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Geography Questions Year 8 Group A

Round 1
Question number Question Answer Reference
1 What is population Amount of people living Slide 2 of population
density? in 1km squared. first lesson
2 What is population A sudden rapid rise in Slide 2 of
explosion? the number of people. overpopulation. 4th
3 What is urbanisation? Increase in the Slide 4 of urbanisation
proportion of people 1
living in towns and cities.
4 Describe population Amount of people who Population 1st
distribution. are spread out over an Lesson pptx- slide 2
5 Describe Densely A lot of people living in a Population 1st lesson
populated km squared. pptx- slide 4
6 Describe sparsely A few amounts of Population 1st lesson.
populated. people living in a km Pptx- slide 4
7 Name 3; densely and * Any but answer should Population 1st lesson.
sparsely populated be correct, can also Pptx- slide 9
areas name sparsely and
densely populated areas.
8 What is birth rate? The annual number of Population growth
births per a thousand around the world.pptx-
(total population) slide 7
9 What is death rate? The annual number of Population growth
deaths per a thousand around the world. Pptx-
(total population) slide 7
10 How many years did it It took 2 million years- to Population growth
take to reach 1 billion reach 1 billion people in around the world. Pptx-
people? the world. slide 1
11 When is the bubonic The black death; It is in P 23 the main
plague? 1348. coursebook
12 When was the first 1801 P22 the main
census? coursebook
13 What does sustainable It means in a way that P27 the main
mean does not harm other coursebook
species and is not
14 Mention 2 continents Asia and Africa P 33 the main
where urbanization coursebook
happens fastest
15 What was Manchester’s About 766 thousand P 36, the main
population in 1931? coursebook
16 When was Manchester 1880 P37 the main
Geography Questions Year 8 Group A
city FC started? coursebook
17 Who made Manchester It was started by a group P36 the main
United FC? of railway workers coursebook
18 How many Cities in UK 2 cities (Birmingham and P 38 the main
have over 1 million London) coursebook
19 What is the % today of 54% P33, 39 the main
people who live in coursebook
Urban areas?
20 Name the least Burundi, 7% P 42 the main
urbanised country in urbanization coursebook
the world and its % of
21 Name a country that is Singapore P.39 the main
100% urbanized coursebook
22 What does decline To move gradually into a P 36, (it is a question in
mean? poor state p 37)
23 What is over population When there are too Slide 2. over
many people for a population.pptx
particular area or
24 What are hunter- They were people who Pg.1, urbanisation2
gatherers? hunted for their food
and gathered them and
ate them as quickly as
they could.
25 What is a pull factor? Things that attract Slide 4, Migration
people to live in an area
26 What is a push factor? Things that make people Slide 4, migration
want to leave an area
27 What was the 17 000 P 34 the main book
population of
Manchester in 1760?
28 WHAT IS NATURAL The difference between Slide 7- population
INCREASE birth and death rates growth. pptx
when birth rates are
higher than death rates
29 What is meant by They were tall buildings P 35 the main book
tenements? in the countryside where
people were packed
everywhere (including
What is the meaning of The population that are Slide 1, Population
economically active? of working age dependency.
31 What is natural The difference between Slide 7- population
decrease birth and death rates growth. pptx
when death rates is
Geography Questions Year 8 Group A
higher than birth rates
32 What is the host The destination country Slide 4- migration. pptx
country? of a migrant
33 What is the source The home country of a Slide 4- migration. pptx
country? migrant
34 In which year was the Between 1955-1975, Slide 3, Population
highest increase in 1.8% per year growth
35 What is international The movement of Slide 2- migration. pptx
migration people from one country
to another country
36 What is national The movement of Slide 2- migration. pptx
migration people from one place
of the country to
another place of the
same country (to
another state or city)
37 What is illegal migration The movement of Slide 2- migration.pptx
people into a country in
violation of immigration
38 What are the 3 types of Cities, towns and rural Slide 5, Urbanisation 1
settlements which areas
identifies the degrees of
39 What is economic The movement of Slide 2- migration. pptx
migration people motivated by the
opportunity for better
employment of wages
40 What is a refugee Someone who is unable Slide 2- migration. pptx
to or unwilling to return
to their source country
or country of origin, for
valid reasons such as
wars, race religions,
political reasoning etc.

Round 2
Question number Question Answer Reference
41 What waste is produced Water only P 43 the main book
by new London taxis
form 2018 and on
42 When did Manchester 1853, its population P 34 The main book
become a city, and what was over 300 000
was its population by
Geography Questions Year 8 Group A
43 What is the time range 1760 to 1840 P 32 the main book
of the Industrial
44 What time range was 20 000 years ago, to 12 P 22 the main book
the last ice age 000 years ago
45 When did the bronze 3300 BC P 19 the main book
age start?
46 When did the iron age 1200 BC P 19 the main book
47 How many people in the Around 80% P 37 the main book
Uk now live-in urban
48 Manchester became the social factor: The Manchester story
world’s top city for industrial revolution main book pg. 34/35
weaving cotton name geographical factor:
one social factor and Manchester was
geographical factor for connected to Liverpool
that success by river which enabled
cotton to be
transported by boat
49 What are the benefits of . Lots of interesting Pg.42 main book
living in urban areas? things to do.
. Good education
. Lots of shops
. All kinds of job
. Well paid jobs
. Hospitals and other
healthcare services
. Frequent buses, trams
and trains.
. High technology
50 What are shanty towns? Shanty towns are slums Pg.44 main book
which are full of shacks
which people built for
themselves, using any
materials they could
find. They have no
running water or toilets
51 What was the world 2600 million (2.6 Pg.28 main book
population in 1950? billion)
52 What is the industrial The industrial Pg 32, book 3.1
revolution, and just give revolution- began in
the date of when it 1760, where the
began? introduction of
mechanisation, and
Geography Questions Year 8 Group A
factories started,
leaving handicraft
economy to machine

53 Describe mechanisation Mechanisation- Urbanisation 1. Pptx-

introduction of slide 5
machines or automatic
devices after the
industrial revolution in

54 What are slums a highly populated poor Pg. 35- book 3.2
housing society -
consisting of closely
packed and congested
house spacings. With
water leakage and no
electricity system/
drainage system
55 After Manchester Yes, it helped in such `pg. 34, 3.2, book
became a city in 1583, ways, as it minimised
with over 300,000 the burden of
citizens, explain did the economically active
industrial revolution people by order
help or no? machines for
mechanisation, and
trades and market
towns were held up for
business which earned
them money and now
resources were
stabilized, also you can
make this up be
happening to see
factories at the back of
the picture
56 Describe the location of It began in 79AD after Manchester map.
Manchester and how it the romans conquered Image. Urbanisation 3,
began? it by building a fort pg. 1
nearby river Medlock,
after romans left
Manchester remained
Manchester, it is
located towards south
western Scotland, and
eastern Liverpool by
Geography Questions Year 8 Group A
33.3miles distance
57 What is meant by The number of males Slide 1, population
population structure? compared to females in dependency. Pptx
different age groups
58 What is meant by young The population that is Slid 1- population
dependants? too young to work and dependency. pptx
earn money
59 What is meant by The population that is Slid 1- population
elderly dependants? old/ tired and have dependency. Pptx.
retired from work
60 Settlements are a place where people Pg. 32- book 3.2
important, what are live it could be a
settlements hamlet, village, town,
61 Market towns are small town that has the Pg. 32- book 3.2-
issued to be held up by privilege of holding urbanisation
the policies of public market at stated
government, what are times.
market towns
62 Who are speculators? a person who invests in Pg. 35- book
stocks or property in
hope of making a
63 Explain the comparison 5% of us would live in Pg. 39- book 3.4
of us in urban area 200 urban areas 200 years
years ago compared to ago, and now 54% of us
now live in urban areas
(about 4 billion people,
in present day)
64 How much is it expected 70% Pg. 39- book 3.4
to rise in percentage the
number of people living
in urbanised countries
in 2050
65 Which city is the city of Masdar city in Abu Pg.46 main book, 3.8
the future? Dhabi, UAE City of the future
66 What was the 7 billion Pg.19 main book, 2.1
population in 2012? our numbers are
growing fast
67 How could . Not enough land to Slide 8, overpopulation.
overpopulation affect farm so it will be hard 4th lesson PowerPoint
us? to feed everyone.
. Natural resources
such as oil could run
out making
Geography Questions Year 8 Group A
. Not enough space for
housing, so house
prices could rise, or
more illegal
settlements would be
. A lack of water could
cause conflict.
68 There are 2 types of 1. Physical 1st lesson, population.
factors effecting factors: Pptx- slide 11
population- mention Availability on natural
them and some main sources, the relief of
examples land- steep/flat, fertility
of land, climate

2. Human factors:
Transport, technology,
access to amenities,
jobs/wages/ payment,
availability and access
to water electricity
drainage system etc.
69 Explain briefly the life Either 55 years, 55-75 Pg. 25- book
expectancy around the years, 75 above
70 Explain the meaning of Sustainable; able to Pg. 43- book
making “cities and maintain, have the
towns” more ability to retain at a
sustainable, and what certain rate or level and
are the ways to make have being upheld
land/cities/ towns more
sustainable Build energy sufficient
homes, cut car use,
reduce travel times, go
greener; by building
green roof tops,
provide more for young
people to do
71 Why is it important to It will benefit us in Pg 43- book
make cities etc. various ways socially,
sustainable? economically, and
environmentally- so it
won't involve in having
to harm our
atmosphere. To make it
more pleasant and safe
to live in the future;
Geography Questions Year 8 Group A
with less pollution,
energy wates and
hassle etc.
72 What are advantages of - They soak in Pg. 43- book
green roofs CO2 and the
other harmful
gases, and
release O2
which is good
for humans as
that what we
- regulates
temp. Outside/
- saves energy
by plantation.
- prevents
global warming
- Rainwater
- And for “looks”
73 What is the meaning of To plant more trees Pg.43, main book
‘Go greener’? and plants, and to have
more green roofs
74 Why are there no light To lessen the amount Pg. 47- main book, 3.8
switches or taps in of water usage and City of the future
Masdar city? electricity if you forgot
to close it
75 Where did the industrial In the Uk Pg.1, Urbanisation 2
revolution start?
76 What is the meaning of It means how many Pg.23- main book
life expectancy? years a person can
expect to live
77 When did people start About 60 000 years ago Pg.20- main book, 2.2
spreading around the Where is everyone?
78 What is the meaning of To turn seawater into Glossary 1
desalinate? fresh water that people
can drink, by removing
salt with heat
79 What kind of area has Fertile land Slide 11, Population. 1st
more population lesson
80 How did the population People came from rural Pg.1- Urbanisation 3, 3.2
explosion happen in areas to work in the Manchester story part 1
Manchester? mills, or other people
Geography Questions Year 8 Group A
from what other parts
of Britin like Ireland.

Round 3 Multiple Choices

Question number Question Answers Reference
81 Low life expectancy and A》 Argentina Saudi P24 and 25, the main
high population density Arabia, Australia, Russia coursebook
usually go together,
name 4 countries as B》 Algeria, Chad,
evidence for this. Niger, Ethiopia

C》 Germany, India,
Mexico, Austria

D》 Zimbabwe, Mali,
Niger, Chad.
82 Which country is A》UK Book
decreasing in
population B》New Zealand



83 Where is the Abu Dhabi A) North east of Folder in files Name city
city? peninsula of future answer sheet.
B) South east of
C) Saudia Arabia
D) Australia
84 How many people live A) around 3.9 Urbanisation 1
in urban areas billion
b) around 3.9
c)around 3.8
d)around 3.7
85 Which country has the A) Niger Urbanisation 1
fastest urban growth B) Chad
rate? C) DR Congo
D) Kenya
86 What is percentage of A) 69% Urbanisation 1
Geography Questions Year 8 Group A
people living in urban B) 100%
areas in uk? C) 83%
D) 79%
87 What does speculators A) Apartment owners Manchester story
mean? B) Factory owners
C) People who take a
risk by spending money
hoping to make lots of
D) People who work in
88 What is the correct A) biggening of world Pg 19- main book graph
order of which year the to 10,000 BC then of world population
events happened in 10,000 BC to 3300 BC
humanity? then 3300 BC to 1200
BC then population
growth occurred slowly
then 43 AD then
industrial revolution
then currect day. ✅

B) biggening of world to
the year 0 then the
year 0 to 43 AD then to
industrial revolution to
currect day

C) the year 0 to
industrial revolution
then population
explosion then current
89 What is the correct A) hunter gatherers >> Pg 19- main book- a
order of which event bronze age>> iron age graph of world
name came first and >> stone age>> population
was established first, to farmers>> romans
the one which we are colonized britain>.>
currently living in? industrial revelution
(current day)

B) hunter gatherers>>
farmers>> stone age>>
bronze age>> iron age
>> britain was
colonized by romans >>
industrial revolution
>>> current day 2021✅
Geography Questions Year 8 Group A
C) farmers>> hunter
gatherers>> britain
colonized by romans>>
stone age>> bronze age
>> iron age>> current
day 2021
90 When did the bronze 1) 33 AD Pg 19- main book- a
age begin? 2) 3300 BC ✅ graph of world
3) 33000 BC population
91 When did the industrial 1) 1960 Pg 19- main book- a
revelution begin? 2) 1348 graph of world
3) 1760 ✅ population.
92 When were we hunter 1) all the way until Pg 19- main book- a
gatherers? current day 2021 graph of world
2) all the way until population.
3) all the way until
10, 000 BC ✅
93 Just before 1 AD the Correct answer; true Pg 19- main book- a
population of the world because of how well we graph of world
was slowly gradually were doing at farming population.
increasing and of tools✅
 True
 false
94 The iron age began at Correct answer; false it Pg 19- main book- a
43 AD began in the year 1200 graph of world
 True BC ✅ population.
 false
95 When romans colonized Correct answer; true✅ Pg 19- main book- a
britain, our population graph of world
was steady at about 200 population..
 True
 false
96 What is the correct 1) The date with more Population growth
method/ calculation on population subtract by around world. Pptx-
finding population the date with less slide 10
growth? population, then the
answer divide by the
first date, then multiply
by 100 to get
percentage view✅

2) 1st date plus 2nd, answer

divide by 100 then multiply 100.
Geography Questions Year 8 Group A
3) subtract both dates by 100 then the

answer of both dates add together the

divide by 200, then the answer should be

multiplied by 100 to get percentage view

97 If the dates are 1880  25% ✅ Population grothh

and 2000, and in 1880  0.105% around world. Pptx-
the develepod  1.23% slide 10.
population is 1200
million and in 2000 it is
1500 million the what is
the correct growth of
98 If the dates are 1880  63. 6% Population growth
and 2000, and in 1880  62. 4% around world. Pptx-
the develeping  63. 636%✅ slide 10..
population is 1100
million and in 2000 it is
1800 million then what
is the correct growth of

99 If the dates are 1930  37. 4% Population growth

and 2025, and in 1930  37.5%✅ around world. Pptx-
the developed  336.8% slide 10.
population is 1600
million and in 2025 it
2200 million then what
is the correct growth of

100 If the dates are 1930  136.987% Population growth

and 2025, and in 1930  132.765% around world. Pptx-
the developing  136.364% ✅
population is 1100
million and in 2025 it is
2600 million then what
is the correct growth of

101 If a place is densely  Few people per Slide 4, Population. 1st

populated, how many Km squared lesson
people will there be in  No people per
per Km squared? Km squared
 Many people
per Km squared
102 The North pole is a  True Slide 6, Population. 1st
highly densely  False lesson
Geography Questions Year 8 Group A
populated area?
103 What is pollution?  Push factor Pg. 42- main book, 3.6
 Pull factor it’s not all sunshine
104 What is better  Push factor Pg. 42- main book, 3.6
healthcare?  Pull factor It’s not all sunshine
105 Urbanization is when  True Slide 4, Urbanization 1
people move from  False PowerPoint
urban areas to rural
106 What is crime?  Push factor Pg. 42- main book, 3.6
 Pull factor Its’s not all sunshine

107 What is anti-social  Push factor Pg.42- main book, 3.6

behaviour?  Pull factor It’s not all sunshine
108 The industrial revolution  True Pg.1, Urbanisation 3
never reached  False
109 Population growth is  True Slide 8, Population
higher in developed  False growth PowerPoint
countries compared to
developing countries.
110 What was the  1 billion Slide 2, Population
population increase  2 billion growth PowerPoint
between 1800 to 1930?  3 billion
111 What is Fertile land?  Physical factor Slide 11, Population. 1st
 Human factor lesson PowerPoint
112 What are roads?  Physical factor Slide 11, Population. 1st
 Human factor lesson PowerPoint
113 What is coal?  Human factor Slide 11, Population 1st
 Physical factor lesson PowerPoint
114 What is the relief of  Physical factor Slide 11, Population 1st
land?  Human factor lesson PowerPoint
115 What are airports?  Push factor Pg.42- main book, 3.6
 Pull factor it’s not all sunshine
116 What are good shops?  Push factor Pg.42- main book, 3.6
 Pull factor it’s not all sunshine
117 What was the  7.8 billion Slide 2, Population
population growth  4 billion growth PowerPoint
between 1800 to 2000?  6 billion
118 From which age is a  17-90 Slide 1, Population
person economically  35-81 dependency PowerPoint
active?  16-65
119 What are hospitals?  Physical factor Slide 11, Population 1st
 Human factor lesson
120 Young dependents are  True Slide 1, Population
below 16.  False dependency PowerPoint
Geography Questions Year 8 Group A

People who contributed; Mohammad Naveed, Umer, Aliza, Ali, Malak, Nouran, Zaeem, Omar Saud, abed
Alrahman khalaf...

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