Revised Final Home Exam

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PSYC101, spring 2021

Take-Home Exam 3

40 Points

Due by 2:00PM on Wednesday, June 2nd

Type your answers to the questions below in a separate Word document. It is not

necessary to copy the questions onto the answer sheet. A link will be provided on

Moodle to submit the answer sheet.

This worksheet should be completed individually. All answers will be submitted to to check for originality. Answers to the questions should come from

information provided in the lectures and textbook, rather than other sources. Answers

not derived from the lectures and textbook will be marked as incorrect.

1. What is the purpose of sleep paralysis? (1 sentence; 2 points)

Sleep paralysis is a state of dysfunction of muscles being asleep that keep safe from the

injuries including the disruption of rapid eye movement, mood changes and poor cognitive

functioning. Therefore, the purpose of sleep paralysis is to prevent us from acting out our


2. Based on both the textbook and lecture, describe the consequences of sleep

deprivation. In your answer, include the effects of sleep deprivation on mental

abilities, physiology, emotionality, immune system function, and calorie intake.

(approximately 5-6 sentences; 4 points)

Sleep deprivation has significant effects on the mental, physiology, emotionality, immune

system and calorie intake of the individual. In terms of mental consequences, it effects on the

cognitive skills of the person and hampers the ability of paying attention which further leads
to the loss of memory. Regarding behavioral changes, it develops poor performance, anxiety

and stress in the personality of individual. Sleep deprivation also has significant effects on the

physiological of individual that leads to the headache and less physical reflexes.

Furthermore, when sleep deprives people tend to consume more calories and gain weight

(Maekwall et al., 2013).

3. Based on both the textbook and lecture, briefly summarize research on dream

content and imagery. In your answer, discuss typical dream content, as well as the

feelings and emotions commonly associated with dreams. (approximately 4-5

sentences; 4 points)

Findings of the father of psychology Sigmund Freud, dream has been divided in two types

namely Latent and Manifest dream. Latent dreams include the unseen description of the

dreams whereas Manifest dream involves the symbolic meaning of the dreams. Furthermore,

the dreams have a significant association with the feelings and emotions. Expressed feelings

in the content of dreams helped the person to cope efficiently with depression and

multifaceted emotions. It is a common observed myth that negative emotions are quite

dominant to happen in dreams as compared to the pleasant feelings. In this regard, the

feelings of fear, stress and anxiety are the common one to be expressed in dreams which put

significant effects on the personality of a person.

4. During one of your weekly therapy sessions, you describe a recent dream in which

you recall getting into a car accident while driving on Gulf Road. After hearing

this, the therapist suggests that the car accident is actually a symbol for your

spouse whom you recently divorced. From the perspective of Freudian theory,

identify the manifest content of the dream, and the latent content of the dream. (2

From the perspective of Freudian theory In the above mentioned dream content during one

weekly therapy session, the car accident while driving a car on Gulf road is a Manifest

dream whereas the suggestion of a therapist about the car accident pretending it with a

spouse whom he has divorced is a latent dream.

5. During a difficult semester, you have many paper projects which makes you

stressed. Most often, you work on your papers in the university library. Now,

whenever you enter the university library, you begin to feel stressed. In this

example of classical conditioning, identify the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR. (2 points)

UCS ------------------------ Work on Paper

UCR ------------------------ University Library

CS -------------------------- Entrance in the University

CR -------------------------- Feeling Stress

6. If you shine a bright light directly into a person's eye, the pupil of the eye will

naturally or automatically constrict. If the bright light is repeatedly paired with a

tone, eventually the tone itself will cause the pupil to constrict. In this example of

classical conditioning, identify the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR. (2 points)

UCS ------------------------ Light into person eye directly

UCR ------------------------ The pupil of the eye will naturally or automatically constrict

CS -------------------------- Bright light is repeatedly paired with a tone

CR -------------------------- Cause the pupil to constrict

7. After Little Albert was classically conditioned to fear a white rat, he also came to

fear other furry white objects, like a white rabbit. Identify the term that refers to

occasions when a stimulus similar to the conditioned stimulus (in this case a white rat)

also evokes a conditioned response?

(2 points)

They gave rats flavored water then injected them with a drug that produced gastrointestinal

distress and after the rats recovered from illness, they never drank the flavored water again.

8. Define the concepts of primary reinforcers and conditioned rein forcers and

provide an example of each? (approximately 2-3 sentences; 2 points)

Reinforcement is categorized into two parts known as Primary reinforcement and conditioned


Primary Reinforcement: Primary reinforcement has causal effects that can be comprehended

on with the following example.

Example: Candy; Food

Conditioned Reinforcement: Conditioned reinforcement is also known as secondary

reinforcement stimuli with the condition and activity oriented.

Example: Money; Cash Prize

9. Briefly explain the concept of biological preparedness. Then describe the procedure

and results of the experiment by Garcia and Koelling (1966) – as presented in the

lecture - that shows that animals are biologically prepared to learn some associations

and not others. Refer to both the readings and lecture in answering this question.

(Approximately 5-6 sentences; 4 points)

The Inheritance concept of animals and humans with respect to their association of conditions

and responses and further the concept of biological preparedness plays a pivotal role in the

classical operant conditioning process. This concept of biological conditioning was introduced

by the Martin Seligman. In this regard, skinner also distinguished two kinds of reinforcing

stimulus: Primary & Conditioned. A primary reinforce is one that is naturally reinforcing for a

given species. That is even if an individual has not had prior experience with the particular

stimulus. The stimulus or event still has reinforcing properties.

A conditioned reinforce also called a secondary reinforce. Is one that has acquired reinforcing

value by being associated with a primary reinforce.

10. What term refers to the smallest unit of sound in a language? (2 points)

A phoneme is a term that refers to the smallest units of sound in a language.

11. What term refers to the rules of a language that govern how words are assembled

into meaningful sentences? (2 points)

The rules of language are used as an aid that governs that how words are assembled in to

meaningful sentence. Experts of the language use these acknowledged rules for comprehension

of words. In this regard, syntax is the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed

sentences in a language: This is to make sure the act is interpreted in a way that is relevant and

suitable to the situation in a case. Using them creates uniformity with the reading of statutes.

12. As discussed in the textbook, what are some of the cognitive and social benefits of

bilingualism? (approximately 3-4 sentences; 2 points)

The cognitive benefits of bilingualism are as follows.

Cross cultural communication

Better attention

Task switching

Positive effects on the brains of age spectrum

Less cognitive decline

The social benefits of bilingualism are as follows.

Cross cultural communication

Better attention

Task switching

Positive effects on the brains of age spectrum

Less cognitive decline

13. As discussed in the lecture, present evidence that it is easier to learn a second

language before the onset of puberty. In other words, present evidence for a critical

period in second language acquisition. (approximately 3-4 sentences; 2 points)

As discussed in the lecture, present evidence that it is easier to learn a second language before

the onset of puberty on the biological basis of language development. In critical period of age

development when it is observed that in this age group brain is most responsive in the

environment (Johnson & Newport, 1989). Although there are different stages of language

development in which children learn a second language before the onset puberty. In other

words, present evidence for a critical period in second language acquisition

14. Suppose a child has a chronological age of 10, and a mental age of 14. Based on

the original version of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, what is this child’s IQ?

(2 points)

Child IQ can be as followed with the following formula.

Thus, a smart 10 year old child with a chronological age of 10 and a mental age of 14 has

an IQ:

IQ= (14/10) x 100 = 140

15. As discussed in the textbook, Melita Oden compared the 100 most successful men

with the 100 least successful men from a sample of 1,500 children with genius-level

intelligence. Given that the IQ scores of the two groups were essentially the same during

childhood, what accounted for the differences in their levels of accomplishment?

(approximately 3-4 sentences: 2 points)

Even though the two groups essentially showed similar IQ scores, the differences in levels of

accomplishment were done one the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). This

intelligence test was designed for adults that provide scores for a number of different abilities as

well as an overall IQ score.

16. Based on both the textbook and lecture, explain the differences between the

theory of general intelligence as proposed by Charles Spearman, and the theory of

multiple intelligences proposed by Howard Gardner. (approximately 5-6 sentences; 4


Multiple intelligence makes more sense from a evolution point of view as that make more use

of resources. If you think about it like cars they are not better and worst they are different and

specialized because they suit different wants, need and environments. Nature likes diversity

because it is more intelligent.

IQ tests uses the same dodgy math’s as intelligent design used in a court case and lost as they

looked at the results not the reasons, pseudoscience try’s to prove, science try’s to dis prove.

Bonus Question (this question is optional)

17. Write your favorite quotation. (2 points)

Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier


― Sigmund Freud

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