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The Nursing Council of Hong Kong

A Reference Guide to
the Syllabus of Subjects and Requirements
for the Preparation of Registered Nurse (General)
in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

(June 2016)

I. Preamble 1

II. Aims and Objectives 1

III. Philosophy of Nursing 2

IV. Theoretical Requirements 4

V. Clinical Practice Requirements 6

VI. Special Considerations 8

VII. Appendices

Appendix 1 Essential Topics 10

Appendix 2 Essential Topics in Basic Nursing for Safe Practice 21

Appendix 3 Outline of Topics and Related Contents Under Major Body Systems 31

Appendix 4 Guidelines on Exemption of Requirement on Theoretical Hour for 40

Registered Nurse (General) training


The completion of the transition of nursing education to tertiary institutes in 2002 has denoted the
success of the Hong Kong SAR in advancing nursing education to tertiary level in line with
international development. To meet the new developments of the health care system and the
evolving demands for a more diverse and high quality nursing service at the primary, secondary and
tertiary levels of health care, there is a need to develop a new generation of Registered Nurses (RN)
with enhanced professional competencies. Hence, the development of an enriched and expanded
nursing curriculum is essential for the education of RNs. This new syllabus replaces the one
published in 2009. It serves as an up-dated guide for curriculum development of pre-registration
general nursing programmes. Upon completion of such programmes and having passed the
examinations recognized by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong (NCHK), students are expected to
have acquired the essential competencies for safe, effective and ethical practice, and will be eligible to
apply for registration with the NCHK as a Registered Nurse (General) [RN (G)] in Hong Kong.


To allow flexibility, creativity and adaptability in curriculum development, the syllabus is written in
broad terms. It is intended to achieve the following aims and objectives:

AIMS: To serve as :

1. a reference frame for assessing the eligibility of nurses trained outside Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region (HKSAR) for registration as a RN(G).
2. a reference base for accrediting general nursing education programmes.


1. State the nursing philosophy based on which the syllabus is developed.

2. Highlight the core components of nursing studies, including the theories and practice of
professional nursing at the three levels of health care and in different health care
specialties/settings; nursing management, research and professional development.
3. Specify the requirements for other related subjects in support of the nursing studies, such as
communication, social and behavioral sciences, biological and integrated sciences as well as
legal, ethical and cultural issues.
4. Suggest the number of hours for the different subjects, both in theory and in practice, and
provide guidance on the form of assessments required.


This stated philosophy of nursing summarizes our beliefs in the nature and practice of professional
nursing, as well as our views on the person, the environment and health. It provides a basis for the
revision of the nursing syllabus that guides the development of education programmes for RN (G).

Nursing is a caring, enabling, knowledge-based and competence-assessed profession which is

dynamic in meeting the changing health needs of the society. It is committed to promoting and
maintaining health; as well as to caring for the sick and the disabled as individuals, or in families,
groups, institutions, home settings and in the community.

The practice of nursing is client-focused and evidence-based. It is carried out at the primary,
secondary and tertiary levels of health care. It functions through problem solving and collaboration
with the client as well as other health care professionals to define and achieve mutually agreed health

The provision of holistic, client-centred care requires research-based professional knowledge and
skills through the implementation of the nursing process; the adoption of a caring and responsible
attitude; effective communication and interpersonal skill as well as ethical principles. The quality of
care is maintained through the enhancement of professional competencies via continuous nursing

The person is a unique, holistic being with the potential to learn and develop through interacting with
the changing environment. Each person has intrinsic worth and has the right to participate in the
decision-making which affects his/her own life and dignity, and must always be treated with respect.

The environment consists of external and internal components which change constantly and generate
both positive and negative stressors. The internal environment of a person, comprising biological,
psychological, spiritual and intellectual components, interacts with the external environment that
encompasses social, cultural and situational influences. This continual interaction affects the person‟s
functioning as an individual, as well as in families, groups and community. The creation,
preservation and conservation of a healthy environment is crucial to the maintenance and promotion
of health.

Health is a state of well-being, perceived differently by the individual at specific points in time along
the health-illness continuum. It is affected by biological, psychological, socio-economical,
developmental, political, cultural and religious factors. The level of well-being depends on the
maintenance of equilibrium within the person, and between the person‟s interaction with the changing


Alligood, M. R. (Ed.). (2010). Nursing theory: (4 ed.). Maryland Heights, Mo.: Mosby
American Association of Colleges of Nursing, & Peterson's. (2009). Peterson's nursing programs 2010 (15th
ed.). Lawrenceville, N.J.: Peterson's.
Berman, A., Snyder, S., Kozier, B., & Erb, G.(2008). Fundamentals of nursing: Concepts, process, and practice
(8 ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education.
College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (CRNBC), (2008). Professional standards for registered
nurses and nurse practitioners. Retrieved from
College of Nurses of Ontario. (2009). Entry to practice competencies for Ontario registered practical nurses.
Retrieved from
Department of Human Resources for Health, World Health Organization (2009). Global standards for the initial
education of professional nurses and midwives. Retrieved from
George, J.B. (Ed.). (2011). Nursing theories: The base for professional nursing practice (6th ed.). Boston:
Hospital Authority. (2002). Core competency sets for nursing staff (Internal official document). Hong Kong SAR:
Hospital Authority. (2006). Core competency for enrolled nurses, registered nurses & advanced practice nurses
in Hospital Authority. Retrieved from
International Council of Nurses (ICN). (2004). Position statement: Scope of nursing practice. Retrieved from
Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC). (2004). Standards of proficiency for pre-registration nursing education.
Retrieved from
Public Health Nursing Division, Department of Health. (2002). Core-competencies for registered nurse grade
(Internal official document). Hong Kong SAR: Author.
The College of Nursing, Hong Kong. (1993). Standards for nursing practice. Hong Kong: Author.
The Nursing Council of Hong Kong (2004). Core-competencies for registered nurses (general). Retrieved from
World Health Organization. (2002). Strategic directions for strengthening nursing and midwifery services.
Retrieved from


Overview of Contact Hours1 (Including Laboratory Hours)

Competence Area 1: Professional, legal and Ethical Nursing Practice

Item Topics
1A. General, Behavioural and Life Sciences Relevant to Nursing 320
1A.1 Human Anatomy, Physiology and pathophysiology
1A.2. Sociology of Health
1A.3. Applied Psychology
1A.4. Fundamental Pharmacology
1A.5. Microbiology
1A.6. Nutrition and Dietetics
1B. Professional Nursing Practice 712
1B.1. The Nursing Profession
1B.2. Basic Nursing for Safe Practice:(Please refer to Appendix 1 for details.)
I. The nursing process
II. Essential nursing techniques in clinical setting for safe practice:
1. Provision of a safe and comfortable environment for care
2. Maintenance and promotion of occupational safety and health
3. Documentation and reporting of care
4. Helping the client meet the basic needs of living
5. Assisting the client to undertake diagnostic procedures
6. Administration of medications
7. Principles of First Aid
8. Infection Control

III. Principle and practice of nursing:

1. Accident and emergency (A&E) nursing
2. Peri-operative nursing
3. Introduction to operating theatre techniques, intra-operative care and
anaesthetic nursing
4. Medical and surgical nursing related to illness prevention and health
restoration of clients with alteration in various body system
functions across the life span
5. Rehabilitative nursing
6. Oncology nursing and palliative care
7. Paediatric and adolescent nursing
8. Obstetric nursing
9. Gerontological nursing
10. Mental health nursing
11. Community nursing
12. Chinese medicinal nursing and complementary and alternative

The term “contact hours” refers to the amount of time (in terms of hours) spent by a learner in direct contact with the teaching/training staff of a

programme. It includes attendance in class, tutorials, nursing laboratory practice, conducting experiment in laboratory under supervision and supervised

session in placement and workshop. For other modes of learning, the Nursing Council of Hong Kong will assess the individual case of merit in the light

that there is structured content with learning outcomes, and has interaction and assessment components.
Competence Area 1: Professional, legal and Ethical Nursing Practice (Cont’d)
Item Topics
1C. Legal & Ethical Issues 40
1C.1. Legal Aspects Pertinent to Nursing Practice
1C.2. Ethical Issues
1D. Communication 20
(Included in
1E. Rights and Responsibilities of the Individual 1A.2 and 1C.1)

1F. Information Technology in Nursing and Health Care 20

Competence Area 2: Health Promotion and Health Education

2A. Education Theories and Methods 10
2B. Concepts of Health, Health Education and Health Promotion 40

(Included in 1D)
2C. Communication

(Included in 1E)
2D. Rights and Responsibilities of the Individual

Competence Area 3: Management and Leadership

3A. Management Theories, Skills and Application 20
3B. Leadership 5
3C. Health Care Policies 15

Competence Area 4: Research

4A. Basic Knowledge in Conducting Research in Health Care Settings
4B. Appraising and Utilizing Research Findings

Competence Area 5: Personal Effectiveness and Professional Development

5A. Personal Effectiveness (Included in

5B. Profession Development 2

5C. Establishing and Maintaining Nursing as a Profession 6
Total: 1,250

V. Clinical Practice Requirements

Minimum Practice
Clinical Areas Requirement
Medical Nursing

1. For example: General Medicine, Dermatology, Infectious Diseases, 440

Oncology Nursing and Palliative Care, Rehabilitation, Out-patient
Department (OPD)
Surgical Nursing
For example: General Surgery, Day Surgery, Operating Theatre and
2. Recovery Room, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neuro-surgery, Gynaecology, 330
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Care, Ophthalmology Orthopaedics and
Traumatology, Rehabilitation, OPD
Paediatric and Adolescent Nursing
3. 60
For example: Paediatrics, Neonates, Adolescent Care, School Clinic
4. Obstetric Nursing 60
5. Gerontological Nursing 60
6. Mental Health Nursing 60
7. Community Nursing 60
8. Primary Health Care 60
9. Accident and Emergency Department 60
10. Any clinical area(s) among item 1 to item 9 210
Total: 1400

Note 1: The above should include a period of continuous clinical practice of not less than 3 months.
Note 2: Clinical training for local nursing students can be conducted in the following health care
Category A: Hospitals or medical institutions under the management of the Hospital
Authority or private hospitals registered under the Hospitals, Nursing Homes
and Maternity Homes Registration Ordinance (Cap. 165, Laws of Hong
Kong), where in-patient care is provided (Not less than 70% of the total
hours of clinical education).
Category B: Community settings where the provision of first level care is evident (Not
more than 30% of the total hours of clinical education). Not more than
one-tenth of this part of training may be conducted outside Hong Kong.
Note 3: During the clinical practicum, there must be a system in place to assess students‟ clinical
knowledge, skills, problem solving ability and professional attitudes. Evidence must be
produced on the assessment of aseptic technique, administration of medications and
professional nursing competencies.

Clinical Assessment Guidelines

1. Mode of Assessment

Continuing Clinical Assessment (CCA) is adopted to assess the clinical competency of the
students. CCA is an on-going process of clinical assessment of the students over a period of time
during their clinical placement. It consists of 5 components, including teaching, demonstration,
practice, feedback and evaluation. The CCA should cover the following areas of assessment.

2. Areas of Assessment

2.1 Aseptic Technique

The student will be assessed on his/her competence in carrying out a nursing procedure on
a client involving the use of aseptic technique. This can be any one of the following
 Wound dressing/ wound irrigation/ wound packing
 Pressure ulcer dressing
 Removal of drains
 Removal of stitches/clips
 Urinary catheterization
 Other procedures that require the application of the principles of asepsis

2.2 Administration of Medications

The students will be assessed on his/her competence in administering medications to
his/her clients. This can be either one of the following:
 Administering oral medications to 6-8 clients:
 Tablets/capsules/liquids/crushed tables, or

 Administering parenteral medication to 1-2 clients via any one of the following routes:
 Intradermal
 Subcutaneous
 Intramuscular
 Intravenous

2.3 Professional Nursing Competencies

The student will be assessed on his/her assessment techniques and application of the
nursing process in providing total patient care. The key competencies assessed will include:

 Assessment
 Planning
 Intervention
 Evaluation
 Professional behaviour

3. Assessor
3.1 The role of the assessor is to act as the agent for the NCHK and he/she is responsible to
certify whether the student is safe to practice in the selected areas of clinical situation.

3.2 Educational institutions will be responsible for the appointment of clinical assessors for
the nursing programmes they organized.

Part VI. Special Considerations

It is the responsibility of the training institution to ensure that their students fulfill the requirement of
the Nursing Council of Hong Kong.

Special considerations will be given to a person if that person has already enrolled in Part I (General)
of the enrolment of the Nursing Council of Hong Kong -

(i) A maximum of 30% of the requirement on theoretical instruction for Registered Nurse
training as stipulated in this syllabus can be exempted. The Guidelines on Exemption of
Requirement on Theoretical Hour for Registered Nurse (General) training is at Appendix 4.

(ii) A maximum of 200 hours on clinical practice requirement for Registered Nurse training as
stipulated in this syllabus can be exempted on condition that he/she must have an aggregate of
at least one year post-enrolment experience in providing basic nursing care in clinical settings
before the commencement of such clinical practice.

(iii) There should not be any exemption granted for the three clinical assessments required for
Registered Nurse (General) training, namely aseptic technique, administration of medications
and professional nursing competencies, for the need of upholding standard of the profession.


Appendix 1
Essential Topics
Competence area 1: Professional, Legal and Ethical Nursing Practice
Item Topics
1A. General, Behavioural and Life Sciences Relevant to Nursing 320

1A.1. Human Anatomy and Human Physiology (180)

 Basic understanding of the human cell, organs and organelles

 The organization, structure, functions and interrelationship of the major
body systems including:

1. Alimentary System
2. Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems
3. Dermatological System
4. Endocrine Systems
5. Genito-urinary System
6. Haematological System
7. Musculo-skeletal System
8. Neurological System
9. Ophthalmic System
10. Oto-rhino-laryngeal System
11. Reproductive System
12. Respiratory System

1A.2. Sociology of Health (40)

 The changing social structure and the health care system

 The socio-economical, political and cultural impact on health beliefs and
illness behaviours
 Stigmatization
 Professionalisation of health care providers
 Influence of technological advancement on health beliefs and illness
1A.3. Applied Psychology (40)

 Psychological development and maturation

 Basic concepts of psychosocial needs and potentialities of people
throughout the life span
 Gender and sex-typing
 Introduction to the psychology of health
 Introduction to learning theories
 Perception
 Motivation
 Emotions
 Stress and coping
 Personality

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 10 -
Competence area 1: Professional, Legal and Ethical Nursing Practice (Cont’d)
Item Topics
1A. General, Behavioural and Life Sciences Relevant to Nursing (Cont’d)

1A.4. Fundamental Pharmacology (20)

 Basic concepts of pharmacokinetics

 Major drug classifications and drug effects
 Forms of medication and client care applications
 Safety in drug therapy and client care
 The related laws and ordinances

(For topics relating to calculating, measuring, administering medications and

the related nursing care and responsibilities, please refer to Appendix 2
“Basic Nursing for Safe Practice”)
1A.5. Microbiology (30)

 Introduction to Microbiology

1. Nature of micro-organisms
2. Classification and identification of micro-organisms
3. Structure and characteristics of micro-organisms, and bacterial
4. The chain of infection
5. Bacterial growth and physiology
6. Anti-microbial and anti-viral agents
7. Sterilization and disinfection

 Infection and Immunity

1. Innate and acquired immunity

2. Bacterial and viral pathogens and associated diseases
3. Fungal pathogens and parasitic infections
4. Prevention and control of communicable diseases in:
- the community
- clinical settings

1A.6. Nutrition and Dietetics (10)

 Basic concepts about food and nutrients

 A balanced diet for growth and optimal health
 Therapeutic diets (to be included in the „therapeutic measures‟ in medical
and surgical nursing in relation to illness prevention and health
restoration of clients with alteration in various body system functions,
Appendix 3)
 Industrialization, urbanization and changes in food habits
Economics in the choice of food

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 11 -
Competence area 1: Professional, Legal and Ethical Nursing Practice (Cont’d)
Item Topics
1B. Professional Nursing Practice 712
1B.1. The Nursing Profession (4)

 History of nursing
 Definition of nursing
 Philosophy of nursing
 Nursing theories and models
 Roles of the nurse
 Advanced practice
 Legal and ethical issues (Please refer to Item 1C for details.)

1B.2. Basic Nursing for Safe Practice (Please refer to Appendix 2 for details)

I. The Nursing Process - A Problem Solving Approach (190)

II. Essential Nursing Techniques in Clinical Settings for Safe Practice: Parts I and
1. Provision of a safe and comfortable environment for care II)
2. Maintenance and promotion of occupational safety and health
3. Documentation and reporting of care
4. Helping the client to meet the basic needs of living
5. Assisting the client to undertake diagnostic procedures
6. Administration of medications
7. Principles of First Aid
8. Infection control

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 12 -
Competence area 1: Professional, Legal and Ethical Nursing Practice (Cont’d)
Item Topics
1B. Professional Nursing Practice (cont’d)

1B.2. Basic Nursing for Safe Practice (cont’d)

III. Principles and Practice of Nursing

1. Accident and Emergency (A&E) Nursing (4)
2. Peri-operative Nursing and Anaesthetic Nursing (8)
3. Medical and Surgical Nursing in relation to illness prevention and
health restoration of clients with alteration in various body system
functions across the life span (Please refer to Appendix 3 for details)

4. Rehabilitative Nursing (16)

5. Oncology Nursing and Palliative Care (16)
6. Paediatric and Adolescent Nursing (50)
7. Obstetric Nursing (40)
8. Gerontological Nursing (30)
9. Mental Health Nursing (40)
10. Public Health and Community nursing (40)
11. Communicable Diseases and Related Nursing (20)
12. Chinese Medicinal Nursing and Complementary and Alternative

(Please refer to Appendix 2 for the essential contents of individual topics.)

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 13 -
Competence area 1: Professional, Legal and Ethical Nursing Practice (Cont’d)
Item Topics
1C. Legal & Ethical Issues 40
1C.1. Legal Aspects Pertinent to Nursing Practice 1C.1 &
 Background information

1. Introduction to the Hong Kong Legal System

2. Sources of laws
3. Classification of laws
4. Law of Tort:
- assault, battery, false imprisonment, defamation and fraud

 Legal issues related to nursing practice

1. Duty of confidentiality
2. Integrity and accountability in relation to the client, public,
profession and employer
3. Vicarious liability
4. Consent:
 format and validity
 for children, the mentally abnormal, the elderly and the
5. Discharge against medical advice
6. Witness
7. Negligence
8. Liability
9. Trespass

 Legislation

1. The Nurses‟ Registration Ordinance, Cap 164

2. Mental Health Ordinance related to daily practice
3. Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance
4. Bribery Ordinance and the ICAC
5. Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance
6. Hospital By-laws

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 14 -
Competence area 1: Professional, Legal and Ethical Nursing Practice (Cont’d)
Item Topics
C. Legal & Ethical Issues(cont’d)

1C.2. Ethical Issues:

 Professional Conduct and Principles of Nursing Ethics

1. Characteristics of a profession
2. Personal value, social value and professional value
3. Autonomy
4. Equity
5. Informed consent
6. Beneficence, non-benevolence
7. Do no harm

 Professional Conduct and Contemporary Ethical Issues

1. Code of Practice: International Council of Nurses

2. Code of Professional Conduct and Professional Ethics: Nursing
Council of Hong Kong
3. Withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment
4. Organ donation and transplantation
5. Clinical research
6. Client advocacy

 Principles of Safe Practice

1. Risk prevention and management

 Complaint management
 Occupational Safety and Health
2. Evidence-based practice
3. Standard procedures and protocols

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 15 -
Competence area 1: Professional, Legal and Ethical Nursing Practice (Cont’d)
Item Topics
1D. Communication 20

1D.1. Communication Theories and Application

 Basic communication theories

 Therapeutic communication
 Effective communication and interpersonal relationship
 Communication with health care team members and health care
 Negotiation skills

1D.2. Interviewing and Counseling

 Principles of interviewing and counseling

 Interviewing and counseling skills
 Interviewing and counseling in health care settings

1E. Rights and Responsibilities of the Individual (Included in

1A.2 & 1C.I)
 Rights and responsibilities as a:
 person
 citizen
 patient (Patient‟s Charter)

1F. Information Technology in Nursing and Health Care 20

1F.1. Introduction to Information Technology (IT)

1F.2. Application of IT in Nursing and Health Care

 Introduction to tele-health care

 Concepts of e-learning in nursing and health care
 Application of IT in nursing research
 Application of IT in health care settings
 Intellectual property

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 16 -
Competence area 2: Health Promotion and Health Education
Item Topics
2A. Education Theories and Methods 10

Teaching and Learning

 Definition of teaching and learning

 Types and domains of learning
 Teaching strategies and use of teaching aids
 The teaching and learning process
 Principles of effective teaching and learning
 Strategies for teaching and learning in clinical situations
 Evaluation of teaching

2B. Concepts of Health, Health Education and Health Promotion 40

2B.1. Concepts of Health and Health Care Delivery Systems

 Concepts of health and illness, socio-cultural factors

 The health care delivery systems, local and world-wide
 Primary health care

2B.2. Health Education and Health Promotion

 Determinants of health: individual and population

 Epidemiology of health and illness
 Evolution of health education and health promotion
 Models of health education and health promotion
 Strategies for health education and health promotion
 Health education and health promotion in nursing practice: individual,
families, groups and community

2B.3. Contemporary Issues in Health Education and Health Promotion

 Health promotion policies
 Healthy lifestyles, community empowerment and partnership
 Health economics and health care reform

2C. Communication Included in

(Please refer to communication theories and skills in Competence
Area 1, 1D.)
2D. Rights and Responsibilities of the Individual Included in
(Please refer to the related knowledge as specified in Competence
Area 1, 1E.)

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 17 -
Competence area 3: Management and Leadership
Item Topics
3A. Management 20

Introduction to Management Theories, Skills and Application

 Management: theories and process

 Resources management: manpower, finance and time
 Crisis management
 Risk management
 Quality management
 Change management
 Nurse as a client care manager and unit manager

3B. Leadership 5

Leadership in Nursing and Health Care

 Leadership theories
 Team building and group dynamics
 Motivation and influencing skills
 Problem solving and decision making skills

(Integration of theories of communication, interpersonal skills and education

as specified in Competence Area 1D and 2A.)

3C. Health Care Policies 15

3C.1. Health Care Systems and Trends

(Integration of knowledge as specified in Competence Area 2, 2B.1 and

3C.2. Health Care Policies Making

 Theories and process

 Health economics
 Health services innovations in response to changing social and health
care needs in Hong Kong
 The impact of changing health services development on nursing
 Politics and power in health care policy making
 Advocacy in nursing
 Health informatics

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 18 -
Competence area 4: Research
Item Topics
4A. Basic Knowledge in Conducting Research in Health Care Settings 40

 Introduction to the process of research

1. Research questions
2. Literature review
3. Research design
4. Ethical issues
5. Data collection
6. Data analysis
7. Dissemination of research findings

4B. Appraising and Utilizing Research Findings

 Components of a research critique

 Integrating research and practice
 Strategies in research utilization
 Evidence-based practice

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 19 -
Competence area 5: Personal Effectiveness and Professional Development
Item Topics
5A. Personal Effectiveness (Included in
Knowledge of Self, Environment, Stress Coping and Adaptation to Change

 Personal qualities and attitudes of the nurse

 Development of positive self-concept, attitudes, values and beliefs
 Self-awareness and value clarification
 Adaptation to change
 Stress and coping strategies

5B. Professional Development 2

Knowledge of Professional Organizations and Advanced Learning


 Introduction to professional organizations related to nursing

1. Nursing Council of Hong Kong

2. Local nursing organizations
3. Major local, national and international health and nursing
4. Major medical, health and social services in Hong Kong

 Introduction to various nursing specialties and opportunities for

continuing education
 Career planning and development

5C. Establishing and Maintaining Nursing as a Profession 6

Achieving Professionalism

 Characteristics of a profession
 Political acumen
 Establishing nursing as a valued profession in society:
 Developing a competent and confident professional image
 Quality service
 Social involvement
 Professional coalition
 Promulgation of professional excellence
 Evidence-based practice

(Integration of knowledge as specified in Competence Area 1, 1C.2.)

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 20 -
Appendix 2


Item Topics
I. The nursing process – a problem solving approach in nursing (2)
1. Assessment:
Comprehensive health assessment of:
 the individual:
- Physical aspects
- Psychosocial aspects
- Spiritual aspects
 the family
 community

2. Planning

3. Implementation

4. Evaluation

II. Essential nursing techniques in clinical settings for safe practice

1. Ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for care (16)
1.1. Ward/clinical unit (Covering
 Organization of the ward/unit activities Topics No. 1,
 Provision of a safe and comfortable physical environment 2 and 3)
- Preparation and maintenance of clinical necessities:
- The bed/cot unit
- Equipments, linens and clinical supplies
- Medical gas and chemical substances
- Food and drugs

1.2. Infection control:

 Concepts of infectious agents, infection risks, and
nosocomial infection
 Principles of infection control
 Infection control in relation to nursing practice
 Infection control policies and practices:
- Medical and surgical asepsis
- Isolation precautions
- Handling of clinical wastes
 The use of common antiseptics and disinfectants
 Wound care and dressing techniques

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 21 -
Item Topics
II. Essential nursing techniques in clinical settings for safe practice (Cont’d)
2. Maintenance and promotion of occupational safety and health
2.1. Risk assessment and management

2.2. Body mechanics and prevention of back injuries

2.3. Measures to prevent accidents and injuries in clinical settings

3. Documentation and reporting of care

3.1. Purposes

3.2. Types of records

3.3. Principles and methods

4. Helping the client meet the basic needs of living (147)

4.1. Meeting safety needs
 Care of clients requiring special protection and care:
the unconscious, the very ill, the delirious/restless and the
 The use of safety devices
 Suicide precautions

4.2. Meeting psychosocial needs in the following situations:

 Hospitalization
 Stages of illness
 Fear, anxiety and depression
 Self-concept disturbance

4.3. Maintaining body temperature

 Methods of reducing/raising body temperature
 Care of the febrile and the hypothermic clients
4.4. Promoting hygiene
 Personal hygiene
 Comfort and cleanliness
 Maintaining skin integrity
 Care of infested hair
4.5. Promoting rest and sleep
 The nature of sleep and the sleep cycle
 Sleep disorders
 Techniques in promoting rest and sleep
 Sleeping aids
4.6. Facilitating relief from pain
 Theories of pain and pain transmission
 Types of pain
 Assessment of pain
 Modulation of pain

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
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Item Topics
II. Essential nursing techniques in clinical settings for safe practice (Cont’d)
4.7. Meeting respiratory needs
 Methods to maintain airway patency
- insertion of airway
- use of suction apparatus
 Basic respiratory therapeutic measures
- methods to administer oxygen
- inhalations
 Assisting the client to perform
- breathing and coughing exercise
- postural drainage

4.8. Meeting mobility needs

 Causes of immobility and bed confinement
 Responses of the body to immobility
 Prevention of complications of immobility and bed
 The use of ambulatory devices and care of the ambulant client
 Moving and lifting clients with/without mobility devices:
- in bed
- between bed and trolley/chair/wheel chair
 Principles of physiotherapy
 Principles of occupational therapy

4.9. Meeting fluid and nutritional needs

 Factors that influence food and fluid intake, dietary patterns
and nutritional status
 Methods to assess a person‟s nutritional status, dietary and
fluid intake
 Meeting special nutritional needs associated with each stage
of the life cycle
 Methods of maintaining fluid and nutritional balance:
- regulating oral fluid intake
- administering intravenous therapy
- administering intravenous infusion/hyperalimentation /
blood transfusion
- recording intake and output
- preparing and serving food
- feeding dependent persons, infants, the physically
handicapped, the older adults
- administering enteral/tube feeding

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
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Item Topics
II. Essential nursing techniques in clinical settings for safe practice (Cont’d)
4.10. Meeting bowel elimination needs
 Normal bowel patterns
 Factors affecting bowel elimination
 Identifying bowel elimination problems
 Maintaining a regular pattern of bowel elimination
 Observation of stools and collection of specimens
 Assisting the client in using devices for bowel elimination:
- use of commodes/sani-chairs
- giving and removing bedpans
 Nursing interventions in managing: constipation, impaction,
- inserting suppositories
- giving enemas and rectal washouts
 Care of the client with diarrhoea
 Care of the client with bowel incontinence

4.11. Meeting urinary elimination needs

 Factors affecting urinary elimination
 Problems with urinary elimination
 Characteristics of urine
 Collection of urine specimens
 Urinalysis
 Promoting continence
 Care of incontinent clients
 Altered urinary elimination: retention and incontinence
- catheterization: male and female
- care of the client with an indwelling catheter
- care of the client with bladder drainage

4.12. Promoting sexual health

 Sexuality and the client‟s health status
4.13. Promoting spiritual health
 Spiritual needs
 Concepts of spirituality and spiritual care
 Nurses‟ role in spiritual care
4.14. Helping clients cope with loss and grief, death and dying
 Concepts of loss and grief
 Theories related to death, dying, grief and grieving
 Care of the dying and the grieving family
 Last offices

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
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Item Topics
II. Essential nursing techniques in clinical settings for safe practice (Cont’d)
5. Assisting the client to undertake diagnostic procedures (25)
5.1 Nursing responsibilities before, during and after physical (Covering
examination and diagnostic procedures including: Topics No.
 Imaging procedures 5, 6,and 7)
- plain x-ray examinations
- X-ray examinations using contrast media
- X-ray examinations using radioactive materials
- ultrasonography
- scanning
- magnetic resonance imaging
- pulmonary function studies
 Endoscopic examinations
 Diagnostic procedures for laboratory studies:
- tissue biopsies
- lumbar puncture
- aspirations of cavities
- endocrine activity tests
- collection of specimens
 Electrographic diagnostic studies:
- electrocardiogram
- electroencephalogram
- electromyogram

6. Administration of medications
 Principles
 Terminology and calculation in drug therapy
 Rules and safety measures
 Routes, methods and techniques
 The ordering, storage, custody, and recording of controlled
drugs according to related drug control ordinances
 Responsibilities of the nurse and other members of the
health care team in relation to medications
 The rights and responsibilities of the client in relation to
taking medications

7. Principles of First Aid

7.1. Introduction:
 Aims of first aid
 First aid management principles
 Casualty assessment
 Methods of moving and carrying injured persons
 The use of different types of bandage and splints
 Improvisation of equipment and utilization of available

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
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Item Topics
II. Essential nursing techniques in clinical settings for safe practice (Cont’d)
7.2. Fist aid management of various conditions:
 Trauma care –
- wounds
- haemorrhage
- shock
 Burns and scalds
 Heat/cold injuries
 Musculoskeletal injuries
- sprains
- strains
- dislocations
- fractures
 Unconsciousness
- loss of consciousness
- fits and convulsions
 Bites and stings
 Foreign bodies
 Choking
 Asphyxia
 Drowning
 Poisoning

7.3. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

 Basic life support for adults, children and infants

III. Principles and Practice of Nursing

1. Accident and Emergency (A&E) Nursing (4)
 Principles
 The roles and functions of the triage nurse
 Managing client care in the A&E department

2. Peri-operative Nursing and Anaesthetic Nursing (8)

 Psycho-social and physiological impact of surgery
 General pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative care
 Prevention of post-operative complications
 Principles of anaesthesia and related care
 Roles and responsibilities of the nurse in the operating theatre (OT)

3. Medical and Surgical Nursing in relation to illness prevention and (214)

health restoration of clients with alteration in various body system
 Common disorders and their etiologies
 Prevalence and incidence of illness
 Special investigations and therapeutic modalities
 Assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating preventive/
promotive/curative/rehabilitative care

(Please refer to Appendix 3 for details.)

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 26 -
Item Topics
III. Principles and Practice of Nursing (Cont’d)
4. Rehabilitative Nursing (16)
 Principles of rehabilitative care
 Comprehensive assessment
 Family-centered care and community care
 Multi-disciplinary approach in rehabilitative care
 Community resources for rehabilitative care
 Applied rehabilitative care for clients with special needs
 Discharge planning

5. Oncology Nursing and Palliative Care (16)

 Principles of oncology nursing
 Principles of palliative care
 Care of clients with cancer and their families
 Legal and ethical issues related to oncology nursing and hospice

6. Paediatric and Adolescent Nursing (50)

 Theories of growth and development
 Principles of paediatric and adolescent nursing
 Health assessment in children and adolescents
 Paediatric and adolescent nutrition
 Nursing care and management of neonates infants, children and
 Preventing accidents at home
 Children‟s rights
 Child abuse and the related roles of the nurse
 Play therapy

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
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Item Topics
III. Principles and Practice of Nursing (Cont’d)
7. Obstetric Nursing (40)
 Applied anatomy and physiology
 Normal pregnancy
 Minor disorders of pregnancy
 Antenatal care
 Stages of normal labour
 Intrapartum care
 Postnatal care and family planning
 Care of the newborn
 Common complications of pregnancy, labour and puerperium
 Introduction to obstetric emergencies
 Roles and responsibilities of the midwife

8. Gerontological Nursing (30)

 Theories related to gerontological nursing
- Theories of aging
- The normal aging process
- Epidemiology of aging
- Philosophy of gerontological nursing and scope of care
 Promoting health and wellness of the elderly people
- Comprehensive health assessment
- Common physical, social and mental health problems and their
- Communicating with elderly people
- Meeting activities of daily living needs and psychosocial needs
- Health education and health promotion
- Rehabilitation
 Issues in gerontological care
- Family-centered care and community care
- Multi-disciplinary approach
- Health and social services for the elderly people
- Legal and ethical implications

9. Mental Health Nursing (40)

 Principles of mental health nursing
 Roles and responsibilities of the mental health nurse
 Common mental disorders
- Classification
- Causes
- Signs and symptoms
 Nursing care and management of patients across the life span with
mental health problems
 Psychological and mental status and assessments
 Treatment and uses of psychotropic drugs
 Rehabilitation of clients with mental health problems
 Community care
 Structure of the mental health services in Hong Kong
 Legal and ethical issues related to mental health nursing, including

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
- 28 -
the Mental Health Ordinance
Item Topics
III. Principles and Practice of Nursing (Cont’d)
10. Public Health and Community Nursing (40)
 Principles of community nursing
 Comprehensive assessment
 Planning and preparing for home visits and nursing care
 Home care nursing and management of specific conditions at home
 Emotional problems and stress in the home
 Co-ordination of other medical, health and social services in
meeting the needs of the client and family
 Client and family education
 Community support and network, nurse-led clinics

11. Communicable Diseases and Related Nursing (20)

 Principles of nursing care and management of the client with
communicable diseases

12. Chinese Medicinal Nursing and Complementary and Alternative (40)

12.1 Chinese Medicinal Nursing
 Health concepts of Chinese medicine
 Basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine
- Yin and Yang
- The Five Vital Primary Elements
- Internal organs and functions
- Meridians
 Introduction to modern Chinese medicine
 Diagnostic and therapeutic methods
 Basic concepts about Chinese herbs and medications
 Scopes and principles of Chinese Medicinal Nursing

12.2 Complementary and Alternative Medicine

 Characteristics of complementary and alternative medicine
 Introduction to some common contemporary therapy systems and

Figures in bold and italics are the total hours for the subject, and those in brackets are the breakdown of hours for reference only
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Appendix 3
Outline of topics and related contents under major body systems
(Content items are not exhaustive and should be reviewed from time to time)

Contemporary therapeutic
Body systems Special investigations Therapeutic measures Common disorders agents & nursing implications
1. Alimentary Imaging .procedures Procedures Oral cavity  Antacids
 Plain X-ray examinations  Enteral feeding and parenteral  Cleft lips and cleft palate  Gastro-intestinal regulators
 X-ray examinations using contrast nutrition  Neoplasm of the tongue  Anti-ulcerants
medium  Nasogastric tube feeding  Dental problems  Anti-cholinergic agents
 Ultrasonography  Gastrostomy feeding  Common oral infections  Emetics
 Scanning  Total parenteral nutrition  Anti-emetics
 Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI)  Nasogastric tube intubation Esophagus  Pancreatic enzymes
 Gastric larvage  Foreign body  Bile salts
Endoscopic examinations  Abdominal paracentesis  Oesophageal varices  Purgatives
 Esophagoscopy  Sengstaken tube intubation  Neoplasms  Anti-diarrhoeal agents
 Gastroduodenoscopy  Sitz bath  Anti-helmintics
 Colonoscopy Stomach and duodenum  Topical rectal medications
 Sigmoidoscopy, protoscopy Medical management  Gastritis
 Endoscopic retrograde  Pyloric stenosis
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Surgical management  Peptic ulcer
 Duodenal ulcer
Blood tests Nursing management  Neoplasms
 Liver function tests (LFT)
 Electrolytes Intestines
 Complete blood count (CBC)  Intestinal obstruction
 Serum amylase  Appendicitis
 Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)  Hernia
 Haemorrhoid
Biopsy  Abscess and fistula
 Liver biopsy  Diverticulitis
 Crohn‟s disease
Other laboratory studies  Ulcerative colitis
 Gastric analysis  Neoplasms
 Stool and vomitus examination (To be continued on next page)
 Breath test

- 30 -
Contemporary therapeutic
Body systems Special investigations Therapeutic measures Common disorders agents & nursing implications
1. Alimentary (Cont’d) Accessory organs
 Cholangitis
 Gallstones
 Jaundice
 Hepatitis
 Cirrhosis of liver
 Carcinoma of liver
 Hepatic failure
 Hepatic coma
 Pancreatitis
 Neoplasms

 Peritonitis
 Food poisoning
 Malabsorption syndrome
 Hiatas hernia
 Worm infestation
 Enteric infections:
 Typhoid
 Cholera
 Dysentery

- 31 -
Contemporary therapeutic
Body systems Special investigations Therapeutic measures Common disorders agents & nursing implications
2. Cardiovascular & Imaging procedures Procedures Cardiac conditions  Cardiac glycoside
Lymphatic  Plain X-ray examination  Cardiac pacing  Congenital heart diseases  Cardiac stimulants
 X-ray examination using contrast  Pericardiocentesis  Cardiac dysrhythmia  Anti-angina agents
medium  Cardio-interventional therapy  Coronary heart disease  Anti-arrhythmic agents
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)  Advanced cardiac life support  Valvular heart disease  Anti-thrombotic agents
 Carditis  Anti-hypertensive agents
Electrographic diagnostic procedures Medical management  Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart  Vasodilators
 Electrocardiogram disease  Vasoconstrictors
Surgical management  Heart failure  Hypolipidemic agents
Blood tests  Cardiac arrest
 Complete blood count (CBC)
Nursing management
 Cardiac enzymes Vascular conditions:
 Serum electrolytes  Hypertension
 Serum lipids  Varicose veins
 Coagulation test  Peripheral vascular disease
 Blood glucose  Aneurysm
 Thrombosis and embolism
Biopsy  Arteriosclerosis
 Lymph node biopsy  Atheroclerosis
 Lymphangiography  Arterio-venous malformation
 Phlebotomy
 Cardiac catheterization Lymphatic disorders
 Exercise stress test  Hodgkins disease
 Echocardiogram  Lymphadenitis
 Lymphomas
3. Haematological Blood tests Procedures  Anaemias  Iron preparations
 Complete blood count (CBC)  Blood product transfusion  Leukaemias  Haematinics
 Total differential count  Marrow transplant  Haemorrhagic conditions  Anticoagulants
 Coagulation studies  Autoimmune diseases  Clotting agents &
 Peripheral blood smear Medical management  Human Immunodeficiency Virus haemostatics
(HIV) infection  Fibrinolytic agents
Biopsy Surgical management  Malaria
 Bone marrow biopsy
Nursing management

- 32 -
Contemporary therapeutic
Body systems Special investigations Therapeutic measures Common disorders agents & nursing implications
4. Dermatological Blood test Procedures Eczema  Topical & protective agents
 Local applications  Contact dermatitis  Keratolytics and cleansers
Skin biopsy  Cauterization  Atopic eczema  Anti-bacterials
 Skin grafting  Anti-fungals
Skin scrapping Bacterial infection  Anti-parasitics
Medical management  Impetigo  Corticosteriods
Sensitivity test  Folliculitis  Anti-histamines
Surgical management  Hansen‟s disease

Nursing management Fungal infections

 Tinea infections
 Candidiasis

Viral infections
 Herpes
 Warts

Parasitic infestations
 Scabies
 Pediculosis



Skin cancers and neoplasms

Burns and scalds

- 33 -
Contemporary therapeutic
Body systems Special investigations Therapeutic measures Common disorders agents & nursing implications
5. Endocrine Imaging procedures Diabetic diet Pituitary gland  Systemic corticosteriods
 Gigantism/ acromegaly  Anabolic steroids
Blood test Insulin therapy  Simmond‟s disease  Insulin preparations
 Thyroid function test  Diabetes insipidus  Insulin antagonists
 Adrenal function test Medical management  Neoplasms  Hypoglycaemic agents
 Pancreatic function test  Dwarfism  Thyroid hormones
 Pituitary function test Surgical management  Anti-thyroid drugs
Thyroid gland  Androgens
Biopsy Nursing management  Congenital abnormalities  Oestrogens
 Hyperthyroidism (Cretinism,  Progesterones
myoxedema)  Pituitary hormones
 Goiters
 Hypothyroidism
 Neoplasms

Parathyroid gland
 Hyperparathyroidism
 Hypoparathyroidism

 Diabetes mellitus
 Cancers

Adrenal gland
 Cushing‟s syndrome
 Addison‟s disease
 Pheochromocytoma

- 34 -
Contemporary therapeutic
Body systems Special investigations Therapeutic measures Common disorders agents & nursing implications
6. Genito-urinary Imaging procedures Procedures Kidney and bladder  Diuretics
(including the male  X-ray Kidney, Ureter & Bladder (KUB)  Bladder irrigations  Glomerulonephritis  Urinary alkalinizing agents
 Intravenous Urography (IVU)  Peritoneal dialysis  Nephritic syndrome  Parasympathominetics
reproductive system)
 Ultrasonographs  Continuous ambulatory peritoneal  Renal failure  Anti-spasmodic agents
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) dialysis  Traumatic conditions  Phosphate binding agents
 Computerized Tomography (CT)  Haemodialysis  Pyelonephritis  Ion-exchange resin
 Endoscopic procedures  Tuberculosis  Urinary tract analgesics
Endoscopic examinations  Lithrotripsy  Polycystic kidney  Urinary antiseptics
 Cystoscopy  Cystitis
 Ureteroscopy Medical management  Urinary Tract Infection
 Nephroscopy  Calculi
Surgical management  Neoplasm
Blood test
 Chemistry Nursing management Prostate
 Haematology  Benign prostatic hypertrophy
 Neoplasm
Urine tests
 Routine urinalysis External genitalia
 Bacteriological studies  Hydrocele and varicoele
 Cytological studies  Phimosis
 Clearance studies  Hypospadias

Urodynamic studies Sexually transmitted diseases


- 35 -
Contemporary therapeutic
Body systems Special investigations Therapeutic measures Common disorders agents & nursing implications
7. Musculo-skeletal Imaging procedures Procedures Infection  Analgesics
 Plain x-ray  Manipulation  Osteomyelitis  Anti-inflammatory agents
 X-ray examination using contrast  Tractions  Pyogenic arthritis  Muscle relaxants
medium  Splintage  Tuberculosis spondylitis  Anti-gout agents
 Scanning  Gangrene  Anti-rheumatic agents
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physiotherapy  Anti-ulcerants
Chronic Non-infectiveConditions
Electrographic diagnostic procedures Occupational therapy  Osteoarthritis
 Electromyography  Rheumatoid arthritis
Medical Management  Gouty arthritis
Blood tests  Ankylosing spondylitis
Surgical management
Endoscopic examination Trauma
 Arthroscopy Nursing management  Fractures
 Dislocations
Joint aspiration  Strain &, sprains

Muscle & synovial capsule biopsy Metabolic Diseases

 Osteoporosis
 Osteomalacia


Congenital & developmental disorders

Degenerative conditions

- 36 -
Contemporary therapeutic
Body systems Special investigations Therapeutic measures Common disorders agents & nursing implications
8. Neurological Imaging procedures Speech therapy Infection  Anaesthetics (general & local)
 Plain x-ray  Meningitis  Analgesics
 X-ray examination using contrast Medium Physiotherapy  Encephalitis  Sedatives
 Scanning  Brain abscess  Hypnotics
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Occupational therapy  Rabies  Tranquilizers
 Ultrasonography  Tetanus  Antidepressants
Medical management  Poliomyelitis  Anticonvulsants
Electrographic diagnostic procedures  Stimulants
 Electroencephalography Surgical management Trauma  Adrenergic agents
 Electromyography  Head injuries  Parasympathomimetics
Nursing management  Spinal cord and spinal nerve injuries  Anticholinergics
Blood tests  Agents for Parkinson‟s Disease
Toxic conditions  Neuromuscular blocking agents
Biopsy  Alcoholism and other muscle relaxants
 Drug intoxication
Neurological assessments
Cerebral vascular conditions
Sleep studies  Cerebral vascular accidents
 Transient ischaemic attacks
 Cerebral aneurysm and arterio-venous

Congenital & developmental disorders

 Hydrocephalus
 Spina bifida

Degenerative conditions
 Parkinson‟s Disease
 Alzheimer‟s Disease
 Multiple Sclerosis
 Myasthenia Gravis


Seizure disorders

 Disturbance of speech and consciousness
 Paralysis
 Sleep disorders
 Migraine
 Cranial nerve disorders

- 37 -
Contemporary therapeutic
Body systems Special investigations Therapeutic measures Common disorders agents & nursing implications
9. Ophthalmic Imaging procedures Procedures  Inflammatory and infective  Miotic drops
 Radiological studies  Hot / cold application conditions  Mydriatric drops
 Eye swabbing and irrigation  Refractive errors  Cycloplegic drops
Electrographic diagnosis procedures  Instillation of eye drops  Retinal detachment  Local anaesthetics
 Electro-retinography  Application of eye ointment  Cataract  Topical anti-infective agents
 Cutting of eye lashes  Glaucoma  Topical non-steroidal
Blood tests  Application of eye patch  Squint anti-inflammatory agents
 Eye injuries  Topical corticosteroids
Ophthalmic examination Medical management  Macular degeneration
 External
 Internal Surgical management

Vision tests Nursing management

 Visual acuity
 Visual field
 Colour vision

Laboratory tests

10. Oto-rhino Imaging examination Procedures Ear disorders  Analgesics and anaesthetic
 Plain X-ray  Irrigation of ear / nose  Inflammatory and infective disorders agents
-laryngological  Foreign bodies
 Scanning  Instillation of ear/ nose drops  Anti-inflammatory agents
 Injuries
 Antral puncture and washout  Anti-infective agents
 Neoplasms
Endoscopic examinations  Nasal packing  Corticosteriods
 Hearing impairment
 Spraying of throat  Menniere‟s disease  Wax softeners
Hearing tests  Ear syringing  Nasal decongestanants
Nasal disorder
Balance tests Radiotherapy  Inflammatory and infective disorders
 Foreign bodies
Laboratory tests Medical management  Injuries
 Neoplasms
 Epistaxis
Biopsy Surgical management
 Sinusitis

Examination of the ear/ nose/ throat Nursing management Throat conditions

 Foreign bodies
 Inflammation
 Neoplasms

- 38 -
Contemporary therapeutic
Body systems Special investigations Therapeutic measures Common disorders agents & nursing implications
11. Reproductive Imaging examinations Procedures Congenital conditions  Anti-infective agents
 Plain X-ray  Vaginal pessaries  Anti-inflammatory agents
 Magnetic resonance imaging Physiological disorders  Hormonal agents
 Mammography Medical management  Menstrual disorders
 Ultrasonography  Displacement of uterus and vagina
Surgical management  Infertility and subfertility
Endoscopic examinations  Endometriosis
Nursing management
Laboratory tests Inflammatory and infective conditions:
 Blood tests  Vulvitis
 Vaginitis
Biopsy and smears  Pelvic infection
 Mastitis

Abnormal pregnancy:
 Abortion
 Ectopic pregnancy
 Molar pregnancy

Vulva, cervix, uterus, ovary and breasts

12. Respiratory Imaging examinations Procedures Inflammatory and infective conditions  Cough suppressants
 Plain X-ray  Oxygen therapy  Pulmonary tuberculosis  Expectorants
 Scanning  Nebulization  Pneumonia  Mucolytics
 Under-water seal chest drainage  Upper respiratory tract infection  Decongestants
Endoscopic examinations  Mechanical ventilation  Severe acute respiratory syndrome  Anti-infective agents
 Broncoscopy (SARS)  Anti-allergic agents
Tracheostomy  Bronchodilators
Biopsy Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases  Corticosteroids
Laboratory tests Asthma
Medical management
Blood tests Trauma and injury
Surgical management
Thoracentesis Neoplasms
Nursing management
Others Occupational lung diseases
 Pulmonary function tests
 Allergy tests Respiratory failure
 Nasopharyngeal aspiration

- 39 -
Appendix 4
Guidelines on Exemption of Requirement on Theoretical Hour for Registered Nurse (General) training

RN(G) Hour for
RN(G) Syllabus (topic) Exemption
Syllabus RN(G)
1A.1 Human Anatomy and Human Physiology 180 82
1A.2 Sociology of Health 40 12
1A.3 Applied Psychology 40 12
1A.4 Fundamental Pharmacology 20 6
1A.5 Microbiology 30 9
1A.6 Nutrition and Dietetics 10 3
1B.1 The Nursing Profession 4 4
The nursing progress - a problem solving approach in
1B.2I 2 2
Essential nursing techniques in clinical settings for safe practice -
1B.2II(1) Ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for care 16 2
(Ward/clinical unit)

Essential nursing techniques in clinical settings for safe practice -

Maintenance and promotion of occupational safety and health;
1B.2II(2-4) 147 147
Documentation and reporting of care; Helping the client meet the
basic need of living

Essential nursing techniques in clinical settings for safe practice -

1B.2II(5-7) 25 8
(Principles of First Aid)
Principles and Practice of Nursing –
1B.2III(4) 16 12
Rehabilitative Nursing
Principles and Practice of Nursing –
1B.2III(10) 40 9
Public Health and Community Nursing
Principles and Practice of Nursing –
1B.2III(12) Chinese Medicinal Nursing and Complementary and Alternative 40 20
1C.(1-2) Legal and Ethical Issues 40 12
1D Communication 20 6
1F Information Technology in Nursing and Health Care 20 6
2A Education Theories and Methods 10 3
Concepts of Health, Health Education and Health
2B 40 12
3C Health Care Policies 15 4
5B Professional Development 2 2
5C Establishing and Maintaining Nursing as a Profession 6 2

 The End 

- 40 -

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