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FONAB Mechanical Engineering Workshop



Matriculation number: UBa17E0141


Supervisor: FORNOE ERIC


This work is dedicated to my wife Munang Josephine Befi

This internship was a very big challenge especially for me doing it in the Northwest region with
all the insecurity and ghost town and no electricity that took most of our time. Firstly, my
appreciation goes to the almighty God for his marvellous and abundant blessing and for providing
me with good health and strength to attain this period. Thanks goes the chief of works for granting
us permission to do the internship in their workshop. I also appreciate him for his kindness to
teach us and train us. My great gratitude also goes to my head of department for supplying the
various lecturers who equipped us intellectually. Thanks to madam Jesica and other villagers who
granted me the financial support to be in school.

This chapter is a gross over view of what the internship is all about. It covers the background pf
the work, statement of the program, the internship hypotheses, objective of study, the scope of
study, significant of study, definition of basic terminologies and limitation.


Mechanical maintenance is planned and unplanned maintenance and repair activities on a wide
range of equipment e.g. pumps, engine turbines and other movable machines. This maintenance Is
often done frequently to prevent breakdown or make the machines or engines run perfectly. This
maintenance is done by doing the following activities: replacing oil, changinger


The main objective of my internship was to learn how to apply the theoretical studies acquired in
school in to practical work and know all the functioning of the company with the problems face
by the workshop and propose possible solution to the problems that workshop.


 Carry out bench work.
 Study and carry out work on a lathe machine such as turning, facing, threading, chamfering,
necking, lapping, knurling, grooving, etc.
 Welding activities
 Carry out rectification of crankshaft on a crankshaft rectification machine.
 Study and carry out drilling of pieces on a drilling machine.
 Study and carry out work on a such as grinding on a milling machine.
 Study and carry out boring on cylinder boring machine.
 Using the hydraulic press to remove mated joints.


This internship was done at FONAP Mechanical workshop under the service of FONAP
Polytechnic Institute of Bamenda which fabricate and repair machines, pumps, engine or vehicles
and turbines parts. The institute is found in Bamenda 3 Sub division, Mezam division of the North
west Region of Cameroon. This internship period from 30 July to 30 October 2019. The program

enabled us to gain practical experience in the workshop to apply the various theories learned in


 Lathe machines: these are generally purpose machines that provide the most basic means
of performing turning, grooving, knurling, and threading operations. This machines can
also drill, ream, and bore holes at the center of the rotation. This lathe can be classified in
to three categories which are the engine lathes, manufacturing lathes, and production lathes.
The manufacturing lathes were being used in the workshop.

 Milling machine: milling is the process of machining flat, curved, or irregular surfaces by
feeding work piece against rotating cutter containing a number of cutting edge. The usual
mill consists basically of a motor driven spindle, attached to it is rotating removable milling
cutter, and reciprocating adjustable worktable table which is mounted and where the work
piece is fitted. Milling machines are basically classified as vertical and horizontal.

 Crankshaft rectification machine: a machine that is used to rectify faults in the crankshaft.

 Drilling machine: A drilling machine is a machine used in drilling holes on pieces of metal.
There are two types of drilling machines which are: radial drilling machine and axial
drilling machine.

 Boring machines: It is to increase the diameter of a cylinder block or a hole that already
been drilled.

 Electric motor: It is an electric device that convert electrical energy in to mechanical energy
to help run a machine.

 Welding: it is the assembling of two or more metal pieces together.

The limitations faced during the internship were frequent power failure, so many ghost towns, and
the insecurity in the town.


FONAB workshop was formally called CAMPE, started at commercial avenue Bamenda opposite
the grand stand in 1979 as a join business with the name CAMPE under the Ministry of small and
medium enterprise which made to train youths of the North west Region. It was latter bought by
Dr. Fonche in 1992 and was transformed into FONAP Mechanical Engineering Workshop. The
meaning FONAB is Fonche and Brothers. Since Dr. Fonche succeeded in buying this, he started
his own workshop that 1992 till now, it is still the most renowned workshop repairing and
fabricating machine parts in Bamenda and north west as a whole.
Since to open an engineering workshop is not easy so FONAB workshop started with one lathe
machine after some few years, the owner of the workshop brought in one lathe, one milling and
one drilling machine to show that things were moving on well and the workshop has grown bigger
with many machines.


The policy of the workshop is that any machine or engine part brought to work must be removed
and clean before bringing it to the workshop for work to be done on it. And also, the cost of the
work must be bargain before work can begin on it

The company has competitors such as EJATS machines for welding and manufacturing, various
mechanical workshops such as the Saint Marry workshop.

2.4 Organizational Chart of the organization

FONAB workshop is well known around town for carrying out repairs and
for fabrication of mechanical parts. The management of the workshop constitutes;



The workshop layout and machine arrangement at FONAB can be shown below

Figure1 organigram of the company

FONAP Mechanical Engineering workshop is located at mile three (3) under Bamenda III District
in Mezam central sub-Division Mezam Division in the North west Region of Cameroon. This
workshop is allocated the left side of the ring road as one is drives from Bambili to Bamenda town.

Figure 2: map allocation of FONAP

Guinness warehouse
The entrance to
The entrance

Bamenda III


From Bambili To
Mile four junction Mile three Bamenda

The training program was full of observation, with little practical. Working ours of the company
was from 8am to 4pm daily from Monday to Fridays and from 8am to 12 on Saturdays.

The activities carried out in the course of the weeks were as follow:

3.1 WEEK ONE ACTIVITIES (3th -9tth)

The first day at the workshop was Saturday the 3rd of August in which it was general
introduction of our self and the reason of coming there and our objectives. And the
field supervisor welcome us and gave us seats, where he started giving the rules and
regulation of the workshop and also advised us to be serious and achieve what we
came for. After the advice and the instruction, we sat until the day ended and we went
home. The next day, we started seriously in which the field supervisor started by
introducing to us the workshop in general with the various machines inside and the
functions of each of the machines. And the machines he introduced to us were as
follow: the lathe machine, milling machine, boring, crankshaft rectification machine,
valve grinding machine, drilling machine, and the hydraulic pressing machine. After
searing all this machines and knowing their functions, we later observe the
rectification of the crankshaft on the crankshaft rectification machine. When we finish
observed the rectification and the day ended and we went back home and came the
following day. our field supervisor gave bench work to do. He drew the sketch of the
piece to be made and their dimensions on a piece of paper which is drawn below for
us to follow it. We had to measure it and cut it with a hacksaw on the work bench. We
did it though out the day and the day ended and we went back home and only came
out the following day. It was continuation of the bench work in which we clamped
this work piece in a vice on a work bench and cut it with a hacksaw using the following
dimensions as drawn below and the day ended and we went home. The next day, we
were thought on how to use a drilling machine by another intern from FONAB
Polytechnic institute. And also, we observed how to bore the cylinder of a bike engine
on a lathe machine and how to grind the top cylinder of an engine vehicle on a milling
machine and work ended for the week. could also be regulated. The work we drilled can
be shown below

Figure 3: picture of a milling machine

Figure 4: the crankshaft rectification machine.

3.2 WEEK TWO ACTIVITIES (10th-16th)

We started the week by drilling the metal steel bars which we had cut. We continued with
the drilling of the grinding teeth of coffee pilling machine directed by our supervisor. And we
ended by observing the rectification of a crankshaft on a crankshaft rectification machine and the
day ended. The next day, we started by cleaning the workshop and the following machines:
crankshaft rectification, multi –purpose machine. And also, we observed the rectification of a
crankshaft which we called quick for the day. The next day, we continued the cleaning of the
machines which are: lathe machine boring and valve grinding machine. We further continued with
the drilling of the teeth of a coffee pilling machine and ended with the observation of turning and
facing on a lathe machine by another intern. The following day was the 15th of August our
workshop did not open because it was a public holiday. Furthermore, we came the next day and
drilled holes into the steel bar pieces we had cut. Due to non-uniformities, we were instructed by
our field supervisor to cut other pieces and improve on our precision and angle productions. Started

back the bench work in which any intern had to cut his own pieces to start back the work afresh.
And we did that and the day ended.

Figure 5: drilling on a drilling machine.

3.3 WEEK THREE ACTIVITIES (17th -23th)

On the 17th of August was the continuation of the bench work. This week, we had to increase
on our dimensioning skill, since ever body had cut his on pieces, we shaped it as given in the
dimension as shown before, this time with accuracy by clamping it in a vise and cutting it we a
filing with a file and a hacksaw and the day went off. The next day, everyone had already don his

own piece and dimensioned it accurately, we then drill a hole through it at the center of the piece
and showed it to our supervisor for proper confirmation. And also, we also we observed the
measuring of the straightness and weariness of the crankshaft room with a die-indicator and
micrometer and rectification of that crankshaft. The next day, we started working on a lathe
machine instructed by our field supervisor. We brought a piece of wood and mounted it in three
head chuck and on a tailstock spindle. We then did straight turning on it and obtain two different
round surfaces with different dimension at each end. We came the next day and continued with
the turning of the lathe machine and another plank to obtain two different surfaces at each end and
the day ended. The next day, long screws and nut was brought to us by a client for to cut and form
bolts with it. Our supervisor gave us to cut it into two. This was 7 in number in which after the
cutting it gave us 14 and we also ended the day by observing dread of the bolts by our supervisor
at each end of the rod and he further welded the nude and screw together. The work afresh. And
we did that and the day ended.

Figure 6:Engine boring machine.

3.4 WEEK FOUR ACTIVITIES (24th -28th)
The first day of the week, we continued with the cutting of the screw and the nude and after
that, were mounted on the lathe machine for threading to be done at the opposite end of the screw.
After threading it, the nude is screwed on one end of the screws and welded to join them together
and it mounted back on the lathe machine for turning to be done on it to smooth the welded place
and a file is also used to do fileting on it and the day ended. The next day, a crankshaft was brought
for checking and rectification to be done on it. Our supervisor used a micrometer screw gauge to
test the different chambers of the crankshaft to determine which chamber is bend. The crankshaft
was then mounted on the crankshaft rectification machine for rectification to be done on it and the
next, we were instructed by our supervisor to drill holes on some plane metals. And also, we
observed the boring of an engine block on the crankshaft machine and the day ended. The
following day, the plate which was marked in three section and given to us to do drilling that is
nine holes on each plate which row and column carrying 3 holes. We also observed the boring of
another engine block cylinders on a boring machine. The next day, we continued with the parting
off on the metal plate with the 3 holes drilled on it with a cutting machine and the day ended.

Figure 7: carrying out welding on the welding machine.


3.5 WEEK FIVE ACTIVITIES (29th -5th of October)

On the 29th of August we welded the parted off plate which had been pre-welded already.
So we had to ensure a solid and straight filling of weld into the unwedded area. For safety we had
ultraviolet welding mask on. On the following day, we observed the boring of the cylinder block
of an engine. After was done on it, cylinder sleeves were fitted in to it, so as to bring it to its
original dimension using a pneumatic press machine. On the next day, we observed the
rectification of crankshaft on a crankshaft rectification machine by our supervisor and that was all
for the day. Moreover, on the next day, we were instructed to dismantle the headstock side of an
engine lathe machine, clean it and do some maintenance on it by putting belt into its pulley system
which was three of them. On the following day, we observed the boring of a cylinder block on the
boring machine. Firstly, we carried the engine block to the boring machine and it is clamed and

screwed then the borer is positioned and checked for cylindricity then the boring is done
automatically by pressing the button and ended.

3.6 WEEK SIX ACTIVITIES (6th -11th)

On the 6th of October after grinding of crankshaft on a crankshaft rectification machine. We
were instructed to mount it on a lathe machine and smoothen its surfaces using sand paper at the
same time another crankshaft was being worked by our supervisor in other to save time and avoid
electricity cutting us off when it goes off and the day ended and we came the next day, I and my
other collogues were instructed to clean crankshaft using rage which will be worked upon the next
day because of no electricity power. And also, we mounted the crankshaft we cleaned on the
crankshaft rectification machine with the aid of a crane the next day and a pneumatic pressure from
an air compressor and machine was carried out mostly grinding to rectify it. The next day another
intern thought us on how to use a die indicator to determine if a crankshaft is bent or straight by
turning the die to zero and moving the crankshaft if the indicator passes 20mm clockwise and so
anticlockwise, then the is bent and be straightened on the pneumatic pressing machine. The 11th of
October we were instructed by our supervisor to remove the piston of a car shock absorber. We
clamped it on the vise on the workbench and used a hacksaw to cut and open the cylinder. A
hydraulic press machine was used to push the piston out. Below, are the pictures of the week.

Figure 9: shows the intern showing us how to measure a crankshaft with a micrometer

Figure 10: shows picture of a pneumatic press machine.

3.7 WEEK SEVEN ACTIVITIES (12th -16th)
On the 12th October we the intern considered making a project for all the time spent in the
workshop so as to understand how we can use our skills. We finally decide on producing a peanut
machine. The next day we begun fabricating the part of the peanut machine. And also one of the
intern among us brought a pasta making machine which had gone bad. We open it and do some
repair on its gears system mostly by welding and the machine finally worked and the day ended.
The next day, a cylinder block was brought to us and we observed our supervisor boring it. And
also we did some welding on the parts of our peanut machine which was under the process of
production. But we did complete this our machine because of lack of material. On the following
day, I and my term produced a rack to rack grass. We just started it at that moment by cutting rods
which was six(6) in number and a plane piece which form an angle bar with it. After cutting this
angle bars and rods we all joint and welded the rack. The next day, we showed the rack we had
welded to our supervisor, he said it is not the best, so he asked us to do another one again, so we
all joined and cut some rods and an angle bar. After cutting we welded the rod on the angle bar
with an electric arc welding.

3.8 WEEK EIGTH ACTIVITIES (17th -20th)

On the 17th of October we did the drilling of extension and we also finished welding the rack
we had conceived and gave to our supervisor for confirmation and the day ended. The next day, a
crankshaft was brought for checking and rectification to be done on it. Our supervisor used a
micrometer screw gauge to test the different chambers of the crankshaft to determine which
chamber is bend. The crankshaft was then mounted on the crankshaft rectification machine for
rectification to be done on it and the next day, we were instructed by our supervisor to drill holes
on some plane metals. On the next day, we observed the boring of a cylinder block on the boring
machine. Firstly, we carried the engine block to the boring machine and it is clamed and screwed

then the borer is positioned and checked for cylindricity then the boring is done automatically by
pressing the button and ended.


I have completed two months of internship successfully at FONAP Mechanical Engineering

workshop. During the period, the objectives of FONAP Mechanical Engineering workshop were
achieved. The objectives are to expose students with the working environment, to enhance and
supplement the knowledge and skills of students, to develop students in term of ability, competence
and interpersonal relationship, to expose and familiarize the students to rules and regulations
including safety in industrial environment, and to develop the spirit of team working among
students and other working group members. I also learn from the company that ethics is more
important than skills. I am grateful to learn something very valuable from this workshop since
there is not many company which upholds ethics more than skills.
Even though I encountered few problems during this training period, I am still glad
that I have managed to learn a lot of new knowledge and gain more experience. Thus, I
gladly finished my internship in this company, which I hope will pave my road in becoming
a great engineer for this country and the world.
Praise be to God for all the things that He have done in order for me to complete
this engineering industrial training session without any big obstacle.

In this chapter, I give my opinion about training in FONAP Engineering workshop and in general.
Since previous speech focused on advantages of training at FONAP, I will focus here on the
disadvantages and provide recommendations concerning them. As stated before, one main
disadvantage of the training was the lack of a precise training program as a result of the nature of
work in design sections. The nature of work implies that the training plan cannot be independent
from what is being worked on in the section, so the plan is dependent on the department work in
the two months, which is not precisely planned. To resolve this problem, I recommend that at the
beginning of the training period the training supervisor determines with the trainee which of the
current main projects in the section, or department, to involve him / her in according to his / her
tendencies. This should not be a time-distributed schedule but only a listing of projects in which

he/she will be submitted partial tasks. Otherwise, the trainee would find himself disorganized or
having nothing to do for a long time. I think that partial tasks that are achievable the short period
of training are best fit to trainees. A trainee should not be submitted a complete project or asked to
start a new project. This is useless. Another problem was the negative effect of the large load of
work on the design engineers which caused them to ignore trainees totally for many days. I think
if they involve trainees well from the beginning to carry a partial loads of the projects, this would
be helpful. Furthermore, I see that some security procedures in FONAP are too strict and
exaggerated that they effectively limit innovation by engineers and trainees. For example, the do
no permit interns to perform some jobs brought to the workshop. I recommend that such strict
procedures be mitigated to facilitate innovation in an innovation based institution like FONAP.
The action and work of trainees is also limited by the slowness of procedures of assigning personal
job to them, creating their own user accounts and installing technical programs they want to work
with. Here is another point to say. Admitting the necessity of reading and acquiring new knowledge
in engineering design, a trainee should not spend much time in this. At the end, training aims at
acquiring practical skills and so, the trainee should be early involved in work, even if he/she will
make mistakes. Sometimes, asking the trainee to keep reading in the library is intended to escape
him! However, the valuable benefits I gained from training at KADDB lets my overall evaluation
of training there be: very good. Finally, regarding the training program at university in general, I
think there should be more equity between students. The net training periods should be equal or
close. I think that if training days are three or two a week, training will not achieve its goals.
However, a general recommendation to training institutions is to try to get maximum benefit from
trainees instead of ignoring them. Energy of the employees should be best invested since this will
achieve common interests of the trainee (practical expertise) and the company (additional human




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