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Name : Putri Ilsa Lubis

NIM : 2182121007
Class : English Education 18 D
Subject : Creative in ESP

Comments about 10 ways educators can make classrooms more innovative

After understanding the 10 ways that educators make classes more innovative, among these
10 ways, there are two ways that I think are very influential in making classes more
innovative, namely the mindset and Let Students take Risks and Fail. The reason is that I
chose two methods, namely, the first is the Mindset, because with a good mindset the class
will be interesting to follow. If educators are excited about the material to be taught, students
tend to find it easier to follow class. In delivering material, the teacher must be able to master
the topic to be taught, but the teacher must also be able to pay attention to the way the
material is delivered to students, the teacher must be able to understand how students capture
the material. The second is Let Students take Risks and Fail. The reason I chose this method
because, with the teacher involving students in solving problems in the real world, students
can develop in thinking individually, even though the solutions given by students may fail or
not work, but at least the teacher has allowed students to dare to try something new. in
overcoming a problem. This can increase students' confidence during the learning process.

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