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7 Principles or 7 C’s of Communication

1. Completeness
2. Conciseness
3. Consideration
4. Concreteness
5. Clarity
6. Courtesy
7. Correctness

Completeness: provide all necessary information so as to achieve the desired goal

Benefits: meeting of the goal without extra time
Good will
Avert (avoid) law suits (A
Techniques to achieve completeness
1. Consider WH Questions
To: A
From: B
Date: January 21, 2021
Subject: Sales Meeting What?

Please plan to prepare a presentation on sales. Make sure that the information you provide is
detailed. When? Where? How long the meeting? Who?
Place an Order/ book a room in a hotel
When? Where? Why? Who? How many?
2. Answer all questions asked
3. Include/provide some additional information if necessary
I think I would like to attend my first meeting of the league. Even though I am not familiar with your
city. Can you please tell me where the next meeting is taking place?
Explicit: (open) Where, appreciate interest,
Implicit: (hidden) Implied not clearly mentioned, When, route map, parking facility,

Convey message in the fewest possible words without sacrificing other C qualities
1. She has a chain which is made of gold. (9)
2. She has a chain made of gold. (7)
3. She has a chain of gold. (6)
4. She has a golden chain. (colour) clarity
5. She has a gold chain. (5)
6. She has chain. (completeness)
1. Use short words instead of long
At this moment/Now, in due course/soon, endeavor/ try, apprise/intimate/inform
2. Use short sentences instead of long
In order to carry out job functions successfully the team has been needing more work space.
To do the job successfully, team needs more time. M Bilal
We hereby wish to let you know that we fully appreciate the confidence you have shown in us.
We fully appreciate your confidence in us.
At this time I am writing to you to enclose the post-paid appointment card for the purpose of
arranging a convenient time when we might meet together for personal interview.
Now I am writing a letter to arrange personal interview.
Enclosed post-paid appointment card when we might meet for personal interview.
Will you please name the appropriate time in the enclosed post-paid appointment card for
personal interview?
Please put appropriate time in the attached card for personal meeting.
3. Avoid Redundancy (repetition)
We have collaborated together on this project.
The used car will cost the sum of Rs 100,000.
We have collaborated on this project.
The used car cost RS 100,00.
The used car will cost Rs 100,000.

4. Reduce prepositions
The problem of most relevance is teamwork.
The most relevant problem is teamwork.
We drove at a rapid speed.
We drove rapidly.
I am in receipt of your email requesting an increase in pay.
I received your email requesting pay increase.
5. Prefer active over passive
The report was prepared by the Manager.
The manager prepared the report.
The novel was received in silence.
People neglected/ignored the novel.
6. Avoid beginning sentences with This/there/It/these +is/am/are/was, were/
There are four rules we must follow.
Four rules must be followed by us.
We must follow four rules.
I am home.
I am at home.
I am writing with blue ink.
I am writing in blue ink.
The sun rise from the east.
The sun rises in the east.
He left for good.
3. Consideration: showing empathy, visualizing yourself in place of readers
1. Show ‘You-Attitude’ Instead of ‘I and We-attitude’
I congratulate you on your brilliant achievement.
Congratulations to you on your brilliant achievement.
We give 8% discount on ABC products.
You earn 8% discount on ABC products.
2. Show reader benefitted approach
We do not refund the soiled items.
We refund unsoiled items.
Do not use negative words.
Use positive words.

3. Depersonalize “You”
You failed to enclose the cheque in the envelop.

4. Depersonalize “You”
You failed to enclose the cheque in the envelop.
The envelop did not have a cheque/check in it.
You must attend the meeting.
Attendance in the meeting is a must.
You are invited to attend marriage ceremony of M Wasim.
We cordially invite you to attend marriage ceremony of M Wasim.
4. Concreteness: valid, solid, definite, specific
1. Use specific facts and figures
She is really tall. She is 6 feet tall.
His CGPA is low. His CGPA is 1.9.
He has earned several prizes. He has earned three prizes.
5. Unbury nouns and use action verbs
He will make decision today.
He will decide today.
The duty of the secretary is to check all incoming mails and to record them. It is also his or her
responsibility to maintain the daily book.
The secretary checks and records all incoming mails and also maintains the daily book.
He places his trust on all.
He trusts all.
5. Clarity
1. simple words/conversational language
2. syntactic structures
Mother beat her daughter because she was drunk. unclear
She got beated by her mother because she was drunked.
Mother beat her drunk daughter. clear
Drunk mother beat her daughter. clear
6. Courtesy:
Polite behavior/cultured-ness
Each student must submit his assignment by Friday.
All students must submit their assignment by Friday.
A Pakistani accountant applied……
An accountant applied……..
7. Correctness
Writing mechanism
1. Download the software, along with its readme file.
2. The laptop is overheating and it’s making that funny noise again.
3. The managers are in they're weekly planning meeting over their in that office.
The managers are in their weekly planning meeting over there in that office

Parallelism ( apply parallelism on unparalleled sentences)

1. The board decided to pass the bill, approve the contract and it would reelect the Chairman.
2. Swimming, seeing movies and to go for walk are my hobbies

Swimming, seeing movies and going for walk are my hobbies

To swim, to see movies and to go for a walk are my hobbies.

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