Tugas10 - Nanda Amalia Shilfa - 201910301150

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Nama : Nanda Amalia Shilfa

NIM : 201910301150

The line graph above depicts the amount of fast food eaten by Australian
youth between 1975 and 2000 over a 25 year interval. In general, consumption of
fish and chips decreased during this period, while the amount of pizza and
hamburgers eaten increased. In summary, it appears that consumption fish and
chips decreased, while consumption of pizza and hamburgers increased. Present this
numerically, if possible. So the similarities are the consumption patterns of pizza and
hamburgers, while the difference is the consumption patterns of fish and chips.
Thus, there are two groups of data, an analysis of pizza and hamburgers, and an
analysis of fish and chips. The analysis can be trapped in the assumption that people
who ate in 1975 were different from people who ate in 2000. In 1975, fast food was
the most popular for Australian teens it is fish and chips, which are eaten 100 times
per year. This is much higher than pizza and hamburgers, which are only consumed 5
times a year. However, despite a brief increase from 1980 to 1985, consumption of
fish and chips has decreased gradually over the past 25 years, reaching a little under
40 times per year. In contrast to the above, the teenagers there eat two other fast
foods far away more. Pizza consumption rose gradually to exceed the level of fish
and chip consumption in 1990. After that, it tended to level off between 1995 and
2000.The sharpest increase was seen in hamburger consumption, which increased
dramatically during the 1970s and 1980s, thus surpassing fish and chip in 1985.
Ultimately, hamburger data matched the fish and chip level at startup, that is, at a
consumption rate of 100 times per year.

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