Strength Routines

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5 big turns each direction Cannonball

Standing Crossed Hamstring Donkey Kicks x 10 on each leg

Squatting Groin Stretch Scorpions x 10 on each leg
Seated Groin Stretch Rockies x 5 total
Seated Hamstring Stretch Donkey Whips x 5 on each leg
Twisting Glute Stretch Lower Body Crawl (Prone) x 10 on each leg
Hug Knee to Chest Iron Cross x 10 on each leg
Bent Knee Across Body Australian Crawl x 20 seconds
Figure 4 Stretch Side Pedestal, Leg Lift x 5 on each leg
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch Groiners x 10
Standing IT Band stretch Hurdle Seat Exchange x 10 total
Quick Leg Cycle (good heal recovery) x 5 on each leg
Standing quadriceps stretch
Hurdle trail-leg forward x 5 on each leg
Calf Stretch with Straight Leg
Hurdle trail-leg backward x 5 on each leg
Calf Stretch with Bent Leg
Lateral leg swing x 10 on each leg
Hamstring Stretch w/ Leg Up
Linear leg swing x 10 on each leg
Lunge Matrix (LM)
Linear leg swing x 10 on each leg
Front Lunge x 5 on each leg
Grant Green
Front Lunge with Twist x 5 on each leg
Donkey Kicks x 10 on each leg
Side Lunge x 5 on each leg
Scorpions x 10 on each leg
Back and to the Side Lunge x 5 on each leg
Iron Cross x 10 on each leg
Back Lunge x 5 on each leg
Side Leg Lift x 24 on each leg(toe in, neutral, toe out x 8)
Rockies x 5
Lateral Lunges (LL)
Donkey Whips x 5 on each leg
Lateral Lunge x 10 yards each way
Lower Body Crawl (Prone) x 10 on each leg
Lateral Shuffle x 20 yards each way
Scorpions x 10 on each leg
Single Leg Squats x 3 x 5 per leg
Iron Cross x 10 on each leg
Australian Crawl x 20 seocnds
Clams x 8 on each leg
Side Pedestal, Leg Lift x 10 on each side
Lateral Leg Raise x 5/5/5 on each leg
Groiners x 20
Donkey Kicks x 8 on each leg
Hurdle Seat Exchange x 10
Donkey Whips x 5 on each leg
Rockies x 5
Fire Hyrdrants x 8 on each leg
Russian Hamstring x 25 on each leg
Knee Circles Forward x 5 on each leg
L-Ups x 20
Knee Circles Backward x 5 on each leg
Low-level twist x 40
Hurdle Trail Leg Forward x 5 on each leg
Quick Leg Cycle x 5 with each leg
Hurdle Trail Leg Backward x 5 on each leg
Hurdle trail-leg forward x 5 each leg
Lateral Leg Swing x 10 on each leg
Hurdle trail-leg backward x 5 each leg
Linear Leg Swing x 10 on each leg
Lateral leg swing x 10 each leg
Linear Leg Swing with a Bent Knee x 10 on each leg
Linear leg swing x 10 each leg
Alphabet - In Balance/Lower Leg Circuit
Stand with hands on hips and spell alphabet with
straight leg in front of you balancing on the other –
Use Large Capital letters only
Back Core X - 30 sec each exercise
Opposite Arm, Opposite Leg x 8 on each Running V-Sit
Prone Double Arm Raise x 8 Australian Crawl
Prone Straight Leg Lift x 8 on each leg Flutter Kick V-sit
Prone Lower Body Crawl x 10 per side Side Plank Leg Lift
Sitting Bicycle x 30 seconds Supine Plank Alternating Leg Lift
Straight Leg Circles on Knee x 5 clockwise, 5 counterclockwise Side Plank Leg List (Opposite side)
Sitting Push Kicks x 8 per foot Superman (Hold @ top for 1.5 secs
20 sec In-n-Outs Push-up to Side Plank
20 Sec Australian Crawl V-Sit Scissor Kicks
Back Rounders x 10 reps, hold each 2 seconds Rockies (can break down in sets of 3 and
Catback, Swayback x 8 reps total rest at top between - try to get through 3
Sand sets)
Toe Walk x 3 sides of sand pit Dryer
Heel Walk x 3 sides of sand pit Low Level Bicycle x 1min
Feet Out Walk x 3 sides of sand pit Side Ups x 20
Feet In Walk x 3 sides of sand pit Side Leg Lifts x 25
Ankle In Walk x 3 sides of sand pit V ups x 30 w/ MB
Ankle Out Walk x 3 sides of sand pit Push-ups x 30
"B" circuit Frog Kicks x 30
Standing Running Arms x 60 sec Double Leg Eagles x 15
Mtn. Climbers, singles in x 10 each leg Chins x 10
Supine Pedestal x 30 sec Teak
Lateral Pedestal x 60 (30 sec on each side) L-ups x 20
Mtn. Climbers, singles out x 10 each leg Good Morning with MB x 20
Overhead, 1/2 Squat with MB x 30 Butterfly x 20
MB HT x 6 Low Level Bicycle x 30
MB Knee to Elbow Plank x 30 sec on side Rollups to the sky x 20
MB HT x 6 Roman Chair situps x 20
MB Knee to Elbow Plank x 30 sec on other side Standing Twist with weight x 10
MB HT x 6 Mahogany
Standing Running Arms x 60 sec V-ups w/ Med Ball x 15
Core H Double Leg Pikes x 5
Prone Elbow Stand x 60 sec Low level leg twist x 30
Running V-sit x 60 sec Hip Ups x 10
Lateral Plank Left Side x 60 sec Russian Twist w/ weight x 20
Back hyper w/flutter kicks and arms x 60 sec 180 degree MB toe touch x 20
Lateral Plank Right Side x 60 sec Back Hyper x 10
Flutter Kick V-sit x 60 sec
Back Hyper Scissors and Breaststroke x 60 sec
Sit-up, Elbow to Knee x 60 sec
Indian Sit Cruches x 60 sec
Scissor, Over-Under V-Sit x 60 sec
Medicine Ball Routines Leg Circuit #2
Apollo Front Lunge with Twist x 10 each leg
Big Turns x 10 each way Body Squat quickly x 20
Long Snappers x 10 1 min running arms
Straight Arm Rotations x 10 each way 40 sec Prone Pedestal Hold
Haybales x 10 each way 20 sec Supine Pedestal Hold
Bent Arm Rotations x 10 each way Running V-sit x 60 sec
180º to 90º Toe touch x 20 Lateral plank - left side x 60 sec
Seated Swinging x 5 each way Back hyper w/flutter kicks and arms x 60 sec
Single Leg Scale, LMR x 6 on each leg Lateral plank - right side x 60 sec
MB Clock - 9:00 to 3:00, 3:00 to 9:00 on each leg Flutter kick v-sit x 60 sec
Haybales x 10 each way 30 sec seated running arms
Jupiter Big 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 - This should be continuous
Haybales x 15 on each side Ex. Big 7 = Start with 7 pushups and 7 ab exercises,
30 sec seated twist with MB then go immediately to 6 pushups and 6 ab exercise -
60 sec MB Plank continue digressing down to 1 and 1
8 good V-ups with MB Super 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Russian Hamstring x 25 on each leg Same as Big 7 except you replace pushups with
30 sec Knee to Elbow plank on each side Rockies and you do GOOD V-Situps for the ab exercise
180º to 90º MB Toe-Touch x 30 total
12 x MB one-arm push-ups (6 each side)
60 sec seated twist with MB

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