Beale - Template For The Research Proposal-3

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Allison Beale

English 111
Research Proposal
March 29, 2021

Why the United States Should Return to the Moon

In the movie Interstellar, the main character Cooper said, “Mankind was born on Earth… it was never

meant to die here.” Unlike the movie, our Earth is still inhabitable at this point. However, we are not so

far away from lacking the resources needed to survive, as some may believe. After over half a century

since our last visit to the moon, NASA plans to send astronauts back in 2024. Is this a waste of time?

Knowing that the moon is just a barren floating rock with no lifeforms, the return to the moon is not so

much a hopeless crusade as many might see at first glance. Instead, it is one step closer to understanding

life on Mars. By returning to the moon, NASA will be one step closer to knowing if other life forms exist

in our solar system after all. Although our Earth is still inhabitable at this point, we are not so far away

from lacking the resources needed to survive.

In this research paper, I will use scientific articles to explain why the United States should return to the

moon. In addition, I will explain how the advancements of space technology and exploration have

changed over the years and how this will help advance it. If the United States citizens and government

understand the benefits of returning to the moon, NASA may gain more support and a larger budget to

send their astronauts back.

Literature Review
Space Exploration has evolved immensely over the past century. Astronauts and space missions can

contribute to an immense advancement in human knowledge and the discovery of nature and place in the
Beale 2
cosmos (“Why Humankind," 2019). Crucial technological advancements have come from space

technology which originated for space exploration. The $30 billion trip to the moon will provide NASA

scientists with information about Mars. By gaining experience from living and working on the moon,

astronauts will better prepare for when they go to Mars years later (Catalan, 2020).

After more than half a century, humans may see revisiting the moon as a waste of time and money,

however to the astronauts at NASA, it is crucial before exploring other planets. Countless attempts have

occurred to return to the moon over the past two decades.For example, when Obama cut the budget in

2010, he had NASA shift its focus from the moon to landing on an asteroid. Following the entrance of

the Trump administration, NASA was ordered to cancel the asteroid mission and return its focus to the

moon (Proquest Staff, 2021). Politics have been involved in space missions since the beginning. Because

NASA requires government funding, presidents get a say in where NASA focuses or plans to travel,

causing NASA's goals to change frequently. Catalan states that the “shorter the deadline, the less political

risk” there will be when planning (2020). Driving a wrench through NASA's plans time in time again,

politics negatively affects the advancement of our knowledge of space. The Biden administration plans to

continue what the Trump administration was working towards: returning to the moon (Greenfieldboyce,

2021). Although the Biden administration is not as pressed on the time, they are still keen to use the moon

for further knowledge and planning for traveling to Mars.

Research Questions
● What are the benefits of manned space missions?

● Should the United States send astronauts to the moon?

● How does sending astronauts to the moon help NASA discover more information about Mars?

This research will be accomplished by performing an investigation of the current scientific literature from

scholarly sources. Information from databases and credible internet sources will be reviewed: through
Beale 3
historical, scientific, and economic factors. The information found will be summarized and explained in three


● The advancement of space technology and exploration over time

● The benefits of sending manned spacecraft to the moon

● The effects of Moon exploration on Mars exploration

By examining the development of space exploration over time, the benefits of returning to the moon for future

space exploration, and Mars exploration, we can form a better understanding of space and the life forms out

there. It will help NASA scientists plan efficiently for future missions and increase our knowledge of space.

This research is necessary today because our solar systems and the solar systems beyond are gigantic, and it

will give us a small glimpse of understanding for future explorations. It is also necessary because our time on

Earth may be coming to an end with the steady increase in global warming and pollution. With no end in

sight, scientists may have to turn to space to save humankind.

Beale 4


Catalan, I. (2020 Mar 09). NASA Prepares to Go to the Moon: Is the $30 Billion Trip Worth It>

University Wire.

Greenfieldboyce, N. (2021, March 17). NASA to Test Rocket in the Next Step Toward Returning

to the Moon. NPR. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from


Proquest Staff. (2021 Jan 04). Space Exploration and Travel Timeline. SIRS Issues Research.


Why humankind shouldn’t return to the moon. (2019, July 18). The Spectator (Hamilton,

Ontario), NA.

Research Proposal Rubric

Name: Allison Beale
Topic: Space Missions
Peer Edit Rubric

Grade Exceeds Meets Approaching Lacking

Components Expectations Expectations Expectations

Overview/ Paper has a The opening The intro vaguely The introduction
Introduction (10) descriptive title. introduces introduces the topic. doesn’t really match
The overview everything but lacks A title is missing or the topic and focus
captures the an attention- generic. of the rest of the
reader’s attention, grabbing opening. paper.
indicates the The title is a little
intended audience, vague.
and provides a
brief overview of
the proposal.

Literature The literature The literature The literature The literature

Review (20) review is very review is relatively review is simplistic review covers
(Information on the comprehensive and comprehensive and and describes some irrelevant material
Beale 5
topic) describes relevant describes most relevant material or is missing.
material. relevant material.

Research Specific research Research questions Some research No research

Questions (10) questions are are included in the questions are questions are
included in the proposal, and their included in the included in the
proposal and they connection to the proposal, but they proposal.
are directly material reviewed in are unconnected to
connected to the the introduction is the material
material reviewed good. reviewed in the
in the introduction. introduction.

Methodology A methods section A methods section is A methods section is No methods section

(10) clearly presents the present, and only a present, but is included in the
(procedure clearly researcher’s plan, few elements of the numerous elements proposal or many
described, a and the section is methods are absent of the methods are key elements of the
comprehensive list of missing none of the or described absent or described methods are absent.
source material key elements of the insufficiently. insufficiently.
provided, method(s) of methods.
analysis discussed,
ethical issues

Discussion (10) A broad range of Some important Some implications No potential

implications are implications are are discussed, but implications of the
discussed that discussed, which are they are not strongly proposed study are
connect directly to connected to the connected to the discussed.
the proposed study proposed study. proposed study.
and why it is

Works Cited: A properly An MLA Works An MLA Works No MLA Works

(10) formatted MLA Cited is attached Cited is attached but Cited is attached or
(2 database sources Works Cited which which meets all it does not meet all only URL’s are
+ 1 other credible meets all requirements, but it source requirements listed.
source) requirements is contains 1 or 2 and contains
attached. formatting issues. formatting issues.

Quality of Proposal exhibits Proposal exhibits Proposal exhibits Proposal exhibits

Diction/Writing sophisticated adequate diction, is simplistic diction inappropriate
diction, clear and easy to understand, with little sentence diction, sloppy
(20) concise writing with and includes some variety. writing and sentence
effective sentence sentence variety. structure issues..

Grammar, Writing observes the Writing generally Writing has several Writing poorly
Usage, & grammatical observes the mechanical errors observes the
conventions of grammatical and readability grammatical
Mechanics (10) standard written conventions of problems. conventions of
English. Paper is standard written standard written
free from distracting English. Paper has English.
mechanical errors a few distracting
(grammar, spelling, mechanical errors.
and punct). One or
two minor typos
exist but are not
overly distracting.

Total: 93
Beale 6

Research Proposal Rubric


Grade Exceeds Meets Approaching Lacking

Components Expectations Expectations Expectations

Overview/ Paper has a The opening The intro vaguely The introduction
Introduction (10) descriptive title. The introduces introduces the topic. doesn’t really match
overview captures everything but lacks A title is missing or the topic and focus
the reader’s an attention- generic. of the rest of the
attention, indicates grabbing opening. paper.
the intended The title is a little
audience, and vague.
provides a brief
overview of the

Literature The literature The literature The literature The literature

Review (20) review is very review is relatively review is simplistic review covers
(Information on the comprehensive and comprehensive and and describes some irrelevant material
topic) describes relevant describes most relevant material or is missing.
material. relevant material.

Research Specific research Research questions Some research No research

Questions (10) questions are are included in the questions are questions are
included in the proposal, and their included in the included in the
proposal and they connection to the proposal, but they proposal.
are directly material reviewed in are unconnected to
connected to the the introduction is the material
material reviewed in good. reviewed in the
the introduction. introduction.

Methodology A methods section A methods section is A methods section is No methods section

(10) clearly presents the present, and only a present, but is included in the
Beale 7
(procedure clearly researcher’s plan, few elements of the numerous elements proposal or many
described, a and the section is methods are absent of the methods are key elements of the
comprehensive list of missing none of the or described absent or described methods are absent.
source material key elements of the insufficiently. insufficiently.
provided, method(s) of
analysis discussed,
ethical issues

Discussion (10) A broad range of Some important Some implications No potential

implications are implications are are discussed, but implications of the
discussed that discussed, which are they are not strongly proposed study are
connect directly to connected to the connected to the discussed.
the proposed study proposed study. proposed study.
and why it is

Works Cited: A properly An MLA Works An MLA Works No MLA Works

(10) formatted MLA Cited is attached Cited is attached but Cited is attached or
(2 database sources Works Cited which which meets all it does not meet all only URL’s are
+ 1 other credible meets all requirements, but it source requirements listed.
source) requirements is contains 1 or 2 and contains
attached. formatting issues. formatting issues.

Quality of Proposal exhibits Proposal exhibits Proposal exhibits Proposal exhibits

Diction/Writing sophisticated adequate diction, is simplistic diction inappropriate
diction, clear and easy to understand, with little sentence diction, sloppy
(20) concise writing with and includes some variety. writing and sentence
effective sentence sentence variety. structure issues..

Grammar, Writing observes the Writing generally Writing has several Writing poorly
Usage, & grammatical observes the mechanical errors observes the
conventions of grammatical and readability grammatical
Mechanics (10) standard written conventions of problems. conventions of
English. Paper is standard written standard written
free from distracting English. Paper has a English.
mechanical errors few distracting
(grammar, spelling, mechanical errors.
and punct). One or
two minor typos
exist but are not
overly distracting.


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