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1.  What is the study of language and languages?

A.Phonetics B. Syntax C. Linguistics D. Semantics
2. It is the study of the meaning of languages.
A. Phonetics B. Syntax C. Linguistics D. Semantics
3. Phonetics is the study of the sounds of language. What do we call to the sounds?
A. Morphemes B. Phonemes C. Syntax D. Lexicology
4. What is the study of language as it pertains to social classes, ethnic groups and genders?
A. Psycholinguistics B. Comparative linguistics C. Sociolinguistics D. Linguistics
5. It is the study of language from a cognitive and developmental law.
A. Psycholinguistics B. Sociolinguistics C. Comparative linguistics D. Linguistics
16. These are sounds made with air passing through the nose. examples include m, n, and ng sound of sing.
A. Nasal B. Uvula C. Velum D. Bilabial
17. The sounds made by holding the lips together and then releasing the sound, such as p and b.
A. Liquid B. Nasal C. Bilabial D. Bilabial nasal
18. We can also use the upper teeth with the lower lip, for _________ sounds. This is how we make an f sound.
A. Uvular B. Labiodental C. Velar D. Nasal
19. We also have two names for the parts of the tongue used with these various parts of the mouth:  The front edge is called
the _______, sounds like t, th, and s are made with this.
A. Corona B. Dorsum C. Labiodental D. Dental
20. And the back edge  is called the _________. Sounds k, g, and ng are made with this.
A. Corona B. Dorsum C. Labiodental D. Dental

Identify the type of paragraph pattern being used.

A. Narration E. Compare/Contrast
B. Description F. Time Sequence/Process
C. Definition G. Cause-Effect
D. Classification H. Persuasion

1. The viola is a stringed instrument in the violin family. It is only slightly larger than the violin and is tuned at a lower pitch.
Like its smaller relative, the viola is held on the shoulder under the chin and is played with a bow. While the violin has many
uses, the viola is used mainly in orchestral and chamber music.
2. At the start of 2000, the price of combination anti-retroviral drugs to treat one patient for one year was typically between
US$ 10 000 and US$ 12 000. By the end of 2000, prices of US$ 500 to US$ 800 were approved for patented and generic
drugs for low- and middle-income countries. By December 2001, certain combinations became available for US$350 per
person per year.
3. The harpsichord and the piano are closely related. Both are keyboard instruments, and both produce sound when jacks or
hammers attached to keys strike metal strings. However, today the piano is more popular than the harpsichord. It is capable
of producing greater volume and variety of tone, and it is more versatile than its predecessor. Pianos provide
accompaniment for vocalists both classical and popular, and they are used in every instrumental group from the small
dance band to the grandest symphony orchestra.
4. In all countries, enforcing the laws that do exist remains a challenge. As a result, violence against children goes unpunished. 
There is much to be done to train and support law enforcement and judicial personnel to understand the key role they play
in protecting children against violence.
5. There are many types of stringed instruments. The violin family is made up of the violin, viola, cello, and double bass.
Fretted instruments (frets are strips that show players where to put their hands) include the banjo, mandolin, lute, ukulele,
and guitar. Related to these instruments are the lyre and the harp. The dulcimer, zither, and psaltery form another family,
whose strings are stretched over flat sound boxes. Finally, there are the keyboard stringed instruments such as the piano,
clavichord, and harpsichord.
6. The dirt of the girls' cotton dresses continued on their legs, feet, arms, and faces to make them all of a piece. Their greasy
hair hung down, uncombed, with a grim finality. I knelt to see them better, to remember them for all time. The tears that
had slipped down my dress left unsurprising dark spots, and made the front yard blurry and even more unreal. The world
had taken a deep breath and was having doubts about continuing to revolve.
7. Preparing an effective speech requires intelligent planning. You must first select a topic; brainstorming often helps you to
focus on what you want to say. Then you need to study who your audience will be to determine how you want to present
your material. Then, once you have determined a topic and analyzed your audience, you are ready to do careful research
on this topic.
8. Edgar Allan Poe was born in 1809, the child of traveling actors. From 1815 to 1820, Poe was sent to schools in England. In
1825, he returned to the United States, entering the University of Virginia. In 1830, this great short story writer was
accepted to West Point, an appointment that lasted only eight months.
9. Determinism and free will are two opposite points of view regarding human behavior. A determinist does not believe that a
person freely chooses a lifestyle, whereas the believer in free will will contend that one is free to change one’s lifestyle at
any time. A determinist sees biological and social forces determining one’s decisions. Conversely, a proponent of free will
will discount the influence of these forces in shaping one’s life. Determinism can be a pessimistic philosophy, free will a
hopeful one.
10. Evaporation is an interesting process. The sun causes water to evaporate into the atmosphere. In the atmosphere, the
water vapor cools. The cooling results in water forming again. The collected water is then expelled as rain, which restarts
the evaporation process.

11. Morphemes are minimal linguistic signs in the sense that they can't be divided into further signs.

a. True b. False

12.  A word can't be a morpheme.

a. True b. False

13. Which of the following is the correct division of the English word repaired (meaning 'mended, fixed') into

a. Re-pair-ed b. Re-pai-red c. Repair-ed d. Re-paired

14.  Which of the following is the correct division of the English word repainted into morphemes?

a. Re-painted b. Re-pain-ted c. Repaint-ed d. Re-paint-ed

15.  Bound morphemes are called affixes.

a. True b. False

16. Which of the following types of morpheme gives different forms of a root morpheme?

a. Clitic b. Inflectional c. Derivational d. Allomorphs

17. What sort of morpheme is -ing in the English word clippings?

a. Root b. Prefix c. Infix d. Suffix

18. Inflectional affixes are generally more productive than derivational affixes.

a. True b. False

19. Phonologically similar allomorphs are called:

a. Morphs b. Suppletive c. Phonological d. Free allomorphs

20. Roots are always free.

a. True b. False

21. Attaching a derivational morpheme to a root always changes its part-of-speech.

a. True b. False

22. Does English have agreement inflection on verbs?

a. Yes b. No

23. Does English have inflectional case marking of nouns?

a. Yes b. No

24. Which of the following is not a grammatical morpheme in English?

a. Curtain b. A,an c. This d. To e. Of

25. It refers to the arrangement of ideas in a text.

a. Organization b. Cohesion c Coherence d. Discourse

26. It provides a format in which ideas can be arranged in a hierarchy.

a. Pyramid b. Outline c. Graphic Organizer d. Style

27. It analyzes the structure of words and parts of words, such as root words, prefixes, and suffixes.

a. Morphology b. Phonology c. Syntax d. Pragmatics

28. The smallest grammatical unit in a language

a. Morpheme b. Phoneme c. Sentence d. SIgnified

29. It directly refers to the object being described as being or previously being the object it is compared or connected

a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Understatement d. Synecdoche

30. It is a word element attached to a root word (the main part of a word) to give it another meaning.

a. Free morpheme b. Bound morpheme c. Free phoneme d. Bound phoneme

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