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Geoderma 130 (2006) 35 – 46


Black carbon contribution to soil organic matter composition in

tropical sloping land under slash and burn agriculture
C. Rumpela,T, M. Alexisa, A. Chabbia, V. Chaplotb, D.P. Rassea,
C. Valentinb, A. Mariottia
UMR CNRS-INRA-Université Paris VI, Laboratoire de Biogéochimie des Milieux Continentaux, Centre INRA Versailles-Grignon,
Bâtiment EGER, F-78850 Thiverval-Grignon, France
IRD, UR049, Erosion et Changement d’Usages des terres BP 06, Vientiane, Laos
Received 2 April 2004; received in revised form 16 November 2004; accepted 12 January 2005
Available online 22 February 2005


Tropical soils are generally depleted in organic carbon (OC) due to environmental conditions favouring decomposition and
mineralisation of soil organic matter (SOM). In Northern Laos, sloping soils are subjected to slash and burn agriculture, which
leads to production of black carbon (BC), a stable SOM fraction. BC may directly influence the quantity and quality of SOM
sequestered in tropical soils. The aim of this study was to quantify BC content and evaluate its impact on the chemical and
stable isotope composition of SOM along a catena composed of Dystrochrepts at the bottom of the slope, Alfisols (midslope)
and Inceptisols at the top of the slope for different burning frequencies. Six soil profiles, situated on a slope ranging from a river
bank to the summit of a hill, were sampled. The stable isotope compositions (13C and 15N) of samples from both organo-mineral
A and mineral B and C horizons were determined. The chemical composition of SOM analysed by 13C CPMAS NMR
spectroscopy and the contribution of BC determined by dichromate oxidation were compared to OC and iron oxide content as
well as land management including the burning cycle.
The highest C contents were recorded at midslope positions. At any position on the slope, y13C and y15N ratios showed an
enrichment in 13C and 15N with increasing soil depth. The OC content of soil horizons was related to their aryl C content, which
is the component most likely driven by BC inputs. The BC contributions analysed by dichromate oxidation ranged from 3% to
7% of total OC. A positive correlation was obtained between aryl C and the BC content of SOM. Comparison of BC content
and stable isotope composition of SOM showed that BC influenced the y13C and the y15N stable isotope ratios of these soils.
BC was not associated with the mineral phase. The highest BC contents were measured under intensive slash and burn practice
in the vicinity of the boundary of Alfisols at the top of the slope, where erosion was severe. Therefore, BC, a SOM component
strongly influencing OC sequestration of these soils, is susceptible to translocation down the slope.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Tropical soil; Organic matter composition; Black carbon

T Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 1 30 81 54 79; fax: +33 1 30 81 53 97.

E-mail address: cornelia.rumpel@grignon.inra.fr (C. Rumpel).

0016-7061/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
36 C. Rumpel et al. / Geoderma 130 (2006) 35–46

1. Introduction contribution of BC, which is a fraction with high

aromaticity, may change the chemical composition of
Population pressure on agricultural land leads to SOM as has been shown for temperate areas
the exploitation of mountainous areas in many tropical (Skjemstad et al., 1996; Schmidt et al., 1999).
countries. This is particularly true in Laos, where The objective of this study was to quantify the BC
population growth (2.4–2.8% per year) and opening content and evaluate its impact on the chemical and
of the country to the common Asian market favoured stable isotope composition of SOM along a tropical
cultivation of marginal land (Roder et al., 1997). The soil catena in northern Laos, for different burning
main agricultural practice in the country is slash and frequencies. The chemical composition of SOM was
burn agriculture, which covers one third of the arable determined by 13C cross polarization magic angle
land (Fujisaka, 1991; Dufumier and Weigel, 1996). spinning-nuclear magnetic resonance (13C-CPMAS-
Slash and burn practices, which rely on fallows lasting NMR)-spectroscopy. Interaction with the mineral
20 years or longer, are gradually replaced by very phase was studied by evaluating organic carbon
short fallow periods lasting between 1 and 2 years. (OC) loss after treatment with hydrofluouric acid
This practice has numerous drawbacks, such as a and quantification of iron oxides (Eusterhues et al.,
decrease in soil fertility, increase of soil erosion and 2003). The BC contribution to SOM was studied after
invasion by weed species. chemical oxidation of labile OC compounds. This
Organic matter is an important long-term nutrient method allows the isolation of an operationally
source as well as a soil structuring agent. Moreover, defined part of the BC continuum which represents
soil organic matter (SOM) may be a sink for the oxidation resistant elemental carbon (OREC, Bird
atmospheric CO2, thereby counteracting the global and Gröcke, 1997).
warming process. Organic matter derived from plant
material is usually rapidly mineralised under tropical
climate conditions, where interaction with minerals 2. Material and methods
plays an important role in SOM stabilisation (Feller
and Beare, 1997). Land use, e.g. farming practices, 2.1. Study site
may be detrimental to carbon sequestration in the
tropics. For instance, SOM contents were found to The study site is located in the Luang Prabang
decrease by 60% after 3–5 years of continuous province 10-km South of Luang Prabang city. It is a
cultivation of sandy tropical soils, and after 5–10 catchment of about 62 ha. Its exact location was
years for soils with a loamy texture (Feller and Beare, determined by a GPS system. Its Universal Transverse
1997). However, an assessment of the impact of Mercator 1983 coordinates (zone 48) were between
agricultural practices on SOM pools including types 203245.14 to 204679.65 and 2197318.4 to
and chemical composition has yet to be undertaken 2198825.04. This catchment is representative of no-
for tropical areas (Flint and Richards, 1991; Walker, input slash and burn systems and has been subjected
1994; Zech et al., 1997). to a reduction of the fallow period from 5 to 2 years.
In regions where slash and burn is practiced, a part At Luang Prabang, average annual rainfall over the
of SOM may consist of black carbon (BC), a last 30 years was 1403 mm. Mean annual temperature
carbonaceous material produced by fire (Skjemstad was 25 8C. Two distinct seasons characterise the study
et al., 1996; Schmidt and Noak, 2000; Glaser et al., site: a wet season from April to October and a dry
2001). Two forms of BC are commonly differentiated: season from November to March.
(a) charcoal, which is composed of incomplete Field observations performed over the catchment
biomass combustion products that represents the main indicated that the geological substrate is formed
portion of BC on a mass basis; and (b) condensation mainly of argilites, siltstones and fine grained sand-
products of hot combustion (soot) (Gelinas et al., stone of Permian to Upper Carboniferous age.
2001). It is generally accepted that BC materials do Altitudes estimated from a 10-m Digital Elevation
not support microbial activity and thus represent a Model generated from theodolithe data points ranged
long-term carbon sink in soil (Kuhlbusch, 1998). The from 405-m at the catchment outlet to 718 m. It is a
C. Rumpel et al. / Geoderma 130 (2006) 35–46 37

typical catchment of sloping land area with mean auger-probe samplings were conducted. At each
slope of 56%. location, morphological, physical and chemical char-
Eighty percent of the catchment land is under crop acteristics either observed in-situ or measured in the
and short fallow rotations, whereas less than 15% is laboratory allowed identification of the soil types.
under forest. Upland rice and Job’s tears (Coix From the bottom to the top of the slope, soils varied
lacryma–jobi L.) are the most common crops. Slash from Dystrochrepts at the bottom of the slope,
and burn practices have long been used in the region, Alfisols (midslope) and Inceptisols at the top of the
but since 1975 a shortening of the fallow period was slope. Dystrochrepts (Soil Survey Staff, 1999) were
introduced. Hillslopes are mostly devoted to crops, located from the stream bank to the upper limit of the
the bottomlands are under tree plantations, and the bottomland area, and were marked by fluvic proper-
summits remain under forest. ties and redoximorphic features. Sedimentation pro-
cesses by the stream may control the relative
2.2. Soil distribution along the catena situated along extension of Dystrochrepts. Alfisols were deep (from
the catchment slope 2.5 to 4.5 m, Fig. 1), and exhibited high clay contents
(55% on average). They showed a typical argillic B
Soil distribution along the catena was surveyed sub-surface horizon. This horizon is frequently
using soil profiles and additional auger-probe sam- exposed following surface erosion. With increasing
plings to precisely establish the boundaries of soil erosion rate, especially in the upslope direction, the
type distributions. A total of 6 soil profiles and 35 argillic horizon disappeared and Inceptisol formation

Profile 6

Profile 5

Profile 4 0 ppm

Profile 3 A
Profile 2 300 200 100 0 ppm
300 200 100 0 ppm
Profile 1
300 200 100 0 ppm

300 200 100 0 ppm

300 200 100 0 ppm

Fig. 1. Chemical structure of organic matter in the soil horizons along the toposequence as revealed by solid-state C NMR spectroscopy.
38 C. Rumpel et al. / Geoderma 130 (2006) 35–46

within saprolite horizons occurred (Profile 6, Fig. 1). OC and N contents were determined by the dry
Inceptisols were shallow (0.5 to 1 m) and showed a combustion method using a CHN auto-analyser (CHN
high stone content, but still with a clayey texture (35% NA 1500, Carlo Erba) coupled to an isotopic ratio
clay on average). The mineral horizons exhibited an mass spectrometer (VG Sira 10) yielding the ratio of
increase in the proportion of stones with depth. stable OC isotopes (y13C). Stable N isotope ratios
(y15N) were determined with a CHN analyser coupled
2.3. Soil toposequence, sampling, and sample with an Isochrom III Isotopic mass spectrometer
pre-treatment (Micromass-GVI Optima). Results for isotope abun-
dance were reported in per mil (x) relative to the Pee
Within this catchment, soil sampling was per- Dee Belemnite standard (PDB) and relative to air N2
formed along a soil catena showing a typical for y13C and y15N, respectively. Analytical precision
succession from the bottom to the top of the slope was F0.1 mg g 1 for OC and F0.05 mg g 1 for N
between Dystrochrepts, Alfisols and Inceptisols. Six content. Analytical precision for isotope measure-
soil profiles were considered along the catena and ments was F0.3x.
across land use types. Profile 1 was located at the
stream bank and profiles 2 and 3 in the downslope 2.5. Treatment with hydrofluouric acid and analysis of
area under banana plantation. Profiles 4 and 5 were iron oxides
located at midslope and upslope position under Job’s
tears and finally, profile 6, at the summit, was under Removal of soil minerals was carried out by
forest. shaking 5 g soil for 12 h with 50 mL of 10%
The hillslope where the soil profiles are situated is hydrofluouric acid (HF, Goncalves et al., 2003).
170 m long. Altitudes range from 505 m in the After centrifugation at 3000 RPM, HF was renewed,
stream bed to 584 m at the summit and the mean and the soil suspension shaken again. This proce-
slope gradient is 46%. At the downslope position, the dure was repeated five times. Thereafter, samples
average slope gradient is 30% with values ranging were washed five times with distilled water, and
from 5% to 33%. Slopes first increase in the upslope freeze dried before being subjected to OC and N
direction to reach a mean of 54% at midslope measurements.
position and afterwards decrease to 25% at the hill Total content of iron oxides was measured as Fed
summit. on sodium dithionite extracts of soil samples (Mehra
At the time of sampling, at the end of the dry and Jackson, 1960) by inductively coupled plasma
season (March 2003), Job’s tears were the common optical emission spectroscopy. Oxalate extracted
crop. The fields were subject to rice cultivation during samples provided Fe bound to poorly crystalline
the rainy season. All profiles were characterised by oxides such as ferrihydrate (Feo). The ratio of Fed/
the absence of dead organic material or humus layer Feo can be used as an indicator for soil development
on top of the mineral soil. A and B and C horizons of because with ongoing pedogenesis amorphous iron
the soil profiles were sampled before burning of the develops into more crystalline forms.
sites. Additionally, charcoal was sampled right after
burning. For determination of OC pools in the 2.6. Black carbon
laboratory, 0.5 kg samples of each soil horizon were
air-dried and subsequently sieved to pass a 2-mm The BC contribution to total OC content was
sieve. estimated as the oxidation resistant elemental carbon
(OREC, Bird and Gröcke, 1997), and analysed on
2.4. pH, OC and N content, stable OC and N isotopes HF treated, mineral-free samples. Briefly, 150 mg of
a HF treated sample was mixed with a potassium
The pH was measured in a 1:2.5 (mass/vol) soil dichromate solution (0.1 M K2Cr2O7 in 1 L 2M
solution. Soil pH ranged between 5 and 6, which H2SO4), and oxidised at 60 8C in an ultrasonic bath.
precludes the presence of mineral carbonates and The solution was changed several times during the
implies that total C content equals OC content. treatment. Thereafter the samples were washed four
C. Rumpel et al. / Geoderma 130 (2006) 35–46 39

Table 1 (Wilson, 1987). Tentative assignments of chemical

Tentative assignments of chemical structures to chemical shift structures to the chemical shift regions are presented
regions of the 13C CPMAS NMR spectra (after Knicker and
Lüdemann, 1995)
in Table 1. The variation in integration due to the
treatment of a well resolved FID (Fourier trans-
Chemical Tentative assignment
shift (ppm) formation, phasing and baseline correction) is less
than 5% (Knicker, 1993).
Alkyl C 0–45 lipids, waxes, cutin,
suberin and other
aliphatic 2.8. Statistical analysis
O-alkyl C 45–110 polysaccharides, Regression analysis and Student’s t-test for sig-
methoxyl groups in
nificance among data sets were performed using the
lignin, N-alkyl C derived
from proteins computer software SIGMA PLOT 8.0.
Aryl C C substituted 110–140 aromatic C–C and C–H
of lignin, BC and other
aromatic compounds 3. Results and discussion
O substituted 140–160 aromatic C–O and C–N
of lignin, BC and other
aromatic compounds 3.1. Chemical parameters
Carboxyl C 160–220 carboxyl, carbonyl,
amide The OC content of soil horizons ranged from 12.1
to 26.5 mg g 1 in the A horizons and from 4.4 to
15.9 mg g 1 in the B and C horizons (Table 2). The
times with distilled H2O before being freeze dried, highest OC contents were recorded in A and B
weighed and analysed for elemental and isotope
composition. The oxidation time needed to isolate
Table 2
OREC, i.e., the fraction considered as BC, was
Chemical parameters and isotopic signature of vegetation, charcoal
evaluated in a preliminary study. To assess the and the organic matter in the soil profiles along the toposequence
stability of SOM, plant tissue, BC and mineral soil Horizon Depth, OC, N, C/N y13C, y15N,
(0–5 and 5–10 cm) sampled in vicinity of profile 5 cm g kg 1
g kg 1
ratio x x
were HF treated and oxidised over 1, 5, 24, 48 and BC (Charcoal) 417 8.1 52 29.2 3.0
100 h. Profile 1
A 0–40 12.1 1.2 10 23.2 7.1
13 Profile 2
2.7. C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy
A 0–20 17.1 1.5 11 24.8 6.2
13 B1 20–35 8.1 0.9 9 22.4 7.2
Solid-state C NMR spectra of HF treated, B2 35–60 5.0 0.6 8 22.3 7.8
mineral-free soil samples were obtained on a Bruker Profile 3
DSX-200 NMR spectrometer. Cross polarization A 0–30 17.9 1.6 11 25.2 9.1
with magic angle spinning (CPMAS) (Schaefer and B1 30–60 9.9 1.1 9 22.2 9.3
Stejskal, 1976) was applied at 6.8 kHz. The 13C B2 60–80 7.5 0.8 9 21.3 9.1
Profile 4
chemical shifts were referenced to tetramethylsilane. A 0–25 20.4 1.7 12 25.3 7.0
A contact time of 1 ms was used and pulse delay B1 25–55 11.8 1.2 10 22.7 8.7
was 400 ms. Solid-state 13C NMR signal was B2 55–75 7.6 0.8 8 21.3 9.2
recorded as free induction decay (FID) and Fourier Profile 5
transformed to yield a NMR spectrum. The spectra A 0–5 26.5 1.6 14 26.4 6.0
B1 5–15 15.9 1.4 11 24.3 8.3
were integrated using the integration routine of the B2 15–40 11.6 1.0 12 22.4
spectrometer. The chemical shift regions 0–45, 45– Profile 6
110, 110–140, 140–160 and 160–220 ppm were A 0–10 14.9 1.2 12 26.2
referred to alkyl C, O-alkyl C, C substituted aryl C, C1 10–25 7.5 0.8 9 24.2 7.6
O substituted aryl C and carboxylic C, respectively C2 25–50 4.4 0.5 9 23.0 8.5
40 C. Rumpel et al. / Geoderma 130 (2006) 35–46

horizons of profiles situated in midslope positions 70% of the OC present (Table 3). Total iron oxide
(profiles 4 and 5). Profile 6, situated on the hill content (Fed) varied between 38 and 73 mg g 1
summit, showed the lowest OC content in all three (Table 3). The content of amorphous iron (Feo)
horizons. The OC content generally decreased down ranged from 1 to 6 mg g 1, indicating that the major
the soil profile. The C/N ratios ranged between 8 and portion of iron oxides occurred as iron oxides of
14. The horizons of profile 5 showed the highest C/ high chrystallinity. The Feo/Fed ratio increased
N ratios. Lower C/N ratios were recorded in profiles somewhat downslope, showing a higher degree of
1, 2 and 3, which were located at the bottom of the weathering and more reactive iron oxides at the
slope under a banana plantation and generally not bottom of the toposequence.
subject to burning. OC loss after HF treatment of the tropical soils
The OC contents recorded in the soil profiles under slash and burn agriculture was higher than that
were slightly lower than OC contents recorded in recorded for A and B horizons of temperate soils
other tropical soils in Northern Laos (Roder et al., (Eusterhues et al., 2003) and in the range of values
1997). The OC content of the A horizons was lower recorded for Ferralsols under subtropical climate
than the OC content of humid tropical ecosystems (Goncalves et al., 2003). This illustrates that in
under forest (Solomon et al., 2002; Veldkamp, 1994). tropical soils, OC is most likely to be stabilised by
Lower OC content in soils under slash and burn interaction with the mineral phase (Feller and Beare,
agriculture compared to forest soils has been found 1997). SOM stabilisation is generally related to
by many authors (for example, Feller and Beare, surface area (Torn et al., 1997), which is mainly
1997). Fynn et al. (2003) showed that repeated attributed to iron oxides (Kaiser and Guggenberger,
burning combined with short fallow periods reduced 2000). To test whether the OC content in tropical
the SOM content and increased slightly correspond- soils under slash and burn agriculture is related to
ing C/N ratios. On the steep slopes of this watershed,
water erosion most likely redistributes considerable
Table 3
amounts of soil. In slash and burn systems situated
pH, Total iron oxide concentration (Fed) and content of amorphous
on steep slopes, considerable soil mass is exported iron oxides (Feo) and C loss after HF treatment
every year by splash and tillage erosion and trans- Horizon pH, Fed, FeO, FeO/Fed, OC loss after
ported downslope (Pimentel and Kounang, 1998). H2 O mg g 1
mg g 1
100 HF treatment,
Soil loss and SOM loss are closely related processes % of initial C
(Ritchie and McCarty, 2003). Therefore, variations of Profile 1
OC content along the slope may partly be explained A 5.7 38.6 6.4 17 32
by soil erosion processes, leading to depletion of OC Profile 2
on top of the hill and accumulation of SOM rich A 5.2 45.7 5.8 13 30
B1 5.0 36.1 4.7 13 n.d.
material along the slope. Few studies have been B2 5.5 46.7 3.0 7 53
carried out on the type of SOM subject to erosion Profile 3
(Lal, 2003) or on the factors governing carbon A 5.4 52.4 3.4 7 25
sequestration in soils situated on steep slopes. In B1 4.7 57.1 3.1 6 47
the following sections, the possibility of OC seques- B2 4.8 64.3 3.0 5 56
Profile 4
tration due to interaction with soil minerals or due to A 5.4 53.9 2.9 6 28
the presence of stable chemical structures will be B1 5.2 73.2 2.8 4 44
assessed. B2 5.1 63.4 2.5 4 70
Profile 5
3.2. Mineral-bound organic matter A 5.8 51.0 2.5 5 28
B1 5.4 60.3 2.9 5 33
B2 5.1 59.1 2.7 5 44
The proportion of mineral-bound OC given as Profile 6
OC loss upon HF treatment was about 30% in the A A 5.3 28.4 1.4 5 24
horizons and generally increased down the soil C1 5.1 33.7 1.0 3 40
profile, where it usually accounted for 50% to C2 5.3 35.6 0.9 3 57
C. Rumpel et al. / Geoderma 130 (2006) 35–46 41

stabilisation by the mineral phase, it was compared 3.4. Chemical composition of the soil organic matter
to the OC loss after HF treatment and the iron oxide as revealed by 13C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy
content (Tables 1 and 2). No significant positive
correlations between these parameters were obtained, Solid-state NMR spectra of mineral soil along the
showing that the OC content of the soils is slope are shown in Fig. 1. The chemical composition
dominated by SOM other than that bound to iron of SOM in profile 6 under forest was characterised by
oxides. It is generally believed that mineral inter- a high contribution of O-alkyl C (N40%, Table 4). The
action is important for the stabilisation of soil OC, dominant peak in this region at 72 ppm together with
but in this case we find that a large part of the soil the peak at 105 ppm is generally assigned to
OC in tropical soils managed by slash and burn polysaccharides (Kögel-Knabner, 1997). The contri-
agriculture is not in close association with minerals. bution of methoxyl C derived from lignins and a-C of
proteins gives rise to the signal at 53 ppm (Skjemstad
3.3. Stable isotope composition of soil organic matter et al., 1983). In profile 6, O-alkyl C increased with
increasing depth, while alkyl C and aryl C decreased.
The stable N isotope ratio (y15N) ranged from Alkyl C may be assigned to lipids, waxes and other
6.2x to 9.3x and showed the highest enrichment in plant or microbial derived aliphatic biomolecules
the soil horizons of profile 4 (Table 2). The stable OC (Golchin et al., 1997). In the aryl C region of the
isotope ratio (y13C) of SOM in the A horizons of soils spectra, the peaks at 140 to 160 ppm are assigned to
situated along the slope ranged between 24.8x and O-substituted aromatic C. Signals from unsubstituted
26.4x and increased with depth in the B horizons, and for substituted aromatic C are found between 110
reaching up to 21.3x in the B2 horizon of profiles 2 and 140 ppm. Lignin C contributes to both types of
to 5. The A horizon of profile 1 situated at the aryl C (Knicker and Lüdemann, 1995). Additionally,
riverbank showed a stable OC isotope ratio of signals derived from tannins can be found in the aryl
23.4x. The stable OC and N isotope ratios of C region (Lorenz et al., 2000). The chemical
charcoal were similar to those of C3 type vegetation, composition of SOM in this profile was characteristic
indicating that fire in most cases does not change the of soils rich in clay content (Wattel-Koekkoek et al.,
isotopic composition of the organic matter (Czimczik
et al., 2002).
Table 4
The stable N isotope ratio (y15N) of the bulk soil Quantitative contribution of C species (% of total C) in the soil
was in the range of values recorded by Krull and profiles along the toposequence
Skjemstad (2003) for a similar soil type. Average y15N Horizon Depth, cm Alkyl C O-alkyl C Aryl C Carbonyl C
values of 9.1x were reported by Martinelli et al. % of total C
(1999) for soils from tropical regions, whereas
Profile 1
temperate soils show lower values. A strong prefer- A 0–40 18 34 29 19
ential 15N accumulation is usually thought to be the Profile 2
result of microbial processing of organic matter (Silfer A 0–20 16 34 32 17
et al., 1992). B1 20–35
Increases of y13C ratio with depth have been B2 35–60 18 42 25 15
Profile 3
observed by many authors (e.g. Balesdent et al., A 0–30 20 36 29 15
1993; Krull et al., 2002). The reasons for this increase Profile 4
are not yet completely clear (Ehleringer et al., 2000), A 0–25 18 35 30 17
although enrichment of microbial material (Hobbie et Profile 5
al., 1999) and/or physicochemical protection of A 0–5 18 31 35 15
B1 5–15 16 38 29 17
polysaccharide material (Krull and Skjemstad, 2003) B2 15–40 18 44 24 14
seem to be most likely. It is possible that 13C Profile 6
enrichment in the soils of this watershed may be A 0–10 26 44 19 11
due to contribution of resilient SOM derived from a C1 10–25 24 47 17 12
C4 type vegetation enriched in 13C. C2 25–50 20 55 14 11
42 C. Rumpel et al. / Geoderma 130 (2006) 35–46

2001; Goncalves et al., 2003; Krull and Skjemstad, plant biomass during fire events to govern SOM
2003). composition.
A high contribution of aryl C (29–35% of total C,
Table 4) to the 13C CPMAS NMR spectra of the A 3.5. Black carbon content
horizons was recorded for SOM of profiles 1 to 5. A
peak at 130 ppm was the dominant signal in this Black carbon is a broad continuum of carbon
region. Such a high aryl C contribution cannot be types formed during fire which range from residues
accounted for by humification of SOM and is most derived from incomplete combustion of plant tissues
probably related to contribution of BC derived from to inert graphitic carbon (Gelinas et al., 2001). Its
frequent burning of the plant biomass (Golchin et al., determination in soils relies on chemical and
1997; Skjemstad et al., 1996; Schmidt et al., 1999). thermal means, which determine an operationally
The aryl C contribution decreased with soil depth. defined fraction of the BC continuum. In this study,
Aryl C was present even in profiles 1, 2 and 3, which we determined the carbon fraction resistant to
were located under the banana plantation and not chemical oxidation after demineralisation of the
burned regularly. Here, the contribution of aromatic C samples by HF treatment (OREC, Bird and Gröcke,
may be explained by deposition of this carbon type 1997). Optimum oxidation time for BC isolation
removed from soils on the top of the slope during the was determined in a preliminary study (Fig. 2). HF
erosion process. A significant correlation was treatment removed between 30% and 60% of OC
observed between the aryl C contribution to the from Job’s tears (J.T.) and soils. BC sampled just
NMR spectra and the OC content of the soil after the fire did not lose OC upon HF treatment.
(r 2=0.77, Fig. 3). Therefore, aromatic C contribution Organic matter from J.T. was totally removed after
may be a determining factor for the OC content of 5-h oxidation. Oxidation between 5 and 24 h
these soils. However, if the aryl signal was generated resulted in a constant recovery of about 63% of
by BC with a highly aromatic structure, the CPMAS the initial BC. Thereafter, the remaining OC was
technique would be likely to severely underestimate progressively oxidised. SOM from two depths of
this contribution because carbon atoms not in close
proximity to protons are not recorded (Baldock and
Smernik, 2003). A single pulse experiment would
120 0-5 cm
overcome these limitations. Due to long measuring
Carbon remaining after the treatment

5-10 cm
times, single pulse experiments cannot be carried out Job's tears
in routine analyses. Therefore, the aromatic C con- BC

tributions recorded for soils rich in BC by 13C 80

(% of initial C)

CPMAS NMR spectroscopy are likely an under-

estimate of actual contents. 60
The contribution of carbonyl C (160–220 ppm)
increased in the A horizons downslope along the 40

toposequence (from profile 6 to profile 1, Fig. 1).

Together with a lower C/N ratio (see above), this
may indicate a higher degree of decomposition of 0

after demineralisation

the organic matter situated at the bottom of the 1 5 24 48 100

slope. Oxidation time (hours)

Kramer et al. (2003) found a positive relationship

between the degree of decomposition of plant
material expressed as the alkyl/O-alkyl ratio and
the N stable isotope ratio (y15N). In this study, a
Fig. 2. Evolution of OC content in soil at two depths, in plant
negative correlation between the two parameters material (Job’s tears) and in BC as the percentage of the initial OC
was found (r 2=0.68***, data from Tables 2 and 4), in the bulk soil taken in vicinity of profile 5 after different oxidation
which may indicate that it is the transformation of times.
C. Rumpel et al. / Geoderma 130 (2006) 35–46 43

Aryl C vs C content
the mineral soil showed a rapid decrease during the (profiles 1-5)
first 5 h. OC loss from SOM was maximal after 24-
A r2= 0,77***
h oxidation. These results show that SOM has a
OREC pool which resists prolonged oxidation. In 40

Aryl C (% of total C)
the light of these results, 24-h oxidation treatments 30
were conducted to quantify OREC contents of
SOM. 20

The BC content, expressed as OREC of the soil 10

profiles ranged from 3% to 7% of the initial OC 0
content (Table 5). These values were higher than those 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3
of Bird et al. (1999) recorded for a sandy savanna soil. Carbon content (%)
The BC contents in profiles 1 to 5 were related to the
aryl C content of the organic matter as recorded by Aryl C vs OREC
13 (profiles 1-5)
C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy (r 2=0.69***, Fig. 3). B r2= 0,69***
These data confirmed our hypothesis that BC may be
a major contributor to the aromatic C and therefore a Aryl C (% of total C) 40
determinant of the SOM content in these soils. 35
Negative relationships between BC content and stable 30
OC and N isotopic ratios of the bulk SOM (Fig. 4) 25
indicated that the BC contribution had an effect on the 15
stable isotope composition of SOM. The negative 10
correlation found between BC and OC lost after HF 5
treatment (r 2=0.82***, data in Tables 3 and 5) may 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
OREC (% of total C)
Table 5 Fig. 3. Relationship between the aryl C and the OC content (A) as
Content of OREC, y13C and C/N ratio of the material left after well as the oxidation resistant elemental carbon (OREC, B).
dichromate oxidation
Horizon OREC, y13C, x C/N ratio
% of initial C indicate that (1) BC is not bound to soil minerals and
Profile 1 (2) higher amounts of OC are present as BC in the
A 5.5 23.6 53 surface horizons, whereas increasing percentages of
Profile 2 OC are associated with the mineral phase with
A 5.5 25.6 29 increasing depth in soil profiles.
B1 3.7 22.8 17
B2 4.1 22.9
The OREC isolated from the A horizons was
Profile 3 characterised by C/N ratios ranging from 29 to 67 and
A 7.3 26.2 53 y13C ratios from 25.6x to 27x except for the A
B1 n.d. 22.7 horizon at profile 1 where a value of 23.6x was
B2 3.4 21.8 18 recorded (Table 5). The C/N ratios of the OREC were
Profile 4
A 5.9 26.2 53
narrower in the B horizons and the y13C ratios were
B1 3.5 23.2 28 more enriched in 13C. These results indicate that
B2 2.9 22.4 17 freshly produced BC, which has a C/N ratio of 53 and
Profile 5 a y13C of 29.2x (Table 2), contributed to SOM in the
A 6.8 26.8 67 surface horizons. The relatively 13C enriched OREC
B1 4.5 24.7 41
B2 4.6 22.8 33
having low C/N ratio in the B horizons may have been
Profile 6 subject to decomposition, leading to OC loss. N
A 6.8 27.0 37 immobilisation in BC may have occurred through the
C1 4.2 25.4 23 pyrogenic process, that can transform biomass N into
C2 4.0 24.5 16 heterocyclic N that is not available to micro-organ-
44 C. Rumpel et al. / Geoderma 130 (2006) 35–46

δ 15N vs OREC produces BC which was found to be a determinant of

A r2= 0,83***
the aryl C contribution to the organic matter of these
8 soils. The BC content was also found to influence the
OREC (% of total C)

7 stable isotope composition of SOM. A major part of

BC was not associated with the mineral phase and may
therefore be part of the light fraction. This organic
3 matter component is susceptible to erosion (Gregorich
2 et al., 1998) especially on steep slopes as are found in
1 the mountainous regions of northern Laos. More
0 studies are needed to analyse the potential of BC to
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
δ 15N (‰) be eroded preferentially in order to evaluate the
potential of these tropical soils to act a as source or
δ 13C vs OREC
r2= 0,77*** sink for the atmospheric greenhouse gas CO2.

7 Acknowledgements
OREC (% of total C)

5 The department dInstitut National des Science
4 d’UniversT of the dCentre National de Recherche
3 ScientifiqueT (France) is acknowledged for financial
2 support under the framework of the program
1 dDynamique et stabilisation des matières organiques
0 dans des sols tropicaux: influence des brûlis, de
-28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12
δ 13C (‰)
l’érosion et de la mise en cultureT. The authors wish to
thank the National Agricultural and Forestry Research
Fig. 4. Relationship between oxidation resistant elemental carbon Institute (Laos) for access to the site and collabo-
(OREC) and the stable isotope ratio of N (A) and OC (B).
ration. Without the help of Anneke de Rouw,
Bounsamai and the other colleagues of the Unité de
isms (Knicker et al., 1996). The BC characteristics Recherche dErosion et Changement UsageT of the
within the soil profiles were consistent with data dInstitut de Recherche pour le DeveloppementT and
presented by Bird et al. (1999) which showed that a International Water Management Institute based in
significant proportion of OREC in a savanna soil may Laos, this study would have not been possible. The
be degraded in decadal/centennial timescales (Bird et dLehrstuhl für BodenkundeT, dTechnische Universität
al., 1999). MünchenT (Germany) is acknowledged for providing
NMR facilities. The authors are indebted to Gerard
Bardoux, Cyril Girardin and Nicolas Pechot, who
4. Conclusion carried out the stable isotope measurements. We also
thank two anonymous reviewers and the editors for
The OC content, stable isotope and chemical useful comments on the manuscript. Naoise Nunan is
composition as well as the BC content of SOM in acknowledged for carefully reading and improving the
tropical soils on steep slopes subjected to slash and manuscript.
burn agriculture were analysed in order to elucidate the
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