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Allison Beale

English 111

Definition Essay

February 25, 2021

A Human Deity

“Who is your idol?” What a common misconception; that one has a singular idol. Many

view the word idol as a dictionary would: one godlike, heroic person. They go about their lives

worshipping the ones who have a meaningful impact on them, such as their diligent teachers or a

celebrity on television. Although it is often viewed upon many that a person can only have one, I

believe we should all idolize everyone in some form

Whom I surround myself with has influenced more than just my personality. It affects

my morals, beliefs, standards, and expectations towards others and everything. We are all

affected by those we look up to. We may not choose who our mentors are, but we can always

choose the traits we admire and aspire to be like. I always try to be as positive as my dance

teacher and as warm-hearted as my neighbor. Seeing these positive qualities around me

encourages me to be the best person I can be. Taking the best thing about each person we

encounter and applying it to our daily lives and making a conscious effort to be the best person

we can be will create a happier life for ourselves and a more positive environment for others to

be around. By noticing the good in others we also tend to make a conscious effort in noticing the

bad. I love seeing the good in people and although this causes me to overlook the bad, I always

try my best to identify qualities that I do not want to portray in my daily life. By doing so, I

create a better environment for myself. Throughout my life, my dad has always expressed the

importance of identifying the characteristics of others. Whether they are good and bad he
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believes they can teach us lessons and will always be beneficial. By encouraging me to apply the

best traits I see and making a mental effort of what traits I would rather avoid, I believe that I am

the best person I can be. While there is always room for improvement, I think this method of

having multiple idols is something everyone should look into. (rewrite and cut)

Idols are not always limited to who we know and surround ourselves with. They can also

extend to literary characters and celebrities around the world. Many strive to be as accomplished

as Taylor Swift and as courageous and intelligent as Hermione Granger. Seeing these exemplary

traits in action and observing goals being achieved because of these traits has influenced a

multitude of people. Just like the people who you surround yourself with physically, these

characters and figures are not without their flaws. No one in is perfect, meaning it is important

for you to identify the flaws in yourself and what you can do to improve them. Seeing that trait

in others can also help you think of ways to improve and solve the issue in your inner self.

(rewrite and expand -- more examples and literary devices)

Idols are more than just the dictionary definition. They are tools we can use to improve

ourselves and better our lives. They can make us happier and more in tune with ourselves. By

creating a positive environment for others, we also inspire them to be their best selves. We are

also mentors every day, leading another generation of people to encourage themselves to be the

best version of themselves they can be. (rewrite and expand)

- Rewrite all

- Expand on smaller ideas and cut back repeated ideas (which is a lot)

- Use more literary devices to describe it and be more descriptive

- Chose a point of view (first or third?)

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