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FNUFIJINATIONAL UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DIPLOMA IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (ELECTRONICS) EED621 - CONTROL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING FINAL EXAMINATION INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. Candidates are reminded that they should have no books, notes, paper or other material in their possession unless their use is specifically permitted by “Instructions to Candidates” set out below, 2. Reading time is of 10 minutes duration. 3. Examination time is of 3 hours duration, 4, This paper consists of 8 questions. 5, Start each question on a new page. 6. Attempt all 8 questions. Each question may carry a different mark. 7. Aset of Laplace Transforms Table is attached. 8. The datasheet for the 74L8153 Multiplexer is on page 8. 9. Write your candidate number at the top of each attached sheet. 10. Non-Programmable Calculators may be used. 11. Mobile phones are not allowed inside the examination venue, FORMULA SHEET 4, Integrating Factor R=e!"™; aq) = JRowa 2. fudv = nv J vate o, G(s)= =—_—_, OS +2go,5 +0," 4, %OS =e") 100% 8. = f4kT(BI)R 9. P.=kT(BIV) Gs) 10. CLTF =~ __ 14G() Hs) 11. f(i ees cos tb, sin 1) ay == J feos neta = I fl eos! ra t * nt dt =+f p)sin rar es sin neat dt =— f f(7)sin dt sits 12. C= 2Blog, M, C= sies,(1 + 5) ? N wo) StI) Fs saat oe lat a3.qg=cV; (y=; =, ac), SLode Oy q Ma" MOAT Meer in) Joa Ww 1a. ey 1 40, w, =bor at 2 EDB2| Control Systems Engneering-Final Page 2 of 11 Examination, Semester 2, 2019, QUI STION 1: LAPLACE TRANSFORMS; UNIT STEP FUN‘ ION [TOTAL: 15 MARKS] (a) Determine the Laplace Transform of the following functions; Se" +3¢! —2cosh6r @ £0- " : st =ult—5)(t-5) (b) Sketch the graphs of the following funetions; (i) f= Sult)-2u(r-4) di) (O= wt (iil) (=u, £42) = f: O<1<6 FEDB2 Contral Systems Engieering-Final Page 3 of 11 [2 marks] [3 marks] [3 marks] [2 marks] [2 marks] [3 marks} Examination, Semester 2, 2018 QUESTION 2: FIRST ORDER RL NETWORK [TOTAL MARKS: 13] Consider the network shown, Figure 1: Step Input RE circuit (a) The 1 Order RL circuit in Figure 1 has zero initial conditions. The switch Sis closed at time t = 0. (i) Determine the solution, (t), by applying Kirchhoft’s Voltage Law (KVL) to derive the First Order Differential Equation model, then use the Steady State and the Transient [4 marks] (ii) Using your First Order Differential Equation Model, resolve for i(t) using Laplace Transforms. [4 marks] (iii) Determine the expression for the instantaneous Power, p(t) experienced by the resistor R= 8 . (2 marks] 7 — . Use the method of a encore Poles & Zeros to determine time-domain response. [3 marks] (b) The step response of a 1** Order System is C(v EDBZ|Contral Systems Engineering-Final Page 4 of 11 Examination, Semester 2, 2018 QUESTION 3: SECOND ORDER SYSTEMS [POR AL: 7 MARKS} (a) Given an Underda ped system, find the following if the Transfer Function is 36 Gl — Fos 36 (i) Peak time (Tp) [4 marks] (ii) Percentage Overshoot (%OS) [3 marks] (iii) Settling time (T,) [2 marks] (b) Analyse the RLC Series circuit shown. The output is taken across the itor, C. Use Laplace Transforms to derive the solution of g/l). Assume zero initial condi N oH 4, @) 20v R325 ee rad) if IF [8 marks] 1/30 Figure 2: EEDB21Contral Systems Enginoaring Final Page S of 11 Examination, Semester 2, 2019 QUESTION 4: PARALLEL RLC NETWORK [To 13 MARKS] (a) Analyse the Parallel RLC network shown in Figure 3. is(t sr] Voit) SD z e re 3: Parallel RLC network {i) Derive the mathematical model in the s-domain. Assume zero initial conditions. [4 marks} (ii) Formulate the Transfer Function. [2 marks} (iii)Construct the block diagram of the network, then reduce it to its simplest Closed-Loop form using the block reduction technique. {4 marks] (iv) Find the Closed-loop Transfer Function. Represent this via a block diagram. [3 marks] EDBZI Control Systems Engineering-Final Page 6 of I Examination, Semester 2, 2018, (a) Analyse the voltage pulse train given, V(r) (i) Sketch 3 periods of the function v(1) and label clearly. SERIES (ii) Determine the coefficients ao, ax, and by. (iii) Determine the first five terms of the Fourier Series. (TOTAL: 12 MARKS] osr<2 n+ 4) =i) [4 marks] (iv) Predict the amplitude and the frequency of the term when n = 13, FEDBZI Control Systems Engineering-Final Page 7 of 11 Examination, Semester 2, 2019 [2 marks} [4 marks] QUESTION 6: MULTIPLEXER & SIGNAL CONDITIONING TOTAL: 10 MARKS] (a) Refer to Table 1, showing the Function Table for the Full Adder (Binary Adder). Design a circuit using the 741S153 Multiplexer to implement the Sum (5) and the Carry Out (Cou). Both outputs $ and Cow are to be present at any time. (Note: Datasheet for 7415153 is provided). [5 marks] Table 1: Binary Adder AB K[ Gu S 00 ofo0 oO ooi1jo 2 o1ofo 2 O45 4]4 o 10 o0fo 1 10 1]1 0 1 1o0f1 0 1D stmoee 4 _aatamurs_cureur Seiest Se Sant vee TSB Seteer SENN ott Inputs a pa ‘ x] ‘ xe t xf ‘ xi ou i zit | i x] | . aa |i Soe eel eo tera | | Connection Diagram Function Table | | EEOB2| Control Systems Engnesring-Final Page 8 of 11 Examination, Semester 2, 2018, (b) The block diagram of an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) is shown in Figure 4. Explain clearly as to how the analog input Vq is converted to its digital output equivalent. [5 marks] ‘Analog input bes |<—START command Varee 9 | control Se RLFC a bx Clock Comparator EOE (ond of conversion) D/A convorter Revises Vax Digital result Figure 4: ADC block diagram £EE082I Control Systems Engineering-Final Page 9 of 11 Examination, Semester 2, 2018 QUESTION 7: OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS ~ ANALOGUE COMPUTERS [TOTAL: 10 MARKS] Design an Analogue Computer using Operational Amplifiers to solve the second order differential equation, v" = 3v'—Sv +4 sin 91 . Use integrators whose time constant RC= 1. Assume the initial conditions v (0) = 3 and v'(0) = 1, Provide a block diagrammatic representation of the circuit first. State any assumptions you make. Do note the General Add-Subtract circuit shown in Figure 5, and the parameters that need to be evaluated. {10 Let a= 4,.8= 58, = Let C=4-B-1 in — If je20 Rew ve R, . [C<0 Rak Rex EDE2I Contra Systems Enginoering-Final Page 10 of 1] Examination, Semester 2, 2019 QUESTION 8: rABILITY — ROOT LOCUS. TOTAL: 10 MARKS] Analyse the system shown, pitas 5 Ce + s(s-+8) (a) Obtain the Characteristic Equation in quadratic form. [2 marks} (b) Sketch the Root Locus. [Hint: Obtain roots for k = 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20) [4 marks] (c) Determine the value(s) of k, which will keep the system stable. [2 marks} (d) What other information can be derived from the Root Locus? [2 marks} THE END -Semester2-2019.doe col 2271022019 15:50:00, last pr £EEDEZI Control Systems Engineorng-Final Page 11 of 11 Examination, Semester 2, 2019 TABLE OF LAPLACE TRANSFORMS, rid [plo] 1 ae 6 Sera) Te * (stal(s+h) sha ® Gralls+D) a ab Astal(s+b) \ 0 (ealistillero) ta (vtalls+o\s+o) ails+a) sls+a}(s+b) (sta) +0 slo, 120 (t,). Unit Tmputse at =f, 1, Unit Step 1 a Oa" Talla wert -lae-whe (o-a) b “b-a® = aNe=a) *Te—aNia—b) *Ta— Ab) a (a-ble™ — (a-cle" Mb=e) (a-ae"_ (b-alle~a) © (e=ba=b ba-a) aaa), ~(o=a) © * (b=a) © sinar cosar " sinar Please sum over TABLE OF LAPLACE TRANSFORMS. Fs) = ef /(0] f(a), 120 (sta) (s+a¥ +0" sta (sealer 17 “ sinfar +9), pam 4 sine, fI- Ot. C

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