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1S 1161: 1998 (eattirmed 2003) dition 63 (2006.00) erect HTT gerd afar dears Sra & fea — fate (ater garter ) Indian Standard STEEL TUBES FOR STRUCTURAL PURPOSES — SPECIFICATION (Fourth Revision ) (ocorporating Amendment No 1 62) 10s 77.140:70; 91.220 Bis 2007 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS ‘MANAK BHAVAN, @ BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002, Price Group 9 ‘Stee Tes, Pipes and Ftings Sectional Committe, MTD 19 FOREWORD "Tie Indlan Standard (Poursh Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the {rah finale bythe Steal Tones, Pipes and ings Sectional Commitee ad been approved by {he Metallargeal gineering Division Coun "Tho standard was Gt published in 1968 and ite fst, cod end thd rvslone wer asd in 19e5, 1008 and 1070 rewpecuraly. Wale reviewing tho asndard, the Comme hae fit eseentry fo ese this Indian Seadard withthe following modientions ') Thickness and magn ie aligaed with IS 1299 (Part 1): 1900. 1) Allsendowota have ben incarporstd, 1 the formulation of this standard, duo consideration haw boon ven to the trade practices Elowed is the country in ths fld. Due conndcrtoo fe slo Uren gen to intone ‘wardination among the sandarde prevailing in diferent countries, Asst has bean dried ‘fom the flowing publications: SOIR $96 : 1076 Plain end stcl tubes, welded or seams: general tale of dimensions and ‘see pr it length, Interatinal Organization for SenaarSiaton Tanition, ‘head sont cates 8 and 181 wiht fr arena bn te puch an ‘Ths edton 62 incorporate Amendment No.1 March 2000 and Amendzpent No. 2 (April 2008. ‘Bi fer insta nolfention of te tet ante rail of nteporation cf tae sneadaenta or the purpoae of deciding whether particular rquiremnt of this tandard i complied with, {he Se! val, beerved or cloulated,exprossng the renal a tat or anelpe, shal be rounded ‘iin accodance wth 182; 1960 ale fr rounding of areal values (revised), Toe number ‘feigaonat plan stained nthe rounded off alte shoud be the ume an that ofthe spcd score "Thi standard covers th requirements for hat ‘Eeuhed welded (HFW), bot nahed semlose (Gis, and alse reutanc welded (ERW) ot 1 hig teeny intion wold GW) plain 2 REFERENCES ‘The Indian Standards tated talow ae he ecewaryaljucte to tie standard 188 1239 (ar 1): 1990 18 1161: 1998 Indian Standard STEEL TUBES FOR STRUCTURAL PURPOSES — SPECIFICATION ( Fourth Revision ) Tie Method of chomical analysis fatal Ga various part) Mista ubos,tubulars and her roughe steel tings: Fe Nea he CA 1887; 1999 General reuiemnts fr the Sop st wetalarge ‘itera (seed ison) 1608; 1995 Mahan tang of metal 2808: 1989—-Mothod fr Matening txt om Petal tbenfirt reason) 2970; 1985 — Mathod for bend toxt_on Ieee ae nfl ston) Gin ecu) ATL: 19T4 Methods for sampling of stat Bibs sand iia rt 4796; 1986 —Hotdipsineconngs on mild Stel tes fra reson 4110:1979 Cade of practice or packing free fabew(fFevian 10748; 1095 Hovralledstettripforwelded fSbecandipeefoereson) ecgnatd by thot nominal bore and shall be laalied ap Light, Mediuny and eavy’ ‘pending on the wall theknes (awe Table 1) ‘Tey shel bo farther graded ag St 210, YSt 240'and WSt 10 depending onthe Yield sree of the mera (ae Tele 2). The designation ‘ominal bre of to tubo, cassfiation on wall {hlcknees ad rade of te material 4 SUPPLY OF MATERIAL 2 Gener epiremente ‘sling to the Shel Gonerm tos 1387 senses Bc Stoo bog call be manufactured through he. of thy lowing prewessee as given ‘Tebo§ ae shal bo suppl in conditions a ‘hown teri “@) Hot fnshed ssa (FS) Cold iisted weamless (CDS) ©) Hot finshed welded (LFW) an Blearie.esttance welded or high fieqieney induction melded (ERW EER) Nore mae ty mana lg a ot 6 DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS 1 The sandard izes and sone of toe for | Sizschral purpose hallbean given Pale 6.1.1 Some geometreal propartioe of the tect {bos are sls gov in Tble or information. 12.1.2 Tuber of thiekoee wer than ight abe Sckded fs able I chal no be persed 63 Tolerances ‘Thefaloningtalerances shall apply 1) Outi Diameter 1 Uptoandindiding aim "24 2 Ow é83 mm “io peent 1) Thicke (forall ize) 2) Walded bo 2 Seamione tuber tortie ©) Weigh 1) Sigh tube light ‘Ppa 18 1161: 1998, ‘Table 1 Sizes and Properties of Stel Tubes for Structural Purpores (Clouser 3.1, 6,635 and 8.2) 1s 1161: 1998 TS 1161: 1998, un i Hoey pen 2) 10tonne lt light 1B percent ‘7 WORKMANSHIP The tubes shall be cleanly fished and {eaconbly feo ffom seae. Tey call be free peas urine, nw, laos and fatare with iho exe a tubo, tnlos otherwise ryeced. Tistace imperfect fe ot squid. Welded {cing sal be fre of protruding metal on the ‘staid srtas ofthe weld som, 41 the tubge ae require in, galvanized fSnditon te sige couting onthe eabes shall be Sontarming tthe equements snd teed ax por methods, paced in 84798, SSTRAIGHTNESS. 8:1 Valocs ethorwice agreed wo bettven the ot doviste from rrsightnene by more tan ‘Tm nan 600 mm eng 1OLENGTHS tubs shall normally be euplid in inst ordered exact iter, the tolerances alt be subject to prot ereemeat between the manacturer and the 11 MECHANICAL TESTS 11.1 The flowing tats shall be carried out on {he salecid tae snp or pat, Fer mechanical Seas ube abail be sampled ia accordance was a7 The tensile strength, the yield stress and the peremtage clongaign hall be daterined IG Tooe and thll be nor ees than the values specifed bth relevant grades of tes gven 1) a length cut fom the end of the elected fue he ends. of the Tenth being plugged fo ripe, where nec: oF alone icing ‘the Wold ony, and tsted in the cured condone cies sering ‘wth the manniatarr Table Tene Properties of Stel Tubes (Clauses 31 and 122) Spe “i Stee 00 fe tn Bbceaton mt fy a op and ig ‘Tables Steel and Supply Conditions (Clause 6:1) uy, Bs 0 To aa Spec amen epg 11.8.1 Cold Bend Tot (Up to ond Including 50mm NB) When teted in acordance with 16 2999 an lnfied lang ote sal bo eapabo of beng Went ead by tle bending machine around (rooed former (with adiur at bottom of te ove equal to © 0, Daf te tbe) through $e el weld at 90" the plane of bend) wth hwing ey crack the weld othe 11.88 Flattning Toat( Tubes Above mm NB) Rings, ot lee than 40mm in length cut fame ‘the onde of slcted tubes with edge rounded ‘hal be Beteonedleteen parallel plavn wit fhe eld, any, at 80" pent af mani ‘ending "in ‘ctrdanos wth 18.8” No peng shall oscar facture in the weld unt {he dntance between the pine elo than he ‘alas specie or each grade incl fof Table 4 ‘San in th weld shall oes wn the diatanes ‘etwenn th plates Toe. than the value ‘ected fr oaen grade incl Sof Table 4 Should any ome ofthe tat pecs frat eelected fnl'ta pase any of te tents specie, to freer tapes shall bo slected for tovsing ‘eoper of ath flr um the eame lo Should Semplos pes, the mater repesented bythe {eit ample sal Le deemed to comply wil te ‘element ofthat particler tect: Shou the fest plese rom’ elter of these eddonal spl fi the material repremnte bythe test samplos sa be deemed ae not complying tah the eandand os the manuiaccrer ny Sete: etn ndriuaily te raining lege inthe lo forthe tor fled to comply in the 18 1161: 1998 11.5 Sampling 11.8.1 Sapling of Tubse For the parpace of drawing samplee ll mild oa fubee bearing seme’ dongmaton and transfected under «singe proses shall be fouped tepether to conaifte a bt. Bact Jot ‘onfoemit otis spiieaton 11.8.8 Sampling and Criteria for Conformity Unies herve nerend_ to batween the Inanufuetrw andthe purchase the procedure {Ee sampling of tuber for taroun tovte and (Giteria for conformity hall be ae ven in een, 12 MARKING 42:1 Bach abo shall be eulably marked with {he masunctaers nape trans grade ofthe sea and ise of there 12.1 he tahoe may leo be masked with the 12:1.27Th one of the Standard Mark it foiemoed by the provisions ofthe Bureau of ‘raion Stondards‘At, 1086 andthe alo ad ‘ogaliions made thereunder The deta of 13 OILING AND PAINTING 13:1 All abe shall unas otherwite specified, ‘be varmibod painted or ald exroraly 14 BUNDLING AND PACKING 141 Whew tubes are to be bundled. for transport they shal nies odbrwae specie, Freceting tts ‘bepatkodin seordanc with 8 640, Table 4 Pattening Requirement in Metal (Claws 113.2) 1 > rwnmsicosnawnrm® Waite afO0.9———Hpremf OD. ' rWaCDSERWHIR ——YEk240——eepommtafOD.——TepentefOD. 1 recs Ye80 ——SipmontefOD. pment oO. ansceerpeerge ett tatrs ohm mero tg tn ue soca net ewe te, tr iat es Corie [Engate seluingocopeg be darned hs Deer Qube), His Amendente age tnd to sande a te ad eras on he bai of cnn, Standard ary aio ‘ee eel nar slg wih nnn ated erat edt at ‘naam Standards should amrtain that they aren powersion of thn Intent azndments a eon OP ‘ering hs nto ae of BS Catalog and Stanar Moy Adon ‘This Indian Standard has er evelped om Dee: Na MID 19 (09. And Net arch 300 care} ecko BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS ‘iphoto ec! NY OO eet ete agonal Oe: ‘eeptone (Cental Mena thar, 9 ehadr Shah aur Marg 07617 Naw Dea tow Baba asters = U4. Sehre VILA V1 P. Hoa, Kank 1899, 7 6 OLRATA sto Sree ge 3379120 Norther 800 336-96, Sear 34-8, CHANDIGARH 60002 roan Smathers :€.1-. Campus, 1V Crone Rod, CHENNAL 00118 12350216 2950402 [Bo 1s 12525 Wor: Manealye, BORIDC; Marl, Ar (a) sa, sn 78.8 ranches: AHMEDABAD. BANGALORE, BHOPAL. BHUBANESHWAR. COIMBATORE, EuCKNOM: NAGPUR NALAGAIAY PATNA PUNE KAJKO'- THIRUVANANTHAPORAM, VISHARHAPATNAM. AMENDMENT NO.3 MAY 2008, To 18 1161 : 1998 STEEL TUBES FORSTRUCTURAL ‘PURPOSES — SPECIFICATION (Foard Reon) (Pop 3, Table , cf 3, against Nominal Bor 150 mam, Oude Diameter 165.1 mm) —~ Siete stony er Tale 1, ol 3, apubut Nominal Bore 200 me, Outside Diameter 219. mn) — Sabtte ‘ea (Pap 3, Tale 1, ol 3, opis Nominal Bore 250 mm, Oude Diameter 273.0 mn) — Suite st i Pg a iN re 9m, ti Dit 339m) — it ay a (Pg al, No Be 3 td D384) — io say aba (Pr ae) — Ae lin pp ple SPS EF SSS ee om aaa aba Pa a? si” EB eae a am | mo S| om ent tartar | ca [ser ar = [me ay fo ep oo»

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