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Name: Eduardo Pacheco Jr Date:12-05-20

Media and Literacy

Issue showing the power of media and information to affect change

Why social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both
positively and negatively. Why fake news can be as simple has spreading misinformation or as
dangerous as smearing hateful propaganda?
The media has changed. We now give broadcast licenses to philosophies instead of people.
People get confused and think there is no difference between news and entertainment.
In general, media refers to the tools of mass communication. Media today consists of:

▪️ Internet
▪️ Radio
▪️ Cinema (The most powerful one)
Today, our life will remain incomplete without media. For example, it provides an easy means of
communication where people are able to contact friends and family from another side of the
world. At the same time, media like television, radio and the Internet enhance our knowledge by
providing access to information from all over the world. We can also receive different types of
news or daily events through media, almost instantly, At the same time, media like television
enhances our knowledge by providing access to information all over the world. We can also
receive different news or daily events through the television. It can also be such a powerful
educational tool for the younger generation helping to put them on the right path. Fake news
exist, and Fake news have the intention to make people or cases look good or bad.
Fake news is a type of propaganda that consists of deliberate disinformation, spread via
traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media, the term is also at times used
to cast doubt upon legitimate news from an opposing political standpoint, a tactic known as the
lying press.
So, how do you tell what is fake news?
If you’re not sure if a site is legitimate, look for any red flags in its domain name, such as
“”, and it’s About Us section. Google the sources of any quotes or figures given in the
story, most fake news do not have either, a warning sign in itself.

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