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Blueberry Road

The radio was blasting Selena Gomez and the Scene’s “I love you like a love song” as we turned

onto the small street with a hill. A road with only nine homes, all with completely different families,

brought together by a street name. It is here where I found idols, friendships, and even adventure.

Blueberry Road has shaped me into the person I am today because of my discovery of wanting to become

a teacher and my desire for adventure.

My longing to become an elementary school teacher was significantly enhanced by the sisterly

bond I share with my 10 year old neighbor. After knowing her for 6 years, our friendship has evolved

into more of a mentorship, as I began to tutor her and babysit her more than just entertain her. Seeing her

face light up when seeing me or getting an answer correct only enhanced my endearment towards

children. I was able to explain her schoolwork efficiently and effectively, giving me the full confidence

that I can go into this career field.

Living on the water with close proximity to First Landing State Park, the bay, and an endless

supply of kayaks has only fueled my desire for adventure. Summers were filled with weekend boat trips

and endless days at the beach, allowing me to truly discover what fun was. My parents have always

endorsed spending time with nature and family. Having a small taste of what the world has to offer has

given me a strong want to see the world. I look forward to one day going on adventures in other countries

and sharing my love of the outdoors with others.

The people and location of my street has truly shaped me into the person I am today. It has

allowed me to discover my purpose in this world. Being able to share my love of the world with others

and spread joy to children truly makes me

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