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• Work in groups of 3 or 4.

• Each member of the group must do all the fitness tests.

• Each group should check they have a results sheet.

Test 1 – Stamina

This test will see how fit your heart is. A person with
a high stamina level can keep exercising for longer
before they get worn out.

1. The person being tested must sit down and have their pulse
taken for 30 seconds. Record this result in the table on the
results sheet.
2. They then run on the stop as quickly as they can for 2 minutes.
3. They then sit down and have their pulse taken again for 30
seconds. The result is again recorded in the table.

Test 2 – Strength

This test will see how strong your arm muscles

(biceps) are.

1. The person being tested has to pick a pair of scales up and

squeeze the scales as hard as they can.
2. Record the results in the results sheet.
Test 3 – Flexibility
If you are flexible it means that you can move you joints
1. The person being tested must put their right hand over their
shoulder so it is hanging down over their back.
2. They then put their left hand towards their back to meet it. How
much of their right hand can they touch with their left?
Can’t touch – 0 points
Can just touch fingertips – 1 point
Can hold quite a few fingers – 2 points
Can hold hands – 3 points

1. The person being tested must stand with their feet together and
then lean over to touch their toes without bending their legs!!
2. If they can’t reach they must move their legs apart until they
Legs together – 3 points
Legs slightly apart – 2 points
Legs a long way apart (almost splits!) – 1 point
Can’t do it at all – 0 points

Put both scores into the results table and add them up.
Test 1 - Stamina
Name Heart rate Heart rate Increase in
when sitting after heart rate
down exercise

In our group …………………… had the highest stamina. We

worked this out because…….

Test 2 - Strength

Name Highest force In our group

on scales in …………………… had
Newtons the highest strength. We
worked this out
Test 3 - Flexibility
Name Shoulders Hip score Total score

In our group …………………… had the highest flexibility. We

worked this out because…….

Who is the fittest?

In each of the tests give 1 point to the person who came last, 2 points
to the next person up, 3 points to the next and so on. Put these
points into the table below to see who is the fittest in your group.

Name Stamina Strength Flexibility Total

In our group …………………… is the fittest overall person.

Test 3 - Flexibility
Name Shoulders Hip score Total score

In our group …………………… had the highest flexibility. We

worked this out because…….

Discuss in your group how you each did in the various tests.
Did any of your results surprise you or did you do well in the tests you
thought you would?
Do the fitness activities you enjoy relate in any way to the tests you
did best in?
1. What do you think fitness means?

2. Why do you think it is important to be fit?

3. How would you advise an unfit person to get fit?

4. There are many different types of fitness. Stamina,

strength and flexibility are three types of fitness. Match
the person to the fitness that you think they are highest

Female gymnast

Strength Male ballet dancer Footballer

Marathon runner

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