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Antimycobacterial Drugs
Camille E. Beauduy, PharmD, &
Lisa G. Winston, MD*


A 60-year-old man presents to the emergency department tuberculosis, the patient is placed in respiratory isolation.
with a 2-month history of fatigue, weight loss (10 kg), fevers, His first sputum smear shows many acid-fast bacilli, and an
night sweats, and a productive cough. He is currently living HIV test returns with a positive result. What drugs should
with friends and has been intermittently homeless, spending be started for treatment of presumptive pulmonary tubercu-
time in shelters. He reports drinking about 6 beers per day. losis? Does the patient have a heightened risk of developing
In the emergency department, a chest x-ray shows a right medication toxicity? If so, which medication(s) would be
apical infiltrate. Given the high suspicion for pulmonary likely to cause toxicity?

Mycobacteria are intrinsically resistant to most antibiotics. active drugs. An isoniazid-rifampin combination administered for
Because they grow more slowly than other bacteria, antibiotics 9 months will cure 95–98% of cases of tuberculosis caused by sus-
that are most active against rapidly growing cells are relatively ceptible strains. An initial intensive phase of treatment is recom-
ineffective. Mycobacterial cells can also be dormant and, thus, mended for the first 2 months due to the prevalence of resistant
resistant to many drugs or killed only very slowly. The lipid-rich strains. The addition of pyrazinamide during this intensive phase
mycobacterial cell wall is impermeable to many agents. Mycobac- allows the total duration of therapy to be reduced to 6 months
terial species are intracellular pathogens, and organisms residing without loss of efficacy. In practice, therapy is usually initiated
within macrophages are inaccessible to drugs that penetrate these with a four-drug regimen of isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide,
cells poorly. Finally, mycobacteria are notorious for their ability and ethambutol until susceptibility of the clinical isolate has
to develop resistance. Combinations of two or more drugs are been determined. In susceptible isolates, the continuation phase
required to overcome these obstacles and to prevent emergence of consists of an additional 4 months with isoniazid and rifampin
resistance during the course of therapy. The response of mycobac- (Table 47–2). Neither ethambutol nor other drugs such as strep-
terial infections to chemotherapy is slow, and treatment must be tomycin adds substantially to the overall activity of the regimen
administered for months to years, depending on which drugs are (ie, the duration of treatment cannot be further reduced if another
used. The drugs used to treat tuberculosis, atypical mycobacterial drug is used), but the fourth drug provides additional cover-
infections, and leprosy are described in this chapter. age if the isolate proves to be resistant to isoniazid, rifampin,
or both. If therapy is initiated after the isolate is known to be
susceptible to isoniazid and rifampin, ethambutol does not
■ DRUGS USED IN TUBERCULOSIS need to be added. The prevalence of isoniazid resistance among
clinical isolates in the USA is approximately 10%. Prevalence
Isoniazid (INH), rifampin (or other rifamycin), pyrazinamide,
of resistance to both isoniazid and rifampin (which is termed
and ethambutol are the traditional first-line agents for treatment
multidrug resistance) ranged from 1 to 1.6% from the years
of tuberculosis (Table 47–1). Isoniazid and rifampin are the most
2000 to 2013 in the USA. Multidrug resistance is much more
prevalent in many other parts of the world. Resistance to

The authors thank Henry F. Chambers, MD and Daniel H. Deck, rifampin alone is rare.
PharmD for their contributions to previous editions.

CHAPTER 47 Antimycobacterial Drugs 843

TABLE 47–1 Antimicrobials used in the treatment of growing tubercle bacilli. It is less effective against nontuberculous
tuberculosis. mycobacteria. Isoniazid penetrates into macrophages and is active
against both extracellular and intracellular organisms.
Drug Typical Adult Dosage

First-line agents Mechanism of Action & Basis of Resistance

Isoniazid 300 mg/d Isoniazid inhibits synthesis of mycolic acids, which are essential
Rifampin 600 mg/d components of mycobacterial cell walls. Isoniazid is a prodrug that
Pyrazinamide 25 mg/kg/d is activated by KatG, the mycobacterial catalase-peroxidase. The
Ethambutol 15–25 mg/kg/d activated form of isoniazid forms a covalent complex with an acyl
carrier protein (AcpM) and KasA, a beta-ketoacyl carrier protein
Second-line agents
synthetase, which blocks mycolic acid synthesis. Resistance to
Amikacin 15 mg/kg/d
isoniazid is associated with mutations resulting in overexpression
Aminosalicylic acid 8–12 g/d of inhA, which encodes an NADH-dependent acyl carrier pro-
Bedaquiline 400 mg/d tein reductase; mutation or deletion of the katG gene; promoter
Capreomycin 15 mg/kg/d mutations resulting in overexpression of ahpC, a gene involved
Clofazimine 200 mg/d in protection of the cell from oxidative stress; and mutations in
kasA. Overproducers of inhA express low-level isoniazid resis-
Cycloserine 500–1000 mg/d, divided
tance and cross-resistance to ethionamide. KatG mutants express
Ethionamide 500–750 mg/d
high-level isoniazid resistance and often are not cross-resistant to
Levofloxacin 500–750 mg/d ethionamide.
Linezolid 600 mg/d Drug-resistant mutants are normally present in susceptible
Moxifloxacin 400 mg/d mycobacterial populations at about 1 bacillus in 106. Since
Rifabutin2 300 mg/d tuberculous lesions often contain more than 108 tubercle bacilli,
3 resistant mutants are readily selected if isoniazid or any other
Rifapentine 600 mg once weekly
drug is given as a single agent. The use of two independently
Streptomycin 15 mg/kg/d
acting drugs in combination is much more effective. The
Assuming normal renal function. probability that a bacillus is initially resistant to both drugs is
6 6 12
150 mg/d if used concurrently with a protease inhibitor or cobicistat; 600 mg/d with approximately 1 in 10 × 10 , or 1 in 10 , several orders of
magnitude greater than the number of infecting organisms.
No longer recommended, but may be considered in selected cases if HIV-uninfected
without cavitation on chest radiograph. Thus, at least two (or more in certain cases) active agents should
always be used to treat active tuberculosis to prevent emergence
of resistance during therapy.
Isoniazid is the most active drug for the treatment of tuberculosis
Isoniazid is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract,
caused by susceptible strains. It is a small molecule (molecular
optimally on an empty stomach; peak concentrations may be
weight 137) that is freely soluble in water. The structural similarity
decreased by up to 50% when taken with a fatty meal. A 300 mg
to pyridoxine is shown below.
oral dose (5 mg/kg in children) achieves peak plasma concentra-
N tions of 3–5 mcg/mL within 1–2 hours. Isoniazid diffuses readily
into all body fluids and tissues. The concentration in the central
nervous system and cerebrospinal fluid ranges between 20% and
100% of simultaneous serum concentrations.
CONHNH2 Metabolism of isoniazid, especially acetylation by liver
N-acetyltransferase, is genetically determined (see Chapter 4).
The average plasma concentration of isoniazid in rapid acetyl-
ators is about one third to one half of that in slow acetylators,
N and average half-lives are less than 1 hour and 3 hours, respec-
tively. More rapid clearance of isoniazid by rapid acetylators is
OH usually of no therapeutic consequence when appropriate doses
are administered daily, but subtherapeutic concentrations may
CH2OH occur if drug is administered as a once-weekly dose or if there is
Pyridoxine malabsorption.
Isoniazid metabolites and a small amount of unchanged drug
In vitro, isoniazid inhibits most tubercle bacilli at a concen- are excreted in the urine. The dosage need not be adjusted in renal
tration of 0.2 mcg/mL or less and is bactericidal for actively failure. Dose adjustment is not well defined in patients with severe
844 SECTION VIII Chemotherapeutic Drugs

TABLE 47–2 Recommended treatment for drug-susceptible tuberculosis.

Intensive Phase Continuation Phase
Regimen (min duration = 8 weeks) (min duration = 18 weeks)1  
(in order of
preference) Drugs Dosing Interval Drugs Dosing Interval Comments

1 INH 7 days per week2 INH 7 days per week2 Preferred regimen.
2 INH 7 days per week2 INH 3 days per week Preferred alternative if less frequent DOT is
RIF RIF needed.
3 INH 3 days per week INH 3 days per week Caution in patients with HIV and/or cavitary
RIF RIF disease due to concerns for treatment
failure, relapse, drug resistance.
4 INH 7 days per week × INH 2 days per week Avoid in patients with HIV or those with
RIF 2 weeks, then RIF smear-positive and/ or cavitary disease.
PZA 2 days per week ×
EMB 6 weeks
Experts recommend prolonged continuation phase (31 weeks) for patients with cavitation on initial chest radiograph and positive cultures at the end of the intensive
treatment phase.
May consider 5 days per week if needed for DOT. No studies compare 5 versus 7 doses per week, but extensive experience suggests efficacy of this regimen.
DOT, directly observed therapy; EMB, ethambutol; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; INH, isoniazid; PZA, pyrazinamide; RIF, rifampin.

preexisting hepatic insufficiency and should be guided by serum A. Immunologic Reactions

concentrations if a reduction in dose is contemplated. Isoniazid Fever and skin rashes are occasionally seen. Drug-induced sys-
inhibits several cytochrome P450 enzymes, leading to increased temic lupus erythematosus has been reported.
concentrations of such medications as phenytoin, carbamazepine,
and benzodiazepines. However, when used in combination with B. Direct Toxicity
rifampin, a potent CYP enzyme inducer, the concentrations of
Isoniazid-induced hepatitis is the most common major toxic effect.
these medications are usually decreased.
This is distinct from the minor increases in liver aminotransferases
(up to three or four times normal), which do not require cessa-
Clinical Uses tion of the drug and which are seen in 10–20% of patients, who
The typical dosage of isoniazid is 5 mg/kg/d; a typical adult dose is usually are asymptomatic. Clinical hepatitis with loss of appetite,
300 mg given once daily. Up to 10 mg/kg/d may be used for seri- nausea, vomiting, jaundice, and right upper quadrant pain occurs
ous infections or if malabsorption is a problem. A 15-mg/kg dose, in 1% of isoniazid recipients and can be fatal, particularly if the
or 900 mg, may be used in a twice to three times-weekly dosing drug is not discontinued promptly. There is histologic evidence of
regimen in combination with a second antituberculous agent (eg, hepatocellular damage and necrosis. The risk of hepatitis depends
rifampin, 600 mg). Pyridoxine, 25–50 mg/d, is recommended on age. It occurs rarely under age 20, in 0.3% of those age 21–35,
for those with conditions predisposing to neuropathy, an adverse 1.2% of those age 36–50, and 2.3% for those age 50 and above.
effect of isoniazid. Isoniazid is usually given by mouth but can be The risk of hepatitis is greater in individuals with alcohol depen-
given parenterally in the same dosage. dence and possibly during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
Isoniazid as a single agent is also indicated for treatment Development of isoniazid hepatitis contraindicates further use of
of latent tuberculosis. The dosage is 300 mg/d (5 mg/kg/d) or the drug.
900 mg twice weekly, and the duration is usually 9 months. Peripheral neuropathy is observed in 10–20% of patients given
dosages greater than 5 mg/kg/d, but it is infrequently seen with
the standard 300-mg adult dose. Peripheral neuropathy is more
Adverse Reactions likely to occur in slow acetylators and patients with predisposing
The incidence and severity of untoward reactions to isoniazid are conditions such as malnutrition, alcoholism, diabetes, AIDS, and
related to dosage and duration of administration. uremia. Neuropathy is due to a relative pyridoxine deficiency.
CHAPTER 47 Antimycobacterial Drugs 845

Isoniazid promotes excretion of pyridoxine, and this toxicity is (see Chapters 4 and 66). Co-administration of rifampin results in
readily reversed by administration of pyridoxine in a dosage as low significantly lower serum levels of these drugs.
as 10 mg/d. Central nervous system toxicity, which is less com-
mon, includes memory loss, psychosis, ataxia, and seizures. These Clinical Uses
effects may also respond to pyridoxine.
Miscellaneous other reactions include hematologic abnormali- A. Mycobacterial Infections
ties, provocation of pyridoxine deficiency anemia, tinnitus, and Rifampin, usually 600 mg/d (10 mg/kg/d) orally, must be
gastrointestinal discomfort. administered with isoniazid or other antituberculous drugs to
patients with active tuberculosis to prevent emergence of drug-
resistant mycobacteria. In some short-course therapies, 600 mg
RIFAMPIN of rifampin is given twice weekly. Rifampin, 600 mg daily or
twice weekly for 6 months, also is effective in combination with
Rifampin is a semisynthetic derivative of rifamycin, an antibi- other agents in some atypical mycobacterial infections and in
otic produced by Amycolatopsis rifamycinica, formerly named leprosy. Rifampin, 600 mg daily for 4 months as a single drug,
Streptomyces mediterranei. It is active in vitro against Gram-positive is an alternative to isoniazid for patients with latent tuberculosis
organisms, some Gram-negative organisms, such as Neisseria and who are unable to take isoniazid or who have had exposure to
Haemophilus species, mycobacteria, and chlamydiae. Susceptible a case of active tuberculosis caused by an isoniazid-resistant,
organisms are inhibited by less than 1 mcg/mL. Resistant mutants rifampin-susceptible strain.
are present in all microbial populations at approximately 1 in
10 organisms and are rapidly selected out if rifampin is used as B. Other Indications
a single drug, especially in a patient with active infection. There Rifampin has other uses in bacterial infections. An oral dosage
is no cross-resistance to other classes of antimicrobial drugs, but of 600 mg twice daily for 2 days can eliminate meningococcal
there is cross-resistance to other rifamycin derivatives, eg, rifabutin carriage. Rifampin, 20 mg/kg (maximum 600 mg) once daily
and rifapentine. for 4 days, is used as prophylaxis in contacts of children with
Haemophilus influenzae type b disease. Rifampin combined
Mechanism of Action, Resistance, & with a second agent is sometimes used to eradicate staphy-
lococcal carriage. Rifampin combination therapy is also used
Pharmacokinetics for treatment of serious staphylococcal infections such as
Rifampin binds to the β subunit of bacterial DNA-dependent osteomyelitis, prosthetic joint infections, and prosthetic valve
RNA polymerase and thereby inhibits RNA synthesis. Resistance endocarditis.
results from any one of several possible point mutations in rpoB,
the gene for the β subunit of RNA polymerase. These muta-
tions result in reduced binding of rifampin to RNA polymerase. Adverse Reactions
Human RNA polymerase does not bind rifampin and is not Rifampin imparts a harmless orange color to urine, sweat, and
inhibited by it. Rifampin is bactericidal for mycobacteria. It read- tears (soft contact lenses may be permanently stained). Occasional
ily penetrates most tissues and penetrates into phagocytic cells. It adverse effects include rashes, thrombocytopenia, and nephritis.
can kill organisms that are poorly accessible to many other drugs, Rifampin may cause cholestatic jaundice and occasionally hepa-
such as intracellular organisms and those sequestered in abscesses titis, and it commonly causes light-chain proteinuria. If adminis-
and lung cavities. tered less often than twice weekly, rifampin may cause a flu-like
Rifampin is well absorbed after oral administration and syndrome characterized by fever, chills, myalgias, anemia, and
excreted mainly through the liver into bile. It then undergoes thrombocytopenia. Its use has been associated with acute tubular
enterohepatic recirculation, with the bulk excreted as a deacylated necrosis.
metabolite in feces and a small amount excreted in the urine.
Dosage adjustment for renal or hepatic insufficiency is not neces-
sary. Usual doses result in serum levels of 5–7 mcg/mL. Rifampin ETHAMBUTOL
is distributed widely in body fluids and tissues. The drug is
relatively highly protein-bound, and adequate cerebrospinal fluid Ethambutol is a synthetic, water-soluble, heat-stable compound,
concentrations are achieved only in the presence of meningeal the dextro-isomer of the structure shown below, dispensed as the
inflammation. dihydrochloride salt.
Rifampin strongly induces most cytochrome P450 isoforms
(CYP1A2, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, and 3A4), which increases the elimi- CH2OH C2H5
nation of numerous other drugs including methadone, antico- H C NH (CH2)2 NH C H
agulants, cyclosporine, some anticonvulsants, protease inhibitors,
some nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors or integrase C2H5 CH2OH

strand transfer inhibitors, contraceptives, and a host of others Ethambutol

846 SECTION VIII Chemotherapeutic Drugs

Mechanism of Action & Clinical Uses O

Ethambutol inhibits mycobacterial arabinosyl transferases, which
are encoded by the embCAB operon. Arabinosyl transferases are
involved in the polymerization reaction of arabinoglycan, an
essential component of the mycobacterial cell wall. Resistance to
Pyrazinamide (PZA)
ethambutol is due to mutations resulting in overexpression of emb
gene products or within the embB structural gene. Susceptible
strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other mycobacteria are Mechanism of Action & Clinical Uses
inhibited in vitro by ethambutol, 1–5 mcg/mL. Pyrazinamide is converted to pyrazinoic acid—the active form of
Ethambutol is well absorbed from the gut. After ingestion the drug—by mycobacterial pyrazinamidase, which is encoded
of 25 mg/kg, a blood level peak of 2–5 mcg/mL is reached in by pncA. Pyrazinoic acid disrupts mycobacterial cell membrane
2–4 hours. About 20% of the drug is excreted in feces and 50% in metabolism and transport functions. Resistance may be due
urine in unchanged form. Ethambutol accumulates in renal failure, to impaired uptake of pyrazinamide or mutations in pncA that
and the dose should be reduced to three times weekly if creatinine impair conversion of PZA to its active form.
clearance is less than 30 mL/min. Ethambutol crosses the blood- Serum concentrations of 30–50 mcg/mL at 1–2 hours after
brain barrier only when the meninges are inflamed. Concentrations oral administration are achieved with dosages of 25 mg/kg/d.
in cerebrospinal fluid are highly variable, ranging from 4% to 64% Pyrazinamide is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and
of serum levels in the setting of meningeal inflammation. widely distributed in body tissues, including inflamed meninges.
As with all antituberculous drugs, resistance to ethambutol The half-life is 8–11 hours. The parent compound is metabolized
emerges rapidly when the drug is used alone. Therefore, etham- by the liver, but metabolites are renally cleared; therefore, PZA
butol is always given in combination with other antituberculous should be administered at 25–35 mg/kg three times weekly (not
drugs. Ethambutol hydrochloride, 15–25 mg/kg, is usually given daily) in hemodialysis patients and those in whom the creatinine
as a single daily dose in combination with isoniazid, rifampin, and clearance is less than 30 mL/min. In patients with normal renal
pyrazinamide during the initial intensive phase of active tuber- function, a dose of 30–50 mg/kg is used for thrice-weekly or
culosis treatment. The higher dose may be used for treatment of twice-weekly treatment regimens.
tuberculous meningitis. Higher doses have been used with inter- Pyrazinamide is an important front-line drug used in conjunc-
mittent dosing regimens for directly observed therapy; for example, tion with isoniazid and rifampin in short-course (ie, 6-month)
25–30 mg/kg three times weekly or 50 mg/kg administered twice regimens as a “sterilizing” agent active against residual intracellular
weekly. Ethambutol is also used in combination with other agents organisms that may cause relapse. Tubercle bacilli develop resis-
for the treatment of nontuberculous mycobacterial infections, such tance to pyrazinamide fairly readily, but there is no cross-resistance
as Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) or M. kansasii; the typical with isoniazid or other antimycobacterial drugs.
dose for these infections is 15 mg/kg once daily.
Adverse Reactions
Adverse Reactions Major adverse effects of PZA include hepatotoxicity (in 1–5%
Hypersensitivity to ethambutol is rare. The most common serious of patients), nausea, vomiting, drug fever, photosensitivity, and
adverse event is retrobulbar neuritis, resulting in loss of visual acu- hyperuricemia. The latter occurs uniformly and is not a reason to
ity and red-green color blindness. This dose-related adverse effect halt therapy if patients are asymptomatic.
is more likely to occur at dosages of 25 mg/kg/d continued for
several months. At 15 mg/kg/d or less, visual disturbances occur in
approximately 2% of patients, typically after at least one month of SECOND-LINE DRUGS FOR
treatment. Experts recommend baseline and monthly visual acu- TUBERCULOSIS
ity and color discrimination testing, with particular attention to
patients on higher doses or with impaired renal function. Etham- The alternative drugs listed below are usually considered only (1)
butol is relatively contraindicated in children too young to permit in case of resistance to first-line agents; (2) in case of failure of
assessment of visual acuity and red-green color discrimination. clinical response to conventional therapy; and (3) in case of serious
treatment-limiting adverse drug reactions. Expert guidance is desir-
able in dealing with the toxic effects of these second-line drugs. For
PYRAZINAMIDE many drugs listed in the following text, the dosage, emergence of
resistance, and long-term toxicity have not been fully established.
Pyrazinamide (PZA) is a relative of nicotinamide, and it is used
only for treatment of tuberculosis. It is stable and slightly soluble in
water. It is inactive at neutral pH, but at pH 5.5 it inhibits tubercle Streptomycin
bacilli at concentrations of approximately 20 mcg/mL. The drug is The mechanism of action and other pharmacologic features of
taken up by macrophages and exerts its activity against mycobacte- streptomycin, an aminoglycoside, are discussed in Chapter 45.
ria residing within the acidic environment of lysosomes. The typical adult dosage is 1 g/d (15 mg/kg/d). If the creatinine
CHAPTER 47 Antimycobacterial Drugs 847

clearance is less than 30 mL/min or the patient is on hemodialy- Ethionamide is administered at an initial dose of 250 mg
sis, the dosage is 15 mg/kg two or three times per week. Most once daily, which is increased in 250 mg increments to the
tubercle bacilli are inhibited by streptomycin, 1–10 mcg/mL, recommended dosage of 1 g/d (or 15 mg/kg/d), if possible. The
in vitro. Nontuberculous species of mycobacteria other than 1-g/d dosage, though theoretically desirable, is poorly tolerated
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) and Mycobacterium because of gastric irritation and neurologic symptoms, often
kansasii are resistant. All large populations of tubercle bacilli limiting the tolerable daily dose to 500–750 mg. Ethionamide
contain some streptomycin-resistant mutants. On average, 1 is also hepatotoxic. Neurologic symptoms may be alleviated by
in 108 tubercle bacilli can be expected to be resistant to strep- pyridoxine.
tomycin at levels of 10–100 mcg/mL. Resistance may be due Resistance to ethionamide as a single agent develops rapidly in
to a point mutation in either the rpsL gene encoding the S12 vitro and in vivo. There can be low-level cross-resistance between
ribosomal protein or the rrs gene encoding 16S ribosomal RNA, isoniazid and ethionamide.
which alters the ribosomal binding site.
Streptomycin penetrates into cells poorly and is active mainly Capreomycin
against extracellular tubercle bacilli. The drug crosses the blood-
Capreomycin is a peptide protein synthesis inhibitor antibiotic
brain barrier and achieves therapeutic concentrations with
obtained from Streptomyces capreolus. Daily injection of 15 mg/kg
inflamed meninges.
intramuscularly results in peak serum levels of 35–45 mcg/mL
2 hours after a dose. Such concentrations in vitro are inhibitory
Clinical Use in Tuberculosis for many mycobacteria, including multidrug-resistant strains of
Streptomycin sulfate is used when an injectable drug is needed M tuberculosis.
or desirable and in the treatment of infections resistant to other Capreomycin (15 mg/kg/d) is an important injectable agent
drugs. The usual dosage is 15 mg/kg/d intramuscularly or intrave- for treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Strains of M tuber-
nously daily for adults (20–40 mg/kg/d for children, not to exceed culosis that are resistant to streptomycin usually are susceptible
1 g) for several weeks, followed by 15 mg/kg two or three times to capreomycin, though some data suggest cross-resistance with
weekly for several months. Serum concentrations of approxi- strains resistant to amikacin and kanamycin. Resistance to cap-
mately 40 mcg/mL are achieved 30–60 minutes after intramuscu- reomycin, when it occurs, has been associated with rrs, eis, or tlyA
lar injection of a 15 mg/kg dose. Other drugs are always given in gene mutations.
combination to prevent emergence of resistance. Capreomycin is nephrotoxic and ototoxic. Tinnitus, deafness,
and vestibular disturbances occur. The injection causes significant
Adverse Reactions local pain, and sterile abscesses may develop.
Typical dosing of capreomycin is 15 mg/kg/day initially,
Streptomycin is ototoxic and nephrotoxic. Vertigo and hearing which is then reduced to two or three times weekly after an initial
loss are the most common adverse effects and may be permanent. response has been achieved with a daily dosing schedule. The
Toxicity is dose-related, and the risk is increased in the elderly. As intermittent dosing regimen may minimize risk of toxicity.
with all aminoglycosides, the dose must be adjusted according to
renal function (see Chapter 45). Toxicity can be reduced by limit-
ing therapy to no more than 6 months whenever possible.
Cycloserine—a structural analog of d-alanine—inhibits cell
Ethionamide wall synthesis, as discussed in Chapter 43. Concentrations of
15–20 mcg/mL inhibit many strains of M tuberculosis. The usual
Ethionamide is chemically related to isoniazid and similarly blocks dosage of cycloserine in tuberculosis is 0.5–1 g/d in two divided
the synthesis of mycolic acids. It is poorly water soluble and avail- oral doses. The drug is widely distributed to tissues, including
able only for oral use. It is metabolized by the liver. the central nervous system. This drug is cleared renally, and the
N dose should be reduced by half if creatinine clearance is less than
50 mL/min. Alternatively, it may be reduced to 500 mg three
times weekly.
The most serious toxic effects are peripheral neuropathy and
C central nervous system dysfunction, including depression and
S NH2 psychoses. Pyridoxine, 100 mg or more per day, should be given
Ethionamide with cycloserine because this ameliorates neurologic toxicity.
Adverse effects, which are most common during the first 2 weeks
Most tubercle bacilli are inhibited in vitro by ethionamide, of therapy, occur in 25% or more of patients, especially at higher
2.5 mcg/mL or less. Some other species of mycobacteria also are doses leading to peak concentrations greater than 35 mcg/mL.
inhibited by ethionamide, 10 mcg/mL. Serum concentrations in Adverse effects can be minimized by monitoring peak serum
plasma and tissues of approximately 1-5 mcg/mL are achieved by concentrations. The peak concentration is reached 2–4 hours
a dosage of 1 g/d. Cerebrospinal fluid concentrations are equal to after dosing. The recommended range of peak concentrations is
those in serum. 20–35 mcg/mL.
848 SECTION VIII Chemotherapeutic Drugs

Aminosalicylic Acid (PAS) between streptomycin and amikacin, but kanamycin resistance
often indicates resistance to amikacin as well. Peak serum con-
Aminosalicylic acid is a folate synthesis antagonist that is active
centrations of 30–45 mcg/mL are achieved 30–60 minutes after
almost exclusively against M tuberculosis. It is structurally similar
a 15-mg/kg intravenous infusion or intramuscular injection.
to p-amino-benzoic acid (PABA) and is thought to have a similar
Amikacin is indicated for treatment of tuberculosis suspected
mechanism of action to the sulfonamides (see Chapter 46). In the
or known to be caused by streptomycin-resistant or multidrug-
USA, PAS is commercially available as a 4-g packet of delayed-
resistant strains. This drug must be used in combination with at
release granules. In order to protect the integrity of the delayed-
least one and preferably two or three other drugs to which the
release coating, the granules must be administered sprinkled over
isolate is susceptible for treatment of drug-resistant cases. The
applesauce or yogurt, or swirled in fruit juice and swallowed
recommended dosage is 15 mg/kg once daily initially, followed by
intermittent dosing two or three times per week.

OH Fluoroquinolones
In addition to their activity against many Gram-positive and
Gram-negative bacteria (discussed in Chapter 46), ciprofloxacin,
levofloxacin, gatifloxacin, and moxifloxacin inhibit strains of
M tuberculosis at concentrations less than 2 mcg/mL. They are
Aminosalicylic acid (PAS) also active against atypical mycobacteria. Moxifloxacin is the
most active against M tuberculosis in vitro. Levofloxacin tends to
Tubercle bacilli are usually inhibited in vitro by aminosalicylic be slightly more active than ciprofloxacin against M tuberculo-
acid, 1–5 mcg/mL. The granule formulation of aminosalicylic sis, whereas ciprofloxacin is slightly more active against atypical
acid results in improved absorption from the gastrointestinal mycobacteria.
tract. Peak serum levels are expected to be 20–60 mcg/mL 6 hours Fluoroquinolones are an important addition to the drugs avail-
after a 4 g oral dose. The dosage is 8–12 g/d orally for adults and able for tuberculosis, especially for strains that are resistant to first-
300 mg/kg/d for children, administered in two or three divided line agents. The World Health Organization recommends using a
doses. The drug is widely distributed in tissues and body fluids later generation fluoroquinolone such as moxifloxacin or levoflox-
except the cerebrospinal fluid. Aminosalicylic acid is rapidly acin. Resistance, which may result from one of several single point
excreted in the urine, in part as active PAS and in part as the mutations in the gyrase A subunit, develops rapidly if a fluoroqui-
acetylated compound and other metabolic products. To avoid nolone is used as a single agent; thus, the drug must be used in
accumulation in renal impairment, the maximum dose is 4 g twice combination with two or more additional active agents. Typically,
daily when creatinine clearance is less than 30 mL/min. Very high resistance to one fluoroquinolone indicates class resistance. How-
concentrations of aminosalicylic acid are reached in the urine, ever, moxifloxacin may retain some activity in strains resistant to
which can result in crystalluria. ofloxacin. The dosage of levofloxacin is 500–750 mg once a day,
Aminosalicylic acid is used infrequently in the USA because and some clinicians increase to 1000 mg daily if tolerated. The
other oral drugs are better tolerated. Gastrointestinal symptoms dosage of moxifloxacin is 400 mg once a day. Some experts rec-
are common but occur less frequently with the delayed-release ommend checking peak serum concentrations. Expected levels at
granules; they may be diminished by giving the drug with meals about two hours post-dose are 8–12 mcg/mL for levofloxacin and
and with antacids. Peptic ulceration and hemorrhage may occur. 3–5 mcg/mL for moxifloxacin.
Hypersensitivity reactions manifested by fever, joint pains, skin
rashes, hepatosplenomegaly, hepatitis, adenopathy, and granulo- Linezolid
cytopenia often occur after 3–8 weeks of PAS therapy, making it
necessary to stop administration temporarily or permanently. Linezolid (discussed in Chapter 44) inhibits strains of M tuberculosis
in vitro at concentrations of 4–8 mcg/mL. It achieves good intra-
cellular concentrations, and it is active in murine models of
Kanamycin & Amikacin tuberculosis. Linezolid has been used in combination with other
The aminoglycoside antibiotics are discussed in Chapter 45. second- and third-line drugs to treat patients with tuberculosis
Kanamycin had been used for treatment of tuberculosis caused by caused by multidrug-resistant strains. Conversion of sputum
streptomycin-resistant strains, but it is no longer available in the cultures to negative was associated with linezolid use in these
USA, and less toxic alternatives (eg, capreomycin and amikacin) cases. Significant adverse effects, including bone marrow suppres-
have taken its place. sion and irreversible peripheral and optic neuropathy, have been
Amikacin is playing a greater role in the treatment of tuberculo- reported with the prolonged courses of therapy that are necessary
sis due to the prevalence of multidrug-resistant strains. Prevalence for treatment of tuberculosis. A 600-mg (adult) dose administered
of amikacin-resistant strains is low (<5%), and most multidrug- once a day (half of that used for treatment of other bacterial infec-
resistant strains remain amikacin-susceptible. M tuberculosis is tions) seems to be sufficient and may limit the occurrence of these
inhibited at concentrations of 1 mcg/mL or less. Amikacin is also adverse effects. Experts recommend supplemental pyridoxine for
active against atypical mycobacteria. There is no cross-resistance patients treated with linezolid. Although linezolid may prove to
CHAPTER 47 Antimycobacterial Drugs 849

be an important new agent for treatment of tuberculosis, at this with HIV infection because of an unacceptably high relapse rate
point it should be used only for multidrug-resistant strains that with rifampin-resistant organisms. Rifapentine in combination
also are resistant to several other first- and second-line agents. It is with isoniazid, typically both dosed at 900 mg once weekly for
generally avoided in patients on concomitant serotonergic agents 3 months (12 doses each in total), is an effective short course treat-
due to concern for serotonin syndrome. ment for latent tuberculosis infection.

Rifabutin Bedaquiline
Rifabutin is derived from rifamycin and is related to rifampin. Bedaquiline, a diarylquinoline, is the first drug with a novel mech-
It has significant activity against M tuberculosis, MAC, and anism of action against M tuberculosis to be approved since 1971.
Mycobacterium fortuitum (see below). Its activity is similar to Bedaquiline inhibits adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) synthase
that of rifampin, and cross-resistance with rifampin is virtually in mycobacteria, has in vitro activity against both replicating and
complete. Some rifampin-resistant strains may appear susceptible nonreplicating bacilli, and has bactericidal and sterilizing activity
to rifabutin in vitro, but a clinical response is unlikely because in the murine model of tuberculosis. Cross-resistance has been
the molecular basis of resistance, rpoB mutation, is the same. reported between bedaquiline and clofazimine, likely via upregu-
Rifabutin is both substrate and inducer of cytochrome P450 lation of the multisubstrate efflux pump, MmpL5.
enzymes. Because it is a less potent inducer, rifabutin is often Peak plasma concentration and plasma exposure to bedaquiline
used in place of rifampin for treatment of tuberculosis in patients increase approximately twofold when administered with high-fat
with HIV infection who are receiving antiretroviral therapy with food. Bedaquiline is highly protein-bound (>99%), is metabolized
a protease inhibitor, a nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibi- chiefly through the cytochrome P450 system, and is excreted
tor (eg, efavirenz), or an integrase strand transfer inhibitor (eg primarily via the feces. The mean terminal half-life of bedaquiline
dolutegravir), drugs that also are cytochrome P450 or UDP gluc- and its major metabolite (M2), which is four to six times less
uronosyltransferase (UGT) substrates. active in terms of antimycobacterial potency, is approximately
The typical dosage of rifabutin is 300 mg/d unless the patient 5.5 months. This long elimination phase probably reflects slow
is receiving a protease inhibitor, in which case the dosage should release of bedaquiline and M2 from peripheral tissues. CYP3A4 is
be reduced, typically by half. If efavirenz (also a cytochrome the major isoenzyme involved in the metabolism of bedaquiline,
P450 inducer) is used, the recommended dosage of rifabutin is and potent inhibitors or inducers of this enzyme cause clinically
600 mg/d. Rifabutin may accumulate in severe renal impairment, significant drug interactions.
and the dose should be reduced by half if creatinine clearance is Current recommendations state that bedaquiline, in combina-
less than 30 mL/min. Rifabutin is associated with similar rates tion with at least three other active medications, may be used for
of hepatotoxicity or rash compared to rifampin; it can also cause 24 weeks of treatment in adults with laboratory-confirmed pul-
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and optic neuritis. monary tuberculosis if the isolate is resistant to both isoniazid and
rifampin. The recommended dosage for bedaquiline is 400 mg
Rifapentine once daily orally for 2 weeks, followed by 200 mg three times a
week for 22 weeks taken orally with food in order to maximize
Rifapentine is another analog of rifampin. It is active against both absorption. The most common adverse effects, occurring at rates
M tuberculosis and MAC. As with all rifamycins, it is a bacterial of 25% or more, are nausea, arthralgia, and headache. Bedaquiline
RNA polymerase inhibitor, and cross-resistance between rifampin has been associated with both hepatotoxicity and cardiac toxicity.
and rifapentine is complete. Like rifampin, rifapentine is a potent The FDA has issued a black-box warning related to the risk of
inducer of cytochrome P450 enzymes, and it has the same drug QTc prolongation and associated mortality. It should be reserved
interaction profile; however, when rifapentine is administered for patients who do not have other treatment options and used
intermittently, induction of metabolism of other medications is with caution in patients with other risk factors for cardiac conduc-
less pronounced compared to rifampin. Toxicity is similar to that tion abnormalities.
of rifampin. Rifapentine and its microbiologically active metabo-
lite, 25-desacetylrifapentine, have an elimination half-life of
13 hours. Rifapentine, 600 mg (10 mg/kg) once or twice weekly, ■ DRUGS ACTIVE AGAINST
has been used for treatment of tuberculosis caused by rifampin-
susceptible strains during the continuation phase (ie, after the NONTUBERCULOUS
first 2 months of therapy and ideally after conversion of sputum MYCOBACTERIA
cultures to negative); however, this regimen has decreased efficacy
compared with the standard rifampin-based regimen. Revised Many mycobacterial infections seen in clinical practice in the
guidelines for treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosis pub- United States are caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM),
lished in 2016 recommend against it. In particular, its use should formerly known as “atypical mycobacteria.” These organisms have
be avoided in patients at higher risk of failure, including those distinctive laboratory characteristics, are present in the environ-
with positive cultures at the end of the intensive treatment phase ment, and are generally not communicable from person to person.
and those with evidence of cavitation on chest radiographs. Rifa- As a rule, these mycobacterial species are less susceptible than
pentine should not be used to treat active tuberculosis in patients M tuberculosis to antituberculous drugs. On the other hand, agents
850 SECTION VIII Chemotherapeutic Drugs

TABLE 47–3 Clinical features and treatment options for infections with atypical mycobacteria.
Species Clinical Features Treatment Options

M kansasii Resembles tuberculosis Amikacin, clarithromycin, ethambutol, isoniazid, moxifloxacin, rifampin,

streptomycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
M marinum Granulomatous cutaneous disease Amikacin, clarithromycin, ethambutol, doxycycline, levofloxacin, minocycline,
rifampin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
M scrofulaceum Cervical adenitis in children Amikacin, erythromycin (or other macrolide), rifampin, streptomycin
(Surgical excision is often curative and the treatment of choice.)
M avium complex Pulmonary disease in patients with chronic Amikacin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, ethambutol, moxifloxacin, rifabutin
(MAC) lung disease; disseminated infection in AIDS
M chelonae Abscess, sinus tract, ulcer; bone, joint, tendon Amikacin, doxycycline, imipenem, linezolid, macrolides, tobramycin
M fortuitum Abscess, sinus tract, ulcer; bone, joint, tendon Amikacin, cefoxitin, ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, imipenem, minocycline,
infection moxifloxacin, ofloxacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
M ulcerans Skin ulcers Clarithromycin, isoniazid, streptomycin, rifampin, minocycline, moxifloxacin
(Surgical excision may be effective.)

such as macrolides, sulfonamides, and tetracyclines, which are not DAPSONE & OTHER SULFONES
active against M tuberculosis, may be effective for infections caused
by NTM. Emergence of resistance during therapy is also a prob- Several drugs closely related to the sulfonamides have been used
lem with these mycobacterial species, and active infection should effectively in the long-term treatment of leprosy. The most widely
be treated with combinations of drugs. M kansasii is susceptible used is dapsone (diaminodiphenylsulfone). Like the sulfon-
to rifampin and ethambutol, partially susceptible to isoniazid, and amides, it inhibits folate synthesis. Resistance can emerge in large
completely resistant to pyrazinamide. A three-drug combination populations of M leprae, eg, in lepromatous leprosy, particularly
of isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol is the conventional treat- if low doses are given. Therefore, the combination of dapsone,
ment for M kansasii infection. A few representative pathogens, rifampin, and clofazimine is recommended for initial therapy of
with the clinical presentation and the drugs to which they are lepromatous leprosy. A combination of dapsone plus rifampin is
often susceptible, are given in Table 47–3. commonly used for leprosy with a lower organism burden. Dap-
M avium complex (MAC), which includes both M avium sone may also be used to prevent and treat Pneumocystis jiroveci
and M intracellulare, is an important and common cause of dis- pneumonia in AIDS patients.
seminated disease in late stages of AIDS (CD4 counts < 50/µL).
MAC is much less susceptible than M tuberculosis to most anti-
tuberculous drugs. Combinations of agents are required to sup- NH2 S NH2
press the infection. Azithromycin, 500–600 mg once daily, or O
clarithromycin, 500 mg twice daily, plus ethambutol, 15 mg/kg/d, Dapsone
is an effective and well-tolerated regimen for treatment of dissemi-
nated disease. Some authorities recommend use of a third agent, Sulfones are well absorbed from the gut and widely distributed
especially rifabutin, 300 mg once daily. Other agents that may be throughout body fluids and tissues. Dapsone’s half-life is 1–2 days,
useful are listed in Table 47–3. Azithromycin and clarithromycin and drug tends to be retained in skin, muscle, liver, and kidney. Skin
are the prophylactic drugs of choice for preventing disseminated heavily infected with M leprae may contain several times more drug
MAC in AIDS patients with CD4 cell counts less than 50/µL. than normal skin. Sulfones are excreted into bile and reabsorbed
Rifabutin in a single daily dose of 300 mg has been shown to in the intestine. Excretion into urine is variable, and most excreted
reduce the incidence of MAC bacteremia but is less effective than drug is acetylated. In renal failure, the dose may have to be adjusted.
macrolides. The usual adult dosage in leprosy is 100 mg daily. For children, the
dose is proportionately less, depending on weight.
Dapsone is usually well tolerated. Many patients develop some
■ DRUGS USED IN LEPROSY hemolysis, particularly if they have glucose-6-phosphate dehydro-
genase deficiency. Methemoglobinemia is common but usually
Mycobacterium leprae has never been grown in vitro, but animal is not clinically significant. Gastrointestinal intolerance, fever,
models, such as growth in injected mouse footpads, have permit- pruritus, and rash occur. During dapsone therapy of lepromatous
ted laboratory evaluation of drugs. Only those drugs with the wid- leprosy, erythema nodosum leprosum often develops. It is some-
est clinical use are presented here. Because of increasing reports of times difficult to distinguish reactions to dapsone from manifesta-
dapsone resistance, treatment of leprosy with combinations of the tions of the underlying illness. Erythema nodosum leprosum may
drugs listed below is recommended. be suppressed by thalidomide (see Chapter 55).
CHAPTER 47 Antimycobacterial Drugs 851

RIFAMPIN and a major portion of the drug is excreted in feces. Clofazimine

is stored widely in reticuloendothelial tissues and skin, and its
Rifampin (see earlier discussion) in a dosage of 600 mg daily is crystals can be seen inside phagocytic reticuloendothelial cells. It
highly effective in leprosy and is given with at least one other drug is slowly released from these deposits, so the serum half-life may
to prevent emergence of resistance. Even a dose of 600 mg per be 2 months. A common dosage of clofazimine is 100–200 mg/d
month may be beneficial in combination therapy. orally. The most prominent adverse effect is discoloration of the
skin and conjunctivae. Gastrointestinal side effects are common.
This medication is no longer commercially available, but it can
CLOFAZIMINE be obtained through established programs. For example, an inves-
tigational new drug (IND) program is established in the USA
Clofazimine is a phenazine dye used in the treatment of multi- through the National Hansen’s Disease Program. Internation-
bacillary leprosy, which is defined as having a positive smear from ally, ministries of health can make requests directly to the World
any site of infection. Its mechanism of action has not been clearly Health Organization.
established. Absorption of clofazimine from the gut is variable,

SUMMARY First-Line Antimycobacterial Drugs

Pharmacokinetics, Toxicities,
Subclass, Drug Mechanism of Action Effects Clinical Applications Interactions

ISONIAZID Inhibits synthesis of mycolic Bactericidal activity against First-line agent for
acids, an essential susceptible strains of Toxicity:
component of mycobacterial M tuberculosis Hepatotoxic, peripheral neuropathy (give
cell walls against nontuberculous pyridoxine to prevent)


Inhibits DNA-dependent RNA Bactericidal activity against First-line agent for

polymerase, thereby blocking susceptible bacteria and
production of RNA mycobacterial infections Toxicity: Rash,
rapidly emerges when used nephritis, thrombocytopenia, cholestasis,
as a single drug in the meningococcal colonization, flu-like syndrome with intermittent
treatment of active infection staphylococcal infections dosing

Rifabutin: Oral; similar to rifampin but less cytochrome P450 induction and fewer drug interactions
Rifapentine: Oral; long-acting analog of rifampin that may be given once weekly in select cases during the continuation phase of tuberculosis treatment or for treatment
of latent tuberculosis

PYRAZINAMIDE Bacteriostatic activity against “Sterilizing” agent used

pyrazinamide is converted to susceptible strains of during first 2 months of metabolites are renally cleared so use
the active pyrazinoic acid M tuberculosis 3 doses weekly if creatinine clearance
under acidic conditions in bactericidal against actively duration of therapy to be Toxicity: Hepatotoxic,
macrophage lysosomes dividing organisms shortened to 6 months hyperuricemia

ETHAMBUTOL Inhibits mycobacterial Bacteriostatic activity against Given in four-drug initial

arabinosyl transferases, which susceptible mycobacteria combination therapy for
are involved in the tuberculosis until drug Toxicity: Retrobulbar neuritis
polymerization reaction of
arabinoglycan, an essential used for nontuberculous
component of the mycobacterial infections
mycobacterial cell wall
852 SECTION VIII Chemotherapeutic Drugs

P R E P A R A T I O N S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Update: Adverse event data
and revised American Thoracic Society/CDC recommendations against
A V A I L A B L E the use of rifampin and pyrazinamide for treatment of latent tubercu-
losis infection—United States, 2003. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
Curry International Tuberculosis Center and California Department of Public
DRUGS USED IN TUBERCULOSIS Health, 2016: Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Survival Guide for Clinicians,
Aminosalicylic acid Paser Third Edition [1-305].
Bedaquiline fumarate Sirturo Gillespie SH et al: Early bactericidal activity of a moxifloxacin and isoniazid
combination in smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis. J Antimicrob
Capreomycin Capastat Chemother 2005;56:1169.
Ethambutol Generic, Myambutol Griffith DE et al: An official ATS/IDSA statement: Diagnosis, treatment, and
Ethionamide Trecator, Trecator-SC prevention of nontuberculous mycobacterial disease. Am J Respir Crit Care
Isoniazid Generic Med 2007;175:367.
Hugonnet J-E et al: Meropenem-clavulanate is effective against extensively drug-
Pyrazinamide Generic
resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Science 2009;323:1215.
Rifabutin Generic, Mycobutin Jasmer RM, Nahid P, Hopewell PC: Latent tuberculosis infection. N Engl J Med
Rifampin Generic, Rifadin, Rimactane 2002;347:1860.
Rifapentine Priftin Kinzig-Schippers M et al: Should we use N-acetyltransferase type 2 genotyping to
Streptomycin Generic personalize isoniazid doses? Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2005;49:1733.
Lee M et al: Linezolid for treatment of chronic extensively drug-resistant tubercu-
losis. N Engl J Med 2012;367:1508.
Clofazimine Lamprene Mitnick CD et al: Comprehensive treatment of extensively drug-resistant tubercu-
Dapsone Generic losis. N Engl J Med 2008;359:563.
Nahid P et al: Official American Thoracic Society/Centers for Disease Control
Drugs used against nontuberculous mycobacteria are listed in Chapters 43–46. and Prevention/Infectious Diseases Society of America Clinical Practice
Guidelines: Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis. Clin Infect Dis
REFERENCES 2016;63:e147.
Sulochana S, Rahman F, Paramasivan CN: In vitro activity of fluoroquinolones
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Provisional CDC Guidelines against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J Chemother 2005;17:169.
for the use and safety monitoring of bedaquiline fumarate (Sirturo) for the
treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Targeted tuberculin testing and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection. Am J
Rep 2013;62:1. Respir Crit Care Med 2000;161(4 Part 2):S221.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Recommendations for use Zhang Y, Yew WW: Mechanisms of drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
of an isoniazid-rifapentine regimen with direct observation to treat latent Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2009;13:1320.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep Zumla A et al: Current concepts—Tuberculosis. N Engl J Med 2013;368:745.


The patient should be started on four-drug therapy with If dolutegravir is chosen, it must be administered twice daily
rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. He should due to the interaction with rifampin; alternatively, rifabutin
also be started on antiretroviral therapy for HIV. If a protease- can be used in place of rifampin, and dolutegravir can be
inhibitor-based antiretroviral regimen is used to treat his HIV, dosed once daily. The patient is at increased risk of developing
rifabutin should replace rifampin because of the serious drug- hepatotoxicity from both isoniazid and pyrazinamide given
drug interactions between rifampin and protease inhibitors. his history of alcohol use.

Antimycobacterial Drugs

The chemotherapy of infections caused by Mycobacterium nature of mycobacterial disease, which requires protracted
tuberculosis, M leprae, and M avium-intracellulare is compli- drug treatment and is associated with drug toxicities; and
cated by numerous factors, including (1) limited information (5) patient compliance. Chemotherapy of mycobacterial
about the mechanisms of antimycobacterial drug actions; infections almost always involves the use of drug combinations
(2) the development of resistance; (3) the slow growth to delay the emergence of resistance and to enhance antimy-
& intracellular location of mycobacteria; (4) the chronic cobacterial efficacy.

Antimycobacterial agents

Drugs used in Drugs used Drugs used for

tuberculosis in leprosy nontuberculous mycobacteria

First-line drugs Alternative drugs Acedapsone, Azithromycin,

(isoniazid, rifampin, (amikacin, dapsone, clarithromycin,
ethambutol, ciprofloxacin, clofazimine, moxifloxacin
pyrazinamide, ethionamide, rifampin
streptomycin) p-aminosalicylate)

DRUGS FOR TUBERCULOSIS synthesis of mycolic acids, essential components of mycobacterial

cell walls. Resistance can emerge rapidly if the drug is used
The major drugs used in tuberculosis are isoniazid (INH), rifampin, alone. High-level resistance is associated with mutations in the
ethambutol, pyrazinamide, and streptomycin. Actions of these katG gene that codes for a catalase-peroxidase involved in the
agents on M tuberculosis are bactericidal or bacteriostatic depending bioactivation of INH. Low-level resistance occurs via deletions
on drug concentration and strain susceptibility. Appropriate drug in the inhA gene that encodes the target enzyme, an acyl car-
treatment involves antibiotic susceptibility testing of mycobacterial rier protein reductase. INH is bactericidal for actively growing
isolates from that patient. Initiation of treatment of pulmonary tubercle bacilli, but is less effective against dormant organisms.
tuberculosis usually involves a 3- or 4-drug combination regimen
depending on the known or anticipated resistance to isoniazid
2. Pharmacokinetics—INH is well absorbed orally and
(INH). Directly observed therapy (DOT) regimens are recom-
penetrates cells to act on intracellular mycobacteria. The liver
mended in noncompliant patients and in drug-resistant tuberculosis.
metabolism of INH is by acetylation and is under genetic control.
Patients may be fast or slow inactivators of the drug. INH half-life
A. Isoniazid in fast acetylators is 60–90 min; in slow acetylators it may be 3–4 h.
1. Mechanisms—Isoniazid (INH) is a structural congener of Fast acetylators may require higher dosage than slow acetylators
pyridoxine. Its mechanism of action involves inhibition of the for equivalent therapeutic effects.


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398 PART VIII Chemotherapeutic Drugs

3. Clinical use—INH is the single most important drug used 5. Other rifamycins—Rifabutin is equally effective as an anti-
in tuberculosis and is a component of most drug combination mycobacterial agent and is less likely to cause drug interactions
regimens. In the treatment of latent infection (formerly known as than rifampin. It is usually preferred over rifampin in the treat-
prophylaxis), including skin test converters and for close contacts ment of tuberculosis or other mycobacterial infections in AIDS
of patients with active disease, INH is given as the sole drug. patients, especially those treated with cytochrome P450 substrates
including protease inhibitors or efavirenz. Rifapentine has kinet-
4. Toxicity and interactions—Neurotoxic effects are common ics that allow for once-weekly dosing and can be used with iso-
and include peripheral neuritis, restlessness, muscle twitching, and niazid for treatment of latent infections. Rifaximin, a rifampin
insomnia. These effects can be alleviated by administration of pyr- derivative that is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, has
idoxine (25–50 mg/d orally). INH is hepatotoxic and may cause been used in traveler’s diarrhea.
abnormal liver function tests, jaundice, and hepatitis. Fortunately,
hepatotoxicity is rare in children. INH may inhibit the hepatic
metabolism of drugs (eg, carbamazepine, phenytoin, warfarin).
Hemolysis has occurred in patients with glucose-6-phosphate SKILL KEEPER: GENOTYPIC VARIATIONS IN
dehydrogenase (G6PDH) deficiency. A lupus-like syndrome has DRUG METABOLISM (SEE CHAPTERS 4, 5)
also been reported.
Genotypic variants occur with regard to the metabolism
B. Rifampin of isoniazid. What other drugs exhibit such variation, and
what enzymes are involved in their metabolism? What are
1. Mechanisms—Rifampin, a derivative of rifamycin, is the clinical consequences of genetic polymorphisms in drug
bactericidal against M tuberculosis. The drug inhibits DNA- metabolism?
dependent RNA polymerase (encoded by the rpo gene) in The Skill Keeper Answers appear at the end of the
M tuberculosis and many other microorganisms. Resistance via chapter.
changes in drug sensitivity of the polymerase often emerges
rapidly if the drug is used alone.

2. Pharmacokinetics—When given orally, rifampin is well C. Ethambutol

absorbed and is distributed to most body tissues, including the
1. Mechanisms—Ethambutol (ETB) inhibits arabinosyltrans-
central nervous system (CNS). The drug undergoes enterohepatic
ferases (encoded by the embCAB operon) involved in the synthe-
cycling and is partially metabolized in the liver. Both free drug
sis of arabinogalactan, a component of mycobacterial cell walls.
and metabolites, which are orange colored, are eliminated mainly
Resistance occurs rapidly via mutations in the emb gene if the
in the feces.
drug is used alone.
3. Clinical uses—In the treatment of tuberculosis, rifampin is
2. Pharmacokinetics—The drug is well absorbed orally and
almost always used in combination with other drugs. However,
distributed to most tissues, including the CNS. A large fraction
rifampin can be used as the sole drug in treatment of latent
is eliminated unchanged in the urine. Dose reduction is necessary
tuberculosis in INH-intolerant patients or in close contacts of
in renal impairment.
patients with INH-resistant strains of the organism. In leprosy,
rifampin given monthly delays the emergence of resistance to
dapsone. Rifampin may be used with vancomycin for infections 3. Clinical use—The main use of ethambutol is in tuberculosis,
due to resistant staphylococci (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus and it is always given in combination with other drugs.
aureus [MRSA] strains) or pneumococci (penicillin-resistant
Streptococcus pneumoniae [PRSP] strains). Other uses of rifampin 4. Toxicity—The most common adverse effects are dose-dependent
include the meningococcal and staphylococcal carrier states. visual disturbances, including decreased visual acuity, red-green
color blindness, optic neuritis, and possible retinal damage (from
4. Toxicity and interactions—Rifampin colors sweat, urine prolonged use at high doses). Most of these effects regress when
and tears orange. It is harmless, though contact lenses can be the drug is stopped. Other adverse effects include headache, con-
permanently stained. Rifampin commonly causes light-chain pro- fusion, hyperuricemia, and peripheral neuritis.
teinuria and may impair antibody responses. Occasional adverse
effects include skin rashes, thrombocytopenia, nephritis, and liver D. Pyrazinamide
dysfunction. If given less often than twice weekly, rifampin may 1. Mechanisms—The mechanism of action of pyrazinamide is
cause a flu-like syndrome and anemia. Rifampin strongly induces not known; however, its bacteriostatic action appears to require
liver drug-metabolizing enzymes and enhances the elimination metabolic conversion via pyrazinamidases (encoded by the pncA
rate of many drugs, including anticonvulsants, contraceptive gene) present in M tuberculosis. Resistance occurs via mutations
steroids, cyclosporine, ketoconazole, methadone, terbinafine, and in the gene that encodes enzymes involved in the bioactivation of
warfarin. pyrazinamide and by increased expression of drug efflux systems.

Trevor_Ch47_p397-p403.indd 398 7/13/18 6:50 PM

CHAPTER 47 Antimycobacterial Drugs 399

This develops rapidly when the drug is used alone, but there is Bedaquiline inhibits ATP synthase in mycobacteria. It is
minimal cross-resistance with other antimycobacterial drugs. approved for TB resistant to both isoniazid and rifampin. Adverse
effects include nausea, arthralgia, headache, cardiotoxicity, and
2. Pharmacokinetics—Pyrazinamide is well absorbed orally hepatotoxicity.
and penetrates most body tissues, including the CNS. The drug is
partly metabolized to pyrazinoic acid, and both parent molecule G. Antitubercular Drug Regimens
and metabolite are excreted in the urine. The plasma half-life of 1. Standard regimens—For empiric treatment of pulmonary
pyrazinamide is increased in hepatic or renal failure. TB (in most areas of <4% INH resistance), an initial 3-drug
regimen of INH, rifampin, and pyrazinamide is recom-
3. Clinical use—The combined use of pyrazinamide with other mended. If the organisms are fully susceptible (and the patient
antituberculous drugs is an important factor in the success of is HIV negative), pyrazinamide can be discontinued after
short-course treatment regimens. 2 mo and treatment continued for a further 4 mo with a 2-drug
4. Toxicity—Approximately 40% of patients develop nongouty
polyarthralgia. Hyperuricemia occurs commonly but is usually 2. Alternative regimens—Alternative regimens in cases of fully
asymptomatic. Other adverse effects are myalgia, gastrointestinal susceptible organisms include INH plus rifampin for 9 mo, or INH
irritation, maculopapular rash, hepatic dysfunction, porphyria, plus ethambutol for 18 mo. Intermittent (2 or 3 × weekly) high-
and photosensitivity reactions. Pyrazinamide should be avoided dose 4-drug regimens are also effective.
in pregnancy.
3. Resistance—If resistance to INH is higher than 4%, the
E. Streptomycin initial drug regimen should include ethambutol or streptomycin.
This aminoglycoside is now used more frequently than before Tuberculosis resistant only to INH (the most common form of
because of the growing prevalence of strains of M tuberculosis resistance) can be treated for 6 mo with a regimen of rifampin
resistant to other drugs. Streptomycin is used principally in drug plus pyrazinamide plus ethambutol or streptomycin. Multidrug-
combinations for the treatment of life-threatening tuberculous resistant organisms (resistant to both INH and rifampin) should
disease, including meningitis, miliary dissemination, and severe be treated with 3 or more drugs to which the organism is sus-
organ tuberculosis. The pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic ceptible for a period of more than 18 mo, including 12 mo after
properties of streptomycin are similar to those of other aminogly- sputum cultures become negative.
cosides (see Chapter 45).

F. Alternative Drugs DRUGS FOR LEPROSY

Several drugs with antimycobacterial activity are used in cases that A. Sulfones
are resistant to first-line agents; they are considered second-line
Dapsone (diaminodiphenylsulfone) remains the most active
drugs because they are no more effective, and their toxicities are
drug against M leprae. The mechanism of action of sulfones may
often more serious than those of the major drugs.
involve inhibition of folic acid synthesis. Because of increasing
Amikacin is indicated for the treatment of tuberculosis
reports of resistance, it is recommended that the drug be used
suspected to be caused by streptomycin-resistant or multidrug-
in combinations with rifampin and/or clofazimine (see below).
resistant mycobacterial strains. To avoid emergence of resistance,
Dapsone can be given orally, penetrates tissues well, undergoes
amikacin should always be used in combination drug regimens.
enterohepatic cycling, and is eliminated in the urine, partly as
Ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin are often active against strains of
acetylated metabolites. Common adverse effects include gastro-
M tuberculosis resistant to first-line agents. The fluoroquinolones
intestinal irritation, fever, skin rashes, and methemoglobinemia.
should always be used in combination regimens with two or more
Hemolysis may occur, especially in patients with G6PDH
other active agents.
Ethionamide is a congener of INH, but cross-resistance does
Acedapsone is a repository form of dapsone that provides
not occur. The major disadvantage of ethionamide is severe
inhibitory plasma concentrations for several months. In addi-
gastrointestinal irritation and adverse neurologic effects at doses
tion to its use in leprosy, dapsone is an alternative drug for
needed to achieve effective plasma levels.
the treatment of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in AIDS
p-Aminosalicylic acid (PAS) is rarely used because primary
resistance is common. In addition, its toxicity includes gastro-
intestinal irritation, peptic ulceration, hypersensitivity reactions,
and effects on kidney, liver, and thyroid function. B. Other Agents
Other drugs of limited use because of their toxicity include Drug regimens usually include combinations of dapsone with
capreomycin (ototoxicity, renal dysfunction) and cycloserine rifampin (or rifabutin, see prior discussion) with or without
(peripheral neuropathy, CNS dysfunction). clofazimine. Clofazimine, a phenazine dye that may interact

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400 PART VIII Chemotherapeutic Drugs

with DNA, causes gastrointestinal irritation and skin discolor- 2. At this point, the most appropriate course of action is to
ation ranging from red-brown to nearly black. (A) Hospitalize the patient and start treatment with
4 antitubercular drugs
(B) Hospitalize the patient and start treatment with rifampin
(C) Prescribe isoniazid for prophylaxis and send the patient
DRUGS ACTIVE AGAINST home to await culture results
(D) Provide no drugs and send the patient home to await
(NTM) (E) Treat the patient with isoniazid plus rifampin

Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) were formerly known 3. Which drug regimen should be initiated in this patient when
treatment is started?
as atypical mycobacteria. One example is Mycobacterium avium (A) Amikacin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, streptomycin
complex (MAC), a cause of disseminated infections in AIDS (B) Ciprofloxacin, cycloserine, isoniazid, PAS
patients. Currently, clarithromycin or azithromycin with or (C) Ethambutol, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, rifampin
without rifabutin is recommended for primary prophylaxis in (D) Isoniazid, pyrazinamide, rifampin, streptomycin
patients with CD4 counts less than 50/µL. Treatment of MAC (E) PAS, pyrazinamide, rifabutin, streptomycin
infections requires a combination of drugs, one favored regimen 4. Which statement concerning the possible use of isoniazid
consisting of azithromycin or clarithromycin with ethambutol (INH) in this patient is false?
and rifabutin. Infections resulting from other nontuberculous (A) Dyspnea, flushing, palpitations, and sweating may occur
mycobacteria (eg, M marinum, M ulcerans), though sometimes after ingestion of tyramine-containing foods
asymptomatic, may be treated with the described antimycobac- (B) In fast acetylators, lower maintenance doses are necessary
terial drugs (eg, ethambutol, INH, rifampin) or other antibiotics (C) Peripheral neuritis may occur during treatment
(eg, amikacin, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, macrolides, or (D) The patient should take pyridoxine daily
(E) The risk of the patient developing hepatitis from INH is
tetracyclines). less than 2%
5. On her release from the hospital, the patient is advised not
to rely solely on oral contraceptives to prevent pregnancy
QUESTIONS because they may be less effective while she is being main-
tained on antimycobacterial drugs. The agent most likely to
1. A 45-year-old homeless man presents to the emergency depart- interfere with the action of oral contraceptives is
ment with fever, weight loss, and a productive cough. Chest (A) Amikacin
x-ray shows right apical infiltrate and TB is suspected. He is (B) Ethambutol
started on empiric INH, rifampin, and pyrazinamide. The pri- (C) Isoniazid
mary reason for the use of drug combinations in the treatment (D) Pyrazinamide
of this patient’s TB is: (E) Rifampin
(A) Delay or prevent the emergence of resistance 6. A patient with AIDS and a CD4 cell count of 100/µL has
(B) Ensure patient compliance with the drug regimen persistent fever and weight loss associated with invasive
(C) Increase antibacterial activity synergistically pulmonary disease due to M avium complex (MAC). Optimal
(D) Provide prophylaxis against other bacterial infections management of this patient is to
(E) Reduce the incidence of adverse effects (A) Choose an antibiotic based on drug susceptibility of the
Questions 2–5. A 21-year-old woman from Southeast Asia has cultured organism
been staying with family members in the United States for the (B) Initiate a two-drug regimen of INH and pyrazinamide
(C) Prescribe rifabutin because it prevents the development
last 3 mo and is looking after her sister’s preschool children dur- of MAC bacteremia
ing the day. Because she has difficulty with the English language, (D) Start treatment with the combination of azithromycin,
her sister escorts her to the emergency department of a local ethambutol, and rifabutin
hospital. She tells the staff that her sister has been feeling very (E) Treat with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
tired for the last month, has a poor appetite, and has lost weight.
7. A 10-year-old boy has uncomplicated pulmonary tubercu-
The patient has been feeling somewhat better lately except for a losis. After initial hospitalization, he is now being treated
cough that produces a greenish sputum, sometimes specked with at home with isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol. Which
blood. With the exception of rales in the left upper lobe, the statement about this case is accurate?
physical examination is unremarkable and she does not seem to (A) A baseline test of auditory function test is essential
be acutely ill. Laboratory values show a white count of 12,000/µL before drug treatment is initiated
and a hematocrit of 33%. Chest x-ray film reveals an infiltrate in (B) His mother, who takes care of him, does not need INH
the left upper lobe with a possible cavity. A Gram-stained smear prophylaxis
(C) His 3-year-old sibling should receive INH prophylaxis
of the sputum shows mixed flora with no dominance. An acid- (D) Polyarthralgia is a potential adverse effect of the drugs
fast stain reveals many thin rods of pinkish hue. A preliminary the boy is taking
diagnosis is made of pulmonary tuberculosis. Sputum is sent to (E) The potential nephrotoxicity of the prescribed drugs
the laboratory for culture. warrants periodic assessment of renal function

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CHAPTER 47 Antimycobacterial Drugs 401

8. Which statement about antitubercular drugs is accurate? 4. Fast acetylators may require higher doses of the drug than
(A) Antimycobacterial actions of streptomycin involve inhi- others. Peripheral neuropathy caused by INH is due to
bition of arabinosyltransferases pyridoxine deficiency. It is more common in the diabetic,
(B) Cross-resistance of M tuberculosis to isoniazid and malnourished, or AIDS patient and can be prevented by
pyrazinamide is common a daily dose of 25–50 mg of pyridoxine. INH can inhibit
(C) Ocular toxicity of ethambutol is prevented by thiamine monoamine oxidase type A and has caused tyramine reac-
(D) Pyrazinamide treatment should be discontinued imme- tions. Hepatotoxicity is age-dependent, with an incidence of
diately if hyperuricemia occurs 0.3% in patients aged 21–35 years and greater than 2% in
(E) Resistance to ethambutol involves mutations in the patients older than 50 years. The answer is B.
emb gene 5. Rifampin induces the formation of several microsomal drug-
9. Once-weekly administration of which of the following anti- metabolizing enzymes, including cytochrome P450 isoforms.
biotics has prophylactic activity against bacteremia caused by This action increases the rate of elimination of a number of
M avium complex in AIDS patients? drugs, including anticoagulants, ketoconazole, methadone,
(A) Acedapsone and steroids that are present in oral contraceptives. The phar-
(B) Azithromycin macologic activity of these drugs can be reduced markedly in
(C) Clarithromycin patients taking rifampin. The answer is E.
(D) Kanamycin 6. Combinations of antibiotics are essential for suppression of
(E) Rifabutin disease caused by M avium complex in the AIDS patient,
and treatment should be started before culture results are
10. Risk factors for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis include available. Although rifabutin is prophylactic against MAC
(A) A history of treatment of tuberculosis without rifampin bacteremia when it is used as sole therapy in active disease,
(B) Recent immigration from Asia and living in an area of resistant strains of the organism emerge rapidly. MAC is
over 4% isoniazid resistance much less susceptible than M tuberculosis to conventional
(C) Recent immigration from Latin America antimycobacterial drugs. Currently, the optimum regimen
(D) Residence in regions where isoniazid resistance is known consists of azithromycin (or clarithromycin) with ethambutol
to exceed 4% and rifabutin. The answer is D.
(E) All of the above
7. A baseline test of ocular (not auditory) function may be use-
ful before starting ethambutol. None of the drugs prescribed
is associated with nephrotoxicity. Polyarthralgia is a common
ANSWERS adverse effect of pyrazinamide that was not prescribed in
1. Although it is sometimes possible to achieve synergistic this case. Periodic tests of liver function may be advisable in
effects against mycobacteria with drug combinations, the younger patients who are treated with INH plus rifampin,
primary reason for their use is to delay the emergence of especially if higher doses of these drugs are used. Prophylaxis
resistance. The answer is A. with INH is advisable for all household members and very
close contacts of patients with active tuberculosis, especially
2. Despite the fact that this patient does not appear to be young children. The answer is C.
acutely ill, she would in most cases be treated with 4 drugs
that have activity against M tuberculosis. This is because 8. Arabinosyltransferase is inhibited by ethambutol (not strep-
organisms infecting patients from Southeast Asia are com- tomycin) and resistance involves alterations in the emb gene.
monly INH-resistant, and coverage must be provided with Ocular adverse effects of ethambutol are dose-dependent and
3 other antituberculosis drugs in addition to isoniazid. This usually reversible when the drug is discontinued. Thiamine
patient should be hospitalized for several reasons, including is not protective. There is minimal cross-resistance between
potential difficulties with compliance regarding the drug regi- pyrazinamide and other antimycobacterial drugs. Pyrazin-
men and the fact that young children are in the home where amide uniformly causes hyperuricemia, but this is not a rea-
she is living. The answer is A. son to halt therapy even though the drug may provoke gouty
arthritis in susceptible persons. The answer is E.
3. Sputum cultures will not be available for several weeks, and
no information is available regarding drug susceptibility of 9. Because of its long elimination half-life (3–4 d), weekly
the organism at this stage. For optimum coverage, the initial administration of azithromycin has proved to be equivalent
regimen should include INH, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and to daily administration of clarithromycin when used for
ethambutol. INH-resistant organisms are usually sensitive prophylaxis against M avium complex in AIDS patients.
to both rifampin and pyrazinamide. Streptomycin is usu- Acedapsone is a repository form of dapsone used in leprosy.
ally reserved for use in severe forms of tuberculosis or for The answer is B.
infections known to be resistant to first-line drugs. Likewise, 10. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is defined as
amikacin and ciprofloxacin are possible agents for treatment resistance to 2 or more drugs. All the risk factors are rel-
of multidrug-resistant strains of M tuberculosis. Cycloserine, evant. In the case of resistance to both INH and rifampin,
PAS, and rifabutin are alternative second-line drugs that initial regimens still include both drugs, plus ethambutol,
may be used in cases of failed response to more conventional pyrazinamide, streptomycin (or other aminoglycoside), and
agents. The answer is C. a fluoroquinolone. Continuation therapy should include at
least 3 drugs shown to be active in vitro against the infect-
ing strain. The appropriate duration of therapy has not been
established. The answer is E.

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402 PART VIII Chemotherapeutic Drugs


Examples of genotypic variations in drug metabolism include succinylcholine (pseudocholinesterase) and isoniazid (N-acetyltransferase).
Genetic polymorphisms also occur in isoforms of cytochrome P450 and contribute to variability in the rates of metabolism of phenformin,
dextromethorphan, and metoprolol. Variants in the CYP2D6 isoform have been implicated in excessive responses to codeine and
nortriptyline, and variants in CYP2C9 may be responsible for unusual sensitivity to the anticoagulant effects of warfarin.
Enzyme Drugs Clinical Consequences
Aldehyde dehydrogenase Ethanol Facial flushing, emesis, and cardiovascular symptoms in Asians with
low enzyme activity
N-acetyltransferase Isoniazid Increased dose requirement in fast acetylators
  Hydralazine Increased risk of lupus-like syndrome in slow acetylators
  Procainamide Increased cardiotoxicity in fast acetylators
Pseudocholinesterase Succinylcholine Deficiencies may lead to prolonged apnea


When you complete this chapter, you should be able to:

❑ List 5 special problems associated with chemotherapy of mycobacterial infections.
❑ Identify the characteristic pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of
isoniazid and rifampin.
❑ List the typical adverse effects of ethambutol, pyrazinamide, and streptomycin.
❑ Describe the standard protocols for drug management of latent tuberculosis,
pulmonary tuberculosis, and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
❑ Identify the drugs used in leprosy and in the prophylaxis and treatment of
M avium-intracellulare complex disease.

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