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Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (2005) 467–476

Modelling of migration and fate of selected persistent

organic pollutants in the Gulf of Gdansk and the Vistula
catchment (Poland): selected results from the EU ELOISE
EuroCat project
Barbara Zukowskaa,), Jozef Pacynaa,b, Jacek Namiesnika
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology,
G. Narutowicza Str. 11/12, 80-952 Gdansk, Poland
Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), Kjeller, Norway


The ELOISE EU EuroCat project integrated natural and social sciences to link the impacts affecting the coastal sea to the human
activities developed along the catchments. In EuroCat project river catchments’ changes and their impact on the inflow area were
analysed. The information was linked with environmental models. The part of the EU ELOISE EuroCat project focusing on the
Vistula River catchment and the Baltic Sea costal zone was named VisCat. Within the framework of the EU ELOISE EuroCat –
VisCat project, CoZMo-POP (Coastal Zone Model for Persistent Organic Pollutants), a non-steady-state multicompartmental mass
balance model of long-term chemical fate in the coastal environment or the drainage basin of a large lake environment was
used. The model is parameterised and tested herein to simulate the long-term fate and distribution of selected HCHs
(hexachlorocyclohexanes) and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) in the Gulf of Gdansk and the Vistula River drainage basin
environment. The model can also be used in the future to predict future concentrations in relation to various emission scenarios and
in management of economic development and regulations of substance-emission to this environment. However, this would require
more extensive efforts in the future on model parameterisation and validation in order to increase the confidence in current model
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: persistent organic pollutants; migration; environmental fate; modeling; the Gulf of Gdansk; the Vistula River catchment; EU ELOISE
EuroCat – VisCat project

1. Introduction marine ecosystem takes place. The analysis of catch-

ments’ changes and their impact on the coast as well as
Human activities in the river catchments have strong the integrated management of catchments in Europe
impact on the coastal zone. Rivers are denuding became the goal of the EU ELOISE EuroCat (European
continents and transporting eroded material as sus- Catchments) project financed by the European Union
pended solids to the costal zones. As a result of catch- (from 2001 to 2003) (Salomons, 2004). The aim of
ments’ impact, degradation and pollution of coastal and EuroCat project is to integrate natural and social
sciences to link the impacts affecting the coastal sea to
) Corresponding author. the human activities developed along the catchments. In
E-mail address: (B. Zukowska). this project regional studies focus on four coastal seas

0272-7714/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
468 B. Zukowska et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (2005) 467–476

(the Baltic, the North, the Mediterranean and the Black Mathematical modelling enables quantitative and
Seas) and eight associated the catchments (Vistula, Elbe, qualitative analysis of processes taking place in a natural
Rhine, Humber, Po, Idrija, Axios, Provadiska) charac- environment. A migration model of the ecosystem may
terized by relevant environmental and management also be used as a tool for the prognoses of estimated
issues. influence of man’s activity or the analysis of future
VisCat focuses on the Vistula river drainage basin changes in a studied environment. The goal of this paper
and the southern Baltic Sea costal zone. The main goal is to present ongoing work on the development of
of the VisCat program was to create a system, which a migration and fate model of selected pesticides and
would be used for the evaluation of environmental PCBs in the environment of the Vistula River drainage
impacts of the Vistula river catchment on the Gulf of basin and the Gulf of Gdansk. An existing model has
Gdansk. The state of the Gulf of Gdansk contamination been parameterised and tested to describe the fate of
and its load introduced by the Vistula River from selected POPs in the Vistula catchment with emphasis
the whole catchment in the past, was studied by a team on the fate of selected POPs in the Gulf of Gdansk.
from the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Chem-
ical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology and
Department of Environmental Chemistry and Ecoana- 2. Material and methods
lytics, Faculty of Chemistry of Nicholas Copernicus
University (Buszewski et al., 2004). Within the frame- 2.1. Area under investigation: the Gulf of Gdansk
work of the EuroCat project the objective was to and the Vistula catchment
develop and use environmental models for describing
the fluxes and retention of substances discharged to The catchment of the Vistula River covers more than
the coastal zone throughout the river system and a half of Poland’s territory. The Vistula River drainage
estuaries. Specific goals of this part of the project have basin spreads out over an area of around two hundred
been to: square kilometres. Vistula flows into the Gulf of
Gdansk, the area of which covers around 4300 km2.
 Analyse the past and present trends of the contam- The Gulf of Gdansk is situated in the southern part of
ination level in the Gulf of Gdansk environment the Baltic Sea, where the Vistula River has its mouth
using an appropriate model, (Fig. 1). The climate in this area is moderate. The Gulf
 Study the impact of the activities in the Vistula of Gdansk is one of the most polluted areas of the Polish
catchment on the ecological status of the Gulf of coastal waters (Kot-Wasik et al., 2003). Along the
Gdansk environment, and to southern coast of the Gulf of Gdansk, Gdansk-Sopot-
 Answer the question of how quickly pollution Gdynia metropolitan area is situated, with a total
concentrations will decrease after load reductions. population of more than 1 million inhabitants. Major

Fig. 1. The Gulf of Gdansk.

B. Zukowska et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (2005) 467–476 469

industrial activities in the area include shipbuilding, process of pulp bleaching, disinfection with chlorine,
chemical industries, food processing and fisheries. during incineration of municipal wastes and wood
(Sulkowski et al., 2003). These compounds are formed
2.2. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) studied from inorganic chlorine and organic material, especially
in this analysis under limited oxygen content conditions and in the
presence of iron, copper and aluminium (Sulkowski
One of the most considerable problems of the Gulf et al., 2003). They are widely distributed in the envi-
of Gdansk’s environment is contamination by persis- ronment through the inappropriate handling of waste
tent organic pollutants (POPs). These compounds are material, leakage from large condensers or hydraulic
generally quite hydrophobic chemicals that have a low systems, and other sources (HELCOM, 1996; Zhou
affinity for the aqueous phase and a tendency towards et al., 2001).
partitioning into organic phases of suspended solids and
bottom sediments or into the lipid fraction of aquatic 2.3. Description of the coastal zone model for
biota. Some POPs show potential for biomagnification, persistent organic pollutants (CoZMo-POP)
and therefore the highest concentrations are often found
in the upper trophic levels of aquatic food chains (Jones The aim of this modeling study is to understand and
and de Voogt, 1999). These features cause changes predict the historical and future transport and fate of
in POPs concentration to be seen after many years, selected POPs in the Gulf of Gdansk and the Vistula
especially in living organisms and sediments. For these River drainage basin. In the present work CoZMo-POP
reasons modelling studies focus on fate and transport (coastal zone model for persistent organic pollutants),
of selected persistent organic pollutants in the Vistula a non-steady-state multicompartmental mass balance
River drainage basin and the Gulf of Gdansk environ- model of long-term chemical fate in a coastal environ-
ment. Among studied chemicals are a-HCH, g-HCH, ment was used. A detailed description of CoZMo-POP
PCB-28, PCB-52, PCB-101, PCB-153 and PCB-180. model has been provided elsewhere (Wania et al., 2000).
The model was parameterised by environmental param-
2.2.1. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) eters of the Vistula River drainage basin and the Gulf of
Certain pesticides are widely distributed in all Gdansk and used to simulate the behaviours of selected
compartments of the environment because of their pesticides and PCBs in the period from 1970 to 2000.
widespread use, physical-chemical property combina- Using a similar modelling approach, it has been shown
tions and persistence in the environment. Because of that it is possible to predict concentrations of HCHs in
their toxicity and potential for biomagnification, they various environmental compartments of the Baltic Sea
are of possible threat to the health of humans and ani- drainage basin as a whole within an order of magnitude,
mals. Some of the pesticides are carcinogenic, mutagenic often within a factor of two (Breivik and Wania, 2002).
and teratogenic (Zwir-Ferenc and Biziuk, 2002). Hexa- The model utilised herein also enables to estimate
chlorocyclohexanes are insecticides, which have been the fractions of the selected POPs currently present in
widely used and dispersed in Europe and in the rest of various parts of that environment, which are derived
the global environment for many decades (Willett et al., from: recent releases within the drainage basin; past
1998). The main constituent of technical HCH is a- emissions in the drainage basin; and contaminated air
HCH, and g-HCH is a main constituent in the purified masses being advected into the area (Wania et al., 2000).
formulation, called lindane. These two compounds have A main focus is on the relative importance of the
a relatively high volatility and a sufficiently long atmo- riverine and atmospheric pathway for delivering selected
spheric lifetime to result in widespread environmental POPs to the ecosystem of the Gulf of Gdansk.
occurrence (Breivik et al., 1999). Furthermore, the model may also help to analyse what
fraction of the riverine load is actually atmospherically
2.2.2. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) derived vs. being emitted directly to the soils, plants and
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are hardly bio- rivers of a drainage basin (Wania et al., 2000).
degradable, so even a long time after their introduction,
they can be found in the environment. Because of 2.3.1. Contaminant transport within the model
their lipophilicity they are sorbed to solid particles The simplified picture of contaminant transport from
(Sulkowski et al., 2003) and they have a tendency to terrestrial environment of the Vistula River drainage
bioaccumulate. They are toxic for living organisms and basin to the Gulf of Gdansk environment through at-
certain PCBs are carcinogenic (Strucinski et al., 2002; mospheric and riverine pathway is shown in Fig. 2.
Kania-Korwel and Su1kowski, 2003). PCBs have been The environment is divided into a number of
intentionally produced in substantial amounts world- compartments within the model, which are considered
wide, and 1700 tonnes of PCBs was produced in Poland well-mixed and homogeneous, with respect to both envi-
(Sulkowski et al., 2003). PCBs may also be formed in the ronmental characteristics and chemical contamination.
470 B. Zukowska et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (2005) 467–476

Fig. 2. Schematic picture of contaminant transport from the terrestrial environment of the Vistula River drainage basin to the Gulf of Gdansk
environment through atmospheric and river pathways (modified after Wania et al., 2000).

These environmental compartments are then linked by influenced by the movement of air, water, and partic-
a variety of intercompartmental transfer processes ulate organic carbon (POC), so complete mass balances
(Wania et al., 2000). The schematic representation of the synthesizing the fluxes of these three environmental
types of environmental compartments in the model of media have been constructed for the entire basin. The
the Gulf of Gdansk and the Vistula River drainage basin contaminant mass balance is superimposed on these
and how they are interconnected is presented in Fig. 3. mass balances for air, water, and POC. Environmental
The main processes are the two-directional ex- phase partitioning is based on the equilibrium partition
changes, or cycling, of studied chemicals between the coefficients for octanol and water (KOW), octanol and
atmosphere and the aquatic and terrestrial surfaces, and air (KOA) as well as air and water (KAW). The tem-
the uni-directional run-off of chemicals from soil to perature dependence of these coefficients is expressed
fresh water and further to the marine system (Wania using heats of phase transfer. The model additionally
et al., 2000). Descriptions of processes that could lead to requires degradation half-lives of studied chemicals and
loss of chemicals during the transport in atmosphere the corresponding activation energies in all compart-
and river water, i.e. degradation in individual media and ments (Wania et al., 2000). Table 1 lists the selected
permanent retention within the environment (such as properties of POPs applied in the modelling studies.
sediment burial) are also included in the model (Wania The CoZMo-POP model was additionally parameter-
et al., 2000). ized to describe the environmental characteristics of
the study area (atmospheric parameters, forest canopy,
2.3.2. Input parameters hydrology, soils, water and meteorology). There is also
The expressions in the model describe phase parti- a need to specify chemical emissions into the environment
tioning, interphase transport, and degradation (Wania and the inflow of chemicals from the surrounding regions
et al., 2000). The transport of POPs is strongly by air and seawater. Emission estimates for the HCHs

Fig. 3. The types of environmental compartments in the model of the Gulf of Gdansk and the Vistula River drainage basin and interconnections
between them (Wania et al., 2000).
B. Zukowska et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (2005) 467–476 471

Table 1
Properties of HCHs and PCBs applied in the model calculations
Molecular mass (M), partition coefficients (K), heats of phase transfer (DU), and reaction rate with OH radicals (kR)
M log KOW log KAW log KOA DUOW DUAW DUOA kR at 25  C
(g molÿ1) at 25  C at 25  C at 25  C (kJ molÿ1) (kJ molÿ1) (kJ molÿ1) (cm3 moleculeÿ1 sÿ1)
a-HCH 290.85 (f) 3.98 (b) ÿ3.56 (b) 7.54 (d) ÿ10.51 (b) 51.35 (b) ÿ61.86 (b) 1.53!10ÿ13 (c)
g-HCH 290.85 (f) 3.93 (b) ÿ4.08 (b) 8.01 (d) ÿ22.23 (b) 43.15 (b) ÿ65.38 (b) 1.95!10ÿ13 (c)
PCB-28 257.54 (a) 5.66 (e) ÿ2.19 (d) 7.85 (e) ÿ26.3 (e) 52.3 (e) ÿ78.5 (e) 1.07!10ÿ12 (c)
PCB-52 291.99 (a) 5.91 (e) ÿ2.31 (d) 8.22 (e) ÿ27.3 (e) 54.1 (e) ÿ81.4 (e) 7.31!10ÿ13 (c)
PCB-101 326.43 (a) 6.33 (e) ÿ2.40 (d) 8.73 (e) ÿ23.8 (e) 59.7 (e) ÿ83.5 (e) 3.35!10ÿ13 (c)
PCB-153 360.9 (a) 6.87 (e) ÿ2.57 (d) 9.44 (e) ÿ31.1 (e) 62.8 (e) ÿ93.9 (e) 1.64!10ÿ13 (c)
PCB-180 395.3 (a) 7.16 (e) ÿ3 (d) 10.16 (e) ÿ29.1 (e) 63.6 (e) ÿ92.8 (e) 1.05!10ÿ13 (c)
Air Forest canopy Soil Water Sediment
Ea HL (h) Ea HL Ea HL Ea HL (h) Ea
(kJ molÿ1) (kJ molÿ1) (h) (kJ molÿ1) (h) (kJ molÿ1) (kJ molÿ1)
a-HCH 11.2 (c) 2190 (f) 30 (f) 2190 (f) 30 (f) 8760 (f) 30 (f) 17,520 (f) 30 (f)
g-HCH 14.2 (c) 2190 (f) 2190 (f) 8760 (f) 17,520 (f)
PCB-28 13.72 (c) 10,000 (a) 30 (a) 10,000 (a) 30 (a) 5500 (a) 30 (a) 17,000 (a) 30 (a)
PCB-52 10.46 (c) 17,000 (a) 17,000 (a) 10,000 (a) 55,000 (a)
PCB-101 12.92 (c) 100,000 (a) 100,000 (a) 31,000 (a) 55,000 (a)
PCB-153 15.38 (c) 550,000 (a) 550,000 (a) 55,000 (a) 170,000 (a)
PCB-180 17.84 (c) 1,000,000 (a) 1,000,000 (a) 55,000 (a) 170,000 (a)
HL – degradation half-lives at 25  C. Ea – activation energies in various compartments. (a) Based on information in Wania and Daly (2002); (b)
Beyer et al. (2002); (c) Beyer et al. (2003); (d) Calculated using log KAW Z log KOW ÿ log KOA; (e) Li et al. (2003); and (f) Breivik and Wania (2002).

were estimated from the annual national data on these as illustrative, rather than definitive. Still, the model
chemicals usage from the period from 1970 to 1996 can be helpful in understanding interactions, which
(Pacyna, 1999; Breivik et al., 1999) and allocated to determine the environmental fate of selected POPs in the
the Vistula River drainage basin area. Furthermore, the region of interest. It can be achieved by studying a wide
assumption was made that usage of chemicals was con- range of outputs, which can be generated by the model.
stant at 1996-level up to the year 2003. The insecticides
technical HCH and lindane (O99% g-HCH) are com- 3.1. The reservoirs of HCHs and PCBs within
monly applied during spring (Breivik and Wania, 2002), the Vistula catchment and the Gulf of
and a seasonal distribution was therefore superimposed Gdansk environment
onto the annual release rate, assuming peak emissions in
May. Experimental values presented in the literature The model allows the assessment of the distribution
suggested a mode of release to the environment of 17.5% of selected POPs among environmental compartments
to the atmosphere, 80% to agricultural soils and 2.5% to as a function of time. Fig. 4 presents the estimated
fresh water (based on the information from UNEP, 1995; relative distribution of selected chemicals within various
Scholtz and Van Heyst, 2000). The emission estimates for environmental compartments and how this may have
selected PCBs was based on data presented for Poland by changed in time.
Breivik et al. (2002).
3.1.1. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs)
From Figs. 4a,b it can be seen that agricultural soils
3. Results and discussion are suggested to have been the dominant environmental
reservoir for HCHs within the environment of the
The CoZMo-POP model may assist in developing Vistula River drainage basin and the Gulf of Gdansk
a quantitative understanding of the environmental be- (about 80%). Notable fractions of both HCHs are
haviour of a-HCH, g-HCH, PCB-28, PCB-52, PCB- additionally found in the coastal water compartment
101, PCB-153 and PCB-180 in our study region. (around 10% for both HCHs, above 20% of g-HCH in
However, the possibility to conduct an extensive model the late eighties). The amount of HCHs in the soil
evaluation for these chemicals (detailed comparison compartment is directly related to their emissions into
between model and observations) is considered limited the environment. A rapid decrease of HCHs emissions
at present. This is mainly due to the limited availability occurred in the seventies. This led to decrease of the
of suitable monitoring data from the study region and amount of HCHs in the soil compartment in the
the time period of interest (1970–2003). The current eighties. Fresh water sediments, fresh water, forest soil,
results presented herein should therefore be considered forest canopy and air compartments contribute little to
472 B. Zukowska et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (2005) 467–476

Fig. 4. Calculated relative distribution of a-HCH, g-HCH, PCB-28, PCB-52, PCB-101, PCB-153 and PCB-180 among the various compartments of
the Vistula River drainage basin and the Gulf of Gdansk environment from 1970 to 2003 (percentage of contaminants’ total amount in the
environment found in individual compartments versus time).

the total environmental amount. When comparing the for PCB-28, PCB-52, PCB-101 (Fig. 4). A second
two studied pesticides, g-HCH reacts faster to temporal important reservoir for these PCBs is forest soil. The
changes in emissions as compared to a-HCH. This may relative difference between these two soil reservoirs in
in part be due to the elevated water solubility of g-HCH part reflects the larger area of the agricultural soils in
as compared to a-HCH (Table 1), causing a greater the study area. Smaller amounts of PCBs are addition-
environmental mobility in the aqueous phase. ally found in the forest canopy and air. On the other
hand, the most significant reservoirs of PCB-153 and
3.1.2. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) PCB-180 are the agricultural and forest soil compart-
During the period from 1970 to 2003, agricultural ments (40–50% in each). It is interesting to see that
soil was the most important environmental reservoir there is a shift towards an increasing relative amount of
B. Zukowska et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (2005) 467–476 473

the heavier PCBs in the forest soils. This may be at- estimations are based on the cumulative overall emission
tributed to the so-called forest filter effect, which may rate in the period from 1970 to 2003 within the studied
operate as a pump of heavier PCBs from the at- region. Because of the differences in chemical character-
mosphere to the forest soil (Wania and McLachlan, istics, the differences in emissions and emission patterns,
2001). During the early time period, there are also the relative importance of various fluxes and processes
significant shifts in the relative media distribution over differ strongly for each chemical presented in Fig. 5. For
time. This is mainly in response to the significant all studied chemicals, the net transfer of pollutants is
changes in primary atmospheric emissions. Peak emis- from the Gulf of Gdansk to the open sea. That situation
sions are suggested around 1974, which coincides with is caused by the net water flux from the Gulf of Gdansk
elevated prevalence of PCBs in the air and forest can- to the open sea as well as by the higher concentrations in
opy compartments. As emissions gradually decreased in the Gulf of Gdansk environment.
time, soils become key pools of atmospherically de-
livered PCBs. 3.2.1. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs)
It can be seen that both HCHs behave quite similar in
3.2. PCBs and HCHs pathways within the Vistula the studied environment. Both pesticides are similarly
catchment and the Gulf of Gdansk environment emitted to the agricultural soils and to the atmosphere (a
small amount is also assumed being emitted to fresh
The cumulative fluxes and process rates (in kg) for water). The main fraction of the emitted HCHs is
four contaminants in the Vistula River drainage basin degraded in the agricultural soil. Additionally, atmo-
and the Gulf of Gdansk are presented in Fig. 5. The spheric reaction turns out to be an important loss

Fig. 5. Cumulative fluxes of a-HCH, g-HCH, PCB-28, PCB-180 in the Vistula River drainage basin and the Gulf of Gdansk environment from 1970
to 2003 in kg.
474 B. Zukowska et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (2005) 467–476

mechanism for these compounds. HCHs may also suggest that PCB-28 present in the aquatic compart-
evaporate from soils and water compartments and they ments (fresh water and coastal water) may exhibit a
are transported into and out from the studied area by strong propensity for re-volatilisation back to the at-
atmospheric advection. The HCH fluxes between mosphere. On the contrary, PCB-180 that ends up in the
freshwater/coastal water and fresh water sediments/ aquatic compartments may be transported down to the
coastal sediments are much smaller then the fluxes sediment layers for which a significant fraction is buried.
between the atmosphere and fresh and coastal water
compartments, suggesting that sediments are not signif-
icant sinks for these compounds. The degradation losses
in freshwater and coastal water are furthermore higher 4. Further model evaluation
than the sedimentation flux and degradation in both
sediments compartments. As indicated earlier, a proper model evaluation is
An important role in the migration and fate of the only possible by comparing predicted concentrations
studied pesticides is played by intermedia transport with the data from measurement campaigns. In our
processes between the atmosphere and underlying study there was a problem with comparing model
surface compartments (forest canopy, forest soil, agri- predictions with monitoring data from EU ELOISE
cultural soil, coastal water and fresh water). The EuroCat-VisCat campaigns, because of frequent de-
atmospheric input of a-HCH to the Gulf of Gdansk is tection limit problems. As an example, a comparison
more than twice as high as compared to the riverine between measured and predicted seawater concentra-
input. For g-HCH it turns out that these two pathways tions from 1998 to 2003 are shown in Fig. 6.
are almost of similar magnitude, which is in part It can be clearly seen that the predicted a-HCH
attributed to the higher water solubility of g-HCH. concentrations were lower than the measured concen-
The depositional flux of both HCHs to the forest trations (which are given as detection limit). In order to
canopy, forest soil, agricultural soils and coastal water conduct a proper model evaluation comparing absolute
compartments exceeds the volatilisation flux from these seawater concentrations, there is thus a need to try
compartments. Opposite situation occurred only in case reducing the method’s detection limit. Additionally, it
of the volatilisation flux from freshwater, which exceeds would be desirable to conduct monitoring of selected
the depositional flux. The comparable large fluxes POPs in other environmental compartments (e.g. sedi-
between the air and forest compartments in both di- ments), where detection limit problems are believed to
rections indicate that the forest canopy acts as a be less of an issue. Furthermore, there is a need to im-
temporary storage compartment for these compounds. prove crucial input parameters to the model to achieve
more confidence in model outputs. In particular, it
3.2.2. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) seems desirable to improve current emission estimates
The main fraction of both PCBs is degraded in the air for the study region and time-period of interest. This
(Fig. 5). The model estimations suggest that the will be the key issue of the future work.
atmospheric transport is much more important than
the riverine pathway in delivering PCBs to the Gulf of
Gdansk. It should be cautioned, however, that only
atmospheric emissions are considered in these calcula-
tions. For both PCBs, the depositional flux from the
atmosphere to the forest canopy, forest soil, agricultural
soils, fresh water and coastal water compartments ex-
ceed the volatilisation flux from these compartments.
PCB-180 exhibits a stronger affinity for particles as
compared to PCB-28, and thus a limited propensity for
re-volatilisation. In case of PCB-28, the following
compartments are of decreasing significance in terms
of degradation losses: agricultural soil, forest soil, forest
canopy, coastal water, fresh water sediments, fresh
water and eventually coastal sediments. In case of PCB-
180 these are: forest soil, agricultural soil, fresh water
sediments, forest canopy, coastal water, coastal sedi-
ment and fresh water.
Fig. 6. Comparison between measured surface water concentrations
Overall, the model results indicate very different and predicted concentrations in the coastal water compartment of the
environmental behaviour and fate of the two PCBs Gulf of Gdansk. Results are presented for a-HCH during the period
included in Fig. 5. For example, the model results from 1998 up to 2003.
B. Zukowska et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (2005) 467–476 475

5. Conclusions Breivik, K., Wania, F., 2002. Evaluating a model of the historical
behavior of two hexachlorocyclohexanes in the Baltic Sea
environment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36, 1014–1023.
The present state of the Gulf of Gdansk with respect Breivik, K., Pacyna, J.M., Munch, M., 1999. Use of a-, b- and g-
to POPs is considered to be mainly the effect of the past, hexachlorocyclohexane in Europe, 1970–1996. Sci. Total Environ.
when large amounts of pollutants were discharged from 239, 151–163.
rivers and atmosphere. A dynamic modelling ap- Breivik, K., Sweetman, A., Pacyna, J.M., Jones, K.C., 2002. Towards
proaches is therefore desirable, reflecting the potential a global historical emission inventory for selected PCB congeners –
a mass balance approach. 2. Emissions. Sci. Total Environ. 290
lifetime of these pollutants in the environment. The (1–3), 199–224.
CoZMoPOP model has been parameterized and tested Buszewski, B., Buszewska, T., Chmarzynski, A., Kowalkowski, T.,
for a-HCH, g-HCH, PCB-28, PCB-52, PCB-101, PCB- Kowalska, J., Kosobucki, P., Zbytniewski, R., Namiesnik, J.,
153 and PCB-180 for the Gulf of Gdansk and the Kot-Wasik, A., Zukowska, B., Pacyna, J., Panasiuk, D., 2004. The
Vistula River drainage basin. The model is capable of present condition of the Vistula River catchment area and its
impact on the Baltic Sea coastal zone. Regional Environmental
predicting concentrations of these chemicals in various Change, in press.
media and allows an assessment of the environmental HELCOM, 1996. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings, No. 64, Third
distribution and fate of these chemicals as a function periodic assessment of the state of the marine environment of the
of time. The model can facilitate the assessment of Baltic Sea, 1989–1993. Background document. Helsinki Commis-
the relative importance of various sources, processes, sion. Baltic Marine Environmental Protection Commission.
Jones, K.C., de Voogt, P., 1999. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs):
reservoirs and pathways for mentioned POPs. A pre- state of science. Environ. Pollut. 100 (1–3), 209–221.
liminary comparison of predicted and observed concen- Kania-Korwel, I., Su1kowski, W.W., 2003. Hazards from polychlori-
trations of selected POPs in the Gulf of Gdansk water nated biphenyls in Poland. Przemysl Chemiczny 82 (2), 88–90 (in
shows that detection limit problems currently mitigates Polish).
the possibilities to carry out a thorough model eva- Kot-Wasik, A., Zukowska, B., Da˛browska, D., Dxbska, J., Pacyna, J.,
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