J462 Reporting II Spring 2021 Syllabus v1

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J462: Reporting II

School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon

Winter 2021

Instructor:          Damian Radcliffe, Carolyn S. Chambers Professor in Journalism, Professor of Practice

Office hours: 10am-11am Tuesday, 8pm-9pm on Thursday. Virtual meetings (obviously).

Other times by appointment.
Email: damianr@uoregon.edu
Telephone: 541-346-7643 (voicemail). SMS/Text 541-972-5531 from 9am-9pm PST.
You can also email or DM me on Twitter @damianradcliffe

Class Hours: This class is asynchronous.

Course Description
Reporting II is a compulsory, discussion based, course with some core components:

1. An issues assignment
2. A public records assignment
3. Portfolio development

Within this, and outside of it, there is a lot of scope for you to develop your own areas of expertise
based on the subject areas – and content mediums – that you want to specialize in, building on the
work you have already done at the SOJC.

I know some of you are only taking this because you have to. And I know that all of you would prefer
to be taking this class face-to-face. I would prefer that too.

Even though this is a compulsory class, I will tailor it as much as possible to support each of you as
individuals. Whatever the areas of journalism you want to work in, the themes and ideas explored in
this class will be essential to becoming a better reporter and journalist

To help you do this, we will focus on a broad spectrum of different types of reporting, how this is
changing and evolving, and the skills that modern journalists need to succeed.

Grounded in current practice, this class will give you the opportunity to be able to demonstrate your
reporting skills through new work, showcasing your “greatest hits” and being able to talk confidently
about the practice of journalism today through your contemporary knowledge of the industry.

At the heart of this will be an understanding of the rudiments of public affairs and community
reporting. These areas underpin much of the journalistic profession, with skills and knowledge which
transfer to all beats. Developing these journalistic muscles will therefore make you a better journalist,
photographer, editor and storyteller.

I am looking forward to working you and seeing you grow as a journalist in the coming term.

Course Format
COVID-19 and Teaching Online
I appreciate that the coronavirus continues to throw further curveballs into plans for this class and life in
general. I know you are all going through a lot, and that the shape of your time at the SOJC / UO is
currently very different from what you had expected. I know it's a deeply unsettling and confusing time.

Despite this, I know that we are all committed to making this class a success and that we will still lots. We
will have fun while doing it too. Promise!

Also remember that the challenges you face producing work remotely are being encountered by industry
professionals around the world. The skills you will demonstrate in this class – resilience, creating high
quality journalism often while on lockdown and (definitely while) social distancing – will stand you in good
stead for when you graduate.

Against this backdrop, here’s some more information on how this class will work.

Non-Live classes

As you know, this class is 100% asynchronous. Here’s some notes on what to expect, I’ll also post an FAQ
to Canvas responding to your pre-term ideas and suggestions (and probably add this to the updated
syllabus later in the week/term).

Typically, each week will follow a consistent formula:

● I’ll post a Module to Canvas – and all the tasks for the week ahead – on Monday morning.

● Most assignments will be due at 11.59pm on Sunday night.

● Occasionally, an assignment for the week will come in two parts e.g. you contribute to a discussion
and then offer feedback on other people’s ideas.

○ If an Assignment has two parts, Part One will be due on Thursday night at 11.59pm.
○ Part Two on Sunday night at 11.59pm.

 Every week you’ll have a broad range of tasks to undertake, enabling you to develop – and
demonstrate - different skills. These will be grouped around:

- CREATING journalistic work

- UNDERSTANDING the practice and philosophy of journalism today
- PRACTICING your skills in an ungraded (complete/incomplete only) capacity
- UNDERSTANDING life after Allen Hall and what journalists do (w/Guest Speakers)
- DEVELOPING critical thinking skills about ideas, approaches and journalistic work
- REFLECTING on what we/you have learned and how your skills/knowledge is developing

 There will be live Office Hours, via Zoom, 10am-11am Tuesday, 8pm-9pm on Thursday.

 These may be 1-1, or Group Office hours e.g. if there’s a new assignment which you’re

on, I’ll open the room to everyone at the start – and record the conversation (I’ll flag these).
Otherwise, we’ll chat 1-1 in private.

● We’ll regularly check in to see if this is working for you. If it’s not, we’ll pivot accordingly.

Learning Outcomes
Although we are working 100% online together this term, these are unchanged from if this class had been
face-to-face. You will learn the same skills and knowledge, you will just deploy them differently.

Specifically this term, you will:

1. Produce an in-depth issue piece, reporting remotely (which is how many newsrooms work).

2. Understand how to use public records to find information. This is the bedrock of public affairs
and investigative reporting.

3. Develop your online footprint and portfolio, so that you have a professional digital presence.

4. Interact with UO alums working in the industry - in a variety of different roles - to hear about
their jobs, how to find a job etc.

5. Learn how to network - a vital skill which comes up time and again with guest speakers, but
seldom gets taught. You’ll put this into practice.

6. Learn to write more quickly + the real world skills/techniques to do that.

7. Understand key concepts/issues in terms of how journalism is changing and what that means for
you. We'll learn this through reading, hearing from to guests, and through group conversations.

8. Develop your ability to critique journalism - and what makes for good/bad reporting.

9. Learn how to work in a distributed newsroom setting – although we have no live classes, you’ll
still work together on a number of assignments and discussions, reflecting the way that
newsrooms work in the COVID era. (Great transferable skills!) You are working independently, but
that doesn’t mean you’re in this alone.

Professional Competencies
According to the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), all
accredited journalism schools in the USA should assess student mastery of 12 core values and
competencies. This class will touch on many of these.

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the history and role of professionals and institutions

in shaping communications; (Week 1/2: Discussions on Ethics, Journalistic Values)

2. Demonstrate an understanding of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and, as

appropriate, other forms of diversity in domestic society in relation to mass
communications; (Throughout.)

3. Demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of peoples and cultures and of the

significance and impact of mass communications in a global society. (Specific modules

looking at news coverage in Chicago, covering Native America, online misinformation and

4. Understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and information;

5. Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit

of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity; (All of your assignments will require this. We will also
discuss these topics via Canvas and with guest speakers)

6. Think critically, creatively and independently; (All of your assignments will require this.)

7. Conduct research and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the

communications professions in which they work; (Your original reporting and Paper Trail
assignments will require this.)

8. Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications
professions, audiences and purposes they serve; (All of your assignments will require this.)
9. Critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness,
clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness; (All of your assignments will
require this, especially your Rewrite assignment.)

10. Apply basic numerical and statistical concepts; (See Paper Trail + other assignments)

11. Apply tools and technologies (All assignments)

The only competencies that we are not really diving into in this class is: “understand and apply the
principles and laws of freedom of speech and press, for the country in which the institution that invites
ACEJMC is located, as well as receive instruction in and understand the range of systems of freedom of
expression around the world, including the right to dissent, to monitor and criticize power, and to
assemble and petition for redress of grievances.”

12 skills you can expect to learn and hone this term:

Put another way, here’s 12 practical skills you will learn in this class:

1. Where to look for a story

2. Producing an original story
3. Developing – and finding – sources for stories
4. Advanced interviewing skills
5. Advanced writing skills
6. Networking skills
7. Pitching skills
8. Practice at refining and revising your work (based on personal reflection and feedback)
9. How to find and use online public records
10. The ability to talk about changing concepts of journalism and the skills needed to do it
11. “Journalist as a brand” - the importance of portfolios and your digital footprint
12. Self-reflection

Learning Methods

These will include:

• Talks from me and guest lectures

• Conversations with guest speakers
• Discussions with me and your peers
• Online learning modules from leading industry providers
• Consuming – and critically evaluating – content
• Producing your own creative work
• Evaluating the work of others
• Reflecting on key lessons from class materials (e.g. on a group Google Doc)

Estimated student workload

Even though teaching for Winter 2021 is online, this does not impact on your expected time
commitment to this class.

Undergraduate Courses
Under the UO quarter system, each undergraduate credit reflects c.30 hours of student engagement.
Therefore, this 4-credit course is akin to approximately 120 hours total of student time.

Tasks will include: reading, identification of case studies, preparation of presentation materials and papers,
fieldwork (interviewing, creation of content) and portfolio development.

Some assignments, and work for this class, will run concurrently. You will need to manage your time
accordingly, to balance competing workloads from this class and others. Time management – which
includes juggling competing priorities – is a skill you will always need, both in school and after.

How this class works

Approach and Course Philosophy

Ideas, feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything I can
help with, or you want to know.

Use Office Hours, discussion boards and reach out early (i.e. not the night an assignment is due!) if things
are unclear.

Over 10 weeks you will undertake a wide range of individual and group tasks, designed to give you a strong
foundation in the skills journalists need in 2021 (and beyond).

The course purposefully explores a wide range of topics and skill areas, giving you a taster for different
types of journalism. You can further explore these areas in future terms, by taking more specialist

The class will also challenge you to be able to critically evaluate what makes for good reporting.

Being able to discuss the tenets of good journalism, different types of journalism and storytelling, as
well as having your own clips to show these skills and knowledge in action – all of which you will be able
to do by the end of term – are the foundation of successful job interviews.

This class does focus more on writing, but I hope you all understand that the ability to write – and to
do it well – is essential for all journalists and content creators, whatever your specialism. If you want to
create work using other mediums for this class – either as the key focus of a project, or as a part of it –
then I am very open to that. Just agree the approach with me in advance.

Even though we’ll be separated by physical distance, I am placing a premium on student interaction, and
want to make sure you understand the material and get the support you need.

To engage with your instructor, I encourage you to post any questions or comments in the Discussions tab
on Canvas. This forum is visible to everybody in the class, and that’s a good thing. If you have a question,
there’s a good chance a classmate is wondering about something similar. I will monitor the board and will
respond within 24 hours.

To meet face-to-face, I’ll be hosting our live office hours through Zoom. The appointments for the term will
be set up in advance, so you can see them by logging onto Canvas. I am happy to chat with you about
anything related to assignments, the material, reporting or the industry in general in this time.

If you plan to miss a scheduled, synchronous portion of class, please let me know in advance. I am open to
being flexible, but want to make sure you’re keeping up with your learning.

Technical Requirements

Canvas will be the primary portal for all communication this term.

Log into canvas.uoregon.edu using your DuckID to access all details relating to our class.

Here you will find announcements, discussion boards, rubrics and deadlines for assignments and modules
reminding you of the work which needs to be done each week.

If you have questions about accessing and using Canvas, visit the Canvas support page. Canvas and
Technology Support also is available by phone or live chat: Monday–Sunday | 6 a.m.–12 a.m. 541-346-
4357 | livehelp.uoregon.edu

If you face Internet access challenges, computer labs are open for students at the Eugene campus. Some
companies are offering free access during this challenging time. To learn more about options visit
Information Services’ web page on going remote.

Aside from Canvas for this class you will also need:

1. Zoom - this will be the primary way that you will participate in live classes. Please download this
prior to our first class and spend a bit of time getting familiar with how to use it. Here is an
overview from UO on how to do that.

2. Google Docs - we’ll use this tool for a number of assignments.

3. A Medium account - which will be the platform for some of your written (graded) work.
You don’t need a paid account, just the standard one: https://medium.com/


Every week there will be opportunities to engage with me and your peers through Canvas discussions. This
is an integral part of the class and of your development, as you bounce ideas of each other, build off one
another’s points of view, and in the process further develop your own thinking.

I’ll post a rubric for discussions later this week. But, my biggest expectation is that you take discussions
seriously and you recognize the value that they add to your learning and that of your peers.
Our classroom is an active learning space. It is an arena for the exchange of ideas and knowledge.

You should treat it like a newsroom and a production office. This means that you need to be comfortable
pitching ideas, receiving – and giving – feedback, and treating everyone in the room with due respect. It’s
our job to work together to enable everyone to deliver the best possible outputs from the course. Your
active participation is vital. And this is reflected in the grade structure for the term.

These will require original research, interviewing, analysis, discussion, reporting and writing.

Like all media professionals, you’ll find some tasks easier – and more enjoyable – than others. This will ebb
and flow throughout the term. That’s normal! Sometimes, ideas and concepts might take some getting
used to. Other times, they won’t. Plan your time, energy and resources accordingly.

Feedback and Rewrites

A number of assignments will include opportunities to rewrite and edit materials, following feedback from
me and/or your peers.

You will sit down (virtually) with me to review and discuss: a) your draft Big Issue story (which you will also
review with one of your peers, before meeting me), and b) your portfolio.

This reflects the reality of many newsrooms and will almost always result in your revised work being of a
higher standard. These exercises will help you to improve your skills and news sensibilities.

I believe that 1-1 discussions about your work is often more valuable than one-way written feedback.
These 1-1 sessions will typically last for 10-15 mins each. You will be expected to take notes during these
sessions; and to action – or at least consider – the recommendations given.

Depending on your feedback, I may also organize some small group feedback sessions too.

You can expect detailed feedback from me throughout the term in written, audio and video form.

Notes on Graded Assignments

You’ll be given a detailed brief, on Canvas and in class, for each assignment. This will include clear
directions of what’s expected and by when. I will also post a discussion board for each assignment on
Canvas. So, if anything is unclear, please ask there, so that everyone can see my response(s).

Assignments will require original research, analysis, reporting and writing. This may involve additional
reading, conversations/interviews, and information-gathering during different days and times. All of this
can be successfully done from home.

Grade/Percentage/Point ratios

▪ A 93-100 percent ▪ C 77-79 percent

▪ A- 90-92 percent ▪ C 73-76 percent
▪ B+ 87-89 percent ▪ C 70-72 percent
▪ B 83-86 percent ▪ D 60-69 percent
▪ B- 80-82 percent ▪ F 0-59 percent

Expectations and Standards:
▪ An A story is one that could be published with very minor editing. Or no editing at all.
▪ A B story is publishable, but it would need some fixes first.
▪ A C story would need major revisions to be published.
▪ A D story would not be published; it has significant flaws.
▪ An F story has one or more major fact errors, is plagiarized or is exceptionally late. Or
all three. Or it may simply have more significant flaws than a D story.

Journalists have to deliver work on time. Even during COVID. You’re a journalist, so that principle applies to
this class. That this class is asynchronous is not a justification for delivering unduly late work.

Moreover, it’s also unviable for me. Let me explain.

 There are 8 core assignments for this class x 18 students = That’s 144 assignments to grade.
 Each week there are a minimum of 4 smaller exercises, which I will also grade.
That means 4 assignments x 18 students x 10 weeks = 720 smaller assignments.

That’s nearly 900 responses / assignments that I will review and grade. The real figure will be higher.
Please respect my time and my ability to offer detailed feedback to everyone.

Do your best not to fall behind, by planning your time carefully. Each week has the same structure (more
or less) and the same deadlines (more or less) so you know what to expect.

Work for the week will always be posted on Monday morning, so you can plan for the week ahead.

Based on your pre-term suggestions, I will accept some work up to 5 days after the deadline.
Note this only applies to the major assignments – worth collectively 55% of your grade for the term -
issued from Week 2 onwards.

1. Q&A with classmate (5% of final grade)
2. Big Issue (20%)
3. Paper trail (10%)
4. About.Me (3%)
5. LinkedIn (5%)
6. Portfolio website (12%)

Thereafter, if you submit work late, you will be docked one full grade for every 24 hours past deadline.

Discussions, reflections, practice assignments are all low level tasks – although the points from them
quickly add up – these should all be delivered on time, so you do not fall behind.

If there’s a legitimate reason for this, we will – together – agree a revised date, provided you discuss it with
me first, and at the earliest possible point. That’s how I’d treat my Editors (and I still file a minimum of four
stories a month for different outlets), so I expect you to operate in the same way.

I’ll treat you the same way any Editor would. However, they will expect early communication in the event
of any problems. Treat me like you would your Editor/Commissioner.


- Writing (35%)

Reporting I / Gateway revision (10%)

You're going to be a better writer now than you were when you took Gateway or Reporting I, even if
Reporting I was last term! This assignment gives you a chance to prove that to yourself (and me)!

You will have one week to rewrite a previous piece of journalistic work from these classes (chat with
me if you want to do this for non-class work e.g. something from the Emerald, Ethos etc.).

Q&A (5%)
For this assignment, you're going to do a Q & A assignment on a classmate.  That means you'll connect
with the classmate, conduct an interview, record it and turn the interview into an article.

I’ll assign the pairs for this assignment at random. The piece is not a transcript of your conversation,
you’ll likely need to edit it for length and clarity, and the rubric will also provide essential guidelines for
the formatting of this story.

This assignment offers you the chance to get familiar with this format of storytelling, as well as offering
an opportunity to connect with one of your classmates.

“Big Issue” (20%)

This is your showcase feature for this class, exploring a topic/person/institution of your choice. As
such, it is worth 20% of your grade. You’ll pitch a couple of ideas to class – akin to pitching a story to an
Editor - and be commissioned to write the best one. Students will submit a draft, and then produce a
final rewrite based on my feedback.

Rewriting is an important part of the learning process. This includes the possibility of doing additional
reporting to improve your story. I am happy to give you an indicative grade for the draft, but only your
final submission will be graded.

For help with this assignment, you will be required to run a draft past the coaches at Writing Central.
You will also get input from me and your peers on a draft.

I’ve had examples of these stories published in the past. This should be your goal here too.

o One Home at a Time, Jade Stewart, Eugene Weekly, 08 August 2019

o Proposed Title IX guidelines: What might change, and what this might mean , Renata Geraldo,
The Daily Emerald,  13 May 2019

- Research And Online Records (10%)

Paper trail “sleuth” assignment (10%)

Working in groups of three, you will be required to conduct a public records and documents search of
a selected public official in Oregon. This involves using online public records, websites and other
sources to gather specific information about the public official.
Detective work like this is a core skill for most reporters, and is also applicable to multiple beats. You
will be surprised at how much information you can find online!

- Professional Portfolio (20%)

Having a strong online presence is vital for prospective employers; and represents a great opportunity
for you to showcase your personal brand - and work - online.

To encourage you to establish this presence online, this task will ensure that you have the following in
place by the end of term:

1. A personal portfolio website

2. A LinkedIn profile
3. An About.Me splash page - https://about.me/

- Principles and Philosophy of Journalistic Practice (10%)

I will assign reading/watching of content related to emerging areas of journalism, such as Solutions
Journalism, reporting on Native America, as well as important activities such as disinformation,
building trust and engagement.

In a few cases, you’ll undertake professional online courses provided by Google and First Draft to equip
you with an industry standard understanding of the skills you need to be a journalist today.

This will enable you to understand, communicate, and potentially deploy, some of these approaches
(in terms of skills, techniques and attitudes) in your work.

- Practice Tasks (10%)

Each of your modules will include a series of exercises, from speed writing exercises to pitching and
giving feedback, or doing something new – like an informational interview with a journalist.

Many of these things will be new to you. To enable you to try things out (including a license to learn
through mistakes), these smaller assignments aren’t usually graded.

Instead, you’ll receive a few points for simply turning in the assignment — or no points if you don’t.
But they definitely add up, so stay on top of things!

- Engagement (15%)

As mentioned at several points in this syllabus; our classroom - even an online one - is a newsroom.
This means that you need to be comfortable pitching ideas, receiving – and giving – feedback, and
treating everyone in the group with due respect.

You'll ask questions of guest speakers, reflect on videos, reading/listening homework throughout the
term. For each guest speaker, three students who will be assigned to take the lead in asking questions
of our guest. You can sign-up for a speaker that interests you, or be allocated at random. I’ll then ask
the questions you’ve posed when I interview them. This work all feeds into this grade.

- Weekly Reflection (5%)

At the end of each week, you’ll produce a reflection capturing your key learning from the past seven
days. This helps to reinforce what you have learned, questions you may have and chart how far you’ve

We’ll use a variety of formats for this, including written, audio, social media and video reflections.

Assignment Values
Tasks/Weighting (subject to revision/changes)

Activity Tasks % of Point

grade s
Reporting 1. Revision / Rewrite assignment 10% 10
2. Q&A with classmate 5% 50
3. Big Issue 20% 200
35% 350
Research 4. Paper trail (groups of three) 10% 100
10% 100
Professional 5. About.Me 3% 30
Portfolio 6. LinkedIn 5% 50
7. Portfolio website 12% 120
20% 200
Principles and 8. Weekly learning module, or reflection, on 10% 100
Philosophy the craft of journalism x 10 10% 100
Practice tasks 9. Weekly opportunity to practice new skills. 10% 100
Graded as complete/incomplete. 10% 100
Engagement 10. Class participation via Canvas Discussions. 10% 100
10% 100
Reflection 11. Weekly learning journal. 5% 50
5% 50
TOTAL 100% 1,000

How Grades Will Be Determined – the mechanics

Grading Grid:

Category A B C D F

Strong lead: Vivid, telling Provides Essential Not a Factu

Informativ detail. essential information direct al
e hard informati but lacking lead error(
(summary) on. clarity, and/or s).
news lead conciseness importan
or and/or t
compelling detail. informati
anecdotal on
opening. missing.
Essential Who, what, 5 Ws Essential Essential Does not tell
informati where, when covered informatio information a story.
on and why but story n provided missing
covered. answered. not but and/or
organized disorganize disorganized
Story / clearly d. .
Analysis with most
logically important
organize informatio
d. n at the
Appropriate Strong use of Appropriat Quotes Quotes Quotes
use of quotes, with e use of and or and
quotes and the best quote quotes and attributio attributi attributio
attribution. high in story. attribution. n on n missing
Attribution provided. missing
provided when
Clear Clear and Basically Thorough Writing Unintelligible.
and concise clear and editing style is
concise writing. concise. needed inappropriat
writing Appropriate to meet e for a news
. news-‐writing standar story.
style (i.e., short ds.
Appropriate paragraphs,
news-‐ descriptive
writing or detail, active
analytical verbs, no first-‐
style. person).
Factually Mechanically 1-‐2 1 major 2 major Fatal flaws:
accurate. sound, no minor error such errors and Factual
Correct errors. errors. as a multiple errors,
grammar, Style fragment, minor misspelling
spelling inconsiste run-‐on, issues. of proper
and nt. comma names,
punctuatio splice, or multiple
n. more than grammar,
two minor spelling
errors. errors.

Other things which come into the mix:
• Layout, formatting, for digital submissions, this matters.
• Are you telling a story I’ve not heard before?
• Does your story have the X-‐Factor (it can be solid, but does it zing?)

Your assignments, academic + journalistic integrity

See the Course Policies at the back of this syllabus for more information. Below is an explanation for
what these mean for your creative and journalistic work. Thanks to Lori Shontz for this wording, she’s
said it better than I could, so I’ve reproduced this from her Reporting II syllabus.


The University Student Conduct Code (http://dos.uoregon.edu/conduct) defines academic misconduct.

Students are prohibited from committing or attempting to commit any act that constitutes academic

In J462/562—and in any journalism class or environment—that means the following:

• Do not plagiarize: Do not copy someone else’s work and pass it off as your own. That includes
the work of professional reporters as well as the work of your classmates, friends, family,
fraternity brothers, sorority sisters, teammates, roommates, fellow club officers, etc. You get
the picture.

• Attribute your work properly: Use first and last names for everyone you quote or paraphrase
in a story. Quotations are direct quotes—don’t tweak what someone said to make the
sentence sound better. If you use information from another news source, attribute it to that

• Don’t copy directly from websites or other background sources: This is plagiarism, too. Don’t
think you can fool me—or your readers—by changing a word or two around. That doesn’t fly.
Again: Attribute your work properly.

• Do not make things up: Don’t invent sources, facts, people, scenarios, scores, quotes, etc. I
truly hope this is self-evident.

• Do not interview family, friends and/or acquaintances: Credibility is everything. If you use
people you know well as sources, your readers have cause to doubt whether you are being
fully truthful or withholding information that would be damaging to those close to you.


If you plagiarize or otherwise violate these principles of academic integrity, you will flunk this class.


The best journalism reflects the community it covers. That’s why I am passionate about increasing and
maintaining diversity in newsrooms. If everyone is the same gender, race, ethnic group, sexual
orientation, religion, etc., you’re going to produce a homogenous publication that is at best boring, at
worst riddled with errors of fact and/or omission.

In this class, I will encourage open inquiry, freedom of expression and respect for difference.

I expect you to respect the differences among you and your classmates and between the class and me.
I will respect yours. We can certainly disagree—in fact, I expect that we will at times. But we can all
respect each other, and we can all learn from each other.

If anything in this class makes you uncomfortable, let me know ASAP. Let’s talk about it.

Damian says: We’ll also explore what this means, tools and techniques for addressing it (e.g. your own
in-built biases) etc. in this class.

I recommend the “What is Journalism?” section on the American Press Institute’s website:

The code of ethics from the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) outlines, and explains, key
journalistic principles: https://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp.

How Grades Will Be Determined – story checklist

Your work will be reviewed in the same way as any Editor would review the content submitted to
them. I will be looking for good writing, strong images, interesting stories, clarity of message, breadth
of sources used, fairness and balance, accuracy, good grammar, spelling and style.
(h/t Lance Robertson for the excellent list below).
That translates into:


• NEWS JUDGMENT: The story identifies and focuses on the most compelling news values
(timeliness, proximity, importance, etc.) of the event, meeting or issue.

• THOROUGHNESS: The story demonstrates an intellectual command of the broader topic or

issue, and adequately addresses the story’s central question.

• CONTEXT: The story places the events and issues into a context that helps the reader see
how the specifics fit into a larger picture.

• RESEARCH: The story draws on reporting from an appropriate range of sources.

• INTERVIEWING: The story provides an appropriate range of voices that express

meaningful thoughts, observations and responses to important questions.

• DETAIL: The story uses detail to illustrate the central point or theme.


• THE STORY’S OPENING: The story has a strong, engaging opening (lead), and promptly frames
its central question and context to create meaning for readers. The choice of lead format
(summary, descriptive, narrative, etc.) is reflective of the event or meeting you are covering,
and the time frame you have to cover it.

• CLARITY: The story uses clear language, favors the active voice, and avoids jargon and
unneeded complexity.

• STRUCTURE AND FLOW: The story has a logical, seamless organization, including
transitional elements that moves the reader from beginning to end.

• VOICES: The story demonstrates an excellent selection of voices and quotes that convey
meaningful ideas, opinion and emotion.

• DETAIL: The story effectively uses detail about people, places or situations that illustrate the
central theme or focus of the story.

• TECHNICAL: The story has trouble-free grammar, punctuation and usage.

Course Policies
This term is different in so many ways. There is no attendance grade and no mandatory attendance for any
of the Office Hours, 1-1 Storytelling Sessions and other “live” opportunities I will create.

Note that some of these live sessions will also be recorded, so everyone has the chance to catch what was
said and to contribute, even if it’s via a subsequent discussion page, rather than a live Zoom call.

Because we are not meeting in-person, or via Zoom, this term your engagement via other means – such as
Canvas discussions – is more important than ever. As a result, will be expected to be actively engaged, on
Canvas, throughout the term.

Engagement activities will include:

● Commenting and reflecting on lectures

● Providing feedback on each other’s creative work
● Asking questions, and reflecting on answers from guest speakers
● Offering thoughts on the reading, listening and viewing tasks assigned throughout the term
● End of the week takeaways

If you look at the course schedule towards the end of this document, you will see indications of the types
of activities that fall into this category (mostly marked as Canvas Discussion).

Always check the deadlines for these. They will usually be at the end of the week, but I recommend you
double-check. Just in case.

Note: Discussions will lock out at these times, thereafter you will be unable to contribute + secure the
engagement points associated with those tasks, so keep an eye on those dates/times and be sure to

General UO Guidelines for Remote Class Participation

1. Participate and Contribute: Students are expected to participate by sharing ideas and contributing
to the collective learning environment. This entails preparing, following instructions, and engaging
respectfully and thoughtfully with others. More specific participation guidelines and criteria for
contributions will be provided for each specific activity.

2. Use Proper Netiquette: Please use good “net etiquette”: identify yourself with your real name,
write or speak in the first person, and use a subject line that clearly relates to your contribution.
Good netiquette also means using humor or sarcasm carefully, remembering that non-verbal cues
(such as facial expressions) are not always possible or clear in a remote context. In addition, your
language should be free of profanity, appropriate for an academic context, and exhibit interest in
and courtesy for others’ contributions. Certain breaches of netiquette can be considered disruptive

3. Interact Professionally: Our learning environment provides an opportunity to practice being

professional and rigorous in our contributions. Newsrooms are operating on Zoom now too, so the
way we work in this class will mimic the professional media world.

As much as possible, use correct spelling, grammar, and style for academic and professional work.
Use discussions and activities as opportunities to practice the kind and quality of work expected
for assignments. Moreover, seize the chance to learn from others and develop your interpersonal
skills, such as mindful listening and awareness of one’s own tendencies (e.g. Do I contribute too
much? Too little?).

4. Expect and Respect Diversity: All classes at the University of Oregon welcome and respect diverse
experiences, perspectives, and approaches. What is not welcome are behaviors or contributions
that undermine, demean, or marginalize others based on race, ethnicity, gender, sex, age, sexual
orientation, religion, ability, or socioeconomic status. We will value differences and communicate
disagreements with respect. We may establish more specific guidelines and protocols to ensure
inclusion and equity for all members of our learning community.

5. Help Everyone Learn: Our goal is to learn together by learning from one another. As we move
forward learning during this challenging time, it is important that we work together and build on
our strengths.

Not everyone is savvy in remote learning, including your instructor (100% purely asynchronous
learning is new to me, as you know), and this means we need to be patient with each other,
identify ways we can assist others, and be open-minded to receiving help and advice from others.
No one should hesitate to contact me to ask for assistance or offer suggestions that might help us
learn better.

Specific guidelines for best practices using Canvas Discussion:

1. Use subject lines that clearly communicate the content of your post.

2. Write clearly and concisely and be aware that humor or sarcasm often doesn’t always translate in
an online environment.

3. Be supportive and considerate when replying to others’ posts. This means avoiding use of jargon
or inappropriate language, and it means disagreeing with respect and providing clear rationale or
evidence to support your different view.

4. Keep focused on the topic and reference readings and other class materials to support your points
(as applicable).

5. Try to use correct spelling and grammar and proofread your submissions. After submitting, use the
edit feature to make corrections and resubmit (don’t create a new or duplicate post that corrects
your error).

6. Contribute and interact often!

Specific guidelines for best practices using Zoom:

1. Please test your video and audio prior to joining a live class session (such as Office Hours or a Story
Conference). You can learn more about testing your audio and video by visiting the Zoom Help
Center at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us

2. Try to be on time when the meeting starts. It can be distracting to have participants join late.

3. Be mindful that others can see you and your surroundings if your video is on. Try to find a quiet
setting without lots of noise or busy activities in the background. Please minimize distractions like
eating or multitasking and speak and use gestures like you would in person.

4. Use a microphone or speak closely to your computer microphone so that others can hear you. If
you have video on, try to look at your camera, not the screen, when you are contributing.

5. Mute your audio when you are not actively contributing. When contributing, avoid making other
noises such as typing or eating or having side conversations with others that might be present with

6. Use chat to pose questions or offer insights “on the side” while others are contributing.

7. If you prefer to use a static image instead of video, you can keep your video off.

8. For help and troubleshooting with Zoom, visit the Zoom Help Center at

The University of Oregon is working to create inclusive learning environments. For more information or
assistance, you are also encouraged to contact the Accessible Education Center, 346-1155; website:

Academic integrity
The University Student Conduct Code (available at conduct.uoregon.edu) defines academic misconduct.
Students are prohibited from committing or attempting to commit any act that constitutes academic
misconduct. By way of example, students should not give or receive (or attempt to give or receive)
unauthorized help on assignments or examinations without express permission from the instructor.

Students should properly acknowledge and document all sources of information (e.g. quotations,
paraphrases, ideas) and use only the sources and resources authorized by the instructor. If there is any
question about whether an act constitutes academic misconduct, it is the students’ obligation to clarify the
question with the instructor before committing or attempting to commit the act.

The U of O policy on academic dishonesty will be observed throughout this course.

Plagiarizing and/or cheating will result in an automatic failure of the course.

To avoid this, you should read: http://researchguides.uoregon.edu/citing-plagiarism

We will also talk about the importance of proper attribution of your sources and providing credit where it
is due. In the digital arena, this is more important than ever, as the lifting of quotes or the creation of false
content, never mind that plagiarism can all be easily identified. Careers can – and have been – destroyed
as a result of breaking these rules. Don’t be foolish and make the same mistakes!

Basic needs
Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who
lacks a safe and stable place to live, and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is urged
to contact the Dean of Students Office (346-3216, 164 Oregon Hall) for support.

If you are comfortable doing so, please let me know about your situation so I can help point you in the
right direction for assistance.

This UO webpage includes resources for food, housing, healthcare, childcare, transportation, technology,
finances, and legal support: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/basicneeds/food/

COVID-19 Regulations & Prevention 

See  https://coronavirus.uoregon.edu/regulations  and  https://coronavirus.uoregon.edu/prevention#if-sick-
stay-home  for more information)

The University of Oregon (UO), in accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, Oregon
Health Authority, and Lane County Public Health requires faculty, staff, students, visitors, and vendors
across all UO locations to use face coverings, which include masks (note: masks with exhaust valves are
discouraged), cloth face coverings, or face shields, when in UO owned, leased, or controlled buildings. This
includes labs and classrooms.

If you visit campus, students should maintain 6 ft. distance from others at all times.

If working Allen Hall, then classrooms tables and seats have been marked to accommodate this distance.

Please do not move any furniture in the classroom or sit in areas that have been blocked off or otherwise
marked as unavailable. Students should obtain wipes available outside of classrooms before they enter
class and use them to wipe down the table and seat they will use.

Please conduct regular symptom self-checks (https://coronavirus.uoregon.edu/regulations#self-check-

procedures) and do not come to class if you are experiencing symptoms.  I will work with you to make sure
you can stay caught up with the class.

Use this self-check log: https://coronavirus.uoregon.edu/sites/coronavirus1.uoregon.edu/files/2020-

08/self-monitoring.pdf to track your symptoms.

In addition, familiarize yourself with these exposure scenarios and guidelines after suspected exposure to
someone with the virus. https://coronavirus.uoregon.edu/covid-exposure"

Crisis Center

The University of Oregon Counseling Center provides students with confidential telephone crisis
intervention 24/7. The number is 541-346-3227.

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity is supported and valued at the University of Oregon. We respect the dignity and essential worth
of all individuals; reject bigotry, discrimination, violence, and intimidation; practice personal and academic
integrity and expect it of others; and promote a diversity of ideas, opinions, and backgrounds.

Open inquiry, freedom of expression, and respect for differences are fundamental to a comprehensive and
dynamic education. The School of Journalism and Communication (SOJC) is committed to upholding these
ideals by encouraging the exploration, engagement, and expression of divergent perspectives and diverse

Discrimination of any kind, disrespect for others, and inequity in educational opportunity are not
acceptable. Students, faculty, and staff are expected at all times to maintain the SOJC’s high standards of
ethical and compassionate conduct. Please talk to me if you need help or have any questions.

Inclement Weather
It is generally expected that class will meet at the times shown on the syllabus unless the University is
officially closed for inclement weather. If it becomes necessary to cancel class while the University remains
open, this will be announced on Canvas and by email.

Updates on inclement weather and closure are also communicated in other ways described
here: https://hr.uoregon.edu/about-hr/campus-notifications/inclement-weather/inclement-weather-

While we are not physically meeting for class, I am well aware that the weather – or weather related issues
such as wildfires - can still impact participation in class (as an aside, I swear our broadband is slower when
it rains). I also recognize that many of you are not necessarily in Eugene/Springfield, so you may also have
weather conditions wherever you are which I may be unaware of.

If this might impact your participation in class, or impact on delivery of assignments, please let me know
ASAP so that we can identify appropriate accommodations for your class work.

Academic Disruption due to Campus or Domestic Emergency

In the event of a campus or domestic emergency that disrupts academic activities, course requirements,
deadlines, and grading percentages are subject to change. Information about changes in this course will be
communicated as soon as possible by email, and on Canvas.

Please keep an eye on Canvas for any announcements and/or to access alternative assignments. Students
are also encouraged to continue the readings and other assignments as outlined in this syllabus or
subsequent syllabi.

Mental Health and Wellness 

Life at college can be very complicated. All the more so right now. Students often feel overwhelmed or
stressed, experience anxiety or depression, struggle with relationships, or just need help navigating
challenges in their life. If you're facing such challenges, you don't need to handle them on your own--
there's help and support on campus. 

As your instructor if I believe you may need additional support, I will express my concerns, the reasons for
them, and refer you to resources that might be helpful. It is not my intention to know the details of what
might be bothering you, but simply to let you know I care and that help is available.

Getting help is a courageous thing to do—for yourself and those you care about. This is a subject I have
first-hand experience of, and it’s a subject I feel very passionately about.

University Health Services help students cope with difficult emotions and life stressors. If you need general
resources on coping with stress or want to talk with another student who has been in the same place
as you, visit the Duck Nest (located in the EMU on the ground floor) and get help from one of the specially
trained Peer Wellness Advocates. Find out more at health.uoregon.edu/ducknest  

University Counseling Services (UCS) has a team of dedicated staff members to support you with your
concerns, many of whom can provide identity-based support. All clinical services are free and confidential.
Find out more at counseling.uoregon.edu or by calling 541-346-3227 (anytime UCS is closed, the After-
Hours Support and Crisis Line is available by calling this same number).

Canvas and Zoom are the primary technology tools and platforms for this class.

Alongside this, you will also submit some assignments via Medium. This is a free platform which is used by
major journalists and publications like the New York Times, the Economist and others. It’s an excellent
platform to showcase your work and to get familiar with.

If you’re using a desktop for Zoom sessions, please put your phone away and avoid looking at it. I
encourage you to take notes by hand, as retention – multiple studies have shown - is better this way.

Title IX
For information about my reporting obligations as an employee, please see Employee Reporting
Obligations on the Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance (OICRC) website. 

Prohibited Discrimination and Harassment Reporting

Any student who has experienced sexual assault, relationship violence, sex or gender-based bullying,
stalking, and/or sexual harassment may seek resources and help at safe.uoregon.edu. To get help by
phone, a student can also call either the UO’s 24-hour hotline at 541-346-SAFE [7244], or the non-
confidential Title IX Coordinator/OICRC at 541-346-3123.

Students experiencing any other form of prohibited discrimination or harassment can find information and
resources at investigations.uoregon.edu or contact the non-confidential Office of Investigations and Civil
Rights Compliance at 541-346-3123 or the Dean of Students Office at 541-346-3216 for help.

As UO policy has different reporting requirements based on the nature of the reported harassment or
discrimination, additional information about reporting requirements for discrimination or harassment
unrelated to sexual assault, relationship violence, sex or gender based bullying, stalking, and/or sexual
harassment is available in the Employee Responsibilities section of the Office of Investigations and Civil
Rights Compliance website.

Specific details about confidentiality of information and reporting obligations of employees can be found
at investigations.uoregon.edu/employee-responsibilities.

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse

UO employees, including faculty, staff, and GEs, are mandatory reporters of child abuse. 

This statement is to advise you that your disclosure of information about child abuse to a UO employee
may trigger the UO employee’s duty to report that information to the designated authorities.

Please refer to the following link for detailed information about mandatory reporting: Mandatory
Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect.

Writing Central: The same great writing support, now offered virtually!
Starting Week 3, Writing Central will be open to offer all SOJC students feedback on writing projects.
Feedback is available two different ways: through live Zoom appointments or the Drop-n-Go service, in
which you submit your piece of writing and receive written feedback within 48 hours.

Coaches are trained undergraduates who can help with everything from fleshing out story ideas to crafting
stronger sentences and improving your grammar/AP style.

Writing Central coaches can also help with resumes and cover letters, personal statements and scholarship

To make an appointment or use the Drop-n-Go feature, visit writingcentral.uoregon.edu

Bouncing ideas off your peers helps lead to better work, so this is a great habit to get into. I highly
recommend working with Writing Central if you can.

If you want to know more about anything mentioned here, or anything which you think is missing, then
please do not hesitate to contact me.

Email: damianr@uoregon.edu
Telephone: 541-346-7643 (voicemail). SMS/Text 541-972-5531 from 9am-9pm.
You can also email or DM me on Twitter @damianradcliffe

Course Schedule and Assignments
This schedule is a draft and is subject to amendment. You will be made aware of any major changes if/when they
arise. Keep an eye on Canvas for the most up to date version of the syllabus and week-by-week modules.

- Overview
Below I’ve outined the main tasks for each week, and the key skills/purposes behind each.

Assume c.4 - 6.5 hours each week for the non-reporting/create assignments.
Plus work for Major Assignments as required.


/Tasks Major Practice + Craft your Life After (30-60 mins) Weekly
Tasks Philosophy of skills Allen + What Reflection
Journalism (1-2 hours) Journalists Do (30 mins)
(1-2 hours) (1 hour)

1 Padlet Traits x 3 Revisions (self) David Curiosity Canvas

2 Q&A Google Revision TBD Defining News Twitter
(feedback) Values
3 Paper First Draft Informational Informatiional Misinformation YouTube
4 Paper Speed/Description Listicles TBD Evaluating jobs / Canvas
Trail (Informational) digital footprints
5 Portfolios Engagement Pitching TBD Giving feedback Twitter
(1) yourself (About.Me)
6 Portfolios SoJo Speed Writing TBD Pitching YouTube
7 Portfolios Native America Press TBD NYT fire Canvas
(3) Conferences
8 Big Issue Chicago Transcripts TBD Sources/Interviewing Twitter
9 Big Issue Trust Giving TBD Cancel Culture YouTube
(Big Issue)
10 Big Issue Reflection Giving Maggie Big Issue Canvas
Feedback (Me) Haberman
(New York
11 Big Issue

Sections under which these tasks typically sit on the syllabus (some weeks there’s a bit of variance)

Reporting Principles and Practice Engagement Engagement Reflection

Research Philosophy

- Week-by-Week Breakdown

Week Activities How

1 Office Hours: Tues 10am-11am and Thurs 8pm-9pm PST Zoom

● Watch/Read: Introduction + Overview of the course. Canvas

By Thursday, 11.59pm
Canvas Discussions – share your views
● Where do you get your news from? Canvas Discussions
● Traits of a good journalist
● Traits of good reporting
● Getting to know each other (Padlet). Padlet/Canvas

Homework by Sunday, 11.59pm

● Rewrite/Revision Assignment Canvas Assignment

● Insight: David Farenthold on Investigative Journalism Video

● Reading: “The 7 habits of successful journalists — starting

with curiosity,” by Paul Bradshaw – will inform Canvas discussions

Canvas Discussions – comment on 2-3 other people’s input

● Where do you get your news from? Canvas Discussions
● Traits of a good journalist
● Traits of good reporting
● Padlet

● End of Week reflection

2 Office Hours: Tues 10am-11am and Thurs 8pm-9pm PST Zoom

● Watch: Instructors reflection on Week 1.

By Thursday, 11.59pm
● Give feedback to your assigned partner on their Revision paper. Zoom call (all)

Homework by Sunday, 11.59pm

● Rewrite/Revision Assignment (incorporating partners feedback) Canvas Assignment

 Q&A Assignment

● Insight: Guest Speaker TBD

 Google News Training – Digital Journalism, Fundamentals Google

● Reading: “What is Journalism?” on the American Press Institute’s

website: https://www.americanpressinstitute.org/journalism-
essentials/what-is-journalism/ and the code of ethics from the
Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) that outlines, and
explains, key journalistic principles:

Canvas Discussions Canvas discussions

● Defining News Values

● End of Week reflection on Twitter

3 Office Hours: Tues 10am-11am and Thurs 8pm-9pm PST Zoom

● Watch: Instructors reflection on Week 2.

● Watch: Introduction to Networking + Informational Interviews

Homework by Sunday, 11.59pm

● Begin: Informational Interview assignment (due end Week 5)

● Begin: Paper Trail assignment (due end Week 5)

● Insight: Guest Speaker – your own (informational) Canvas Assignment

 First Draft, “Reporting on the Coronavirus” training module First Draft

Canvas Discussions
● Thoughts on First Draft training Canvas discussions

● End of Week reflection on YouTube YouTube/Canvas

4 Office Hours: Tues 10am-11am and Thurs 8pm-9pm PST Zoom

● Watch: Instructors reflection on Week 3.

Homework by Sunday, 11.59pm

● Informational Interview assignment (listicle) Canvas Assignment

● Paper Trail assignment

● Insight: Guest Speaker TBD

● Practice: Speed Writing Assignments

Canvas Discussions Canvas Discussion

● Pairs: Evaluating jobs / digital footprints

● End of Week reflection on Canvas Discussion Board Zoom call

5 Office Hours: Tues 10am-11am and Thurs 8pm-9pm PST Zoom

● Instructors reflection on Week 4.

Homework by Friday, 11.59pm

● Create your About.Me splash page (draft) Canvas Discussion

Homework by Sunday, 11.59pm

● Insight: Guest Speaker: TBD Canvas Discussion

Canvas Discussions
● Insight: Engagement Journalism

● Feedback: About.Me website

 End of Week reflection on Twitter

6 Office Hours: Tues 10am-11am and Thurs 8pm-9pm PST Zoom

Homework by Friday, 11.59pm

● Watch: Introduction to Portfolios.

● Watch: Introduction to Big Issue assignment / How to Pitch

● Pitch: 2 x Big Issue stories Canvas

Homework by Sunday, 11.59pm All via Canvas

● Create: LinkedIn profile

● Insight: Guest Speaker: TBD

Canvas Discussions
● Insight: Solutions Journalism

● Feedback: Big Issue pitches (peer review)

 Practice: Covering press conferences (speed writing)

● End of Week reflection on YouTube

7 Office Hours: Tues 10am-11am and Thurs 8pm-9pm PST Zoom

● Create: Portfolio website – due end of Week 8

● Report: Big Issue – due end of Week 10

All via Canvas

Homework by Sunday, 11.59pm
● Insight: Guest Speaker: TBD

Canvas Discussions
● Insight: Reporting on Native America

● Practice: Pros and Cons of Interview Transcripts (speed writing)

● Discussion: Descriptive Writing / NYT fire

● End of Week reflection on Canvas discussion board

8 Office Hours: Tues 10am-11am and Thurs 8pm-9pm PST Zoom

Homework by Sunday, 11.59pm All via Canvas

● Watch: Introduction to Big Issue assignment / How to Pitch

● Insight: Guest Speaker: TBD

Canvas Discussions
● Insight: Reporting on Gun Violence in Chicago

● Feedback: Big Issue drafts (peer review)

 End of Week reflection on Twitter

 Portfolio website due

9 Office Hours: Tues 10am-11am and Thurs 8pm-9pm PST Zoom

Homework by Sunday, 11.59pm
● Insight: Guest Speaker: TBD

Canvas Discussions
● Insight: Building Trust in Journalism

● Feedback: Big Issue drafts (from me, if requested)

● Discussion: Developing Sources

 Video: My take on NYT Crime/Arson story

 Video: How to use Medium

● Discussion: Journalists and Cancel Culture

● End of Week reflection on YouTube

10 Office Hours: Tues 10am-11am and Thurs 8pm-9pm PST Zoom

Homework by Sunday, 11.59pm

● Insight: Maggie Haberman, NYT (via NPR) Canvas

Canvas Discussions
 Insight: End of Week/Term reflection Canvas Discussion
 Big Issue story due Medium + Canvas

 Extra Credit: Student Experience feedback (DuckWeb) DuckWeb

Office Hours: Tues 10am-11am and Thurs 8pm-9pm PST

Instructor bio http://journalism.uoregon.edu/member/radcliffe-damian/

Damian Radcliffe is the Carolyn S. Chambers Professor in Journalism, a Professor of Practice, and an
affiliate of the Department for Middle East and North Africa Studies (MENA), at the University of Oregon.
Alongside holding the Chambers Chair at the School of Journalism and Communication (SOJC), he is
also a Fellow of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University, an Honorary Research
Fellow at Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Culture Studies, and a fellow of the Royal
Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA).

An experienced digital analyst, consultant, journalist, and researcher, Damian has worked in editorial,
research, policy, and teaching positions for the past two decades in the UK, Middle East, and USA.
This includes roles in all media sectors (commercial, public, government, regulatory, academic, and
nonprofit/civil society) and all platforms (print, digital, TV and radio). 

Damian continues to be an active journalist, writing monthly columns for ZDNet (CBS Interactive), the
International Journalists’’ Network (IJNet) and What's New in Publishing, and frequently appearing
in journalism.co.uk and other publications. He writes about digital trends, social media, technology, the
business of media, and the evolution of journalism.

These themes are also at the heart of the Demystifying Media speaker series, which Damian curates. He
launched the series in January 2016, with the goal of bringing leading academics and industry professionals
to the SOJC. To date, more than 40 experts have participated in the program.

Outside of this series, Damian has chaired sessions, provided training, and spoken at events, around the
world including: USA (New York, Portland, Philadelphia, Colorado Springs, Albany; New York, Chicago and
Washington D.C.), UK (London, Edinburgh, Oxford, Cardiff, Belfast, Bristol), Europe (Paris, Strasbourg,
Vienna, Barcelona, Istanbul, Amsterdam, various cities in Germany) and the Middle East (Doha and Dubai)
and virtual efforts hosted in Asia (Chennai and Singapore)

Before joining the University of Oregon in 2015, Damian previously worked full-time for The Local Radio
Company, BBC, Volunteering Matters, Ofcom (the UK communications regulator), and Qatar’s Ministry of
Information and Communications Technology (ictQATAR). 

He has also written, spoken to, or provided consulting services, for a wide range of additional industry and
academic organizations, such as:

Abramis Academic Publishing, ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller, Association of Information and

Communication Media (AMIC, Spain), BBC Media Action, BBC Monitoring, BBC World Service,
Carnegie UK Trust, Cass Business School, Centre for Research on Communities and Culture
(Canterbury University), City University London, Cognizant,  European Journalism Observatory
(EJO), Eyewitness Media Hub, FJUM (forum journalism and media, Vienna), German-American
Institutes, The Guardian, IBC Content Everywhere, Media Development Investment Fund, Middle
East Broadcast Network (MBN), NESTA, Northwestern University in Qatar,  Online Journalism Blog,
Qatar Today, Street Fight, TEDx Reset (Turkey), Thomson Reuters Foundation, The Reuters
Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University, the United Nations and Your Middle

Other outlets to feature Damian's work include: BBC College of Journalism and BBC Academy (36

bylines), The Conversation (9 bylines), Digital Content Next (6 bylines), Huffington Post (12 bylines),
and -  prior to their closure - MediaShift (14 bylines) and TheMediaBriefing (35 bylines). Additional bylines
can also be found in Columbia Journalism Review (CJR), Nieman Lab, Poynter and elsewhere.

Find out more about me via my website.


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