Job Interview Questions 007

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Answer the following Job Interview Questions:

1. How do you describe yourself?

2. How did you get the information about this vacancy?
3. What made you interested in applying this position?
4. Why did you become interested in Piping Engineering?
5. What do you like most about Piping Engineering field?
6. What qualification can you offer for the position you apply?
7. What do you think of tasks your specific job involves later?
8. What sort of risks may you deal with this position?
9. Did you experience any challenge deals with piping engineering?
10. How if we place you far away from your hometown/ family?
11. What do you think your carrier will be in this company?
12. How much do you expect to get from this job?
13. What makes you deserve to fill this position than the others?
14. When are you able to start working? 


1. Oke. I am Jehan Fadhil Akram Arrachman. You can call me Jehan. Im living in Tuban, East Java. Im 21
years old. Im graduated from Shipbuilding polytechnic of surabaya in 2021 with major of Naval
Architect. I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have
something to strive toward. And I’m always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve
greatness. // I am passionate about my work. Because I love what I do, I have a steady source of
motivation that drives me to do my best. In my last job, this passion led me to challenge myself daily and
learn new skills that helped me to do better work. //

2. I’m fresh graduated and im actively job searching right now, and found your job posting on whatsapp
group from my senior. I reviewed the job description before applying and it seemed like a great
potential fit so I wanted to apply and learn more about the opportunity to see if it’s a good match.
3. Because im a fresh graduated and i need to learn everything. Im interested to find a position at a
company where I can grow and take on new challenges over time. I’ll have opportunities to develop my







10. This job is an incredible and I felt quite qualified to occupy this position in this area also. But if in the
future this company need me to relocation, I would consider if it is appropriate.

11. In this company i think i will learn a lot and take on all the interesting projects, and sure i will work
with people I can really learn from. I want to work for an organization where I can build a career.

12. Well, its difficult to say actually. But i believe that this company will give me the best based on my
skill, my experience, my certificate, and absolutely the work that i do.

13. Through I'm a fresh graduate, but I'm a fast learner and able to adapt well to the new environment. I
can make sure I can give many contribution for this company. Well, I have all of the skills that you’re
looking for and I’m confident that I would be great in this role. It’s not just my background skills or my
people skills, But I’m also passionate about this industry and I’m driven to deliver high-quality work

14. After learning more about this role, im confident it would be a great fit for me. And I am available to
start whenever you need me to start, including tomorrow.

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