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SECTION: BSEd-Filipino 3A
I- MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write the correct
answer if it is wrong.
TRUE 1.Diversity is an ingredient for a progressive nation.
NOT LIMITED 2. Disability is limited on health condition.
SOCIAL MODEL 3. Twin Track Approach is the combination of Rights-based and Biomedical
LEARNER-CENTERED 4. Special education uses teacher-centered approach.
DIFFERENT 5. In special education, the same approaches must be used for every learner.

II- ESSAY: Answer the following questions. (80 words above)

1. What is the role of diversity in our nation?
Diversity is a big help to our nation, because it brings us new ideas and gives us new
experiences that leads to the success of our country. Being in a diversity provides us equality
to all people belongs to it. Acceptance, understanding and respect are one of the major
concepts of diversity which means every people and individuals are considered or viewed as
a unique person. With this, the role of diversity to our nation is to bring peace to all people in

2. What is the main dilemma of diversity? Give a situation and what are your
recommendations to solve it.
The main dilemma of diversity is “discrimination”, because this is the most
common issue that always occurs whenever and wherever you may be. It can be gender
inequality or racism. For example, you were about to apply a job on a company that
promises a large salary every end of month, so you immediately got to their office to pass
some requirements needed for the job. The next day you were called by the secretary to
meet the boss of the company for some short-interview, as you got to their main office,
the boss said that you will only get 80% of your salary since you are a woman and does
not work as fast as men can do. You were offended and felt discriminated by what your
boss said and just walk away. This situation occurs mostly of different job companies
where women are always compared to men when it comes to work. The best solution for
this is to report it to the company on discriminating women when it comes to workforce
and make a campaign on giving enough and the same promising salary regardless of
3. Using VENN DIAGRAM, make a comparison of Biomedical and Social Model.

- PWD’s are seen and viewed
as a normal person just like
PWD’s are viewed or seen as PERSON WITH DISABILITY.
the others.
person with ill and meant to be - PREVENTION OF
- PWD’s are treated not just
treated “made more normal” DISCRIMINATION.
The disability is either by their disability but
pathological or inheritance. instead, in their culture.
- The disability occurs due to
the lack of social
responsiveness and

4. How important are models of disability and how can these affect the students and other
stakeholders of special and inclusive education?
The models of disability are important because it focuses on the different views
and aspects of a disabled person. It gives hope as well as courage for them to struggle
more and not to be ashamed of what they are and who they are. Every model has its own
view of a disabled person, like the first model which is the moral/religious model wherein
the disabled person is said to be pitiful, embarrassing and the disability they got is a
“punishment of God”. This affects the person with disability’s emotional side, because
looking at them with pity makes then think that they can’t do want they wanted to do.
The second is “The Biomedical/Individual model”. This model views the person with
disability in such a way as a medical failure or pathological which was either in-born
disability or disability acquired after a failure or lack of proper medication. The third one
is “The rehabilitational/functional model” which is more similar to the second model but
in this model , it focuses more on hoping how can a PWD’s function and how can it be
repaired or cured. The fourth one is “The Social Model” which seeks that the PWD will
be viewed as the same with the person without disability, just like living without seeing
what are they lacking ang what they can’t do. With all these models, these will greatly
affect the PWD because this will prevent misjudgment and especially discrimination.

5. How disabilities different from impairements?

The difference between disabilities and impairments is that, disability having a difficulty
and functional limitation to accomplish simple activities or task that occurs in daily life while
the impairment is all about the problem with a structure or organ of the body. Impairment refers
to the body of structure that has been damaged and could not repair. This kind of disability can
be cured and can be attended by medication in different hospitals and experts. It can be also give
hope to those with impairments that they can be treated.

6.Explain Loden's Diversity Wheel.

Loden’s wheel of diversity are composed of inner and outer circles which are also
called as primary and secondary dimensions. The inner circle are composed of 9 dimensions
which are spiritual beliefs, class, gender, physical abilities & characteristics, age, ethnicity, race,
income and sexuality. These 9 primary dimensions are the “must” possessed by the diverty
inorder to have balance and equal traits. The outer circle or secondary dimension is composed of
communication style, political beliefs, organizational roles and levels, work style, mother tongue,
family status and work experience that may affect the treatment of an individual to others.

7.How can the governmment maximize their function in creating inclusive culture.
In the government, all works are recorded systematically in order for the people to
have a proper and peaceful living. The government maximizes their function by distributing the
works to different departments to reach out each and other departments and manages the work
properly, so by creating an inclusive culture, the government fully resides on the people acting in
each diversity and create a better one for all. Without violating any rules, the government must
know the needs of its people and the culture they have as one.

8. Explain the difference between Special Education, Inclusion and mainstreaming in terms of
learners and assessment and evaluation.
The difference between Special Education, Inclusion and mainstreaming in terms of
learners and assessment and evaluation is that in Special Education the learners there are not
part of the classroom norm because the learners of Special Education have additional needs and the
assessment and evaluation in Special Education is mostly strengths-based but sometimes is also
standards-based which means teachers should focus to the strength, interest and needs of the children
and in here there’s no ranking or no IQ test. While in inclusion the learners here are all same-
aged peers/learners are in one class regardless of abilities, all learners here are fully engaged and
respected in which all learners are open to ideas, perspectives, and ways of thinking that are
distinct from their own. In inclusion the assessment and evaluation is norm-reference, we all
know that norm-reference is a type of assessment used in education, so in here teachers allows to
compare a student’s performance in comparison to the performance of same-age students on the
same assessment. While in mainstreaming the learners here are selected learners that included in a
general education class based on their readiness instead of their age so if a student who have additional
needs is ready to join with other students which is a normal students then she/he is what we called
mainstreaming student. The assessment and evaluation of mainstreaming is both norm-referenced and
9. Differentiate the Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction.

The difference between Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated

Instruction is that Universal Design for Learning focused on the inclusive design of the whole
learning environment and it aims to ensure all students have full access in learning in the
classroom and Universal Design for Learning ensures that all students learn genuinely. In
Universal Design for Learning teachers should present ideas and materials in many ways so that
all students can access and understand properly what the teachers lessons or presented is and the
goal of this Universal Design for Learning is to eliminate unnecessary barriers for learning in
order to increase student achievement. While the Differentiated Instruction is either a general
instruction or a specific instructions that focuses on the needs, interest and learning style that fits
on each students. The goal of this Differentiated Instruction is to serve as a guide for students
learning outcome.

10. Make an illustration/drawing that gives the framework of an inclusive culture in a


The drawing represents an inclusive culture in classroom wherein the students and the teachers
are actively communicating each other despite of different in races between them. They disregards what
they and who they are when it comes to teaching and learning. Working together are the best part of
being in an inclusive classroom where all the students and teachers are not focusing on their differences
instead of their uniqueness on how to learn from each other.

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