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Arranged By :

Putri Ilsa Lubis


English Education D 2018

Lecturer : M. Eko Isdianto, S.Pd.,M.Hum

Subject : Entrepreneurship







Alhamdulillahhirabibil’aalamin, all praises are delivered to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.

For His blessings and mercies, so the writers can arrange this Critical Book Review on time
while having the other responsibilities in the same time. The writers are really excited to finish
this task with passion and love to the English language. This task is arranged with the sincerity of
the writers for the Entrepreneurship subject with hope that this task will be the references for the
readers. This task is written based on the writers’ willingness that want to create the proper
materials for the readers.

This task consists of units which explore the knowledge about the Entrepreneurship. The
completion of this task can’t be arranged without the help from some people who support the
writers during the writing of this book. Because of that, the writers want to deliver the gratitude
towards our lecture, “M. Eko Isdianto, S.Pd.,M.Hum” because he has given the writers
motivation, suggestion and base knowledge about the term in Entrepreneurship. With the
knowledge the writers’ believe that it will help the writers in improving self-quality in the future

The writers also want to thank to the beloved writers’ parents who always give support
and prayers for the successful of this task. Although, the writers have tried to avoid some
mistakes, the writers realize too that this task still have minus as its weakness. Because of that,
the writers hope that the readers would like to give any critics with all of the expectations and
openess, the writers want to say thank you deeply for all people. At the end, the writers hope
that this task will be able to bring advantages to the readers especially, the writers hope this task
will inspire the nation’s generation to become the responsive and tough generation. Be the
dignified, creative and independent generation.

Medan, march 2021



PREFACE..................................................................................................... 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................. 2

CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION.............................................................. 3

1.1 Background.............................................................................................. 3

1.2 The Objectives ......................................................................................... 4

1.3 The Significances..................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER 2 : DESCRIPTION OF BOOK CONTENTS........................ 5

2.1 Identity of the Book.................................................................................. 5

2.2 Summary of the Book................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER 3 : DISCUSSION........................................................................ 11

3.1 The Strength of the Book ....................................................................... 11

3.2 The Weakness of the Book....................................................................... 11

CHAPTER 4 : CLOSING............................................................................ 12

A. Conclusion................................................................................................. 12

B. Suggestion.................................................................................................. 12

REFERENCES............................................................................................. 13



1.1 Background of the Paper

Entrepreneurship plays an important role in economic growth and creates a lot of work
for a country. Romer (1994) stated that entrepreneurial activity is the nation's long-term
economic growth engine. Entrepreneurship is an important part that can help develop and
contribute greatly to the country. Entrepreneurship is a process that integrates people,
opportunities, and resources (Timmons & Spinelli, 2009). Unemployment is one of the big
problems faced by the Indonesian government every year. In 2008, statistics showed only 0.18%
of the population of entrepreneurs (Ministry of Small Enterprises & Cooperatives 2008, quoted
in (Sembiring, Sandjaja and Antonio 2011). This means that our environment still lacks new

This problem can be reduced by increasing the number of entrepreneurs themselves who
can remove unemployment. The increasingly rampant unemployment in every region has had an
impact on the social welfare of the Indonesian people. Data from the Indonesian Central Bureau
of Statistics supports the ILO's statement which indicates that some of Indonesia's
unemployment are those with Diploma , Academy and college graduates (Setiadi, 2008).
According to (Gird & Bagraim, 2008) the study of entrepreneurial intentions is potentially
important in efforts to encourage entrepreneurial activity. But a scholar always hopes to get a job
after college. Only few students manage to think ofmaking a business or creating jobs. In fact,
the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still relatively small. Entrepreneurial activity is
considered as one of the risks that are too high for undertaken by inexperienced
students(Charitomeni & Dimitra, 2015). The conditions faced will be further aggravated by the
global competitive situation (eg the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community /
MEA) which will confront the Indonesian university graduates to compete freely with graduates
from foreign universities. Therefore, university graduate scholars need to be directed and
supported to be not only oriented as job seeker (job seeker) but able and ready to become job
creator as well, because the number of entrepreneurs have a big impact on the economy in

Based on the description above, the researcher feels the need to conduct research with the
aim of analyzing the factors that affect student intent in entrepreneurship. This expected to all the
person have the personality, understanding and ability in the field of entrepreneurship so as to
improve the quality of life itself and contribute in the community. As for some variables taken
are, attitude, subjective norm, and behavior control which perceived in accordance with Theory
Planned Behavior (TPB).

1.2 The Objectives of the Paper

1. To review the contents and materials of the book being studied on entrepreneurship for
everyone especially society
2. Finding and knowing the information contained in the book related entrepreneurship
especially our society
3. To know the weaknesses and strengths of the book that disscussed about entrepreneurship

1.3 The Significances of the Paper

1. To understand about entrepreneurship for everyone especially society

2. Add insight into entrepreneurship for everyone especially society



1.1 Identity of the Book

• Title : Entrepreneurship for Everyone : A Student Textbook

• Author : Robert Mellor with Gary, Coulton, Anne Chick,
Antonia Bifulco, Noha Mellor and Alan Fisher
• ISBN : 978-1-4129-4775-6
• Publisher : SAGE Publications Ltd
• Publishing Year : 2019
• Edition :1
• Book Thickness : 257 pages

1.2 Summary of the Book

Entrepreneurship gives birth to new commodities, techniques and goods, booting human
progress forward and rendering the old obsolete, leading to the extinction of whole branches of
industry and the creation of new ones. It is the use of innovation that makes many of our goods
today not only better, but also cheaper, than they were even a decade ago. This process is so
powerful that many large corporations are beginning to ask how they can use their employees’
talents for innovation.

In this first chapter the need for an entrepreneurial team is put forward, as is the need for
a concrete strategy (normally documented in the form of the business plan) and a network. The
latter part of the chapter introduces how these and related topics are further developed in this
book. A good marker for possessing a high degree of business expertise is being able to produce
a good business plan. Most business plans fail to attract funding and the major reason is because
they reflect the lack of managerial and business ability of the authors.

In this case also, we may know that there are some way to create beginning of starting
business. The first thing that I must do is try to find out the people and competencies that relate
to our fields and competencies after that you may to develop the great idea in your mind to
express later. In addition, in this step the entrepreneur must complete the idea and how to
develop them and build that to be wonderful point of view.

Meanwhile, the second section in this book explain about the practice of the theory
above. Because understanding what entrepreneurship and creativity are is not sufficient to
succeed in business a strategy is also needed that explains how a novel product or service can
discover a market or market niche. This is partly a concist statement which defines the tasks of
strategic management and the overall goal of the company and includes defining the main
business and business mission. Hopefully the mission statement will inject the company with a
sense of purpose, provide long-term direction and give the organization an identity.

Creative ideas have to be harvested and evaluated. However, to establish a business, other
strategic considerations like positioning in the market have to be taken into consideration. After
completing this, new companies may be able to formulate a mission statement. Subjecting the
business proposition to analysis by these tools enables a ‘fine polishing’ step to take place
because if the analyses show that there could be problems, then adjustments can be made at this
stage. When completed, the analyses are ‘imported’ into the business plan.

In addition, the entrepreneur must consider the marketing plan that is to link the resources
of the company to the requirements of the customer, how to fulfil the needs and desires of the
customer and how to bring the product to the customer. To do this, a written statement of the
marketing strategy, tactics, timetables, objectives and goals has to be prepared. This can be about
the acquisition of new customers, or the increased retention of existing customers. The marketing
plan also details the implementation of the key activities, including the roll out of the actual
marketing, advertising and sales activities. These are summarized and collated often in tabular
form along with their costs. Finally, the marketing plan reviews and tries to identify possible
remedial actions.

The business plan, normally is a quite cut and dried document in a logical sequence, it
informs the investor as to why the project is a good idea and to the dimensions of investment and

return. It goes on to describe the new product or service, as well as the market to be inhabited,
plus how countermoves from competitors will be parried. The marketing plan is turn allows a
detailed budget and a time scaled investment plan to be drawn up. Finally, barriers and external,
as well as internal, relationships are specified. These may also include referring to the dynamics
of the company’s development, as well as succession.

In part 3, it is contains 3 chapters, starting from chapter 7 to chapter 9. Chapter 7 itself

has the title of the Intellectual Capital. Based on the contents of this chapter, Intellectual capital
can be divided into three elements namely organizational capital, Human capital and Social
capital. In rice lines, the majority of an organization's intellectual property and capability comes
from human capital - especially 'diversity innovation' or a kind of mutual inspiration among its
employees. In addition, in this chapter there are also other subtitles related to intellectual capital
such as patents and other formal IPR, Innovation in organizations, Human capital, the life-blood
of small companies, Mixing skills promotes innovation, Trickle-down rebound, Harvesting
human capital, Entrepreneurship, or corporate entrepreneurship, Technology transfer, The ins
and outs of strategic alliances, and Mergers and acquisitions. All of the subtitles contain more in-
depth information about intellectual capital.

Furthermore, in chapter 8 has the title of the Knowledge Management chapter. As a

whole in this chapter discusses basic information from knowledge management. Based on the
contents of this chapter, it is explained that Knowledge management is an extension of data or
information management but is qualitatively different because knowledge management expressly
includes aspects of experience, learning and prognosticating consequences in a cultural context.
Knowledge management also ventures into tacit knowledge, as opposed to facts and figures.

Then, in chapter 9 which is the last chapter of this part has the chapter title Presentation
Technique. This chapter explains in depth about techniques in presentation, from exposure to
communication perceptions, public speaking, body language, to appropriate media for use in
presentations and also structure in presentations. In brief, this chapter explains that presentations
is to get others to understand a logical and orderly sequence of thoughts, fact, figures and other
information. To do this, a dual strategy is normally adopted, involving both audible and visual

In this part IV has 6 different chapter titles. This section starts from chapter 10 to chapter
15. The six chapters of course discuss different topics related to specialisms in entrepreneurship.
Chapter 10 has the chapter title Technical Innovation. In general, this chapter introduces some of
the concepts surrounding technical entrepreneurship. This chapter also provides detailed and in-
depth information related to technical information, such as the influence of globalization,
company size and industry structure, first mover advantage, and also the dominant design.
According to the contents of this chapter, the management and implementation of high
technology innovation are considered as strategic goals at national level.

Furthermore in chapter 11, this chapter discusses the biotechnology revolution which is
the title of the chapter. In this chapter, it is explained that biotech is unique in many aspects. In
addition, it was also explained about opportunities for biotech entrepreneurs, outsourcing
opportunities and others, up to further barriers related to biotech. In addition, this chapter also
explains that Success in the biotech sector is dependent upon public acceptance and political
legislation as much as the needs of the end user. The degree of success of a new entrepreneurial
venture depends upon appreciating and dealing successfully with a number of clashes that
include Individual vs organizational objectives, Ideas vs utility and Utility vs consumer

Different from the previous chapter, then in chapter 12 with the chapter title Green
Entrepreneurship, A sustainable development challenge. In this chapter, it is explained that
Green entrepreneurship has the potential to be a major force in the overall transition to a more
sustainable business paradigm. In a market-based economy green entrepreneurs play a critical
role in the eventual adoption of green business practices by the wider business community
through the leading role that they provide to other firms. In contrast to the 'push' factors of
government regulation and stakeholder or lobby group pressure, by demonstrating the economic
benefits that come from being greener, ecopreneurs act as a 'pull' factor that entices other firms to
proactively go green.

After that, the next chapter is chapter 13 which has the chapter title Enterprise in Health
and Social Care. As per the title of the chapter, this chapter concentrates on health and other care
downstream of drug discovery and related issues. The topics covered here relate to the spectrum
of areas between the organization of primary health care right down to social and other care

charities. There is a large and increasing opportunity for entrepreneurship in health and social
care. This is due to a number of factors, but includes the increasing privatization of previously
public services and a reliance on social entrepreneurship (the voluntary sector), increased
demand for a range of well-being services and products, as well as health treatments, greater
demands from an aging population and increased needs for workforce development and
knowledge transfer.

In the next chapter, namely chapter 14 with the chapter title Journalism and Media
Entrepreneurs. This chapter discusses entrepreneurship in media, a term used to refer particularly
to journalism and news production. briefly, it is explained in this chapter that journalism and
media are part of what is known as ‘the cultural industries’. Journalists and other mediators are
particularly responsible for the creation of meanings. As such, this chapter is particularly aimed
at those studying communication, social science, media, culture and the various branches of
journalism. In addition, this chapter also explains various matters related to Journalism and
Media Entrepreneurs which contains several sections such as Journalism as part of the cultural
industries, Culture in post-industrial times, Why culture is important, Media and Porter's five
forces, The rewards can be significant, The media convergence revolution, Innovation and
journalism, Freelancing, the fastest route to fame, The importance of networking, and the last
subab is about Entrepreneurial strategies and success factors. Overall, this chapter explains that
Journalism belongs to the 'creative industries' and shares the risks characterizing these industries
such as unpredictable consumer demand. However, in common with all other branches of
industry, the successful entrepreneur is able to generate cost-effective surprises. Another shared
trait is that journalists, as a creative labor force, show enthusiasm for originality rather than
seeking stable work hours, wages or other work conditions. Moreover, the independent breed of
media entrepreneurs is under constant and increasing personal and professional pressure to cope
with this risky media business while maintaining the self-image that constitutes the backbone of
a professional's marketing strategy.

The next chapter is chapter 15, namely General Characteristics of the Creative Arts.
Broadly speaking, this chapter explains this chapter deals with entrepreneurship in the creative,
recreational or entertainment industries, focusing first on film (moving image), then on music.
This chapter is of especial interest to those studying entertainment and the creative arts,

including design, fashion, music, film and popular culture. It is concluded in this chapter that the
music industry is all about overcoming those knowledge barriers that separate those who are on
the inside of the 'fence' and those who are on the outside. While artists focus less on technical
mastery, the successful entrepreneur is able to generate cost-effective surprises will find transient
and possibly lucrative market niches. Plummeting barriers to entry combined with the deep-
reaching paradigm change caused by new technology mean that it is more vital than ever that the
entrepreneur keeps abreast of all initiatives.

This is the last part and also makes up the final chapter of this book. In this part there is
only one chapter. Namely chapter 16, with the chapter title Growing the Venture which contains
the he threads are drawn together and the topic of actually running a new venture is addressed.
just like other chapters, this chapter also contains various sub-chapters related to chapter topics,
including Innovative is attractive Franchising, Business is about selling, Marketing and
advertising in the small company, Leadership and the small company, Your professional
network, Entrepreneurial management, and Learning from failure.



3.1 The Strengths of the Book

According to the chapter of the book that we analyzed “Entrepreneurship for Everyone”,
the strength is that we can find the materials with a great systematical structures. The point of
information which about the entrepreneurship itself, are actually already complete, that will
make the learners are satisfy of the delivering materials that already given in the chapter of this
book. Start from the principles, how we may practice that, create business plan and so on. We as
the advanced learners, are able to find many information related to the entrepreneurship itself.
So, in or opinion this book provides a complete and wide explanations or infromations about
entrepreneurship which kindly will help the readers so they are able to understand further about
ensure how to be entrepreneur and also, this book provides the introduction of the
entrepreneurship itself, that will make the readers easier to find the point of the chapter’s

3.2 The Weaknesses of the Book

Meanwhile, the weakness of this chapter that I have got, is that some of the explanations
about the materials “Entrepreneurship” used the difficult words to be understood. Even tought
this book provides a compact materials, but there are those difficult-understanding words that
will make the learners hard to know and miss understand about the entrepreneurship materials.
And this chapter is enough thick and less provide the picture and color that it will make
sometimes the readers may feel bored when reading this.



4.1 Conclusion

As a conclusion, I find that this book entitled "entrepreneurship for everyone" provides a
lot of very clear and detailed explanations on every discussion of entrepreneurship. In my
opinion, this book is very helpful for further and deeper understanding of entrepreneurship,
especially for beginner readers who want to do business. In this book, of course, I find strengths
and weaknesses. The advantages of this book include the materials with a great systematical
structures and this book provides a complete and wide explanations or information about
entrepreneurship which kindly will help the readers so they are able to understand further about
ensuring how to be entrepreneur. However, the weakness of this book is that some of the
explanations about the materials "Entrepreneurship" used the difficult words to be understood.
However this does not completely detract from the quality of this book.

4.2 Suggestion

As writers, I hope that this critical book review can help readers in obtaining information
related to the understanding of entrepreneurship with the complete information served in the
book we have reviewed. Moreover, the writers suggest to the authors of the book entitled
"Entrepreneurship for Everyone" to pay more attention to choosing words that are more
communicative and easy to understand by readers, especially students.


Mellor, R. (Ed.). (2008). Entrepreneurship for everyone: A student textbook. Sage.


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