answers we use Yes, there is/are or

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t/aren’t. We do not repeat the
Is there ...?
{ No, there isn’t.
whole question.
Is there a painting on the wall? Yes, there is.
Yes, there are. ฉบับ
Are there ...?
{ No, there aren’t.
(NOT: Yes, there is a painting on the wall.)
ñ We use some in affirmative sentences with plural countable nouns and
with uncountable nouns.
There are some grapes in the picture. There is some tea.
ñ We use any in negative and interrogative sentences with both countable
nouns in the plural and uncountable nouns.
Are there any bananas in the bowl? No, there aren’t.
There isn’t any coffee on the table.

1 Look at the picture and fill in there is/isn’t and there are/aren’t.

1  There is a bed in the room but  there isn’t

a sofa.
There are
there aren,t
2 ..................... some pictures on the wall but
..................... any posters.
There are
there aren,t
3 ..................... some pillows on the bed but

there isn,t
..................... any books.
There is
4 ..................... a lamp but ..................... a

there aren,t
There are
5 ................... some curtains but .................
any mirrors.

1 There is/There are – Some/Any

2 Look at the pictures and the nouns in the list. Spot the differences, as in the example.

ñ CD player ñ CDs ñ schoolbag ñ football ñ tennis racquet ñ tennis balls ñ bookcase ñ cat


There are, some CDs in picture A, but there aren,t any CDs in picture B.
 There is a CD player in picture A, but there isn’t a CD player in picture B. ............................................
There isn t a schoolbag in picture A, but there, is a schoolbag in picture B.
There is a, football in picture A, but there isn t a football in picture B.
There isn t ,a tennis racquet in picture A, but there is a tennis racquet in picture B.
There aren t any tennis balls in picture A, but there are some tennis balls in picture B.
There is a, bookcase in picture A, but there isn,t a bookcase in picture B.
There isn t a cat in picture A, but there is a cat in picture B.
3 Use the ideas to ask and answer questions, as in
the example. Use there is/are and some or any. 5 Rewrite the sentences changing them from
singular to plural or vice versa.

1 cushions / on the sofa? — No 1 There is a plant in the garden.

A:  Are there any cushions on the sofa?  There are some plants in the gardens.
B:  No, there aren’t. There aren’t any cushions 2 There aren’t any pencils in my schoolbag.
on the sofa.  There isn’t a pencil in my schoolbag.
2 pillows / on the bed? — Yes 3 Is there a book on the desk?
Are there any pillows on the bed?
A: .......................................................
Are there any books on the desks?
Yes, there are. There are some pillows on 4 There aren’t any dogs in the park.

B: ........................................................
magazine / on the coffee table? — No
the bed. There isn,t a dog in the park.
5 Are there any dishes in the sink?
A: Is.......................................................
there a magazine on the coffee table? Is there a dish in the sink?
No, there isn , t. There isn , t a magazine on
B: ........................................................
the coffee table.
4 cooker / in the kitchen? — Yes
A: Is.......................................................
there a cooker in the kitchen?
there is. There is a cooker in the kitchen.
B: ........................................................
6 Complete the dialogue with there is/are, there
isn’t/aren’t or is/are there.

A: Excuse me, I’m not from London. 1)  Are there

Underline the correct word, as in the example.

There aren’t any/some biscuits in the cupboard.

there aren,t
any Chinese restaurants in this neighbourhood?
there is
B: No, 2) ....................., but 3) .....................
a very nice Italian restaurant just around the
2 There is some/any milk in the fridge. corner. The food is very good.
3 Is there any/some coffee left? Is there
A: Thank you. One last question: 4) ....................
4 There is some/any bread on the table.
there isn,t
a supermarket nearby?
5 Are there any/some plants in the living room? there
B: No, I’m afraid 5) .................. , but 6) ...........
6 There isn’t some/any soup. are
.......... two small food shops down this street.
7 Is there some/any pizza? A: Thank you very much for your help.
8 There are any/some pens on the desk. B: You’re welcome.

Prepositions of place 1

in on under behind next to near

ñ We use prepositions of place to say

where somebody or something is.
ñ We use IN with names of cities and
countries. in front of opposite between
in Madrid, in Spain

1 Complete the sentences with: in, under,

opposite, on, behind or between. 2 Look at the picture. Read the text and underline
the correct prepositions.

1 The goldfish is ® in on
2 They are ..............
the bowl. the boat.

There is a table with four chairs 1) in/on the kitchen.

There is a vase 2) under/on the table and there
3 The people are ....... 4 The man and woman
the umbrella. opposite
are ..................
are some flowers 3) in/behind the vase. There is a

each other. dog 4) in front of/under the table. There is a rug

5) on/in the floor 6) in front of/ behind the cooker.
The sink is 7) between/under the cooker and
the fridge. There is a window 8) behind/next to
the two cupboards. There is a telephone 9) on/
under the wall 10) next to/between the door. There
is a mouse 11) behind/under the fridge.
5 The man is .......... behind
6 The woman is ...........
the two dogs. the man.

1 Prepositions of time

We use prepositions of time (on, in, at) to say when They play basketball
something happened, happens or will happen. on Mondays.

the time: at 5 o’clock

holidays: at Christmas, at Easter,

at the weekend
in the at the moment, at present,
expressions: at dawn, at noon, at night, On
at midnight, at lunchtime,
at the same time days: on Friday,
on New Year’s Eve
dates: on 7th May 2005
months: in August
specific part of a on Monday evening
seasons: in (the) winter/spring/ certain day:
adjective + day: on a hot day
years: in 1991, in the 1980s
ฉบับ Note: We use from ... to, during to show duration.
KEY centuries:
in the
in the 21st century
in the morning/afternoon/
During goes before a noun.
He works from 9 to 5.
expressions: evening, in an hour,
He doesn’t work during the weekend.
in a minute, in a week/few
in the past, in the future

1 Fill in: at, on, in, from, during, to.

1 A: What time is the party?

2 Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
Then answer the questions.

B: It starts .............. 8 o’clock.
1 What are you doing  at the moment?
 I am having an English lesson.
2 A: When is your dentist’s appointment?
B: It’s .............. Friday morning.
2 What time do you go to school ........ the
3 A: What hours do you work?
B: I work the morning shift .............. 8 to 4
3 What time do you go to sleep ........ night?
but I don’t work .............. the weekend. during
4 What do you usually do ........ the summer
4 A: What time do you want me to pick you up?
B: Can you be here .............. 7 o’clock at
5 What do you do ........ the weekends?
.............. the morning? in
6 What sports do you do ........ winter?
5 on 24
A: My parents got married .............. th
7 What do you do ........ a cold day?
August 1988.
B: Happy anniversary to them! at 5 o’clock yesterday?
8 Where were you ........
6 A: Is your birthday .............. June? on New Year’s Day each year?
9 What do you do ........
B: Yes, it’s .............. 3rd June. in 2010?
10 How old were you ........

Prepositions of movement 1
We use prepositions of movement to show the direction in which someone or
something is moving. These include: along, across, up, down, into, out of, over,

Note: by + car/bus/train/taxi/plane/boat BUT on foot

When there is an article (a/an, the), a possessive adjective (my, your etc) or
He is getting out of a taxi.
the possessive case before the means of transport, we don’t use by.
on the train (NOT: by the train) in my car (NOT: by my car)
in John’s car, in a taxi, on the bus, on the plane

1 Fill in the correct preposition of movement.

2 Fill in the correct preposition of movement.

1 A: Why are you sweating?

B: Because I just ran ............. the stairs.

2 A: Are you afraid of the dark?

B: Yes. I even get scared on a train when it goes ฉบับ
............. a tunnel. KEY
3 A: What is that helicopter doing?
B: It’s flying ............. the motorway to see
1 She is getting ........ down
2 He is coming ......... how much traffic there is.
a taxi. the steps.
4 A: Where is the nearest bank?
B: Walk ............. this street and take the first
turning on the left.
5 A: Get ............. the car and I’ll give you a lift
to the station.
B: Thanks.

6 A: Wait for the lollipop lady to take you

............. the road.
3 The car is driving .... 4 out of
He is coming ......... B: I always do, Mum.
............ the tunnel. the subway station.
7 A: Climb ............. from that tree right now!
B: OK. Sorry.
out of
8 A: I saw Jane coming ............. the post office
this morning.
B: Oh really? Did you talk to her?
A: No, she got ............. her car and drove

5 They are walking .... up

6 She is travelling .....
............. the street. ......... the escalator.

1 The verb ‘have got’

We use the verb have got to:

a) show that something belongs c) talk about relationships.

to somebody. They have got one
Paul has got a motorbike. grandchild.

b) describe the characteristics of

people, animals or things.
Karen has got long blonde hair and
blue eyes.

Affirmative Negative
Long Form Short Form Long Form Short Form
you } have got
you } ’ve got
you } have not got
you } haven’t got

} } } }
he he he he
she has got she ’s got she has not got she hasn’t got
it it it it
} } } }
we we we we
you have got you ’ve got you have not got you haven’t got
they they they they

Interrogative Short Answers Note: In short answers we do

Yes, I/you/we/they have. not use got.
Have I/you/we/they got? { No, I/you/we/they haven’t.
Yes, he/she/it has.
Has he/she/it got?
{ No, he/she/it hasn’t.
He’s a singer. (He is)
He’s got a brother. (He has)

1 a) Fill in: ’s, hasn’t, ’ve, haven’t.

1 Michael  ’s got a guitar.
2 They ................ got a dog.
3 hasn t
Anna ................ got a skateboard.
computer camera
They ................ got a computer.

5 Anna ................ got a piano. bike piano
6 Michael ................ got a camera.
b) Tell your partner what each person has got.
ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย (Key to Pairwork Activities)
c) Which of these have you got? (Suggested Answer) ,
Write sentences.
,I ve got a football and a camera. I ve also got a computer and a bike.
The verb ‘have got’ 1
2 Ask and answer, as in the example.
4 a) Look at the table and write sentences, as in
the example.

1 Clara / dark hair?

Tina Jeff & Jack Tony & Grace Peter
 Has Clara got dark hair?
Yes, she has. laptop ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗
phone ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓

2 Mr Jones / glasses? video

Has Mr Jones, got glasses?
................................... camera
✓ ✓ ✗ ✓
No, he hasn t.
................................... CD player ✓ ✓ ✓

1  Tina has got a laptop, a mobile phone and a

3 giraffes / short necks?
Have giraffes got short,
video camera. She hasn’t got a CD player.
Jeff and Jack have got a laptop, a video camera
2 .............................................................
necks? No, they haven t.
....................................... ,
and a CD player. They haven t got a mobile phone.
Tony and Grace have got a laptop, a mobile phone
3 .............................................................
and a CD player. They haven t got a video camera.
4 they / briefcases? Peter has got a mobile, phone, a video camera and ฉบับ
4 .............................................................
Have they got briefcases? a CD player. He hasn t got a laptop. KEY
No, they haven,t.
.................................... .............................................................
b) Look at the table again. In pairs, ask and
answer questions, as in the example.
ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย (Key to Pairwork Activities)
5 he / a hat?  A: Has Tina got a CD player?
Has he got a hat?
.................................... B: No, she hasn’t. Have Jeff and Jack got a laptop?
Yes, he has.
.................................... A: Yes, they have. etc

3 Fill in: have, haven’t, has or hasn’t.

1 A: ® Has Mary got long hair?

In pairs, ask each other questions about your
bedroom. ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
(Key to Speaking Activities)
hasn ,t  A: Have you got a big bedroom?
haven t,
B: No, she ............. .
2 We ............. got a dog. We have got a cat. B: No, I haven’t.
3 A: ............. you got a sister? A: Have you got a desk in your room?
B: Yes, I ............. . B: Yes, I have.
4 A: ............. they got a car? A: Have you got a TV?
B: No, they ............. . B: No, I haven’t.
5 They ............. got one son and two daughters.
haven t
6 We ............. got a big house. We’ve got a small Writing (Keyดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Writing Activities)
7 My sisters ............. got blue eyes.
Use your partner’s answers to write a short
8 A: ............. your grandfather got a moustache?
text about his/her room.
B: Yes, he ............. .  John has got a small bedroom. He’s got a desk, but
9 I ............. got brown hair. I’ve got blonde hair. he hasn’t got a TV in his room. ...

2 Present Simple

Affirmative I sing, He/She/It sings, We/You/They sing

Negative I don’t sing, He/She/It doesn’t sing, We/You/They don’t sing
Interrogative Do I sing?, Does he/she/it sing?, Do we/you/they sing?
Yes, I do. Yes, he/she/it does. Yes, we/you/they do.
Short Answers
No, I don’t. No, he/she/it doesn’t. No, we/you/they don’t.

Spelling: 3rd person singular Use

ñ Most verbs take -s in the third person singular. We use the present simple for:
I forget — he forgets, I climb — she climbs
ñ Verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x or -o, take -es. ñ daily routines.
I miss — he misses, I push — he pushes, He catches the school bus
I catch — he catches, I fix — he fixes, I do — he does at 7:30 every morning.
ñ Verbs ending in a consonant + y, drop the -y and take
-ies. I cry — he cries
ñ Verbs ending in a vowel + y take -s only. ñ habits.
I buy — he buys She surfs the Net
in the evening.
ฉบับ -s/-es in the third person singular is pronounced:
KEY ñ /s/ with verbs ending in /f/, /k/, /p/ or /t/ sounds.
knit — knits ñ permanent states.
ñ /æz/ with verbs ending in /s/, /«/, /∏/, /π/ or /z/ Matt lives in London.
sounds. touch — touches He sells cars.
ñ /z/ with verbs ending in all other sounds.
read — reads

Time expressions used with the present simple: ñ general truths or laws
always, usually etc, on Mondays/Tuesdays etc, in the of nature.
morning/afternoon/evening, every day/week etc, at The sun sets in the west.
night/the weekend etc.

1 Write the third person singular of

the verbs below. 2 Write the third person singular of the verbs in the correct
box, as in the example. Then read the verbs aloud.

1 play  plays ñ write ñ dance ñ ride ñ drive ñ watch ñ help

2 mix mixes
..................... ñ eat ñ begin ñ close ñ speak ñ change ñ kick
3 match matches
..................... ñ lose ñ laugh ñ brush ñ know
4 drink drinks
5 finish finishes
..................... helps, eats, speaks, kicks, laughs
 writes, ..........................................................
6 kiss kisses

7 pay pays
..................... watches, closes, changes, loses, brushes
 dances, ..........................................................
8 go goes
/æz/ .......................................................................
9 wash washes
..................... drives, begins, knows
 rides, ............................................................
10 try tries
..................... /z/ .......................................................................

Present Simple 2
3 Complete the email. Use the present simple.
5 Felix Smith is 12 years old. He’s in the living
room now. Look at the picture. Then complete
the questions and answer them.


Hi Pierre,
I’m William, your new penfriend. I’m 13 years old
and I 1)  live (live) in London, England. My
favourite sport is cricket. I 2) ...................................
(play) cricket every day after school with my best
friend Tommy. We are both on our school cricket
don,t win
team. We 3) ............................................ (not/
have 1  Does Felix like playing chess?  Yes, he does.
No, he doesn,t.
win) many games, but we still 4) .........................
(have) lots of fun. Does
2 ........ Felix have a cat? .............................
I’ve got an older sister. Her name is Maddy. She 3 Does Felix like wearing hats? .....................
........ Yes, he does.
doesn,t like (not/like) cricket but
5) .......................................... 4 Do Felix’s sisters like watching TV? ...........
........ Yes,
she 6) ................................... (come) to watch our they do.
games sometimes. 5 Does Felix’s mother like reading? ................
........ Yes, she does. KEY
Do you play
What about you? 7) ................................................ 6 Do Felix’s parents wear glasses? No,
........ they don,t.
(you/play) any sports? 7 Does Felix’s grandmother like drinking tea?
Write back soon, Yes, she does.
William 8 Does Felix’s
........ No, he
dad have blond hair? ................
doesn t. ,

4 Fill in do, does, don’t or doesn’t. 6 Put the words in the correct order to form
questions. Then answer them.

1 do/watch/you/TV/in the evenings?

1 A: ® Do you like learning foreign languages?
B: Yes, I ....... .
 Do you watch TV in the evenings?
Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I do my homework.
2 A: ....... you go on holiday to Spain every year? 2 your/mother/drive/does/car/a?
B: Yes, we ....... . Does your mother drive a car?
3 A: ....... you do your shopping on Thursdays? Yes, she does./No, she doesn,t. She takes
don,t do
B: No, we ........... . We ....... it on Saturdays. 3 you/do/singing lessons/take?
the bus.
does Do you take singing lessons?
4 A: Why .......
don , t
Chloe look sad?
B: I .......... know.
Yes, I do./No, I don,t. I take English lessons.
4 your grandparents/do/with/your family/live?
5 Do they live,in York?
A: ....... Do your grandparents live with your family?
don t .
B: No, they .......... Yes, they do./No, they don,t. They live in
their own house.
6 A: Does
....... your father drive to work every day? 5 your/father/speak/does/German?
doesn,t .
B: No, he ............. Does your father speak German?
Yes, he does./No, he doesn,t. He speaks Spanish.

2 Present Simple

7 a) Put the verbs in brackets into the present

7 you/finish work early every day?
Do you finish work early every day?
A: .......................................................
No, I don,t. I finish work late every day.
B: .......................................................
Joe Cianni 1) ® is (be) a famous chef. He
2) ..................... (own) a trendy restaurant
8 you/see your friends at the weekend?
Do you see your friends at the weekend?
in London where he 3) ...................
A: .......................................................
(cook) food for the rich and famous. He B: Yes, I do.
4) .................... (serve) only organic food
and he 5) .................... (buy) fresh food
from British farmers every day. Joe
6) ................ (go) to his restaurant
8 Complete the sentences in order to make the
statements true. Use don’t/doesn’t where
at 3 o’clock every day. He
7) ............... (have) 15 employees 1 Water  freezes (freeze) at 0 C. í
and they 8) ........................ (arrive) 2 live
Penguins ..................... (live) in the Antarctic.
at half past three. The restaurant 3 don,t grow (grow) in
Orange trees .................................
9) ................... (open) at 6 o’clock. Joe the North Pole.
10) ................... (work) seven days a comes
4 Milk ................................ (come) from cows.
week and he 11) ................... (finish)
don,t drive
late every day. But he still 12) ..................
5 In England, people ........ ..................... (drive)
on the right.
doesn,t rise
(try) to find time to see his friends. He
ฉบับ meets 6 The sun ............................ (rise) in the west.
KEY 13) ..................... (meet) them every
Saturday night after work and they 7 don,t lay
Horses ...................................... (lay) eggs.
14) ............... (go) out to clubs. 8 moves
The Moon .................. (move) round the Earth.
9 like
Cats ......................................... (like) milk.
b) Imagine you are interviewing Joe Cianni. In pairs, 10 don , t have
Rectangles .......................... (have) five sides.
ask and answer questions, as in the example.
Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Speaking Activities)
1 you/cook food for the rich and famous?
A:  Do you cook food for the rich and famous? Imagine one of you is a newspaper reporter
interviewing a famous person. In pairs, ask and
B:  Yes, I do.
answer questions about:
2 you/buy/food from the supermarket?
A:  Do you buy food from the supermarket? ñ time/get up
B:  No, I don’t. I buy food from British farmers. ñ morning/afternoon/evening activities
ñ free time activities
3 you/go/to your restaurant at 4 o’clock every day?
Do you go to your restaurant at 4 o,clock every day?
A: ....................................................... A: What time do you get up?
B: No, I don,t. I go to my restaurant at 3 o,clock
....................................................... B: I get up at 6 o’clock.
4 your restaurant/open at half past five?
every day. A: Do you go jogging in the morning?
B: Yes, I do.
A: Does your restaurant open at half past five?
B: No, it doesn,t. It opens at 6 o,clock.
5 your employees/arrive at half past two? Writing (Keyดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Writing Activities)
Do your employees arrive at half past two?
A: ....................................................... Use your partner’s answers from the Speaking
B: No, they don,t. They arrive at half past three.
....................................................... activity to write about the famous person’s
6 you/work at the weekend? daily routine.
Do you work at the weekend?
A: .......................................................
 Ricky Jones gets up at 6 o’clock in the morning.
B: Yes, I do.
He goes jogging ...

Adverbs of Frequency 3
ñ Adverbs of frequency show us how often something
happens. Sally often surfs the Net
These are: in the evenings.

always 100% sometimes 20%

usually 75% never 0%
often 50%
ñ We use adverbs of frequency before the main verb Ben is sometimes
but after the verb to be. late for school.

1 Put the words in the correct order to make 5 cook dinner

sentences, as in the example.
I never cook dinner.
6 watch TV in the evenings
1 play/often/afternoon/the/in/they/computer games I often watch TV in the evenings.
® They often play computer games in the afternoon. 7 read a book before I go to bed
2 never/at/they/the/to/go/library/weekend/the I sometimes read a book before I go to bed.
They never go to the library at the weekend.
........................................................... 8 go to bed early

3 she/sometimes/rides/school/to/her/bike
I usually go to bed early.
........................................................... ฉบับ
She sometimes rides her bike to school. KEY
4 hot/is/summer/often/it/in/the
Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Speaking Activities)
is often hot in the summer. How often do you ...?
5 he/the/beach/to/always/goes/in/the/summer ñ make your bed ñ clear the table
He always goes to the beach in the summer.
........................................................... ñ take out the rubbish ñ tidy your room
6 late/Michael/is/usually/work/for ñ mop the floor ñ do the laundry
Michael is usually late for work.
........................................................... ñ go shopping ñ iron your clothes

Use always, usually, often, sometimes, never
Use the phrases and the adverbs of frequency
to tell the class.
to write sentences about yourself.

KEY  I always make my bed.

always sometimes
usually never 0
Write sentences about your household chores.
Use the phrases from the Speaking activity and
1 get up at 7 o’clock (Suggested Answer) your own ideas.
 I usually get up at 7 o’clock.
2 have breakfast in the morning
I always have breakfast in the morning.  Irubbish.
never clear the table. I sometimes take out the
3 be late for class ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
I am never late for class. (Key to Writing Activities)
4 do my homework in the afternoon
I usually do my homework in the afternoon.

Exploring Grammar (Units 1-3)
ñ Present Simple & Adverbs of

1 a) Read the text below and underline the

verbs in the present simple tense. Look
at the highlighted verb forms. Which
expresses: a permanent state? habit/routine?
permanent state : ................................
get up, goes
habit/routine : ....................................

b) How do we form the negative and

interrogative of the present simple tense?
We form the present simple
....................................................... Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie Windsor are the
interrogative by using do/does +
....................................................... granddaughters of the Queen of England. The girls
subject pronoun/noun + main verb
....................................................... have got two very famous cousins. Their cousins’
in the base form. We form the
....................................................... names are Prince William and Prince Harry. Both girls
negative by using do/does + not +
main verb in the base form.
live in England.. They get up early every day because
they are both very busy. So, what are these girls like?
don,t act, don,t like
Find two examples of the negative form
ฉบับ Well, people who know them say that they are very
KEY in the text : .......................................
....................................................... friendly and they don’t act like they are famous royals.
In fact, these girls don’t like it when people call them
‘Princess’! They try to live normal lives. For example,
c) Circle the adverbs of frequency. Where do Beatrice always goes to the supermarket every week
we use them in a sentence: before or after
to do her own food shopping.
the main verb/the verb to be?
We use adverbs of frequency
Like most sisters, Beatrice and Eugenie sometimes
before the main verb but after the
....................................................... argue. “We usually argue about clothes,” says
verb to be.
....................................................... Eugenie. “I often wear Beatrice’s clothes to school,
which she hates.” However, both sisters are very
close and they love each other dearly.
ñ Question Words

2 a) Find a question word in the text.


b) Complete the questions to which the words

in bold in the text are the answers, as in the

1 ® Who are Beatrice and Eugenie Windsor?

2 ............... do the girls live?
3 How often does Beatrice go to the supermarket?
4 What do the sisters argue about?

(Units 1-3) Exploring Grammar
ñ Pronouns ñ Possessive Adjectives

3 a) Which subject/object pronouns can you find in

the text in Ex. 1?
They, We, I, she
4 Find two possessive adjectives in the text in
Their, her
Ex. 1. : ..................................................
subject pronouns : ...................................
them, it, them
object pronouns : .....................................
● Where do we put the possessive adjectives:
We put the
before or after the noun?...........................
● Which subject/object pronouns do we use in
the third person singular?
possessive adjectives before the noun.

the third person singular we use
the subject pronouns he/she/it and
ñ Possessive Case
the object pronouns him/her/it.
........................................................... 5 Read the text and write the examples of the
cousins,, Beatrice,s
possessive case. .....................................

● What is the difference between them?

b) Which personal pronouns do we use before a
verb instead of the name of the person or a
In the first example, (cousins,), we

add an apostrophe ( ) because it is a
We use the subject pronouns (I, you,
plural noun and it ends in, -s. In the

he, she, it, we, you, they) before a
example (Beatrice s), we add
verb instead of the name of a person
s because it is a singular noun.
........................................................... ฉบับ
or a noun.
........................................................... KEY
c) Which personal pronouns do we use after a
verb or a preposition?
We use the object pronouns (me, you,
him, her, it, us, you, them) after a
verb or a preposition.


d) How do we use possessive pronouns? Give

We use possessive pronouns to show
that something belongs to someone.
We put possessive pronouns after the
e.g. This bicycle is mine.
These sunglasses are hers.
The red car is theirs and the blue
car is ours.

Revision (Units 1-3)
(25 × 4)

Circle the correct item.

1 A: ........ is your birthday? 14 There are two ........ in the bathroom.

B: June 3rd. A toothbrush B toothbrushes
A Where B When C Which C toothbrushs
2 ........ name is Katie. 15 ........ cameras are from Japan.
A His B Her C Our A This B These C That
3 Lisa ........ arrives early. She’s never late. 16 ........ you like apples?
A sometimes B usually C always A Does B Do C Doesn’t
4 This is ........ eraser. 17 Sue’s house is ........ front of Kim’s.
A a B an C — A on B at C in
5 John ........ my best friend. 18 Mark never ........ tea.
A are B am C is A drinks B doesn’t drink
KEY 6 A: ........ is your sister’s name?
B: Jennifer.
C drink
19 She ........ goes bowling; she doesn’t like it.
A Who B What C Whose A always B usually C never
7 A: Whose pencil case is this? 20 They ........ two children, Emma and James.
B: It’s ........ . A have got B has got C haven’t got
A Jacob B Jacobs’ C Jacob’s 21 These are the ........ umbrellas.
8 There is a table ........ the kitchen. A girl B girl’s C girls
A in B on C under 22 This is Richard. ........ is twenty.
9 Helen ........ got two cars. She’s got one. A He B She C His
A has B have C hasn’t 23 There are some ........ on the table.
10 Juan is Spanish. He ........ French. A banana B bananas C banana’s
A ’m not B isn’t C aren’t 24 She ........ got a computer in her bedroom.
11 This is Tom and Nancy. ........ are my cousins. A ’s B is C ’ve
A They B You C We 25 My name ........ Pat.
12 ........ are lots of hotels in the city. A ’m B ’re C ’s
A Those B These C There
13 Crocodiles have got big ........ .
A teeth B tooths C teeths

Present Continuous 4
Form subject + to be + verb -ing

Affirmative I’m working, He’s/She’s/It’s working, We’re/You’re/They’re working

Negative I’m not working, He/She/It isn’t working, We/You/They aren’t working
Interrogative Am I working?, Is he/she/it working?, Are we/you/they working?
Yes, I am. Yes, he/she/it is. Yes, we/you/they are.
Short Answers
No, I’m not. No, he/she/it isn’t. No, we /you/they aren’t.

Spelling Use
ñ Most verbs add -ing after the base form of the main We use the present continuous for:
verb. ñ actions happening now, at the moment
speak — speaking, visit — visiting, of speaking or actions
watch — watching happening around the time
ñ Verbs ending in -e, drop the -e and add -ing. of speaking. (temporary
smile — smiling, dance — dancing situations)
ñ Verbs ending in a vowel and a consonant double Karen is working on
the consonant and add -ing. the computer now.
run — running, sit — sitting (action happening now)
ñ Verbs ending in -ie change the -ie to -y and add She is working very hard these days. (temporary ฉบับ
-ing. situation) KEY
tie — tying
ñ fixed arrangements in
the near future.
Time expressions used with the present Bob is flying to Madrid
continuous: now, at the moment, at present, these in two hours. (Bob’s at the
days, tomorrow, tonight, next week etc. airport waiting to board the

1 Add –ing to the verbs below and put them in

the correct box. 2 1
Fill in the gaps with the present continuous.

They ® are washing (wash) the dishes now.

go, celebrate, lie, put, have, shop, swim, make,
die, sleep, run, relax, plan, speak, ride, tie
2 am not watching
I ............................... (not/watch) TV now.
3 Is Jerry reading
....................... (Jerry/read) the newspaper?
4 is studying
Tom ................... (study) at the library now.
+ ing sleeping,
® going, ....................... 5 are staying
We .................................... (stay) with my
relaxing, speaking
.................................. aunt until we find a flat of our own.
-e  ing having,
® celebrating, ............... 6 is not going
Melinda ...................... (not/go) to the party
making, riding
.................................. tonight.

-ie  y + ing dying, tying 7 are

Karen and I are in the kitchen. We ...............
® lying, .......................
.................. (make) dinner.
8 Are you looking
........................... (you/look) for a new job?
double consonant + ing ® putting, .................... 9 are meeting
Jane and Claire ............................. (meet)
swimming, running,
................................... us this afternoon.
.................................. 10 is watering
Mum’s in the garden. She ...........................
(water) the plants.

4 Present Continuous

3 Look at the pictures and use the phrases in

the list to correct the false sentences (1-5). 5 Put the verbs in the list in the present
continuous to complete the letter.

ñ wash the dishes ñ read a book ñ play the ñ celebrate ñ sit ñ not/rain ñ watch
guitar ñ water the plants ñ feed the chickens ñ wear ñ take ñ come ñ go ñ have
Hi David,
Greetings from Italy. I 1) ® ’m having a great
1 Sandra is eating a sandwich.
® Sandra isn’t eating a
time. It’s cloudy today, but at least it 2) .......
raining are celebrating
.................. . They 3) ......................... Carnival
sandwich. She’s reading am
this week here. At the moment, I 4) ..............
a book. sitting
...................... in a café with my family and
are watching
we 5) .............................. the parade go by.
are wearing
People 6) ........................... amazing masks and
2 The children are playing in
is taking
costumes. Right now, my sister 7) ........................
lots of photographs to show all our friends back
the park.
The children aren,,t playing are going
home. Tonight we 8) ............................... for
................................... dinner to a nice restaurant. I can’t wait! I love
in the park. They re feeding
................................... Italian food!
the chickens.
................................... are coming
We 9) ................... back on Saturday.
See you then.
3 Frank and Mary are cooking Nancy
KEY dinner.
Frank and Mary aren,,t
cooking dinner. They re
washing the dishes.
6 Read Patty’s agenda. In pairs, ask and answer
questions, as in the example.

Saturday Sunday
10:00 am tidy room
4 Anna is writing a letter.
Anna isn,t ,writing a
................................... 11:00 am
meet friends in
letter. She s playing the
buy present for
................................... 2:00 pm
visit grandparents
have a piano
5:00 pm
5 Andrew is painting the house. lesson
Andrew isn, ,t painting the
................................... go to cinema with
house. He s watering the
................................... 8:00 pm
ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย (Key to Pairwork Activities)
1 room/tidy/Sunday/10:00 am?
® A: Is Patty tidying her room on Sunday at

4 What are your parents and friends doing now?

Write the sentences. (Suggested Answer)
10:00 am?
B: No, she isn’t. She’s tidying her room on
Saturday at 10:00 am.
1 ® My friend Paul is listening to music.
2 meet/friends/in the park/Saturday/11:00 am?
2 ® My mother is working now.
My brother is having a lesson. 3 buy/mum/present/Sunday/5:00 pm?
3 ...........................................................
4 My father is driving to work.
4 visit/grandparents/Saturday/2:00 pm?

5 Jennifer is doing her homework.

.......................................................... 5 have/piano lesson/Sunday/5:00 pm?
6 Nick is playing computer games.
.......................................................... 6 go/cinema/with/Sally/Saturday/8:00 pm?

Present Continuous 4
7 Fill in the correct verb from the list in the
present continuous. Which sentences refer to 9 a) Look at the picture and put the verbs in
brackets into the present continuous.

actions happening now (N), temporary situations

(T), fixed arrangements in the near future (F)?

ñ have ñ get ñ rain ñ come

ñ sleep ñ fix ñ stay ñ look

1 We ® are having a barbecue on Sunday. ®F

2 is sleeping
Please be quiet ! The baby ............... . N
3 is staying
She’s in Rome. She .......................... T
with her friend.
4 is fixing
Dad ......................... the lawnmower N
in the garage. Five family members 1) ® are having (have) lunch at
5 are coming
My parents ....................... back from F
..... are sitting
home. Four of them 2) ......................... (sit) at the dinner
Rome on Friday. are eating
table. They 3) ......................... (eat) soup. The father
6 are getting
Helen and Bob ...................... married F
..... is pouring
4) ......................... (pour) his son a glass of milk. The
next week. is looking
mother 5) ......................... (look) at her oldest daughter
7 is looking
Tony .............................. for a flat T
..... is talking
because she 6) ......................... (talk) to her. Both the
near the office. are wearing
parents and the children 7) ............................ (wear)
8 is raining
It .............. outside! Wear a raincoat. N
..... are enjoying
casual clothes. They 8) ............................ (enjoy) their
8 Put the words in the correct order to make
b) Look at the picture again. In pairs, ask and
answer questions, as in the example.

1 is/Mr Jones/lunch/at the moment/having 1 the five family members/have/lunch?

® Mr Jones is having lunch at the moment. ® A: Are the five family members having lunch?
2 tonight/you/going/are/cinema/the/to? B: Yes, they are. ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
Are you going to the cinema tonight?
2 the father/stand up?
(Key to Pairwork Activities)
3 not/joining/Paul/tonight/is/us
3 the mother/look/at her son?
Paul is not joining us tonight.
4 the children/talk/to their parents?
4 is/Janet/Madrid/going/this/weekend/to?
Is Janet going to Madrid this weekend?
5 the boy/wear/a red T-shirt?
6 they/all/enjoy/their meal?
5 this/afternoon/grandparents/Tom/visiting/his/is
Tom is visiting his grandparents this afternoon.
6 Bob/not/working/is/these days Speaking (Students, own answer)
Bob is not working these days.
.......................................................... Find a picture from a magazine. In pairs,
7 we/festival/going/are/to/now/a describe your picture to your partner.
We are going to a festival now.
.......................................................... Ask each other questions for more details.
8 looking/they/still/are/new/car/a/for?
Are they still looking for a new car?
.......................................................... ® In this picture, there is/are ...
9 Kate/is/seeing/not/dentist/the/today
Kate is not seeing the dentist today.
.......................................................... Writing (Students, own answer)
10 children/playing/are/computer/games/the/now?
Are the children playing computer games now?
.......................................................... Write a short text describing your picture from
the Speaking activity.

5 Present Simple vs Present Continuous

We use the present simple for: We use the present continuous

ñ daily routines, habits,
repeated actions. ñ actions happening at the
They play basketball every time of speaking.
Saturday. (habit) The baby is sleeping at the

ñ permanent states. ñ temporary actions

happening around the time
He lives on a farm.
of speaking.
She is practising for
a concert these days.

ñ facts.
ñ fixed arrangements
The Earth is round. in the near future.
She’s flying to Paris
in an hour.
Time expressions used with the present simple:
every hour/day/week/month/summer/year etc,
ฉบับ usually, always, every morning/afternoon/evening/
KEY night, in the morning/afternoon/evening, at
Time expressions used with the present
continuous: now, at the moment, at present,
midday, at night etc.
these days, today, tomorrow etc.
Stative Verbs
Some verbs don’t have continuous forms because they describe a state not an action. Some of these are:
like, love, want, know, need, believe.
I like your new shirt. (NOT: I’m liking your new shirt.)
I want to go to the cinema tonight. (NOT: I’m wanting to go to the cinema tonight.)
I need a piece of paper. (NOT: I’m needing a piece of paper.)
I believe the play starts early. (NOT: I’m believing the play starts early.)

1 Mary wants to get fit and is making some changes to her lifestyle. Look at the pictures and tell your

in the afternoon in the evening

for breakfast between meals
ñ watch TV ñ eat chocolate ñ have fast food
ñ eat toast and eggs
ñ ride a bicycle ñ eat fruit ñ cook a healthy meal
ñ have cereal

A ® Mary usually eats toast and eggs for breakfast, but today she is having cereal.
ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย (Key to Pairwork Activities)
Present Simple vs Present Continuous 5
2 Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple
or present continuous.
1 Steven ® is wearing (wear) a tie today.
are playing
2 The children ........................... (play) in the
park now. They often ................. (go) there in
the afternoons.
3 Joe ............................ (work) in a hospital. do homework play video
4 doesn,t drive
Cathy ............................ (not/drive) a car. every afternoon games
5 What are they doing (they/do) at the moment?
.................. He does his homework every afternoon. He isn t ,
6 is living
Jim ........................ (live) with some friends doing his homework now. He is playing video games.
until he moves into his new flat.
7 Is it snowing
............................. (it/snow) heavily today?
isn,t raining
8 We can go out. It ..................................... 4
(not/rain) now.
are not going
9 Mr and Mrs Jones .......................... (not/go)
to Rome tomorrow.
do you get up
10 What time ............................ (you/get up)
on Sundays? ฉบับ
water plants/7 o’clock
wash the dishes KEY
every evening
Look at the pictures. Write sentences.
She waters the plants at 7 o clock every evening.
She isn,t watering the plants now. She is washing
1 the dishes.

4 Put the verbs in the present simple or present

1 A: ® Do you want (you/want) to come over for
dinner tonight?
play football every
ride a horse am going
B: Sorry, I can’t. I ........................... (go) to
the cinema with some friends.
® He plays football every afternoon. He isn’t playing 2 Is Tom talking
A: ....................... (Tom/talk) on the phone?
football now. He is riding a horse. is working
B: No, he ............... (work) on the computer.
3 does she drive
A: How often ........................... (she/drive)
2 her kids to football practice?
B: Every Monday.
4 looks
A: Bob ............................ (look) very tired.
is working
B: Yes. He ............... (work) hard these days.
5 Do you like
A: .................................... (you/like) tea?
B: Yes, I .............................. (drink) a cup
make her bed/7:30 every afternoon.
every morning
6 are making
A: The children ............................. (make)
lots of noise today.
She makes her bed at 7:30 every morning.
..................................................... are having
She isn,t making her bed now. She is sleeping.
B: Yes, but they ....................... (have) fun.
5 Present Simple vs Present Continuous

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct

form of the present continuous or the present 8 a) Look at the information. Then talk about the

Hi Liz, Celine — secretary

ñ work from 9 to 5 every day
My family and I 1) ® are having (have) a New Year’s Eve ñ always have lunch in the office
party tomorrow. We 2) ................... (be) all busy at the ñ read a magazine now
am preparing
moment. I 3) .................................. (prepare) some snacks ñ travel to Italy in two weeks
is cooking
and Mum 4) ........................................ (cook) a big dinner for
is decorating
everyone. Dad 5) .......................................... (decorate) the
is getting
house with streamers and my brother 6) ............................
® Celine is a secretary. She ...
(get) the music ready. We 7) ........................ (have) a big
New Year s Eve party every year. It’s lots of fun because b) In pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the
we always 8) ....................... (play) a lot of party games. My example. ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
dad usually 9) ......................... (give) small presents to all
(Key to Pairwork Activities)
the guests. ® A: Does she work from 9 to 5 every day?
are you doing
What 10) .................................... (you/do) tomorrow? B: Yes, she does.
Do you,want
11) ........................................... (you/want) to come?
don t need
You 12) ........................................... (not/need) to bring Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Speaking Activities)
anything; we have lots of food and drinks!
ฉบับ Look at the pictures and the prompts. Describe
KEY Let me know!
them to the class using the present simple or
present continuous. Talk about:

ñ place ñ clothes ñ activities

6 Underline the correct time expression.

1 George and Jennifer have French lessons on
ñ birthday party

ñ party hats ñ have/fun

Thursdays/at the moment.
2 Bob is going to a concert tonight/every Friday.
3 She is living with her cousin at present/at nights.
4 I am taking five courses this semester/every day. C

5 Does Mike now/usually play basketball at the

6 Helen isn’t working at the moment/on Sundays. ñ carnival
ñ costumes

ñ walk/parade
Write about your school and what you do/are
doing there. Use these phrases: sometimes, ñ park ñ T-shirts/shorts
ñ have/food eating contest
always, in September, tomorrow, every Monday,
usually. (Suggested Answer) ® In picture A, the children are at a birthday
party. They are all wearing party hats. There is a
1 ® I sometimes walk to school.
I always do my homework in the afternoon.
2 ............................................................
birthday cake on the table. They are having fun.
The new school year starts in September.
3 ............................................................
Writing (Keyดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
We are going on a school trip tomorrow.
4 ............................................................ Writing Activities)
I have an Art lesson every Monday.
5 ............................................................ Choose a picture and write a short description
I usually leave school at about 3 pm.
6 ............................................................ of it.

(Units 4-5) Exploring Grammar

ñ Present Simple & Present

Hi Mandy!

Greetings from Italy! We’re having a great time.
a) Read the postcard. Circle all the
We’re staying at a nice hotel in Naples. We like it a
verbs in the present simple and underline
lot. Today they’re celebrating a pizza festival here.
all the verbs in the present continuous.
It happens every year in September and usually
Look at the highlighted verb forms and
lasts for ten days. People eat lots of pizza, drink
match them to their uses:
limoncello and enjoy music from lots of different
ñ permanent states bands. Tonight, we’re going to the festival with our
.................................................... Italian friend Fabio. Fabio lives in Rome but he is
.................................................... visiting his aunt in Naples at the moment. Fabio and
ñ habit/routine his aunt take us sightseeing every afternoon. This
.................................................... afternoon, we’re driving to Mt Vesuvius. Vesuvius
.................................................... is a big volcano close to Naples. Tomorrow, they’re
ñ action happening at the time of speaking
they,re celebrating
taking us to Pompeii, a very famous ancient Roman
.................................................... city full of ruins. I can’t wait.
See you soon!
ñ fixed arrangements in the near future ฉบับ
we,re driving
.................................................... Love, KEY
ñ temporary situation
we,re staying

b) What are the spelling rules for the ending c) How do we form the negative and
of verbs like putting/writing in the present interrogative of the present simple and the
continuous? present continuous?
Verbs ending in a vowel and a
We form the interrogative of the present
simple with do/does + subject pronoun/noun
consonant, double the consonant
........................................................ + main verb in the base form. We form the
and take -ing.
........................................................ negative with do/does not and the main
e.g. put ➝ putting
........................................................ verb in the base form.
Verbs ending in -e, drop the -e and
........................................................ We form the interrogative of the present
take -ing.
........................................................ continuous with am/is/are + subject pronoun
e.g. write ➝ writing
+ verb ending in -ing. We form the negative
with am/is/are not and the main verb ending
in -ing.
........................................................ d) What is a stative verb? Find an example in
........................................................ the letter.
........................................................ A stative verb is a verb which hasn,t got
continuous forms. It describes a state.

example: like

Exploring Grammar (Units 4-5)
2 Put the verbs in the present simple or the present continuous.

is Helen doing
1 A: What .................... (Helen/do) this weekend?
is visiting (visit) her cousin in Manchester.
B: She ....................

2 do you usually do (you/usually/do) on Saturday mornings?

A: What .........................
B: I .................... (tidy) my room and go shopping.

3 A: Where’s Louise?
is staying
B: She’s in London. She .................... (stay) at the Hilton Hotel.

4 do you water (you/water) the plants?

A: How often ......................
B: Twice a week.
Do you want
5 A: .................... (you/want) to come over tonight?
am going
B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I .................... (go) out to dinner with some friends.

6 do you get up (you/get up) every day?

A: What time .......................
B: Seven o’clock.

ñ Time Expressions
KEY 3 a) Which time expressions do we use with the present simple, the present continuous?
every day, usually, always, in the morning etc
present simple: ...............................................................................................................
now, at the moment, at present, these days
present continuous: ..........................................................................................................
Today, every year, Tonight, at the moment, every afternoon,
Find examples in the letter: ................................................................................................
This afternoon, Tomorrow

b) Circle the correct time expression.

1 Martha usually does her food shopping on Saturdays/at the moment.

2 It isn’t raining now/at the weekend.

3 Pierre and Marie are going to the theatre tonight/every Tuesday.

4 Ron has a piano lesson twice a week/these days.

5 Sophie is sitting her exams this week/at night.

6 Carla and John usually eat out on Sundays/at the moment.

7 George buys a newspaper every day/today.

8 My friend and I play computer games on Saturday afternoons/at present.

9 Sometimes/At the moment she is studying for a test.

10 Tom isn’t driving to work today/every day.

Revision (Units 1-5)
(25 × 4)

Circle the correct item.

1 Sally is ........ a shower at the moment. 14 A: Is this ........ bike?

A has B having C have B: No, this isn’t my bike.
A her B his C your
2 Katie ........ her grandparents every weekend.
A visits B visit C is visiting 15 I ........ to school every morning.
A walk B am walking C walks
3 ........ Peter and Mark want to go to the football
match? 16 A: Where is Sam?
A Does B Do C Are B: He’s ........ the garage.
A under B in C on
4 A: Where is my pencil case?
B: It’s ........ to your schoolbag. 17 Do you know Mario and Andrea? ........ are from
A behind B under C next Italy.
A Their B Them C They
5 Do you like ........ new car?
A mine B my C me 18 Are there ........ biscuits left?
6 This is the ........ dog.
A some B a C any
A boy’s B boys C boy 19 We ........ the 12 o’clock flight to New York
7 Have ........ got a laptop?
A catch B are catching C catches
A she B it C you
20 That’s not Tom’s jacket. ........ jacket is in the
8 There are some ........ in the drawer.
A knife B knifes C knives
A Her B His C Your
9 A: ........ is this?
21 That isn’t Sally’s dog. It’s ........ .
B: It’s a computer game.
A Jakes B Jake’s C Jake
A How B What C Who
22 A: ........ are you going out to dinner with?
10 I ........ to go to the bank today.
B: Sally and Jeff.
A need B am needing C needs
A Why B Where C Who
11 Do elephants ........ in the jungle?
23 ........ are some kittens in the garden.
A live B lives C living
A There B They C This
12 They have got three ........ .
24 The children ........ football in the park now.
A puppy B puppy’s C puppies
A play B is playing C are playing
13 My sister ........ Italian.
25 Peter and Maria are sixteen. They ........ eighteen.
A speaks B is speaking C speak
A isn’t B aren’t C ’m not

6 Past Simple (regular and irregular verbs)

Peter Parker was a One day, a strange spider When Peter got home The next morning, Peter
clever young man bit him. Peter looked at that night, he felt ill. looked and felt very
who liked Science his hand and saw a big different. He was a
at school. cut. superhero! Spider-Man!

Regular Verbs ñ /t/ when the verbs end in /k/, /s/, /∏/, /«/, /f/ or /p/ sound.
cooked, kissed, watched, finished, laughed, stepped
ñ /d/ when the verb ends in any other sound.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They cooked arrived, opened, snowed, rubbed
I/You/He/She/It/We/They didn’t cook Use
We use the past simple to talk about:
ฉบับ ñ actions which happened at a particular time in the past.
KEY Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they cook? The time is either mentioned or implied.
Short Answers They spent their holidays in Mexico
Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they did./ last winter. (When? Last winter;
No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they didn’t. the time is mentioned.)
They had a nice time there. (When?
Spelling Rules When they were in Mexico; the time
ñ Verbs ending in -e take only -d. is implied.)
dance — danced
ñ Verbs ending in a consonant + y, ñ actions that happened
drop the -y and take -ied. try — tried immediately one after
ñ Verbs ending in a vowel + y, take the other.
-ed. stay — stayed First she answered the
ñ Verbs ending in one stressed vowel phone and then she wrote
between two consonants, double down the message.
the last consonant before the –ed.
stop — stopped ñ people who are no longer alive.
BUT open — opened Elvis Presley sang many great songs.
ñ Verbs ending in –l, double the l before (Elvis Presley is dead.)
they take –ed.
quarrel — quarrelled Irregular Verbs
Irregular verbs do not form the past simple by adding -ed.
Pronunciation have — had, bring — brought, leave — left
The suffix -ed is pronounced:
ñ /æd/ when the verbs end in /t/ or /d/ Time expressions used with the past simple: yesterday, the day
before yesterday, last week/month/year, two hours/days/weeks/
sound. wanted, visited, needed
months/years ago, when, then, in 2003 etc.

Past Simple (regular and irregular verbs) 6
1 Complete the table with the following verbs.

close, drop, study, marry, cancel, smile, try,

4 Sheila ............. a new computer three days ago.
5 Amanda .................... her laundry last night.
6 Steve and Robert ...................... in the school
plan, look, rob, stay, race, enjoy, water
concert yesterday.
open — opened look - looked, water - watered
........................................ fell
7 Dan ....................... and hurt his arm.
smile - smiled,
® close — closed, ................. wrote
8 William Shakespeare ........................... many
live — lived race - raced
........................................ famous plays.

fry — fried
study - studied, marry - married,
........................................ celebrated
9 Maria .............................. her 16th birthday
try - tried
........................................ last Saturday.
play — played stay - stayed, enjoy - enjoyed
........................................ watched
10 Matthew ........................... his favourite TV
drop - dropped, plan - planned,
programme last night.
stop — stopped rob - robbed
travel — travelled
cancel - cancelled

........................................ Look at what Ginger did last Saturday and

make sentences.
Write the past simple form of the verbs below.
Then put them into the correct category.
tidy her room ✓
1 need needed
............ 7 dust dusted
washed liked water the plants ✗
2 wash ............ 8 like ............
3 live lived
............ 9 pick picked
............ go shopping ✓
4 invent invented
............ 10 move moved
............ do her homework ✗ KEY
5 enjoy enjoyed
............ 11 kiss kissed
............ play tennis with Sarah ✓
6 climb climbed
............ 12 use used
have lunch ✓
/æd/ /t/ /d/ take out the rubbish ✗

® needed ® washed ® lived watch a film on TV ✓

.................... liked enjoyed
.................... ....................
.................... picked climbed
.................... ....................
.................... kissed moved
.................... ....................
.................... used
.................... .................... 1 ® Last Saturday, Ginger tidied her room.
2 Last Saturday, Ginger didn,t water the plants.
Last Saturday, Ginger went, shopping.
3 Complete the table with the past simple of 3 ............................................................
the verbs in the list. Then, using the verbs, fill
4 Last Saturday, Ginger didn t do her homework.
5 Last Saturday, Ginger played tennis with Sarah.
in the blanks in sentences 1-10.
6 Last Saturday, Ginger had ,lunch.
mop, celebrate, sing, make, buy, do, fall, be, 7 Last Saturday, Ginger didn t take out the rubbish.
watch, write 8 Last Saturday, Ginger watched a film on TV.

regular irregular Write sentences about yourself. Use the
® mopped, sang, made,
......................... expressions. (Suggested Answer)
......................... bought, did, fell,
......................... was/were, wrote
......................... ñ two days ago ñ last night ñ last month
......................... ......................... ñ in 2006 ñ last week
......................... .........................
1 ® I went to a concert two days ago.
1 Johnny ® mopped the kitchen floor yesterday.
2 I did my homework last night.
2 Albert Einstein ............. a brilliant scientist.
3 I bought a camera last month.
3 Karen ............. a cake last Tuesday.
4 I went to Italy with my family in 2006.
5 I played tennis with my friends last week.

6 Past Simple (regular and irregular verbs)

6 a) Complete the text with the

verbs in brackets. Use the 7 Put the verbs into the past simple. Then match
the questions to the answers.
past simple.
1 What time ® did you wake up (you/wake up)
this morning?
2 did he finish
When ....................... (he/finish) university?
3 did they go
Why ........................... (they/go) to London?
4 did you have
What .................... (you/have) for breakfast?
5 did Tom start
When .......................... (Tom/start) playing
the piano?
Lee Falk 1) ® created (create) 6 did Emily invite
Who ................................... (Emily/invite)
the comic book superhero, ‘The Phantom’. The to the barbecue?
Phantom first 2) ........................ (appear) in a newspaper
comic strip in 1936. He soon 3) ..................... (become) a 1 At 7 o’clock. d 6 Shelly and Robert.
one of America’s most loved superheroes! b 2 Two years ago. e 4 Cereal.
The Phantom 4) ..................... (live) alone in the jungles of c 5 When he was 6. f 3 For business.
Africa. He 5) ................. (choose) to become a superhero
because he 6) ................. (want) to help people in danger.
The Phantom 7) ................. (wear) a purple costume and
didn,t have,
Complete the questions with the verbs below.
KEY was very strong but he 8) ................................. (not/have)
didn t like
any super-human abilities. He 9) ...........................................
Then choose the correct answer.

(not/like) criminals and 10) ........................... (fight) with ñ come ñ appear ñ work ñ write
them all the time. He 11) ............................... (help) people ñ grow up ñ create
who 12) ....................... (need) him.
A popular TV series and a Hollywood film 13) ........................
(follow) the successful comic.

1 Which year ® did ‘Daredevil’ first ® appear in

b) Use the words to make questions about comics?
A 1961 B 1964
The Phantom. Then write the answers.
did grow up
2 Where ......... Superman ............?
1 Lee Falk/create/The Phantom? A Smallville B Krypton
® Did Lee Falk create The Phantom?
Yes, he did.
did create
3 Which character(s) ......... Stan Lee ..............
2 The Phantom/appear/in 1936? in 1961?
Did the Phantom appear in 1936? Yes, he did.
........................................................... A The Fantastic Four B Superman
3 he/live/in Africa? did work
4 Where ......... Stan Lee .............. after he left
Did he live in Africa? Yes, he did.
........................................................... school?
4 he/have/super-human/abilities? A In a restaurant
Did he have any super-human abilities? ,
........................................................... B In a publishing company
No, he didn t.
5 he/like/criminals?
Did he like criminals? No, he didn,t.
did come
5 Where ......... Superman .............. from?
A Earth B Space
6 he/help/people?
Did he help people? Yes, he did.
........................................................... did write
6 When ......... Stan Lee .............. his first story?
7 a TV series/follow/the comic? A in 1922 B in 1941
Did a TV series follow the comic? Yes, it did.

Past Simple (regular and irregular verbs) 6
9 Put the verbs in brackets into the
past simple.
Speaking ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
(Key to Speaking Activities)
a) In pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example.
1 A: What ® did you have (you/ Use the phrases below.
have) for lunch?
B: I ............... (eat) a sandwich. ñ cook dinner yesterday ñ go to the cinema last
ñ do your homework last Saturday
2 A: Did you take (you/take)
......................... night ñ have breakfast yesterday
any photos of Sally’s birthday ñ go on a picnic last week morning
didn,t have
party? ñ play in the park yesterday ñ do the shopping last Friday
B: No, I ................................ afternoon ñ go on holiday last year
(not/have) my camera with me.
Did they go
3 A: .......................... (they/go) ® A: Did you cook dinner yesterday?
out last night? B: Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.
B: No, they ................. (stay) in b) Tell the class what your partner did/didn’t do.
and ................. (chat) online
with friends. Writing ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
did John get
4 A: How ................... (John/get)
(Key to Writing Activities)
Use pictures A-D to write Alex’s dream. Use the past simple
to the airport yesterday?
B: He .................. (take) a taxi.
tense. Use the ideas to help you.

did you go ñ Alex and Felix/go fishing/yesterday afternoon ฉบับ

5 A: Where ..............................
(you/go) after school yesterday?
ñ suddenly/their boat/hit some rocks KEY
went (go) to the library
B: I .............
ñ they start to panic/and begin to yell for help
played (play)
and then I ...........
ñ Superkid/hear/the boys/and grab his cape
ñ Superkid/fly quickly/to the boys
basketball with friends.
ñ when/Alex and Felix see Superkid/they be very happy

ñ Superkid/pick them up/and fly them to their parents
Put the words in the correct
ñ Alex and Felix’s parents/shout/for joy
order to make sentences.

1 Steven and Jim/hang/with/didn’t/ A B

Steven and Jim didn,t hang out
with friends last night.
2 bed/made/this/he/his/morning
He made his bed this morning.
3 around/she/did/help/house/
yesterday/the? C D
Did she help around the house
4 buy/a/Bill/didn’t/camera/last week
Bill didn,t buy a camera last week.
5 last/Madrid/visit/did/year/they?
Did they visit Madrid last year?
6 I/great/had/party/a/last/month
® Alex and Felix went fishing yesterday afternoon.
I had a great party last month.
Suddenly, ...

7 Used to

Affirmative I/You/He/She/It/We/They used to exercise.

Negative I/You/He/She/It/We/They didn’t use to exercise.
Interrogative Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they use to exercise?
Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they did. He used to ride a bicycle
Short Answers
No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they didn’t. when he was young. Now he
drives a car.
ñ Used to is used to talk about past habits or things that happened regularly
in the past but they no longer happen.
He used to eat a lot of chocolate when he was a kid. (he doesn’t do that any more)
ñ We also use used to for things that were true but they are not true any more.
She used to have long hair when she was a child. (Now she has short hair.)
ñ We can use the past simple instead of used to with no difference in meaning.
He used to wear glasses. He wore glasses.
BUT She flew to New York yesterday. (NOT: used to fly — single past action)

Used to is always a past form. It has no present form. It has the same form in all persons singular
ฉบับ and plural in the affirmative. I used to play football. Anna used to exercise a lot.
KEY The question form is Did (you) use to ...? Did Anna use to study long hours?
The negative form is (I) didn’t use to ... . Josh didn’t use to get up early.

1 Match verbs 1-6 with words/phrases a-f. Then write sentences about Amy when she was younger.
Use used to/didn’t use to.
1 c have a to bed late ars
2 f live b comic books

a c long hair

3 not go
4 e not play d fish
5 d not eat e computer games
6 b read f in a big house
Amy, toda
1 ® Amy used to have long hair.

Amy used, to live in a big house.


2 ............................................................

3 Amy didn, t use to go to bed late.


4 Amy didn ,t use to play computer games.

5 Amy didn t use to eat fish.
6 Amy used to read comic books.

Used to 7
2 Ten years ago Gary was a student. Now he is a
business executive. Use the phrases to ask and 4 Use used to/didn’t use to to write sentences
about your past habits.
answer questions about him, as in the example.
ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย 1 ® I used to bite my nails. (Suggested Answer)
(Key to Pairwork Activities) I used, to have long hair.
2 ............................................................
NOW I didn t use to live in the city.
3 ............................................................
ñ have his own flat I used, to play the piano.
4 ............................................................
ñ drive a car I didn t use to drink coffee.
5 ............................................................

ñ wear suits
Put a tick (✓) next to the sentences where ‘used
ñ eat takeaway
ñ exercise at the gym to + main verb’ can replace the past simple.

THEN 1 John drank a lot of milk when he was younger.

ñ live with his parents ® ✓ (used to drink)
ñ ride a bike 2 Karen visited Rome last month.
ñ wear shorts and T-shirts 3 Philip and Robert played hide and seek when they
ñ eat homemade food were little. ✓ (used to play)
ñ play football with his friends 4 Ten years ago students wore uniforms to
school.✓ (used to wear)
® A: Did Gary use to have his own flat? 5 Eric won the lottery last week.
B: No, he didn’t. He used to live with his parents. 6 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in
(used to have) ฉบับ

3 Rewrite David’s comments using used to or 7 Families had a lot of children in the old days.
8 People travelled on horses one hundred years ago.
didn’t use to, as in the example. (used to travel)✓
I have a
I don’t work
Speaking ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
moustache in a factory
(Key to Speaking Activities)
In pairs, ask and answer questions about things
now. any more. you used/didn’t use to do when you were
seven years old. Use the ideas below and/or
3 your own ideas.
I wear
I don’t drive
glasses ñ ride a bicycle ñ climb trees
to work any
now. ñ eat a lot of sweets ñ read comic books
ñ play video games ñ speak English
ñ watch cartoons
® A: Did you use to ride a bicycle when you were
5 I live in Los I don’t wear
seven years old?
Angeles now, jeans any
B: Yes, I did. Did you use to climb trees?
not in more.
A: No, I didn’t.

1 ® I didn’t use to have a moustache.

Writing ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
2 I............................................................
used to work in a factory. (Key to Writing Activities)
Use your answers from the Speaking activity to
3 didn,t use to wear glasses.
I............................................................ write a short paragraph about what your partner
4 I............................................................
used to wear jeans. used to/didn’t use to do.
5 didn,t use to live in Los Angeles./I used to live in Manchester.
I ............................................................
® William used to ride a bicycle when he was seven
6 I............................................................
used to drive to work. years old, but he didn’t use to climb trees. ...

Exploring Grammar (Units 6-7)
ñ Past Simple
2 a) Find a negative past form in the text. How
didn,t get. We form the
is it formed? ........................................
a) Read the text below. Find all the verbs in
the past simple. Circle the regular verbs
negative by using subject + did not +
main verb.
and underline the irregular verbs.
b) How do we form the interrogative form in
b) Look at the highlighted verb forms and We form the
the past simple? ...................................
match them to their uses: interrogative by using did + subject +
ñ actions which happened at a specific time main + verb.
in the past ........................................
ñ actions which took place one after the
directed, started
3 a) How do we form short answers in the past
For positive short answers we
simple? ..............................................
use Yes + subject + did.
other ..............................................
For negative short answers we use
No + subject + did + not.
b) Read the text again and answer the
1 Did Steven win his first film prize at 12 years old?
No, he didn,t. He won his first film prize at 13.
2 Did he write his first film Firelight when he was in
KEY The STAR of Hollywood! secondary school?
Yes, he did.
No, he, didn,t.
3 Did he get into film school? ...........................
As a young boy, Steven Spielberg used to spend all
He applied three times but he didn t get in.
4 Did he take a part-time job at Universal Studios?
his time making films. Right from the start he was Yes, he did.
very good at it. When he was 13, he won his first 5 Did he direct Jaws when he was 30 years old?
film prize. When he was 16 and still in secondary No, he didn,t. He directed Jaws when he was
school, he wrote and directed his first film, Firelight. 29 years old.
After secondary school, Steven applied to get into

Jurassic Park, Jaws,

film school not once, not 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

Did you see

1 A: ...................................(you/see) Tommy
twice, but three times!
Minority Report, War yesterday?
of the Worlds. Do
But he didn’t get in! So he went
B: Yes, we ...... ...... (go) to the theatre together.
decided to go to university
you know who made 2 Did they go (they/go) to the parade
A: ..........................
these thrilling films? and take a part-time on Sunday?
The answer is Steven job at Universal Studios watched (watch) it on TV.
B: No, they ......................
Spielberg, the famous instead. Luckily, someone
American film director. at Universal Studios soon
3 Did she cook
A: .................................. (she/cook) dinner
last night?
noticed Steven’s talent. ordered (order) a takeaway.
B: No, she ....................
They offered him a job as a professional director. First,
ñ Used to
Steven directed television programmes and then he
started to direct films. When he was 29 years old,
Steven directed his first big hit: Jaws. This film made
5 a) Look through the text and find a past habit
Steven Spielberg
of Steven Spielberg. .............................
used to spend all his time making films.
over $470 million dollars at the box office. That was
only the beginning. b) In pairs, discuss what you used to do when
you were younger. ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
(Key to Pairwork Activities)
Revision (Units 1-7)
(25 × 4)

Circle the correct item.

1 ........ you go to school yesterday? 14 Mr Tyler bought a new laptop for ........ son.
A Does B Did C Do A him B he C his
2 Sam ........ work in a fast food restaurant. 15 Ellie ........ her favourite soap opera every
A uses to B used to C use to afternoon.
A watch B watches C is watching
3 There isn’t ........ ice cream in the fridge.
A any B some C a 16 I ........ study because I want to do well in school.
A never B sometimes C always
4 A: Is that bicycle ........?
B: No, it’s Tom’s. 17 ........ your name Harry?
A your B yours C you A Is B Are C Am

5 Suzie didn’t ........ her homework last night. 18 ........ ’s your home address?
A does B do C did A How B What C Whose
6 Is Mark ........ on the computer at the moment?
A work B works C working
19 We ........ to France on holiday last year.
A are going B go C went
7 She ........ her room every weekend. 20 I ........ a birthday party tonight.
A tidies B is tidying C tidy A have B has C am having

8 This is the ........ car. 21 I saw Mark at the theatre ........ .

A man B man’s C men A at the moment B last night
C tomorrow
9 Did Lisa ........ live in a big house?
A uses to B used to C use to 22 A: ........ are you?
B: I’m 1.70 m.
10 A: Did they go to the football match?
A How tall B How long C How old
B: Yes, they ........ .
A did B do C are doing 23 She hasn’t got any bananas, but she ........ got
some apples in her bag.
11 This is a camera. ........ are cameras.
A hasn’t B has C haven’t
A These B This C That
24 He’s writing a letter ........ .
12 He ........ to Naples in an hour.
A yesterday B usually C now
A fly B flies C is flying
25 My ........ name is Rover.
13 David ........ school early yesterday.
A dog’s B dogs C dog
A leave B leaves C left

8 Past Continuous

Form subject + was/were + verb -ing

Affirmative I/He/She/It was talking, We/You/They were talking

Negative I/He/She/It wasn’t talking, We/You/They weren’t talking
Interrogative Was I, Were you, Was he/she/it talking?, Were we/you/ they talking?
Yes, I/he/she/it was. Yes, we/you/they were.
Short Answers
No, I/he/she/it wasn’t. No, we/ you/they weren’t.
ñ for an action which was in progress at a stated ñ for a past action which was in progress when
time in the past. We do not know when the another action interrupted it. We use the past
action started or finished. continuous for the action in progress (longer
Mrs Adams was having dinner action) and the past simple for the action which
at 6 o’clock yesterday evening. interrupted it
(We do not know when she (shorter action).
started or when she finished.) Claire was writing in her
diary when her friend
called her.
KEY ñ for two or more actions which were happening Note:
at the same time in the ñ We can use when, while
past (simultaneous or as with the past continuous for past actions
actions). in progress. While he was having a bath, the
Tony was surfing the Net doorbell rang.
while Anna was reading. ñ We can use when with the past simple for a
past action which interrupted a past action in
He was walking in the park, when it started to
Time expressions used with the past continuous: while, when, as, all day/night/morning, all day
yesterday etc.

1 Katie Oliver is a secretary and a mother of two children. This is a page from Katie’s diary listing the
things she did yesterday. Write sentences saying what Katie was doing at the times mentioned below,
as in the example.
7:15 - 7:30 make breakfast for children
1 Katie ® was making breakfast at 7:20.
drive children to school
2 was driving her children to school
Katie ........................................... at 8:15.
8:00 - 8:30
8:30 - 9:00 go to work
3 was going to work
Katie ........................................... at 8:45.
4 was having a meeting with her at 11:30.
Katie ..........................................
boss 11:00 - 12:00 have a meeting with boss
1:30 - 2:00 have lunch
5 was having lunch
Katie ........................................... at 1:45.
3:00 - 5:00 type some reports
6 was typing some reports
Katie ........................................... at 4:30.
was collecting her children from atbabysitter
the 5:30 - 6:00 collect children from babysitter
7 Katie ........................................... 5:45. 7:00 - 7:30 cook dinner
8 was cooking dinner
Katie ........................................... at 7:15.

Past Continuous 8
2 Use the past continuous to say what you were
doing ... (Suggested Answer) 3 What were the people doing at 1:00 yesterday
afternoon? Write sentences.

1 at 11 o’clock last night. 1 Felix /work

® I was sleeping at 11 o’clock last night. ® Felix was working.
2 at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.
was walking to school at 8 o,clock yesterday
3 at 7:30 this morning.
was having breakfast at 7:30 this morning. 2 Emma and Claire/have coffee

4 two hours ago.

Emma and Claire were
was studying in the library two hours ago. having coffee.

5 this time last year.

was travelling to France this time last year. 3 Robert/paint his house

6 last Sunday afternoon.

Robert was painting his

was playing football with my friends last Sunday house.

7 in July two years ago.

was visiting my cousins in Italy in July two years
8 when your mum/dad came home from work
ago. 4 Frank and Mary/walk their dogs
Frank and Mary were ฉบับ
was playing video games when my mum/dad walking their dogs.
..................................... KEY
came home from work yesterday.

4 Look at the picture of the Jones’ house, a few minutes before an earthquake. What was each person
doing? Look at the pictures and use the verbs below to correct the sentences.

ñ make orange juice ñ cook ñ eat breakfast ñ feed the dog ñ pack schoolbag ñ read the newspaper



Tom Katie and Emma

Nick Dad

Mr Jones wasn,t writing a letter.

1 Tom was reading a book. 4 Mr Jones was writing a letter.
® Tom wasn’t reading a book. He was feeding the ..............................................................
dog. He was reading the newspaper.
Katie and Emma weren,t drawing a Grandma wasn,t washing the dishes.
2 Katie and Emma were drawing a picture. Grandma was washing the dishes.
.............................................................. ..............................................................
picture. They were eating breakfast.
.............................................................. She was making orange juice.
6 Nick was doing his homework.
Mrs Jones wasn,t talking on the phone. Nick wasn,t doing his homework.
3 Mrs Jones was talking on the phone.
.............................................................. ..............................................................
She was cooking.
.............................................................. He was packing his schoolbag.
8 Past Continuous

5 Form questions. Then answer them.

1 you/live/France/last year?
7 Tom and his friends went on a picnic in the
park at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Look
at the picture and use the verbs to write what
A: ® Were you living in France last year?
each person was doing, as in the example.
B: ® No, I wasn’t. I was living in Spain.
2 your parents/watch/the news/eight o’clock/last ñ play football ñ read a book
night? o,clock last night? ñ listen to music ñ eat sandwiches
Were your parents watching the news at eight
A: .......................................................
No, they weren t. They were watching a film.
B: .......................................................
3 you/have/breakfast/seven o’clock/this morning?
Were you having breakfast at seven o,clock
A: .......................................................
No, I wasn,t. I was having a shower. this morning?
B: .......................................................
4 your best friend/play football/four o’clock/last
Nicky Sarah
Friday afternoon? last Friday afternoon?
Was your best, friend playing football at four o,clock
A: .......................................................
No, he wasn t. He was having a swimming lesson.
B: .......................................................
5 you/sleep/six o’clock/this morning?
at six o,clock this morning?
Were you sleeping
A: .......................................................
No, I wasn t. I was running in the park.
B: ....................................................... Anna
6 it/snow/all day/yesterday?
ฉบับ Was it snowing all day yesterday?
KEY A: .......................................................
No, it wasn,t. It was raining.
B: .......................................................
1 Jim and Tom ® were playing football.
2 was listening to music.
Mike ........................................................

6 Join the sentences using while, as or when, as

in the example.
Anna was reading a book.
were eating sandwiches.
Sarah and Nicky ...........................................

1 Ben was doing his homework. He got a text

message from his friend. Speaking ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
® Ben was doing his homework when he got a
(Key to Speaking Activities)
In pairs, ask and answer questions about what
text message from his friend.
you were doing yesterday at:
OR As/When/While Ben was doing his homework,
he got a text message from his friend. ñ 7:30 am ñ 11:00 am ñ 1:30 pm
2 Betty was ironing her blouse. She burnt her hand. ñ 6:00 pm ñ 10:00 pm
was ironing her blouse when she burnt her hand.
As/When/While Betty was ironing her blouse, she burnt her hand. ® A: What were you doing at 7:30 am yesterday?
3 We were having a picnic. It started to rain. B: I was having breakfast. What were you doing?
We were having a picnic when it started to rain.
............................................................ A: I was having a shower.
As/When/While we were having a picnic, it started to rain.
4 Helen was washing the dishes. She broke a glass.
Writing ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
was washing the dishes when she broke a glass. (Key to Writing Activities)
As/When/While Helen was washing the dishes, she broke a glass.
............................................................ What were you/your family doing yesterday
5 Matt and Oliver were getting ready to go out. at:
The doorbell rang.
and Oliver were getting ready to go out when the ñ 7:00 am ñ 4:00 pm ñ 7:00 pm
doorbell rang.
Write a short paragraph.
As/When/While Matt and Oliver were getting ready to go out, the
doorbell rang.

Past Continuous vs Past Simple 9
We use the past simple for: We use the past continuous for:
ñ an action which was completed at a stated ñ an action which was in progress at a stated
time in the past. time in the past. We do not know when the
James and Alice bought a action started or finished.
new house last week. At 2 o’clock this afternoon, they
(When? Last week.) were sitting at an outdoor café.
(We do not know when they
started or when they finished.)

ñ two or more actions which were happening at

ñ actions which happened immediately one after
the same time in the past
the other in the past.
(simultaneous actions).
He was reading the newspaper
while he was eating a

ñ a past action which was in progress when

another action interrupted it.
He was walking to work when
he met a friend in the street.
First, he made the pizza and then he put it in (was walking — action in
the oven. progress, met — action
which interrupted the action
Time expressions used with the past simple: in progress)
ago, yesterday, last month/week, in 1998 Time expressions used with the past
etc. continuous: while, when, as, all day/night/
morning, all day yesterday etc.

1 Put the verbs in brackets into the past

continuous or the past simple. 2 What happened to the people? Make sentences.

1 Bill ® was making (make) a cup of coffee when 1 Tom/study — Sam/call him
the phone ® rang (ring). ® Tom was studying when Sam called him.
2 Daisy ....................................... (fall) over 2 Liz/sleep — the earthquake/happen
was skating
while she ..................................... (skate). Liz was sleeping when the earthquake happened.
was playing
3 I .................................. (play) a computer 3 Samantha/walk/in the park — it/begin to rain
went out
game when the electricity .............. (go out). Samantha was walking in the park when it began
was cooking
4 Sue ...................................... (cook) when 4 Tony/exercise — he/pull/muscle
to rain.
she ............................... (burn) her finger. Tony was exercising when he pulled a muscle.
were jogging
5 They ........................ (jog) in the park when 5 Kelly/drive/car — she/get a flat tyre
a dog ................................. (attack) them. Kelly was driving the car when she got a flat tyre.
went off
6 The alarm ............................. (go off) while 6 Paul/chop wood — he/cut/finger
were sleeping
we ................................... (sleep) heavily. Paul was chopping wood when he cut his finger.

9 Past Continuous vs Past Simple

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple

or the past continuous. 5 Underline the correct item.

1 A: What 1) ® happened (happen) to Alex? 1 Bill was surfing/surfed the Net when the doorbell
was playing
B: He 2) ..................... (play) football when was ringing/rang.
he 3) .............................. (fall) over and 2 First, Timothy got/was getting out of bed and
4) ................................ (break) his leg. then he put/was putting on his slippers.
Did he go
A: 5) ........................... (he/go) to hospital? 3 Last year, we travelled/were travelling to India
B: Yes, he did.
on holiday.
did you see
2 A: When 1) ........................ (you/see) Tony? 4 At 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon, David and his
was waiting
B: While I 2) .......................... (wait) at the brother were giving/gave their dog a bath.
bus stop yesterday morning.
5 John was studying/studied while his mother
3 A: I 1) .......................... (call) you last night was cooking/cooked dinner.
didn t answer
but you 2) ........................ (not/answer). 6 Claire was running/ran for the bus when she was
Where were you?
tripping/tripped over her shoelaces.
was exercising
B: I 3) ..................................... (exercise)
7 The students listened/were listening carefully
at the gym.
while the teacher spoke/was speaking.
were your kids doing
4 A: What 1) .......................... (your kids/do)
8 The baby was sleeping/slept at 10 o’clock this
when you 2) ......... (come) home last night?
ฉบับ were watching
B: They 3) ........................... (watch) a film
KEY on television.

4 Circle the mistake (A or B). Then correct it.

6 Complete the sentences with your own words.
(Suggested Answer)
1 Andy was walking down the street when he was 1 We were having a picnic when ® it started to rain.
A B Mike was
2 Harvey was watching TV while ......................
meeting Sue. ® met playing computer games.
2 Anna was dusting the furniture when her mother
I was washing the
3 Sally broke a glass while ..............................
was cooking dinner. .......................... dishes.
B ............................................................
3 Ben was having breakfast when the door bell was he got a
4 As Derek was doing his homework, .................
rang B text message from his friend.
ringing. ..........................
she cut
5 Debbie was cutting vegetables when ...............
4 Yesterday, Paul was leaving school and went
her finger.
straight home. .......................... ............................................................
I burnt my hand.
6 I was lighting a candle when .........................
5 At 3 pm yesterday afternoon, Terry was cutting ............................................................
A ............................................................
the grass while Shelly cleaned the house.
the phone
7 While Helen and Peter were eating, ...............
was cleaning
.......................... rang.
6 While Katie played tennis, her brother was I was
8 My friends were playing tennis while ...............
was playing
studying. ..........................
B playing football.

Past Continuous vs Past Simple 9
Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
7 a) Put the verbs in brackets into
the past simple or the
past continuous.
Speaking Activities)
Look at the pictures. In pairs, prepare a short
story using the prompts. Use the past simple or
the past continuous. Tell the class.
ñ David and Paul/play football outside ñ sun/shine
ñ while/they play/Paul kick/ball ñ hit/his father’s
car mirror ñ mirror/break ñ boys/know/it/be/
bad luck ñ later/go for a walk ñ walk down/street
and/talk/when/start/rain ñ the boys/not have/
umbrellas ñ get/very wet ñ then/car/drive past
ñ splash/water/on boys ñ Paul fall down/in the
It was a cloudy Friday afternoon. Tom and James mud/get dirty
1) ® were walking (walk) by the lake and 2) ...............were
................. (talk) about their summer holidays. All of
a sudden, Tom 3) ................................ (notice) an old A
house. The people in their town 4) ..................................

didn,t believe
(say) that it was a haunted house. But Tom and James
5) ................................ (not/believe) them, so they
6) ................................ (decide) to go inside. They
7) ................................ (open) the front door slowly ฉบับ
and 8) ................................ (enter) the hallway. They KEY
were going
9) ................................ (go) up the stairs when suddenly
they 10) ................................ (hear) a strange noise
behind them. They 11) .............................. (turn)
around and 12) .................................. (see) a scary
shadow. The boys 13) ................................ (scream)
and 14) ................................ (run) out of the house Later
were running
as fast as they could. As they 15) ................................ B C
(run), James 16) ................................ (look) back and
didn,t know
17) ................................ (spot) a dog in the doorway.
Was it the dog’s shadow? They 18) ................................
(not/know) but they never 19) ................................
(return) to the old house again!

b) Ask and answer questions, using the

prompts, as in the example. ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
(Key to Pairwork Activities)
1 What/Tom and James/do/on Friday afternoon?
® A: What were Tom and James doing on Friday
® Yesterday afternoon, David and Paul were
playing football outside when ...
B: They were walking by the lake.
2 What/they/notice?
3 What/people/say/about the house? Writing (Keyดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Writing Activities)
4 What/Tom and James/decide/to do?
5 What/they/see? Use your answers from the Speaking activity to
6 What/the boys/do? write a short story. End the story with your own
7 What/James/spot/in the doorway? ideas.

Exploring Grammar (Units 8-9)
ñ Past Simple & Past Continuous

1 a) Read the text below. Underline the verbs in the past simple and circle the verbs in the past
continuous. Which past simple verbs are regular? Which are irregular?

A long time ago in ancient Greece, so the story goes, a creature

called the Sphinx sat on a big rock outside the city of Thebes. The
The Sphinx was a very strange creature. She had the body of a lion,
the wings of a bird and the head of a woman. The Sphinx was also
Riddle a very bad creature. When someone walked past her, she asked
them a riddle: “What walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the
of the afternoon, and 3 legs in the evening? ” The sphinx killed any person
who didn’t know the answer to her riddle. The city of Thebes was
Sphinx like a prison. No one wanted to enter or leave the city because they
had to walk past the Sphinx. One day, a young man called Oedipus
1) was travelling through Greece. He 2) was entering the city of Thebes when the Sphinx stopped
him and asked him her riddle. 3) While Oedipus was thinking, the Sphinx was laughing to herself.
“He doesn’t know the answer! ” she thought. But Oedipus was a very clever man. He thought for a moment,
smiled and said “The answer to your riddle is: A man. A man crawls when he is a baby, walks on two feet
KEY when he is an adult, and walks with a cane when he is old.” The Sphinx was so angry that Oedipus knew
the answer that 4) she jumped off her rock, fell to the ground, and died. When the people of Thebes
heard that the Sphinx was dead they all cheered. They were so happy that they 5) made Oedipus their

regular verbs : walked, asked, killed, wanted, stopped, smiled, jumped, died, cheered

irregular verbs : sat, was, had, didn,t know, had to, thought, said, knew, fell, heard, made

b) How do we form the negative and interrogative of the past simple and past continuous?

past simple

negative form : I/you/he/she/it/we/they + did not (didn,t) + bare infinitive

interrogative form : did + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + bare infinitive

past continuous

negative form : I/he/she/it + was not (wasn,t) +, verb + -ing,

you/we/they + were not (weren t) + verb +-ing
interrogative form : was + I/he/she/it + verb + -ing,
were you/we/they + verb + -ing

(Units 8-9) Exploring Grammar

c) Read the text again. Match the phrases in bold (1-5) with their uses below (a-e). Is it the same in your
a 5 a completed action in the past

b 4 actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past

c 1 an action that was happening at a particular time in the past

d 3 actions happening at the same time in the past

e 2 a past action that was in progress when another action interrupted it

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

1 Last year we ........................................ (travel) to Germany on holiday.

2 was drinking
Anna ............................... (drink) tea at four o’clock yesterday afternoon.

3 was studying (study) while her brother .....................................

Jane..................... was listening
(listen) to music.
was patting bit
4 Sam .................................. (pat) the dog when it ................ (bite) him. ฉบับ
5 were you doing
What .................................................. (you/do) when the fire started?

3 Underline the correct item.

1 Emma had/was having a barbecue at her house last Sunday.

2 Dylan was talking/talked on the phone while Claire was cooking/cooked


3 James was working/worked in his garden all day yesterday.

4 Keith was walking/walked down the street when it started/was starting to snow.

5 Pablo Picasso painted/was painting lots of beautiful pictures.

6 Joe didn’t come/wasn’t coming to work yesterday.

Revision (Units 1-9)
(25 × 4)

Circle the correct item.

1 ........ you go to the party last night? 13 Nathan didn’t ........ stay up late.
A Do B Does C Did A use to B uses to C used to
2 Tom is having a shower ........ . 14 ........ Amazon River is in South America.
A at the moment B yesterday A An B The C A
C sometimes
15 Has Helen got a digital camera?
3 Are you sixteen years old? No, she ........ .
........ . A hasn’t B haven’t C has
A Yes, I’m. B No, I’m not.
16 Sam and Claire like Chinese food. It’s ........
C Yes, they are.
4 ........ is this? A they B their C them
She’s my sister.
17 Henry is ........ cousin.
A What B Which C Who
A Georges B George’s C Georges’
KEY 5 There aren’t four ........ in the picture.
A women B woman C womens
18 ........ any pictures in the living room.
A There is B There isn’t C There aren’t
6 We ........ from Russia.
19 It rained ........ the night.
A am not B isn’t C aren’t
A on B during C at
7 There is an armchair ........ to the sofa.
20 There is ........ bread on the table.
A under B behind C next
A any B some C an
8 Did they ........ the film last night?
21 Sam ........ jogging every Saturday.
A sees B see C saw
A is going B goes C go
9 Look at ........ . He’s very tall.
22 These are the ........ skateboards.
A he B him C his
A boy B boys C boys’
10 Ben was watching TV while Sally ........
23 We ........ tennis in an hour.
the laundry.
A are playing B played C play
A do B did C was doing
24 Does Jim like cats?
11 Kate ........ with her friend at present.
No, he ........ .
A was staying B stayed C is staying
A don’t B isn’t C doesn’t
12 Is it ........ in Vienna today?
25 What ........ you doing yesterday at 6 o’clock?
A snowing B snows C snowed
A was B are C were

Will 10
ñ We form the future simple with will + bare infinitive. Will is the same for all persons.
He’ll go to Greece this summer. She’ll make a pizza this afternoon.
ñ We form questions by putting will before the subject.
Will they go on holiday this year?
ñ We form negations by putting not after will. The short form of will not is won’t.
Kevin will not/won’t like this film.

Affirmative Negative

will not/
I/You/He/She/It/We/They will/’ll sing. I/You/He/She/It/We/They sing.

Interrogative Short Answers

Will I/you/he/she/it/we/they sing? Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they will.
No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they won’t.

We use will:
ñ for on-the-spot decisions. ñ with the verbs hope, think, believe, expect etc.

This tie is nice.

I’ll take it.

I hope we will
arrive on time.
ñ to make predictions based on what we
think or imagine.

ñ with the expressions I’m sure, I’m afraid etc.

I’m afraid he won’t come.
ñ with the adverbs probably, perhaps etc.
You’ll be a great
I will probably go to Paris.
pianist one day.
Perhaps I’ll see her tonight.

Time expressions used with will: in a little while, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow,
in two/three day’s time, next week/month/year, tonight, soon, in a week/month/year etc.

10 Will

1 Fill in the short forms, as in the example. 3 Where will you be at 2:00 pm tomorrow afternoon?
I think I will be at home.
4 When will you buy your own house?
Long Form Short Form
1 I will walk.
I hope I will buy my own house in ten years.
I ®’ll walk.
won ,
,ll t
2 They will not dance. 5 Who will you ask if you need money?
They ............... dance.
3 She will sing.
Perhaps I will ask my sister.
4 We will leave.
She .................. sing.

We ................. leave.
He will not drive.
You will be on time.
He .................. drive.
You .......... be on time. 5 Match the items, as in the example.

a won’t pass d ’ll drink g ’ll see
Complete the sentences to make predictions
b will start e ’ll go h ’ll put on
about your future. Compare with your partner.
c ’ll like f will travel
1 ® I will go to university. ,
1 h ll put on a jumper.
I’m cold. I .............
2 ® I won’t live in another country. ,
I will/won,,t
3 very rich. 2 c ,llll like
I’m sure you ............. your new school.
I will/won,t
4 ...................................speak four languages. 3 d drink
I’m thirsty. I ............. some water.
I will/won,t 4 f will travel
People ............. into space in the future.
5 ............................................... be famous.
I will/won,t 5 e ,ll go
I’m tired. I ............. to bed early.
6 ....................................... have a big family.
I will/won,t
7 ............................... travel around the world. 6 g ,ll see
I expect I ............. John at the football
ฉบับ I will/won,t
8 ................................. start my own business. match tomorrow.
KEY I will/won,t
9 ..................................... become a teacher. 7 b will start,
Perhaps Ben ........... looking for another job.
I will/won t
10 ...................................... drive a sports car. 8 a won t pass
I’m afraid that I ............. my exams.

3 Make on-the-spot decisions.

1 That looks heavy. (help you)

6 What are your predictions for the
future? Complete the sentences
using ’ll or won’t. Compare with
® I’ll help you.
your partner.
I,ll open the window.
2 It’s hot in here. (open the window)
Will life be worth
I,ll answer it.
3 The phone’s ringing. (answer it)
............................................................ living in a 100
years’ time?
I,ll buy him a present.
4 It’s Tom’s birthday tomorrow. (buy him a present)
1 People ......... take holidays in outer space.
I,ll make a sandwich.
5 I’m a bit hungry. (make a sandwich)
............................................................ 2 won,t
People ......... eat food pills instead of meals.
3 won, t
People ......... work two days a week.
I,ll show you.
6 I can’t use this computer. (show you)
............................................................ 4
Machines ......... talk to each other.
Children ......... learn from television and

teaching machines.
Answer the questions about yourself using
6 won,,t
People ......... live longer.
I expect, I hope, I believe, I think, I’m sure,
7 won,t
There ......... be common colds.
probably, perhaps. (Suggested Answer) 8 won, t
People ......... use less energy.
1 Where will you go on holiday next summer? 9 ll
Scientists ......... discover life on other
® I hope I will go to the USA.
There ......... be peace in the world.
2 What will you do at the weekend?
I will probably go to the cinema.

Will 10
7 In pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the
example. ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
(Key to Pairwork Activities)
9 Read the sentences below and mark them as
A (a prediction based on what we think or
imagine) or B (an on-the-spot decision).
1 travel abroad this summer?
® A: Will you travel abroad this summer? 1 I expect James will do well in his exams ®A
B: Yes, I will./No, I won’t. 2 I haven’t got any milk. I’ll go and buy some. ..... B
2 have a party on your birthday this year? 3 Sarah will probably like the red skirt
3 get your own flat when you get a job? better. ..... A
4 buy a car when you get your driving licence? 4 All cars will be electric in 2060. ..... A
5 have a lot money when you are 30 years old? 5 It will be cold and rainy tomorrow. ..... A
6 The house is on fire. I will call the fire
8 Complete the conversation between Chloe and
Jack. Fill in with the correct form of will.
brigade. .....

10 Complete the text. Use the verbs below and


ñ be ñ become ñ not/grow ñ lose ñ melt

ñ cause

Global warming is
harming our planet.
Scientists predict
that as the earth gets
hotter, there 1) ® will be
Chloe: Jack, what do you think the world 1) ® will
more forest fires and many animals
be (be) like in 100 years’ time?
will be will lose
2) ........................... their homes. Also, as
Jack: Hmm, well I expect it 2) .................... will become
temperatures rise, the land 3) ........................... dry
(be) very different.
won t grow
and plants 4) ........................... . Scientists also predict
Chloe: Really? How?
won,t have will melt
that ice 5) ........................... and cause sea levels to
Jack: Well, at school we 3) ............................
(not/have) human teachers. We 4) ...........
will cause
rise. This 6) ........................... floods in some areas of
............... (have) robot teachers!
the world. We need to act now!
Will robots
Chloe: Really? That’s interesting! 5) ...................
................. (robots/help) us at home too?
will cook
Jack: Yes, robot maids 6) .................... (cook)
Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Speaking Activities)
will do
our dinner and they 7) .......................... What will your life be like in 15 years’ time?
(do) all our housework. Think about job, family, house, travel and
Chloe: Cool! appearance. Tell your partner.
will own
Jack: And kids 8) .................. (own) robot pets.
Chloe: Like robot cats and dogs? ® I’ll be a doctor.
Jack: Yes. I will have a big family.
Chloe: How strange!
will be
Jack: I know, but it 9) .................... (be) great Writing (Keyดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
will talk
because these robot pets 10) ..................
Writing Activities)
will be able to
(talk) and they 11) .............................
Use your partner’s answers from the Speaking
activity to write a short paragraph about what
(be able to) play games like football with us
his/her life will be like in 15 years’ time.
® Ben will be a doctor. He will have a big family.

11 Conditionals – Types 0, 1 & 2

ñ A conditional clause consists of two parts: the if-clause (hypothesis), which begins with the word if, and
the main clause, which shows the result of the hypothesis.
If you study hard, you will pass your exams.
if-clause main clause

ñ When the if-clause comes before the main clause, we separate them with a comma. When the main
clause comes before the if-clause, we do not use a comma.
If it rains, you will get wet. You will get wet if it rains.

If-clause Main clause

Type 0 if + present simple → present simple

If you drop ice in water,
Type 1 if + present simple → future simple, imperative
it floats. (Type 0 — laws
Type 2 if + past simple → would + bare infinitive of nature)

ñ Conditionals Type 0 express something which is always true, laws of
ฉบับ nature. If you mix red and white, you get pink.
KEY ñ Conditionals Type 1 express a possible situation in the present or
If you go to Athens, you
future. If he is late, we’ll go without him.
If the phone rings, answer it. will see the Parthenon.
ñ We can use unless instead of if ... not in a conditional clause. The verb (Type 1 — possible situation
after unless is always in the affirmative. in the future)
Unless he gets here soon, we’ll have to start the meeting without him.
If he doesn’t get here soon, we’ll have to start the meeting without
ñ Conditionals Type 2 express an imaginary or unlikely situation in the
present or future.
If I had a computer, I would use the Internet. (But I haven’t got a
If I had a lot of money, I
computer so I can’t use the Internet.)
would buy an expensive boat.
ñ We can use were instead of was in all persons. (Type 2 — imaginary situation
If John were here, he would tell us what to do. (But he isn’t here.)
in the present)

1 Use the phrases to make Type 0 conditional sentences.

1 you/throw salt on snow → the snow/melt 5 you/mix blue and yellow → you/get green
® If you throw salt on snow, the snow melts. If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
2 I/stay out late → my parents/worry 6 water/boil → it/produce steam
If I stay out late, my parents worry.
........................................................... If water boils, it produces steam.
3 you/freeze water → it/turn into ice 7 you/lie in the sun too long → your skin/turn red
If you freeze water, it turns into ice.
........................................................... If you lie in the sun too long, your skin turns red.
4 you/leave meat in the oven for a long time → it/ 8 the temperature/fall below 0 C í → water/turn
burn into ice
If you leave meat in the oven for a long time,
........................................................... If the temperature falls below 0 ํC, water turns
it burns. into ice.
Conditionals – Types 0, 1 & 2 11
2 Read the statements and use the phrases to make
Type 1 conditional sentences, as in the example.
5 If she doesn’t study hard, she won’t pass her
Unless she studies hard, she won,t pass her exams.
1 2 ............................................................

I don’t want to
wear my coat.
Let’s stay a bit
longer. 5 Read the advertisement for a competition.
Then complete the sentences.

(you/catch a cold) (we/miss/last train home)

® If you don’t wear your If................................
we stay a bit longer,
coat, you’ll catch a we will miss the last
cold. train home.
3 4
I don’t want to We want to Do you care about the
eat breakfast. travel to India. environment?
Then you’ll love this competition!

What can you do to clean up our cities?

If you don,t eat
(you/be hungry/later) (we/see the Taj Mahal)
................................ If we travel to India,
Send us a letter with your ideas!
breakfast, you will
................................ we will see the Taj
be hungry later. Mahal. For every letter we receive, we will plant a tree and ฉบับ
3 Match the situations with the actions using donate ú1 to the ‘Clean-our-Cities’ campaign.

Type 1 conditionals, as in the example. First prize is a trip to Argentina

Situations to go whale-watching!

be hungry Learn about whales and help them survive.

1 e
2 c have a headache Actions
3 d be tired a put on a jacket
1 You ® ’ll love (love) this competition if you care
4 b feel hot b open the window
about the environment.
5 a feel cold c take an aspirin send
2 If you ............................ (send) us a letter,
d have a rest
you will help the environment.
e make a sandwich will go
3 If you win first prize, you ..................... (go)
® A: I am hungry. on a trip to see whales in the wild.
B: If you are hungry, make a sandwich. will learn
4 If you go whale-watching, you ......................

won,t survive
(learn) a lot about whales.
Rewrite the sentences. Use if or unless.
5 Whales ................................. (not/survive)
unless humans protect the environment.
1 If Sam doesn’t start saving, he won’t be able to
go on holiday.
® Unless Sam starts saving, he won’t be able to
go on holiday.
6 Make Type 2 conditional sentences.

2 Unless we leave now, we will be late. 1 I don’t have a car, so I have to take the bus to
If we don,t leave now, we will be late.
............................................................ work.

3 If Ron doesn’t come soon, we’ll leave without him. ® If I had a car, I wouldn’t have to take the bus
Unless Ron comes soon, we,ll leave without him.
............................................................ to work.
2 I’m not good at Maths, so I often fail my tests.
4 Unless I tidy my room, my parents will be angry.
If I don,t tidy my room, my parents will be
I were good at Maths, I wouldn,t fail
angry. my tests.
11 Conditionals – Types 0, 1 & 2

3 He doesn’t have enough money, so he can’t buy a

If he had enough money, he could buy
9 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
1 A: I’m thirsty. Do you have anything to drink?
a motorcycle.
........................................................... B: Yes. If you ® look (look) in the fridge, you
4 They don’t have a camera, so they can’t take ® ’ll find (find) some orange juice.
If they had a camera, they could take
........................................................... 2 A: Should I buy the pink skirt or the black one?
were would buy
B: If I .......... (be) you, I ..........................
5 She doesn’t have time, so she can’t come to the .............. (buy) the black one.
meeting. 3 A: We’re going to miss our flight!
If she had time, she could come to the
........................................................... catch
B: Don’t worry. If we ................................
........................................................... will get
(catch) a taxi, we ................................

(get) to the airport on time.
Use the ideas to ask and answer questions, as
4 A: Why are you in such a rush?
don,t hurry
in the example. You can add your own ideas
using Type 2 conditionals. B: Because if I ........................................
will be
(not/hurry), I ........................ (be) late.
1 need more pocket money? /
deliver newspapers
5 would you do
A: What .................................. (you/do) if
® A: What would you do if
you ............................ (find) a purse in
the schoolyard?
you needed more
ฉบับ would give
B: I .......................... (give) it to a teacher.
KEY pocket money?
B: If I needed more 6 A: Do you know where the nearest bank is?
pocket money, I would turn
B: Yes. If you .......................... (turn) right
deliver newspapers. will see
at the traffic lights, you .........................
2 a family member give you ............... (see) one on your left.
ú200? / buy new clothes
3 have more free time? / take up a hobby Speaking ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย (Key to
4 meet a famous actor? / ask for his autograph Speaking Activities)
5 see a burglar? / call the police In pairs, discuss what you would do if you ...
6 find a spider in your bed? / put it in the garden
ñ won ú10,000
7 want to lose weight? / go on a diet
ñ didn’t like your friend’s new haircut
ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย (Key to Pairwork Activities) ñ saw a mouse in your kitchen

8 Complete the sentences using conditionals

Type 1 or 2. Make them true for you.
(Suggested Answer)
lost your best friend’s favourite CD
got 100% in all your exams
1 If I have time today, ® I’ll answer my emails. ® If I won ú10,000, I would donate the money to
2 I get, an Ipod for my birthday
I’ll be happy if ....................................... . charity.
3 I won t pass my exam
Unless I study ......................................... .
4 I would try to find them
If I lost my house keys, ............................. .
Writing ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
5 I would go to the beach every day
If I had a week off, .................................. . (Key to Writing Activities)
6 I would be late for school
If I woke up late, .................................... . Imagine that your friend wants to get fit
7 the weather is good
We’ll have a picnic if ............................... . and healthy. Write a few sentences using
8 I would go sailing every weekend conditionals Types 1 & 2 giving him/her advice.
If I had a sailing boat, .............................. .
9 I would pay
If I borrowed money from my friend, .............
it back
.................... . ® If I were you, I would exercise more.
I would feel
10 If my friends forgot my birthday, ................. If you exercise more, you will get fit. ...
.................... .

Question Tags 12
Question tags are short questions at the end of statements.
We use question tags in oral speech in order to confirm He is a reporter,
something or to find out if something is true or not. isn’t he?

ñ We form them with the auxiliary or the Imperative ➝ will you/won’t you?
modal verb from the main sentence and the Close the door, will you/won’t you?
appropriate subject pronoun. Don’t ➝ will you? Don’t shout, will you?
Philip is studying, isn’t he? Let’s ➝ shall we? Let’s eat, shall we?
Tina can’t speak French, can she? I have (got) (= I possess) ➝ haven’t I? He has
ñ When the verb of the sentence is in the present (got) a computer, hasn’t he?
simple, we use do/does in the question tag. I have (other meanings) ➝ don’t I? They have
Karen works in an office, doesn’t she? lunch at 1 o’clock, don’t they? (= They eat lunch.)
ñ When the verb of the sentence is in the past There is ➝ isn’t there? There is a dog in the
simple, we use did in the question tag. garden, isn’t there?
You typed the report, didn’t you? This/That is ➝ isn’t it? This is Bill’s house, isn’t
ñ A positive statement takes a negative question it?
tag. You like Chinese food, don’t you? ฉบับ
ñ A negative statement takes a positive question Intonation
ñ When we are sure of the
tag. They didn’t play football on Sunday, did
they? answer, the voice goes down in
ñ When the sentence contains a word with a the question tag. (➘)
negative meaning, like never, rarely, seldom or This is a pumpkin, isn’t it? (➘)
hardly, the question tag is positive. ñ When we are not sure of the answer and want
She never complains, does she? to check information, the voice goes up in the
ñ Some verbs/expressions form question tags question tag. (➚)
differently: This isn’t your tea, is it? (➚)
I am ➝ aren’t I? I’m right, aren’t I?

1 Circle the correct question tag.

1 You play chess well, don’t you / do you? 8 You will see Frank tomorrow, will you / won’t you?
2 William isn’t a doctor, is he / isn’t he? 9 Emma never eats fish, doesn’t she / does she?
3 Ron rarely goes to the cinema, doesn’t he / does 10 There is a flight to New York tonight, is there /
he? isn’t there?
4 Adam and Steven passed their exam, did they / 11 He doesn’t work in a bank, doesn’t he / does he?
didn’t they? 12 She looks sad, doesn’t she / does she?
5 Your sister can’t swim, can’t she / can she? 13 They are doing their homework, aren’t they / are
6 Don’t cry, will you / won’t you? they?
7 They haven’t got a dog, haven’t they / have they? 14 They don’t like jazz music, don’t they / do they?

12 Question Tags

2 Look at the pictures and complete the

sentences with question tags. 4 Fill in the correct question tags and then read
the sentences with the correct intonation.

sure not sure

1 The train left at 2 pm,

® didn’t it? ➘

doesn,t he
2 He lives in Rome,
✓ ➘

didn,t they
1 She is holding her son, 2 They spent a lot of
3 This coat doesn’t belong to
® isn’t she? money, ................? ✓
does it
Peter, ....................?

4 There isn’t any coffee in the

is there
pot, ............................?

5 They are playing chess,

aren,t they
............................? ➘

don,t they
6 Penguins live in Antarctica,

isn,t he
3 He is late, 4 Don’t spill that, ............................? ➘
.........................? will you

Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย

KEY 3 Fill in the question tags in the dialogue.
Speaking Activities)
In pairs, form question tags using the
information in the text. Then respond to them,
Mary: Let’s go out to dinner tonight, 1) ® shall we? as in the example.
Sue: Okay. Where do you want to go?

don,t you
Mary: I’m not sure. You like spicy food, 2) ........
Sue: Yeah, I love it.
Mary: Well, why don’t we go to that new Mexican The Kakapo is an unusual parrot
restaurant? that lives in New Zealand. People

isn,t it
Sue: Sounds good. That’s the restaurant around the call it the ‘owl parrot’ because it
corner, 3) .........................? is mostly active at night and it has

don,t you
Mary: That’s right. You finish work at half past five, got an owl-like body and large eyes.
4) .........................? It has also got small wings and is the only
Sue: Yes. parrot in the world that can’t fly. Why? Because the
isn,t it
Mary: So, six o’clock is good for you, 5) ............ Kakapo didn’t have any natural enemies in the wild
.............? and over the years it lost the ability to fly. It only
Sue: Yes. That’s perfect. I’ll meet you there, then. uses its wings for balance when jumping from trees.

haven,t you
Mary: Hey, you’ve got Emma’s number, 6) ......... In the past there were large numbers of Kakapos in
.................? New Zealand. Then European and Polynesian settlers
Sue: Yes. Why? brought animals over to New Zealand like cats, dogs
Mary: We can invite her too. and rats that killed and ate the Kakapo. Now, the
Sue: Okay. I’ll phone her. See you later. Kakapo is a highly endangered species. There are
will you
Mary: Don’t be late, 7) .........................? I hate fewer than 100 Kakapo left in New Zealand. New
waiting alone at a restaurant. Zealanders are doing everything they can to make
Sue: Don’t worry! I’ll be there on time. sure the Kakapo survives.

® A: The Kakapo is an unusual parrot, isn’t it?

B: Yes, it is. It lives in New Zealand, doesn’t it?
(Units 10-12) Exploring Grammar
ñ Will

1 a) Look at the sentences below. Which is a

prediction and which one is an on-the spot-

1 The cat’s hungry. I’ll feed it.

on-the-spot decision
2 Robert will be a great actor one day. Frogs are really cute, aren’t they? They are also
..................................................... really cool! Do you know that most frogs have a
..................................................... tongue that is very sticky? They use it to catch their
food! Frogs love to eat bugs that are serious pests
b) Read the text and find an example of a (like mosquitoes) so they are really important to
prediction based on what we think or humans. Sadly, our wonderful ‘froggy’ friends are
imagine. in big trouble. Scientists think that about half of all
Scientists, think that about half of all
the world’s frog species will be extinct in the next
the world s frog species will be extinct
twenty years. Why? Because things like pollution,
habitat loss and global warming are killing them.
in the next twenty years.
......................................................... How would you feel if your life was in danger? You
would want people to help you. Well, so do frogs! ฉบับ
c) How do we form the negative and
What can you do to help them? Luckily, the answer is
interrogative of the future simple?
... lots of things! Baby frogs live in water. If you build
Negative: We form negations by
......................................................... a pond in your garden, they will have somewhere to
putting not after will.
......................................................... live. Adult frogs live on land and like to hide in tall
I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they will not/
......................................................... grass. If you plant lots of bushes in your garden, they
won t dance.
......................................................... will feel safe. Start a frog club with your friends. You
Interrogative: We form questions by
......................................................... can raise money to help animal organisations that
putting will before the subject.
are trying to save frogs. Also, tell all your friends
and neighbours that frogs are in danger. Frogs won’t
Will I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they
have a happy future unless we all take action now!

2 Fill in the gaps with will (’ll) or will not (won’t).

will (,ll)
1 You’re a fast runner. I’m sure you ............................ win the race.

will (,ll)
2 Put on a jacket or you ............................ catch a cold.

3 will not (won,t) have time to help you study.

I’m afraid that I ............................

4 will(,ll)
The door bell is ringing. I ............................ answer it.

5 will not (won,t) win the election.

Tom isn’t very popular. He ............................

6 will (,ll) go and buy some.

We haven’t got any tomatoes. I ............................

Exploring Grammar (Units 10-12)
ñ Conditionals — Types 0, 1, & 2
4 Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

3 a) Find four conditional sentences in the text.

Which express:
1 If I were you, I will go to the dentist.
I were you, I would go to the dentist.
● a possible situation in the present or ............................................................
1) If you build a pond in your garden, 2 If it rains tomorrow, we wouldn’t go to the park.
they will have somewhere to live. it rains tomorrow, we won,t go to the
2) If you plant lots of bushes in your

garden, they will feel safe.

.................................................... 3 If you mix blue and yellow, you would get green.
3) Frogs won,t have a happy future
.................................................... If............................................................
you mix blue and yellow, you get
unless we all take action now!
.................................................... green.
● an imaginary or unlikely situation in the
4 If you melted ice, it turns into water.
present or future?
How would you feel if your life was
you melt ice, it turns into water.
in danger?

b) Which type of conditional expresses 5 If Peter had money, he will lend us some.
something which is always true? If............................................................
Peter had money, he would lend us
ฉบับ Conditionals Type 0 express something
........................................................ some.
KEY which is always true.

c) When can we use unless?

We can use unless instead of if ... not
........................................................ ñ Question Tags
in a conditional clause. The verb after
........................................................ a) Find an example of a question tag in the
unless is always in the affirmative.
........................................................ text. How do we form question tags?
........................................................ aren,t they

d) Think of two more Type 0, 1 & 2 conditional

Question tags are formed with the

sentences of your own.

auxiliary or the modal verb from the
(Suggested Answer)
main sentence and the appropriate
Type 0
subject pronoun. A positive statement
1 If you don,t water plants, they die.
takes a negative question tag and a
2 If you heat chocolate, it melts.
negative statement takes a positive
Type 1
question tag.
1 Unless people take action, many
species will vanish.
b) Complete the question tags below.

2 If it s hot on Saturday, we,ll go to

........................................................ shall we
1 Let’s go out, ..........................................?
the beach.
Type 2
2 can she
She can’t see very well, ............................?
1 If you went on a diet, you would
........................................................ 3 have we
We haven’t got enough money, ...................?
lose weight.
4 do they
They hardly go anywhere, ..........................?
2 If I had some money, I would go
on holiday.
........................................................ 5 did he
Tony didn’t do his homework, .....................?

Revision (Units 1-12)
(25 × 4)

Circle the correct item.

1 Does Robbie work at the bank? No, he ........ . 13 They rarely visit their grandparents, ........ they?
A don’t B isn’t C doesn’t A don’t B do C does

2 This is my pen and ........ are my pencils. 14 Unless Nick ........ early, he won’t catch the train.
A those B this C that A leaves B is leaving
C doesn’t leave
3 Is she ........ actress?
A an B — C a 15 What ........ you doing last night at 8 o’clock?
A are B was C were
4 Janet ........ Chinese food.
A likes B is liking C like 16 I ........ down the street when I saw my friend.
A walked B is walking C was walking
5 If I ........ you, I wouldn’t drink so much coffee.
A be B am C were 17 Adam ........ to India tonight.
A is flying B flies C fly
6 What is ........ job?
He’s a firefighter. 18 You’ve got a bad cold. I ........ you some soup. ฉบับ
A he B him C his A make B makes C will make
7 I love dogs. They are ........ favourite animal. 19 If you help me with the dishes, I ........ you with
A our B your C my your homework.
A will help B am helping C help
8 She usually ........ her homework in the evenings.
A do B does C doing 20 I think Harriet ........ come to the meeting.
A isn’t B doesn’t C won’t
9 Linda ........... gets up early every day because she
starts work at 7 o’clock. 21 If I don’t study hard, I ........ my exams.
A never B always C sometimes A will pass B won’t pass C don’t pass

10 Emma was doing the washing up while I ........ the 22 Emma ........ be able to help us if she was here.
floor. A will B would C won’t
A mopped B mop 23 If I ........ some money, I will buy a nice house.
C was mopping A will win B is winning C win
11 Where is Kate? She ........... around Europe at the 24 William ........ to be a firefighter.
moment. A used B would C use
A travel B travels C is travelling
25 Jane was sleeping when I ........ her.
12 Scientists believe that people ........ electric cars A called B was calling C is calling
in the future.
A will use B are using C use

13 Adjectives – Adverbs

A firefighter’s job is very difficult.

Firefighters work long hours.

ñ Adjectives describe nouns. They have the same Order of adjectives
form in the singular and plural. ñ Opinion adjectives go before fact adjectives.
an expensive car — expensive cars a beautiful fast car
ñ Adjectives go before nouns. She is a nice girl. ñ When there are two or more fact adjectives in a
They can also be used alone after the verb to be sentence, they usually go in the following order:
and after verbs such as look, smell, sound, feel,
Size Age Shape Colour Origin Material
taste etc.
a small old square red Chinese silk scarf
Tony is short. You look happy.
ñ There are two kinds of adjectives: opinion
ñ We do not usually have a long list of adjectives
adjectives (beautiful, good etc), which show what
before a single noun. A noun is usually described
a person thinks of somebody or something and fact
by one, two or three adjectives at the most.
adjectives (long, strong, young etc), which give us
She bought an expensive Chinese vase yesterday.
factual information about age, size, colour etc.

1 Put the adjectives in the correct order.

1 a wooden / round / table 2 a glass / green / vase 3 a(n) expensive / gold / ring
® a round wooden table a green glass vase
................................ an expensive gold ring
................................ ................................

4 a(n) china / beautiful 5 a plastic / cheap / lunch box 6 a paper / yellow /

/ antique / plate a................................
cheap plastic lunch rectangular / envelope
a beautiful antique
................................ box
................................ a rectangular yellow
china plate
................................ paper envelope

Adjectives – Adverbs 13
ñ Adverbs describe verbs or other adverbs. An Order of adverbs
adverb can be one word (quickly) or a phrase (in ñ Adverbs usually go after verbs. He speaks fast.
the park). Adverbs show manner (how), place ñ Adverbs of frequency go after auxiliary verbs
(where), time (when), frequency (how often) and the verb to be, but before main verbs.
etc. He drives carelessly. (How does he drive? He is always late for work.
Carelessly. — adverb of manner) He has never visited New York.
Your book is on the table. (Where is it? On the He often walks to work.
table. — adverb of place) ñ When there are two or more adverbs in the same
She left for Hong Kong yesterday. (When did sentence, they usually come in the following
she leave? Yesterday. — adverb of time) order:
He sometimes goes to the theatre. (How often manner place time
does he go to the theatre? Sometimes. — adverb (how) (where) (when)
of frequency)

Formation of adverbs He worked hard in the garden yesterday.

ñ We usually form an adverb by adding -ly to the ñ If there is a verb of movement (go, come, leave
adjective. quick — quickly etc) in the sentence, then the adverbs come in
ñ Adjectives ending in -le drop the -e and take -y. the following order:
possible — possibly
ñ Adjectives ending in consonant +y drop the -y
and take -ily. noisy — noisily
ñ Adjectives ending in -l take -ly. careful — carefully
ñ Some adverbs are not formed according to the They go to school by bus every day.
above rules. They have either a totally different
form or the same form as the adjective.
good ➝ well, fast ➝ fast, hard ➝ hard,
early ➝ early, late ➝ late

2 Write the adverbs of the adjectives in the list in

the correct box.
3 Put the words from the list below into the
correct column.

ñ early ñ happily ñ well ñ sadly

ñ warm ñ quick ñ dangerous
ñ proud ñ cheap ñ short ñ fast
ñ gentle ñ easy ñ wonderful
ñ warm ñ quietly ñ softly ñ seriously
ñ terrible ñ lazy ñ nice
ñ late ñ heavily ñ angry ñ hard
ñ cheerful ñ polite ñ fluently ñ slow
-ly le ➝ly consonant + y➝ily ñ possibly
® warmly gently
..................... easily
................... terribly
..................... lazily
....................... Adjective Adverb Adjective & Adverb
................... ..................... ....................... ® proud happily, sadly .........................
.................... early, well
................... ..................... ....................... warm quietly, softly cheap, short
.................... .................... .........................
nicely angry
.................... seriously
.................... fast, late
cheerful heavily hard, slow
.................... .................... .........................
.................... fluently
.................... .........................
13 Adjectives – Adverbs

4 Put the adverbs from the list in the correct


They had a wonderful time.
Tony/quietly/was studying/last night/in his
ñ happy ñ yesterday ñ never ñ there room
ñ wonderfully ñ quickly ñ sometimes Tony was studying quietly in his room last
ñ always ñ last month ñ fast ñ loudly night.
ñ early ñ by taxi ñ to the beach ñ angrily 8 old/there/some/are/lovely/houses/in the
ñ usually ñ here ñ to the park village

how where when how often

There are some lovely old houses in the
® happily there yesterday ...............
............... ............... never 9 carpet/bought/she/an/Chinese/expensive/last
to the beach last month sometimes
wonderfully ............... ............... ...............
................. month
quickly here
................. early always
............... ............... ............... She bought an expensive Chinese carpet
fast to the
................. park usually
............... ............... ............... last month.
............... ............... ............... 10 every day/to work/go/they/on foot
by taxi
............... ............... ............... They go to work on foot every day.
............... ............... ...............

5 Underline the correct word.

7 Complete the sentences using words from the
ฉบับ ñ careful(ly) ñ terrible(ly) ñ fluent(ly)
KEY 1 They were dancing happy/happily to the music.
ñ possible(ly) ñ total(ly) ñ happy(ily) ñ sad(ly)
2 He is a very careful/carefully driver. ñ heavy(ily) ñ safe(ly) ñ sudden(ly)
3 Jane ran quick/quickly to the bus stop.
1 When the teacher came into the classroom there
4 She sounded very angry/angrily on the phone.
was .................... silence.
5 The village looked peaceful/peacefully.
2 fluently
Sara can speak French .................... .
6 The test was easy/easily.
7 Ann’s in a bad/badly mood today.
3 happily married for
Fred and Mary were ....................
over 46 years.
8 She dances beautiful/beautifully.
4 heavily
Berk sighed .................... when he saw how
9 I simple/simply can’t do this.
much walking he had to do.
10 She spoke in a soft/softly voice.
5 careful
Brian is a very .................... driver.

Put the words in the correct order.

never/wakes up/Tom/late

7 Suddenly
safe and sound.
We made it home ....................

was a loud bang from upstairs.

® Tom never wakes up late. 8 possible solution but nothing

He tried every .................
2 yesterday/it/hard/rained worked.
It rained hard yesterday.
3 on Sundays/she/to the park/goes/sometimes 9 When he went away to university, Tom missed his
She sometimes goes to the park on Sundays.
.......................................................... terribly
family .................... .
4 arrived/the guests/early
The guests arrived early. 10 sad
Titanic is a very .................... film.
5 put/she/carefully/the vase/on the table
She carefully put the vase on the table.

Comparatives – Superlatives 13
Use Spelling
ñ We use the comparative to compare two people, ñ With one-syllable adjectives ending in -e, we add
animals, things, places etc. We can use than with -r in the comparative and -st in the superlative
the comparative. form. simple — simpler — simplest
ñ With one-syllable adjectives ending in vowel +
consonant, we double the last consonant and
add -er/-est.
big — bigger — biggest
ñ With two-syllable adjectives ending in -ly, -y, we
change the -y to i and add -er/-est.
Mark is older than George. busy — busier — busiest
ñ We use the superlative to compare one person,
animal, thing etc with more than one person, Elephants are the heaviest
animal, thing etc in the same group. land animals in the world.
Bill is the loudest boy in the class.
We use the ... of/in with the superlative. We
Adjective Comparative Superlative
use in with the superlative when we talk about
one-/two- fat fatter the fattest
places. clean cleaner the cleanest
Betty is the shortest student of all.
adjectives ฉบับ
Mt Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.
(NOT: of the world).
the happiest
the laziest
ñ We use less + adjective + than to show that
two people/things/places etc are not equal or ending in
similar. -y
The red sweater is less expensive than the blue more intelligent more the most
sweater. (= The blue sweater is more expensive than two- intelligent intelligent
than the red sweater.) syllable
ñ With one-syllable and two-syllable adjectives, Irregular forms
or adverbs which have the same form as the
adjective, we form the comparative by adding Adjective/
Comparative Superlative
-er, and the superlative by adding -est. Adverb
cold — colder — coldest, hard — harder — hardest little less the least
ñ With adjectives of more than two syllables or many/much/
more the most
adverbs formed by adding -ly to the adjective, a lot of
we form the comparative with more and the good/well better the best
superlative with the most. beautiful — more bad/badly worse the worst
beautiful — the most beautiful
farther/ the farthest/
beautifully — more beautifully — the most far
further furthest
ñ With some two-syllable adjectives, such as Read the examples:
friendly, clever, narrow etc we form the ñ very + adjective/adverb London is very big.
comparative and superlative either with -er/-est or ñ much + comparative form of adjective/adverb
with more/the most. clever — cleverer — cleverest London is much bigger than Manchester.
or clever — more clever — the most clever

13 Comparatives – Superlatives

more intelligent
1 Write the comparative and superlative form of
the following adjectives/adverbs. Choose four
words and make sentences using them. Use very
10 Monkeys are ...........................................
(intelligent) than dogs.

and much. ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย (Key to Writing Activities)

3 Fill in the gaps with the comparative or
superlative form of the adverbs in brackets.
Add any necessary words.
Comparative Superlative
large ® larger ® the largest
1 more carefully
She drives ................................. (carefully)
than her sister.
interesting more interesting the most interesting 2 the hardest
Helen works .................................... (hard)
pretty prettier the prettiest of all.
fast faster the fastest 3 better than
She plays tennis ................................ (well)
fat fatter the fattest I do.
quickly more quickly the most quickly 4 faster
Ben swims ...................... (fast) than me.
difficult more difficult the most difficult 5 the most beautifully
She dances .............................. (beautifully)
well better the best of all.
far farther/further the farthest/furthest 6 later
We left the party ............................ (late)
modern more modern the most modern than you.
early earlier the earliest

® He drives very fast. He drives much faster than his
brothers. He drives the fastest of all.
4 Write five sentences about people in your
class. Use comparatives. (Suggested Answer)
KEY 1 ® James works much harder than me.

2 Complete the sentences.

Use the comparative
Cynthia is more intelligent than Peter.
2 ............................................................
John is taller than James.
3 ............................................................
and superlative. Liam is nicer than Joanna.
4 ............................................................
Which sentences Ashley is thinner than Catherine.
5 ............................................................
do you agree
with? Correct the
sentences you 51 A:
Fill in very or much.

This dress costs ............. more than that one.
don’t agree with.
B: much
Yes, but it’s also ............. nicer.
1 Catherine Zeta Jones is ® prettier (pretty) than
Meg Ryan. ® I don’t agree. Meg Ryan is prettier
2 A: very
This film isn’t .............interesting.
B: You’re right. Let’s watch something else.
than Catherine Zeta Jones.
more important
2 Friends are .............................................
3 A:
What do you think of this dress?
It’s ............. expensive.
(important) than family.
the most popular
3 Pop music is ..........................................
4 A: much
Are you going to be ............. longer?
B: No. I’ll be there in a minute.
(popular) music of all.
more interesting
4 Books are ..............................................
5 A:
I can’t stand Geography, can you?
No. I find History ............. more interesting.
(interesting) than films.
the easiest 6 A: very
Suzanne works ............. hard.
5 Japanese is ............................................
(easy) language in the world.
B: much
Yes, she is ............. more hardworking than

6 Kittens are ................... (cute) than puppies.
7 A holiday by the sea is ...............................
7 A:
Ken drives ............. carefully.
Really? I think John is a ............. more
(good) than a holiday in the mountains.
the most talented
8 Messi is .................................................
8 A:
careful driver than him.
This car is more expensive than I expected.
(talented) football player.
the most dangerous
9 Crocodiles are .........................................
B: very
Yes, but it is ............. cool!

(dangerous) animals of all. ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย

(Key to Writing Activities)
Comparatives – Superlatives 13
6 Complete the sentences. Use a word from the
list and the superlative form of the adjectives 8 Fill in of, than, in or the.

in brackets. the
1 Neptune is ............. coldest planet in our solar
ñ Cheetahs ñ Amazon ñ diamonds system.
ñ Jordan ñ City ñ Mont Blanc the
2 War and Peace is ............. best book I have ever
3 A car can travel much faster ............. a bicycle.
4 in the class.
Jane is the prettiest girl ............
5 The
............... largest planet in the solar system is
6 He likes cricket more ............. football.

1 ® Mont Blanc is ® the highest (high) mountain 7 in the world is the

The tallest building .............
Burj Khalifa.
in Europe.
diamonds the most
2 People believe ................ are ..................
8 Brian is the tallest ............. all the boys.
............................. (expensive) gems in the 9 Mr Brown is the most popular teacher ............. in
world. the school.
Cheetahs the fastest
3 .................... are ................................ than
10 Kim is older ............. Colin. ฉบับ
(fast) of all land animals. KEY
Amazon the longest
4 The .................... is ............................ Put the adjectives/adverbs in brackets into
(long) river in South America. the comparative or superlative form. Add any
Jordan the most famous
5 Michael .................... is ......................... necessary words.
(famous) basketball player in the world.
City the smallest
6 Vatican .................... is .......................... A: What did you think of that History exam, Graig?

(small) country in the world.

the most difficult
B: I thought it was 1) ....................................
................ (difficult) exam we’ve had so far.
A: Me too. The Maths exam was 2) ...................
Use What’s or Who’s and the adjectives in
brackets in the superlative to complete the
.................... (hard) the English one but it was

questions. Then ask and answer in pairs.

the most straightforward
3) ........................................................
................................... (straightforward).
1 ® Who’s the funniest (funny) actor in the world? B: You’re right and tomorrow we’ve got the
® I think it’s Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean). Geography exam.
2 What,s the worst (bad)
............................ programme on TV?
the easiest
A: Yes. I’m sure that will be 4) ........................
I think it s ‘Star Stage,.
........................................................... ................... (easy) of all.

3 Who,s the most popular

....................................... (popular) singer
B: Really? I think it’ll be 5) .............................
I think it,s Thongchai McIntyre
in your country? .......................................
complicated than (complicated) you think.

4 What,s the best

.................................... (good) sport to play?
A: better
Well, I believe I’ll do 6) .............................
I think it s football.
(good) this year than last year in all my exams.

Who,s the most beautiful ,

worse than
B: Good for you. I’ll probably do 7) ..................
5 ............................................... (beautiful)
(bad) last year because I have studied 8) ........
I think it s Angelina
woman in the world? ...................................Jolie. less
.......................... (little).

13 Comparatives – Superlatives

10 Use the information below to complete

sentences 1-6 with the comparative/ 12 Write two sentences for each group of
words, as in the example. Use comparative
and superlative forms.
superlative forms of the adjectives in
(Suggested Answer)
1 transport: a bicycle/a car/a plane (fast)
® A car is faster than a bicycle.
The plane is the fastest of all.
2 films: action/comedy/romance (interesting)
A comedy is more interesting than a romance.
Built: 1173 - 1350
An action film is the most interesting of all.
Height: 56 metres
3 food: Italian/Chinese/French (tasty)
Weight: 14,500 tons
Italian food is tastier than French food.
Chinese food is the tastiest of all.
4 subjects: History/Art/Science (easy)
History is easier than Science.
Art is the easiest of all.
5 sports: football/bungee jumping/windsurfing
Built: 1991 - 1995
Bungee jumping is more exciting than football.
Built: 1970 - 1974
Height: 421 metres
Windsurfing is the most exciting of all.
ฉบับ Height: 442 metres 6 cities: London/Madrid/Paris (expensive)
Weight: 100,000 tons
KEY Weight: 222,500 tons London is more expensive than Madrid.
Paris is the most expensive of all.

1 The Leaning Tower of Pisa is ® older (old) than

the Sears Tower.
2 The Sears Tower is the heaviest (heavy)
13 Use the adjectives in the correct form to
complete the postcard below.

of the three towers.

Dear Emma, Oxford. I
re coming to
3 The Leaning Tower of Pisa weighs .................. I’m so excite
d th at yo
is one of 1) ®
the most
know you’ll
lik e it . has one of
(little) than the Kuala Lumpur Tower. ci ti es in England. It
beautiful (bea
ut if ul ) universities
4 The Leaning Tower of Pisa is ........................ the most famous
2) ……............
...... ... ...... .....…
.. (famous)
buildings are
also some
iv er si
e un g) buildings
the most amazing
(short) than the Kuala Lumpur Tower. in the world! .... .... ...….. (amazin
the tallest of 3) ……......
.... .. .. .. idge is only
5 The Sears Tower is ............................. (tall) e ci ty of Cambr
in all of Eu
ro pe . Th o if you like.
e ca n go there to
. W (small) and
of the three towers.
the most modern two hours aw
4) … … smaller
.. .. .. .............…..
d, but it is
6 The Kuala Lumpur Tower is .......................... Cambridge is et) than Oxfor
(modern) of the three towers.
5) ……..........
.. .. .. .. .… .. (q ui

as pr et ty .
see you.

11 Put the adjectives in brackets into the I can’t wait to

superlative form and write sentences about Love,
your city/town. (Suggested Answer) Charlotte
1 The (beautiful) building is ...
® The most beautiful building in my city is Wat Phra Kaew.
The best food to eat is Tom Yam Kung.
2 The (good) food to eat ..................................................................
3 The (nice) restaurant . The nicest restaurant is Banana Leaf.
4 The most popular place for young people is Siam Centre.
The (popular) place for young people ................................................
5 The (hot) month of the year The hottest month of the year is April.

Too – Enough – As ... as/Less 13
Too — Enough
Too comes before adjectives. It has a negative meaning and shows that
something is more than enough, more than necessary or more than wanted.

ñ too + adjective + to-infinitive

The coffee is too hot to drink. (It’s so hot that we can’t drink it.) She is too young to walk on
her own. (She can’t walk.)
Enough comes before nouns but after adjectives. It has a positive
meaning and shows that there is as much of something as
wanted or needed.

adjective + enough
enough + noun }{ + to-infinitive

She is old enough to walk to school alone. (She can walk to school alone.)
We have enough money to go on holiday this year. (We can go on holiday.)

ñ not ... enough + to-infinitive (negative meaning) She’s fast enough to

She is not strong enough to lift the suitcase. (She can’t lift the suitcase.) win the race.

ñ too ... (for somebody/something) + to-infinitive (negative meaning)
This watch is too expensive for me to buy. (The watch is very expensive;
I can’t buy it.)

As ... as/Less
ñ We use (not) as + adjective + as to show that people/things etc are (not)
similar. Fiona is not as thin as Sue.
Jamie is as old as Susie.
ñ We use less + adjective (positive form) + of/in for two people or things to
show inferiority. This dress is less expensive than that one. (This dress is
cheaper than that one.)

1 Complete the sentences with too or enough.

1 It’s ® too noisy in here. I can’t do my homework.

2 Complete the responses using too or enough.

1 Can they buy that car? (cheap)

2 I’m sorry but I can’t meet you for lunch today; ® Yes, it is cheap enough.
I’m ............. busy. 2 Can John do this puzzle? (difficult)
3 My little sister isn’t tall ............. to reach the ® No, it’s too difficult.
top shelf. 3 Can she wear this jacket? (small)
4 The kitten won’t come near us. It’s ............. it,s too small.
No, ......................................................
scared. 4 Can we walk to the supermarket? (close)
5 I haven’t got ............. flour to make a cake. it,s close enough.
Yes, .....................................................
6 My dad says that when I’m old ............. to 5 Can you carry this suitcase? (heavy)
drive, he’ll buy me a car. it,s too heavy.
No, ......................................................
7 There isn’t ............. room in the car for seven 6 Can Sam do that exercise? (easy)
people. it,s easy enough.
Yes, .....................................................
8 She isn’t old ............. to get married.

13 Too – Enough – As ... as/Less

3 Use the pictures and the phrases to make

sentences using too and enough, as in 5 Complete the exchanges using too or enough
and the adjective in brackets.
the example. 1 1 A: Why don’t we have the party at Joanna’s
the boxes/light/carry B: We can’t. Her house isn’t ® big enough (big)
® The boxes are light enough to have a party.
to carry.
2 A: Did they go on a picnic yesterday?
too cold
B: No, it was ........................... (cold) to go
Claire/old/walk to school alone on a picnic.
Claire is/isn,t old enough to walk to
3 A: Have you got a car?
school alone.
........................................ old enough
B: No, I’m not ................. (old) to drive yet.
3 4 A: Did you enjoy the horror film?
Jimmy/short/reach/the too scared
B: No, I was ................. (scared) to enjoy it.
Jimmy is too short
biscuits ........................... 5 A: Do you want to go out tonight?
to reach the biscuits.
....................................... too tired
B: No, I’m ....................... (tired) to go out.
6 A: Did you go sailing yesterday?
it/dark/swim/in the sea windy enough
B: No, it wasn’t ........................ (windy) to
ฉบับ It is too dark to swim in the sea.
.................................... go sailing.
KEY ....................................
7 A: Did Nick join the basketball team?
5 too short
B: No, he’s ......................... (short) to join.
the TV/old/work 8 A: Did you see Karen last night?
The TV is too old to work.
....................................... too busy
B: No, she was ................. (busy) to see me.

6 6 Complete the sentences. Use as ... as, too,

enough and the adjectives in brackets.
he/strong/carry his bike 1 Mount Blanc isn’t ® as high as (high) Mount
He is strong enough to carry
.................................... Everest.
his bike.
.................................... 2 I didn’t buy that laptop because it was ............
too expensive
......................................... (expensive).
as modern as
3 Your mobile phone is not ............................

4 Fill in the gaps with too, enough, as or less. ...................................... (modern) mine.
clever enough
4 Jeff isn’t ................................... (clever)
1 Linda isn’t tall ® enough to be a model. to solve the Maths problem.
She’s only 1.60 m. old enough
5 When I’m 18, I’ll be ........................... (old)
2 This vase is ............. expensive than that one. to vote.
3 too hot to eat.
The soup is .............
as tall as
6 Helen is .................................. (tall) Kate.

4 as hardworking as Doug.
He isn’t .............
too difficult
7 That mountain is ......................................
(difficult) for me to climb.
5 less interesting than this one.
This book is ............. as nice as
8 Brian thinks the weather isn’t ......................
6 too young to stay at home by
Suzie is ............. .............. (nice) it was last week.
herself. She is only 6. as healthy as
9 Eating chocolate isn’t ................................
7 Bill isn’t well ............. to go back to work. ............. (healthy) eating fruit and vegetables.
8 She’s ............. tall as her sister.

Too – Enough – As ... as/Less 13
7 Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส
Use the prompts to make sentences about the วนทาย
photos, as in the example. ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย Speaking Activities)
(Key to Pairwork Activities) Look at the pictures of the three holiday
A destinations. Use these adjectives to compare

ñ cheap ñ short ñ long ñ good

ñ nice ñ expensive

Kate, 12 days
13 years old,
Joe, Hostel guided tours
1.47 metres
12 ears s
Only ú 675
tr e
1.50 me
Sam, (food not included)
11 years o
1.40 metr
® Joe is taller than Kate.
Kate is taller than Sam.
Joe is the tallest. 20 days
Kate isn’t as tall as Joe. 5-star accommodation ฉบับ
B Only ú 2,370

top speed: 170kmph 14 days
3-star accommodation

ú Only ú 970
(all inclusive)

sports car
top speed: 220 kmph ® The holiday in India is cheaper than the holiday in

Writing ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
(Key to Writing Activities)
family car Write a paragraph comparing two cities in your
top speed: 165 kmph country. Use these adjectives and your own
ideas to compare them.
® The sports car is faster than the jeep.
ñ big ñ small ñ quiet ñ noisy ñ exciting
The jeep is faster than the family car.
ñ boring ñ dirty ñ clean ñ crowded
The sports car is the fastest.
The family car isn’t as fast as the jeep. ® Nan is bigger than ...

Exploring Grammar (Unit 13)
ñ Comparatives — Superlatives

1 a) Circle the comparative and superlative

forms of adjectives in the text and write
them in the appropriate column below. Lechuguilla Cave is in New
How do we form them? Complete Mexico, USA. It is the 5th
the missing forms. longest cave (193 kilometres
long) in the world and the
adjective comparative superlative deepest cave in the USA (497
metres deep). Many people
.................. longer
.................. the longest
.................. think it is the most beautiful
.................. deeper
.................. the deepest
.................. cave in the world.
.................. more
.................. the most
Inside Lechuguilla it is too
dark to see anything without a
.................. beautiful
.................. beautiful
torch and it is very quiet. Cavers say it is so quiet
.................. warmer
.................. the warmest
.................. inside the cave that you can hear your heart beat.
.................. more
.................. the most
.................. And it is incredibly hot. In fact, the temperature
.................. difficult
.................. difficult
.................. inside the cave is much warmer than the desert
ฉบับ With one-syllable and two-syllable
....................................................... Before 1986, people thought that Lechuguilla
KEY adjectives, we form the comparative
....................................................... Cave wasn’t important enough to explore since
by adding -er and the superlative by
....................................................... they thought it was only 100 metres long. But
adding -est. (deep - deeper - the one day, people dug through the cave floor and
discovered that Lechuguilla was enormous!
Now every caver wants to go inside Lechuguilla
With adjectives of more than two
because it is so beautiful. For example, water
syllables, we form the comparative with
....................................................... inside the cave is so clear that you can’t even ‘see’
more and the superlative with most.
....................................................... it! But Lechuguilla Cave is not open to the public.
(diffi cult - more difficult - the most
....................................................... In fact, Lechuguilla is the most difficult cave in the
diffi cult)
....................................................... world to get into. This is because scientists are the
only people who can enter this cave.

b) Which word do we use to compare two

people, things etc? Which word do we use c) What are the comparative/superlative forms
with the comparative form: very or much? of: hard, well, carefully, badly, far, much?
We use than to compare two people,
comparative superlative
We use much with the comparative
....................................................... hard harder the hardest
..................... ..................... .....................
....................................................... well
..................... better
..................... the best
e.g. He is much taller than me.
....................................................... carefully
..................... more carefully .....................
..................... the most
....................................................... carefully
..................... ..................... .....................
....................................................... badly
..................... more badly .....................
..................... the most badly
....................................................... far
..................... farther/further .....................
..................... the farthest/
....................................................... furthest
..................... ..................... .....................
....................................................... much
..................... more
..................... the most
(Unit 13) Exploring Grammar

2 Read the sentences. When do we use the ñ Too — Enough

structures in bold? Are there similar structures
Which of the sentences below has a positive/
in your country?
negative meaning?
a John is as hardworking as Jim.
a She is old enough to drive.
We use this structure to show that two
positive meaning
people or things are similar in some way.
b He is too tired to play basketball.
negative meaning
b Bob isn’t as hardworking as Jim.
We use this structure to show that two
....................................................... Find two more sentences which have a
people or things are not similar in
....................................................... negative meaning in the text.
some way.
1. Inside Lechuguilla it is too dark to see
c Bob is less hardworking than Jim.
anything without a torch and it is very

We use this structure to show that one quiet.

....................................................... 2. People, thought that Lechuguilla Cave
person or thing is inferior.
....................................................... wasn t important enough to explore.
....................................................... .........................................................

3 Fill in the gaps with the comparative or

superlative form of the adjectives/adverbs in ฉบับ

1 Southern Europe is warmer

5 Complete the sentences using too or enough.

1 He doesn’t have ............................. money
(warm) than Northern Europe. to buy a car.
2 Tony plays squash .................................... enough
2 I haven’t got .................................... time
(well) than me. to take a holiday this year.
the most exciting
3 New York is ............................................ too
3 The sea is ............................. calm to surf.
(exciting) city in the USA. enough
4 It isn’t warm ............. to go on a picnic today.
4 earlier (early) than her parents.
She came ...............
5 It’s ................ cold to go out without a coat.
5 the deepest (deep)
Lake Tanganyika is .........................
lake in Africa.
6 This soup is ................... salty for me to eat.
7 Gary is ........................ young to live alone.
8 enough
We have .................... flour to make a cake.

Revision (Units 1-13)
(25 × 4)

Circle the correct item.

1 Did Bill ........ out with you last night? 14 I ........ up very late yesterday.
A come B comes C came A wakes B wake C woke

2 I think ‘The Independent’ is the ........ 15 Unless you ........, you will fail the test.
newspaper in the UK. A don’t study B study C studies
A good B better C best 16 Kathy is the smartest student ........ all.
3 Last night at 6 pm they ........ dinner. A in B from C of
A ate B are eating C were eating 17 Lisa didn’t ........ play sports when she was a
4 There are a lot of ........ in that field. child.
A sheep B sheeps C sheep’s A used to B use to C use

5 Today is hotter ........ yesterday. 18 ........ they got a CD player?

A from B of C than A Has B Have C Hasn’t
KEY 6 James ........ having a shower when the phone rang. 19 If I ........ money, I would go on holiday.
A has B have C had
A were B is C was

7 She is tired, ........ she? 20 Are the ........ ready to leave?

A doesn’t B isn’t C is A children’s B childrens C children

8 Is Sasha ........ at her desk now? 21 Where ........ you go on holiday last summer?
A work B working C works A did B do C were

9 If you ........ to Paris, you will see the Eiffel Tower. 22 Nancy was washing the dishes while Tom ........
A will go B go C goes reading the newspaper.
A were B is C was
10 Helen isn’t as ........ as her sister.
A taller B tallest C tall 23 How ........ is your house from the beach?
A old B far C long
11 That looks heavy. I ........ you.
A is helping B help C ’ll help 24 Are there ........ tomatoes in the fridge?
A some B any C a
12 Tracey is ........ thinner than Laura.
A less B very C much 25 If I ........ too much chocolate, I get sick.
A will eat B ate C eat
13 They ........ to the supermarket every Saturday.
A go B goes C are going

Present Perfect 14
Form subject + have/has + past participle

Affirmative Negative
Long Form Short Form Long Form Short Form
{ played/
have not
has not
have not
{ played/

Interrogative Short Answers

{ played?/
Yes, I/we have. No, I/we haven’t.
Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn’t.
Yes, you/they have. No, you/they haven’t.

ñ We form the present perfect with the auxiliary ñ We form questions by putting have/has before
verb have/has and the past participle of the the subject.
verb. We form the past participle of regular verbs Have you seen our new car?
by adding -ed to the verb. ñ We form negations by putting not after have/
live — lived has.
ñ We form the past participle of irregular verbs
Paul hasn’t finished yet. KEY
sit — sat

We use the present perfect for:
ñ actions which started in the past and still ñ actions which have
continue in the present. recently finished and
He has worked as a their results are visible
doctor since 1990. in the present.

(He started working as a They have done their

doctor in 1990 and he is shopping.

still a doctor.) (We can see that they have finished their
shopping as there are bags in front of them.)
ñ actions which happened at an unspecified time
in the past. The exact
time is not mentioned
because it is not
ñ experiences. important.
He has tried Nancy has bought
rock climbing. a new mobile phone.
(When did she buy it? We
don’t mention the exact
time because it is not important. What is
important is that she’s got a new mobile phone.)

14 Present Perfect

Have gone (to) — Have been (to)

ñ We use have gone (to) to say that someone went ñ We use have been (to) to say that someone went
somewhere and is still there. somewhere but he/she has come back.

They have gone

on a safari.
(They are still
there. They
haven’t come
back yet.)

She’s been to India twice. (She went to India, but

she has come back. She is no longer there.)

Time expressions used with the present perfect:

ñ already (normally in affirmative sentences) ñ never (negative meaning)
ฉบับ We’re not hungry. We have already eaten lunch. Philip has never travelled abroad.
KEY ñ yet (normally in interrogative or negative ñ for (= over a period of time)
sentences) John has worked in this company for three years.
Has Billy arrived yet? ñ since (= from a starting point in the past)
The train hasn’t left yet. Jenny hasn’t come to school since Monday.
ñ just (normally in statements to show that an ñ recently (normally in affirmative sentences)
action finished a few minutes earlier) They have recently moved to a new house.
I have just finished my homework. ñ so far (normally in affirmative statements)
ñ ever (normally in affirmative and interrogative She’s sent us three postcards so far.
sentences) ñ this month/week/year
This is the best book I have ever read. I have read three books this month.
Have you ever met a famous person?

1 Write the past participles of the following verbs.

eaten swum
1 go ® gone 8 eat ...................... 15 swim ........................
2 see seen
...................... 9 make made
...................... 16 fall fallen
3 do done
...................... 10 catch caught
...................... 17 fly flown
4 drink drunk
...................... 11 ring rung
...................... 18 take taken
5 bring brought
...................... 12 leave left
...................... 19 give given
6 write written
...................... 13 feed fed
...................... 20 read read
7 sing sung
...................... 14 arrive arrived

Present Perfect 14
2 Jack is in Rome. Write what he has or hasn’t
done. Use already or yet. 4 a) Look at the table below and ask and answer
questions, as in the example.

ñ visit the Colosseum ✓

ñ go on a boat trip on the Tiber river ✗
ñ buy souvenirs for friends ✗
ñ take lots of photos ✓ ✓ ✗
ñ see the Pantheon ✗
ñ walk around the Trevi Fountain ✓

✓ ✓

1 ® Jack has already visited the Colosseum. ✗ ✓

Jack has not/hasn,,t been on a boat trip on River yet.
the Tiber
2 .......................................................... .
Jack has not/hasn t bought souvenirs for his friendsyet.
3 ............................................................
Jack has already taken lots of photos.
4 ............................................................
Jack has not/hasn,t seen the Pantheon yet.
5 ............................................................ ✗ ✗ ฉบับ
Jack has already walked around the Trevi Fountain.
6 ............................................................ KEY
3 Complete the questions using the verbs from 1 Joe / do gymnastics?
the list. Then answer them about yourself. A: ® Has Joe ever done gymnastics?
B: ® Yes, he has.
ñ fly ñ be ñ live ñ break ñ sleep ñ watch
ñ try ñ plant 2 Emma / do gymnastics?
Has Emma ever done gymnastics?
A: .........................................................
1 A: ® Have you ever flown on an aeroplane? No, she hasn,t.
B: .........................................................
B: ® Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.
3 Joe and Emma / play table tennis?
Have you ever broken ,
2 A: ............................................ your arm? Have Joe and Emma ever played table tennis?
A: .........................................................
Yes, I have./No, I haven t.
B: ........................................................ Yes, they have.
B: .........................................................
3 Have you ever lived in another
A: ................................ country?
Yes, I have./No, I haven,t.
B: ........................................................
4 Joe / try kayaking?
Has Joe ever, tried kayaking?
A: .........................................................
4 Have you ever slept ,
A: ............................................ in a tent? No, he hasn t.
B: .........................................................
Yes, I have./No, I haven t.
B: ........................................................
5 Emma / try kayaking?
5 Have you ever been , to France?
A: ........................................... Has Emma ever tried kayaking?
A: .........................................................
Yes, I have./No, I haven t.
B: ........................................................ Yes, she has.
B: .........................................................
6 Have you ever watched , a scary film?
A: ......................................... 6 Joe and Emma / try snowboarding?
Yes, I have./No, I haven t.
B: ........................................................ Have Joe and Emma ever tried snowboarding?
A: .........................................................
7 Have you ever planted ,
A: ............................................... a tree?
No, they haven t.
B: .........................................................
Yes, I have./No, I haven t.
B: ........................................................
b) Ask your friend and complete the chart.
8 Have you ever tried , snorkelling?
A: ..........................................
Yes, I have./No, I haven t.
B: ........................................................ ® A: Have you ever done gymnastics? ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
B: Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. (Key to Pairwork Activities)
14 Present Perfect

5 Read the sentences and choose the correct

meaning. 7 Make sentences using the words below, as in
the example. Use for or since.
1 I’ve lost my book. 1 he/not come/to school/a week
a I haven’t got it now.
® He hasn’t come to school for a week.
b I didn’t have it in the past but I have it now.
2 Jenny/be/a nurse/1995
2 She has been a teacher since 1999. Jenny has been a nurse since 1995.
a She isn’t a teacher anymore. 3 we /live/in Canada/ten years
b She is still a teacher. We have lived in Canada for ten years.
3 They have gone to Paris. 4 he/be in Cairo/Friday
a They are still in Paris.
He has been in Cairo since Friday.
5 she/not buy/anything new/December
She hasn,t bought anything new since December.
b They have returned from Paris.
4 Lucy hasn’t been well since Tuesday.
6 they/not visit/their grandparents/last week
a Lucy was not well on Tuesday and she is not
They haven,t visited their grandparents since
well now.
7 I/not travel/abroad/last summer
last week.
b Lucy is not well now but she was well on ,
I haven t travelled abroad since last summer.
8 he/not hear/from Emily/a long time
5 We have been to the Louvre. He hasn,t heard from Emily for a long time.
a We are still in the Louvre. 9 they/not have/dinner/at a restaurant/ages
KEY b We went to the Louvre and we came back. They haven,t had dinner at a restaurant
6 I’ve just pulled a muscle. 10 we/be/at work/8 o’clock
for ages.
a I’m in pain now.
We have been at work since 8 o clock.
b It does not hurt anymore.

8 Fill in the sentences with the correct words

from the box.

6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

of the present perfect. ñ just
ñ ever
ñ since ñ for ñ this week
ñ never ñ yet ñ so far
1 A: Did you like the film Star Wars?
1 She’s played in two international competitions
B: I don’t know. I ® ’ve never seen (never/see)
it. ® so far.
2 William has been ill ................. Sunday.
2 A: Do you know Henry?
have met
B: Yes, I ................................................
this week
3 We have been to the theatre twice ................ .

(meet) him once before.

4 I have ................. finished my report. I finished
it five minutes ago.
3 A: What time does the plane take off?
has just taken off
B: It ................................. (just/take off).
5 Betty and Julie have been friends .................
many years.

hasn,t tasted (not/taste) them yet.

4 A: Did Sally like these biscuits?
6 I haven’t been to the new shopping centre
B: She .......................
................. . I think I’ll go sometime next

haven,t spoken
5 A: How’s Philip? week.
B: I don’t know. I .....................................
(not/speak) to him since Tuesday.
7 This is the most beautiful place I have .................

haven,t finished
6 A: Can I read your magazine? never
8 I have ................. been to China. I hope I’ll go
B: Sorry! I .............................. (not/finish)
some day.
with it yet.

Present Perfect 14
9 Complete the text
with the correct 11 Fill in the gaps with have/has been (to) or
have/has gone (to).
form of the present Philip: Hi, Emma. Do you know where Claire and Alex
perfect. are?
Emma: Yes. They 1) ® have gone to Rome for the
Philip: Really? Lucky them. I love Rome. 2) ...........
you ever .................. there?
Thierry Henry is a famous Emma: have been to
No, but I 3) .........................................
French footballer who is one of the world’s Florence and Venice. Have you?
best players. Henry 1) ® has loved (love) football Philip: Yes. But I like Rome better! Hey, your brother
has had
ever since he was a child. He 2) ............................ (have) has
is away too, isn’t he? Where 4) .............. he
has won
a very successful career so far and he 3) ............................. gone
(win) many football awards. He has scored
4) ......................... (score)
Emma: To Spain on a school trip and I’m really jealous
more goals for France in international competitions than any other
hasn,t been
player in France’s history! It 5) ............................. (not/be) easy
have been
because I 5) ............... never ...............
to Spain.
have helped (help)
for him, but his parents and friends 6) .............................
has played
him a lot. Henry 7) .......................... (play) for some of the
Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Speaking Activities) ฉบับ
best clubs in the world, including Arsenal, Juventus and FC
Barcelona. Have you ever seen (you/ever/see)
8) .............................. In pairs, ask and answer questions about KEY
Henry play? Both fans and coaches love him yourselves. Use the ideas below and the
because he runs very fast and scores correct form of the present perfect.
a lot of goals.
1 see/ever/a shark?
® A: Have you ever seen a shark?

10 Fill in have/has gone (to) or have/has been

(to) in the correct form.
B: Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.
2 swim/ever/in the sea/at night?
1 A: Is Patrick there? 3 fail/ever/a test?
4 be/ever/to a football match?
B: No, he ® has gone out, but he’ll be back soon.
5 play/ever/baseball?
2 A: David speaks Spanish very well.
has been to
B: That’s because he .................................
6 eat/ever/in an Indian restaurant?
7 try/ever/skydiving?
Spain many times.
8 ride/ever/a motorcycle?
Have been
3 A: ever .......... mountain climbing?
9 do/ever/judo?
B: Yes, I have. I went two years ago. 10 meet/ever/a famous person?
4 A: Where are the children?
have gone to
B: They aren’t here. They ...........................
their friend’s house. Writing (Keyดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Writing Activities)
Have been to
5 A: ............. you ever ..................... Rome?
B: No, I haven’t. But my sister ..................... Use your answers from the Speaking activity to
gone there. She’ll be back next week.
just ......... write sentences about what your partner has

6 A: Where do you want to go today? or hasn’t done.

B: Let’s go to the zoo. We ...................... not have ® Marco has never seen a shark.
............. there for a long time.

15 Present Perfect vs Past Simple

Present Perfect Past Simple

We use the present perfect for: We use the past simple for:
ñ actions which happened at an unstated time in ñ actions that happened at a stated time in the
the past. past.
She has had an operation. Chloe started ballet
(When? We don’t know. The classes last week.
time is not stated.) (When? Last week.)

ñ actions which started and finished in the past.

ñ actions which started in the past and still Claire worked in a
continue. camera shop for three
They have worked as years. (Claire worked
architects for 15 years. there for three years;
(They started working as then she left. She doesn’t
architects fifteen years work there any more.)
ago and they are still
KEY architects.)
BUT Claire has worked in this camera shop for
three years. (Claire is still working for the
same camera shop.)

Time expressions used with the present Time expressions used with the past simple:
perfect: for, since, yet, already, just etc. ago, yesterday, last week/month/year/Friday etc.

1 Match column A to Column B.


1 b They went to Australia a abroad since 2004.

2 h We haven’t heard b to visit their cousins last winter.
3 d The Smiths have visited c since she was 12.
4 f Rita! I haven’t seen d five Asian countries so far.
5 g I finished my report e for five years before he returned to England.
6 e John lived in Rome f you for a long time!
7 c Alice hasn’t played the violin g ten minutes ago.
8 a He hasn’t travelled h from Molly for two weeks.

Present Perfect vs Past Simple 15
2 Put the verbs in brackets into the present
perfect or the past simple. 4 In pairs, act out dialogues, as in the example.
ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย (Key to Pairwork Activities)
1 Mr and Mrs Brown ® won (win) the lottery last
1 go/to Canada (When?)
hasn,t played
® A: Have you ever been to
2 Alex ................ (not/play) tennis for months. Canada?
3 Have you ever tried
........................................ (you/ever/try) B: Yes, I have.
Thai food? A: When did you go?
4 First Fred ........................ (brush) his teeth B: I went in 2004. etc
and then he ............................. (go) to bed.
5 fell
Last week, Kate ....................... (fall) off her
bicycle and ...................... (twist) her ankle. 2 play/tennis
6 have not done
I .............................................. (not/do) (When?)

my homework yet.
7 Jemma ........................................ (start)
learning Chinese four years ago.
has not seen
8 John ................................ (not/see) Claire 3 travel/by plane
since they were at university together.
3 Put the verbs in brackets into the past
simple or the present perfect.

1 A: ® Have you ever been (you/ever/be) to Russia? 4 win/a medal (When?)

B: Yes, I ........................ (go) there last year.
2 A: I haven,t seen
............................... (not/see) Pam for
a long time!
B: Really? She ................... (be) at the library
this morning.
5 buy/anything
Have you cleaned
3 A: ......................................... (you/clean)
expensive (What?)
your room yet?
B: Yes, I ..................... (tidy) it an hour ago.
4 Have they ever flown (they/ever/fly)
A: .....................................
on a plane?
B: Yes, they ................................ (travel) 6 meet/a famous person
to France last year. (Who?)

Have you ever eaten

5 A: ..................................... (you/ever/eat)
Greek food?
B: Yes, I ............................. (try) it for the
first time last month.
Have you found
6 A: ................................... (you/find) a new
7 ride/a horse
flat yet?
B: Yes, I ........................... (move) into one
last week.

15 Present Perfect vs Past Simple

5 Use the time expressions to write sentences

about yourself. (Suggested Answer) 7 Put the verbs in brackets into the present
perfect or the past simple.

ñ two weeks ago ñ for ñ since ñ last month

Dear Katie,
ñ just ñ yet ñ already ñ yesterday ñ never
Tony and I are now in the Alps. We 1) ® arrived (arrived) two
ñ last year
have already
days ago and you won’t believe it but I 2) .......................................
1 ® I went to the theatre two weeks ago. injured went
................. (already/injure) myself! Yesterday, we 3) ...............
2 I haven,t been to the cinema for six months.
............................................................ decided
(go) mountain climbing. We 4) ................................... (decide)
3 I have studied English since I was eight years old.
............................................................ was
to go up a very steep path but it 5) ................................... (be)
4 I travelled to Paris last month.
full of rocks. I 6) ................................... (slip) on one, and
I have just finished my Science project. fell broke
7) ................................... (fall) and 8) ...................................
5 ............................................................
I haven,t tidied my room yet. didn,t hurt
(break) my leg. It 9) .......................................... (not/hurt)
6 ............................................................
I have already bought Mary,s birthday present.
much at first but after a few minutes I was in a lot of pain. Tony
7 ............................................................ took
10) ................................... (take) me to the hospital and the
8 I didn,t go jogging yesterday.
............................................................ put
doctor 11) ................................... (put) a cast on my leg. Now I
9 I have never eaten Malaysian food.
............................................................ can’t do anything!
10 I performed in the school play last year.
............................................................ Have you decided
Well, I hope you are OK. 12) ..........................................................
(you/decide) where you are going on holiday yet?

6 Put the verbs in brackets into the present
perfect or the past simple.
Write soon please!

KEY Sam: Hi Jesse! Where 1) ® have you been (you/be)?


haven,t seen
I 2) ..................... (not/see) you for ages!
Jesse: have been
I know. I’m sorry. I 3) ....................... (be) Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Speaking Activities)
really busy recently.
Read the notes about Roger Federer, who is a
Sam: Doing what?
famous tennis player. In pairs, ask and answer
Jesse: Learning how to drive!
questions about his life and achievements using
Sam: Really? That’s great!
Jesse: sat
And guess what! Last week, I 4) ................
the phrases below. Use the past
(sit) my driving test and I 5) ..................... simple or the present perfect.
(pass)! I have my licence now! ñ be born/8th Aug 1981
Sam: Congratulations! So, are you going to buy a car? ñ grow up/Switzerland
Jesse: have already started
Yes. I 6) ............................................. ñ start/play tennis/at
(already/start) to look for one. I 7) ............
the age of six
................ (not/find) anything yet though.
ñ win/14 grand slam
tournaments so far
Sam: Well, let me know if you want any help. When ñ be/married/since 2009
I 8) ...................... (buy) my car last year, ñ be/world number 1 tennis player/since 2004
I 9) ............................. (find) some good ñ receive/the ‘World Sportsman of the Year’
car dealerships. award/four times
Jesse: Thanks. I will.
® A: When was Roger Federer born?
B: On 8th August 1981. Where did he grow up?
Writing ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย (Key to Writing Activities)
Write a short paragraph about Roger Federer for your school magazine, using the notes from the
Speaking activity.
® Roger Federer was born on 8th August 1981.

(Units 14-15) Exploring Grammar

ñ Present Perfect

1 a) Read the text and look at the highlighted

verb forms. Which expresses:
c) How do we form the negative and
interrogative of the present perfect?
Negative: We form negations by
ñ actions which happened at an unstated
has won putting not after have/has.
time in the past? ................................ ,
I/you, haven t played, he/she/it ,
ñ actions which started in the past and still
has played hasn t played, we/you/they haven t
continue? .........................................
Have you ever tried played.
ñ experiences? ..................................... Interrogative: We form questions by
putting have/has before the subject.
b) What tense is used? What time expressions
for, since, yet, Have I/you played?, Has he/she/it
go with this tense? ................................
already, just etc. played?, Have we/you/they played?


Have you heard of Puma and adidas? Of course you have!

Puma and adidas are two of the most famous sportswear brands
in the world. Both teenagers and professional athletes love their
quality and style. Footballer and celebrity David Beckham has
played in his adidas football boots for many years now. Tennis
star Serena Williams has won many titles wearing her Puma
tennis dress. Have you ever tried running in a pair of Puma or
adidas trainers? What did you think of them? Are you a Puma
fan…. or an adidas fan? Do you think one brand is better than
the other? Two brothers called Rudi and Adi Dassler certainly
did. Why? Because Rudi Dassler created Puma and Adi Dassler
created adidas. The two brothers didn’t like each other at all
and as a result, Puma and adidas have been in competition
with each other from the beginning. It’s a shame they compete
because both companies are very successful and popular. How
successful? Well, in 2007, adidas sold more than ú10 billion
worth of sportswear and Puma sold more than ú2.5 billion. What
clever businessmen the Dassler brothers were!

Exploring Grammar (Units 14-15)
ñ Present Perfect vs Past Simple

2 Name the tenses of the verbs in bold in the sentences (1-3) and then match them to their uses (a-c).

1 past simple 2 present perfect 3 past simple

1 a We went to the theatre last Sunday. a an action which happened at a stated time in the

2 c He’s worked here since 2002. past

b actions which took place immediately after one
3 b John came into the office, took off his coat
and sat down.
c an action which started in the past and still
continues in the present

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple.

1 Olivia ................................ (clean) her room an hour ago.

2 took
Denise ................................ (take) Spanish lessons last summer.
KEY 3 has called
Jack ................................ (call) his wife three times so far this morning.

4 haven,t spoken (not/speak) to Ben for a long time.

We ................................

5 Has Robert read (Robert/read) the book yet?


6 finished
Chloe .............................. (finish) work and then she
......................... (go) to the gym.

7 Have you ever seen (you/ever/see) a penguin?


8 have been (be) at work since 9 o’clock this morning.

I ................................

4 Underline the correct item.

1 Amy hasn’t graduated from university yet/ already.

2 They have been friends since/for 1990.

3 Peter has already/ever washed the car.

4 Has he ever/yet travelled to Italy?

5 My brother has just/ever won the competition.

6 Liz has been on the phone for/since ages!

Revision (Units 1-15)
(25 × 4)

Circle the correct item.

1 The lights ........ off while Karen was reading 14 Luke ........ at the moment.
a magazine. A is studying B studies C studied
A go B went C were going
15 Nancy runs much ........ than me.
2 My dad ........ eats out; he says it’s too expensive. A fast B faster C fastest
A usually B always C never
16 Anna ........ the plants yesterday.
3 Tim hasn’t paid his electricity bill ........ . A watered B has watered
A just B yet C since C was watering
4 Irene stood ........ of the café and waited for Jim. 17 We ........ our flight if we don’t hurry.
A next to B near C in front A have missed B miss C will miss
5 Pete and Mitch left ........ skateboards at Jamie’s 18 Jerry usually ........ up late at the weekend.
house. A get B is getting C gets
A they B them C their
19 York is ........ crowded as London.
6 What was Cathy ........ last night at 9 o’clock?
A do B doing C does
A much B not as C more
20 What time ........ tomorrow?
7 I believe it ........ this afternoon. A we meet B are we meeting
A rains B is raining C will rain C have we met
8 ........ you seen the new James Bond film yet? 21 That is ........ car.
A Did B Does C Have A Sally’s and Ben
B Sally and Ben’s
9 If Tom had the time, he ........ up golf.
C Sally’s and Ben’s
A will take B would take C takes
22 Julie has got blonde hair, ........ she?
10 This boy is ........ young to talk. He’s only one.
A hasn’t B haven’t C doesn’t
A enough B as C too
23 Have you ever ........ to Euro Disney?
11 Is Sam still here?
A be B gone C been
No, he ........ about an hour ago.
A has left B left C was leaving 24 Whose books are ........?
12 If you ........ me some money, I will pay you back
A these B this C that
A lend B will lend C are lending 25 Steven ........ three art galleries in Paris so far.
A visited B has visited
13 Jeff is the ........ player on the team.
C was visiting
A worst B worse C bad

16 Countable/Uncountable Nouns – A/An – Some/Any – Every


Singular Plural
Affirmative There is an orange. There are some oranges. There is some orange juice.
Negative There isn’t an orange. There aren’t any oranges. There isn’t any orange juice.
Interrogative Is there an orange? Are there any oranges? Is there any orange juice?

ñ Countable nouns are nouns which can be counted and have

a singular and plural form. one hat, two hats, three hats
ñ Uncountable nouns are nouns which cannot be counted and
they usually have no plural form. cheese (NOT: one cheese)
ñ We use a/an in affirmative, negative and interrogative
sentences with countable nouns in the singular.
There is a bottle. There isn’t a lemon. Is there an apple?
ñ We can use a/an when there is an adjective before a noun.
We don’t use a/an before adjectives if they are not followed There is a cabbage. There is an onion.
by a noun. This is our boat. It is fast. It is a fast boat. It is There is some bread. There are some
also an expensive boat. potatoes. There aren’t any eggs. Are
ฉบับ there any peppers? No, there aren’t.
KEY ñ We use some in affirmative sentences with plural countable
nouns and with uncountable nouns.
We need some bananas and some coffee.

Note: We can use some in interrogative sentences to make offers or requests.

Would you like some biscuits? (offer) Can I have some milk? (request)
ñ We use any in negative and interrogative sentences with countable nouns in the plural and uncountable
nouns. Are there any eggs in the fridge? No, there aren’t any eggs.
Is there any sugar? No, there isn’t any sugar.
ñ We use every before singular countable nouns. Every person in my family has got their own car.

1 Fill in with a, an or some. Mark which ones are countable (C) or uncountable (U) nouns.

1 ® an aubergine (C) some

2 ............ lemons (C) a
3 .......... hamburger (C) some
4 ............ milk (U)

5 ............ cherries (C) an
6 ........... egg (C) some
7 ............ cheese (U) a
8 ......... cauliflower (C)
Countable/Uncountable Nouns – A/An – Some/Any – Every
2 Circle the correct item.

1 Are there ........ tomatoes in the fridge?

4 Complete the dialogues with: some, any, every,

A any B an C some 1 A: What did you have for lunch today?

2 Would you like ........ orange?
B: ® A sandwich and ........... apple.
A a B an C any any
2 A: Did you get ........... presents at your party?
3 Tracey has got ........ beautiful house.
a some
B: Yes. I got ......... T-shirt, ........... books and
A any B a C an
........... money from my parents.
3 A: What’s this?
4 Tom goes to the gym ........ day.
A any B some C every
B: It’s ........... old camera.
4 A: I really love this band!
5 We need ........ flour to make a cake.
A some B any C a
B: Me, too! I’ve got ........... CD they’ve made so
6 Can I have ........ bread, please?
A any B some C an
7 Is there ........ bottle of ketchup in the fridge?
A an B a C any
5 Look at the shopping basket. Fill in some, any
or a. Underline the correct verb.

8 Claire has got a guitar lesson ........ Tuesday. 1 There is/isn’t ® any cheese in their basket.
A some B any C every 2 There is/isn’t
a ฉบับ
............. carton KEY
of eggs.
Look at the picture. Then use the words to
3 There are/aren’t
make sentences, as in the example. Use some
or any.
............. bananas.
4 There are/aren’t
butter milk oranges tea biscuits some
............. grapes.
apples egg banana bread cheese 5 There are/aren’t
............. biscuits.
6 There is/isn’t ............

6 Jenny and Melissa are going on a picnic.

Complete their conversation with a, some or any.

Jenny: Hi, Melissa! Are you ready?

1 ® There isn’t any butter on the table. Melissa: Almost! I’m packing the picnic basket

2 ® There’s some milk on the table.

now. I’ve got 1) ® some fruit, 2) .........

3 There are, some oranges on the table. a

sandwiches and 3) ......... packet of crisps.
Jenny: any
Have you got 4) ......... drinks?
4 There isn t any tea on the table.
................................................................. Melissa: some a
Yes, I’ve got 5) ......... juice and 6) .........
5 There are some biscuits on the table.
................................................................. bottle of coke.
6 There are, some apples on the table.
................................................................. Jenny: any
Have you got 7) ......... plastic plates?
7 There isn t an egg on the table.
................................................................. Melissa: any
No, I haven’t got 8) ......... .
8 There are some bananas on the table.
................................................................. Jenny: some
That’s OK. I’ve got 9) ......... . Don’t forget
9 There is some bread on the table.
to take 10) ......... blanket for us to sit on.

There is some cheese on the table. Melissa: Don’t worry, I won’t.

16 Some/Any/No/Every + body (one)/thing/where

The skiers are

Affirmative somewhere in
Adjectives Pronouns Adverbs the Alps. The
ski instructor
people things places
is telling them
someone/ something somewhere something.
Everybody is
anyone/ anything anywhere listening to him.

Negative Interrogative
Adjectives Pronouns Adverbs Adjectives Pronouns Adverbs
people things places people things places
no one/ nothing/ nowhere/ any anyone/ anything anywhere
no/not any not anyone not anything not anybody
nobody/ anywhere
ฉบับ not anybody
ñ We use some and its compounds (someone/ ñ We use no and its compounds (no one/nobody,
somebody, something and somewhere) in nothing, nowhere) in negative sentences.
positive sentences. We can also use them in There’s nobody at home. (= There isn’t anybody
interrogative sentences to make an offer, a at home.)
request or when we expect a positive answer.
There is someone at the door. ñ We use every and its compounds (everyone/
Can I tell you something? (We expect a positive everybody, everything and everywhere) in
answer.) affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences.
We use a singular verb with these words.
ñ We use any and its compounds (anyone, Everything is ready for the party.
anybody, anything, anywhere) in negative and (NOT: Everything are ready for the party.)
interrogative sentences.
There isn’t any cake left. (negation)
Do you need anything else? (question)
We can also use them in positive sentences
meaning “It doesn’t matter who/which/what/
where etc”.
You can ask anything you want. (= It doesn’t
matter what.)

Some/Any/No/Every + body (one)/thing/where 16
1 Use something, someone, anything, anyone,
nobody, anywhere or nowhere to complete the
sentences, as in the example.
5 I left my glasses somewhere/anywhere in the
6 Does anyone/someone have a pen I can borrow?
1 A: I think there’s ® someone at the door. 7 Can I have any/some milk, please?
B: You’re right. I’ll go and see who it is. 8 I’ve looked somewhere/everywhere for my purse
2 A: Could ................... help me fix this? but I didn’t find it nowhere/anywhere.
B: Sure. Let me have a look.

3 A: I’m hungry. I want to eat ................... . Complete Alicia’s email. Use the words in the
B: Well, there are some sandwiches in the fridge. list.
4 A: Are you doing ................... tonight?
everyone nothing anything
B: Yes. I’m going to the cinema. Do you want to
everything some someone
5 A: Have you seen my car keys ...................?
Hi Denise!
B: Yes, they’re on the kitchen table. Greetings from Brazil. We’re having a lot
6 A: Did you book a table for tomorrow? of fun here. 1) Everyone is getting ready for
nobody Someone
the carnival tonight. 2) ..................... told
B: I called the restaurant but ...................
answered. I’ll try later.
us yesterday where to get 3) .....................
colourful costumes. They cost almost
7 A: Where are you going on holiday? nothing everything
4) ..................... to buy! In fact, 5) ..................... ฉบับ
B: ...................... . We’re staying home this
is really cheap here. Is there 6) ..................... I KEY
can get for you while I’m here?
Let me know.

2 Fill in the gaps with every and its compounds.

Speaking ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
1 A: Do you do any exercise? (Key to Speaking Activities)
B: Yes, I go jogging ® every morning. In pairs, ask and answer, as in the example.
2 A: Where has ............................... gone? Use the ideas below or your own ideas.
B: They’ve all gone to the beach.
3 A: Do you need anything else from the
supermarket? see/paintings
B: No, thanks. I have .................... I need. tell/time
4 everywhere
A: Why is there water .....................? bake/bread
B: Because I just spilt my drink.

3 Underline the correct item.

1 We went shopping but we didn’t buy something/

2 When I came home, someone/everyone had gone
ñ supermarket ñ baker ñ camera
ñ clock ñ art gallery
3 Anything/Everything in this shop is half price.
4 Nobody/Anybody came to my party and I was ® A: It’s somewhere that you can buy food.
very sad. B: A supermarket.

17 A lot of – Much/Many – A few/Few – A little/Little

ñ We normally use a lot of/lots of in affirmative sentences with plural

countable nouns and uncountable nouns. We omit of when a lot/lots is not
followed by a noun.
Laura’s got a lot of/lots of DVDs. There’s a lot of orange juice in the fridge.
BUT Have you got many books? Yes, I’ve got a lot/lots. (NOT: a lot of/lots of)
ñ We normally use much and many in questions and negations.
Much is followed by uncountable nouns and many is followed by
plural countable nouns. Sophie has got a lot of/
Is there much tea in the teapot? There isn’t much jam left in the jar. lots of carrots.
Have you got many photos? I haven’t got many photos.
ñ We use how much and how many in questions.
How much + uncountable noun (amount) How much cheese do you want? Not much.
How many + countable noun (number) How many sisters have you got? Two.

Countable Uncountable
Affirmative a lot (of)/lots (of) a lot (of)/lots (of)
Negative (not) many (not) much
Interrogative (how) many (how) much
KEY ñ Too many can be used with plural countable nouns and has a negative
meaning. It shows that there is more of something than is wanted or
needed. There are too many flowers in that vase.
ñ Too much can be used with uncountable nouns and has a negative
meaning. It shows that there is more of something than is wanted or
needed. There’s too much salt in this soup.
Sophie has got a few
carrots. She can make a
We use a few/few with plural countable nouns (apples, pears etc).
carrot cake. (not many
ñ A few means not many, but enough.
but enough)
I’ve got a few lemons. I’ll make some lemonade.
ñ Few means hardly any/almost none and can go with very for emphasis.
There are (very) few biscuits in the box. It’s almost empty.

We use a little/little with uncountable nouns (milk, honey, water etc).

ñ A little means not much, but enough.
She’s got a little time. She can go shopping.
ñ Little means hardly any/almost nothing and can go with very for
emphasis. I’ve got (very) little bread. There’s not enough for all of us.
Sophie has got (very) few
carrots. She can’t make a
carrot cake. (almost none)
Sophie has got a little
flour. She can make a
pizza. (not much but Sophie has got (very) little flour.
enough) She can’t make a pizza. (almost none)

A lot of – Much/Many – A few/Few – A little/Little 17
1 Complete the sentences with much, many, a lot
of, how much or how many.
6 A: I think this soup needs more flavour.
a little
B: OK. I will add ................. more salt.
1 A: ® How much coffee do you drink each day? 7 A: We must hurry.
B: Not ® much. About two cups. little
B: That’s true. We have very ................. time.
2 A: How was John’s party? 8 A: Poor him! He looks lonely.
a lot of
B: Great! Everyone had .................... fun. few
B: He’s very shy and has very .............. friends.
How much
3 A: ....................... did your jacket cost?
B: Not ....................... . It was only í20.
Complete the text with a lot of, much or many.

4 How many eggs do I need to make an

A: ..................
omelette? Courchevel is one of
B: Not ....................... . Only two. France’s most famous
5 How much pocket money do you get?
A: ....................... ski destinations.
B: Not ....................... . í5 per week. 1) ® A lot of rich and
famous people spend

2 Fill in the gaps with too much or too many. their holidays there
every year. In fact, there
aren’t 2) ...................... ski resorts as nice as Courchevel!
1 He’s got ® too many books. He doesn’t know
where to put them all.
a lot of
It has 3) .................... great restaurants, beautiful hotels
too many
2 Don’t eat ................... sweets. They are bad and expensive shops. But don’t worry if you don’t KEY
for your teeth. much a lot of
have 4) ................. money. There are 5) .........................
too much
3 I spent ................... money this month. I can’t cheap places to stay and eat for people who are on a
pay my bills now. budget. And the skiing is fantastic. It’s perfect for
too much
4 You put ................... sugar in my coffee. It’s both beginner and expert skiers, because there are
too sweet now. a lot of
6) ....................... ski paths to choose from. Everyone
too many
5 There were ................... people at the party loves Courchevel. Why not come and see why!
last night.
too much
6 There’s ................ traffic today. We won’t get
Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
to work on time. Speaking Activities)
In pairs, use the nouns to ask and answer
questions about your eating/drinking habits.

3 Fill in the gaps with (a) few or (a) little.

1 A: How much milk do you want in your coffee?

Use: a lot of, (not) much/many, (a) few,
(a) little.
ñ juice ñ vegetables ñ spaghetti ñ meat
B: Only ® a little, please.
ñ fruit ñ chocolate ñ pizza ñ coffee
2 A: What did you do during your flight?
a few
B: I read ................. magazines and I slept for
® A: How much juice do you drink every day/week?
B: I don’t drink much juice. I drink a lot of water.
an hour.
3 A: Is there any cake left?
B: There’s very ............... left.
Writing ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
(Key to Writing Activities)
4 A: Do you speak Spanish?
B: No, I know very ............... words in Spanish.
Use your answers from the Speaking activity to
write a paragraph about you and your partner’s
5 A: When are you coming back? eating and drinking habits.
a few
B: Soon. I’m only going away for .............. days.
® I drink a lot of juice, but Ben drinks a lot of water.

Exploring Grammar (Units 16-17)
ñ Countable/Uncountable nouns — A/An — Some/Any/No/Every

1 What is a countable/uncountable noun? Read

the text. Say whether the underlined nouns are
countable or uncountable.

countable noun is a noun that can be counted
and has a singular and plural form (one dog, two
dogs etc). An uncountable noun is a noun that
cannot be counted and usually has no plural form
(milk, sugar etc).
countable nouns: chefs, kitchen, people
uncountable nouns: sugar, flour, chocolate, jam

2 a) Look at the highlighted items. When do we

use a/an?
We use a/an in affirmative, interrogative and
............................................................ In the UK, an advertisement by the car maker
negative sentences with countable nouns in the
............................................................ Skoda has got everybody talking. It shows
singular. We put a before nouns that start with
............................................................ some chefs making a life-size model of a Skoda
ฉบับ a consonant sound and we put an before nouns
KEY that start with a vowel sound. (When there is
car entirely out of cake! That’s right, a car that
you can eat!
an adjective in front of the noun we use a for
adjectives which begin with a consonant and an Do you want to know how they did it? Well,
for adjectives which begin with a vowel.)
first they found some very talented chefs.
Next, they hired a large kitchen for a few days.
b) When do we use some/any/no/every and Lastly, they bought a lot of sugar, flour and
their compounds? Which of these words can chocolate. How much? Well, 330kg of sugar,
you use to make an offer, a request? Find 100kg of flour and 52kg of chocolate to be
examples in the text. exact! Oh, and they also used a little raspberry
jam, some sweets and a lot of fudge. Yum!
We use some and its compounds (someone/
............................................................ The chefs worked for 10 days to build the
somebody, something and somewhere) in
............................................................ cake-car. They did an excellent job. But what
affirmative sentences.
happened to the cake when they finished
We use any and its compounds (anyone/anybody,
it? How many people got to eat it? Well, the
anything and anywhere) in negative and
interrogative sentences. answer is: no one did! After several days under
We use no and its compounds (no one/nobody,
the hot studio lights, the cake wasn’t safe to
nothing and nowhere) in negative sentences.
............................................................ eat. The chefs had to throw it away. Imagine
We use every and its compounds (everyone/
............................................................ that! They baked such a tasty cake and they
everybody, everything and everywhere) in
............................................................ didn’t eat any of it! What a pity!
affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences.
Some and its compounds can be used to make an
offer or a request.
examples of some: some chefs, some very
talented chefs, some ,sweets
example of any: didn t eat any of it (cake)
example of every: everybody talking
example of no: no one did
(Units 16-17) Exploring Grammar
c) Which compounds are used for people, b) How do a little/little, a few/few differ in
things and places? meaning? Give examples.

.................................... We use a little/little with uncountable
Compounds for anyone/anybody,
.................................... nouns.
people no one/nobody,
.................................... A little means not much, but enough.
.................................... e.g. There,s a little milk in the carton.
something, anything, nothing,
.................................... Little means hardly any/almost nothing
Compounds for everything
.................................... and can go with very for emphasis.
things .................................... e.g. There,s (very) little sugar. We,ll have
.................................... to buy some.
somewhere, anywhere,
.................................... We use a few/few with countable nouns.
Compounds for nowhere, everywhere
.................................... A few means not many, but enough.
places .................................... e.g. We,ve a few eggs in the fridge.
.................................... Few means hardly any/almost none and
can go with very for emphasis.
Underline the correct item.
e.g. There are (very) few shops on our
1 Did you go nowhere/anywhere last night?
2 There is someone/anyone on the phone for you.
c) Circle the correct answer. KEY
3 I need to buy anything/something for Tom’s
birthday. 1 How much / many milk do you drink every day?
4 He doesn’t know anybody/somebody here. 2 There is a few / a lot of flour in the cupboard.
5 Andy said something/anything I didn’t like. 3 How many / much eggs do you need to make an
6 I left my glasses somewhere/anywhere in the omelette?
house. 4 There isn’t much / many coffee left. We need to
7 I’m bored. There’s nothing/something to do here. buy some.
8 Everything/Something you need is on the table. 5 We’ve got a few / a little apples. Let’s make an
apple pie.
6 Are you hungry? There’s a little / a few chicken
ñ A Lot of — Much – Many — (A) Few —
(A) Little

4 a) Put the words/phrases in the list below in the

correct box.

a lot of, much, many, (a) little, (a) few

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

lot of, many, a lot of, much,
(a) few
............................ (a) little

Find examples in the text.

a few days, a lot of sugar,
How much, a little raspberry jam,
a lot of fudge, How many people

Revision (Units 1-17)
(25 × 4)

Circle the correct item.

1 The cat is small ........ to fit through the fence. 14 We ........ an English lesson at the moment.
A enough B too C as A are having B had C have

2 She ........ her grandmother every Sunday. 15 There are ........ people living in New York.
A call B calls C is calling A a lot of B a lot C lots

3 Max ........ three cities in Italy so far. 16 There’s very ........ flour left. I can’t make
A has visited B visited C was visiting pancakes.
A few B a little C little
4 Can I have ........ tea, please?
A any B a few C some 17 Bill is ........ than Jack.
A friendly B friendlier
5 I’m hungry. I ........ make a sandwich.
C the friendliest
A going to B will C won’t
18 There aren’t ........ cars on the road today.
6 How ........ did your TV cost?
ฉบับ A many B much C little
KEY A much B few C many
19 If laptops ........ cost so much, we would buy one.
7 Daniel is the ........ intelligent boy in the class.
A won’t B didn’t C hadn’t
A most B more C much
20 If you exercise, you ........ weight.
8 Angie ........ video games when I called her
A have lost B will lose C lost
A played B was playing C plays 21 He hasn’t finished his homework ........ .
A yet B ever C just
9 There isn’t ........ sugar in the cupboard.
A some B any C a few 22 Let’s go shopping, ........ we?
A shall B won’t C will
10 My brother ........ play the piano but now
he doesn’t. 23 ........ do they live? In Rome.
A used to B didn’t use to C use to A Why B Who C Where

11 We ........ to the shopping centre twice this 24 We will go on a picnic ........ it rains.
week. A since B if C unless
A have been B go C went
25 Mike ........ on the computer while Lyn was
12 Does ........ know where Paul is? reading a book.
A anyone B someone C no one A is working B worked
C was working
13 It’s so dark in here. I can’t see ........ .
A something B nothing C anything

Can/Can’t – Could – Must/Mustn’t – Have to/
Don’t have to/Needn’t – Should/Ought to 18
Can/Can’t — Could
We use can to:
ñ express ability in the present. He can sing very well. (He is able to.)
ñ ask for permission. Can I use your phone? (Is it OK if I use ...?)
ñ give permission. You can take my car tonight. (You are allowed to.)
ñ express possibility. He can be late. (It’s possible.) Linda can play the violin.
We use can’t to refuse permission. You can’t go to the cinema tonight. (You aren’t allowed to.)

We use could to express general ability in the past.

He could play football when he was young. (He was able to; he had the ability.)

We use must/mustn’t to:
ñ express obligation or duty. You must keep your room clean. (It’s your duty.)
ñ express very strong advice. You must see the dentist about that toothache.
You must be on time for work. (I strongly advise you.)
ñ express prohibition. You mustn’t park here. (You aren’t allowed to; it’s
against the rules.) You must wear a
seatbelt when you ฉบับ
Have to/Don’t have to/Needn’t
ñ We use have to to express obligation and necessity.
ride in a car. KEY
Philip has to wear a suit and tie to work. (He is obliged to.)
Mark broke his tooth so he has to go to the dentist. (It’s necessary.)
ñ We use don’t/doesn’t have to/needn’t to express lack of obligation and necessity.
Claire doesn’t have to work overtime. (She isn’t obliged to.)
You don’t have to/needn’t bring a camera. I have one. (It isn’t necessary.)

Should/Ought to
We use should/ought to to give advice. You should/ought to look both ways before you cross the road. (I advise
you to ...) You shouldn’t eat too much chocolate. (I advise you not to ...)

1 Write sentences about what Sally can/can’t do now and what she could/couldn’t do when she was 12
years old.
1 ® Sally can cook now, but 3 Sally can ride a bicycle
she couldn’t cook when now and she could ride
she was 12 years old. a bicycle when she was
12 years old.
cook ride a bicycle
now ✓ age 12 ✗ now ✓ age 12 ✓
2 Sally can drive a car
............................. 4 Sally can play the piano
now, but she couldn,t
............................. now but she couldn,t
drive a car when she
............................. play the piano when
was 12 years old.
............................. she was 12 years old.
drive a car play the piano
now ✓ age 12 ✗ now ✓ age 12 ✗

18 Can/Can’t – Could – Must/Mustn’t – Have to/
Don’t have to/Needn’t – Should/Ought to

2 Fill in the gaps with can, can’t, could or

couldn’t. 4 Give advice to the following people. Write
sentences with should/shouldn’t, ought to/
oughtn’t to.
1 Rebecca is four years old. She ® can’t read yet.
2 I’m sorry but you ............. use the computer 1 John looks tired. (take some days off)
until after I’ve finished.
3 They ............. drive yet. They’re only 15 years
® He should/ought to take some days off.
2 Karen is allergic to milk. (eat cheese)
4 When he was four years old, he ............. only
She shouldn,t/oughtn,t to eat cheese.
count to twenty. ............................................................
5 It was raining yesterday, so we ............. go on a 3 Ann behaved rudely. (apologise)
picnic. She should/ought to apologise.
6 ............. I use your phone, please? ............................................................
7 ........... you speak German when you were little?
8 David ............. come to the phone right now.
4 Emma and Robert need to paint their house.
(call a painter)
He’s busy.
9 You ............. come home after midnight. I want
They should/ought to call a painter.
you home by 10:30 pm. ............................................................
5 My eyes hurt. (sit close to the computer screen)
You shouldn,t/oughtn,t to sit close to
3 Look at the pictures and make sentences using
can or can’t.
the computer screen.

5 Use must or mustn’t to complete the

sentences about the life of a chef.

y years ✓
ñ train for man
1 (eat ) 2 (camp ) hands before
® You can’t eat You can,t camp here.
ñ wash his/her
he/she starts
work ✓
here. ........................... ork ✗
ñ be late for w
dishes ✓
ñ create new
stomers ✗
ñ be rude to cu

3 (park ) 4 (ride a bike )

You can,t ride a
1 ® A chef must train for many years.
You can park here.
........................ ......................... 2 A....................................................
chef must wash his/her hands
........................ bike here.
......................... before he/she, starts work.
3 A..................................................
chef mustn t be late for work.
4 A...............................................
chef must create new
5 chef mustn,t be rude to
5 (take photographs ) 6 (swim ) customers.
You can,t take
........................ You can swim here.

photographs here.

Can/Can’t – Could – Must/Mustn’t – Have to/
Don’t have to/Needn’t – Should/Ought to 18
6 Look at the rules for the computer game.
Write sentences with must and mustn’t. 8 Read the poster. Then choose the
correct item.

1 2

Watch the Protect your

traffic lights! head!

3 4

No music! Try not to cycle

when there is
lots of traffic!

5 6

Don’t ride on Know the rules

the pavement! of the road!

1 Find the magic key.
® You must find the magic key.
1 You should/shouldn’t read the poster.
2 Escape from the prison.
You must escape from the prison.
2 You must/mustn’t stop at red traffic lights.
3 You must/shouldn’t always wear a helmet.
You mustn,t open any black doors.
3 Don’t open any black doors.
............................................................ 4 You mustn’t/should listen to music while riding
a bike.
You mustn,t let the guards catch you.
4 Don’t let the guards catch you.
............................................................ 5 You must/shouldn’t cycle on very busy roads.
5 Climb up the tower. 6 You mustn’t/should ride on the pavement.
You must climb up the tower.
............................................................ 7 You should/shouldn’t learn the road code.
6 Rescue the princess.
You must rescue the princess.
9 Choose the correct item.

7 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of have

to or don’t have to/needn’t.
1 She ...... study hard if she wants to pass the test.
A can B has to C doesn’t have to
2 He ...... swim when he was three years old.
1 You ® don’t have to/needn’t do the laundry. A shouldn’t B can’t C couldn’t
I did it yesterday.
3 She ...... go to the meeting if she doesn’t want to.
has to
2 He can’t come with us. He ................... work.
doesn t have to/needn t ,
Liz ......................................get up early
A has to B doesn’t have to C must
4 You ...... eat so many sweets. They’re bad for
tomorrow. There’s no school. your teeth.
has to
4 Steven is a soldier. He ............................. A couldn’t B can’t C shouldn’t
wear a uniform.
don,t have to/
5 I’m afraid you ...... take pictures in the museum.
5 You’ve got plenty of time. You ......................
It’s not allowed.
................ hurry. A couldn’t B can’t C must

18 Can/Can’t – Could – Must/Mustn’t – Have to/
Don’t have to/Needn’t – Should/Ought to

10 a) Karen is a secretary. Write what Karen

has to do or doesn’t have to do in the
5 It’s against the rules to enter this area. You
office. 6 It’s your duty to tidy your room. You ...............
(Key to Pairwork Activities)
7 You look tired. I advise you to go to bed. You
ñ type letters ✓
answer the phone ✓
work on Sunday ✗ can,t
8 You aren’t allowed to park here. You .............
ñ file reports ✓
clean the office ✗
know how to use the
computer ✓
13 Complete the sentences with modals. Make
the sentences true for you.
(Suggested Answer)
1 At home, ® I have to keep my room tidy.
® Karen has to type letters at work. must/has to go to bed earlier than me.
2 My best friend ..........................................
b) Think of two or more jobs. Write sentences 3 don,t have to work at the weekend.
My parents ..............................................
,t talk on my mobile.
about what these people have to/don’t have 4 At school, I can
to do. Your partner guesses what the jobs are. 5 must/have to study for school exam.
This week, I ............................................
can go to bed late.
6 At the weekend, I .....................................
Rewrite the sentences using the modals in
the brackets in the correct form.
7 shouldn,t talk to the driver.
When in a car, we .....................................
8 could climb trees.
When I was younger, I ................................
1 You are allowed to go to the party. (can)
ฉบับ Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
KEY ® You can go to the party.
2 It’s your duty to feed the dog. (have to) Speaking Activities)
You have to feed the dog.
Imagine you are a teacher. Look at the phrases
and talk to a group of students about the rules
3 Jane is obliged to be at work at 9 o’clock.
of the library, using can or mustn’t.
Jane has to be at work at 9 o,clock.
(have to)
4 I advise you to work harder. (should)
You should work harder.
ñ eat or drink ✗
5 I strongly advise you to apologise to her. (must)
You must apologise to her.
ñ ask the librarian questions ✓
ñ drop litter ✗
6 It’s against the rules to ride a bike without
a helmet. (must)
ñ listen to loud music ✗
You must wear a helmet to ride a bike.
ñ speak quietly ✓
7 It’s possible that Ann will be late tonight. (can) ñ bring pets inside ✗
Ann can be late tonight.
.......................................................... ñ talk on your mobile phone ✗
8 You are allowed to borrow my coat. (can) ñ send text messages ✓
You can borrow my coat.
.......................................................... ñ use the computer ✓

12 Replace the words in bold with one of the

modals in the list: must, can, should, can’t,
® You mustn’t eat or drink in the library.
couldn’t, mustn’t, don’t have to. Writing (Key to Writing Activities)
1 He is able to dance well. He ® can Write a list of the rules you have to follow at
2 Is it OK if I borrow your pencil? .................... home using modal verbs.
3 It was too noisy I wasn’t able to sleep. I ..........couldn,t ® I have to help my mum with the washing up every
4 It isn’t necessary to wear a uniform to school.
don,t have to
We .................... I mustn’t stay up late on school nights.

Relative Pronouns – Relative Clauses 19
Relative pronouns (who, which, whose, that) introduce
relative clauses.
people who/that
objects/animals which/that
possession whose

Note: We don’t use relative pronouns with other pronouns

(I, you, me, him etc).
The boy who he is sitting over there is my cousin.
A magician is a person who/that
performs tricks.

ñ We use relative clauses to identify the noun in ñ We use whose with people, objects and animals
the main clause. in order to show possession.
The woman who owns the house is Greek. That’s the woman — her son is a doctor.

relative clause That’s the woman whose son is a doctor.

(The relative clause identifies which woman we
are talking about.) That’s the suitcase — its handle is brown.
ñ We use who/that to refer to people. That’s the suitcase whose handle is brown.
The boy — he is playing the guitar is Philip.

The boy who/that is playing the guitar is Philip.

ñ We use which/that to refer to objects or

The car — it won the race — is red.

The car which/that won the race is red.

Giant pandas are animals which/that live in

Elephants are animals whose ears are very big.

Relative pronouns as subject or object

ñ We do not omit who/which/that when it is the ñ We can omit who/which/that when it is the
subject of a relative clause, that is when there object of a relative clause, that is, when there is
is not a noun or subject pronoun between the a noun or a subject pronoun between the relative
relative pronoun and the verb. pronoun and the verb.
I met a girl. She knows your aunt. That’s the car. Ann bought it last month.

I met a girl who/that knows your aunt. That’s the car (which/that) Ann bought last

19 Relative Pronouns – Relative Clauses

1 Look at the pictures and the phrases. Then

make sentences using relative pronouns, as in 3 Choose the correct answer.

1 This is the book ........ I bought last week.

the example.
A who B which C whose
ñ someone/deliver letters and packages
ñ a toy/children play with 2 The dog is an animal ........ is called ‘man’s best
ñ something/we use to sweep the floor friend’.
ñ animals/have very long necks A who B whose C that
ñ someone/repair cars
3 Mr Smith, ........ is my neighbour, is very polite.
ñ machine/collect dust and dirt from carpets
A who B which C whose
4 Mount Vesuvius is the volcano ........ destroyed
2 Pompei.
A which B who C whose
yo-yo cleaner
5 Mel Gibson is the actor ........ starred in all the
3 Lethal Weapon films.
A which B whose C who
6 The cake ........ she made was delicious.
6 A that B who C whose

ฉบับ 4 7 Mr Jones is the one ........ comes from Columbia.

KEY broom

A who B whose C which

8 The Great Fire of London, ........ happened in
1666, caused great damage to the city.
A whose B which C who
1 ® A yo-yo is a toy which/that children play with.
A vacuum cleaner is a machine which/that collects dust 9 The girl ........ is sitting next to Tony is my cousin.
2 ............................................................
and dirt from carpets. A that B whose C which
A mechanic is someone who/that repairs cars.
3 ............................................................ 10 The man ........ wife had an accident lives next
A broom is something which/that we use to sweep the
4 ............................................................ floor. door.
A postman is someone who/that delivers letters and packages.
5 ............................................................ A whose B who C which
Giraffes are animals which/that have very long necks.
6 ............................................................

2 Use who, which or whose to join the two

sentences. 4 Complete the sentences about yourself using
relative pronouns. Compare with your partner.
1 That is Mrs Smith. She is a teacher. (Suggested Answer)
1 I like films ® which/that have happy endings.
® That is Mrs Smith who is a teacher.
2 Those are the people. Their son is a famous 2 things which/that I don,t need.
I never buy .............................................
musician. ............................................................
Those are the people whose son is a famous musician.
............................................................ who/that tell lies.
3 I dislike people ........................................
3 Chloe is the girl. She speaks four languages. ............................................................
Chloe is the girl who speaks four languages.
............................................................ which/that make a lot
4 I hate machines .......................................
4 Tom bought a sports car. It cost him a lot of of noise.
Tom bought a sports car which cost him a lotmoney.
which/that are fast.
5 I love cars ..............................................
5 That’s the doll. My uncle gave it to me. ............................................................
That,s the doll which my uncle gave to me.

Relative Pronouns – Relative Clauses 19
5 Fill in the correct relative pronoun. Write (S)
for subject or (O) for object. Then state if the 6 Fill in the gaps with who,
which or whose.
relatives can be omitted or not.

1 Sheila, ® who is Ann’s cousin, is

E.T. is a science-fiction
very rude. (not omitted) film 1) ® which
2 which/that
The dress ................ you everyone will enjoy.
bought yesterday is great. (O) (omitted)
................. It tells the story of a boy
3 who/that
Do you know anyone ............. who
called Elliot 2) .............
can speak Chinese? (S) (not omitted)
................. finds a friendly alien called
4 which/that
Is this the book ................. you whose
(O) (omitted) E.T., 3) .................. spaceship
borrowed from Tony? .................
5 I’m writing an email to my friend
accidentally left him behind
.............. lives in China. (S) (not omitted)
on Earth. Elliot, 4) .................. is frightened by E.T. at
6 who/that
That’s the boy ............ broke first, eventually becomes friends with him. Elliot and
the window. (S) (not omitted)
................. which
his brother and sister form a plan 5) .................. will
7 which/that
Is that the play ............... we help E.T. return home while keeping him a secret from
saw last week? (O) (omitted)
................... their mother and the government. Do they succeed?
8 who/that
Is she the woman ...............
(S) (not omitted) Watch this great film to find out.
knows your uncle? .................
9 which/that
The city ............. I like most is ฉบับ
Granada. (O) (omitted)
................. Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Speaking Activities)
10 Where did you buy the jacket
................. you were wearing In pairs, take turns to say the name of a thing
yesterday? (O) (omitted)
................. or a job. Your partner has to explain what this
thing is or what this job is.

® A: a CD player
B: A CD player is a machine which/that plays

Defining — Non-defining relative clauses

There are two types of relative clauses: defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses.

ñ A defining relative clause gives necessary ñ A non-defining relative clause gives extra
information and is essential to the meaning of information and is not essential to the meaning
the main sentence. We do not put the clause in of the main sentence. The clause is put in
commas. commas. We cannot omit the relative pronoun.
The woman who/that lives next door is a We cannot use that instead of who or which.
teacher. (Which woman? The one who lives next My uncle Peter, who lives in New York, is an
door.) architect. (My uncle Peter is an architect — the
meaning of the sentence is clear.
who lives in New York — the relative clause gives
extra information.)

19 Relative Pronouns – Relative Clauses

7 Match the phrases to make sentences.

1 b This is the car a who invented the light bulb.

2 a Thomas Edison is the man b ® (which) I want to buy.
3 h Is this the DVD c who won the lottery?
4 f The nurse d which you wrote was very interesting.
5 g Elvis Presley e whose name is Robbie.
6 d The report f who looked after my grandmother was very kind.
7 e I met a boy g whose songs were very popular, died in 1977.
8 c Is she the woman h which your friend gave you?

8 Fill in the relative pronoun. Put commas where

necessary. Write (D) for defining, (ND) for 9 Join the sentences. Use relative pronouns.

non-defining and if the relative pronoun can 1 That’s the jumper. My mum bought it for me.
be omitted or not. ® That’s the jumper (which/that) my mum
bought for me.
1 Mrs Smith, ® who lives next ® ND
2 He lives in a flat. It is on the second floor.
door, is a nurse. (not omitted)
ฉบับ 2 That’s the girlwho/that
.......... sits next
He lives in a flat which/that is on the second floor.
KEY to me at school. D (not omitted)
3 Mr Smith is a firefighter. He is 30 years old.
Mr Smith is a firefighter who/that is 30 years old.
3 That house ,..........
which is very big,
ND (not omitted) 4 This is the newspaper. I bought it yesterday.
belongs to my grandparents. ...................
4 Have you seen that new film
This is the newspaper which/that I bought yesterday.
which/that D (not omitted) 5 This is Helen. She teaches us French.
.......... stars Nicole Kidman? ...................
5 whose brother is
I know a girl ..........
This is Helen who/that teaches us French.
D (not omitted) 6 That’s Jason. His father is a doctor.

a singer.
, who is younger than me,
Lisa ..........
That,s Jason whose father is a doctor.
ND (not omitted) 7 She works for a company. The company makes
can speak French very well. ...................
, which is very old, hats.
7 This ring ..........
belonged to my grandma. ND (not omitted) She works for a company which/that makes hats.
, who is named 8 That’s Antony. His car broke down yesterday.
8 My brother ..........
Jack, is five years older than me. ND (not omitted) That,s Antony whose car broke down yesterday.
9 I met a woman. She knows you.
9 The bookwhich/that
.......... was advertised
on TV was very interesting. D (not omitted) I met a woman who/that knows you.
10 The police have caught the men. They robbed the
10 This is the ring which/that
.......... my mum
gave me for my birthday. D (omitted)
................... bank.
11 , who is only 20 years
Gillian .......... The police have caught the men who/that
old, got married last month. ND (not omitted)
robbed the bank.
12 The boywho/that
.......... is crying in the Writing (Keyดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Writing Activities)
corner is called James. D (not omitted)
Make true sentences about yourself using
13 who is sitting next
The man ..........
D (not omitted) relative pronouns, as in the example.
to Ann is my uncle. ...................
14 which/that you bought
The bag ............. ® My brother, who speaks English, wants to become
last week is beautiful. D (omitted)
................... a teacher.
15 which/that we watched
The film ............. ‘Green Day’ is the band which I like the best.
last night was terrible. D (omitted)
................... My father, whose name is Ben, is a taxi driver.

(Units 18-19) Exploring Grammar
ñ Can/Can’t — Could — Must/Mustn’t — Have to/Don’t have to/Needn’t — Should/
Ought to

1 a) Read the text and match the highlighted verb forms to their use:

ñ present ability ñ obligation/necessity

ñ obligation/strong advice ñ possibility
ñ advice

present ability: Can you eat

obligation/necessity: have to tell
possibility: can really damage
obligation/strong advice: must stop
advice: should eat
Have you ever wanted to stop eating something
....................................................... sweet but you just couldn’t? Is the first thing you
do when you get home from school to look in the
biscuit tin? Can you eat a huge bar of chocolate all
by yourself? Can you say ‘no’ to sweets at parties? If
you can’t, then there is a reason … perhaps you’re a
sugar addict! Does that sound funny? Well, doctors say ฉบับ
b) Which modals do we use: to ask for
that people who eat sweets on a regular basis can easily KEY
permission? to give permission? to refuse become addicted to sugar. What is more, most sugar
permission? to express general ability addicts don’t even realise that they are addicted! Sugar
in the past? to express prohibition? Give addiction is serious because it can really damage your
examples. health. Doctors say that we should eat food which is healthy
We use can to ask for and give
....................................................... such as fresh fruit and vegetables and that we shouldn’t eat
a lot of sugar, fat or fast food. But sugar addicts can’t follow
e.g. Can I borrow your pen?
this advice. They know they must stop eating sugary food,
but they can’t. So what can you do if you think that you’re
You can take my umbrella if
....................................................... addicted to the taste of sugar? Well, here are some tips:
you want.
We use can,t, to refuse permission.
® Eat some fresh fruit when you get a craving
....................................................... for something sweet.
e.g. You can t stay up late on
....................................................... ® Cut down on sweet food slowly.
school days. ,
....................................................... Don’t try to stop eating it
We use could/couldn t to express
all at once.
general ability in the past.
® You have to tell your
parents. If they
e.g. I could play the piano when
....................................................... know, they will
I was younger.
I couldn,t read or write when
help you.
I was two.,
We use mustn t to express
prohibition. ,
e.g. You mustn t cheat in exams.

Exploring Grammar (Units 18-19)
2 Choose the correct item. ñ Relative Pronouns

1 Can/Must I watch that film tonight, Mum?

2 You have to/can have a passport to travel
3 a) Find two examples of relative pronouns in
who, which
the text. ....................................
● Which one refers to people and which
one refers to objects or animals?
3 Wild animals can/should be dangerous.
4 You have to/could wear a helmet when you ride
The relative pronoun who/that refers to

a bike.
people. The relative pronoun which/that

5 You mustn’t/shouldn’t keep pets in the building.

refers to objects or animals.
It’s against the rules.
b) Which relative pronoun do we use to show
6 People shouldn’t/can’t smoke because it’s bad
possession? Give an example.
for their health.
7 My sister couldn’t/can’t read yet. She’s too
We use the relative pronoun whose to

show possession.
8 The dentist told Charlotte that she couldn’t/ e.g. This is the man whose daughter is a
shouldn’t eat so many sweets. famous actress.
9 Fred can/could talk when he was two years old.
c) Use who, which, whose to complete the
10 You really mustn’t/can’t drive so fast. It’s
sentences below.
ฉบับ dangerous.
KEY whose
1 Brian is the student ............ father is a painter.
2 The box ............ is on the table is your birthday
3 Graham Bell is the man ............ invented the
4 What’s the name of the boy ............ lives next
5 This is the computer game ............ my
grandparents gave me for my birthday.
6 Is this the woman ............ husband is a lawyer?
7 My mother, ............ name is Sarah, is a doctor.
8 Kangaroo are animals ............ live in Australia.

Revision (Units 1-19)
(25 × 4)

Circle the correct item.

1 You can go to the party but you ........ be home 13 Have you spoken to Lisa ........?
by 11 pm. A yet B never C ever
A can B must C could
14 If I ........ early, I will call you.
2 Snowboarding is more exciting ........ cycling. A will arrive B am arriving C arrive
A from B of C than
15 David is the boy ........ father won the lottery.
3 The girls ........ their lunch yet. A which B who C whose
A hasn’t eaten B didn’t eat
16 They have had that car ........ eight months.
C haven’t eaten
A since B ever C for
4 She ........ her ankle while she was playing tennis
17 You ........ drive faster than 70 km/h. It’s the law.
A mustn’t B must C shouldn’t
A sprained B sprains C sprain
18 Mrs Smith is ........ mother.
5 ........ is Spot?
A Tonys B Tony’s C Tonys’ ฉบับ
He’s in the garden.
A What B Who C Where 19 I don’t like ........ salt in my food.
A a few B much C many
6 Let’s clean the room, ........ we?
A shall B will C don’t 20 Frank went to Italy two weeks ........ .
A now B yesterday C ago
7 When Alan was eight, he ........ run fast.
A can B should C could 21 I can help you! I don’t have ........ to do today.
A anything B everything C something
8 If you ........ red and yellow, you get orange.
A will mix B mixes C mix 22 I ........ my friends after school today.
A am meeting B meet C meets
9 Julie ........ take ballet lessons when she was
younger. 23 If you forget to call Katie, she ........ upset.
A use to B used to C use A will be B is C is being

10 There’s very ........ flour in the cupboard so 24 Kelly ........ yesterday morning at 8 o’clock.
I can’t make a pizza. A jogged B has jogged C was jogging
A few B little C many
25 I think our team ........ the match tomorrow.
11 I don’t have ........ money to buy a digital camera. A will win B wins C is winning
A enough B too C many
12 My brother ........ work in a shop. He works in
a bank.
A didn’t B isn’t C doesn’t

20 The Passive (present simple, past simple)

We form the passive with the verb to be in the appropriate tense

and the past participle of the main verb.
The building was destroyed by an earthquake.

Changing from Active into Passive

a) The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the
passive sentence.
b) The verb changes from the active form into the passive form
(correct form of verb to be + past participle of the main verb).
c) The subject of the active sentence becomes the agent in the
passive sentence. We introduce the agent with by + person or
with + object/instrument. He was killed by somebody. He was
killed with a gun.
The Eiffel Tower is located in
Subject Verb Object Paris, France. It was designed by
ACTIVE Claire wrote the report. Gustave Eiffel and it was built in
1889. It is made of iron.

Note: The agent isn’t mentioned when:

ฉบับ Subject Verb Agent
KEY PASSIVE The report was written by Claire. a) it is unknown.
The window was broken yesterday.
(We don’t know who broke it.)
Active Passive b) it is unimportant.
Present Careless drivers cause a A lot of accidents are The invitations were posted
simple lot of accidents. caused by careless drivers. yesterday.
Past A careless driver caused The accident was caused by c) it is obvious from the context.
simple the accident. a careless driver. The mail is delivered every day.
(Obviously, the postman delivers the
Negative form Interrogative form d) the subject of the sentence in the
The report wasn’t written Was the report written by active is: people, one, someone/
by Claire. Claire? somebody, they, he etc.
They published the report last week.
Use The report was published last week.

ñ We use the passive voice when we want to show that the action Compare the examples:
of the verb is more important than the person who carries out Who invented the telephone? (active
the action. voice)
The missing girl was found. (It is not important who found the Who was the telephone invented by?
girl.) (passive voice)

The Passive (present simple, past simple) 20
1 Fill in: is, are, was or were.

1 Anthony and Cleopatra ® was written by

3 Rewrite the sentences in the past simple
passive form. Use the agent where necessary.

2 A talent show competition .......... organised by
our school every year.
3 Chevrolet cars .......... made in America. The Chronicles of Narnia Series
4 A documentary on dinosaurs .......... shown on TV
last Saturday. 1 C.S. Lewis wrote ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ series.
5 We .......... invited to a barbecue last week. ® ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ series were written
6 The Olympics .......... held every four years. by C.S. Lewis.
7 The museum .......... visited by thousands of 2 The author borrowed ideas from Greek and Roman
tourists every year. Ideas from Greek and Roman
mythology. ............................................
8 The building .......... destroyed by a fire last mythology were borrowed by the author.
year. 3 They published the first book in 1949.
9 The offices .......... cleaned twice a week. The first book was published in 1949.
10 The TV .......... invented by John Baird in 1926. 4 They translated the series into 41 languages.
The series was translated into 41 languages.

5 Disney turned the book into a film in 2005.
How are films made? Turn the following The book was turned into a film by Disney
sentences into the present simple passive form. in 2005./In 2005, the book was turned ฉบับ
into a film by Disney. KEY
4 Make sentences in the present simple passive
or the past simple passive, as in the example.

1 the ‘Mona Lisa’/not paint/Picasso

® The ‘Mona Lisa’ wasn’t painted by Picasso.
2 rock concerts/not organise/in our town/every
Rock concerts aren,t organised in
year .....................................................
our town every year.
3 the letters/not type/the secretary/yesterday
The letters weren,t typed by the secretary
4 John/not often invite/to parties
John isn t often invited to parties.
1 A screenwriter writes the script.
5 the house/not paint/last Sunday
® The script is written by a screenwriter.
2 A film producer buys the script.
The house wasn,t painted last Sunday.
The script is bought by a film producer.
3 A director directs the film.
The film is directed by a director.
5 Use the words to write questions and answers,
as in the example.

4 Actors play the characters. 1 the ‘Sistine Chapel’/paint? Michelangelo

The characters are played by actors.
............................................................ Who ® was ‘the Sistine Chapel’ painted by?
5 A cameraman shoots the scenes. It was painted by Michelangelo.
The scenes are shot by a cameraman.
............................................................ 2 the first spaceship/launch? in the Soviet Union
6 The film company produces the motion picture. was the first spaceship launched
Where ................................................. ?
The motion picture is produced by the
........................................................... It was launched in the Soviet Union.
film company.
........................................................... 3 Empire State Building/complete? 1931
7 They show the film in cinemas. was the Empire State Building completed
When .................................................. ?
The film is shown in cinemas.
............................................................ It was completed in 1931.

20 The Passive (present simple, past simple)

4 the television/invent? John Baird

was the television invented by
Who .................................................... ?
It was invented by John Baird.
7 Match the words in the columns and make
sentences, as in the example.

5 the first Star Wars film/release? in 1977 A B C

was the first Star Wars film released
When .................................................. ? The Harry Potter stories win Steven Spielberg
It was released in 1977.
............................................................ The 2006 World Cup discover Athens
6 Little Women/write? Louisa May Alcott The film Jaws locate 1492
was Little Women written by
Who .................................................... ? The USA write Italy
It was written by Louisa May Alcott.
............................................................ The Parthenon direct J.K. Rowling
7 the Taj Mahal/build? in memory of Emperor Shan
Jahan’s wife 1 ® The Harry Potter stories were written by J.K.
was the Taj Mahal built
Why .................................................... ? Rowling.
It was, built in memory of Emperor Shan
............................................................ The 2006 World Cup was won by Italy.
2 ............................................................
Jahan s wife. The film Jaws was directed by Steven Spielberg.
3 ............................................................
The USA was discovered in 1492.
6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct 4 ............................................................
The Parthenon is located in Athens.
5 ............................................................
passive form.

Hannah Montana is a
popular TV series that
8 Fill in the correct passive tense of the verbs in
KEY 1) ® is produced (produce) 1 A: What an amazing vase!
by the Disney Channel. is made
B: Yes, it is, isn’t it? It ...............................
It is about a teenage girl (make) of clay.
called Miley Stewart who 2 A: Why does Helen have a bandage on her arm?
leads a double life: by was bitten
B: Because she ................................ (bite)
day Miley is an ordinary by a dog yesterday.
school kid, while at night
3 A: Do your birds eat a lot?
she is a famous pop star are fed
B: No. They ................................... (feed)
called Hannah Montana. once a day, that’s all.
The characters, Miley and
are played
Hannah 2) ....................... (play) by the actress Miley Cyrus.
4 A: Do you know when the Oscars are?
are held
B: Yes, they ............................ (hold) every
was born
Miley Cyrus 3) .......................................... (be/born) in year at the end of February.
was chosen (choose) to play the
1992. She 4) ..........................................
5 A: That necklace is beautiful!
leading role of Hannah Montana in the series when she was given
B: Thank you. It ............................... (give)
was just 14. Hannah Montana is so popular with young to me last year on my graduation day.
Americans that Miley Cyrus is now one of the most famous

weren,t invited
6 A: Did you go to Steve’s wedding?
teens in the USA. And her fame has brought her wealth!
B: No, we ...............................................
was ranked
In 2007, Miley Cyrus 5) .......................................... (rank)
number 17 in the list of top USA earners under the age of
25. 7 A: This house is very old.
was built
B: Yes. It ..................................... (build)
in 1950.

The Passive (present simple, past simple) 20
9 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the
list in the present simple passive or the past
Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Speaking Activities)
In pairs, use the information and the notes
simple passive.
below to ask and answer questions, as in the
ñ discover ñ invite ñ buy ñ build ñ post
ñ make ñ invent ñ serve ñ pronounce
ñ employ ñ where/located ñ what/made of
ñ when/completed ñ who/designed by
was invented
1 The telephone ......................................... ñ why/built
by A. G. Bell.
were posted
2 The invitations ........................................
was built
3 The hotel ............................................ in
the 18th century.
is made
4 Yoghurt ................................... from milk.
is served
5 Breakfast ...................................... at 7:30
every morning.
is pronounced
6 How ............ this word ......................?
is invited/was invited
7 Jim ................................................... to
the wedding.
was discovered
8 Penicillin ........................................... by
Alexander Fleming.
are bought
9 A lot of books ................................. online
every day.
are employed
10 200 people .......................................... in
the company.

10 Rewrite the newspaper headlines into full

sentences. Use the passive.
Name: the theatre at Epidaurus
Location: in the area of Argolis,
1 SEVEN PEOPLE KILLED in Peloponnese, Greece

BY TORNADO Made of: marble

Completed: in the 4th century BC
Designer: Polykleitos the Younger
2 10-YEAR-OLD BOY Reason built: to stage musical
SAVED BY A WOLF and theatrical shows

TO ZOO BY GIANT PANDA ® A: Where is the theatre at Epidaurus located?
B: It is located in the area of Argolis, in
Peloponnese, Greece.
OPENED BY MAYOR Writing (Keyดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย
Writing Activities)
1 ® Seven people were killed by the tornado. Use the information about the theatre at
A ten-year-old boy was saved by a wolf.
2 ............................................................ Epidaurus from the Speaking activity and
Visitors were/are attracted to the zoo by a giant panda.
3 ............................................................ write a short text about it.
The Sports Centre was opened by the mayor.
4 ............................................................
21 Will – Be going to – Present Continuous

Will is used: Be going to is used:

ñ to express on-the-spot decisions. ñ to talk about future plans and intentions.
I’m hungry. I’ll make a sandwich. He is going to spend his holidays in France this
ñ to make predictions based on what we think or year. (future plan)
imagine. Now that he has the money, he is going to buy a
One day he’ll be a famous football player. boat. (intention)
ñ to make predictions based on what we see or
Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain.
(There are dark clouds in the sky.)

Present continuous is used:

ñ to talk about fixed arrangements in the near future.

They’re leaving for

Frankfurt in an hour.


1 Fill in the correct form be going to or will of

the verbs in the brackets. 2 Answer the questions about your plans and
predictions. Use will and be going to.

1 A: Where are you going? Plans (Suggested Answer)

B: I ® am going to get (get) some milk from the What are you going to do …
supermarket. 1 this evening?
® This evening, I’m going to watch a football
2 A: Look at that boy climbing the tree!
game on TV.
is going to fall
B: Oh no! He ................................... (fall).
I,m going to go bowling with my friends.
2 on Friday night?
3 A: Do you have any plans for tonight? ............................................................
am going to eat
I,m going to go shopping.
B: Yes, I ........................... (eat) at the new 3 tomorrow morning?
Italian restaurant in town. ............................................................

I,m going to visit my grandmother.

4 next Sunday?
4 A: I can’t hear the radio. ............................................................
will turn up
B: I ......................................... (turn up)
the volume.
When you’re 18 …
5 A: Mark is very good at drawing. 1 will you go to university?
will become
B: Yes. I think he ......................... (become) ® When I’m 18, I will go to university.

No, I won,t. I,ll live on my own.

a great artist one day. 2 will you live with your parents?
6 A: It’s hot in here, isn’t it?
No, I won,t. I,ll have a full-time job.
3 will you have a part-time job?
will open
B: Just a minute! I .......................... (open)
the window.
When I,m 18, I will drive a car.
4 will you drive a car?

Will – Be going to – Present Continuous 21
3 Look at the pictures and write sentences using
the words/phrases below and be going to or 4 Andrea and William have decided to leave the
city. Look at the phrases and say what they
will, as in the example. intend to do, as in the example.

ñ throw ñ buy it ñ eat ñ see you 1 sell their house in the city
ñ plant ñ blow out ® They are going to sell their house in the city.
2 move to the country
They are going to move to the country.
3 buy a farm house
They are going to buy a farm house.
4 get new furniture for their home
They are going to get new furniture for
their home.
5 plant vegetables on their farm
They are going to plant vegetables on their
1 He ® ’s going to is going to
2 Chloe ............... farm.
throw the ball. blow out

the candles.
Now look at Andrea and William’s diary.
What have they already arranged to do? Make
sentences, as in the example.
MONDAY, sign the contract for their new
15th August house
receive keys for the house
17th August

pack their things
18th August
3 “It’s perfect. I ..... is going to eat
4 He .....................
buy it
......................... ........................ SATURDAY,
move into new house
20th August
..................... .” a biscuit.
MONDAY, go shopping for new furniture
22nd August

1 ® They are signing the contract for their

new house on Monday, 15th August.
They are receiving the keys for the house
2 ....................................................
on Wednesday, 17 August.
They are packing their things on Thursday,
3 ....................................................
18 August.
They are moving into their new house on
4 ....................................................
are will see you th
Saturday, 20 August.
5 Bill and Susan ..... 6 “OK! I .............. ....................................................
going to plant
......................... ....................... They are going shopping for new furniture
5 ....................................................
on Monday, 22 August.
some flowers in at the meeting, ....................................................
their garden. then.”

21 Will – Be going to – Present Continuous

6 Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple

or the present continuous. 8 Circle the correct item.

1 We haven’t got any bread. I ...... and buy some.

Natasha: Do you know where you 1) ® are going (go) A am going B go to C will go
this summer for your holiday? 2 Philip ...... a meeting with his boss in an hour.
am visiting
Nathan: Yes, I 2) ..................... (visit) my friend A going to have B is having C has
are spending
in Greece. First, we 3) .....................
3 I think Ollie ...... a famous actor one day.
(spend) a week in Athens. Then we 4)
are sailing
.....................(sail) around the Greek
A will be B is being
  are you doing
islands. What 5) ..................... (you/do)
C going to be
for the summer? 4 Now that Julie has a job, she ...... her own flat.
am not going
Natasha: I 6) ..................... (not/go) anywhere. A is buying B buys C is going to buy
am staying
I 7) ..................... (stay) in London because
am saving up
I 8) ..................... (save up) to buy a car.
5 I expect Susan ...... home soon.

will be
Nathan: Oh. That’s nice. But I think you 9) ..............
A is coming
C is going to come
B will come

(be) bored in London all summer.

Natasha: I hope not! 6 Look at that car! It ...... into the red one.
A crashes B is going to crash
won,t cost
Nathan: Well, you know that you can come to Athens
with me if you want. It 10) ..................... C crashing
(not/cost) you much because we can stay at 7 “Are you going to work late today?” “Yes, ...... .”
KEY my friend’s house.
Natasha: That’s a really
A I am
C I am going
B I’m not

great idea.
Nathan: Yes. It 11)..... 8 Mary ...... to Los Angeles on Monday.
........ (be) fun. A is travelling B going to travel C travels

Speaking (Key ดูtoเฉลยในส วนทาย

Speaking Activities)
You are planning to go on holiday this summer.
In pairs, ask and answer questions to find out:

7 Fill in the gaps with the future simple,

be going to or the present continuous.
where you plan to travel
how you plan to get there
ñ where you plan to stay
1 I can’t meet you for lunch today. I ® am going
ñ how long for
(go) to the doctor at one o’clock.
is going to snow
2 It’s freezing cold. It ..................................
ñ who with

........................................ (snow) tonight. ® A: I’m going to travel to Italy this summer.

won,t let
3 I’m sure Cindy ............................. (not/let) B: Are you going to go by train?
you borrow her new dress. A: No, I’m not.
are meeting
4 We ................................. (meet) Billy and
Joanna at the cinema at 7 o’clock.
Writing ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
will buy
5 It’s Peter’s birthday today. I ....................... (Key to Writing Activities)
....................... (buy) him a CD. Use your answers from the Speaking activity to
are going to fall
6 Look out! You ................................. (fall)! write a paragraph about your partner’s plans
am going to buy
7 Now that I’ve got the money, I ..................... for the summer.
(buy) a new car.
won,t pass
8 I’m afraid that Tony .................................. ® This summer, John is going to visit his cousins in
(not/pass) his driving test. Italy. ...

The Infinitive/-ing form 22
The infinitive is the basic form of all verbs. There are two types of infinitives:
a) to-infinitive to play
b) bare infinitive (infinitive without to) play

He wants to She must be

buy a mobile very happy.

To-infinitive Bare infinitive (infinitive without to)

We use to-infinitive: We use infinitive without to:
ñ after the following verbs: advise, agree, ñ after modal verbs (can, may, should etc).
decide, expect, hope, manage, offer, promise, She can do it.
refuse, seem, want etc. ñ after the verbs let and make.
He decided to travel abroad. Her parents didn’t let her go out.
ñ after be + adjective (like: happy, nice, sorry Can you make her stop?
I’m sorry to tell you that you failed the exam. The subject of the infinitive
ñ after verbs like know, learn, remember, ñ When the subject of the main verb and the ฉบับ
ask, want to know, when they’re followed by subject of the infinitive is the same, then the KEY
question words: who, what, where and how, but subject of the infinitive is omitted.
NOT why. We want to go to the park. (The subject of the
I know how to make an omelette. main verb + the infinitive is ‘We’)
ñ with the adverbs too and enough. ñ When the subject of the infinitive is different
We’re too tired to go out tonight. from the subject of the main verb, then the
It’s not warm enough to go to the sea. subject of the infinitive is not omitted. The
ñ to express purpose. subject of the infinitive can be a name (Tony), a
Ben went to the supermarket to buy some milk. noun (the girls), or an object pronoun (me, you,
them etc) and goes before the infinitive.
I would like Ann to come with me.

1 Fill in the gaps with a verb from the list below. Put it in the correct form.

ñ agree ñ stay ñ cross ñ get ñ pay ñ make ñ go ñ buy ñ help ñ drive

to pay
1 They advised us .................... the fine. to make
6 I want to know how .................... ice cream.
2 to go
It would be nice .................... to the beach 7 to buy a ticket for
It’s too expensive ....................
today. the festival.
3 You should .................... with the housework! to stay
8 I would like the children .................... over
to get
4 I don’t remember how .................... there.

5 to cross the road alone.

She promised not ....................
to drive
9 She wants to learn how .................... a car.
10 agree to help us.
I don’t think she will ....................

22 The Infinitive/-ing form

ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย (Key to Pairwork Activities) stop

2 Tell your partner what your parents let/don’t
let or make/don’t make you do. Use the ideas
4 A: Can you .................... (stop) talking?

B: Sorry.
I can’t .................... (concentrate).
below as well as your own ideas.
watch DVDs late at night stay out late go to parties 5 A: Why didn’t she come to the party?

cook food walk the dog surf the Internet

B: Her parents made her ............................
(stay) in.
play computer games play loud music
to pass
6 A: Jane was happy ....................... (pass)
buy my own clothes help around the house her exams.
eat chocolate tidy my room cut the grass B: She studied hard, that’s true.

® My parents make me walk the dog every day. do

7 A: What shall we ............................ (do) this
My parents don’t let me play computer games. Saturday?
B: Let’s ..................... (go) to the beach.
Complete the sentences. Use to-infinitive or
infinitive without to. (Suggested Answer) to give
8 A: Did you ask Tom ....................... (give)
you Tony’s phone number?
1 I couldn’t ® ride a bike five years ago. call
B: Sorry, I forgot. I’ll ............... (call) him now.
to go on a school trip
2 I want ........................................... before
9 to cook (cook)
A: Would you like me .......................
school finishes.
some pasta for tonight?
me stay up late
3 My parents let ......................................... order (order) takeaway.
B: No. Let’s ....................
ฉบับ in the evening. to travel (travel)
KEY to go swimming
4 I hope .............................................. this
10 A: Do you expect .......................
abroad this summer?
weekend. spend
B: No, we may ..................... (spend) our
to help you
5 I’ll be happy .......................................... .
summer holidays in our cottage.

to call you
6 I promise ...................................tomorrow. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
7 to play
I’m too tired ................................. football. of the infinitive.
8 to go to the beach
I would like ............................................
this summer. Dear Anna,
to become an actress
9 I hope .................................................. . Thanks for your invitation to your birthday party next
10 to change a tyre .
I don’t know how .................................... to come
I hope that I will be able 1) ........................
to ask
(come). I need 2) ...................... (ask) my parents

4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

(to-infinitive or bare infinitive).
for permission, but I think they will 3) ......................
(let) me 4) ....................... (come). It will be so nice
to have
1 A: What would you like ..........................
to see
5) ........................ (see) you again.
(have) for dessert? What birthday presents are you expecting
to try
B: I’ve always wanted .......................... (try)
to receive
6) ........................ (receive)? Is there anything special
to buy
you would like me 7) ........................ (buy) for you?
Oh and one more thing. I don’t remember how
to send
2 A: I don’t know how ..................... (send) to get
8) ........................ (get) to your new house. Could you
an email. email
please 9) ........................ (email) me the directions?
B: I can ..................... (show) you. to see
I can’t wait 10) ........................ (see) you next week!
to come
3 A: Would you like ....................... (come) Lots of love,
to the cinema with us?
to go
B: Thanks, but I’m too tired .................... (go)
out tonight.

The Infinitive/-ing form 22
The -ing form is the form of the verb that ends in -ing.
being, moving, learning Steve enjoys


We use -ing:
ñ as a noun. Snowboarding is fun. ñ after phrases like: be busy, it’s no use, it’s no
ñ with the following verbs: like, love, dislike, good, it’s (not) worth, there’s no point (in),
hate, enjoy, prefer. what’s the use of …, can’t help, can’t stand.
Mary loves going to the cinema. It’s no use crying.
ñ after the verb go when we talk about activities. ñ after prepositions.
We usually go snorkelling in the summer. He’s tired of working long hours.
ñ after the verbs: start, begin, finish, stop, ñ after the following verbs: avoid, admit, confess,
continue. deny, look forward to, mind, regret, risk,
It started raining an hour ago. spend, suggest etc.
We’re looking forward to going on holiday.

Note: We use the to-infinitive and not the -ing form after the Windsurfing ฉบับ
expressions would love/would like/would prefer.
I would like to go out tonight. BUT I like going out.
is great. KEY

6 Choose the correct answer.

1 She can ........ the guitar very well. 6 The teacher advised us ........ more.
A to play B play C playing A studying B to study C study
2 Are you looking forward ........ abroad? 7 You should ........ a doctor.
A travelling B to travel A seeing B to see C see
C to travelling
8 Tony enjoys ........ squash.
3 He’s too tired ........ out. A playing B played C to play
A to go B going C go
9 I’d like ........ home tonight.
4 It is too dangerous ........ wires with wet A staying B to stay C stay
10 Stella was happy ........ her exams.
A to touch B touching C to touching
A to pass B passing C pass
5 They decided ........ their holiday in New
11 Do you like ........ sports?
A to do B doing C do
A spending B to spend C spend

22 The Infinitive/-ing form

7 Match column A with column B to make correct sentences, as

in the example.
to become
Antony hopes 1) .........................
(become) a doctor. He is good
at Maths and spends a lot of time
1 d She likes a swimming this Sunday. doing
2) ................................ (do) his
2 e It’s no use b spending the weekend together. homework. At the weekends he
3 c She’s busy
c tidying her room. surfing
prefers 3) ......................... (surf)
4 h They decided
d playing basketball. going
the Net. He also likes 4) ................
e trying to fix this lock. We’d better buy
5 b
(go) to the cinema. He
He suggested
a new one. watching
enjoys 5) ......................
6 f I hate f telling lies. (watch) science-
7 a We’re going g is my favourite hobby. fiction films. He can’t
8 g Painting h to buy a new car. going
stand 6) .................
9 j There’s no point i to visit Japan one day. (go) to the theatre.
10 i I’d like j in talking to her. She won’t listen.

8 Complete the sentences about yourself. Use the infinitive or
-ing form. (Suggested Answer)
1 playing football
I can’t stand ........................................................... . Speaking ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
2 going to the cinema to watching DVDs .
I prefer ................................................................. (Key to Speaking Activities)
3 finishing my exams
I look forward to ...................................................... . Use the phrases below to find out
4 going swimming
I enjoy .................................................................. . what your partner likes doing in his/
5 watching horror fi lms
I hate ................................................................... . her free time. Use these verbs:
6 to go to Spain this year
I hope ................................................................... .
7 to get up early on Sundays
I refuse ................................................................. . like prefer enjoy love
8 ride a bike very well
I can .................................................................... .
9 visit my grandparents tomorrow
I may .................................................................... . would like do sports
10 to be rich
I’d love ................................................................. .
go to the park read books watch TV

play computer games surf the Net
Put the verbs in brackets into the
infinitive or the -ing form. listen to music meet friends

® A: Do you like doing sports in your
Sue has loved 1) ...............................
free time?
B: Yes, I do. I enjoy playing
(act) since she was a child. She began
2) ............................... (take) acting lessons
basketball and volleyball.

two years ago. She is looking forward to

3) .................................... (receive) her diploma Writing ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
to be
next month. She hopes 4) .......................... (be) famous one (Key to Writing Activities)
to travel
day. She would like 5) ............................... (travel) the world and
Write a short paragraph about
6) ............................... (meet) interesting people. how your partner spends his/her
free time. Use the answers from
the Speaking activity.

Reflexive Pronouns – One/Ones 23
Reflexive Pronouns
We use reflexive pronouns:
ñ with verbs such as behave, burn, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce, kill,
look at, teach etc when the subject and the object are the same person.

They are painting the house themselves.

(subject) (object)

ñ with the preposition by when we mean ‘alone’, ‘without company’ or ‘without help’.
He painted the kitchen by himself. (without help)
ñ with the expressions: enjoy yourself (have a good time), behave yourself (be good), help yourself
(you’re welcome to take something if you want).
ñ to emphasise the noun or the pronoun of a sentence. They usually come after the noun or pronoun
they emphasise or at the end of the sentence.
I myself made this cake. (I made it, not someone else.)
He met the Queen herself. (He met the Queen, not someone else.)

We use one in the singular and ones in the plural to avoid repeating the noun.
I want a shirt, a white cotton one. I don’t like these trousers. I prefer those ones.
Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun.

yourselves .
Bye, kids! Enjoy ....................
3 Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun.

2 herself
She made the dress .................... . 1 He has baked the bread
3 yourself
John, behave .................... or we are leaving.
........................ .
4 myself
I like being by .................... sometimes.
5 herself
She cut .................... .
6 themselves .
Bob and Ann painted the house ....................
7 himself
We spoke to the King .................... .
8 myself
I don’t need help. I can do it .................... . 2 They made their
9 yourself
Did you do this painting ....................?
costumes ............. .
10 herself how to play the guitar.
She taught ..................
11 yourself
Help .................... to some cake!
12 herself
She makes all her clothes .................... .

3 She has hurt
Fill in one or ones. herself
.................. .

1 ones
These shoes are nice. I like these ............ .
2 one
Can I have a cake, please? A chocolate ........... .
3 ones
Are these your old trainers or the new ..........?
4 one
I haven’t got a cap. I’ll buy ............ .
4 John went fishing
5 Can I borrow your pen, please? I haven’t got
one himself
... ..................... .
............ .
6 “Which is your bag?” “The blue ............ .”

Exploring Grammar (Units 20-23)
ñ The Passive

1 a) Read the text below and underline the verbs

in the passive. Which are in the present
simple and which are in the past simple?
How do we form the passive? When do we
use the passive?
present simple: is based
past simple: was watched
We form the passive with the verb to be in the
appropriate tense and the past participle of the
main verb.
We use the passive when we want to show that
........................................................ Would you live alone and survive in the wild with no
the action of the verb is more important than the
........................................................ food, no water and no modern equipment? Watch the
person who carries out the action.
........................................................ Adventure Channel’s latest reality show ‘Adventure
........................................................ Man’ which starts on 1st June to find out how to
do it. The show is based on outdoor survival expert
b) When can we omit the agent in the passive?
We omit the agent in the passive when: Harrison Magnum’s adventures in the wild. Each
a) it is unknown, b) it is unimportant, c) it is week, Harrison himself will take you on a journey to
ฉบับ obvious from the context, and d) the subject of dangerous and far-away places. Brave Harrison will
KEY ........................................................
the active sentence is: people, one, someone/
........................................................ travel with nothing more than the clothes on his back
somebody, they, he etc.
........................................................ and a camera, which he will use to film his adventures.
In the first show, Harrison is travelling to the Amazon

2 Fill in: is, are, was or were.

jungle. He is going to hunt for food and find a safe
place to sleep each night. He will face dangerous
1 are
Visitors ........... asked not to touch any statues.
animals like snakes, tarantulas, jaguars and crocodiles.
2 was
The Parthenon ...... built thousands of years ago. In the second show, Harrison is travelling to icy-cold
3 was
‘Guernica’ ........... painted by Picasso in 1937. Antarctica. He’s going to build an ice home to live in
4 is
Feta cheese ........... produced in Greece. and fish for food in the freezing ocean.
5 were
Many of my relatives ........... invited to my Will he survive in this tough environment?
wedding last year. Watch this amazing programme to find out.
The Adventure Channel’s reality show last season,
‘Survivor Women’ was watched by more than
ñ Will — Be going to — Present one million viewers each week. We’re sure that
Continuous ‘Adventure Man’ will be just as a big hit!

3 a) Read the text and look at the highlighted

verb forms. Which expresses:
● a future intention / plan? .........................
b) Which tense do we use: to express on-the-

is going to hunt
spot decisions? to make predictions based on
what we see or know? Give examples.
● a prediction based on what we think
will be Will is ,used to ,express on-the-spot decisions.
or imagine? ......................................... e.g. It s hot. I ll open the window.
......................................................... Be going to is used to make predictions
● a fixed arrangement in the near future? based on what we see or know.
is travelling
......................................................... e.g. Look at the girl on the bike. She is
......................................................... going to fall.

(Units 20-23) Exploring Grammar

4 Fill in the gaps with will or be going to.

1 A: Why are you wearing those old clothes?

6 Write -ing, to-infinitive or infinitive without
to next to each word/phrase. Make sentences
using them.
am going to
B: Because I ..................... wash the car.
1 like ® ing form
2 A: This suitcase is very heavy! I like playing basketball.
B: Don’t worry. I ................... carry it for you.
2 would love ..............................................
3 A: Do you have any plans for the summer?
am going to I would love to meet your parents.
B: Yes, I ................. spend my holiday in Italy.
3 -ing form
look forward to ........................................
4 A: Look at that kite!
is going to I...........................................................
look forward to hearing from you.
B: It ........................ hit those electric wires!
4 to-infinitive
want .....................................................
want to go home.
ñ -ing form/(to)-infinitive — reflexive 5 to-infinitive
decide ...................................................
pronouns I...........................................................
decided to do it myself.
5 When do we use -ing form? to-infinitive?
infinitive without to? Find examples in the text.
6 -ing form
deny .....................................................
He denied eating the chocolate.
-ing form
can,t stand waiting in queues.
7 can’t stand .............................................
The -ing form is used:
● as a noun.
infinitive without to ฉบับ
● with the following verbs: like, love, dislike,
8 will .......................................................
will open the window.
hate, enjoy, prefer.
● after the verb go to talk about activities.
............................................................. 9 infinitive without to
must .....................................................
● after the following verbs: start, begin, f inish,
............................................................. You must try this cake!
stop, continue.
,m afraid-ingof form
● after certain phrases e.g. be busy, it s no use
, 10 afraid of .................................................
etc. I...........................................................
● after prepositions.
● after the following verbs: avoid, admit, confess,
deny etc.
The to-infinitive is used:
● after the following verbs: advise, agree,
When do we use reflexive pronouns? Find an
decide, expect, hope etc. example in the text.
● after be + adjective.
● after certain verbs when they are followed by
Reflexive pronouns are used:
............................................................. ● when the subject and the object of a
a question word: know, learn, remember, ask
............................................................. sentence are the same.
............................................................. ● with the preposition by to mean alone,
● with the adverbs too and enough.
● to express purpose.
without help.
............................................................. ● with some expressions e.g. enjoy yourself,
The infinitive without to is used:
............................................................. help yourself.
● after modal verbs.
● after the verbs let and make.
● to emphasise the noun or pronoun of a
............................................................. sentence.
examples from the text: Would you live alone?,
............................................................. .............................................................
Watch ... to find out, how to do it, will take you,
............................................................. example from the text: Harrison himself
will travel, will use to film, find a safe place to
............................................................. will take you ...
sleep, will face, build an ice home to live in, Will
he survive? Watch ... to find out, will be

Revision (Units 1-23)
(25 × 4)

Circle the correct item.

1 I’m afraid we ........ be on time for the meeting. 15 ........ she play the piano when she was
A won’t B will C are going to 10 years old?
A Can B Can’t C Could
2 You ........ be careful when you cross the street.
16 Mitsubishi cars ........ in Japan.
A couldn’t B must C can’t
A are made B were made
3 How ........ money have you got on you now? C have made
A many B much C a lot
17 Oh dear! This coffee is ........ strong!
4 We ........ many friends since we moved to I can’t drink it.
London. A enough B too C much
A made B was making C have made
18 I ........ while Roger was playing the guitar.
5 London is the ........ beautiful city in Europe. A was singing B sang C sing
A more B most C much
19 You ........ have a licence to drive a car.
ฉบับ 6 I’d love ........ with you. A must B could C can
KEY A coming B to come C come
20 I saw a film last night ........ was excellent.
7 The hotel ........ built in 1853. A whose B who C which
A is B was C will
21 Is there ........ here?
8 Bill lives around here, ........ he? A somebody B anybody C nobody
A is B doesn’t C does
22 This book ........ by Mark Twain.
9 He ........ a shower and then he left for work. A was writing B wrote
A have B was having C had C was written
10 They ........ to Paris next week. 23 She’s busy ........ the house for the party.
A flew B were flying C are flying A to decorate B decorate
11 There are ........ apples left. C decorating
A a few B a little C any 24 This book is ........ interesting than that one.
12 Does your tooth hurt? You ........ see the dentist. A little B the least C less
A can B should C can’t 25 He regrets ........ lies to his parents.
13 If it ........ , the children will make a snowman. A telling B tell C to tell
A snows B will snow C is snowing
14 Liz ........ a cup of tea every afternoon.
A drinks B drink C is drinking

Grammar Revision

Present Simple/Present Continuous Adverbs of Frequency

1 Put the verbs in brackets into the present

simple or the present continuous. 3 Ask your partner about his/her habits.
Use adverbs of frequency. ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
(Key to Pairwork Activities)
are you doing
1 What ................................ (you/do) at the How often do you ...?
weekend? ñ eat out ñ surf the Net ñ meet your friends
2 She ............................... (live) in Moscow. ñ go to the cinema ñ go out with your parents
are you looking
3 What ................................. (you/look) at? ñ visit your grandparents ñ tidy your room
4 In the evenings, Ann ................................. ñ play video games ñ cook dinner ñ play rugby
(help) her mum with the housework. ñ go sailing ñ chat online
5 The museum......................... (close) at eight
in the evening. ® A: How often do you eat out?
is studying
6 Sam ....................... (study) hard these days. B: I rarely eat out.
Does your dad read
7 ........................................ (your dad/read)
a paper every day?
Are you staying
8 ................................. (you/stay) in tonight?
9 Jim ................................... (catch) the bus
to school at 7:30 in the morning.
4 Put the verbs into the present simple or the
present continuous.

are playing
10 The children ................................... (play)
in the garden now.
Dear Mike, KEY
I 1) .............................. (hope) that you and your
Put the verbs in brackets into the present am writing
wife are well. I 2) .............................. (write) to tell
simple or the present continuous. you about my new job.
am working
I 3) .............................. (work) in a new Italian
Dear Steve, am having
restaurant these days and I 4) ..............................
Greetings from Moscow. know
(have) the time of my life. You 5) ..............................
It’s a great place. love
(know) how much I 6) .............................. (love) to
Right now, Tony and I
am getting
cook. Well now I 7) .............................. (get) the chance
are sitting
1) ................................... (sit)
to try out all my fantastic recipes in a real kitchen! One
is ,
good thing is that the restaurant 8) ..............................
in a café. We 2) .................. don t need
(be) very close to my house so I 9) ..............................
.................... (drink) coffee. A lot (not/need) to take the bus. That’s good because I can
are taking (take)
of tourists 3) .................................. want
save money. I 10) .............................. (want) to buy a
are staying (stay) in a
photographs. We 4) .............................. new car this year.
get up (get up) early
nice hotel. We 5) .............................. Are you going
11) .............................. (you/go) to Frank’s party
spend (spend) most of
every day and 6) .............................
next week? He 12) .............................. (have) a
are going
our time sightseeing. Today we 7) ...........................
is leaving
new job in France and he 13) ..............................
(leave) at the end of the month. Got to go now. I
(go) shopping for souvenirs. In the evening, we am cooking
14) .............................. (cook) a meal for Tracey
are going
8) .............................. (go) for dinner at a traditional tonight!
restaurant. I 9) .............. (like) Russian cuisine a lot. Best wishes,
are coming (come) back this Saturday.
We 10) ................................ Danie
That’s all for now.


Grammar Revision

Past Simple/Past Continuous

6 Complete the sentences in your own words.
(Suggested Answer)
Anna was reading
1 While I was watching TV, ...........................

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple

or the past continuous. 2
a book
......................................................... .
she hurt
As she was playing basketball, ....................
were you doing
1 A: What ...................................... (you/do)
her arm
......................................................... .
at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon? 3 the phone rang
We were having dinner when ......................
was having
B: I ............................................ (have) ......................................................... .
a piano lesson. 4 his car broke
He was driving to work when ......................

2 A: What ................................... (happen)?
......................................................... .
was going
B: I ........................................ (go) to school
5 she was
I was talking to my friend while ...................
when I ..................... (slip) on a banana skin
waiting for a bus
......................................................... .
and ............................ (fall) down. 6 the children
He was cooking dinner while .......................

Did you meet were playing

......................................................... .
3 A: ....................................... (you/meet)
Steve’s boss at the party?
introduced (introduce)
B: Yes. Steve .......................... 7 Use the time expressions to write sentences
about yourself. Use the past simple or the
me to all his friends. past continuous. (Suggested Answer)
4 were you
A: Where ............................. (you/be) last
ñ last summer ñ a week ago ñ while ñ when
ฉบับ night?
KEY was coming (come) back home, I
B: As I .....................
ñ yesterday afternoon ñ as ñ last night

met (meet) Jane and we ........

ñ in 2007 ñ a month ago ñ last weekend

................ (decide) to go to the cinema I didn,t go on holiday last summer.
I bought a new car a week ago.
I was writing a letter while Kate was having
were you doing
5 A: What ..................................... (you/do) a shower. I was playing on the computer
when I .................... (call) you yesterday? when the lights went out. I was working
was getting
B: I ................... (get) ready to go out while
hard yesterday afternoon.
was finishing
Jane ....................... (finish) her project.
I was walking to work as the sun was shining.
I was studying last night. I got a new job in 2007.
6 did you meet (you/meet) Anna?
A: When ........................ I visited my aunt and uncle a month ago.
was doing
B: Yesterday afternoon. I ...........................
I relaxed at home last weekend.
(do) the shopping when she .................... Look at the picture. Start a chain story. Start
(enter) the shop. ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย
7 did you stay (you/stay)
A: How long ..............................
like this:
(Key to Speaking Activities)
in Madrid? Last Saturday morning Jane and her friends
B: A week. Then we ........................ (go) to Helen and Mary went shopping at the new
had (have) a great time.
Paris. We ................. shopping centre.
8 didn,t you come (not/you/come)
A: Why .............................
ñ want ñ look in windows
was not feeling/didn,t(not/feel) feel well
to school yesterday?
ñ mobile ring ñ strange
B: I ..................................
had (have) a temperature.
and .....................
voice ñ ask/meet at café
ñ Helen feel scared
ñ decide ñ go together
ñ get near ñ see
ñ friend from school
ñ laugh ñ have coffee

Grammar Revision

9 Put the verbs into the past simple or the past

continuous. 11 Put the verbs in brackets into
the past simple or the past

Dear Jack,
were closing
Yesterday evening as the shops 1) ........................... (close), Hi, how are you? I’m
people 2) ........................... (be) shocked to see a gorilla having a fantastic time here
were running
in Stanton’s Supermarket. Customers 3) ........................... in Milan.
(run) out of the shop as the manager 4) ........................... One unlucky thing
(phone) the local zoo. After thirty minutes, zoo keepers 1)  happened (happen)
came took
5) ......................... (come) and 6) ...................... (take) at the airport, though. I
the gorilla away. Ron Buckley, Head of Hawton Zoo 2) missed
........... (miss) my plane!
said was cleaning
7) ......................... (say) that someone 8) ........................... decided (decide)
I 3) ...................
(clean) the cage and 9) ........................... (leave) the door to get a taxi to the airport
open. The gorilla simply 10) ........................... (walk) out. The were (be)
but the roads 4) ..........
was eating
animal 11) ........................... (eat) a banana from the fruit very busy because of an accident. We 5) were waiting
and vegetable section when the keepers 12) ........................... (wait) in a traffic jam for two hours! Anyway, I
(arrive). flew
6) ........................ (fly) on the next plane five hours later.
The weather here is lovely and warm, although
was raining (rain) all day so I KEY
yesterday it 7) ............................
Put the verbs in brackets into the past
didn , t do
8) ............................. (not/do) much sightseeing. I
simple or the past continuous.
visited (visit) an art gallery instead. I also
9) .......................
A went
10) .......................... (go) to a concert last night because
Last weekend my family and I 1) ® went (go) to the
was playing (play).
a good rock band 11) .....................
was shining
beach. It was a lovely day and the sun 2) ...................
Give my love to your family. See you very soon.
were making (make)
(shine). Some children 3) ........................... Best wishes,
were swimming
sandcastles and others 4) ..................... (swim). Larry
was sunbathing
While my mum 5) .............................. (sunbathe),
my dad 6) ........................... (take) my brother and
caught (catch) a big
I out in his boat. I 7) ............................
fish! My mum was very surprised when I 8) .................
(show) it to her.
12 Complete the sentences, using if or unless.

1 We can’t play golf ........ it stops raining.
Lucy 1) ® held (hold) her birthday party on Saturday. She If
2 ........ they beat this team, they will win the
2) .................... (invite) lots of friends and everyone tournament.
3) ................................ (have) a great time. When
3 You can’t go skydiving ........ you’re afraid of
I 4) .................... (arrive), the DJ 5) was
arrived playing
................. If
4 ........ it rains, the match will be cancelled.
(play) CDs and people 6)were dancing(dance) in the
.................. if
didn t open
garden. Lucy 7) ............................... (not/open)
5 We can’t go to the football game ........ it’s on
Friday because I have a tennis lesson.
her presents until she 8) ......................... (cut) the Unless
6 ........ you’re over 18, you can’t enter the
birthday cake. competition.

Grammar Revision

13 Match the parts of the sentences. Then

identify the type of conditional that is used
Question tags
in each sentence.

1 c
We won’t go to the party (Type 1)
15 Fill in the correct question tag.

2 f (Type 1) shall we
1 Let’s go out, ................?
He will help you
3 e When it’s hot, (Type 0) 2 is he
He isn’t coming, ................?
4 g If we fail our test, (Type 1) 3 They left yesterday, didn
,t they
5 a We get green (Type 0) is she
6 h If they leave now, (Type 1) 4 Stella is never late, ................?

7 d I would tell her the truth (Type 2) 5 doesn,t she

She comes from Madrid, ...................?
8 b He can borrow my bike (Type 1) 6 did they
They didn’t invite Pete to the party, .............?

7 didn,t he
He left for school, ................?
B 8 isn,t she
She is making the bed, ................?
if we mix blue and yellow.
if he promises to ride it carefully.
9 aren,t they
The children are sleeping, ................?

c if you don’t come with us. 10 He walks to work, doesn

,t he
KEY d if I were you. 11 isn,t there
There’s something wrong, ................?
e people wear light clothes.
12 He has a sports car, hasn
,t he
f if you ask him.
g our teacher will be upset. 13 She finishes work at 5:00, doesn
,t she
h they will catch the 7:30 bus.
14 didn,t they
They had a great time at the party, ...............?

15 did he
He didn’t call, ................?

14 Complete the sentences. Then discuss in


1 If I found a wallet in the street, ......................

............................................................ . 16 Put the adjectives in the right form to
complete the sentences.
2 If I met a celebrity, ................................ . best
1 A: Who’s your ....................... (good) friend?
3 If I didn’t have enough money to get the bus older
B: Tony. He is two years ...................... (old)
home, ................................................. . the cleverest
than me and he’s ..................................
4 If I were on holiday and lost my passport, ........
(clever) person I know.
......................................................... .
5 If I had only one wish, ............................. . the most boring
2 A: Steve is .................................. (boring)
6 If I were the President of my country, ............ person I know.
......................................................... . the funniest
B: Well, he thinks he’s ..............................
(the) most interesting
(funny) and ........................................
® A: If I found a wallet in the street, I would take (interesting) person in the world!
it to the police station. What would you do?
B: I’d ...
more helpful
3 A: Ann is a lot ............................ (helpful)
than Kate.
ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย the most arrogant
(Key to Pairwork Activities) B: True. Kate is ......................................
(arrogant) person I know.

Grammar Revision

Compare the different types of transport, as
in the example. 19 Fill in: than, of, too, enough, in, as.

(Key to Writing Activities) 1 He’s ............... young to drive a car.
2 as
She’s ............... tall as her sister.
3 than
He’s older ............... his brother.
4 in
She’s the best student ............... the class.
5 enough
It is warm ............... today to go to the beach.
6 of
Tony is the worst student ............... all.
7 too
This jacket is ............... expensive to buy.
8 enough
He’s old ............... to get a driving licence.
train plane bus 9 than
She’s got longer hair ............... me.
fast ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ 10 of
Australia is the smallest continent ...............
cheap ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓✓ all.
dangerous ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓✓
comfortable ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓
expensive ✓✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ Present Perfect — Past Simple
® Travelling by bus is fast. Travelling by train is
faster than travelling by bus. Travelling by plane
is the fastest of all. 20 Put the verbs in brackets into the present
perfect or the past simple. ฉบับ
Have you seen/Did you see
1 A: ................................... (you/see) Laura?

18 Use the adjectives/adverbs to write

sentences comparing your family members.
has gone
B: No, she .............. (go) to the supermarket.
hasn,t come
She ....................... (not/come) back yet.
did she leave
A: What time ......................... (she/leave)?
B: An hour ago.
did you make/have you made
ñ short ñ tall ñ old ñ young ñ beautiful 2 A: Jim, .................................. (you/make)
ñ hardworking ñ funny ñ helpful your bed?
have tidied
B: Yes, and I ........................................ (tidy)
my room too.
Adverbs A: Well done. Where’s Kate?
ñ hard ñ much ñ carefully ñ well ñ badly has gone
B: She ............................. (go) to the park.
® My brother is shorter than me. (Suggested Answer) 3 A: Have you ever tried
...................................... (you/ever/try)
My dad is the tallest in the family. Chinese food?
My brother is older than me.
........................................................... have went
B: Yes, I ................ . We .................. (go)
My baby sister is the youngest in my family.
........................................................... to that new Chinese restaurant last week.
My mother is the most beautiful of all.
........................................................... Did you like
A: ..................................... (you/like) it?
I am the most hardworking.
........................................................... did were
B: Yes, I ........... . The prices ....................
My dad is funnier than my mum.
........................................................... was
(be) reasonable and the service ...............
My uncle is more helpful than my cousin.
........................................................... (be) excellent.
My sister works harder than I do at school.
Have you seen
I am much happier than my older brother 4 A: ......................................... (you/see)
playing outside. my glasses?
My dad reads the newspaper more carefully than
haven,t saw
B: No, I ............ . The last time I ...............
my mum. (see) them, they were on the table. They
My sister is much more well spoken. aren’t there any more.
I played badly compared to my brother.

Grammar Revision
haven,t seen
5 A: Hi, Bob. I ............................... (not/see)

have you been
you for a long time. Where ..................... 22 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
tense, present simple, present perfect or
past simple.
B: I ................................... (go) to Brazil.
have always wanted
I ..................................... (always/want)
to go there.
Did you finish/Have you finished
6 A: ......................................... (you/finish)
Did you bring/
B: Yes, everything’s ready. .........................
(you/bring) the cake?
Have you brought
A: Yes, I ..................... (put) it on the table.
Where’s Bill?
has gone
B: He .................................... (go) to the
supermarket to buy some Coke.

21 Use the expressions and the verbs in the list

to write sentences.
Dear Rob,
have not replied
Sorry I 1) ........................................... (not/reply)
sooner, but we 2) ............................. (be) on holiday.
yet for had
We 3) .......................... (have) a great time. Our trip
ฉบับ last month was
to the Bahamas 4) ..................... (be) incredible. The
KEY since finish travel was
weather 5) ............................ (be) warm and beautiful
just enjoyed
and we really 6) ..................... (enjoy) ourselves a lot.
meet fly know needed
I guess we 7) ........................ (need) the rest after all
last week these months of hard work.
already eat leave had
We 8) .................................. (have) a very smooth
last winter see send arrived
flight. When we 9) ................................. (arrive), we
always read
10) ................................ (go) straight to our hotel. We
buy wanted
11) .......................... (want) to go sightseeing right
play watch felt
away, but we 12) .......................... (feel) so tired that
write we had to rest for a while. Later in the afternoon, we
13) ...................... (decide) to go for a swim. The
® I haven’t finished my homework yet. was
water 14) .................................. (be) perfect.
(Suggested Answer)
........................................................... wanted
We also 15) .................................. (want) to do
I met Sarah two years ago.
........................................................... did not have
more hiking but we 16) .................................. (not/
I haven,,t written the letter yet.
........................................................... spent
have) the time. We 17) .................................. (spend)
I haven t seen Tom since December.
........................................................... most of our days at the beach and in restaurants. I
Last month I flew to Italy.
........................................................... took
18) .................................. (take) lots of pictures. I
I read a book yesterday.
........................................................... have sent
19) .................................. (send) you some as an
My family has just bought a new house.
........................................................... want
attachment. We 20) .................................. (want) to
I never eat red meat.
Last week I watched two very good films return some day. Let’s go together next time.
on TV.
Hope to hear from you soon. Give my best regards
Last winter I played a lot of rugby.
........................................................... to Claire and the kids.
I have already seen this DVD.,
........................................................... Write back soon,
I always leave school at 5 o clock.

Grammar Revision

25 Rewrite the following sentences replacing
the phrases in bold with an appropriate

23 Fill in the correct modal verb.

ñ mustn’t ñ should ñ must ñ can

modal verb.

1 Is it OK if I use your camera?

® Can I use your camera?
ñ can’t ñ shouldn’t
2 It’s your duty to clean your room.
1 A: Come shopping with me. You must
should/ 3 It’s against the rules to enter this room.
You mustn,t
B: Thanks, but I ............. finish my homework.
2 A: ............. you help me with the dishes?
can,t must
B: Sorry, I ............. . I ............. be at 4 He is able to run fast.
Mr Jones’ office in half an hour.
He can
5 You aren’t allowed to go to the party.
3 A: My tooth hurts.
B: You ............. see a dentist.
You can,t
6 I strongly advise you to see a doctor.
4 A: Jane’s angry with me. You must
B: I know. You ............. lie to her. 7 It’s necessary to talk to Betty as soon as I finish
5 mustn,t use your mobile phone in
A: You ............. this.
the classroom. I must
B: Sorry, sir. 8 You are allowed to stay at your friend’s house ฉบับ
6 A: ............. you help me choose Tony’s tonight.
You can
B: Sure. 9 He is obliged to work on Saturdays.
has to/must
10 Antony isn’t obliged to wear a suit at work.
doesn,t have to
24 Write sentences for each sign. Use the verbs.

ñ smoke ñ park ñ drive ñ stop ñ drive slowly

11 I advise you to stop eating too many sweets.
You should
12 It’s possible that he will work late today.
1 2 3 He may/might/could
13 It isn’t necessary to invite her but you can if you

You needn,t/don,t have to

want to.
14 I advise you not to go out without your scarf and
You shouldn,t
15 He was able to play the guitar at the age of 10.
5 He could
16 You aren’t allowed to take photographs in the

You can,t/mustn,t

You mustn,,t park, here.

1 ® You mustn’t smoke here. ...........................................................
2 .......................................................... 17 It’s possible that it will rain later.
You mustn t/can t drive here.
3 .......................................................... It may/might/could
You must stop here.
4 .......................................................... 18 Is it OK if I go to the cinema tonight?
You must drive slowly here.
5 .......................................................... Can I

Grammar Revision

The Passive
28 Rewrite the sentences by putting the verbs in
the passive voice.

26 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct

passive tense.
1 The Mayor opened the new library yesterday.
The new library was opened yesterday
by the Mayor.
is breakfast served
1 A: When ............................................... 2 Martin Scorsese directed The Aviator.
The Aviator was directed by Martin Scorsese.
B: From 7:00 to 10:00 in the morning. 3 The company employs 200 people.
200 people are employed by the company.
weren,t invited
2 A: Did you go to the wedding?
4 An earthquake destroyed the village.
B: No, we .............................. (not/invite).
The village was destroyed by an earthquake.

aren,t allowed
3 A: Can I take some photographs, please? 5 Ann Mitchell designs costumes.
B: I’m afraid cameras ............................... Costumes are designed by Ann Mitchell.
(not/allow) in the museum.
6 She sent the fax an hour ago.
4 A: The offices are very clean. The fax was sent an hour ago.
are cleaned
B: They ............................... (clean) three 7 They serve lunch at 1:00 pm.
times a week. Lunch is served at 1:00 pm.
was the light bulb invented by
5 A: Who ................................................. 8 They don’t allow pets into the museum.
(the light bulb/invent/by)? Pets are not allowed in the museum.
KEY B: Thomas Edison. 9 Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
6 A: These shoes are great.
were made
B: They ...................................... (make) 10 They took the injured man to the hospital.
in France.
The injured man was taken to the hospital.

7 A: Why didn’t you go to Los Angeles?

were cancelled
B: Because all flights ................................
(cancel) due to heavy rain. Relatives
Is the service included
8 A: .......................................................
(service/include) in the bill?
B: Yes, it is. 29 Use the phrases to write sentences, as in the

architect represent people in court
Look at the information and write sentences,
pencil you sit at
as in the example. nurse who design buildings
lawyer which you wear round your neck
vet treat sick animals
table look after patients
scarf your write with
Also known as: Big Ben vase you put flowers in
Located: London, England
® An architect is someone who designs buildings.
Completed in: 1858
A pencil is something which you write with.
Designed by: Augustus Pugin A nurse is someone who looks after patients.
Visited by: thousands of A lawyer is someone who represents people in court.
tourists every year A vet is someone who treats sick animals.
A table is something which you sit at.
A scarf is something which you wear around your
A vase is something which you put flowers in. neck.
® The Clock Tower is also known as Big Ben. It ...
ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย (Key to Writing Activities) ...........................................................
Grammar Revision

30 Join the sentences. Use who, which or whose.

Use commas where necessary. (help) you with the dishes?
to help
4 A: Do you want me ..................................

B: No, thanks. I can .................................
1 Mrs Jones works in the Memorial hospital. (manage).
She is a nurse.
® Mrs Jones, who is a nurse, works in the
5 A: I tried .......................... (move) the bed,
Memorial Hospital. but it was too heavy for me.
2 Jane has a son. His name is Peter.
B: Let me ...................... (give) you a hand.
Jane has a son whose name is Peter.

3 These are the men. They helped us.
These are the men who helped us.
Use the verbs from boxes A and B to form

4 Tony went to see his daughter. His daughter lives sentences that are true for you.
Tony whose daughter lives in
in Australia. ...........................................
Australia went to see her./Tony went to see his daughter
........................................................... A B
who lives in Australia.
5 My sister Ann lives in Los Angeles. She is a singer. ñ want ñ travel
My sister Ann, who is a singer, lives in Los Angeles.
........................................................... ñ would like ñ play
6 Elephants have got trunks. They use them to pick ñ hate ñ eat
Elephants have got trunks which
up things. ..............................................
ñ can’t help ñ study
they use to pick up things.
7 I met Mr Smith. His wife knows you.
ñ like ñ laugh
I met Mr Smith whose wife knows you.
........................................................... ñ don’t mind ñ buy
8 Seals have got flat legs. They are called flippers.
Seals have got flat legs which are called flippers.
ñ decide ñ join KEY
........................................................... ñ spend ñ watch
9 John is with Ann. His coat is here. ñ enjoy ñ work
John, whose coat is here, is with Ann.
........................................................... ñ look forward to ñ go
10 This is Steven. I borrowed his bicycle.
This is Steven whose bicycle I borrowed.
® I’m looking forward to going on holiday.
ดูเฉลยในสวนทาย (Key to Speaking Activities)
Infinitive/-ing form
33 Underline the correct word.

31 Complete the conversations by putting the 1 Do you fancy playing/to play basketball?

verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive 2 He decided to buy/buying a new car.

form or the -ing form. 3 Jogging/To jog is a great way to exercise.

4 She promised to help/helping us with the
1 A: There’s an interesting film on TV. Would you preparations.
to watch
like .................................... (watch) it?
5 It was nice of you to come/coming to the party.
B: Actually, I was really looking forward to .....
............................... (go) to the cinema.
6 He went to the post office to post/posting the
2 A: Can you please stop ....................... (talk)?
7 I’d like to take/taking your photograph.
B: Sorry! I won’t .................... (do) it again.
8 He is thinking of going/go to the beach.
3 A: I hate ..................... (cause) you trouble, 9 You could help/to help me with the dishes.
but could you ......................................
10 They made her stay/to stay in.
(help) me with this?
11 What do you like do/doing in your free time?
B: That’s OK. I don’t have anything special .....
to do
................ (do). 12 I’m looking forward to see/seeing you next

Grammar Revision

34 Choose the correct item.

1 Listen! Someone ........ the bell. 16 The location ................... secret.

A has rung B rings C is ringing A was keeping B is kept C is keeping

2 We ........ to a concert tonight. Here are the 17 Vegetables are healthier ............. pizza.
tickets. A from B by C than
A are going B go C will go
18 We ........ wake up early tomorrow. It’s Sunday.
3 We ........ Ann since she moved to Paris. A mustn’t B don’t have to C can’t
A didn’t see B haven’t seen C don’t see
19 The man ........ is sitting next to Ann is her
4 Beth isn’t at home. She ........ the supermarket. uncle.
A has been in B has gone to A which B who C whose
C has been to
20 He’s the ........ popular person in his class.
5 My parents like ........ to classical music. A more B much C most
A to listening B listen C listening
21 Let’s go out, ........?
6 We ........ Tony at the museum two weeks ago. A will we B shall we C could we
A have seen B were seeing C saw
22 If I ........ you, I’d tell her about.
KEY 7 He wants ........ a new mobile phone.
A buy B buying C to buy
A am B have been C were

23 She sings ........ than her sister.

8 What ........ when the earthquake happened? A best B well C better
A did you do B were you doing
24 That’s the hotel ........ was destroyed
C have you done
in the earthquake.
9 He ........ his homework yet. A which B whose C who
A didn’t do B hasn’t done
25 ........ you turn down the music, I won’t be
C wasn’t doing
able to concentrate.
10 She left a week ........ . A If B While C Unless
A already B yet C ago
26 If we had more time, we ........ the Prado
11 She hopes ........ good results in the tests. Museum.
A get B to get C getting A would visit B will visit C visited

12 John was waiting for the bus ........ it started 27 There’s very ........ milk in the fridge.
raining. I’ll buy some.
A during B when C while A few B a little C little

13 Oh no! He ........ fall down. 28 Can I have ........ coffee, please?

A is going to B will C is A any B little C some

14 Paella ........ with seafood. 29 We travelled to Paris ........ train.

A is made B was made C has made A by B in C on

15 You ........ smoke in here. 30 The village ........ by an earthquake.

A couldn’t B should C mustn’t A is destroyed B was destroyed
C be destroyed

Key to Speaking Activities

Unit 1 หน้า 19 (Suggested Answer) Unit 6 หน้า 39 (Suggested Answer)

A: Have you got a bookcase in your a) A: Did you do your homework last night?
bedroom? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
B: Yes, I have. A: Did you go on a picnic last week?
A: Have you got a DVD player? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
B: No, I haven’t. A: Did you play in the park yesterday
A: Have you got a laptop? afternoon?
B: Yes, I have. etc B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
A: Did you go to the cinema last Saturday?
Unit 2 หน้า 22 (Suggested Answer) B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
B: … Then I go to the studio. A: Did you have breakfast yesterday
A: What do you do in the afternoon? morning?
B: I play music and write songs. B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
A: Do you watch TV in the evening? A: Did you do the shopping last Friday?
B: Yes, I do. I watch a film on TV and then B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. ฉบับ
I go to bed. A: Did you go on holiday last year?
A: Do you play tennis in your free time? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
B: No, I don’t. I play basketball with my friends. b) James didn’t cook dinner yesterday. He did
his homework last night. He didn’t go on
Unit 3 หน้า 23 (Suggested Answer) a picnic last week. He played in the park
I sometimes clear the table. I never take out yesterday afternoon. He didn’t go to the
the rubbish. I always tidy my room. I sometimes cinema last Saturday. He had breakfast
mop the floor. I never do the laundry. I often go yesterday morning. He didn’t do the shopping
shopping. I never iron my clothes. last Friday. He went on holiday last year.

Unit 5 หน้า 32 (Suggested Answer) Unit 7 หน้า 41 (Suggested Answer)

In picture B, people are celebrating carnival. They A: Did you use to eat a lot of sweets when
are wearing fancy costumes. They are walking in you were seven years old.
the parade. Many people are watching the parade. B: Yes, I did. Did you use to read comic
In picture C, the children are in the park. They books?
are wearing T-shirts and shorts. They are having A: No, I didn’t. Did you use to play video
a food eating contest. games?
B: Yes, I did. Did you use to speak English?
Key to Speaking Activities

A: No, I didn’t. Did you use to watch cartoons? Unit 10 หน้า 55 (Suggested Answer)
B: Yes, I did. I will be a pilot. I will travel around the world. I will
live in Paris. I will have a small family. I will have
Unit 8 หน้า 46 (Suggested Answer) a dog. I will look older. I will wear glasses. I will
A: What were you doing at 11:00 am live in a beautiful house.
B: I was having a Maths lesson. What were Unit 11 หน้า 58 (Suggested Answer)
you doing? If I didn’t like my friend’s new haircut, I wouldn’t
A: I was having a Science lesson. tell him/her.
A: What were you doing at 1:30 pm If I saw a mouse in my kitchen, I would scream.
yesterday? If I lost my best friend’s favourite CD, I would buy
B: I was having lunch. What were you doing? him/her a new one.
A: I was playing tennis with my friend. If I got 100% in all my exams, I would have a
A: What were you doing at 6:00 pm
ฉบับ yesterday?
KEY B: I was talking on the phone with my best Unit 12 หน้า 60 (Suggested Answer)
friend. What were you doing? A: People call it the ‘owl parrot’, don’t they?
A: I was studying for a test. B: Yes, they do. That,s because it’s mostly
active at night, isn’t it?
A: What were you doing at 10:00 pm
yesterday? A: Yes, it is. It’s got an owl-like body and large
B: I was getting ready to go to bed. What were eyes, hasn’t it?
you doing? B: Yes, it has. It has also got small wings,
A: I was watching a film on TV. hasn’t it?
A: Yes, it has. And it can’t fly, can it?
Unit 9 หน้า 49 (Suggested Answer) B: No, it can’t. That’s because the Kakapo
Yesterday afternoon, David and Paul were playing didn’t have any natural enemies in the
football outside when Paul kicked the ball and hit wild, did it?
his father’s car mirror. The mirror broke. The boys A: No, it didn’t, so it lost the ability to fly,
knew that it was bad luck! Later, as they were didn’t it?
B: Yes, it did. It only uses its wings for
walking down the street, it started to rain. The boys
balance, doesn’t it?
didn’t have umbrellas and got very wet! Then a
A: Yes, it does. In the past there were large
car drove past and splashed water on the boys.
numbers of Kakapos in New Zealand,
Paul fell down in the mud and got dirty.
weren’t there?
Key to Speaking Activities

B: Yes, there were, and then settlers The holiday in India is nicer than the holiday in
brought animals to New Zealand that France.
killed and ate the Kakapo, didn’t they? The holiday in Australia is nicer than the holiday
A: Yes, they did. Now the Kakapo is a highly in India.
endangered species, isn’t it? The holiday in Australia is the nicest.
B: Yes, it is. There are fewer than 100 Kakapo The holiday in India is more expensive than the
left in New Zealand, aren’t there? holiday in France.
A: Yes, there are. But New Zealanders are The holiday in Australia is more expensive than
doing everything they can to make sure the holiday in India.
the Kakapo survives, aren’t they? The holiday in Australia is the most expensive.
B: Yes, they are.
Unit 14 หน้า 81 (Suggested Answer)
Unit 13 หน้า 73 (Suggested Answer) 2 A: Have you ever swum in the sea at night?
The holiday in France is cheaper than the holiday B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
in India. 3 A: Have you ever failed a test? KEY
The holiday in France is the cheapest. B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
The holiday in France is shorter than the holiday 4 A: Have you ever been to a football match?
in India. B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
The holiday in India is shorter than the holiday in 5 A: Have you ever played baseball?
Australia. B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
The holiday in France is the shortest. 6 A: Have you ever eaten in an Indian
The holiday in India is longer than the holiday in restaurant?
France. B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
The holiday in Australia is longer than the holiday 7 A: Have you ever tried skydiving?
in India. B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
The holiday in Australia is the longest. 8 A: Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?
The holiday in India is better than the holiday in B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
France. 9 A: Have you ever done judo?
The holiday in Australia is better than the holiday B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
in India. 10 A: Have you ever met a famous person?
The holiday in Australia is the best. B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

Key to Speaking Activities

Unit 15 หน้า 84 (Suggested Answer) A: How much spaghetti do you eat every
A: He grew up in Switzerland. When did he week?
start playing tennis? B: I don’t eat much spaghetti. I eat a lot of
B: He started playing tennis at the age of six. rice.
How many grand slam tournaments has he A: How much meat do you eat every week?
won so far? B: I don’t eat much meat. I eat a lot of fish.
A: He has won 14 grand slam tournaments A: How much fruit do you eat every day?
so far. Is he married? B: I eat a lot of fruit.
B: Yes, he is. How long has he been the world A: How much chocolate do you eat every
number 1 tennis player? week?
A: He has been the world number 1 tennis B: I don’t eat much chocolate. I eat a lot of
player since 2004. Has he received any biscuits.
awards? A: How much pizza do you eat every week?
B: He has received the ‘World Sportsman of B: I don’t eat much pizza. I eat a lot of bread.
ฉบับ the Year’ award four times. A: How much coffee do you drink every day?
B: I don’t drink much coffee. I drink a lot of tea.
Unit 16 หน้า 91 (Suggested Answer)
A: It’s somewhere that you can see Unit 18 หน้า 100 (Suggested Answer)
paintings. You can ask the librarian questions.
B: An art gallery.
You mustn’t drop litter in the library.
A: It’s something that tells the time. You mustn’t listen to loud music.
B: A clock. You can speak quietly.
A: It’s someone that bakes bread. You mustn’t bring pets inside the library.
B: A baker. You mustn’t talk on your mobile phone in the
A: It’s something that you can take pictures
with. You can send text messages.
B: A camera. You can use the computer.

Unit 19 หน้า 103 (Suggested Answer)

Unit 17 หน้า 93 (Suggested Answer) A: a dentist
A: How many vegetables do you eat every B: A dentist is someone who/that examines
day? and treats your teeth.
B: I eat a lot of vegetables.
Key to Speaking Activities

A: a knife B: I love to read science-fiction books. Do

B: A knife is something which/that we cut food you like watching TV?
with. A: Yes, I do. I also love playing computer
A: a typewriter games. Do you surf the Net?
B: A typewriter is a machine which/that you B: Yes, I do. I love surfing the Net and I also
use to type letters. enjoy listening to music.
A: Me, too. I would like to spend most of my
A: a pilot
time listening to music and meeting my
B: A pilot is a person who/that flies an
aeroplane. friends.

Unit 20 หน้า 111 (Suggested Answer) Grammar Revision หน้า 124 ข้อ 8
A: What is it made of? (Suggested Answer)
B: It is made of marble. Last Saturday morning my friends, Helen and
A: When was it completed? Mary, wanted me to go to the new shopping centre
B: It was completed in the 4th century BC. with them. We were just looking in the shop ฉบับ
A: Who was it designed by? windows when my mobile phone rang. There was KEY
B: It was designed by Polykleitos the Younger. a strange voice on the other end and I didn’t know
A: Why was it built? who it was. This person asked me to meet him
B: It was built to stage musical and theatrical at a café. Helen felt scared for me so we decided
shows. we would all go along together. As we were
getting nearer to the café we could see inside.
Unit 21 หน้า 114 (Suggested Answer) At the same time, we all saw an old friend from
A: … I’m going to travel by plane. school. We were all laughing at how silly we were
B: Are you going to stay in a hotel? and we sat down, had a coffee together and caught
A: No, I’m not. I’m going to stay on a farm. up with all the latest news.
B: How long are you going to stay for?
A: I’m going to stay for ten days. Grammar Revision หน้า 131 ข้อ 32
B: Who are you going to go with? (Suggested Answer)
A: I’m going to go with my parents. I want to travel to Greece.
I would like to eat some local food.
Unit 22 หน้า 118 (Suggested Answer) I hate studying Maths.
A: Do you prefer going to the park or reading I don’t mind working late.
books? I spend most of my free time watching DVDs. etc

Key to Pairwork Activities

Unit 1 หน้า 9 ข้อ 3 6 A: Is Patty going to the cinema with Sally on

2 A: What’s that? B: It’s an umbrella. Saturday at 8:00 pm?
3 A: What’s this? B: It’s a skateboard. B: No, she isn’t. She’s going to the cinema
4 A: What are those? B: They are crayons. with Sally on Sunday at 8:00 pm.
5 A: What are these? B: They are books.
6 A: What are these? B: They are keys. Unit 4 หน้า 29 ข้อ 9b
2 A: Is the father standing up?
Unit 1 หน้า 18 ข้อ 1b B: Yes, he is.
Michael’s got a guitar, a football and a skateboard. 3 A: Is the mother looking at her son?
Anna’s got a camera, a piano and a cat. They’ve B: No, she isn’t. She’s looking at her oldest
got a computer and a bike. daughter.
4 A: Are the children talking to their parents?
Unit 1 หน้า 19 ข้อ 4b B: No, they aren’t. They are eating their
A: Has Peter got a video camera? soup.
B: Yes, he has. Have Tony and Grace got 5 A: Is the boy wearing a red shirt?
ฉบับ a CD player? B: No, he isn’t. He’s wearing a blue T-shirt.
A: Yes, they have. Has Tina got a laptop? 6 A: Are they all enjoying their meal?
B: Yes, she has. etc B: Yes, they are.

Unit 4 หน้า 28 ข้อ 6 Unit 5 หน้า 30 ข้อ 1

2 A: Is Patty meeting her friends in the park on B Mary usually watches TV in the afternoon, but
Saturday at 11:00 am? today she is riding a bicycle.
B: No, she isn’t. She’s meeting her friends in C Mary usually eats chocolate between meals, but
the park on Sunday at 11:00 am. today she is eating fruit.
3 A: Is Patty buying her mum a present on D Mary usually has fast food in the evening, but
Sunday at 5:00 pm? today she is cooking a healthy meal.
B: No, she isn’t. She’s buying her mum a
present on Saturday at 2:00 pm. Unit 5 หน้า 32 ข้อ 8
4 A: Is Patty visiting her grandparents on a) …works from 9 to 5 every day. She always has
Saturday at 2:00 pm? lunch in the office. She is reading a magazine
B: No, she isn’t. She’s visiting her grandparents now. She is travelling to Italy in two weeks.
on Sunday at 2:00 pm. b) A: Does she always have lunch in the office?
5 A: Is Patty having a piano lesson on Sunday B: Yes, she does.
at 5:00 pm? A: Is she reading a magazine now?
B: No, she isn’t. She is having a piano lesson B: Yes, she is.
on Saturday at 5:00 pm.
Key to Pairwork Activities

A: Is she travelling to Italy in two weeks? Unit 10 หน้า 55 ข้อ 7

B: Yes, she is. 2 Will you have a party on your birthday this
Unit 7 หน้า 41 ข้อ 2 (Suggested Answer) Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.
A: Did Gary use to drive a car? 3 Will you get your own flat when you get a job?
B: No, he didn’t. He used to ride a bike. Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.
A: Did Gary use to wear suits? 4 Will you buy a car when you get your driving
B: No, he didn’t. He used to wear shorts and licence?
T-shirts. Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.
A: Did Gary use to eat takeaway? 5 Will you have a lot of money when you are 30
B: No, he didn’t. He used to eat homemade years old?
food. Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.
A: Did Gary use to exercise at the gym?
B: No, he didn’t. He used to play football with Unit 11 หน้า 58 ข้อ 7
his friends. 2 A: What would you do if a family member gave
you €200? ฉบับ
Exploring Grammar หน้า 42 ข้อ 5b B: I would buy new clothes.
(Suggested Answer) 3 A: What would you do if you had more free
A: I used to spend all my time reading books. time?
What about you? B: I would take up a hobby.
B: I used to spend all my free time playing 4 A: What would you do if you met a famous
with my friends. actor?
B: I would ask for his autograph.
Unit 9 หน้า 49 ข้อ 7b 5 A: What would you do if you saw a burglar?
2 A: What did they notice? B: I would call the police.
B: They noticed an old house. 6 A: What would you do if you found a spider
3 A: What did people say about the house? in your bed?
B: They said that it was a haunted house. B: I would put it in the garden.
4 A: What did Tom and James decide to do? 7 A: What would you do if you wanted to lose
B: They decided to go inside the house. weight?
5 A: What did they see? B: I would go on a diet.
B: They saw a scary shadow.
6 A: What did the boys do? Unit 13 หน้า 73 ข้อ 7
B: They screamed and ran out of the house. A Sam is shorter than Kate.
7 A: What did James spot in the doorway? Kate is shorter than Joe.
B: A dog.
Key to Pairwork Activities

Sam is the shortest. Unit 15 หน้า 83 ข้อ 4 (Suggested Answer)

Joe isn’t as short as Kate. 2 A: Have you ever played tennis?
Sam is younger than Joe. B: Yes, I have.
Joe is younger than Kate. A: When did you play?
Sam is the youngest. B: I played a month ago.
Joe isn’t as young as Sam. 3 A: Have you ever travelled by plane?
B: Yes, I have.
Kate is older than Joe.
Joe is older than Sam. A: Where did you travel?
Kate is the oldest. B: I travelled to Spain.
Sam isn’t as old as Kate. 4 A: Have you ever won a medal?
B: Yes, I have.
B The family car is slower than the jeep. A: When did you win one?
The jeep is slower than the sports car.
The family car is the slowest. B: I won a medal in swimming last year.
The sports car isn’t as slow as the jeep. 5 A: Have you ever bought anything expensive?
B: Yes, I have.
ฉบับ The family car is cheaper than the jeep. A: What did you buy?
KEY The jeep is cheaper than the sports car. B: I bought a diamond ring.
The family car is the cheapest.
6 A: Have you ever met a famous person?
The jeep isn’t as cheap as the family car.
B: Yes, I have.
The sports car is more expensive than the jeep. A: Who did you meet?
The jeep is more expensive than the family car. B: I met David Beckham.
The sports car is the most expensive. 7 A: Have you ever ridden a horse?
The jeep isn’t as expensive as the sports car. B: Yes, I have.
A: When did you ride one?
Unit 14 หน้า 79 ข้อ 4b B: I rode a horse when I was fifteen years old.
(Suggested Answer)
A: Have you ever played table tennis? Unit 18 หน้า 100 ข้อ 10
B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. a) (Suggested Answer)
A: Have you ever tried kayaking? ● She has to answer the phone.
B: Yes, I have. / No I haven’t. ● She doesn’t have to work on Sunday.
A: Have you ever tried snowboarding? ● She has to file reports.
B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. ● She doesn’t have to clean the office.
● She has to know how to use the computer.

Key to Pairwork Activities

b) (Suggested Answer) How often do you visit your grandparents?

Peter: I often visit my grandparents.
● has to look after sick people. How often do you tidy your room?
● has to work until late. I rarely tidy my room.
● doesn’t have to call his patients on the How often do you play video games?
phone. I always play video games.
● has to study a lot. How often do you cook dinner?
● doesn’t have to use a computer. I never cook dinner.
Peter is a doctor. How often do you play rugby?
Sue: I rarely play rugby.
● has to rehearse a lot. How often do you go sailing?
● has to remember her lines. I never go sailing.
● doesn’t have to work from 9 am to 5 pm How often do you chat online?
every day. I always chat on line.
● has to appear on stage.
● doesn’t have to sing or dance. Grammar Revision หน้า 126 ข้อ 14 ฉบับ
Sue is an actress. (Suggested Answer)
1 B: … hand it in to the nearest shop.
Unit 22 หน้า 116 ข้อ 2 2 A: If I met a celebrity, I would ask for an
(Suggested Answer) autograph. What would you do?
My parents don’t make me help around the house. B: I’d take a photograph.
My parents let me go to the parties. 3 A: If I didn’t have enough money to get the
My parents let me cook food. etc bus home, I would walk. What would you
Grammar Revision หน้า 123 ข้อ 3 B: I’d phone my parents.
(Suggested Answer) 4 A: If I were on holiday and lost my passport,
How often do you surf the Net? I would tell the police. What would you do?
I often surf the Net. B: I’d look in my hotel room.
How often do you meet your friends? 5 A: If I had only one wish, I would wish for world
I sometimes meet my friends. peace. What about you?
How often do you go to the cinema? B: I’d wish for lots of money.
I rarely go to the cinema. 6 A: If I were the President of my country, I
How often do you go out with your parents? would help the poor. What would you do?
I sometimes go out with my parents. B: I’d build more schools.

Key to Writing Activities

Unit 1 หน้า 7 (Suggested Answer) cake on the table. There is one girl and three boys.
Did you know … They are having fun.
1 …… Asia is the largest continent?
2 …… Ben Nevis is the highest mountain Unit 6 หน้า 39 (Suggested Answer)
in the UK? Alex and Felix went fishing yesterday afternoon.
3 …… Sahara Desert is a hot desert? Suddenly, their boat hit some rocks. They started
4 …… female lion lives longer than …… to panic and began to yell for help. Superkid
male lion? heard the boys and grabbed his cape. Superkid
5 …… Nile River is 6,650 kilometres long? flew quickly to the boys. When Alex and Felix saw
6 …… Beethoven could still play ……. piano after Superkid they were very happy. Superkid picked
he was deaf? them up and flew them to their parents. Alex and
Felix’s parents shouted for joy.
Unit 1 หน้า 19 (Suggested Answer)
Samantha has got a big room. She’s got a Unit 7 หน้า 41 (Suggested Answer)
bookcase, but she hasn’t got a DVD player in … He used to eat a lot of sweets when he was
her room. She’s got a laptop, but she hasn’t got seven years old, but he didn’t use to read comic
ฉบับ a television. She’s got a desk, but she hasn’t got books. He didn’t use to speak English, but he used
KEY posters on the walls. to watch cartoons.

Unit 2 หน้า 22 (Suggested Answer) Unit 8 หน้า 46 (Suggested Answer)

Ricky Jones gets up at 6 o’clock in the morning. He At 7:00 am yesterday, I was having a shower. My
goes jogging, has breakfast and goes to the studio. mum was making breakfast. My dad was driving to
In the afternoon he plays music and writes songs. work. My sister was sleeping. At 4:00 pm yesterday,
In the evening he watches a film on TV and then I was reading a book. My mum was cleaning the
goes to bed. In his free time he plays basketball house. My dad was working. My sister was playing
with his friends. in the garden. At 7:00 pm yesterday, we were all
having dinner.
Unit 3 หน้า 23 (Suggested Answer)
I sometimes clear the table. I never iron my Unit 9 หน้า 49
clothes. I sometimes mop the floor, but I never do Yesterday afternoon, David and Paul were playing
the laundry. I always make my bed and I often go football outside when Paul kicked the ball and hit
shopping. I always tidy my room, but I never take his father’s car mirror. The mirror broke. The boys
out the rubbish. knew that it was bad luck! Later, as they were
walking down the street, it started to rain. The boys
Unit 5 หน้า 32 (Suggested Answer) didn’t have umbrellas and got very wet! Then a car
In picture A, the children are at a birthday party. drove past. It splashed water on the boys. Paul fell
They are all wearing party hats. There is a birthday down in the mud and got dirty. David laughed at
Key to Writing Activities

Paul because he looked very funny! While David 3 I agree. / I don’t agree. Rock music is the
was laughing, Paul pulled him into the mud. He most popular music of all.
wanted David to be dirty too! When the boys got 4 I agree. / I don’t agree. Films are more
home, their mothers were very angry. interesting than books.
5 I agree. / I don’t agree. English is the easiest
Unit 10 หน้า 55 (Suggested Answer) language in the world.
Mark will be a pilot and he will travel around the 6 I agree. / I don’t agree. Puppies are cuter than
world. He will live in Paris with his small family. kittens.
They will have a dog. Mark will look older and 7 I agree. / I don’t agree. A holiday in the
he’ll wear glasses. His family will live in a beautiful mountains is better than a holiday by the
house. sea.
8 I agree. / I don’t agree. Lionel Messi is the
Unit 11 หน้า 58 (Suggested Answer) most talented football player.
If you get fit, you will feel happier. 9 I agree. / I don’t agree. Sharks are the most
If I were you, I would also eat healthier food. dangerous animals of all.
If you eat healthier food, you won’t get ill very 10 I agree. / I don’t agree. Dogs are more
often. intelligent than monkeys. ฉบับ
If you don’t get ill very often, you will stay fit and
strong. Unit 13 หน้า 73 (Suggested Answer)
Nan is bigger than Bangkok. Bangkok is smaller
Unit 13 หน้า 68 ข้อ 1 (Suggested Answer) than Nan. Nan is quieter than Bangkok. Bangkok
● She is very pretty. She is much prettier than is noisier than Nan. Bangkok is more exciting than
her sisters. She is the prettiest of all. Nan. Nan is more boring than Bangkok. Bangkok
● Mike did very well in the race. He did much is dirtier than Nan. Nan is cleaner than Bangkok.
better than his friends. He was the best of all. Bangkok is more crowded than Nan.
● Anne gets up very early. She gets up much
earlier than her parents. She gets up the Unit 14 หน้า 81 (Suggested Answer)
earliest of everyone in her house. Marco has never seen a shark. He has swum in
● The exam was very difficult for Steve. It was the sea at night and has failed a test once. He
much more difficult than the previous one. It has been to many football matches, but has never
was the most difficult exam Steve has ever played baseball. He has never eaten in an Indian
taken. restaurant and he has never tried skydiving. He
has ridden a motorcycle but he has never done
Unit 13 หน้า 68 ข้อ 2 (Suggested Answer) judo. He has met a famous person.
2 I agree. / I don’t agree. Family is more
important than friends.

Key to Writing Activities
Unit 15 หน้า 84 (Suggested Answer)
Roger Federer was born on 8th August 1981. He and was designed by Polykleitos the Younger. It
grew up in Switzerland. He started playing tennis was built to stage musical and theatrical shows.
at the age of six. He has won 14 grand slam
tournaments so far. He has been married since Unit 21 หน้า 114
2009. He has been the world number 1 tennis … He’s going to travel by plane. He and his
player since 2004. He has received the ‘World parents are going to stay on a farm. They are
Sportsman of the Year’ award four times. going to stay there for ten days.

Unit 17 หน้า 93 (Suggested Answer) Unit 22 หน้า 118

I eat a lot of vegetables, but Ben eats a lot of fruit. My friend, John, likes doing sports in his free time.
I don’t eat much spaghetti and Ben doesn’t eat much He enjoys playing basketball and volleyball. He
rice. I eat a lot of meat, but Ben eats a lot of fish. also likes to read science-fiction books. He loves
I don’t eat much chocolate, but Ben eats a lot of playing computer games and he enjoys listening
biscuits. I eat a lot of pizza, but Ben eats a lot to music.
of bread.
I don’t drink much coffee, but Ben drinks a lot of Grammar Revision หน้า 127 ข้อ 17
ฉบับ tea. etc
KEY Travelling by plane is cheap. Travelling by train
is cheaper than travelling by plane. Travelling by
Unit 18 หน้า 100 bus is the cheapest of all.
I mustn’t listen to loud music when my brother
does his homework. Travelling by plane is dangerous. Travelling by
I must keep my room tidy. train is more dangerous than travelling by plane.
I must help my mother with the housework. Travelling by bus is the most dangerous of all.
I mustn’t spend a lot of time watching TV. Travelling by bus is comfortable. Travelling by
I mustn’t play the piano when the baby is asleep. plane is more comfortable than travelling by bus.
Travelling by train is the most comfortable of all.
Unit 19 หน้า 104 (Suggested Answer)
Travelling by bus is expensive. Travelling by train
My sister, who I fight with all the time, is two years
is more expensive than travelling by bus. Travelling
older than me.
by plane is the most expensive of all.
The watch which/that I got for my birthday is very
Grammar Revision หน้า 130 ข้อ 27
The girl whose book I borrowed is my best friend.
… is located in London, England. It was completed
in 1858. It was designed by Augustus Pugin. It is
Unit 20 หน้า 111
visited by thousands of tourists every year.
The theatre at Epidaurus is located in the area of
Argolis, in the Peloponnese, Greece. It is made
of marble. It was completed in the 4th century BC

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