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Peralta, Michael Cogie

BS – Psychology 1C
Activity 16
Complete the following table:
Table 1
Types of Tissues Description Function
1. Connective Tissue Most abundant Binding, supporting,
protecting, insulating, storing
reserve fuel and transporting
substance within the body
2. Epithelial Tissue Widespread throughout the protection, secretion,
body absorption, excretion,
filtration, diffusion, and
sensory reception.
3. Muscle Tissue Specialized tissue control the movements of an
organisms as well as many
other contractile functions
4. Nervous Tissue is found in the brain, spinal stimulates muscle
cord, and nerves contraction, creates an
awareness of the
environment, and plays a
major role in emotions,
memory, and reasoning

Table 2
Epithelial Tissues Description Location Function
A. Classification based on shape
1. Squamous Flattened and thin Air sacs of the Allows material to
lung pass through by
diffusion and
2. Cuboidal Boxy Ducts and Secretes and absorbs
secretory portion
3. Columnar Rectangular Digestive tract Absorbs; it also
bladder secretes mucous and
B. Classification based on arrangement
1. Simple Made up of only one Basement Absorption and
layer of epithelial cell membrane filtration
2. Stratified Contain two or more Skin Mostly protective,
layers of cell good at withstanding
3. Pseudostratifie Single layers of cells Larger respiratory Filtering and
d airwars humidification of
incoming air
4. Transitional Made up of multiple Excretory system Permeability barrier
layers where the tissue impenetrable to water
can change shape and most small
depending on the molecules
distention of the organ
C. Classification based on function
1. Simple Single layer flattened Inner surface of all Facilitate diffusion of
squamous cells blood gases
2. Simple Cube-like Small collecting Secretion and
cuboidal ducts of kidneys, absorptions
pancreas and
salivary glands
3. Simple Single layer cells that Stomach, small Protection
columnar are tall and wide intestine, large
intestine, rectum,
fallopian tubes,
endometrium, and
4. Stratified Flattened epithelial Esophagus, mouth Provides protection
squamous cells from mechanical
5. Stratified Cube-like Glands Selective absorption
cuboidal and secretion
6. Stratified Column-shaped cells Conjunctiva, protection
columnar arranged in multiple pharynx, anus and
layers male urethra

Table 3
Connective Tissues Description Function
1. Loose Connective Between many organs Absorb shock and binds
Tissue tissues together
2. Dense Connective Strong, rope-like structures For strength; are used to join
Tissue bones and as tendons to
connect muscles to bones
3. Specialized includes tendons and Storing minerals, providing
Connective Tissue ligaments, Bone and internal support, protecting
Cartilage, haemopoetic tissue, vital organs.
blood and adipose tissue.

Table 4
Muscle Tissues Description Function
1. Skeletal Muscle Composed of long cells Enable humans to move and
Tissue called muscle fibers perform daily activities
2. Smooth Muscle Also called involuntary Housekeeping functions of
Tissue muscle, it consists of narrow the body, they work
spindle-shaped cells automatically without us
being aware of them
3. Cardiac Muscle Specialized, organized type Keep the heart pumping
Tissue of tissue that only exists in through involuntary
the heart movement

Table 5
Nervous Tissues Description Function
1. Neurons The basic working unit of the Transmits information from
brain one cell to another
2. Glial Cells Supportive cell in the central Surrounds neurons and
nervous system provides support for and
insulation between them.

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