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M Student's Book pp.

A. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
1. Im sick. her behaviour. She is always rude to me.

2. Kate is bored. her life in Brighton. She wants to move to

another city
3. You don't seem very enthusiastic the game
4. Mandy is interested. learning a foreign language.

5. Im keen playing tennis. I play three times a week

6. Most teenage boysare fond footbal.
7. Jack Is fed with waiting. so he is leaving.

8. I'm tired watching TV. Let's go for a walk.

B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do not need to use.

lonely creative earn entertaining improve teamwork socialise Suppose

1. How much do you .

_If you dont mind me asking?
2. She is so
I cOuld never make my own accessories.
3.1- you're right. Its too windy to go saliling
4. We need to . our school's facilities.
5. This TV programme is much more. than the one we were watching before.

6.I moved to a new nelighbourhood so I get Sometimes.

C. Here are some sentences about Peter's D. Join the sentences using and, but, or, so or because.
new job at a company. Complete the second
sentence so that it means the same as the
first. Use no more than three words. 1. My friend Harry loves basketbal.We always play in our free
1. Peter loves his new job.

Peter is crazy. his

2. Peter's previous job was more challenging
2. Jane and her friends sometimes hang out at the park. They
than his new one.
sometimes hang out at the shopping centre.
Peter's new job isn't
his previous one.
3. Peter Ilikes his job as well as the people he

works with.
3. I'm very upset. I lost a very important match yesterday.
Apart his job, Peter

also likes the people he works with.

4. Peter is improving at his work. 4.I don't like Carrie. She's always talking about herself.
Peter is getting

his work.
5. Peter's friend, Glorla, admires his work a lot 5. Mary usully works parttime. Today she is working ful-time.

Peter's friend, Gloria, is a big fan.

his work.

B.Complete the text with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives or adverbs in

(Saluton= hello in Esperainto)
In the late 19th century, a man named LL. Zamenhof created a completely new language
that he hoped would be the (1 - (exciting) development in the
history of languages. He called this language Esperanto' and it was designed to be
(2) Ceasy) to learn than any other language. with the basic rules taking onlya few
days to understand. He hoped it would become the (3) (popular)
second language in the world. But to his disappointment, It did not become as (4)
(popular) as he expected. Zamenhof believed that the world would become a 5).
good) and (6) Cpeacefu) place with a single, common language. He thought
everyone would feel (7). (close) to each otherIf they were no longer divided by
different languages
No one knows exactly how many people speak Esperanto fluently, but there may be between 10000 to

(8) (many) than 15 million people. Traditional languages such as English may be
(9) hard) to learn but they continue to be the (10)
common) second languages for students all over the world.

C.Complete the second sentence so thatit has a D.Complete the dialogues with the phrases a-g.
are two extra phrases which you do not need
similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
Word given. Do not change the word given. You
to use.
must use between two and five words including
the word given.
a. turned it on e. give them a call
1. If you keep practising, itll become easy for you more b. shut it down now f. call me back
The c. drop hima line 9. kept in touch with
d. have a word with
itll become for you.

2. Sandra recelves more emails than Kate. as 1. Matthew My computer isn't working. Can you
help me, Amir?
Kate doesn't receive
Amir Have you (1)- _?1 cant see any
Sandra. lights on anywhere
Matthew I'm not that sillyl The problem is that I
3. Your younger sister is becoming quite tall and can't hear anything.
Youryounger sister is getting. Amir Oh, that's never happened to me before.
Look, here's the number for technical
Support. Why don't you (2) _7
4. If you run faster, youll get to school quicker. the
Matthew I did and I am waiting for them to
The faster
2.Sam Hi, Jess. Did you get my emal about the
youll get to school.
5. Ben is not as interested in reading as his less Jess Yeah, thanks. I need to (4) my
parents about it first, but I think I
brother. come
Ben is Sam Thats great news! Tell your cousin
about it too.
his brother. Jess He's at university now so l'll send him an
6. Lisas hair is a lot longer than Helen's. much
Sam OK great. Can you glve me his address?
Lisa's hair. I'I (5) togive him directions to my

than Helens Jess

Sure, no problem.


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