Mistake in English Swipe

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Do You Make These Mistakes in English? Sherwin Cody's remarkable invention has enabled more than ‘ANY persons use such expressions as Leave them lay there” and." Mary was invited as well a mysell” Stil others say “between you and I” instead of “between you and me.” often "who" is used for “whom quently” we hear such lari hone as ""for MID able.” “KEW pon. certain, words with one or two "'e” of “ms ‘or with “ie” oF “ei,” and when to use ‘commas in Order to make their meaning abso Iutely ‘clear. ‘Most persone ase ‘only common words—coloriess, Nat, ordinary, Their speech nd. their letters ate feet, monotonous, humdrum, Why Most People Make Mistakes What is the reason so many of us are defi- cient in the use of English and find our careers Stunted in consequence? Why is it some cannot Spell correctly and others. cannot punctuate? ‘Why do so many find themselves at a loss for words to express their meaning. adequately? ‘The feason for the deficiency is clear. Sherwin Cody discovered it in scieatine tests which he gave thousands of times. Most persons do net Write or speak good Enilish simply because they never formed the habit of doing so What Cody Did at Gary The formation of any habit comes only from constant practice: Shakespeare, you may a elture, never studied Fules. No one who Writes and spas or Feetly thinks of rules ‘when hetis doing so, “ave NOO.” aad Few know whether to spell Here is our mother- tongue, language that has built up our ewvilization, and. with: fut which we should all still be “muttering Savages! Yet our schools, by wrong ‘methods, have made it f study to be avoided othe hardest of tasks instead "of the most fascinating of games! or years it has been @ crying disgrace An that point tes the real. difference be ‘tween Sherwin Cody land the schools! Here Some years ago Mr. Cody war invited by the author of the famous Gary System of Education to teach SHERWIN CODY English to all uppergrade pupils in Gary, Indiana. By means of unique. practice exer cies ‘Mr. Cody secured more improvement lm these pupils in five weeks than prcviculy x be eo [years “under” old methods. There was ueseworke about these results. They. wer | Droved by. scientiic. comporisoos. .Aroacing! SaaS tecine “wild about the study. 1 was like playing rentor beside you's mentor who would not laugh at Jeu but who, woul 9 the contrary, npr a hip "Fae" 100% eit Corectie Dove ows eeaely sting 10s Mo. Cody's neat voice bebe you 100,000 people 'to correct their mistakes in English. Only I5 Gaiuites a day required to improve your speech and writing. For imtance, statistics show that it of sixty ioe words uth thai sepetitona) make up sure than *i eur speech and lettering, Obrcanye Theoret pling and prononeiaton Silay, Mr, Cay proved ta hare ae mare Ire mumered these pricpian tere would. bn Uiaheer of pomcction a handiap tin sur eraiog Finally he dincovered that twenty-en type ere sn lounaua conics net of useage ‘ily feeding cam tain the Yet of pre moment they can oath Ty iment "The results Yealy are phenomenal Sherwin Cody he plcnd an enalent command of iret terest. te apertanee a FREE — Book on English Htow Syau Can Mant oni nn ds Miruen SUB eStats hed by ang re it cei, ee ge Merely mail the coupon, a letter of postal card font row Ne agest wil” all" SHERWIN CODY SéxiodL "oF ENGLISH, 11 B&O. Badng suawene copy, seHoge or, tous eS nt Plea send me, without

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