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National treatment

It requires equal treatment of foreigners and locals. Under national

treatment, a state that grants particular rights, benefits or privileges to
its own citizens must also grant those advantages to the citizens of
other states while they are in that country.

National treatment is a principle that says countries should treat imported

goods, services and intellectual property (trademarks, copyrights and patents)
the same way they treat their own. This helps create a level playing field in
the marketplace by preventing domestic goods from having an unfair

Most Favored Nation

Countries cannot normally discriminate between their trading partners.

Grant someone a special favour (such as a lower customs duty rate for
one of their products) and you have to do the same for all other WTO

It requires a country to provide any concessions, privileges, or immunities

granted to one nation in a trade agreement to all other World Trade
Organization member countries. 

Freedom of Information

During the negotiations of President or its authorized personnel, even before

the treaty concluded or otherwise, there is an executive privilege on the
confidentiality of the negotiations, it may be contradictory against democracy
but the reason of such confidentiality will protect the nation’s interest in
negotiating with other states. Without disclosing the matters in the negotiation,
other state will be confident in giving trust and will not prejudice the
established relation by being compromised because of such disclosure of the
negotiation. Disclosing these offers could impair the ability of the Philippines to deal not
only with Japan but with other foreign governments in future negotiations.

A ruling that Philippine offers in treaty negotiations should now be open to public scrutiny
would discourage future Philippine representatives from frankly expressing their views
during negotiations. 

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