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September 23, 2020

Gardening is not my thing nor planting a tree. When our instructor said that
we must plant trees to fulfil our requirements in NSTP 1, I wrinkled my nose and
quickly disagree with it. But then, I can’t do anything about it but to plant trees. I
encourage myself to plant 10 trees. I find trees in our community. I collected 5
paper trees, 4 mango trees and an atis. I intend to plant those trees in the side of our
house because the soil in there is healthy.
As I plant the trees, I thought I would feel the cringe that I’ve felt the first
time our instructor informed us about the requirement, yet, I feel the opposite. I felt
happiness and peacefulness. I then realized that planting is just incredibly
wonderful. I can’t judge the people who loves gardening and planting. It felt so
surreal to me that I plant those trees. Well, I can’t do and felt this without the help
of my grandmother. She help me cleaned the lot where I intend to plant the trees
and she encouraged me to plant those trees.
Gardening and planting is a wonderful hobby that everyone shouldn’t miss.
It gives you the freedom to free yourself from your problem. It may be temporarily
but at least, you are free from worry even in just a short span of time. And there is
no harm in trying it. That’s how I felt and realized. And I am so proud of myself
because I know that I’ve tried.
September 26, 2020
Planting and watering the plants is a two different word but will give you the
same feeling. Today is Saturday and I planned before to water the plants every
three days. But my grandmother advised me about it. Watering a tree should be
done once a week because a tree can easily falter, and I will obey her.
It was so overwhelming when I started watering them. It feels like you are giving
the plant a chance to live in this life full of pain, struggles and challenges. Well,
that’s how life works. When the water began to sprinkle on the plants, it feels like
you are connected with your plant because with just watering them, you are
creating a connection from your plant and only you knows that. It doesn’t look
stupid at all when you connect to something that cannot talk but has a life to live.
And just by realizing it, you are not just creating a life, but trying to save our
deteriorating Mother Earth. And giving a chance to live and to save something
important will only prove that you are a human being.
Watering plants is just like a drinking person, you cannot survive if you
haven’t take any water. Just like human, a plant has a purpose too. It gives you a
shade and shelter to live in, a fresh air to breath, a food to survive, and a tree as it is
for your safety and protection.
October 3, 2020
Everyone grows slowly. But as you go through, challenges will be
encountered making you to grow slowly. And just like a tree, it also needs to go
through some challenges before it can grow enough to become a shady strong tree.
As I check my planted trees, three (3) of them are not in a good condition.
Their leaves are falling and withering. It pains me how my little trees are slowly
dying. I wasn’t sure of the cause why it is slowly dying. I am thinking that maybe,
I can’t really grow a tree, but, how come that some of my plants are still well? I
can’t stop overthinking, because there is a possibility that my trees may really die
and it may be the cause for me to have a failing grade. It’s normal for us teenagers
to overthink some things and it is also normal for us learners who are academically
challenge from the grade that our instructor or teacher may give to us.
I am not feeling well today because I have cough and cold and at the same
time, my trees that are slowly dying adds up to the illness that I am feeling. And I
hope that my trees will not die and survive its challenge.
October 10, 2020
After the rain, a rainbow will come to lighten your day. Just like when you
surpass a challenge, a light feeling will be felt making you feel happiness. And just
like human, a tree can also surpass its own challenges.
After a week of hoping that my trees will be able to survive, I thank God for
granting it. My trees are now well. They started to grow new leaves again. And as
reward to my plant, I watered them carefully. I also cleaned the lot through
removing the weeds that surround them. It is so nice to look at the new leaves
produced by my trees. It is so overwhelming that you manage to let them survive
even though the only thing that you did is to water them, remove the weeds that
surround them and putting them in a lot where they can easily access the sunlight.
I’m so happy that my plants are now back on its track. I’m so happy that
they didn’t die. And I’m so happy that they survive. Well, that’s how everybody
should do. Everybody should do the thing what my trees just did; fight and survive.
October 17, 2020
My trees are growing. There leaves also started to enlarge. If you are asking
about my survivor trees, they are still surviving and will continue to survive. They
are letting their leaves grow faster. And watching a view like this made me realized
something. A tree symbolizes personal growth. It helps one's self think positively
and be confident of who they are and what they have. It also helps in creating a
positive view of life, because before a tree grows, challenges were faced before it
became strong and tall. It also has the ability to grow freely never minding the
surrounding around it.
Human should live their life like how a tree live. They should know how
unique they are because it will help them grow and attain self-confident. They
should never think what others might say to them because they are not worth
his/her life. And living your life with uniqueness and confidence that engulfs you,
it will give you a happy and free life.

October 24, 2020

They say, life is just like a tree, no matter how many times you survive, time
will come and you can no longer live in Earth. But, why do everyone saw the
negativity that surrounds the Earth? Why can’t they see the happiness that life
always wants to provide? Are they blind, or they just don’t want to let their eyes
wide open?
For me, life wasn’t easy. Just like a tree, I need to go through challenges,
and if I survive I will become happy. That’s how my trees keeps on making me
realize. Because how can you see the beautiful side, if you are just looking at one
side? Trees really manage to help me look at the positive view of life. As I look
and check on them everyday, I always feel delighted. It just felt surreal when you
are looking at them. Well, that’s how I feel every time I spent my time with my
October 31, 2020
A tree symbolizes strength for it shows how strong it is even though it goes
through something hard. It saddens me how some of the people continue to cut
trees when they knew that it already have gone too far. And just like a tree,
everyone should be as strong as a tree. No matter how hard the situation you are
going through, just keep on pushing and never stop surviving.
I salute my trees for being so strong. Imagine, smokes from vehicles and
kids trying to play with it but I always manage to stop them, they are still strong.
They are not making those problems eat their whole system. They are just letting it
be. They just focus on growing and keeping their roots intact. How strong right?

November 7, 2020
Natural beauty is one of the most beautiful symbolism of a tree. It makes
you wonder, how can you see the beauty of a tree when it is just standing in front
of you, unmoving and doesn’t talk? Sometimes you will think, what is beautiful in
this old tree with a wrinkle body?
Well, natural beauty isn’t just what you seen in the outside but also what’s in
the inside. A tree accepts how imperfect it is, making it achieve its natural beauty.
And everyone, just like tree, should accept that they are not perfect. You should
free yourself from doubt. Just like my trees, they believe in themselves that they
can survive, and they survive. They doesn’t let their surroundings affect them,
because they are who they are. And that is what I realized after I watered them. As
they grow, their beauty has now started to unfold, giving the people a view of what
their natural beauty is.
November 14, 2020
A new day has arrived again. My plants are gaining enough sunlight, water
and air for them to live and grow. It’s been two months since the day that I’ve
planted them. It is so overwhelming that all of them are still alive and fortunately,
they are really growing. At first, I thought I can’t grow plants, especially, trees,
because when I was in elementary, Girl Scout camp is one of the events that I
always willing to participate. And during the last day of our camp, we always do
tree planting. I plant the tree, but every time that I visit the tree that I’ve planted, it
died. So when our instructor task us to plant trees, I definitely disagree to the idea.
But as I plant the trees, and they grow continuously within the previous
months, I am so happy. I really can’t imagine myself planting a tree and let it grow.
I really thought that I can’t grow trees, but my plant trees prove me wrong. And
with that thought, I am determined and motivated to take care of them and let them
grow to a tall and sturdy tree.
November 21, 2020
I watered my plants today, because it’s been a week since they last tasted
water. I was so disappointed when one of my plant tree is ruined by a kid. Well, a
kid is not a kid if they do not ruin things. I want to yell at the kid who ruined my
tree, but I definitely stop myself because he might cry, and I am the elder so I must
be patient. So instead of yelling at the kid, I just patiently ask him to get away from
my plant tree and I also told him to go home. I was so frustrated that time because
it might die. But hopefully, the leaves and half of the stem of my plant tree is just
the one that is ruined, not the entire tree. Instead of getting depressed of the
outcome of my ruined plant tree, I just continue water it and I hopefully wish that it
will still grow.
November 28, 2020
Time flies so fast. It’s been a week since a kid ruined my plant tree. My
plant hopefully didn’t die, instead it started to grow its leaves again. I was happy
again for I thought it will die then, but it proves me wrong. My plant tree is slowly
grow its leaves and also its stem. It is so fulfilling to see the things that you eagerly
take care of grow. I then watered all of them again because it doesn’t rain for
almost a week. I will not water my trees if rain started to fall within a week. And I
was happy that it didn’t rain because I’ve spent some of my time to my plant trees.

December 5, 2020
New month has arises again. It was so fast, and I can’t imagine since it
almost three months since I planted my trees. They’re still growing and none of
them seemed to lose its track. It is such a wonderful feeling to see and witness
them from growing slowly. It may takes time for them to grow tall and sturdy, but
still, I will water them and take care of them real good. I am excited to see them
grow with me and enter another year of our life.

January 10, 2020

New year, new life. My plant trees entered a new year with me. It was so
blissful because they still continue to grow despite of the challenges they always
encounter. To tell you the truth, the soil where my trees are planted is in the road.
So, I didn’t imagine them to continue growing despite of them always taking the
smoke of the vehicles passing through them. They are really strong, aren’t they?
Even if they are just little trees, they are already strong.
I planned on watering them today. And it still feel so wonderful watering
them because I really can’t imagine that I am the one who help them grow. Well, it
is my plant so I am responsible of their growth. But it is not just that. I already
made a connection with them that I will really feel sad if one of them will just die.
But then again, I will not let it happen, because I will always take care of them no
matter what.

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