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Lead and manage organizational change

Assessment Task 2



Introduction of Business: In 2015, ABC College was purchased and

managed by new owners and directors MR X And Mr Y. Since taking
over the company, the new directors have made significant
improvements to all facets of the business. The improvements include
updating the facilities and equipment, revising the learning resources,
assessment tools and delivery and assessment strategies. New staff
have been recruited to ensure compliance and a high level of quality
training and assessment. ABC College has a well established
reputation as a quality provider of training in Hairdressing and Beauty
that has been built over the past 26 years. Cognisant of its reputation
the new management has endeavoured to ensure a smooth transition
from previous management and training methods to the new training
and assessment strategies. ABC College has an established clientele
of Hairdressing and Beauty service customers that have been retained
by the organisation despite the change of staff, policies, services and
prices. The clientele has provided valuable feedback about the
positive attitude of the new owners and the happy atmosphere in the

Over the past few months the numbers of students

enrolled at ABC College has significantly increased and services to
clientele have subsequently increased also. This change has
strengthened the position of the college in terms of its financial
viability, market share and position for future growth and expansion.
This has also provided opportunity to ABC College to look at further
expansion of growth in other parts of Victoria. ABC College has also
put the plan of training international students in the specialised field
of hairdressing and beauty.

History of organization: ABC College is a Hairdressing and Beauty

College that has trained hairdressers successfully for more than 25
years and Beauty therapists for more than 20 years and has
established an excellent reputation for the quality standards in their

graduates who are sought out by salons. Many of the students gain
part time employment while they are completing their training. Many
graduates of ABC College are working in salons in the different parts
of Victoria and many are successful salon owners. In 2015 the college
was purchased by new owners who aim to expand its offerings of
Hairdressing and Beauty to other communities in regional and rural
areas. They plan to build on the reputation and prior successes of the
college by maintaining the focus on delivering quality training that
integrates the requirements of industry and employers who will
continue to seek to employ the graduates of the college.

Vision: To provide nationally recognised training courses in

vocational areas of high need and in geographical locations where
opportunities are scarce.

Mission: ABC College provides high quality training and education

opportunities in geographical areas and fields of study where there are
identified skills shortages.

Values: At ABC College we have a code of conduct which must be

strictly adhered to by all staff, students, clients and other stakeholders.
We value and provide in everything we do:





to ensure that a culture and environment conducive to training,

learning and assessment is established and maintained.

SWOT Analysis of our Company:


Reputation as a quality provider for over 25 years.

Loyalty and commitment of our staff.

Modern facilities.

Weaknesses :

Reliance on government funding.

Reliance on Job Search Agencies to feed enrolments.

Opportunities :

Build up short course offerings and advanced industry courses.

To develop closer relationships with secondary schools, and Job

Search Agencies.

Threats :

TAFEs and RTOs establishing a competitive presence in Geelong and

Swan Hill.

Reduction of government funding for Hairdressing and Beauty


Retaining good staff and attracting staff in areas of growth.

Identify and consider strengths and weaknesses of existing and
potential competitors and allies:

Strengths :

Reputation as a quality provider for over 25 years.

Loyalty and commitment of our staff.

Modern facilities.

Weaknesses :

Reliance on government funding.

Reliance on Job Search Agencies to feed enrolments.

Identify strategic change needs: A very important consideration for

sustainable growth is the establishment of appropriate business
structures that provide essential services when and where they are
required and without unnecessary duplication or overlap of roles and
responsibilities that lead to inefficiencies and loss of data, information
and lack of action due to expectations that others will deal with the
issues. The central aim of the operational plan is to ensure that the
organisation is well supported so that trainers and students receive the
support they need to be involved in training and assessment and
teaching without the need to unnecessarily be involved in other (non-
teaching/ academic) functions of the organisation. Emphasis is
provided to student support and assisting those with their study and
other wellbeing as and when required. The implementation of systems
and processes is essential to ensure that the operations of ABC
College are performed effectively and efficiently.

Strategic Objectives and Strategic needs after reviewing existing
policies and background of your business:

Area Cause Mitigation Monitoring Contingency

strategy strategy strategy
Financial Exposure / Short term Regular Reduce spendin
commitment leases management and review
to debt accounts commitments
Control on reports Restructure
Dependence expenditure staffing
on Regular levels
government Diversity of meetings of
funding courses to directors Payment plans
include short attract full fee
courses and paying students
full fee Revision of fee
paying pricing
Staffing Loss of staff Ongoing List of Restructure
expressions of potential staff staffing
Competency interest for applicants levels and roles
of staff roles maintained
diminishes Replace
Professional Cross underperformin
Lack of development learning of staff
interest roles and
Performance functions Further
appraisals encourage
Succession staff
planning development
Attendance at
Enrolments Dependence Diversify Target Increase target
on one group student group marketing to
– government through attract a marketing effor
funded target range of
students marketing students Review staffing
levels and roles
Offer more Monitor
short courses attrition,
and industry completion
Inaccurate based training and
projections of progression
Offer work
enrolments rates

contingent on

Clients Dependence on Attract new Review client Promote

an clients through demographics specials and
aging existing specials and and frequency range of
clientele advertising of services services
Increase range
marketing and
Facilities Loss Backup of Currency of Arrangement
records and files insurance with school
off site trade centre –
Currency of Northern Bay
lease use


Change characteristics

Scope of the change : Market intelligence received from Job Search

Agencies, Employment Networks and Industry consultants has
highlighted a need for more specialised beauty and business training
programs. Expansion to the scope for ABC College in these courses
has been identified as a short to long termpossibility.

How many people will be impacted: staff, students,clients and other

stake holders.

Who is being impacted: The current business structure is relatively

simple, effective and efficient with few key people performing the
various administrative and support roles required for the operations
and management of the business functions.

Identify what is being changed (processes, systems, job roles,

etc) : . The implementation of systems and processes is essential to
ensure that the operations of ABC College are performed effectively
and efficiently. Maintain systems for recording student enrolment,
attendance, completion, assessment outcomes (including Recognition
of Prior Learning), results, grievances and the archiving of records. In

the event that ABC College ceases operations, all records of student’s
results, dating from the time of initial registration for all training
covered by the registration will be forwarded to the VRQA.
As the business grows and expands the structure of the
business will maintain the separation of business from education and
the organisational functions, that support and ensure the core activity
of training and assessment and teaching and learning can occur, will
be expanded to accommodate the increase volume of processing.

Organisational characteristics
Perceived need for change: This study explored antecedents of a
perceived need for change, defined as in individual attitude to actively
support a general change to the status quo within the context of a
specific process. Utilizing hierarchical regression, employees were
found to recognize a perceived need for change when they
experienced low levels of perceived organizational support, felt
positive emotions towards the change to the status quo, and believed
that customers had a poor view of the organization's service quality.
Among the managerial implications, first, it supports previous
research regarding the importance of emotion in the internalization of
change programs. Second, the negative relationship between
perceived organizational support and perceived need for change
suggests that employees respond to the organization as a system, not
necessarily to the stated desires of management. Lastly, it suggests
that employees may be ready to act on feedback from customers if
they were given an opportunity to do so.

How past changes have been managed:Past changes have been

recovered by implementation of new strategical change leads to
the organisational growth . Change of rules for students, change of
reporing rule .

Shared vision of business: Shared Visions are more than snappy

slogans or nice-sounding phrases crafted in corporate plans or
marketing purposes. The real challenge isn’t drafting vision
statements. Shared Vision is your purpose , your business reason
for being. Creating a shared vision together helps managers and
their staff

Amount of change going on right now: After implementing the

new strategy, 70% of change occurs in the structure which leads to
the focus of management’s of the organization.

Team structure
Identify who will be doing the change management work :
1. change practitioners
2. Sponsors
3. People managers
4. Project managers
5. People impacted

Outline relationship between project team and change

management team :

Change management team :

 Has no standard guidelines
 Includes less formal processes
 Has no concrete timeline
 Puts focus on people
 Manages the impact of change resulting from organizational or
project developments
Project management team :
 Has well-documented guidelines and standards

 Follows a specific timeline
 Puts focus on technical processes and systems
 Manages the activities of a project to meet specific goals and

Identify over risk factors : strategic risk management needs two


 An in-depth understanding of organization, target audience,

market sector, competitors, and the environment in which business
 A clear awareness of organization’s core strategic goals, from
conception to proposed execution.

Gathering data on both areas can take time and investment, but it’s
worthwhile to achieve the most accurate insights into strategic risks.
The more information you have to draw upon, the more likely it is
that you’ll be able to implement processes and safeguards that
facilitate organizational success.

Specific risk factors : Includes the iterative Weighted Average

Cost of Capital (WACC) calculation and Company-Specific Risk
Premium (CSRP) assessment based on the following 10 factors:
 Revenue growth trend
 Company financial risk
 Operational risks
 Profitability trend
 Customer concentration
 Product concentration

 Market concentration
 Competitive position
 Quality of management team
 Quality of staff

Risk Management

Potential Risks Contingency Person Monitoring

Options Responsible approach
Loss of staff Restructure HR department List of potential
staffing staff applicants
levels and roles maintained
Exposure / Reduce Accounts Regular
commitment to spending department management
debt and review accounts reports
Dependence on Promote Marketing and Review client
an specials and promotion demographics
aging existing range of department and frequency of
clientele services services
marketing and
Lack of interest Further Staff Succession
encourage planning

Communication Plan

Communication Objective Medium Frequency Audience

Project status Review Through Weekly Project team
report project status Email and sponsors
and discuss

issues and
Team stand up Discuss what Meeting Daily Project team
member did
what they’ll
do today
Post – mortem Assess what Meeting At the end of Project team
meeting worked and the project
what did not
Task progress Share daily TeamGantt Daily Project team
report update progress
report made
on the
project task

Coaching/ Training Plan

Topic Objective Audience Time frame Person

Preparing for To assess Project team 2 working Project
the change how much days manager
change is
needed for
the project
Managing Create the Project team 5 working Project
change plan that days manager
would be
into the
activities and
implement it
Reinforcing Create Project team 6 working Project
change specific days manager
action plan
ensuring that
change is

Resistance Management Plan

Stakeholder Key Areas Actions to Person

s of Address Responsibl
Resistance Resistance e
/ changes
Staff Internal Use for John Smith
Registrar sponsors internal
need to promotion
succeed of objectives
and benefits
Faculty Keep Worried that Adam
manager A informed new system Mathews
and will cause
positive disruption
Staff admin Concerned Seek their Lilly
about views on Andrew
affect on key issues
job and address
Faculty Want to Counter the John
manager B keep reason for Anderson
existing low
faculty acceptance


Copy of surveys to be attached

(1 with Open Questions and 1 with Closed Questions) :

Closed-ended Open-ended
question example question example

What were the main

Would you
reasons you chose
recommend our

Did you experience How did you feel

good customer about our customer
service? service?

Would you What would make

consider using our you use our
product/service product/service
again? again?

What is the most

Did you like our important feature of
product/service? our product/service
for you?

Are you interested Why are you

in buying looking for

Closed-ended Open-ended
question example question example

product/service product/service
today? today?

Are you happy

How would you
with your
describe your
experience with
experience with us?

How can we help

Did you find what
you find what you
you were looking
are looking for
for today?

Collation of Data: The consultant meets various groups away from the
work place in order to determine the organizational climate and
behavioural problems faced by the organisation. They gather
information through surveys and develop information through
interviews etc.

11:30 am/22 Sep 2020

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Called by: Tim Mathews (General manager)

Attendees: • Liu (Project manager), liaise with the general manager

of store operations and the group buying manager.
• Tony ( maintenance department)
• Marie(Advertising and taking responsibility of public relations)
• Joanne (Administration officer)

Apologies: Members who are unable to attend a meeting are

normally expected to give their apologies to the Executive officer or
his/her assistant (by email or phone) as soon as possible before the
meeting. For most committees, apologies received are recorded in
the minutes.

Evaluation and modification of organisation development plan /

action plans as required: 1. Diagnosis of the
Problem:Organisation development programme starts with the
identification of the basic problems involved in the organisation.
Analysis of the various symptoms may be helpful in identifying the
problem. Proper diagnosis will give correct identification of the
problem and its causes and determine the scope of future course of
2. Planning to Change Strategy:In this the attempts are made to
transform diagnosis of the problem into a proper action plan
involving the overall goals for change, determination of the basic
approach for attaining these goals and the sequence of detailed steps
for implementing the approach.
3. Intervening in the System and Implementing
Change:Intervening in the system refers to all the planned activities
during the course of an organisation development programme.
Organisation development interventions are ‘sets of structured
activities in which selected organisation units, target groups engage

with a task or a sequence of tasks where the task goals are directly
or indirectly related to organisational improvement.
4. Evaluation: This step relates to evaluate the results of O.D.
programmes, so that suitable actions may be followed up. Since
O.D. is a long process, there is an urgent need for careful
monitoring to get precise feedback regarding what is going on as
soon as an O.D. programme starts. In this respect, the use of critique
sessions, systematic appraisal of change efforts and pre- and post-
training behavioural pattern are quite effective.

Evaluate the program and determine the associated cost : To

determine what the effects of the program are:
 Assess skills development by program participants.
 Compare changes in behavior over time.
 Decide where to allocate new resources.
 Document the level of success in accomplishing objectives.
 Demonstrate that accountability requirements are fulfilled.

Evaluation the program and determine benefits : Some of the

benefits of evaluation include:
 Enhancing the chance that the initiative's goals and objectives are
being achieved
 Determining value for money (i.e., allocated resources are
yielding the greatest benefit for clients and stakeholders)
 Identifying what components of an initiative work/do not work
and why
 Identifying areas that need improvement in order to provide the
best service possible

Next Meeting: 12 OCT 2020/ 11:30 am


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