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I, First-Middle of the family Last, a creation of the Supreme Creator (God), in esse and sui juris,
have reached the age of majority, am of sound mind and competent to testify, do hereby affirm
the following truths to be the best of my knowledge and belief:

1. Declarant hereby rescinds and revokes, nunc pro tunc ab initio every signature of
suretyship, public and private, ever provided by Declarant on behalf of the registered
organization, U.S. citizen “FIRST MIDDLE LAST” created by the filing of an organic
public record on Date Filed w/registrar on COLB nunc pro tunc ab initio. There is no
proof to the contrary;

2. Declarant extends this rescission of surety to every public entity and government contract
be it federal, state, county, and/or city (including the CITY OF CHICAGO, a Municipal
Corporation), including but not limited to, the initial application for a social security
number/taxpayer identification number; every individual and/or corporate tax return ever
filed be it federal, state, county and/or city; every application for a business license and
business license number; every court document ever signed in any legal action, civil
and/or criminal; every contract and court document signed as a defendant or probationer;
the initial application for selective service in the Armed Forces of the United States;
every adhesion contract and application for an individual driver’s license and learner’s
permit; every application for an individual state identification card, including ID. No.:
1234-5678-910B; every application for a United States passport, including the
application for passport No.: 123456789 and passport card No.: C12345678, every
application for voter registration as well as every voter registration card, including the
application forwarded to CHICAGO BOARD OF ELECTIONS, Application No.: B123-
4567-8910 3032013101100425065; and every other public government contract, known
and unknown, evidencing a signature of suretyship, every signature now being a
signature of agency without recourse/without prejudice by the sole beneficiary, nunc pro
tunc ab initio. There is no proof to the contrary;

3. Declarant extends to every private business this rescission of signatures of suretyship

including, but not limited to, every application for a bank account, individual and
business, every application for any form of insurance, including life insurance, motor
vehicles insurance, business insurance, and home insurance and every other application
involved in any private business endeavor and/or private investment evidencing a
signature of suretyship, every signature now being a signature of agency without
recourse/without prejudice by the sole beneficiary, nunc pro tunc ab initio. There is no
proof to the contrary;

This Declaration of Rescission of Surety is retroactive to the date of Date Filed w/registrar on
COLB the date of the filing of the organic public record of Declarant’s Certificate of Live Birth
in the State of Oregon, County of Multnomah.

“Maxim: Equity regards as done that which ought to have been done.”

Further Declarant Sayeth Naught.

Exhibit D
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I, First-Middle of the family Last, affirm under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United
States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief
so help me God. [28 USC 1746(1)]

Executed this____________________day of__________________two thousand eighteen.

Without Prejudice

:Could-Be: Anyone
Private American Free Man, Yourstateian
c/o Post Road: Address
City, State Spelled Out no ZIP

State of State )
) ss.
County of County )

On the________ day of_______________, 2019, :Coule-Be: Anyone appeared before me by special

restricted visitation, made oath and proved to me to be the man who subscribed to the attached
instrument and affirmed the foregoing acknowledgement to be his freewill, act and deed.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunder set my hand and seal this _____ day of

Notary SEAL

Exhibit D
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